Cabinet Member for Education and Schools ES34 (12.13)

March 2013 Key Decision: Yes Admission Arrangements for Community and Part I Voluntary Controlled Schools 2014/2015

Report by Head of Learning Electoral Division(s): All

Executive Summary

There is a statutory requirement to consult on admission arrangements each year. The proposals have proved to be largely uncontroversial for September 2014.


That the Cabinet Member for Education and Schools approves the admission arrangements for the academic year 2014/2015 as detailed in Appendix A of this report.

1. Background

1.1 The County Council is the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools in . The admission authority for a voluntary aided or foundation school or an Academy (including a ) is the governing body.

1.2 All Local Authorities must consult those parties prescribed by the Secretary of State for Education on their admission arrangements for September 2014 by 1st March 2013. Arrangements must then be determined by 15th April 2013. Any objections must be lodged with the Schools Adjudicator by 30th June 2013.

2. Discussion

2.1 Admission arrangements in West Sussex work well, as all children receive an offer of a school place on time; the overwhelming majority (91.3% in September 2012) at the school requested first by their parents.

2.2 In April 2012, the Cabinet Member for Education and Schools approved the current admission arrangements. There are some proposed changes to these arrangements, most of which are of a minor nature or result from the pre- consultation survey that was undertaken. Full details of these proposed changes are set out in Appendix A, together with a summary of the responses received to the consultation.

2.3 The proposed process for the starting school and transfer admission arrangements for 2014/2015 are set out in Appendix B.

2.4 Representatives of the West Sussex Admission Forum, a non-statutory body which advises on admissions issues, considered these proposals on 11th March 2013 and supported them.

3. Consultation

3.1 Regulations set out who should be consulted. Consultees include all schools, neighbouring Local Authorities, the Dioceses and parents. Consultation took place between 4th January 2013 and 1st March 2013 to comply with the requirement that the consultation be a minimum of 8 weeks. It was held later than usual due to awaiting the results of a non-statutory pre-consultation survey aimed at taking parents views on sibling priority. This survey received 655 responses, the majority of which were from parents.

3.2 A “banner” notice was posted on the WSCC website and advertisements placed in local papers. Schools were also asked to remind parents of the consultation in their newsletters. Responses to the consultation are summarised in Appendix A.

4. Equality - Customer Focus Appraisal

4.1 The Customer Focus Appraisal is attached to this report at Appendix D.

5. Resource Implications and Value for Money

5.1 The County Council’s admission arrangements are a statutory duty managed by the Pupil Admissions Team. The proposed admission arrangements will be implemented within the existing budget provision for this team.

6. Risk Management Implications

6.1 All Local Authorities must consult those parties prescribed by the Secretary of State for Education on their admission arrangements for September 2014 by 1st March 2013. Arrangements must then be determined by 15th April 2013 and published by 1st May 2013. Providing the admission arrangements are approved and are in accordance with the law and the School Admissions Code, there are no risk management implications for the County Council, parents/carers and their children.

7. Crime and Disorder Act Implications

7.1 There are no implications for the County Council’s duty to avoid or to reduce crime or anti-social behaviour associated with this report.

8. Human Rights Act Implications

8.1 The obligation to promote and to avoid interference with the human rights of any individual or group is not affected by this report.

David Sword Susan Hawker Head of Learning Director Communities Commissioning

Contact: Sue Garner, Pupil Admissions Manager, Admissions ext. 29102

Appendix A: Details of proposed changes and summary of responses Appendix B: Proposed process for the starting school and transfer admission arrangements for 2014/2015 Appendix C: Proposed Admission Numbers Appendix D: Customer Focus Appraisal

Background Papers – None.

Appendix A

Notes on Proposed Changes to the Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools in West Sussex for the Academic Year 2014/2015 and Summary of Responses

Who Responded?

The following responses were received:

Primary Schools including Junior / Middle 32

Intermediate / Secondary Schools 4

Parents 5

Other (includes school staff or unspecified) 1

Neighbouring Local Authorities 1

Total 43

1. Coordinated scheme for September 2014 admissions

The coordinated scheme covering the normal admission round is attached at Appendix B. The County Council is required to consult on the scheme and to confirm to the Secretary of State that the scheme has been determined. The timelines have been amended slightly as a result of experience in the 2013 round, but otherwise for secondary/intermediate transfer remain the same.

For starting school and junior/middle transfer, the date for offering places is the Government’s national offer date for primary school places of 16th April which has been introduced from September 2014 admissions.

Response: All the schools that offered comment agreed the proposed coordinated scheme. The Coordinated Scheme should be determined as in Appendix B.

2. Proposed change to introduce a sibling link between infant/first and junior/middle schools

In the pre-consultation survey on oversubscription criteria, there was overwhelming support for an option to introduce a sibling link at an infant or first school where an older sibling attends the corresponding junior or middle school. This would mean that siblings links between these schools operated in a similar way to those within primary schools. We proposed to include a note in the oversubscription criteria that for infant/first schools there would be a sibling link with the named junior/middle school and to add a list of such schools as an annex to the oversubscription criteria.

Response: The responses from schools to this question were overwhelmingly positive, with the exception of the response from one junior school, which was concerned that the change would lead to more children from outside the school’s catchment area being admitted to the school. However, the proposal was to affect admission to infant/first schools only, not junior/middle schools. One parent also disagreed, concerned that this might lead to siblings from outside a catchment area having priority above children living in the catchment area, which is not the case. Two infant schools requested to be added to the list with their “link” junior schools and this has been agreed. One may become an all-through primary school, subject to statutory consultation. The change to the oversubscription criteria should be agreed, with the list of linked infant/first and junior/middle schools approved as amended.

3. Proposed change to give “in catchment” sibling priority for families who were unable to be offered places at their catchment school

We proposed that where parents had requested a place for their child at their catchment school and been unsuccessful in being offered a place, either because there were insufficient places at the normal round or they moved to an area after places were allocated, they should be treated as if they lived in the catchment area of the school the elder child was offered, while the elder child remained at that school. This would allow families the opportunity of getting their younger children in to the same school.

Response: There were 33 responses to this proposal – 28 schools supported the proposal and none opposed it. Five parents responded – one opposed it as they thought this would disadvantage children from the catchment area, three stated they thought all siblings should have priority above catchment area children and one supported the proposal, explaining that they had been unable to gain a place at their catchment school and were concerned they would be unable to get places at the same school for their younger children. The change to the “in catchment” sibling priority in the oversubscription criteria should be approved as proposed.

4. Proposed change to the oversubscription criteria for Lindfield Primary School

We proposed to introduce a second “priority area”, after the catchment area, for children living in the catchment area of Blackthorns Primary School in the oversubscription criteria for Lindfield Primary School.

Response: There were 9 responses to this proposal from schools and all were in support, including the response from the governing body of Lindfield Primary School. The governing body of Blackthorns Primary School chose not to comment, as this did not directly affect the arrangements for their school. The oversubscription criteria for Lindfield Primary School should be changed as proposed.

5. Proposed change to the oversubscription criteria for and

The oversubscription criteria for the two remaining secondary community schools in currently include criteria giving higher priority to children living within the Borough of Crawley over other children who may live nearer to the school, but outside the borough boundary. We proposed to delete the references to the borough of Crawley from the oversubscription criteria of these two community schools.

Response: There were 10 responses to this proposal from schools and all were in support, including Oriel High School and Ifield Community College. The oversubscription criteria should be changed as proposed.

6. Relevant Area for Consultation

Local Authorities are required to consult on the Relevant Area for consultation every two years. The proposed Relevant Area was unchanged from previous years; while the Relevant Area remains the whole of the county, admission authorities are expected to consult only parents and the admission authorities for schools in their locality, not the whole county.

Response: There were seven responses to this proposal from schools; three were in favour, although one school suggested a 10 mile radius “relevant area” might be more helpful for schools on the edges of localities and another suggested adding a distance requirement as well. One school commented that in their view “parental choice should be paramount”, although parental preference has primacy in law and is unaffected by the relevant area for consultation. The relevant area for consultation should be confirmed as proposed.

7. Admission numbers for community and voluntary controlled schools Response:

A number of schools requested small changes to their admission numbers, which have been discussed with them. Appendix C gives the proposed admission numbers as a result of the consultation.

The admission numbers will be approved as listed in Appendix C.

8. Other comments on the admission arrangements for all community and voluntary controlled schools, including sixth form admission arrangements Response: One secondary school pointed out that the “On from 16” consortium no longer exists in Crawley and this has now been removed from the sixth form admission arrangements. One primary school requested dates being set for discussions about exceeding admission numbers, if applications prove higher than expected. One parent commented that they believe that siblings should have higher priority than catchment area children. We do not propose to change the timetable or the oversubscription criteria based on these two responses.

The oversubscription criteria should be determined for September 2014 as detailed on the County Council’s website.

Appendix B

A Summary of the Proposed Starting School/Transfer Process for Schools in West Sussex for 2014/2015

1. On the website, the Pupil Admissions Team provides parents with information on West Sussex schools and how to apply, online or on paper.

2. Parents may obtain supplementary information forms directly from own admission authority schools, where necessary, or from the LA.

3. The Pupil Admissions Team receives all applications. Application forms sent directly to schools are passed to the Pupil Admissions Team. All applications received by schools should be date stamped. Those received after the closing date should be date stamped and marked late.

4. Parents may return the supplementary information form directly to the school concerned or to the LA. The school is required to inform the Pupil Admissions Team of any forms it receives to check there has been a valid application made.

5. The Pupil Admissions Team passes a list of the applications for voluntary aided, foundation and out of county schools and Academies to the relevant admission authority.

6. All admission authorities order all applications against their oversubscription criteria.

7. Ordered lists of applications are returned to the Pupil Admissions Team as specified on the agreed timelines.

8. Late applications for community and voluntary controlled schools are processed after those received by the official closing date, unless it has been agreed to treat them as on-time. Late applications to voluntary aided or foundation schools or Academies will be passed to the relevant school(s) for late consideration and returned for an offer to be made by the LA.

9. The Pupil Admissions Team reconciles all lists and determines the final offer. If a child can be offered a place at more than one school, he/she will be offered a place at the school ranked higher in the preferences. If none of the preferences can be met, a place will be offered at the catchment school, where possible, or the nearest school to the child’s home with places available, if the catchment school is full. If the nearest school with a place available is a voluntary aided or foundation school or Academy, the Pupil Admissions Team will agree with the governing body of the school to offer places to those whose preferences could not be met.

10. For intermediate/secondary and junior/middle transfers, if an application has not been received a place will be offered at the catchment school, where possible, or the nearest school to the child’s home with places available, if the catchment school is full (as in paragraph 9).

11. The Pupil Admissions Team notifies other admission authorities of offers to be made. This information must remain confidential until after the Pupil Admissions Team has written to parents on offer day.

12. The Pupil Admissions Team writes to parents with details of the final allocation, on email where possible. Where the place offered is at a voluntary aided or foundation school or an Academy, this is done on behalf of the governing body.

13. Together with the allocation notification, the Pupil Admissions Team explains the right of appeal to any parent who is not offered their preferred school and how parents can obtain appeal papers. Own admission authorities are responsible for organising their own appeals, unless they have an agreement with WSCC Legal Services.

14. A waiting list will be set up for all schools and maintained by the Pupil Admissions Team until September of the year of entry, when it will then be passed to schools that are their own admission authority to hold, for at least one term as required by the School Admissions Code or longer, as specified in their admission arrangements. Parents can ask to have their child’s name added to the waiting list for any school.

15. Schools must advise the Pupil Admissions Team of all leavers from all year groups immediately, so that places can be offered from waiting lists after allocation until 1 September, when in-year admission processes apply.

A Summary of the Timetables for the Admission Process

The dates for the school admission process for entry in September 2014 are:

Starting School Timelines Key Date for Action

Schools to have their prospectus published 7th October 2013 and available to parents

Provide information for parents on West Week beginning Sussex schools and how to apply 7th October 2013

National Closing date for all applications 15th January 2014

Send list of all applications naming an out- Week beginning of-county school to the relevant Local 10th February 2014 Authority

Send list of all applications naming own On 24th February 2014 admission authority (OAA) schools to the relevant schools

OAA schools and other Local Authorities to By 10th March 2014 return ordered preference lists to the Pupil Admissions Team

Prepare and distribute lists of offers made Week beginning for all schools 7th April 2014

Notify all parents of offer made, using email Wednesday 16th April 2014 where possible

Junior & Middle School Transfer Key Date for Action Timelines Schools to have their prospectus published 7th October 2013 and available to parents

Provide information for parents on West Week beginning Sussex schools and how to apply 7th October 2013

National Closing date for all applications 15th January 2014

Send list of all applications naming an out- Week beginning of-county school to the relevant Local 10th February 2014 Authority

Send list of all applications naming own On 24th February 2014 admission authority (OAA) schools to the relevant schools

OAA schools and other Local Authorities to By 10th March 2014 return ordered preference lists to the Pupil Admissions Team

Prepare and distribute lists of offers made Week beginning for all schools 7th April 2014

Notify all parents of offer made, using email Wednesday 16th April 2014 where possible

Secondary & Intermediate Transfer Key Date for Action Timelines Schools to have their prospectus published 16th September 2013 and available to parents

Provide information for parents on West 16th September 2013 Sussex schools and how to apply

National Closing date for all applications 31st October 2013

Send list of all applications naming an out- By 25th November 2013 of-county school to the relevant Local Authority

Send list of all applications naming own By 29th November 2013 admission authority (OAA) schools to the relevant schools

OAA schools and other Local Authorities to By 13th December 2013 return ordered preference lists to the Pupil Admissions Team

Prepare and distribute lists of offers made Week beginning for all schools 24th February 2014

Notify all parents of offer made, using email Monday 3rd March 2014 where possible

Appendix C

Proposed Admission Numbers (PANs)

Below are the Proposed Admission Numbers for schools in West Sussex for the academic year 2014/2015.

C= Community VC = Voluntary Controlled VA = Voluntary Aided F = Foundation A = Academy School type correct as at 11 March 2013.

PRIMARY SCHOOLS – arranged in alphabetical order by location

Albourne CE Primary VC1. 30 Aldingbourne Primary C 30 Amberley CE First VC 10 Angmering, St Margaret’s CE Primary VA 70 Angmering, St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary VA 20 Ardingly, St Peter’s CE Primary VC 20 Arundel CE Primary VA 30 Arundel, St Philip’s Catholic Primary VA 30 Ashington CE First VC 30 Ashurst CE Primary VA 8 Balcombe CE Primary VC 20 Barnham Primary C 45 Billingshurst Primary C 90 Birdham Primary CE VC 21 Bognor Regis, Bartons Primary C 30 Bognor Regis, Edward Bryant Primary (subject to consultation outcome) A 90 Bognor Regis, Laburnum Grove Primary C 60 Bognor Regis, Southway Primary A 90 Bognor Regis, Nyewood CE Infant VA 90 Bognor Regis, Rose Green Infant C 90 Bognor Regis, St Mary’s Catholic Primary VA 45 Bognor Regis, South Bersted CE Primary VC 30 Bolney CE Primary VC 16 Bosham Primary C 30 Boxgrove CE Primary VC 10 Broadbridge Heath, Shelley Primary C 40 Burgess Hill, Birchwood Grove Community Primary C 60 Burgess Hill, The Gattons Infant C 90 Burgess Hill, London Meed Community Primary C 60 Burgess Hill, Manor Field Primary C 90 Burgess Hill, St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary VA 60 Burgess Hill, Sheddingdean Community Primary C 30 Bury CE Primary VA 10 Camelsdale Primary C 30 Chichester, Jessie Younghusband Primary C 30 Chichester, Kingsham Primary C 45 Chichester, Lancastrian Infant C 45 Chichester, Parklands Community Primary C 30 Chichester, Portfield Community Primary A 45 Chichester, Rumboldswhyke CE Infant VC 40 Chichester, St Richard's Catholic Primary VA 45 Chichester, Free School A 60 Chidham Parochial Primary VC 15 Clapham & Patching CE Primary VC 8 Clymping, St Mary’s CE Primary VA 15 Coldwaltham, St James’ CE Primary VC 15 Colgate Primary C 20 Compton & Up Marden CE Primary VC 15 Coolham, William Penn VC 15 Copthorne, Fairway Infant C 60 Cowfold, St Peter’s CE Primary VA 20 Crawley, Primary A 90 Crawley, Broadfield East Infant A 90 Crawley, Desmond Anderson Primary C 45 Crawley, A 17 Crawley, County Primary C 75 Crawley, Hilltop Primary A 90 Crawley, Langley Green Primary (subject to consultation outcome) C 60 Crawley, Infants C 90 Crawley, Milton Mount Primary C 90 Crawley, Northgate Primary C 60 Crawley, Our Lady Queen Of Heaven Catholic Primary VA 45 Crawley, Infant C 90 Crawley, Seymour Primary A 90 Crawley, Southgate Primary C 60 Crawley, St Andrew’s CE Primary VA 30 Crawley, St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary VA 60 Crawley, St Margaret’s CE Primary VA 60 Crawley, The Brook Infants C 60 Crawley, The Mill Primary School C 60 Crawley, The Oaks Primary A 60 Crawley, Infant/Primary (subject to consultation outcome) C 90 Crawley, Waterfield Primary C 30 Crawley, West Green Primary C 30 Crawley Down, Crawley Down Primary VC 45 Cuckfield, Holy Trinity CE Primary VA 45 Easebourne CE Primary VC 30 Eastergate CE Primary – subject to consultation outcome VC 30 East Grinstead, Ashurst Wood Primary C 20 East Grinstead, Baldwins Hill Primary C 30 East Grinstead, Blackwell Primary C 60 East Grinstead, Estcots Primary C 60 East Grinstead, Halsford Park Primary C 60 East Grinstead, St Mary’s CE Primary VA 30 East Grinstead, St Peter’s Catholic Primary VA 30 East Grinstead, The Meads Primary C 45 East Preston Infants C 60 East Wittering Community Primary C 45 Felpham, Bishop Tufnell CE Infants VA 90 Felpham, Downview Primary C 60 Fernhurst Primary (subject to consultation outcome) C 30 Ferring CE Primary VC 30 Findon, St John The Baptist CE Primary VA 20 Fishbourne CE Primary VC 30 Fittleworth CE Village Primary VC 15 Funtington Primary C 15 Graffham Infant C 15 Handcross Primary C 30 Harting CE Primary VC 20 Hassocks Infant C 90 Haywards Heath, Bolnore Village Primary F 60 Haywards Heath, Harlands Primary C 60 Haywards Heath, Northlands Wood Community Primary C 45 Haywards Heath, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary VA 60 Haywards Heath, St Wilfrid’s CE Primary VA 60 Haywards Heath, Warden Park Primary A 50 Henfield, St Peter’s CE Primary VA 60 Hollycombe Primary C 15 Horsham, All Saints CE Primary VA 30 Horsham, Arunside Primary C 60 Horsham, Heron Way Primary C 60 Horsham, Holbrook Primary C 60 Horsham, Kingslea Primary C 60 Horsham, Leechpool Primary C 60 Horsham, Littlehaven Infant C 45 Horsham, North Heath Community Primary C 60 Horsham, St John’s Catholic Primary VA 30 Horsham, St Mary’s CE Primary VA 30 Horsham, St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary VA 20 Horsham, Trafalgar Community Infant C 90 Horsted Keynes, St Giles CE Primary VA 20 Hurstpierpoint, St Lawrence CE Primary VA 90 Itchingfield Primary C 20 Jolesfield CE Primary VC 30 Lancing, The Globe Primary C 90 Lancing, Seaside Primary C 90 Lavant CE Primary VC 15 Lindfield, Blackthorns Community Primary C 30 Lindfield Community Primary C 90 Littlehampton, Lyminster Infants C 30 Littlehampton, River Beach Primary C 90 Littlehampton, St Catherine’s Catholic Primary VA 30 Littlehampton, White Meadow Primary C 90 Lower Beeding, Holy Trinity CE Primary VC 13 Loxwood Primary C 25 Midhurst CE Primary VC 30 Northchapel Community Primary C 15 North Lancing Primary C 60 North Mundham Primary C 30 Nuthurst, St Andrew’s CE Primary VA 20 Petworth CE Primary VC 30 Plaistow & Kirdford Primary C 30 Pulborough, St Mary's CE Primary (subject to consultation outcome) VA 60 Rake CE Primary VC 15 Rogate CE Primary VC 15 Rudgwick Primary C 30 Rusper Primary C 15 Rustington Community Primary A 60 Rustington, Georgian Gardens Community Primary C 60 Rustington, Summerlea Community Primary C 60 Scaynes Hill, St Augustine’s CE Primary VC 15 Selsey, Medmerry Primary A 30 Selsey, Seal Primary A 60 Shipley CE Primary VC 9 Shoreham Beach Primary C 30 Shoreham-by-Sea, Buckingham Park Primary C 60 Shoreham-by-Sea, Holmbush Primary C 30 Shoreham-by-Sea, St Nicolas & St Mary Primary VA 30 Shoreham-by-Sea, St Peter’s Catholic Primary VA 30 Shoreham-by-Sea, Swiss Gardens Primary C 60 Sidlesham Primary C 20 Singleton CE Primary VC 10 Slindon CE Primary VC 12 Slinfold CE Primary VC 20 Sompting Village Primary C 60 Southbourne Infant C 60 Southwater, Castlewood Primary C 30 Southwater Infant A 100 Southwick, Eastbrook Primary C 75 Southwick, Glebe Primary C 60 Staplefield, St Mark’s CE Primary VC 12 Stedham Primary C 15 Steyning, St Andrew’s CE Primary VC 60 Storrington First C 60 Tangmere Primary A 30 Thakeham First C 14 Thorney Island Community Primary C 30 Turners Hill CE Primary VC 20 Twineham CE Primary VC 15 Upper Beeding Primary C 45 Walberton & Binsted CE Primary VC 30 Warnham CE Primary VC 30 Warninglid Primary C 10 Washington, St Mary’s CE First VC 15 Westbourne Primary C 30 West Chiltington Community First C 30 West Dean CE Primary VC 14 Westhampnett, The March CE Primary VA 30 West Hoathly CE Primary VC 20 West Wittering Parochial CE VC 15 Wisborough Green Primary C 25 Worthing, Bramber First C 60 Worthing, Broadwater CE First & Middle VA 60 Worthing, Durrington First C 90 Worthing, Elm Grove First School C 75 Worthing, English Martyrs Catholic Primary VA 30 Worthing, Field Place First C 90 Worthing, Goring-by-Sea CE First VA 60 Worthing, Hawthorns First C 60 Worthing, Heene CE First VA 90 Worthing, Laurels First C 60 Worthing, Lyndhurst First C 90 Worthing, Springfield First C 60 Worthing, St Mary’s Catholic Primary VA 45 Worthing, Thomas A’Becket First C 150 Worthing, Vale First & Middle (PAN For First School) C 90 Worthing, West Park CE First & Middle (PAN For First School) VC 60 Worthing, Whytemead First C 60 Yapton CE Primary VC 45


Bognor Regis, Nyewood CE Junior VA 90 Bognor Regis, Rose Green Junior C 93 Burgess Hill, Southway Junior C 90 Chichester, Central CE Junior VA 90 Copthorne, Copthorne CE Junior VC 60 Crawley, Broadfield East Junior A 90 Crawley, Maidenbower Junior C 150 Crawley, Pound Hill Junior C 90 Crawley, Three Bridges Junior (unless Primary established) C 60 Duncton Junior C 15 East Preston Junior C 60 Felpham, Bishop Tufnell CE Junior VA 90 Hassocks, Windmills Junior C 90 Horsham, Greenway Junior A 120 Horsham, Northolmes Junior C 60 Southbourne Junior C 60 Southwater Junior A 120 Thakeham, C 166 Worthing, Chesswood Middle C 120 Worthing, Downsbrook Middle C 150 Worthing, Durrington Middle C 120 Worthing, The Orchards Middle C 150 Worthing, Thomas A’Becket Middle C 240 Worthing, West Park F&M (PAN For Middle School) VC 105


Barnham, St Philip Howard Catholic High School VA 150 Billingshurst, C 270 Bognor Regis, A 300 Burgess Hill, Oakmeeds Community College C 240 Burgess Hill, St Paul's Catholic College VA 150 Chichester, Bishop Luffa C of E School VA 220 For Boys C 252 Chichester High School For Girls C 252 Chichester, Free School A 60 Crawley, A 300 Crawley, Holy Trinity C of E School VA 210 Crawley, Ifield Community College C 180 Crawley, Oriel High School C 240 Crawley, St Wilfrid's Catholic Comprehensive School VA 150 Crawley, Thomas Bennett Community College A 240 Cuckfield, Warden Park School A 300 East Grinstead, C 270 East Grinstead, Sackville School C 270 Felpham Community College C 240 Hassocks, Downlands Community School C 210 Haywards Heath, Oathall Community College C 270 Horsham, Forest School (Boys) C 228 Horsham, (Girls) C 300 Horsham, C 240 Lancing, The Sir Robert Woodard Academy A 240 The Littlehampton Academy A 330 A 240 Selsey, The Academy A 150 A 270 Southbourne, F 150 VC 210 166 15 Westergate Community School C 150 Worthing, Chatsmore Catholic High VA 124 Worthing, Davison CE High School for Girls VC 30 240 Worthing, C 360 Worthing, St Andrew's CE High School for Boys VA 40 145 Worthing High School A 250

Appendix D

Customer Focus Appraisal 2013

Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Title of proposal Controlled Schools 2014/2015 Date for For admission to schools in September 2014 implementation CFA completed by Name: Sue Garner Email [email protected] Tel: 229102

1. What information have you used to understand and analyse the impact of the proposal on customers? Customers for school admissions are parents and children of the relevant age groups. Stakeholders include Head teachers and governors from all schools concerned. Following statutory requirements, we advertised the consultation to parents in the West Sussex Gazette and on the County Council’s website. Two of the proposed changes related to the outcome of a non-statutory pre-consultation survey, which received 655 responses, most of them from parents. These decisions on admission arrangements, including oversubscription criteria, have been based on local information given by Headteachers and governors and from parents. Projected numbers for future admission are used which include statistical analysis of figures from previous years’ intakes and children living in the area.

2. Are there any customers who are negatively affected by the proposal? If so, explain which customers and how they are negatively affected. Potentially anyone who wanted a place at a school, but who was refused admission could be negatively affected. However, we must by law have a way of prioritising applications for school places. Families living in the catchment area of their preferred school may be negatively affected if other children are treated as siblings living within the catchment area. However, if this change were not made, other families who had wanted but been unable to be offered their catchment school would be negatively affected. We currently have a statutory obligation to report on the impact of admission arrangements each year to the Schools Adjudicator and this will need to confirm that there is no discrimination occurring against any social group, including those living in social housing.

3. Are there any customers who are positively affected by this proposal? If so, explain which customers and how they are positively affected.

Potentially any family that would gain a place at a school where they would not previously have gained a place, because we have changed an oversubscription criterion or increased the admission number would be positively affected.

4. How does your proposal help to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation? Admission arrangements must be clear, fair and objective. They must not favour any social group, except where required in law, such as giving top priority to looked after children and previously looked after children, and must not discriminate against any group.

5. How does your proposal help to advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? The proposed admission arrangements comply with the legal requirements for looked after children and previously looked after children and those with statements of special educational needs, which seek to advance equality of opportunity for these groups.

6. How does your proposal help to foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and those who do not? The proposed admission arrangements comply with all legal requirements. Admission arrangements must be clear, fair and objective.

7. What have you learnt from the analysis of the likely effects of the proposal on customers? What changes were made to the proposal as a result? The pre-consultation survey on admission arrangements has shown that parents care deeply about the school place their child can be offered and keeping their children together at school. We believe that the effects of the policy are fair on all groups and do not adversely affect any group more than any other. This survey was planned in the CFA for 2013 admission arrangements and was carried out this year, resulting in two proposed changes to the admission arrangements in the consultation itself. We have not proposed any changes to the proposals that must be determined by 15th April 2013 from those in the consultation document.

8. If you did not make any changes to the proposal following the analysis please explain why not. We believe that the effects of the policy are fair on all groups and do not adversely affect any group more than any other. The proposals have received wide approval from respondents.

9. How will the proposal’s implementation be monitored and evaluated to make sure it continues to meet the equality duty owed to customers? We are required to review the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools each year and always take into account the percentage of parents offered their preferred schools in judging whether the arrangements meet parents' needs. We are required to report annually to the Schools Adjudicator to confirm that there is no discrimination occurring in admissions, especially around race, faith (except where permitted), social deprivation, sexuality or disability.

10. Who will be responsible for the monitoring and review? The Pupil Admissions Managers and the Senior Manager, Pupil Compliance.

To be signed by an Executive Director, Director or Head of Service to confirm that they have read and approved the content of the CFA and the Action Plan.

Name David Sword Date 11 March 2013

Your position Head of Learning

Telephone 22664 Email [email protected] Customer Focus Appraisal 2012


In Business Who will the action be Details of the action Person responsible By when? Plan (Y/N) reported to and how?

1 N We will continue to monitor pupil projections Cabinet Member through Sue Garner/Helen November and the percentage of parental preferences met proposals for consultation Moules/Richard 2013 to ensure that future Admission Consultations for 2015 admissions Barker reflect the ever-changing needs of our customers. 2 N We will complete an annual report to the Chief Adjudicator Sue Garner/Richard June 2013 Schools Adjudicator to confirm that there is no Barker discrimination occurring in admissions, especially around race, faith (except where permitted), social deprivation, sexuality or disability. 3 4


6 7


Please add more lines to the Action Plan if necessary

Printed on 14-Mar-13 Agreed template 26/09/12