British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( SEMANTIC OF SIBOLGA LANGUAGE TO INDONESIAN LANGUAGE IN JAGO JAGO VILLAGE, CENTRAL TAPANULI

Nur Afifah1, Idawati1, Nikmah Sari Hasibuan1 1Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan,

ABSTRACT: This study is aimed to describe the results of the semantic analysis of Sibolga language to Indonesian language. The semantics in this study are in the form of morphological studies such as verbs, nouns and adjectives and so on. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with recording aids and direct interviews. This method is also called the investigative approach because the researchers collects the data in a face-to-face manner and interacts with people at the research site. The results of this study are that the use of Sibolga language in the village of Si Jago Jago is more dominant using "o" vowels and the "k" consonants.

KEYWORDS: Semantic; morphology; Sibolga language; Indonesian language.


Human life in a community environment cannot be separated from culture. The culture that is owned by every layer of society is found in many specific objects, can be in the form of images, expressions, and names that are full of meaning. This is because humans have the urge to continue to develop in accordance with the conditions that require them to work in order to meet the demands of living needs that are running (Purnawati, 2004). The cultural life of the people in nature implies several meanings which are extracted or manifested in expressions, words, and names on certain objects that arise as a result of the behavior patterns of human life around us.

Culture is a benchmark in the life of human behavior towards the community environment. It can also be said that culture consists of a series of real and hidden forms which are obtained from the behavior of human activities with the nature of society and then transferred with symbols or signs and names and expressions which later become the results of human groups including their manifestations in the results of artificial culture humans (Purnawati, 2004). This means that the cultural system can be considered as a result of action or culture, is the result of work and human behavior summarized in values and symbols and naming. Culture is a world full of symbols or signs, names and expressions that have psychiatric meanings contained in the element of expansion of view.

Human activities in this natural life can give rise to symbols or signs, names and expressions that give meaning or meaning. Diverse cultures and different backgrounds can cause various meanings or meanings as well. Then a solution is needed to reveal the existence of meanings or meanings of images, names, and expressions that are in accordance with their functions and one of the tools is through language.Rahardjo (2010) explained that no one can deny the important role of language in human life. With language, humans can communicate with each other and develop science and culture in order to build a better civilization. Language stores all the legacies of human civilization. 21 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( The search for the historical meaning of a nation, for example, is passed through language, because into the language of the nation entrusts all messages, hopes, ideals and experiences of their lives for the next generation. This shows if language is the main tool in the study of human culture. Like asking, where were the chicken and eggs first? Questions that seem easy but are needed in-depth study also apply to language and culture, it cannot be ascertained which comes first between language and or culture.

Studies on language has never been used up to talk about because language has become a part of human life. Indonesia has a variety of languages, in addition to Indonesian as a national language or language there are also regional languages that enrich Indonesian national culture. Regional languages are used by most people in situations that almost dominate every activity. While Indonesian is only used in special situations. Therefore, it cannot be denied that regional languages have a major influence on Indonesian as a national language. The use of this language is various, the study of this language is one of them is semantic. Language is an arbitrary symbol system that is used by members of a society to work together, interact, and identify themselves (Kelvin, 2011: 21). Language has a very important role in human life. Seeing the importance of the role of language, it is impossible for humans to be separated from a language in daily life by various actions, not even too much stated that if without language human beings cannot realize all their thoughts and feelings.

Semantics in regional languages to Indonesian language must always vary because semantic studies are needed in language studies. The regional language that attracted the attention of researchers is the Sibolga language which is very different in semantic words of Indonesian language, therefore this study will examine the "Semantic of Sibolga Language to Indonesian Language in Jago Jago Village, Central Tapanuli ".


The definition of Semantic Chaer (2009: 2) semantic comes from Greek sema as “sign”, then changes to semainein means “meaning”. This form then changes again to semantickos “meaningful or important”. From this last word the term new study field is derived, namely semantics (terms in English) or semantik (terms in Indonesian). Historically, this is where a concern about something that has “meaning” begins. In its development, Mulyana (1964: 1) said that, "semantics is the field of study of the meaning of words in the context of a particular language. The study area extends to the origin of words, changes and developments in meaning.

Kusmana, (2014) semantics, meaning, are in all or all of the building levels. The meaning is in the phonological, morphological, and syntactical level. The level naming for semantics is rather incorrect, because it is not a level in the sense of building another larger unit, but it is an element which is at all levels, even though its presence at each level is not the same. Semantic also means to signify or interpret. As a technical term, semantics contains the meaning of "study of meaning". Assuming that meaning is part of language, semantics are part of linguistics. As with sound and grammar, components of meaning in this case also occupy a certain level. If the sound component

22 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( generally occupies the first level, grammar on the second level, then the component of meaning occupies the last level.

Semantic Types Kusmana (2014: 3) Semantics including linguistics. Language science consists of four levels, namely phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Of the four branches of science can be divided into two major parts, namely grammar or the structure of language and beyond grammar or outside the structure of language.Language is basically used for various activities and needs in community life, so the meaning of language is very diverse when viewed from several criteria and points of view. The type of meaning itself according to Chaer (2009: 15-20) is divided into seven types of meanings, including:

1. Based on the type of semantics differentiated into lexical meaning and grammatical meaning. 2. Based on the presence or absence of referents on a word differentiated into referential meaning and non-inferential meaning. 3. Based on the presence or absence of a sense of value in a word can be divided into denotation and connotation meaning. 4. Based on the accuracy of the meaning is divided into the meaning of the word and the meaning of the term or general meaning and special meaning. 5. Based on the presence or absence of relationships (associations, reflections) the meaning of a word with other word meanings is divided into conceptual meaning and associative meaning. 6. Based on whether or not it can be predicted or traced, both lexically and grammatically divided into idiomatic and proverbial meanings. 7. Words or lexemes that have no real meaning, that is, opposition from the true meaning is called the meaning of chias.

Kushartanti (2005: 58), the occurrence of language contact is due to bilingualism or ethnicity. Language errors of a bilingual can occur in all aspects of language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, both in linguistic terms, such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, as well as from nonlinguistic terms, namely meaning and content. Kusmana (2014: 5) semantics including linguistics. Language science consists of four levels, namely phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Of the four branches of science can be divided into two major parts, namely grammar or the structure of language and beyond grammar or outside the structure of language.

Overview of the Sibolga Language Sibolga is one of the municipalities in the province of North , Indonesia. This area is located on the west coast of the island of Sumatra, stretching along the coast from north to south and located in the Gulf region of Tapian Nauli. The distance is ± 350 km from the city of (8 hours’ drive). The city only has an area of ± 10.77 km² and has a population of around 95,471 people (2015 census). During the Dutch East Indies, the city was the capital of the Tapanuli Residency. After the independence period until 1998, Sibolga became the municipality of Sibolga. Simorangking (1989: 140) Coastal Language Sibolga or (bahaso Pasisi) is one of the languages in the Malay family spoken by the Coastal Tribe which is a resident of Central Tapanuli and 23 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( Sibolga, . This language spreads along the west coast of Sumatra Island starting from Mandailing Natal, Sibolga, to .


The type of this study is qualitative research. As stated by Bogdan and Taylor in Moleong (2013: 60), defining qualitative research is research that produces descriptive data in the form of written words or writings from people and observable behavior. The method used in this study is descriptive method, which is a method that attempts to describe a phenomenon that occurs in real conditions. This is in accordance with Sugiyono (2010: 120), "Descriptive methods are used to solve problems and answer the problems achieved in the current situation carried out by taking steps to collect, classify and analyze or collect data, make conclusions and reports with the aim of making depictions descriptive situation ". Data was collected through interview techniques as well as recording devices.

Results and Discussion

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Apo Apa 2. Accok Acap 3. Afdol Afdal

The word "Apo" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if translated into Indonesian, namely vowel o which is at the end of the word change to a, to the word "Apa". The word “Accok” in the Sijago-jago language has changes if translated into Indonesian, namely consonant c and adds the letter p to the word "Acap". The word "Afdol" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Afdal" which is the vowel o which turns into a vowel a.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Bantang Bentang 2. Banta Bantal 3. Balum Belum

The word "Bantang" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Bentang" which is vowel a changes to vowel e. The word "Banta" in Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Bantal" namely there are additional consonants l at the end of the word. The word "Balum" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Belum" which is vowel a changes to vowel e.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Cawan Cangkir 2. Capek Cepat 3. Came Cemas

24 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( The word "Cawan" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Cangkir", that is some consonants and vowels undergo changes, namely letters a, w, a, and n to be letters of n, g, k, i, and r. The word "Capek" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes “Cepat”, that is all consonants and vowels change except letters c. The word "Came in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Cemas ", that is vowel a changes to vowel e, vowel e changes to a, and additional consonant s at the end of the word occurs.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Dapek Dapat 2. Dapu Dapur 3. Danga Dengar

The data above contains the word "Dapek” in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Bisa" which is vowel e to vowel a and consonant k changes to t. The word "Aniayo" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Aniaya" which is vowel o turns into vowel a. The word "Dapu" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes “Dapur" which is an addition at the end of the word, that is consonant r. The word "Danga" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Dengar" which is vowel a changes to vowel e and there is the addition of a consonant r at the end of the word.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Gade Gadai 2. Gagok Gaguk 3. Gata Getah

The data above the word "Gade" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Gadai" which is the vowel e which changes to vowel a and there is an additional consonant I at the end of the word. The word "Gagok" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Gaguk" which is vowel o which changes to vowel u. The word "Gata" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Getah" which is vowel a changes to vowel e and there is an additional consonant h at the end of the word.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Hangek Hangat 2. Hanyuk Hanyut 3. Harok Harap

The data above the word "Hangek" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Hangat" that is vowel a changes to vowel e and consonant k changes to t. The word "Datak" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Detak", that is vowel a changes to vowel e. The word "Hanyuk" in the Sijago-jago 25 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes " Hanyut " that is the consonant k changes to t at the end t.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Ikko Ini 2. Ibo Iba 3. Ikkal Ikal

Data above the word "Ikko" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Ini" which is changes occur throughout vowels and consonants in words except vowels i at the beginning of the word. The word "Ibo" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Iba" which is vowel o turns into a vowel a. The word "Ikkal" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Ikal" which is a reduction in consonant letters k in the middle of the word.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Jahek Jahat 2. Jago Jaga 3. . Japuk Jemput

The data above in the word "Jahek" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Jahat" which is the vowel e which changes to vowel a and the consonant k changes to t. The word "jago" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Jaga" that is vowel o which changes to vowel a. The word "Japuk" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Jemput" which is a change in some of the letters in the word, namely the disappearance of letters a and k and there are additional letters e, m, and t.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Kareh Keras 2. Kacco Kaca 3. Kanyang Kenyang

The word "kareh" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Keras", that is vowel a changes to vowel e, vowel e becomes vowel a, and consonant h changes to consonant s. The word "Kacco" " in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Kaca" which is the reduction of consonant letters c and vowels o which turn into vowels a. The word "Kanyang" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Kenyang" which is vowel a changes to vowel e.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Lanting Lempar 2. Lapa Lapar 3. Lamo Lama 26 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( The word "Lanting" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Lempar" which is has change in all letters in the word, except the consonant letter l. The word "Lapa" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Lapar" which is the addition of consonant letters r. The word "Lamo" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Lama" that is vowel o which changed to vowel e.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Makkan Makan 2. Malanting Melempar 3. Manyasa Menyuci

The word "Makkan" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Makan" which is a reduction in consonant k. The word "Malanting" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Throw" which is a change in the entire letter of the word, except for consonants m and l. The word "Manyasa" in the Sijago- jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes to "Menyuci", which is a change of all letters in the word, except for consonants m, n, and y.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Nonggong Sombong 2. Nandak Ingin 3. Nangka Akan

The word "Nonggong” in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Sombong" which is a change in the entire letter of the word, except for vowels o and deduction of consonants g. The word "Nandak" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Ingin" which is a change of the entire letter in the word and a reduction in consonants k. The word "Nangka" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Akan" which is a change of all letters in the word and a reduction in consonant k and vowels a.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Ogek Abang 2. Oncu Bibi 3. Olok-olok Berdusta

The word "Ogek" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Abang" which is a change in the entire letter of the word and the addition of consonant letters g. The word "Uncu" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Bibi" which is a change in the entire letter of the word. The word "Olok- Olok" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes " Berdusta ".

27 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Paccik Pegang 2. Putik Petik 3. Parang Pedang

The word "Paccik" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Pegang" which is a change in the entire letter of the word, except for the consonant p. The word "Putik in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Petik" that is vowel u changes to vowel e. The word "Parang" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Pedang" which is vowel a change to vowel e and consonant r changes to consonant d.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Raso Rasa 2. Rambuk Rambut 3. Ribuk Ribut

The word "Raso" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Rasa" that is vowel o changed to vowel a. The word "Rambuk" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Rambut” that is the consonant k turns into a consonant t. The word "Ribuk" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Ribut" that is, the consonant k turns into a consonant t.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Sumbayang Sembahyang 2. Songgak Bentak 3. Sanduk Centong

The word "Sumbayang" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Sembahyang" that is vowel u changes to vowel e and addition of consonant letters h. The word "Songgak" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Bentak" which is a change in all letters, except letters n and k. The word "Sanduk" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Centong" which is a change in all letters, except for the letter n.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Tampek Tempat 2. Talok Bisa 3. Turuk Turut

The word "Tampek" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Tempat", that is vowel a changes to vowel e and consonant k changes to consonant t. The word "Talok" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Bisa" which is a change in all letters in the word and the removal of consonant letters k. 28 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)

British Journal of English Linguistics Vol.7, No.4, pp.21-30, September 2019 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( The word "Turuk" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Turut" that is the consonant k turns into a consonant t.

No. Sijago-jago Language Indonesian Language 1. Ubek Obat 2. Ulok Intip 3. Umbuk Rayu

The word "Ubek" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Obat" which is a change in all letters in the word. The word "Ulok" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Intip" that is a change in all letters in the word. The word "Umbuk" in the Sijago-jago language has changes if it is translated into Indonesian it becomes "Rayu" which is a change in all letters in the word.


Based on the results of the interview survey in Jago-Jago Village, it can be concluded that the semantic of Sibolga language to Indonesian language in Sijago-Jago Village is more dominant using "o" vowels and "k" consonants. The word lies in verbs, adjectives, nouns and so on. The Sijago-Jago Village community is classified as a bilingual speaker, because they use Indonesian and the coastal languages of Sibolga in their daily lives.


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30 Print ISSN: 2055-6063(Print), Online ISSN: 2055-6071(Online)