: Earthquake "The distribution of relief items to oth and OCHA Situation Report No. 1 Simeulue is continuing, but difficulties still remain Issued 6 April 2005 with internal distribution of goods on both GLIDE: EQ-2005-000053-IDN islands."

Aceh SITUATION Humanitarian supply/equipment base S Simeulue Island (population 77,751): Most urgent Meulaboh ectio ns needs are food, shelter, and water/sanitation. of ro ads Challenges in distributing assistance due to broken dam age or damaged bridges. No fishing or farming Medical evacuation hub d conducted at this time. Sinabang situation generally improving. Nias Island (population 444,000): 623 confirmed Tapaktuan dead. Search and rescue operations concluded. Sufficient stocks of medical supplies on island but Utara need for doctors for local health clinics. Singkil District (population 5,000): No reported deaths or injuries. Island appearing to have sunk 1.5 Simeulue Sinabang metres; some houses flooded as a result. ACTION Simeulue: Major two-week food distribution initiative Logistics hub (UNJLC, WFP) Epicentre s by WFP (through CARE) . Tents supplied to Ban nd establish field hospital (MSF, Save the Children). yak Isla Sibolga CARE, Save the Children distributing household kits. 20-50% buildings severely damaged UNICEF (through CORDAID) distributing school in a box kits. Gumung Sitoli Nias: Rapid assessment helicopter mission to Widespread collapse of buildings Gunung Sitoli and Sibolga by POSKO, UNJLC, Nias WHO, IOM on 11 April. SurfAid med. teams deployed to villages on west coast; health assessments in northwest by Int'l Medical Corps. Supply convoy established from Medan - Sibolga Teluk Dalam Epicentre (truck) - Gunung Sitoli (ferry). UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, OXFAM providing tents, food, and Provincial capital Pini water/sanitation services. City or Town Mass panic reported in Support hub Mpraopv dinactiaa ls ocaurpcieta: lEs;S mRIa, nGylobal Discovery, USGS Tanahmasa Code:OCHA/GVA - 2005/0061 Aceh Province feeling homes for higher Tanahbala ground. Local authorities Nias Island withdrew evacuation alerts 0 50 100 Banyak Island chain Km Produced by the ReliefWeb Map Centre Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs The names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. United Nations - 11 April 2005