Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Everyday Moon Magic Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living by Dorothy Morrison Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner. If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Block Technical Data. Block Reason: Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. Time: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 18:31:07 GMT. About Wordfence. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 3 million WordPress sites. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. Click here to learn more: Documentation. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 2 Jun 2021 18:31:07 GMT. Your computer's time: . Ringing in the Muses Spell – Perfect Spell for the Waxing Moon. Ringing in the Muses Spell – Perfect Spell for the Waxing Moon. Materials 5 small bells 1 yard each yellow, red, blue, green, and purple ribbon. Thread a bell on each length of ribbon, then tie the first four ribbons to tree branches in the order listed above, saying with each: To ring these bells, all breezes blow Carry their sounds both high and low To wake the Muses from Their rest Heed ye now this firm request. Then tie the purple ribbon to a branch, saying something like: From East and South and West and North Muses hear me: now come forth From South and West and North and East Inspiration now release From West and North and East and South Creative powers bud and sprout From North and East and South and West Heed my call and this request As these bells ring in the breeze Let ideas flow forth with ease Bring inspiration with the wind— In constant stream without an end— Unleash Your creativity Muses, bring it now to me. Creative blocks will begin to dissipate within twenty-four hours. Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (Everyday Series) Dorothy Morrison. Lady A’s Specialty of the Day – Spell to Gain Control Over A Situation. Spell to Gain Control Over A Situation. Items Needed: purple candle pen and paper vegetable oil fireproof dish cayenne pepper. Inscribe the candle with your name, then draw the infinity symbol (a horizontal figure 8), both above and below your name. Anoint the candle with vegetable oil and roll it in cayenne pepper. Write a brief description of the situation on the paper and place it under the candle holder. Light the candle and say: “Wax and herb, now bring me power That grows with every passing hour. Bring control back unto me. As I will, so mote it be! Let the candle completely burn down, then burn the paper in the fireproof dish. Flush the ashes down the toilet, or bury them under a tree. Lady A’s Specialty of the Day – Improvement Spell to Gain Wisdom and Knowledge (Runic Spell) Lady A’s Specialty of the Day. Improvement Spell to Gain Wisdom and Knowledge (Runic Spell) You Will Need: Knowledge of the ruin of Anuz and the ruin of Kenaz. DIRECTIONS : Sit in a dark, quite room & light the 3 candles. Place them close together & near you but not touching. Sit & meditate on the knowledge you hope to find & the knowledge you already posses. Open your eyes and trace the ruin Ansuz over the candles, then trace the ruin Ansuz on your foreead (third eye)& chant… ‘I conjure the wisdom of the ruin of Ansuz’ Now trace the ruin Kenaz over the candles and you forehead chanting… ‘I conjure the Knowledge of the ruin of Kenaz’ If you have a specific question to ask look up & ask it know. If not return head to bowing position and chant… ‘I conjure the ruin of wisdom, power, occult, revenge & healing. ANSUZ! ‘I conjure the ruin of knowledge, learning, quests & heredity Knowledge. KENAZ!’ ‘enlighten me!’ ‘give me my knowledge!’ ‘Give me my Wisdom!’ ‘Enlighten me’ Meditate on your own knowledge & wisdom. During this or in the near future you will gain the knowledge & wisdom you seek. YOUR COLD HEART SPELL. YOUR COLD HEART SPELL. This spell is designed to remove all the emotional walls they’ve put up against you, and allow them to see the truth. Sometimes, these people act on gossip they’ve heard and not on what they perceive for themselves. Day: Saturday is best, but Tuesday and Friday will also work. Planets: Saturn, Mars or Venus. Supplies: An Ice Cube A Dish A piece of paper on which you write the other persons name with black pen or marker. Also if you have a picture you could use that. Check your divinations tool to be sure this is the right time to do the spell. Put the picture (if you have one) and the persons name on the dish. Place the ice cube on top of them. Chant the Following: I melt your cold, cold heart with angel firs The truth you’ll see and not the mire. As this ice melts, The truth will appear, Pushing away, all that you fear. If gossip lies at the root of this This little spell shall not miss And then I shall expose the Liar Angel fire rise higher and higher. Chant the last line as long as possible, the more the better. When you have finished let the ice melt to warm water. Flush the water down the toilet saying: I flush the negativity away, and bring myself a brighter day! Keep the picture in case you need to repeat the spell. When you have the results you want, throw away the picture. MUSHROOM CHARM TO PROCURE THE HEARTS DESIRE. MUSHROOM CHARM TO PROCURE THE HEARTS DESIRE. In wet weather walk over the fields and where the great white mushrooms rise up flat and wide, gather the greatest cup and carry it home. That night, by candlelight, take a large needle and with it scratch this small, upon the mushroom’s upper skin: Flesh of darkness Born of death Give my will Thy life and breath Wither dry And shrink to dust My heart shall feed Upon thy crust. Breathe upon this inscription, and then lock the mushroom away safely for the rest of that night. The next morning, take a sharp knife and chop the whole in to many little pieces. Spread them out in an iron pan and set them in a warm oven until they are quite dry. Then sew them up in a bag of red cloth. Each night thereafter, wear this charm over your heart, until the desired effect is accomplished. When it has been fulfilled, you should take the charm back to the field where you took it from and bury it in the same spot where it was gathered. SPELL TO ESTABLISH STABILITY IN A RELATIONSHIP. SPELL TO ESTABLISH STABILITY IN A RELATIONSHIP. To establish stability in an otherwise unstable relationship, light a brown or green candle and some juniper, frankincense or neroli incense or oils. Picture yourself and your partner standing barefoot on grass, among green hills, embellish as you deem fit. Maintain the image of your bare feet in contact with the earth, saying: “(Your lover’s name), let no winds blow you away, let no fairy-lure tempt you, no charms ensnare you other than my own true love.” Then, picture green shoots rising from the ground all around you, one of them becoming an ear of corn. Take the ear of corn and grind it to powder, saying: “Nurture what we have grown, that we may reap it together.” Add to a cake, bread or biscuit mix, and feed it to your lover. Repeat as necessary. Cauldron Prophecy Magic Spell. Cauldron Prophecy Magic Spell. Purpose: For prophecies to be revealed through dreams, strong impressions or immediate visions. Fill a cauldron or large, black iron pot half-full of fresh water. Add a handful of Buttercup or Marigold petals. Light incense of Sage (also used for protection) or burn some Thyme. Stir the cauldron/pot gently three times while chanting the magic spell : Into the threads of time I cast my thoughts To catch a glimpse of what will be O Gods of Asgard, bring into my mind The lovely gift of prophecy. Look deep into the cauldron and you will receive messages. AN ALL PURPOSE SPELL TO EFFECT ANOTHER. AN ALL PURPOSE SPELL TO EFFECT ANOTHER. This simple spell can be used for any purpose – whether it be to empower a person, to heal them, to bind them etc. Simply choose the appropriate color candle and scribe. the person’s name and your intent upon it. Anoint it with an appropriate oil. Light the candle and while watching it burn, repeat the following chant, focusing upon your intent as you do so. Powers that be, Powers of 3, Let me be all X sees. Whispering Woods Course – Lesson Six – The Fordeda’s. Whispering Woods Ogham Course – Lesson Six The Fordeda’s. Fifth Aicme (Consonants) Forfedas The Forfedas (extra letters) were invented in the period (725 CE to about 950 CE), several centuries after the peak of Ogham usage. They appear to have represented sounds felt to be missing from the original alphabet. They are not found in any stone inscriptions. It is thought that the Benedictine monks added the forfedas in an effort to make ogham a more literary alphabet with which to record in. The five are given as an additional vocalic aicme, with the values, found in Auraicept na n-Éces, (De dúilib feda) and In Lebor Ogaim. It should be noted that the five forfeda are only known from manuscript tradition, which attributes to them a variety of values. (ch / k) Éabhadh (EHV-uh) Aspen (True Tree) Word Ogham of Morann Mac Main states: Snamchain feda, most buoyant of wood, that is ebad, aspen, with him, for fair swimming is wood; that is a name for the great raven. Hence it was put for the letter named the Ogham ebad, for e is a name for salmon, and it is written by ea like the alphabet of the fauna: From the word- of Mac ind Oic: Comainm carat, synonym for a friend, aspen, e, in the forest. Hence for its synonymous Ogham letter. Cosc lobair, corrective of a sick man, woodbine for the Ogham letter, which has taken a name other than it, ebad, aspen, ea. Ivy Word Ogham of Morann Mac Main states: Sruitem aicdi, most venerable of structures, i.e., oir, oi, spindle tree, according to fact. Hence it was put for the letter owing to the identity of the name that is between them, to wit, oir is the name of each of them. From the word-oghams of Mac ind Oic: Silad clann, growing of plants, that is ur, heath, u with him, for it is uir, the soil of the earth, that causes the growing of the plants that are put into it. Growing of plants, again, said of the soil of the earth, is said of the Ogham letter which has taken the same name with it, each of them is ur. ui (io, ph) Uilleann (Uilen) Honeysuckle Word Ogham of Morann Mac Main states: Tutmur fid uilleann, juicy wood is woodbine, that is woodbine with him, for it is a name for honeysuckle. Hence it was put for the Ogham named woodbine, ui; for hence was woodbine put for it, for it is a name for honeysuckle. From the word-oghams of Mac ind Oic: Cubat n-oll, great equal-length, woodbine, i.e., honeysuckle. Hence for the Ogham letter which it has taken from it, woodbine, ui. ia (p / pe) Ifín (Iphín) Gooseberry Word Ogham of Morann Mac Main states: Millsem feda, sweetest of wood, that is gooseberry with him, for a name for the tree called pin is millsem feda. Gooseberries are hence named. Hence it was put for the letter named pin, for hence pin, or ifin, io, was put for it. From the word-oghams of Mac ind Oic: Amram blais, most wonderful of taste, pin or ifin, gooseberry. Hence for the letter that has taken its name from it, pin or iphin, io. ae (x / xi) Eamhancholl (Emancholl) Phagos Word Ogham of Morann Mac Main states: Luad soethaig, expression of a weary one, i.e., ach, ah! uch, alas! that is emancoll, ae, with him, for emancoll is taken for ach, though it may be taken for something else. Finit WordOgham of Morann. The name Eamhancholl means “twinned C”, referring to the shape of the letter, and gives no indication of sound value. Quiz: 1. The Forfedas were invented in the ______period. 2. Comainm carat, is which Ogham? 3. Honeysuckle is called? 4. The name Eamhancholl means ______. Source: Researcher & Author: Crick. A Spell that Has Inspired Many Others. A Spell that Has Inspired Many Others. Try this spell, which has worked to the benefit of many, when you feel lacking in inspiration. It is best done on a Saturday during Aquarius, and never when the moon is waning. Indigo is the colour that lends itself best to this particular piece of magic. Everyday Moon Magic. That magical, mystical, glorious Moon—invite her power into your life every day, from fixing your computer to blessing your pets. You'll learn how each Moon phase affects your spellwork, including the seldom-discussed energies of the true Blue Moon, the Black Moon, the void-of-course moon, and the lunar eclipse. Follow the Moon as she traverses each sign of the zodiac, and discover how each astrological phase affects magic, mundane events, and gardening—and how your personal Moon sign affects your magical work. This guide by popular author Dorothy Morrison includes more than 140 spells, chants, and rituals, along with Esbat celebrations for the Full Moon. Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living by Dorothy Morrison. That magical, mystical, glorious Moon—invite her power into your life every day, from fixing your computer to blessing your pets. You'll learn how each Moon phase affects your spellwork, including the seldom-discussed energies of the true Blue Moon, the Black Moon, the void-of-course moon, and the lunar eclipse. Follow the Moon as she traverses each sign of the zodiac, and discover how each astrological phase affects magic, mundane events, and gardening—and how your personal Moon sign affects your magical work. This guide by popular author Dorothy Morrison includes more than 140 spells, chants, and rituals, along with Esbat celebrations for the Full Moon. Dark Moon vs. New Moon: Are They the Same Thing? From a magickal perspective, the Dark Moon is the roughly three days in which the moon is not visible to us. The New Moon is when we see the first sliver of the waxing moon, also called the ‘Horns of Isis’ in reference to the moon horns the Goddess Isis wears. The ‘horns,' or tips, of the crescent always point to the left when the moon is waxing and to the right when it’s waning. The Dark Moon has an energy of rest and completion, while the New Moon's energy is that of new beginnings and renewal. Despite these differences between these two phases, I’ve noticed a trend among New Age, spiritual, moon-worshiping groups and communities of using the term "New Moon" when in fact "Dark Moon" would be more appropriate. In fact, it’s become downright challenging to find a meme, spell, recipe, or article that refers to the Dark Moon rather than the New Moon. Phases of the Moon - New to Dark. Why Is This Happening? One reason is that this is how it's taught in schools. More and more, we are seeing schools teach "new" instead of "dark." Some schools teach New Moon instead of Dark Moon, while others teach Old, New, and Young Moon. When I went to school, I was taught that they are interchangeable. Perhaps this is true for astronomy. However, in magickal practice, the different phases of the moon have different energies that allow us to tailor our magick more fully. One reason I believe this is occurring within magickal communities and faiths is to appeal to the masses. Wicca, witchcraft, and paganism are among the fastest growing religions in the US right now. As each year passes, this seems to result in more and more commercialization of our faiths. Making our practices seem less scary to the uninitiated is becoming more commonplace. I think changing "Dark" to "New" is a part of this. Lastly, many in the love-and-light type of spiritual practices simply prefer light over dark. "New" sounds more welcoming than "Dark" does to some. This is similar to many years ago when a prominent calendar popular with Wiccans, witches, and pagans changed their Harvest symbol from a sickle to a basket full of fruit—much less threatening and “dark.” Witches and pagans, however, revere both the light and the dark equally. Shadow, darkness, and the void are all beautiful and fertile places of power. For the witch and/or pagan darkness is not something we hide from, avoid, or fear—it is but another face of the Great Goddess. With Her, we face our own dark places and shadow selves and we heal and embrace these parts of ourselves, recognizing it as all part of the beauty of humanness and Divinity. In this way, we embrace the wholeness of ourselves and of Life.