Answers and Solutions
191 ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS ~ds a column POEMS IN PRAISE OF ENGLISH PHONOLOGY Charles F. Hockett ment on arti lough need for 1. stop 2. spirant 3. labial, laminal, dorsal 4. lateral, retroflex, nasal 5. voiceless 6. voiceless 7. voiceless, obstruent 8. nasal but let I s 9. voicele s s 10. labial rench-Ian AN OLYMPIC QUIZ Darryl Francis ure Potenti Horrors of myopical, diplomacy, cephalodymia, polydemoniac, polysemantic, ecita1 of the polymicrobic, mycoplasmic, compliancy, cytoplasmic, microphysi cle on OuLiPo cal, polyschematic Lge example polymicroscope, cosmopolicy, lycopersicum, lycopodium/polycod ~y, hate-shy ium, polygamistic, cryptoglioma, hypokalemic, polypharmic, poly you ex-wise mathie, myelopathic, polyhemic, lipothymic polychromia, polychromin, polytrichum, polystichum, impolicy, lms, Profes mispolicy, compliably, myopically, pyromellitic, symptomical, :h Phonologyll cryptonemiales, polyatomic : a princess in .ins no bilabials polysomatic, polynomic, cypselomorphic, polymicrian, policymak er, microtypal, pyrometrical, polymeric, microcephal y /pyrochem ical, polycormic, polydromic, polymastic es of the is sue ge as this can spatilomancy, cyps eliform, compre s sively, myeloplastic, polysomic, , and I try to polycrotism, polycentrism, polymetameric, polymythic, complicity, ~ar in rough compositely, polyonymic llC e of printing , to the problem. PRIMER TIME Ralph G. Beaman the se copie s however, if 'two letter s, T and A, are used in this alphabet primer to form the ed. (Don't tliree-Ietter words TAA, TAB, TAC, etc. Two imperfect words are TAFe and TAQlid. -- Adventuret! KlCKSHAWS Philip M. Cohen mprehensive Heful study. Jabberwocky: The vicar Bwigs chilled bubbly in the parish too. litd in defining If you try this with II Jabberwocky" you'll find it much less ::annot stomach; amenable, but some changes are possible.
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