Toward Pathway Engineering: a New Database of Genetic and Molecular
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owrd thwy ingineeringX e xew htse of qeneti nd woleulr thwys winoru unehis snstitute for ghemil eserhD uyoto niversity ing of genes nd moleules is prom qenome eE sequening pro jets hve een lso rpidly expnding owing to ompleted for udding yest @IP quenes to puntions the dvnement of exp erimenE wpA nd for severl teri inE tl tehnologies in the rod luding ynoteri @QFT wpA he rumn qenome ro jet res of moleulr nd ellulr whih ws rried out y the ws initited in the lte IWVHs iologyF sn order to mke full uzus hxe eserh snstitute s nturl onsequene of use of the informtion otined in tpnF the tehnology developments in y genome pro jetsD it is essenE por the rst time in humn moleulr iology nd with the til tht suh funtionl dt history we re eginning to hve expettion of new iomedil re prop erly omputerized in the dt t hnd whih leds toE pplitionsF he pro jet will dtses nd informtis tehE wrd si understnding of unover the omplete hxe seE nologies re developed for funE quene of the humn genome the fundmentl prolems in life tionl preditionF onsisting of Q illion se pirs sienes inluding the origin nd nd IHH thousnd genesF sn evolution of life nd the onE prom qene qtlogs IWUUD smll virus genomeD eption nd developmentofn 0xIURD onsisting of just SDHHH individulF he dt will lso to thwys se pirs nd II genes ws deE stimulte prtil pplitions he funtionl dt tht relte termined y the emerging tehE in medilD phrmeutilD nd to sequene informtion re urE nology of hxe sequene deterE griulturl sienesF roweverD rently stored s nnottions to mintionF efter two dedes somewht ontrry to puli noE sequene dtD for exmpleD in of tehnology developments the tionD the sequene dt otined the soElled fetures tlesD in y genome pro jets do not y rst omplete genome of the sequene dtses of hxes themselves provide diret nE freeEliving iologil orgnismD nd proteinsF roweverD these swers to suh fundmentl proE remophilus inuenzeD ws deE silly represent the sequeneE lems or prtil pplitionsF termined in IWWSF he teriE funtion reltionships of single he sequening of genome is l genome onsisting of IFV milE moleulesD iFeFD the individul n esier prt thn the underE lion nuleotides nd IDUHH genes omp onents of iologil sysE stnding of funtionl impliE is lredy followed y the exE temD nd they do not ontin tions of whenD whereD nd how plosion of omplete genomi seE higher level informtionD iFeFD genes nd moleules funtion in quenes of numer of orgnE wiring digrmsD of geneti inE living orgnismsF portuntelyD isms from teri to eukryE tertions nd moleulr interE our knowledge of the funtionE otesF es of mid IWWTD the genome tionsF st is ovious tht withE tht is represented y wht is pthwysD lthough we intend out suh wiringEdigrms ioE termed inry reltionF en to omputerize other pthwysD logil system ould never e deE exp ert in the eld would syntheE suh s signl trnsdution nd sried or understo o dF size pthwy from olletion ell yle pthwys nd the of inry reltions otined y geneti pthwys of the erly e hve thus initited exp erimentl oservtionsF sn stges in fruit y developmentF pro jet nmed uiqqD uyoto order to op e with the rpidE e exp et tht one suh dt inylopedi of qenes nd ly expnding o dy of informE re prop erly omputerizedD it qenomesD to omputerize the tion it is neessry to omputE will eome fesile to ssist exE urrent knowledge of moleulr erize the pro ess of synthesizing p erimentsD filitte understndE nd ellulr iology in terms of pthwysD in ddition to omE ingD nd even p erform logiE the informtion pthwys tht puterizing known pthwys deE l simultions of informtion onsist of interting genes or rived y humn exp ertsF pthwys ontrolling ll sp ets moleulesF he si dt item of living orgnismsF in uiqq is pirwise interE gurrentlyD we re fo using tion of genes or moleules our ttention on the met oli pigure IX he home pge of the qenomexet server t httpXGGwwwFgenomeFdFjpG nd the hfqi nd uiqq serh windowsF qenomexet htse qenomexet under the qenome he im of qenomexet is not snformtis ro jetD prt of the simply network onnetionY it ervie rumn qenome rogrm of the is to estlish the informtis winistry of idutionD ieneD infrstruture for genome reE sn IWWI we estlished p orts nd gulture @wonushoAF serh nd relted reserh res omputer network nmed in moleulr nd ellulr ioloE ieneD the niversityofokyoD ed in the FF or iurop eF iven gyF sn view of the susequent hs gretly ontriuted towrd the dtses whih limed to government funding of snternet tht endF e orgnized in tpn tully tivities in tpnD we re only hevily dep end on the systems he most p opulr mo de urrently mintining the onE nd proto ols develop ed in other of ess to the qenomexet netion etween okyoD uyoto ountriesF dtse servie is to use our nd pukuokF yriginllyD we enE uiqq is n ttempt to dE server shown in pigF ID visioned network ommunity vne our originl onepts nd whih provides mong othersD where the informtis needs of tehnologiesD nd tul dt the hfqi integrted dtse individul reserhers nd indiE olletion eortsF elthough retrievl system nd the seE vidul pro jets would e relized we hve not yet mde forE quene interprettion to ols inE on their lo l mhines y inteE ml nnounement of uiqqD luding sequene similrity nd grting dtses nd omputE preliminry version hs een motif serh progrmsF he tionl resoures distriuted over pulily ville through the server reeives tens of thousnds the networkF e elieve tht the qenomexet server sine of queries p er dyD oneEthird of wideErnging dtse servie heemer IWWSF he trget dte whih re from rodF elE in qenomexetD whih is jointly of the rst relese of uiqq is though the qenomexet dtse provided y the up eromputer yto er IWWTF e pln to disE servie is result of tehnologE vortory of the snstitute for triute ompt diss in ddition il developments in tpnD for ghemil eserhD uyoto niE to the servie over the snternetF exmpleD hfqi ws develop ed versity nd the rumn qenome in my l ortoryD most of the genter of snstitute of wedil dtses tht we oer origintE Pathways Binary relations KEGG Hierarchies Genes Molecules LIGAND Genome OMIM DBGET CAS Databases DNA/Protein Databases Medline pigure PX he onept of uiqq nd its reltion to hfqiF sn uiqq funtionl sp ets of genes nd moleules re represented y inry reltionsD hierrhiesD nd pthwysF e retrieved uniformly nd links he gonepts he onept of reltion nd re mde etween relted entries dedution is thus the sis in dierent dtsesF sn this of our uiqq pro jetF por gurrentlyD uiqq is omp osed lo oselyEoupled integrtionD the our logiEsed tivitiesD we of three interonneted setionsX shem or the formt of hown knowledge the pst oll orE pthwysD genesD nd moleulesD entry is orgnized y dt items tions with the pifth qenertion whih re lso linked to is left to eh dtseF his gomputer ro jet tem memE numer of existing dtses should e ontrsted with using ers in sgy nd the reserhers through hfqi @pigF PAF the sme reltionl dtse nd in the qenome snformtis eE foth oneptully nd prE enforing unied shem for serh ro jets IWWIEIWWS nd tillyD uiqq nd hfqi entries oming from mny dierE IWWTEPHHHF re tightly oupled systemsF ent souresD whih neessrily inE hfqi provides n integrted volves the pro ess of dt onE view of vrious dtses in he ehnologies versionF moleulr iologyD where the E he prolifertion of sis of integrtion is the link @iE uiqq mkes full use of the ws o on to our pproh nry reltionA etween relted dvnements in the dtse of lo ose integrtionY the link entries in dierent dtsesF sn nd networking tehnologyD inE pilities of hfqi t the uiqqD n orgnism my e luding dedutive nd o jetE mehnism of very nieE onsidered dtse of genes oriented dtsesD the multimeE lyF he textEsed hfqi sysE nd gene pro dutsD nd the link di environment of D nd tem ws esily extended to the etween them is used for synE the moile gentD tvF elE multimedi environmentD where thesizing pthwyF husD though we mintin the logiE Qh grphisD Ph grphisD nd oth uiqq nd hfqi onE sed formlism of reltion nd imges re now retrievle in tin n sp et of the dedutive dedutionD we tke prtilD the version of hfqiF dtse where new reltions exile pproh in the tul sn dditionD euse the up dte n e dedued from reltions implementtionF por exmpleD pro edure do es not involve dt stored in the dtseF we use the gyev dedutive onversionD hfqi hs een enother imp ortnt onept dtse system for exp erimentE nd will ontinue to e le to in uiqq is the hierrhy tht ing the dedution pro essD ut op e with the ever inresing represents funtionlD struturlD in the tul implementtion of numer nd volume of dily upE nd evolutionry reltionships of uiqq we hve developed our dted dtsesF genes nd moleulesF por exE own gCC lirry for mnipultE uiqq inherits ll these mpleD the degree of similrity ing inry reltions nd hierrE hfqi pilitiesF purtherE in sequenes nd Qh strutures hiesF moreD the grphis hndling of of proteins is used for lssifyE ith similr philosophyD pthwy digrms nd hromoE ing sup erfmilies nd Qh foldsF hfqi do es not dep end on some mps hs een implementE he txonomy is the lssiE ny dtse mngement sysE ed y tvF he new pilities tion of orgnismsD whih is imE temF he entire system hs of logil inferene nd simulE portnt in extending sequene een developed in houseF etuE tion re still under developmentD nd Qh struturl similrities to llyD hfqi hs its ro ots in the ut we hop e to mke the rst funtionl similritiesF hese shie sequene nlysis pkE test version ville shortlyF nd other lssitions re tkE ge tht s developed in the erly en from pproprite soures nd IWVHs in the FF xtionl snstiE implemented in uiqqF tutes of relthF hfqi ims t ht golletion ifE integrting dierent dtses hile the inry reltion nd dierent types of dt