THE SPRING STAFFORD SALE Important Pioneer, Vintage, Classic & Collectors’ and Related Memorabilia Sunday 26 April 2015 The International Classic Show Staffordshire County Showground

ot THE SPRING STAFFORD SALE I P R S Sunday 26 April 2015 at 1000 and 1200 The International Classic MotorCycle Show Sandylands Centre Staffordshire County Showground

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ddress Stafford Sandylands

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A IRA ALTHORPE ENGINE o 1, partially dismantled but with maority of maor components present, inspection adised 3 3 9

10 ◊ THREE AS AND ATHLESS ENGINES AND AN EARL TRIPH ENGINE comprising a engine, o6 6, with cran, conrod, and barrel, an AS engine, o622 225, another AS engine, o22 S, with barrel and rocer bo, and a belieed 120s Triumph bottom end, o5251 TC, for restoration, inspection adised, and a wheel belieed to suit Matchless or Model ty 3 7

SPARES AESSORIES 11 ◊ A ATHLESS ENGINE AND OTHER AS 1 5 ATHLESS PARTS A ANTIT OF ASSORTED LEERS S OTORLE LAPS FOR engine o521 205, with barrel and including brae, clutch, ehaust ale lifter RESTORATION internals, inspection adised, together with leers, and others, some Amal including a ucas ing of the Road headlamp an AS bottom end, o626 1, an ty with ammeter, and others incomplete gearbo, two barrels and three 3 ty heads, a ucas Type M11A magneto, 3 9 3 carburettor parts, and other assorted sundry 3 spares 2 ty OTORLE HEADLAP PARTS 6 3 including ucas shells, rims and lenses, for A SITHS PH SPEEDOETER 7 restoration reconditioned, with brass plate to rear ty numbered C5 3 3 12 ◊ 3 3 9 A TRIPH PRENIT SPEED TIN ENGINE IRA engine o5T 605, reported as being in A PAIR OF LAS ING OF THE ROAD A ONNISEN PH SPEEDOETER good order, inspection adised TIN HEADLAPS TO SIT ROGH ROTHERHAS OF OENTR SPERIOR nicelled dial, with subsidiary dials and comprising one Type SS 0 lamp, with distance window, numbered A 55 to rear, lens and switch unit to rear, and a ucas together with drie gear headlamps shell with ammeter unit, for 2 1 ◊◊ restoration 1 A FRAE AND SPARES FOR A AS 2 1 SILER STREA 3 including frame o5165, tted with 3 9 ◊ gearbo, together with front fors, cran and TO ENGINES FOR OENTR EAGLE crancases o26SS 6260 A, barrel AND SA and head, other castings, a ucas 1 THREE INTAGE OTORLE LAPS comprising Coentry agle bottom end, the magneto, tan with switch panel, front wheel, comprising a ucas ing of the Road crancases numbered CSR0 RS acetylene headlamp, nicelplated with pea, 6, with internals, the SA engine numbered mudguards and other parts, inspection A ucas Calcia Club lamp, and a Miller lamp 2055, together with two Sturmey Archer adised uyers should satisfy themseles as with ammeter, together with a Powell & gearboes possibly to suit Coentry agle, all to the date, model and completeness of this anmer acetylene generator unit and a unior for restoration ot prior to bidding Pyrene’ re etinguisher ty 5 3 3 3 9 7 11 3

10 D L 1 1

1 ◊ 16 1 A ELIEED AP TIN OH RAING A ROGH SPERIOR TO ARDINE GEAROES ENGINE IRA TIN SIDEALE ENGINE PROET one with internals, leer and icstart, the numbered TRV 11, comprising dismantled, engine o T 10S, other dismantled with associated gears and belieed AP bottom end complete with incomplete but including engine cases with parts cran and conrods, and tted with a pair of cran, ywheel and conrods, barrels and ty belieed celsior 15cc barrels with heads, heads, for restoration, inspection adised 3 suggesting this is a 50cc capacity engine 1 3 9 uyers should satisfy themseles regarding 1 the completeness and origin of this engine 20 9 1 A photocopy of the rough Superior TO DOLLSHEAD TPE GEAROES 13 17 ors Record Card records this engine as FOR RESTORATION being originally tted to a rigid frame police to suit rough Superior and orton, This ot is offered for sale from the collection motorcycle tted with atsonian sidecar and incomplete, one partially dismantled, of the eys family supplied to Rotherham Police, despatched on inspection adised 1th May 1 ty According to information supplied by the 3 endor, it has been suggested that this engine 1 3 was assembled and intended for use at a A AN NORTON RAING OTTO proposed but neer realised 1hour record END 21 attempt by roolands 15 lap record dismantled, including crancases, o65 THREE NE HDSON GEAROES holder ric ernihough at the baned circuit 100, timing case, conrod, beel bo and with internals, inspection adised ernihough was tragically illed at a 1 beels, and related parts, offered together speed record attempt at yon, ungary with a 1 letter from the Science Museum 3 library conrming the date of the engine 3 15 uyers should satisfy themseles as to the A IRA AP TIN SIDEALE completeness of this lot 22 ENGINE PROET 3 EIGHT ASSORTED OTORLE of a type used by rough Superior SS0, AGNETOS partially dismantled, engine o T including a T Type 1 and ucas 1 211S, incomplete but including engine 1 types, arious conditions cases with some internals including cran, ASSORTED ARRETTORS ywheel and conrods, barrels and heads, for maority Amal including monobloc types, and 3 restoration, inspection adised associated parts 3 1 1 ty 1 1 3 3 9

BL 11 2 ◊ 2 ◊◊ ASSORTED GEAROES TO SHELER ARRETTORS A ANTIT OF ASSORTED PREAR including urman and an Albion type, arious with oats, and related parts TRIPH PARTS conditions, with associated parts and leers, ty including barrels, heads, crancases, inspection adised 3 gearbo casings, carburettors, ywheels, and ty 3 other mechanical parts and spares 3 ty 3 2 ◊ AN ATOLERS LOT OF ASSORTED 2 ◊◊◊ OTORLE SPARES AN ATOLERS LOT OF ASSORTED including a Sturmey Archer front plate, two 5 SNDR SPARES motorcycle AA badges, speedo dries, A AN NORTON GEARO including three 0mph Smiths speedometers, ammeters, rear light switches, twist grips, close ratio, dismantled, with gears and other dials and instruments, carburettor parts and other sundry parts, together with a associated parts including Amal, pistons, taps, springs, dynos, roolands’ shtail silencer ty brae shoes, gasets, foot and stirrup pumps, ty and other assorted sundry parts and spares 3 7 ty 3 3 6 3 9 0 ◊◊ A NORTON ROADHOLDER PAL A LARGE ANTIT OF SA ANTA DNSTALL TIN DIS RAE 25 ◊ SPARES ONERSION ASATHLESS PARTS including a frame, tan, front and rear wheels, comprising complete wheel with TT100 60 including frame section belieed o62, fors and associated parts, mudguards, 1 unlop tyre tyre suitable for display a belieed competition tan, two toolboes, and other parts, together with three engines only, for sliders with integral callipers, leer arious for parts, barrel, gearbo parts and arious conditions, engine cases, barrels, reseroir assembly, and calliper tool, orrani gears, mudguard, chaincase, and other parts and other assorted spares alloy wheel rim M21 ty ty ty 3 3 3 3 9 3 9

26 ◊◊ 1 ◊◊ ◊◊ ASSORTED A PARTS ASSORTED POSTAR TRIPH PARTS ASSORTED OTORLE HEELS AND some for ASMatchless, including a pair including crancases, twin barrels, ehaust RIS of Matchless crancases, another pair of silencers, carburettors, a nacelle, ywheels, including ASMatchless, some with brae crancases, o26 506 S, barrels and and other assorted parts drums, arious conditions heads, arious conditions, two oil tans, other ty ty assorted parts, and e wheels 3 3 ty 3 3 3 2 ◊ ASSORTED INENT SPARES SI TRIPH HEEL RIS 2 ◊◊ including two cylinder barrels and a muff, two including M21, one with spoes, brae AN ATOLERS LOT OF ASSORTED pistons, ales, rocer parts, front for spring drum and plate OTORLE SPARES units, a Comet engine plate, a racing clutch 6 including a pair of unidentied crancases, coer, a dial gauge, gasets, an R badge, 3 barrels and crans, two Smiths chronometric a spares list for Vincent Series & C, and 3 shape speedometers for 55 and 0mph, other parts ehaust parts and silencers, handlebars, ty saddles and seats, luggage racs, and other 3 A NORTON AN INTERNATIONAL assorted parts, inspection adised PETROL TAN ty in grey with blac trim, tted with cap 3 3 3 TRIPH PRENIT SPARES 3 9 including 500cc crancases, ywheel, conrods and pistons, two seats, a pair of 0 ◊ silencers, and other sundry engine parts THREE TRIPH TANS ty for restoration 3 3 9 3 3

12 D L 1 ◊ 56 • ◊ TO TANS AND ASSORTED TO ELIEED TRIPH FRAES A LARGE ANTIT OF OTORLE DGARDS numbered 1006 with swing arm detached LITERATRE the tans for ASMatchless and SA, for and the other unnumbered with swing arm relating to arious marues including arley restoration, and assorted mudguards, arious attached aidson, Triumph, Ariel and others conditions 2 ty ty 3 3 3 3 9 3 9 3 5 2 A ELIEED TRIPH FRAE THREE PAIRS OF TRIPH FOR OTORLE PETROL TANS belieed T120 RANASES comprising amaha s1e, SA, Ariel and 3 numbered T100SR 6, T100 601 with another unmared tan, arious conditions 3 9 barrel and head, the other unnumbered 3 50 3 3 9 A ELIEED TRIPH FRAE 3 9 numbered 25 with swing arm detached and a pair of belieed reconditioned 5 ◊◊ THREE PILLION SEATS competition fors A LARGE ANTIT OF OTORLE including one ycett seat SPARES 3 belieed mostly Triumph, comprising barrels, 3 3 9 head, timingchain cases, cran , gears, 3 hand control leers, engine plates and other 51 sundry items, close inspection adised AN NIDENTIFIED FRAE ty A PAIR OF TRIPH DGARDS FOR numbered 16 with two unidentied swing TIN LINDER ODELS and two unidentied rear frame sections some repair wor reuired, inspection 5 adised 3 5 2 3 9 FOR TRIPH HEADS 7 stud, arious states of condition 9 11 52 A ANTIT OF ELIEED TRIPH 3 5 ◊◊ SILENERS AND HANDLE ARS 3 9 A EPPELIN SIDEAR OD IRA including Trident, arious states of condition, close inspection adised 60 metal body with wooden framewor and ribs, ty FOR TRIPH HEADS and associated frame parts 3 stud, arious states of condition, together 5 3 9 with associated spares 1 ty 1 5 3 A TRIPH SPRNG H 3 9 6 for restoration A ELIEED GREEES OPETITION 3 61 ENGINE 3 9 A ELIEED TRIPH GEARO number P11, gearbo number P2C number 110, condition and completeness 262 with Amal R02 2 carburettor, 5 unnown together with a competition ehaust system FOR NIDENTIFIED HEELS 3 and an unidentied ehaustmanifold labelled INLDING A TIN LEADING SHOE 3 9 MS FRONT RAE 3 three rear wheels and one front 3 9 62 ◊ 3 A ANTIT OF TRIPH SPARES 3 9 comprising two tans, incomplete magneto, TO GREEES OPETITION FEL oil tan, ehaust collars, top yoes, for TANS 55 components and a selection of new old stoc one with reees riffon sticers, together TO INOPLETE TRIPH OTTO reconditioned components including tan with an alloy competition mudguard and two ENDS badges, control leers, steering damper, tan used unlop tyres numbered 20 and 20, close rubbers and other associated spares, close ty inspection adised inspection adised 2 ty 3 3 3 3 9 3 9

BL 1 1 A ONNISEN ROTHERHAS PH SPEEDOETER nicelled dial with twin trip subsidiary dials, patent number 205212, bac plate unnumbered, together with reconditioned drie gear uyers should satisfy themseles as to the condition and completeness of the lot 2

2 THREE OIL PPS arious states of completeness and condition, 1 together with a uantity of control leers including Vintage type, and throttle control and rubber grips Close inspection adised ty 6 66 3 A SELETION OF PRE TRIALS PARTS A SA GOLDSTAR STEEL TAN 3 9 most manufactured by Alan hitton Race repainted, with badges and fuel cap ngineering td comprising hubs, yoes, detached footpegs, bracets control gaiters and other ty A PAIR OF NE LEATHER TOOLOES sundry items 3 ITH STEEL AGES ty 3 9 3 together with a pillion saddle pad, a shtail 3 9 6 ehaust tip and a selection of belieed orton A LAS R AGNETO mudguards arious sies 6 belieed rebuilt, together with another Vintage ty A ELIEED ENANI LS FRONT RAE magneto unmared for restoration and three 3 appears new and unused, completeness ucas magnetos, lacing dynamos 3 9 unnown 5 3 3 9 A TIN LEADING SHOE FRONT RAE belieed to suit orton, together with 65 ◊ 6 a selection of sundry spares including AN AS G OH ENGINE A STRE ARHER FOR STD orton timingrocer gear, bearings, timing number 21, incomplete, close inspection GEARO case, ale springs and other items, close adised number CS665, a orton dolls head inspection adised gearbo for restoration and a four stud ty gearbo housing, number 12 and a 3 selection of gears 3 9 3 5 3 9 A SOLO OTORLE STARTER ITH TROLLE 6 untested uyers should satisfy themseles A SELETION OF OTORING LOS as to the condition of the lot, close inspection including Smiths, aeger, arious sies and adised states of condition 2 ty 3 3 3 9 3 9 6 ◊ 0 AN AA OTOR LE SPEIALIST A SELETION OF LIGHTING AND HORN DOLE SIDED ENAEL HANGING EIPENT SIGN FRANO including ucas ing of the Road headlamp shieldshaped sign, in blac on yellow enamel, with ammeter, Miller acetylene headlamp some scratches and chips to enamel in number 11, bulb type horns, including places and some wear to frame, with hoos ucas, laon and laon type horns and hanging chain, 5cm ty 7 3 7 9 3 9 6


• ◊ 1 • 5 OOS RELATING TO RAING TO RANGE ROHRES FOR OTOORSE ANNALS TO OTORLES AND RIDERS ROGH SPERIOR AND INENT HRD INLDING SIGNED IOGRAPHIES comprising a 1 rough Superior brochure, a near complete run of 0 annuals, missing including Mic aler MV , signed by blac card coers, some wear to spine and 12000 and 2001020121, and a MV Augusta ours The Complete light staining to inside pages, together with Motocourse 50 ears of Moto rand Pri Story Ian alloon The oo of the Classic MV a 1 rough Superior roadtest article annual, each in good clean order with dust Augusta ours Marco Masetti ucati The by Tommy isdom reprinted from the aily acets and some with original card pacing, fcial Racing istory Cathcart & ianatsis erald, and a 1 Vincent R brochure, 2 together with two Motorcycle earboos ucati Corse orld Superbies Cathcart pages, illustrated with details for the Meteor, for 1 and 200, and other reference & Coo ucati irth of a egend a le Comet, Rapide, lac Shadow and lac annuals including TT and MotoP, and 1 of assorted modern ucati sales literature, ightning models boed models of arious scales including and arious biographies signed by the riders Minichamps of race motorcycles including including , ames Toseland, 3 onda and ucati reddie Spencer and Peter illiams 3 ty ty 3 7 2 • ◊ 3 OOS RELATING TO RITISH OTORLES 6 • including R urgess & R Clew Velocette A GOOD ANTIT OF ASSORTED A ANTIT OF LOOSE ISSES OF THE Always in the Picture Mic aler Velocette OTORLE RAE PROGRAES LEARLIGHT AR AND LEAR The Racing Story, Velocette Production including seeral late 10s onington Par Motorcycles, The Man orton, orton The programmes, the rest maority 10s10s an incomplete run of nearly 100 issues of Racing Story, Triumph The Racing Story for mainly ritish race eents and circuits the publication from late 112 to 115, with ob olliday The napproachable orton including Isle of Man TT, PS and Marlboro coers and adertisements Robert Cordon Champ The Illustrated istory ritish rand Pri, Transatlantic and ty of The Sunbeam icycles and Motorcycles International races, Superbie, Moto P, 3 and other boos and reference titles relating and other eents at Silerstone, onington, 3 9 to mainly ritish marues Mallory Par and ulton Par, and arious ty arley Moor race programmes, offered 3 together with assorted enamel lapel badges • including IM TT, orton, Suui, PS, ASSORTED OTORLE Mallory Par, ulton Par, and others, all HANDOOS ANALS AND afed to a cap, and nine framed motorcycling TEHNIAL LITERATRE • ◊ prints, artwors and photographs relating to mainly postar ritish marues, A ANTIT OF ASSORTED ty including a Rider’s andboo for Vincent OTORLE OOS AND 3 Series and C lac ightning, lac LITERATRE 3 Shadow and Rapide coers detached, other including Roy acon ritish Motorcycle of the maintenance boos, manuals and handboos 10s Iion Motor Cycle Caalcade rancis including Pitman’s and Pearsons, for Triumph, eart A Single Purpose other titles and • Velocette, SA, AS, Matchless, Royal neld literature relating to arious subects including SALLON OTORLING and others, together with other general speedway, a 25p umber sales brochure, PERSONALITIES PAST AND PRESENT A technical manuals including publications by manuals and spares lists for mainly ritish LTIPLE SIGNED OP Iliffe and Temple Press, some with worshop marues, including Matchless, Velocette, ring bound with clear celluloid coers, wear SA, and other literature and ephemera donated to the AC in 1 by Shell ils ty ty Motorsport Manager ou llis, signed to the 3 3 coer by llis and signed throughout, some 3 3 with dedications, by many of the riders and personalities to the pages depicting their caricature, comprising immy Aleander, 0 • ◊ • Alec ennett, ill oddice, Tommy unlop, ASSORTED OTORLE RAING AND A ANTIT OF OTORLE RAING ac rett, aurie Cade, ran Cope, arold REFERENE OOS OOS AND IOGRAPHIES aniell, icie ais, oward aies, eoff including Tommy Robb rom TT to Toyo including Tommy Robb rom TT to Toyo Vic aison, ill oran, eoff ue, ob oster, Alan ion The TT Riders R iggins illoughby The Racing Motor Cycle eoff Rem owler, Reuben areyson, Allan ritain’s Racing Motor Cycles assorted race ue In Pursuit of Perfection Mic aler efferies, Re udd, us uhn, ob McIntyre, programmes including TT and liers Mount, Mie ailwood The an’s aourite and ric lier, orman Scott, immie Simpson, and other boos and reference titles relating other titles and biographies relating to Isle of Cyril Smith, ilbert Smith, Tyrell Smith, ohn to arious motorcycle subects including ob Man TT, ailwood, Sheene, ogarty, Rossi, Surtees, Tottey, raham aler and Currie Motor Cycling in the 10s rwin and other mainly racing subects Stanley oods Tragatsch The Illustrated ncyclopedia ty 3 of Motorcycles and Iion Motor Cycle 3 Caalcade 3 ty 3 3

BL 15 • TO ROGH SPERIOR RANGE ROHRES FOR AND each blac card coers without creases, each illustrated with details and specications for the SS100, SS0, 1150, and other models for the range, some light staining to some pages in places, the 1 brochure with some light wear to coers and dealer stamp and signature in in of rough owner Mr RoperSpencer to rst page 2 3 3 9

• OOS AND LITERATRE RELATING TO AINL RITISH OTORLES including Rod urris Velocette Motorcycles MSS to Thruton 2nd and rd editions ae Masters Velocette 105 to 11 An Illustrated Reference aid right Vincent The Complete Story Tom Cotter The Vincent in the arn eff Clew AP The Vintage ears, and AP The nd of an ra Matthew Vale SA nit Singles The Complete Story, and SA nitConstruction Twins and other titles relating to other marues including Indian, maority with dust acets and in good order ty 3 3

0 A GOOD LOT OF TT AND OTOGP POSTARDS AND PRINTS INLDING SIGNED ITES including a le folder of oer 20 assorted publicity postcards of TT and P riders, some signed, including Mic oohan, or allington, Phil Read, iacomo Agostini, Troy ayliss, Stee enner, Peter ttl, ochen Schmid, Chas Mortimer, ic efferies, Phillip McCallen, Stee islop, eon aslam, Chris Palmer, eith Amor, ames hitham, Ian utchinson, and others, together with assorted mainly 10s onwards TT race programmes and results boolets, a 200 TT ohn Mcuinness lap record publicity pac with race programmes, poster and V signed by the rider, and other signed framed prints including a 16 Ma iaggi signed newspaper article, and other prints signed by , oey unlop, and other riders ty 3 7

1 EIGHT ISLE OF AN TT SOND STORIES LP REORDS comprising 161 Part 1, 162 Parts 1 & 2, 16 Parts 1 & 2, 165 Part 1, 166, and 16 Part 1, each 1rpm, si with sleees, together with a signed copy of Phil Read Prince of Speed signed by the rider, and im Redman heels of ortune 10 3 3


16 D L 5 6 6 2 5 SI FRAED DISPLAS OF A GROSSER PREIS ON OTORLE DEALER DEALS OSTERREIH OTORLE RAE headstoc and other decals by arious mainly POSTER ritish motorcycle dealers and suppliers from for the eent held at Salburg on the 1st May, prereat ar onwards, including C some fold mars, 0 56cm, offered together Motor Cycles of eicester, Attwood’s arage with si erman race posters comprising of Stafford, mpire of irmingham, ubert 1, 12 and 1 Sachsenring AMV assall td, and many others, each framed rosser Preis der R, 1 AAC Castrol and glaed, some with Perspe glaing, the Trophy uropean Championship, 11 AAC largest measuring 5cm oerall erman TT, both held at urburgring, and a 6 12 MS race poster 3 3 9 3 3 POSTERS ART 6 A GOOD ANTIT OF A NDAPP ADERTISING POSTER EHOSLOAIAN OTORLE IRA RAE POSTERS colour, 5 5cm, laid on linen, together with approimately 0 posters from 160s to a erman Sachs Motoren poster featuring 10s, including CSSR rand Pri posters for artwor after ans isa, 5 2cm, some 12, 1 and 15 held at the rno circuit, rust stains to upper and lower corners, MotoCross posters for 166, 16, 16 laid on linen, and a 10s undapp S50 and others, two lata Prilba’ olden elmet atercooled poster, 5 cm Speedway posters for 11 and 1, and 6 other assorted posters for MotoCross, 3 Speedway and other mainly offroad eents, 3 9 arious sies ty 3 A GOOD LOT OF AINL GERAN 7 OTOROSS GRASSTRA AND SPEEDA RAE POSTERS from late 150s10s, for arious eents THIRTEEN GERAN ARTINI including a utch Merelo International Moto OTORLE RAE POSTERS Cross poster for 15, a similar erman including a 10 Rheinhessisches MV eample for 15, both 6 cm, 161 lugplatRundstrecenRennen’ poster, AAC International ampf der ationen’ a 1 MV MotoCross race poster, and motocross poster, 5 2cm, 160 Preis others for arious offroad and speedway der ation Speedway, 50 0cm, and other eents, some printed without race details, assorted posters for offroad championship maority unfolded, each 5 5cm and international eents including AAC and 1 MV, arious sies 3 0 9 3 7

BL 1 10 I REDANS GERAN GRAND PRI AND SOLITDERENNEN INNING TROPHIES comprising the 16 rosser Preis on eutschland 50cc trophy, awarded to Redman for ictory on the onda at ocenheim on 26th May, gilt cup inscribed with race details, 22cm high, and the 162 hrenpreis Internationales SolitudeRennen siler cup, awarded to Redman for ictory on the 250cc onda, 20cm high 2 11

105 FOR TROPHIES AARDED TO I REDAN comprising a 160 South African PMC estern Proince Motor Cycle nion 500cc 1st place twin handled trophy with lid, 26cm high, together with three smaller trophies for 15 PMC Championship 50cc rd place, 10cm high, a 15 2nd place 50cc Initation OTORSPORT ITES Scratch Race trophy, 10cm high, with base, A ANTIT OF ASSORTED and a 160 Replica Alderdice trophy, cm PHOTOGRAPHS OF ETERAN AND 101 high INTAGE OTORLES I REDANS ITALIAN GRAND in ecess of 150 monochrome photographs, PRI ONA INNING TROPH 3 reprints and some photoprints including some the simple trophy applied with Italian IM 3 9 from the A emaus collection, featuring enamel badge, aboe a marble base applied arious machines mainly from 100 to II, with plaue inscribed ‘Gran Premio delle 106 including Mcoy, Sunbeam, AS, SA, Nazioni - Monza 9-IX-1962 - I Classe 350cc’, I REDANS TT SILER REPLIA rough Superior, ouglas, rindley Sporting, awarded to Redman for ictory on the onda, TROPH umber, Indian, Rudge, and others, arious the cup 22cm high oerall depicting the Mercury gure, complete with sies, some contained in two albums and caduceus, on a blac wooden base applied some loose ffered for sale without copyright 7 with plaue inscribed ‘Auto-Cycle Union 1959 ty Junior Race 36th J.A.Redman 84.86mph’, 3 102 awarded to Redman for 6th place on the 3 9 THE DTH TT ND PLAE orton, 26cm high TROPH AARDED TO I REDAN ON SI 7 ARE PEA DATI DIAEL siler trophy engraed with race details, signed and dated 201, oil on canas, a study awarded to Redman for 2nd place on the 10 of the motorcycle, 12cm 250cc onda 6cylinder at Assen, 15cm high I REDANS TT SILER REPLIA TROPH 7 7 depicting the Mercury gure, lacing caduceus, on a blac wooden base applied 100 10 with plaue inscribed ‘Auto-Cycle Union TON PSON OTO EHANIS THE ELGIAN GRAND PRI RD 1960 T.T. Races Junior Race 19th J.Redman ATE FLL SERIE PLAE TROPH AARDED TO I 89.52mph’, awarded to Redman for 1th acrylic on board, depicting a glamorous REDAN ON HONDA SI place on the orton, 25cm high female mechanic with spanner and oil can, simple trophy with stem, mounted on a 16 100cm, for garage display marble base with applied plaue inscribed 11 3 with race details, awarded to Redman for rd 3 9 place on the 250cc onda Si, 16cm high 7

1 D L 106 10 10 10


105 10 102 10 101

10 110 I REDANS TT SILER REPLIA TROPH A ARR SHEENE LIITED EDITION REPLIA HELET depicting the Mercury gure, complete with caduceus, on a blac ARAI wooden base applied with plaue inscribed ‘Auto-Cycle Union 1960 AstroR type, sie , 5060cm, fullface helmet in Sheene’ T.T.Races Senior Race 15th J.Redman 93.49mph’, awarded to blac and gold liery with duc logo to front, white number ’ to Redman for 15th place on the orton, 2cm high each side and arry Sheene’ amed script to rear, tted with isor, numbered 21550, unused, together with Arai helmet bag, and 11 certicate of authenticity 3 10 3 9 I REDANS TT SILER REPLIA ND PLAE TROPH depicting the Mercury gure, lacing caduceus, on a blac wooden 111 base applied with plaue inscribed ‘Auto-Cycle Union 1964 T.T.Races A ARR SHEENE LIITED EDITION REPLIA HELET Lightweight (125cc) Race 2nd J.Redman 92.08mph’, awarded to ARAI Redman for 2nd place on the onda, 2cm high AstroR type, sie , 5060cm, fullface helmet in Sheene’ 1 blac and gold liery with duc logo to front, white number ’ 11 17 to each side and arry Sheene’ amed script to rear, tted with isor, numbered 215550, unused, together with Arai helmet bag, accompanying leaets, and certicate of authenticity 3 3 9

BL 1 11

112 A SET OF ARR SHEENE DAINESE RAE LEATHERS LATE S dated 1, SType A leathers with protectie padding to nees and elbows, in blac and grey with red leather trim, with ainese branding and logos to thighs, sleees and collar, and with red leather arry’ script to left breast, number ’ to upper sleees and bearing large red leather ’ to reerse with Sheene’ script to lower bac, showing signs of race use and wear in places, and complete with Velcro ed neesliders 1 1 1 1

11 A ARR SHEENE RAEORN HELET ELL S fullface helmet decorated by ohn The Paint’ in blac and gold, with Sheene’s trademar duc’ logo to front, painted red number ’ and arry Sheene’ amed script to rear, with A’ applied sponsors logos to chin guard and each side, the inside with 10 Snell sticer, belieed worn by Sheene in the 10s including during his 15 Touring car eents in Toyota Supra at rands atch, also showing eidence of preious AV sponsor’s logos once haing been applied to the helmet suggesting this may be hae been worn during his motorcycle race eents 1 1 1 1


11 o Lots


20 D L OTORLES 1 Lots 1 39 Images of each lot can be found at wwwbonhamscom2220 201 Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH T Registration no 52 rame no 0122 ngine no T110 0122

Post2, Triumph dropped their earlier singles’ and based the range on deelopments of the prewar oh Speed Twin’ This turned out to be a wise policy and the Triumph brand became lined with toruey, reliable and powerful twins until the end of Meriden production in the 10s Introduced in 15, the Tiger 110’ was the sportier 650 of the range, a handsome machine which was ery wellreceied, soon becoming affectionately nown as the Tiger TonTen’, reecting both its speed and ofcial name The alloy head iron cylinder combination allowed tuning to gie much more power from the preunit conguration when compared to the older, alliron, Thunderbird’ and was teamed with brighter chrome wheels as part of the improements for the 156 season and tted with a necessarily larger front brae for 15 irst registered in September 15, 52 spent many years on display in the Saddleworth Museum and was sold by onhams in ctober 201 ow in ery good condition and to original specication in Triumph’s traditional blue, showing 1,0 miles on the cloc, the late endor haing both recommissioned the Tiger and carried out many improements ast taed it for the road in 201 and offered with a V5C, an accompanying R60 ogboo and sundry documents, it should reuire only minor recommissioning before a season’s riding 7 o esere

202 Property of a deceased’s estate HARLE DAIDSON EL APTAIN AERIA REPLIA Registration no S 6 rame no 52166 ngine no 52266

There can hardly be a motorcyclist who has not seen the iconic 16 moie asy Rider’ featuring the three charismatic actors, ennis opper, Peter onda and ac icholson Indeed, many of us hae iewed it time and time again ne of the lm’s icons is the Vaughs and ardydesigned, instantly recognised Captain America’ arley aidson chopper’ ridden by onda Many a builder has endeaoured to replicate this iconic machine oer the years, and other than Paner Motorcycle ors, few hae succeeded The late ownerbuilder of the eample offered here has captured the spirit and design of the original moie bie particularly well ne of the problems for any creator is the fact that arleys of such intage are highly pried motor cycles in their own right thus scarce and epensie to begin with, therefore no epense was spared in the production of this machine The ery silful and enthusiastic late owner of this eocation procured the 52 Panhead from oothill MotorCycles in 1 before commencing a lengthycostly build which included chroming of the frame, signicant style changes, eact replicanish and fully rebuilt engine The correct and beautifully renished sheetmetal result in a wonderful eocation of the Captain America’ chopper on sale here ffered with V5C, copy entucy Certicate of Title, 1 Customs papers, old MT’s, wiring diagram, S&S pump instructions and a selection of photographs detailing the rebuild The machine will reuire recommissioning to a greater or lesser etent 1 1 o esere idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

22 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults


20 205 Property of a deceased’s estate Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH TRIALS SPEIAL TRIPH TRR TIGER Registration no VS 55 Registration no ot registered in the rame no T12 rame no 012TR6R ngine no T100R 5205 ngine no 012TR6R Specialbuilding has occupied motorcyclists for as long as machines The TR6 ariant of the 650 Triumph was listed from 156 1 hae eisted and the compact, light and powerful Triumph engine units with a great proportion made for the S maret, where it became hae been a post2 faourite in this hobby, tted into lightweight, associated with desert racing and the ing of Cool’, Stee Mcueen, highclearance frames by both amateur and professional builders a modied one starring in The reat scape’ y 10, the engine elieed to hae been one of the last trials specials prepared by the was irtually to onneille specication with a TS front brae for noted Pre’65’ competition machine builder, Peter ardy, this eample this, the last model before the adoption of the ilin rame’ design is nished in blac rather than his typical nicel etor rear shocs Showing Stafford County, Virginia, SA’ sticers to the front fors and are tted with a 2005 P illiams plate clutch and copious bills belieed to hae been imported about 20 years ago, showing ,2 for this and for engine renewals and preparation Complete with V5C miles recorded, this complete but wellpatinated eample of the SA incorrectly described as a Thunderbird, old V5C and past MT specication TR6R is offered for restoration, without documents certicates, this compact Triumph will be an ecellent prospect on the 3 Pre’65 scene 3 o esere o esere 206 Property of a deceased’s estate 20 TRIPH T Property of a deceased’s estate Registration no T 505 TRIPH T ONNEILLE rame no 01066 Registration no P 21R ngine no T11001066 rame no T10VP516 The Tiger TonTen’ was the bie of choice for the bypass boys in the ngine no T10VP516 150s and 160s, as can be seen on any of the newsreels dealing Triumph’s longestablished onneille outlasted most other models with the Ace Caf period ast, noisy, compact and wellnished, and was heaily reised in the 10s in order to meet the increased a Tiger 110 is still a good way of blowing away the cobwebs on a competition from apanese roadsters The renumbered T10V had a Sunday morning A preunit ersion in blac, T 505 is an eample of strengthened, 5speed bo with a lefthand gearchange, a beefedup an earlier restoration and was bought by the late endor in 201 from cylinder head, and, at last, a most necessary disc front brae ought the Manchester area Complete with V5C, SR documents and past by its late owner in 1 and an eample of an earlier restoration, this MT certicates, last taed in 201 with 6,6 miles recorded, it will T10V has an unwarranted 21,201 miles recorded and appears need the usual safety checs before use to be in good condition Complete with both V5C documents, old 3 MT certicates, andboo and bills from 2006 for master cylinder 9 3 hydraulics and engine wor and needing, of course, the usual safety o esere checs, this onneille should reuire minimal wor 3 o esere L 2 idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

7 9


20 20 Property of a deceased’s estate ROAL ENFIELD ENSIGN PROET TRIPH TR ONNEILLE PROET rame no 5020 ngine no 20 rame no C162 T120R ngine no C162 T120R A 125cc ersion of ’s adanced twostroe lightweight the ong the standard by which so many sports’ offerings from other cc RT Royal neld’s smallest model rst appeared in 1, maers were udged, Triumph’s almost legendary onneille continued, reemerging in 15 as the R The unitary construction engine continuously restyled and deeloped into the 10s y then it had incorporated a threespeed, handchange gearbo and was installed been bought into line with the other models in the range with Amal in a rigid frame euipped with rubbersuspended, girder front for A Concentrics, lighter ywheels and better lubrication, with chassis bananashaped ehaust header pipe for 1 and a telescopic front modications to suit ought from a stallholder in the 200 Stafford for for 150 were the only changes of signicance before the R outeld, this T120R came without documents and in a partially was etensiely reamped for 151 as the R2 with a much improed dismantled condition The initial stages of a rebuild were started while engine and looptype, full cradle frame In this form the R2 ran on with the late owner but prospectie buyers shold satisfy themseles into 15 before being superseded by a 1cc ersion, the swinging as to the completeness and condition of the ot A VMCC ating armframed nsign’, which continued in production until 161, latterly Certicate is present to enable registration of this matchingnumber as the Prince’ Purchased in September 200 from a Mr atchelor proect of Claneld, fordshire, this dismantled nsign is described by the 1 1 endor as complete’ and comes with many new and used parts 1 1 ffered without documents o esere 20 o esere Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH TIGER PROET 210 Registration no 6 EELSIOR NIOR PROET rame no S002 ngine no T100002 Registration no AT 1 The Tiger 100 sports ersion of Triumph’s Speed Twin appeared rame no 15 ngine no 621 ust postwar with new telefors and remained in the lineup for ie most other pioneers of ritain’s motorcycle industry, celsior many years, restyled continuously from 1 y 156 it had been tted uropean manufacturers’ proprietary engines at rst before deeloped, as here, with an alloy head and front brae At an turning to homeproduced power plants mainly Villiers, AP and earlier stage of its life, this proect was pictured copies present with lacburne Acuired by R aler & Sons in 11, celsior moed a sidecar in the Isle of Manought from onhams in 201, the T100 from Coentry to irmingham and offered a dierse range of machines has been stripped and cleaned with the unsericeable components in numerous different capacities throughout the 120s, the smallest discarded Still largely complete 6 is once again offered unior model being powered by the 1cc Villiers Mar VIC engine for restoration Some attention appears to hae been gien to the Acuired by its late owner in 166, this dismantled and incomplete mechanics but prospectie bidders should satisfy themseles as to the unior is offered for restoration and sold strictly as iewed The completeness and suitability of the Tiger 100 for their purposes machine comes with an oldstyle continuation logboo and copy V5 1 registration document e understand that a V5C document has been 11 17 reuested from the VA o esere 1 1 o esere

2 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

11 13

1 1

211 21 SA D ANTA SPER ARIEL ARRO SPER SPORTS Registration no CP 26 Registration no 15 rame no 02 ngine no 125 rame no T2 ngine no T2 Many a mature motorcyclist’s rst twowheeled eperience will hae been ast, robust and handling lie a thoroughbred, the Arrow Super Sports gained aboard a SA antam, a model that was produced in arious goes into the record as one of the most pleasant sports mounts to forms for oer 20 years The introduction of the rst 12cc model the pass through our hands in recent years’ Motor Cycling Amaingly, 5 for 15 mared a number of deelopments, the most important of despite being gien a proper caning for the road test, Motor Cycling’s which were a stronger bigend bearing and improed lubrication A raised Arrow aeraged 6 miles per gallon Announced in 15, the Arrow compression ratio and larger carburettor increased maimum power to dispensed with its eader predecessor’s enclosure panels and weather bhp and the top speed to 5mph Introduced for 15, successor protection while remaining mechanically irtually identical The Arrow model nown as the antam Super featured the 12cc engine while was reised for 161, gaining suishband, centreplug cylinder heads boasting a new frame, hydraulically damped front for, bigger braes A third model the Arrow Super Sports, uniersally referred to as the and upswept handlebars This particular antam Super was acuired by olden Arrow’ after its distinctie colour scheme was added at the the current owner in April 15 and restored oer the course of the net same time This olden Arrow was purchased as a baset case’ eight twele months ast ridden in 201, it has coered only some 200 miles years ago and totally restored to concours condition Since completion since completion and is described by the endor as in generally good in 2012 it has coered fewer than 1,000 miles and has won awards at condition The machine is offered with sundry restoration inoices and an local shows The machine is offered with MoT to September 2015 and oldstyle V5 registration document V5C registration document 1 3 11 17 9 o esere 21 212 ROAL ENFIELD S RALEIGH R RNAOT DELE OPED Registration no rame no 610 ngine no R1 rame no S202 ngine no S202 ritain’s bestnown and longestsuriing bicycle maer, Raleigh also In 15 Royal neld returned to the 250cc class with a new model manufactured motorcycles from 1 to 105 and from 11 to 1 the Clipper This uarterlitre roadster was obiously out of the same More recently, the ottingham company offered a range of mopeds plus mould as its larger siblings, featuring a castiron engine topend, a scooter in the late 150s160s, the maority of the moped range being oil tan integral with the alloy crancase, and a separate gearbo, builtunderlicense Motobcane Mobylettes The rst of the latter was the ensemble being housed in scaled down ersion of the ullet’s the RM Automatic, introduced in 161, while Raleigh rst applied the swingingarm frame Alternator electrics and coil ignition were new Runabout’ name to the RM6, which was built in arious ersions from departures, howeer Introduced alongside it was a cheaper ersion, May 16 until ebruary 11 when production of all Raleigh mopeds the S’, which used the new engine in the rigid frame of the 50cc ceased This apparently original RM6 was in running condition when Model The S’ was dropped from the range in 15, maing it one purchased by the current endor at an auction approimately eight years of the rarest of postwar nelds Acuired by the endor circa 200 ago, since when it has not been used There are no documents with this and ept in dry storage, this S’ was completely restored in 201 and ot, which is offered in need of recommissioning and sold strictly was is described as in generally ecellent condition The machine comes iewed with a V5C document and an inoice for arious wors including wheel 3 building, and painting and replating of the cycle parts o esere 3 L 25 215 ROAL ENFIELD FIESPEED PROTOTPE Registration no M 06 rame no 60 ngine no S5

This uniue prototype motorcycle was produced as part of Royal neld’s belated attempt to come up with a range of modern lightweights to compete with onda and Suui, which were beginning to mae serious inroads into the maret in the early 160s A letter on le from eRoyal neld Chief raughtsman Reg Thomas states that the rst prototype was powered by a espeed Villiersbuilt engine and euipped with rubber bloc suspension That machine had completed approimately 1,000 miles by the end of oember 16 and Mr Thomas goes on to state that the 6speed 5 or and conentional rear springing would hae come a couple of years later’ As the machine offered here has conentional rear springing it must be one of those referred to as coming later, though a production ersion neer materialised M 06’ was rst registered in 16, two years before Royal neld ceased motorcycle production, and was rst owned by one rederic Reginald ewis of ristol e was followed by Roger Smallshire, also of ristol, and then the current endor e are adised that seeral riders hae said that this prototype neld is good for 5mph It is also said to run well and with a fresh MoT is ready for the road Recent wors include replating corroded brightwor and replacing the seat coer and foam The machine is offered with its original logboo and an oldstyle V5 registration document A spare engine is included in the sale 1 1 1 1 o esere

216 ROAL ENFIELD STEPTHR PROTOTPE rame no 6155 ngine no S5

This uniue prototype motorcycle was produced as part of Royal neld’s belated attempt to come up with a range of modern lightweights to compete with onda and Suui, which were beginning to mae serious inroads into the maret in the early 160s A letter on le from eRoyal neld Chief raughtsman Reg Thomas states that the rst prototype was powered by a espeed Villiersbuilt engine and euipped with rubber bloc suspension That machine had completed approimately 1,000 miles by the end of oember 16 and Mr Thomas goes on to state that the open body would hae come soon after’, the open body’ presumably being a reference to the machine offered here oweer, the framenumber pre 61’ suggests it may hae been made earlier nlie the lightweight motorcycle, the stepthru used a modied Royal neld nsign 5cc engine with fourspeed gearbo A production ersion neer materialised and this prototype is uniue The neld’s early history is not nown but in 1 the machine was owned by ohn Cherry of eneld, Aon followed by Roger Smallshire of ristol 16 and then the current endor, its owner since 2001 It is belieed it may hae been registered by the factory as 52 MP’ but the machine is currently not registered The machine benets from a new seat coer and foam, and comes with a spare engine 7 1 9 17 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

26 D L 21 RI TRISO rame no 500 ngine no 1 066

Preiously producers of miniature submarines and torpedoes in 2, the rm headed by onnino Rumi switched to motorcycle manufacture at the war’s end, introducing is rst Turismo’ model in 150 This little gem was powered by what would become Rumi’s trademar engine, a 125cc paralleltwin twostroe, the cylinders of which were inclined horiontally uilt in numerous different stages of tune, this wonderfully ersatile motor was used to power standard, sport and competiione models, as well as a range of adanced scooters Sadly, despite its technical innoation and engineering prowess, Rumi had gone by 162 ating from the rst year of production, this Turismo was raced in rance in the 150s ollowing restoration, this well presered machine returned to the road in 2012 and is described by the priate endor as in generally good condition, the engine running well with no untoward noises ors carried out during the rebuild include oerhauling the engine, repainting the rear mudguard, renewing the clutch, replacing the tyres and tting a stoplight icely patinated and ready to use, it represents a rare opportunity to acuire one of these mythical machines Accompanying documentation consists of sundry restoration inoices and old renchAustrian registration papers 3

21 RI SOIATTOLO rame no 16202 ngine no 1621

Preiously producers of miniature submarines and torpedoes in 2, the rm headed by onnino Rumi switched to motorcycle manufacture at the war’s end, introducing is rst Turismo model in 150 This little gem was powered by what would become Rumi’s trademar engine, a 125cc paralleltwin twostroe, the cylinders of which were inclined horiontally uilt in numerous different stages of tune, this wonderfully ersatile motor was used to power standard, sport and competiione models, as well as a range of adanced scooters Introduced in 151, the rst of the latter was the Scoiattolo suirrel, which retained many of the characteristics of Rumi’s rst motorcycle ie the contemporary , the Scoiattolo used a pressedsteel monocoue chassis body rather than a conentional tubular frame, but employed larger 1 wheels, maing it more userfriendly and easier to ride The model was produced alongside the betternown ormichino scooter until 15 This 156 model has the improed fourspeed gearbo and Sport cylinders, and is said to be good for 65mph eliered new to Switerland, the machine has been completely restored to original specication and a ery high standard Completed in 201 and described by the priate endor as in generally ecellent condition, it represents a rare opportunity for the dedicated scooter collector to obtain one of these must hae’ models Accompanying documentation consists of Austrian historic’ registration papers and a substantial uantity of restoration inoices 9 7

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 2 idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

19 1

21 221 ROAL ENFIELD ONTINENTAL GT NORTON DOINATOR Registration no CT 2C Registration no A 55 rame no 002 ngine no C 12626 rame no 122 660 ngine no 605 1 Royal neld had, in the fties, a reputation as a rather traditional orton’s 500cc twincylinder engine rst appeared in the racing singles’ maer of basic bies In fact, the company responded more uicly eatherbed’ frame in oember 151 as the Model Introduced than most to the youthorientated Caf racer’ maret, with their for 156, the 56cc Model was outwardly identical to its smaller fashionable Continental’ ranges, culminating with their achingly trendy brother ndowed with greater power and higher gearing that enabled rand Turismo’ shown in oember 16, with its Italianinspired it to top the magic ton’, the retained all the ecellent handling and styling, swept pipes and cooling’ front wheel anges This early steering characteristics associated with the eatherbed chassis The eample, seemingly with the C’ pre engine from new, is restored model remained essentially unchanged, apart from gaining alternator to a good standard with the correct siler frame nish It is running coilignition electrics for 15, until dropped in 162 This motorcycle is well, with the correct glassbre tan and accessories to catalogue a 156 ominator that has been tted with a ominator engine specication Complete with V5C and gien the standard safety dating from 15 Totally restored from the ground upwards by eeden checs, it should be ready for an Ace Caf summer Restorations of Coalille, eicestershire at a cost eceeding 11,000, it 9 has coered only shaedown miles since completion in April 200 and 3 1 is described by the priate endor as in generally ecellent condition The machine is offered with restoration inoices, an old style logboo 220 and a V5C registration document TRIPH SPEED TIN Registration no 66 7 rame no 12 ngine no 125 See tet Speed Twin had been the title for Triumph’s 500’ twin from pre 222 war days and represented a nown and dependable ehicle for NORTON DOINATOR the potential buyer pdated in the fties with a modern frame, the Registration no VS machine’s later rearwheel bathtub’ enclosure met with both approal rame no 555 122 ngine no 555 122 see tet and scorn, but did not diminish the sales gures This priately rebuilt esigned by the legendary ert opwood and introduced in 1, eample, wellnished and still bearing its original P 2’ front plate, orton’s 500cc twincylinder engine appeared in the racing singles’ has had its missing engine unit replaced with one from a later Tiger eatherbed’ duple frame in oember 151, haing debuted in the 100’, no disadantage to anyone who wants a goodriding mount at a cradleframed Model Initially for eport only, the newcomer titled reasonable price Complete with V5C and recently used, it should be ominator ’ was the rst production orton roadster to feature the ready, subect to the usual checs, to tae to the road lightweight, raceproen chassis pdated year by year, by the decade’s end the ominator had receied an alloy cylinder head, fullwidth 31 3 hubs, welded rear subframe, alternator electrics, coil ignition and for 160 the narrower slimline’ eatherbed frame among countless other improements escribed by the endor as in good used condition’, this eample is offered with oldcurrent V5V5C documents and an email from the VMCC containing details of its factory despatch record It should be noted that the engine number appears to hae been re stamped 2 D L 3 77 idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults


22 225 TRIPH SPEED TIN TRIPH TIGER Registration no PS 1 Registration no PP 5 rame no 521 ngine no 5T 521 rame no S605 ngine no T100 605 Although dward Turner’s Speed Twin caused a sensation when it The Tiger 100 sports ersion of dward Turner’s trendsetting Speed Twin appeared at the 1 Motorcycle Show, few of its admirers can hae reappeared in 16 with telescopic fors in place of the original girders, guessed how inuential the design would proe to be True, there had and separate dynamo and magneto instead of the prewar magdyno been ertical twins before, but Triumph’s established a formula that would Produced almost unchanged for the net three years, the Tiger gained be adopted by all of ritain’s maor motorcycle manufacturers in the Triumph’s distinctie headlamp nacelle in 1 when the range was succeeding decade And whereas preious ertical twins had suffered restyled An alloy cylinder head and barrel were adopted for 151 while from ecess bul, Turner’s was lighter and narrower across the crancase a swingingarm frame and diameter front brae were tted from 15 than the singlecylinder Tiger 0, and from certain angles looed ust lie onwards Triumphs of the dward Turner era are among the most stylish a twinport single Performance proed eemplary for a roadgoing 500, of postwar ritish motorcycles, and the Tiger 100 with its handsome better than 100mph being attainable under faourable conditions The allalloy engine is one of the most charismatic and sought after of them eample offered here dates from 15, by which time the Speed Twin had all This eample is described by the priate endor as in generally good been upgraded with a stronger stud cylinder barrel replacing the original condition, its engine running well, though gien the fact that it was last 6stud and Triumph’s own telescopic front for Acuired in 2005 and taed in 2001 means that some recommissioning will be reuired before ept in dry storage, the machine was restored in 200 and is described as returning it to the road The machine is offered with V5C registration in generally good condition ffered with V5C registration document document 3 39

22 226 Property of a deceased’s estate Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH SPEED TIN TRIPH TENT ONE Registration no RS 25 Registration no 520 V rame no 21062 ngine no 5TA 21062 rame no TA 250 ngine no TA 250 RS 25’ was purchased by the endor’s late husband in March 2011 Triumph reentered the 50’ class in 15 with the introduction of the The Triumph was in generally good condition when acuired but it was Twenty ne’, its arrial ushering in Triumph’s unitary construction era Also felt that some improement wor was needed and the machine was nown as the TA’, the newcomer was readily distinguishable by its Shell entrusted to local restorers, ast Restorations of aenby, incolnshire lue metallic nish and bathtub’ rear enclosure, a feature later applied to for attention or was carried out on the engine topend, gearbo, Triumph’s larger models ith only 15bhp on tap, Triumph’s smallest carburettor, ignition system, frame, cycle parts and oil tan, etc see twin laced the urgent acceleration of its larger brethren but neertheless detailed inoice for 1,05 on le ollowing the wor’s completion in was a capable tourer good for around 0mph while deliering ecellent une 2011, the Speed Twin saw limited use before being drystored from fuel economy 520 V’ was purchased by the endor’s late husband the end of 201 The engine was last started around the end of 201 in 2010 and was in good running order when acuired It was used by and only minimal recommissioning if any should be reuired before him for a time and then drystored from the end of 201 The engine was returning the machine to the road Accompanying paperwor consists of last started around the end of 201 and only minimal recommissioning the aforementioned inoice, a V5C document and an old MoT certicate if any should be reuired before returning the machine to use epired uly 2012 An album of photographs of the restoration wor Accompanying paperwor consists of a V5C and an old MoT certicate comes with the machine also epired April 2012 3 3 3 9 31 L 2 idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

7 9


22 22 SA ODEL AS ODEL Registration no 22 Registration no V 6 rame no 661 ngine no 61 rame no 202 ngine no 22520A A topselling model for SA in the 120s, the ersatile Model , or Round ollowing the 11 taeoer of AS by rials Matchless, production was Tan’, was used by ust about eery tradesman whose ob reuired cheap relocated from olerhampton to the latter’s oolwich factory and AS’s personal transport Adanced features, for a lightweight, included all identity as a separate marue steadily eroded from then onwards as the chain drie and pumped lubrication, though the traditional sight feed and machines became more lie their Matchless counterparts The Model auiliary hand pump were retained A threespeed ersion identiable by 22 was one of two new AS oerheadale machines introduced for its blac tan was added for 126 and then the following year a wedge 15 the other being the cc Model 26 both of which featured a shaped tan replaced the muchloed original This Model carries a ta ertical cylinder, twinport cylinder head and forwardmounted magneto disc dated May 162, which is almost certainly when it was last on the nclosure of the ale gear had arried by 16 and a singleport head road Apparently substantially original, the machine features acetylene standard on the competition ersion became aailable later Production lighting and comes complete with tool it and tyre pump e are adised continued until 10 This Model 22 benets from recent partial that it benets from oerhauled fors, relined braes and clutch, and new restoration, the mudguards, oil tan and mudguards, etc being repainted wheel bearings oweer, the condition of the engine and gearbo is in anuary 2015 and the engine and gearbo eamined escribed as in not nown and thus the machine is sold strictly as iewed There are no generally ecellent condition, the machine is offered with V5C registration documents with this ot document 3 3 3 9 31

22 20 LEIS PORT ATHLESS GS Registration no 50 Registration no 15 R rame no 205 ngine no 21 rame no A102 ngine no 51S 256 This Vintageera eis twostroe is an eample of the sporting 6 Port’ Associated Motor Cycles announced its postwar range of Matchless model, which was produced alongside the cheaper, fourport Model and AS heayweight 50cc and 500cc singles in une 15 oused and adertised as the 60mph 250cc twostroe’ A barn nd’ in 2002, in a rigid frame with Teledraulic front for, the ruggedly built oerhead 50’ subseuently underwent a complete last and bolt’ rebuild, ale engine droe ia a fourspeed gearbo hairpin ale springs were which was completed by the preious owner in 200 It was displayed adopted for 1 and a swingingarm frame introduced, the latter initially at the annual eis Cup’ eent in 2011 but not ridden because of the for eport only, models soeuipped being sufed S’ Cleerly, AMC owner’s ill health The current owner a relatie acuired the eis in 201 had deised this frame by the simple epedient of producing a new and has ridden it on seeral occasions, though only oer short distances, suspensioncarrying rear subframe that bolted on in place of the old rigid and describes it as in generally ery good condition, starting and running bac end Thus it proed a relatiely simple matter for owners of older well The twostroe enthusiast’s ideal anbury’ mount, this beautiful little rigid models to update them This motorcycle is a 15 Matchless that eis is offered with sundry restoration inoices, dating certicate, an old has been tted with an AS Model 1 engine dating from the same year style logboo and oldcurrent V5V5C registration documents Restored between 2010 and 201 and presented in commensurately 3 good condition, the machine is offered with restoration inoices, dating 3 9 letter and a V5C registration document 3 9

0 D L 21 ATHLESS ODEL G LAN DELE Registration no S 1 rame no 22 ngine no 2M 160

nlie the ast maority of ritain’s motorcycle manufacturers, which were located in the Midlands, Matchless was based in Plumstead, South ondon arly Matchboes’ were AP powered but in 112 the rm introduced a 500cc single of its own design eertheless, within a short time it had gone, along with all the other singles, and for the net seeral years Matchless built only twins Singles were reintroduced in the mid120s As the fashion for sloper’ models began to wane towards the mid10s, Matchless introduced the rst of a new range of models with ertical cylinders the Clubman’ in 15 An oerheadale 50’, the was oined for 16 by the broadly similar cc 0 Clubman and tuned 0 Super Clubman, and the 25cc 2 and 2M, all of which continued in production in arious guises until 10 irst registered in Scotland and acuired by the current endor in uly 200, this 2 Clubman elue is said to be ery pleasant to ride with a good turn of speed up to 65mph’ It benets from a new rear tyre and a reconditioned oltage controller, and is described as in generally good original condition, though charging is intermittent The machine is currently taed and comes with a V5C document 3 77

22 AS ODEL rame no M 1052 ngine no M6 1052

After ictory in the 120 unior TT, AS’s new oerheadale 50 racer scored a memorable double the following year, Tom Sheard winning the unior race and oward aies the Senior, the rst time such a feat had been achieed on a 50 The production ersion made its debut in oember 122 A rightrsttime design destined to achiee countless successes in the hands of priateers, the oerhead ale 50 AS latterly nown as the ig Port’ changed only in detail before being superseded by a muchreised M6 model for 12 The latter’s engine incorporated a number of improements including enclosed rocer gear and drysump lubrication, while the frame was redesigned to accommodate a saddle tan, and ebb fors replaced the earlier ruids This twinport M6 has been registered in the Isle of Man since May 2005 and in 200 too part in the TT Centenary Re enactment, being agged off by IoM resident Sir orman isdom see signed photograph on le The machine has beneted from etensie renoation oer the years, as eidenced by numerous inoices on le, and is described by the priate endor as in A1’ condition Additional accompanying paperwor consists of an IoM registration certicate, epired MoT 200 and old V5V5C documents, though the machine was eported in recent years It should be noted that the IoM registration is being retained by the endor 11

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 1 2 AS ODEL R Registration no V rame no 100 ngine no R6100

espite the company’s mounting nancial difculties, AS introduced ne of the nal olerhamptonbuilt models completed before a comprehensiely redesigned range for 10, all models for this AS’s acuisition by Matchless, this rare matchingnumbers R6 was year being coded R’ This new lineup was notable for including restored in 1 and acuired by the current endor in ecember models with fashionable sloper’ engines for the rst time while all the 200 Since then the original Amal carburettor has been oerhauled oerheadale types featured twinport cylinder heads These engines by Martin ratby the badly worn inerted control leers replaced incorporated many improements inspired by racing eperience, with owden leers and the pattern twistgrip replaced with an Amal including stiffer crancase and ywheel assemblies and two ball straightpull and correct handlebar rubbers In addition, the electrics bearings on the drie side mainshaft The threespeed gearbo was hae been conerted to 12olt Sericing and routine maintenance another new design and the entire enginetransmission ensemble has included regular oil changes and replacement of the primary chain was carried in a new semicradle frame There were improements and clutch shoc absorber rubbers In anuary 2015 the machine to the fors and braes, the latter now larger than before, while the receied a full engine oil change, while the chains were cleaned and adoption of roolands Can’ silencers only sered to emphasise the lubricated and the braes checed and adusted reshly taed and Model 6’s sporting intent The preious year’s coloured tan panels described as in generally good condition, the machine is offered with haing proed unpopular, the AS range reerted to its traditional an oldstyle continuation logboo 16, a uantity of MoT certicates blacandgold liery for 10 In this form the Model 6 continued in most recent epired March 201, oldcurrent V5V5C registration production essentially unchanged after the Matchless taeoer in documents and a good history le containing preiousowner 11, continuing until 15 correspondence, technical literature and other documentation An Amal Concentric carburettor tted preiously is in the tool bo together with a plug spanner 7 9 9 13

2 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 TRIPH ODEL SD Registration no R 0 rame no ngine no 55

The rst Triumph motorcycle of 102 used a elgian Minera This Triumph S was purchased by the endor in 15 from Arthur engine but within a few years the Coentry rm originally a bicycle Prince’s arages td in oughborough An enthusiast of traction manufacturer founded by erman immigrants Siegfried ettman and engines and commercial ehicles, the endor has attended arious Maurice Schulte was building its own power units The company was such shows throughout the , taing the Triumph with him The soon inoled in racing and the publicity generated by competition machine has not been restored but was MoT’d when the test was rst success ac Marshall won the 10 Isle of Man TT’s singlecylinder introduced eer taed, it has only been ridden around the endor’s class for Triumph haing nished second the preious year greatly etensie gardens and at traction shows oer the years and will, stimulated sales y the outbrea of The reat ar the marue’s therefor, reuire recommissioningrestoration to a greater or lesser reputation for uality and reliability was well established, leading to etent before returning to the road The machine is offered with an old substantial orders for Trusty Triumphs’ for military use style continuation logboo and oldcurrent V5V5C documents Some gearbo spares and a spare magneto are included in the sale Triumph’s hp model had rst appeared in 10 riginally of 5cc, 7 its sideale engine was enlarged to 6cc in 10 and nally to cc 7 9 in 110 before being superseded by the 550cc hp model in 11 uipped with threespeed SturmeyArcher gearbo, it was this reised hp the Model that did such sterling serice in I, some 0,000 Trusty Triumphs’ seeing action with ritish and Allied forces pdated with chain nal drie for 120, it became nown as the S’ Spring rie because of its clutchmounted, coilspring shoc absorber and formed the basis of the later fourale Ricardo model

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 25 TRIPH ODEL P Registration no SV 256 rame no 22 ngine no 2016 SR

A landmar in the deelopment of the motorcycle in ritain, Triumph’s Model P debuted at the 12 Motor Cycle Show A nofrills, sideale engined model, the newcomer undercut eery other 500cc machine then on sale in the utput was soon running at an astonishing 1,000 machines per wee Production continued until the decade’s end, by which time the Model P had spawned a number of deriaties models , and A and lost pennypinching features such as its guideless ales and bicycletype front brae This eample was acuired, dismantled, in late 1 and restored in 1, with rewound magneto, retubed fors, new tool bo, professionally painted cycle parts, replated brightwor and reconditioned carburettor, while the lights were wired to run from a battery inside the wooden bo on the pannier frame After completion the machine was ridden in VMCC eents including seeral anbury Runs, with successful assents of Sun Rising ill in 2nd gear The Triumph has not been used in the last e or si years, haing been replaced by a more recently restored machine, but has been started recently There is some corrosion present at the rear of the fuel tan but no leas at present, and the machine is described as in generally good, useable condition Accompanying paperwor consists of sundry restoration inoices, VMCC dating certicate, SR and V5C registration document 7 7 9

26 OTOSAOHE PROET rame no 10225 ngine no A21A

ounded in Acacias, enea in 101, Motosacoche too its name from enri and Armand ufau’s selfcontained cyclemotor power unit, literally une moto dans une sacoche’ or engine in a saddlebag’ The 211cc motor was soon being manufactured in substantial numbers and the brothers set up a subsidiary rm to maret it in the This led to collaboration with Royal neld, who supplied the cycle parts necessary to maret a complete machine and used a Motosacoche when they recommenced motorcycle manufacture in 110 After I the Swiss marue’s presence in the maret would be limited to supplying its MA’ proprietary engines to other manufacturers These wellmade Swiss power plants were also widely used throughout Continental urope The rench maret was sered by a subsidiary factory in yon where most engines were manufactured although some batches came directly from enea Motosacoche’s characteristic inletoerehaust engines was to last until the end of the twenties when replaced by mainly sideale types, while for sports and competition use the rm offered a range of oerheadale and oerheadcamshaft units This Vintageera Motosacoche rare barn nd’ is offered in need of total restoration The original Swiss engine turns oer, as does the gearbo, and the machine appears substantially complete apart from the piston, gearchange linage and primary chain case, which are missing Sold strictly as iewed, it comes with its period’s original rench Permis de Circulation It is offered with a complete spare engine to facilitate its return to the road 77 91

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

D L 2 AGNATDEON HP S SPORT rame no 6 ngine no 610M

usiness partners oseph Magnat and ouis ebon rst came together in the 10s, setting up a bicycle factory in their hometown of renoble sing a e ion outon engine, the rm built its rst motorcycle in 102 y 105, when the rst olumeproduced models were offered for sale, Magnatebon was building its own power units Its motorcycles incorporated many innoatie features, such as a telescopic front suspension and oerhead ales, and Magnatebon prospered in the years leading up to I, becoming synonymous with uality and prestige oweer, both founders died in 11 and in the early 120s Magnatebon was sold to entrepreneur Alfred Turpillot, who merged the company with Terrot, another of his recent acuisitions rom 122 onward, the models became rather similar with only slight difference to ustify the different commercial names This Type S CV 50cc sidealeengined Magnatebon is thus the twin sister of a Terrot MS P Sport It was sold new in ien Vienna Austria as eidenced by the plaue on the headstoc After many years off the road, the machine was discoered in ungary and restored circa ten years ago e are adised that it is in generally good order and a good runner, with a distinctly sporting character There are no documents with this ot 7 91

2 SNEA HP ODEL Registration no TR 2055 rame no 11 ngine no 2061

Proud of their founding in 10, ohn Marston td, originally sheet metal worers and apanners’, made ngland’s nest bicycles from 1 before car manufacture in 100 and motorcycle production from 112 Competition awards for their 2hp and hp singles swiftly followed Always renowned for the uality of their build and nish and, thus, epensie, their irst ar production was largely limited to the hp and a military 600’ for the rench Army, deeloped post war into the powerful hp Model ’ eing perhaps Sunbeam’s most characteristic model and one which was to stay in production in footboard attaner’ form until 12, the unburstable Model ’ attracted a ercely loyal following amongst riders who freuently ept them for life’ sually with heay, leafspring, fors, it could be specied, as here, with Sunbeam’s lighter sidespring girders iscoered intact and still with its original owner, in 16, this eample was ery wellrestored before museum display In the endor’s enthusiastic hands since a roos auction in 1, further restoration and recent documented engine wor hae been carried out, the Sunbeam being a much regretted sale aturally complete with a V5C, its original instruction boo, letters, bills and instruction papers, this loely Sunbeam is ready for the road, subect to the normal checs It will, of course, be greatly welcomed at both VMCC and MSCR Sunbeam eents 7 1 9 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 5 2 NE HDSON HP THREEFIFT Registration no T 262 rame no S0 ngine no 220

The irmingham rm of ew udson started out as a bicycle manufacturer The company’s rst powered machine of 10 used a clipon Minera engine and this was followed by the rst proper motorcycle in 110 ew udson made its Isle of Man TT debut in 111 but maor competition success eluded the irmingham rm until ert e Vac too oer racing deelopment in 12, becoming the rst man to lap roolands at oer 100mph on a 500cc machine that same year ew udson announced a new range for 11 but the onset of economic depression did little to encourage sales and in 1 the company, by then manufacturers of irling automotie components, ceased to build motorcycles There was a brief return in 10 with the Autocycle, later built by SA The machine offered here is an eample of ew udson’s 2hp 50cc sideale model, which was rst introduced in 12 as the Threeifty’ T 262’ was restored by motorcycling author en allworth founder of ld ie Mart’ and one of its preious owners, R C uwe ast MoT’d and run in 2012, the machine has been ept in dry storage since then and is described as in generally ecellent condition Accompanying paperwor consists of an oldstyle continuation logboo 162, epired MoT and old current V5V5C documents 7 11

20 RALEIGH HP SPORTS Registration no 1 rame no R155 ngine no 1012

ritain’s bestnown bicycle maer, Raleigh also manufactured motorcycles from circa 102 to 105, and from 11 to 1 More recently, the ottingham company offered a range of mopeds plus a scooter in the late 150s160s uring the 120s Raleigh’s lineup epanded to include machines of arious capacities, both sideale and oerheadale engined, ranging from a 15cc unitary construction lightweight to a hefty cc twin for sidecar pulling ne of the mainstays of the range was the popular 50cc, 2hp model, a compact sidealeengined lightweight that, while not deastatingly fast at out’, accelerated smartly and handled well by the standards of its day ffered alongside the 2hp was a hp ersion, aailable as the Model or Model , the increase in engine capacity being achieed by enlarging the bore from 1 to 6mm A typical Vintageera Raleigh, this hp model is powered by a cc singlecylinder sideale engine driing ia a threespeed SturmeyArcher gearbo and chain nal drie, and would hae set you bac around 5 when new Restored in 201 by the endor and described as in generally ecellent condition, the machine is offered with a V5C document 3 9 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

6 D L 21 DOGLAS HP D Registration no CR 21 rame no 02 ngine no 1

This ouglas’s accompanying oldstyle logboo issued 150 records the date of original registration as 1st anuary 121, this being shortly after the introduction of the Roads Act of 120, which reuired local councils to register all ehicles at the time of licensing and to allocate a separate number to each Many ehicles, although in eistence for seeral years in some cases, were only registered for the rst time after the Act’s passing This ouglas’s engine number suggests a manufacturing date of late 11early 120 CR 21’ was acuired as a barn nd’ by the preious owner in 1 and subseuently underwent a complete rebuild oer a 12month period see photographs and bills on le inished late in 15, the ouglas participated in most anbury Runs from 1 to 2010 when the owner’s ill health preented any further entries The current owner a relatie has used the machine on a couple of eents in Scotland and describes it as in generally good condition, with engine and transmission in perfect order’ Accompanying documentation consists of the aforementioned restoration records and logboo, and old current V5V5C documents 7 9 11

22 DOGLAS E rame no M60 ngine no 66

esigned by Cyril Pullin and launched at the lympia Show in 125, the ouglas was intended to benet from ta concessions aailable to lightweights, and so weighed under 200lbs In typical ouglas fashion, the cc engine was a foreandaft at twin, a edhead sideale with outside ywheel, hand and mechanical oil pumps and T magneto ignition A gearbo mounted behind rather than aboe the rear cylinder, allchain drie and a pair of huge inch braes differentiated the from its predecessors, as did the handsome sloping fuel tan that replaced the at’ style used hitherto As its predecessor, the 50 cc C, it had the unusual gearchange located in the tan’s centre but, unlie the C, it now commanded a three speed gearbo with clutch Apparently highly original and unmolested, this features acetylene lighting and retains its IC magneto, rown & arlow carburettor as well as all its originals accessories There is a healthy spar, a good compression and the gearbo engage well, so recommissioning should not be oerly difcult The machine is offered with etherlands registration papers 7 7 9

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 2 Property of a deceased’s estate NORTON ODEL ROOLANDS ROAD SPEIAL Registration no S 1 rame no 20 ngine no 16115

aing hitherto relied on proprietary engines, orton introduced its A wellnown gure in Vintage motorcycling circles, this RS’s late own in 10 The longstroe sideale single displaced 6cc and owner was a talented engineer and een competitor in sprints and the new model it powered became nown as the ig ’ Smaller hillclimbs e owned an dierse collection of machines, one of which capacity ersions followed and in 111 the 500’ adopted the classic a Sil 00S is ot 2 in this sale Paperwor on le appears to 100mm bore and stroe dimensions that would characterise the indicate that the orton was repatriated from Australia in 1 After halflitre actually 0cc orton for the net 50 years orton’s new passing through the hands of two or three owners, the last of whom sideale was among the fastest in its class, being the rst machine was wellnown at tan’ orton collector Mic Co, S 1’ came under 500cc to be ofcially timed at oer 0mph, which was some into the present ownership in 1 Its late owner used the machine going for 111 The following year ortonmounted ac merson regularly until shortly before his untimely death in 1, following which easily won the 150mile roolands TT against a eld of more it was ept on display inside the house, the engine being turned oer eperienced competitors setting three longdistance records in the at regular interals Still carrying its last ta disc from 1, the orton process haing ridden his machine down from ull Small wonder has not been started since then and will reuire recommissioning and that the slogan napproachable’ began to be applied to the orton basic safety checs before returning to the road singles at around this time Tunerrider R ’onoan’s wor at the eybridge trac resulted in the introduction of tuned roolands’ Accompanying paperwor consists of three oldstyle V5 documents models in 11, and these highly deeloped sports ersions continued a uantity of epired MoT certicates and ta discs some catalogue into the 120s photocopies and miscellaneous papers 13 1 According to its manufacturer, the roolands Road Special was for 1 those who desire eceptional power and speed for competition in a machine suitable for road wor’ The RS engines were specially prepared by the factory, runin on the trac at roolands and certied to hae eceeded 0mph for a ilo’

D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 Property of a deceased’s estate NORTON ODEL H Registration no A 06 rame no 01 ngine no 2

aing hitherto relied on proprietary engines, orton introduced its own in 10 The longstroe sideale single displaced 6cc and the new model it powered became nown as the ig ’ Smaller capacity ersions followed and in 111 the 500 adopted the classic 100mm bore and stroe dimensions which would characterise the halflitre actually 0cc orton for the net 50 years The 0cc engine was reised for 11 and in 121 the Model 16, as it had become nown, receied a new lower frame, becoming the 16 orton’s trusty sideale would be continuously updated for the net 0plus years, many seeing serice with Allied forces in 2, before taing its nal bow in 15 This particular 16 was supplied new in 12 to Mr Rutter of itton Par, ishop Aucland and remained in his family’s ownership until its acuisition by the late owner in 11 letter of receipt aailable Meticulous restoration has been ongoing for the last 0plus years but, sadly, the owner’s untimely demise has left the proect incomplete eertheless, only relatiely minor wors are left to do, and the machine comes with the parts reuired to complete it, including control cables and acetylene lights, the latter unrestored Accompanying paperwor consist of the aforementioned letter and oldcurrent V5C registration documents 1 1 17

25 NORTON ODEL Registration no 2A rame no 1162 ngine no 115

ie the maority of its contemporaries, orton relied on the sideale engine until the 120s when the eisting and welltried 0cc unit was used as the basis for the rm’s rst oerheadale design Penned by ames ansdowne orton himself and rst seen in prototype form in 122, the oerheadale orton racer made little impact in that year’s Senior TT, though at roolands R ’onoan raised the world 500cc ilometre record to oer mph using the new motor A roadgoing ersion the Model 1 was catalogued for 12, uicly establishing a reputation for both speed and reliability A slightly more epensie twinport ariant the Model 20 oined the lineup for 10 but before long orton’s essentially Vintage range would be comprehensiely reised In 11 the sideale and oerhead ale models were etensiely redesigned, drysump lubrication and a rearmounted magneto being standardised There were further improements made to the engine throughout the 10s, including enclosure of the ale gear and a footchange gearbo by the decade’s end The Model 1 was reied when orton recommenced production in 16, but the deleted twinport Model 20 was destined to remain but a fond memory Restored in 200, this most attractie Model 20 is described by the endors as in generally good condition and offered with a V5 registration document, though the machine was eported in recent years 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 26 NORTON ODEL Registration no V 6 rame no 5 001 ngine no 60

ust as orton’s rst oerheadale production motorcycle the Restoration wor commenced immediately after purchase and is still Model 1 had used the same 100mm borestroe dimensions ongoing indeed, when the orton was consigned and photographed of the eisting sidealeengined 16, so the largercapacity but for the Stafford Sale catalogue, there were still some items needing otherwise similar oerheadale Model 1 used those of the 5cc to be nished andor tted The endor assures us that the few minor ig sideale, at 120mm Intended to appeal to the sidecar items unattached will be tted in time for the sale, including the electric man with a yen for high performance, this longstroe engine uicly lights The latter will be tted but not wired up, and a new wiring established itself in its maer’s chosen role, ortonmounted riders harness will accompany the machine Repainting and replating were aler and Tucer nishing 2nd and rd respectiely in the inaugural entrusted to local eperts in their respectie elds, and the engine and Sidecar TT of 12, an eent eorge Tucer duly won for the gearbo were both rebuilt by Ian ennings of radford The magneto racebridge Street manufacturer the following year In 126 a Model was professionally rebuilt also As with the CS1, ot 2 in this sale, 1 outt successfully completed 100 ascents of wlchyroes the endor is only parting with the Model 1 to fund his family’s Vintage in orth ales before undertaing a run from ands nd to ohn Morgan racing campaign ue to the fact that V 6’ has only ust ’roats, a feat of outstanding reliability and endurance that enabled been restored, and not ridden, it is recommended that a new owner orton to retain the Maudes Trophy The Models 1 and 1 retained carry out basic safety checs before returning the machine to the road their essentially Vintage characteristics until 11 when the range Accompanying paperwor consists of a V5C registration document, was etensiely redesigned A matching numbers’ eample of this sundry restoration receipts and inoices, and a Science Museum rare model, V 6’ was in need of total restoration when acuired letter conrming the machine’s details taen from the orton factory by the endor in 2006 Photographs in the document le show the despatch records machine’s poor condition at that time 1 1

0 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 NORTON S Registration no 656 rame no 0 ngine no CS105

ie the maority of their contemporaries, orton relied on the hen found and acuired by the late on aw in the 10s, this sideale engine until the introduction of its rst oerheadale matching numbers’ CS1 was complete and original, albeit in need design in 122, and the resulting orton Model 1 was a big success of restoration It passed from aw to the immediately preceding on the road n the racetrac howeer, Velocette had shown the way owner, who between 2000 and 200 carried out the restoration to the forward when its oerheadcamshaft TT romped away from the eld ecellent standard seen today In 200 the orton was purchased by in the 126 unior TT, and orton responded with its own similar the present owner as a present to himself on a signicant’ birthday engine the following year esigned by alter Moore, the orton The endor has run 656’ on only a few occasions and oer short motor retained the rm’s traditional 100mm bore and stroe distances, and has now decided to part with it to fund his family’s dimensions, employing beel gears and a ertical shaft to drie the Vintage Morgan racing campaign cams in TT fashion The cycle parts too were new, a cradle frame and saddle tan appearing for the rst time on the wors CS1 racer, In iew of the machine’s limited use since restoration, it is which scored a debut win in the 12 Isle of Man Senior TT with Alec recommended that a new owner carry out basic safety checs ennett riding The production ersion of the new CS1 duly appeared before returning it to the road Accompanying paperwor consists at the Motor Cycle Show later that same year and continued as of a V5C registration document together with a Science Museum orton’s topoftherange sports machine until the introduction of letter conrming the machine’s details taen from the orton factory the International Today this rare landmar model is one of the most despatch records sought after of all orton motorcycles 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 1 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 LEAFRANIS HP Registration no 0 rame no A156 ngine no 2C10 00

Already established as a maer of bicycles of the nest uality, The company wasted no time in capitalising on the model’s strengths, Coentrybased earancis turned to motorcycle manufacture in and in 11 entered the Scottish Si ays Trial and the AC Trial, 112 Their rst model was a rened touring machine notable for its gaining a gold medal in the former and a gold and siler awards in the adanced chain drie and twospeed gearbo this at a time when latter, in which eent one of the eafs’ was timed at 5mph The fully most other machines were beltdrien singlespeeders that featured euipped machine was priced at 6 5s, and one of earancis’s deeply alanced mudguards and full enclosure of both drie chains rst customers was the playwright eorge ernard Shaw After I To sae time and reduce deelopment costs a proprietary engine the customer could choose between AP or MAengined of twins was used, the chosen power unit being the hp AP, a 50degree of hp, while in 122 a 5hp model was added to the range In 12 twin of 0cc eighing ust 220lbs and aided by its twospeed when motorcycle manufacture was ended in faour of the car side of the transmission, the new machine proed particularly effectie at hill business, earancis had completed ust 1,500 machines f these, climbing, a aluable asset at a time when motorcyclists were freuently around twenty are thought to surie, four of which are Veterans forced to complete ascents by pushing their mounts The uality of wormanship and engineering were on a ery high leel, comparable elieed to date from circa 120, this MAengined eample was to the eemplary standard set by ohn Marston’s Sunbeam machines restored in 15 and is described by the endors as in generally good condition The machine is offered with an old V5 registration document, though the machine was eported in recent years 1 1

2 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 SAROLEA ODEL rame no 1150 ngine no 056

elgium’s premier marue, Sarolea was founded in 150 when oseph In the early 120s AS had conclusiely demonstrated the superiority Sarolea set up a small worshop in erstal for the manufacture of of oerhead ales, and in 12 Sarolea followed suit, introducing small arms lie SA in ritain but these were not sold under the the Model 2, a sports roadster capable of 5mph Saroleas of the Sarolea’ name In 12 the rm diersied into maing bicycles, which 120s and 10s looed ery ritish in appearance, and these stylish, were mareted as Royale Sarolea’ After oseph Sarolea’s death wellengineered machines helped establish the marue’s reputation his children carried on the family business and in 15 hired Martin for ecellence ith their adanced oerheadale technology, agard, who for the net 50 years would be the driing force behind Saroleas were natural candidates for competition use, being raced the company A small series of de ionouton powered tricycles was etensiely by the wors and top priateers throughout urope The made around 1 but these were not a big success Then, around rm’s rst maor international successes came in 12 when it won the 101, Sarolea built its rst powered twowheeler by attaching a 250cc prestigious igeiceige road race and the elgian rand Pri singlecylinder engine to one of its bicycles The following year a production ersion of the wors racer the 2M was used by uido Premoli to win the gruelling Tour of Italy and many Series production commenced soon after, following an order for 1,000 further successes would be gained at international leel before the Sarolea engines from ritain, and the supply of proprietary engines, factory withdrew from racing at the end of 126 both singles and twins, would continue to be an important part of Sarolea’s business for many years In 102, Sarolea introduced its rst Restored in 201, this rare Vintageera oerheadale sports model production motorcycle, powered by a 1cc singlecylinder engine, is described by the endors as in generally ery good condition and and from then onwards the rm grew steadily, becoming one of offered with Italian registration papers urope’s leading motorcycle manufacturers by the start of I, during 1 which Saroleas were supplied to Allied forces 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 250 SOTT TT RAING OTORLE Registration no 66 rame no ngine no TT see tet

The MotorCycle TT practice report 10 une 126 Mortons Archie

The Scott factory had a wonderful record in the Isle of Man prior to the oweer, the three wors Scotts which arried on the Island for outbrea of war in 11 They won the Senior TT in 112 & 11, and the 126 race were unlie anything which had gone before So Tim ood was leading the 11 race when the failure of his osch groundbreaing were they that in their practice report of une 10th magneto caused his retirement They also set the in each of 126 The MotorCycle deoted considerable space to the new Scotts these three years hen racing recommenced in the twenties they still including a photograph of this machine, 66 The engine had some ne results rd & th in 122, 2nd in 12, but by this time would hae been familiar, but the frame, fors, tan, and three speed they were beginning to fall behind the fastest four stroes transmission were radically different from the earlier two speed racers The whole machine was substantially bigger and heaier These The iconic watercooled two stroe twin engine was irtually a Scott new Scotts were the template for the new lying Suirrel which was trademar throughout their eistence, but prior to the 126 TT launched at lympia later in the year and which, with arious fairly practically eery machine had featured their tried and tested two speed minor changes, stayed in production at Shipley until the factory closed gear or the 121 TT they had coupled the two speed gear with a in 151 separate two speed gearbo thus creating a four speed transmission, but it can’t hae been a great success because they went bac to two speeds for the 122 race

D L The MotorCycle 2 ebruary 15 Mortons Archie ac elsby, Senior TT, 126

Scott’s 126 TT riders were arry angman, rnie Mainwaring, and ac elsby had written to ob Currie after reading an article ac elsby y the end of the rst lap angman and Mainwaring were published on 2 ebruary 15 entitled The Suirrel lies Again’ Mr both out, but ac elsby rode 66 to 1th place in the seen eslie eacon of Margate had written seeing more information about lap race Many years later he wrote to ob Currie who published the an old Scott which he had bought for 12 ob Currie was able to following account of ac’s race in The MotorCycle of 1th April 15 identify the machine as ac elsby’s race bie from thirty one years n lap, he recalls, he too the ump at allig ridge at too earlier, and the story too up a complete page of the magaine high a speed, and the resulting olt on landing stripped eery tooth from the secondgear pinion rom then on the Scott was ridden in The endor’s late husband acuired this historic Scott in 16 ast top gear only, a feat which placed uite a handicap on braing and run in 2010, it will reuire the usual recommissioning before being cornering Ramsey had to be negotiated in short, sharp sids, while used It is belieed that the crancase was changed at some time prior elsby was able to mae the Mountain climb only by playing tunes to 15 The machine is offered with a current V5C, a continuation with the clutch which he fully epected to burn out at any moment buff log boo dating from 1, copies of the 126 TT practice report oweer, it was strongly constructed, and stood the racet with only & the two 15 articles mentioned aboe, two original letters to Mr minor protest The same article tells us that in practice elsby was eacon from The MotorCycle, copies of photos from the Isle of Man in timed at 22 mph on the Sulby Straight, and the drop to illberry was 126, and one of the machine in 15 which was published with ob made at 10 mph Currie’s article at that time, and an MoT certicate from 2010 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 5 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 251 Property of a deceased’s estate NORTON ODEL Registration no M 56 rame no 211 ngine no 2620

espite the recent death of founder, ames Pa orton, the irmingham rm were neertheless proceeding uite satisfactorily in the mid120s, and in fact secure no less than three wins in the Senior TT, in 12, 126, and 12 respectiely, thans to Stanley oods and a remarable double’ by Alec ennett It should be noted that in its rst four years of production the Model 1 underwent a series of chassis improements, particularly in respect of larger brae drums, albeit a foot type gear change was still oer the horion ote the low slung handchange gear leer which, in period, daredeil riders would operate with their nee inished in siler and gunmetal liery the ostensibly complete machine was built by orton guru r eorge Cohen, an eercise in which the brief was almost certainly that the machine should be completed in a tracready’ specication, borne out by the slim pillion pad, an enormous roolands can, and the race plate cum yscreen attached to the fors r Cohen has also authenticated the bie as a genuine 126 model in a letter to the owner, dated April 200 The ta disc epired in May 2011, which would indicate that, following its reconstruction, the orton has been ridden A isibly handsome machine which, een while stationary, eudes an image of rapid motion A V5C is supplied 1 31

252 Property of a deceased’s estate NORTON ODEL Registration no T 1 rame no TA ngine no 2

ntil orton’s oerhead camshaft models got into their all conuering stride, circa 10, it was the longrunning oh Model 1 rst introduced in 122, and remaining in production until 15 that was regarded as the rm’s sportiest oer the counter machine orton’s model numbering system can be confusing but, for the record, it should be noted that a Model 1 begun in 126 at 5cc, and increased to 56cc in 12 was sold alongside the Model 20, announced in 10, which was identical to a Model 1, but with a twin port ehaust Very little historical information is aailable for the Tregistered Model 1, which is nished in the traditional siler and blac, plus a charismatic red coach line This is a nearnished, but slightly incomplete restoration proect, sold strictly as iewed The primary chain case for instance is still in primer, there are as yet no controls or cables, and it is our duty to adise that the rear stand is damaged Although tted with front and side race plates it is not nown to what eent the numbers refer Amongst the items on le is a copy of the County of Cheshire registration dates, a Roy acon dating letter, some releant inoicing, and a V5C document Incidentally, the T registration number often begraced arious famous entley automobiles, which were of course produced in nearby Crewe 1 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

6 D L 25 Property of a deceased’s estate AS G Registration no S 210 rame no ngine no

AS were designed and manufactured by the Steens family in olerhampton until 11, and enoyed a good momentum through the early and mid120s, undoubtedly helped by their uniorSenior TT double’ ictory in 121, two outright unior wins in 120 & 122, nor forgetting a raft of fastest laps by immy Simpson between 12 and 12 After the moe to, and absorption by, Matchless at oolwich in the early 10s the south ondon rm is to be credited with retaining autonomy for AS under the difcult conditions preailing, which eentually led to II In their olo’ period during which time Aay stroes were of relatiely sober appearance they gained an eniable reputation for reliability and, as with orton and Velocette, the rm’s successful oh range was further enhanced with the introduction of an ohc competition engine before the end of that decade Although not tted with a lighting set the blac and gold AS which is euipped with a bulb horn and a pair of carriermounted tool cases was ridden in the 2010 anbury Run Compression is reported as good, and the ucas magneto proides a satisfactory spar but, before further use, the machine will reuire a thorough mechanical chec Accompanied by a clutch of former MT certicates the last Road Ta disc epired May 2011 A V5C and an old style R60 log boo are also supplied 1 1 1 17

25 Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH ODEL Registration no AP 22 rame no 25015 ngine no 00 TT

Triumph motorcycles were denitely uite mechanically adanced leading up to the start of I, during which conict oer 25000 eamples of their model were reputedly used by the military, ustiably earning the rm its contemporary sobriuet Trusty Triumph The C model had but 1 months in production, and was swiftly superseded by the Model , mainly due to the later machine’s separate bolt on gearbo, and the fact it dispensed with pedals Although the C model’s rear hub transmission and its pedals were directly inherited from the humble bicycle it was already possible by 11 to isualise the direction in which the much sturdier motor bicycle’ was going The AP machine is neertheless a ery worthwhile partnished’ restoration proect, within which the wheels and certain other components appear to hae been completed Some of the chassis’ tinwor has been stripped, awaiting the appropriate attention, but there is yet a need to source one or two still missing items A ins carburettor, a osch magneto, and a 60 mph Cowey speedometer are in place, howeer, but close inspection of the whole machine is clearly necessary n the documentary side of things the list includes a V5 and V5C, a uantity of epired MT certicates, and a May 1 ating Certicate o 615 from the Sunbeam MCC Pioneer Register 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 255 Property of a deceased’s estate RE AE Registration no P 65 rame no 161 ngine no 161

Re Motorcycles were established in Coentry at the turn of the century After merging with the Coentry Acme Motor Co in the early 120s they were thereafter nown as Re Acme, albeit all motorcycle production was discontinued in 1 In the 120s a Re Acme was usually distinguished by its tapershaped purple fuel tan, adorned by a distinctie legged logo, deliberately intended to remind potential purchasers of their past and present TT actiities hilst Re Acme were indeed uite freuently on the IM leaderboard it wasn’t until 125 that that tan badge was fully ustied, on which occasion al andley won the unior, ightweight, and ltra ightweight TTs e followed this with a second ightweight ictory in 12 It is reported that the bottom end of the Re Acme has been reconditioned, but further wor on the engine of this slightly incomplete, partly assembled machine remains outstanding It is understood that a generator is missing from the CAV lighting system, but the industrial sie laon can be seen in position Currently without any bacground history, the machine was howeer SRed until 2012, and is offered with a V5 & V5C, and a clutch of preious MT certicates Virtually all post I twins with braes and gears etc hae a considerable charm in this case the eentually nished machine, with its neat cosmetic lines, should hold an especial appeal 3 77

256 Property of a deceased’s estate AGSTA RAPIDO SPORT PROET SEE TET rame no RS50 ngine no RS5025

After the launch of its rst production fourstroe a 15cc, oerhead camshaft, unitconstruction single MV followed up in 15 with the similar although oerheadale ran Turismo 125 Similar models in other capacities followed, the rst 150cc offerings appearing in 15 ie their larger siblings, the small MVs were ery epensie at around 200 the Turismo Rapido cost as much as a ritish 500 which eplains why so few of these the euisitely engineered little bies were sold in the At time of cataloguing it had not been possible positiely to identify this dismantled MV single, though its general appearance and RS’ frameengine stampings suggest that it is a 150 Rapido Sport dating from circa 15, notwithstanding the 5 RS 125’ written on the fuel tan There are no documents with this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed 1 11 17 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

7 9

25 25 Property of a deceased’s estate Property of a deceased’s estate NORTON ES AF RAER DATI IOLO ODEL Registration no 56 V Registration no 6 AA rame no 6 rame no 05 ngine no 50220 C ngine no 111 That a street model orton can be modied to Caf Racer spec is a Italy’s diny Cucciolo ittle Pup engine was initially produced as a 50cc considerable compliment to its original specication, inasmuch the frame, bolton’ attachment for bicycles in 15, enoying a healthy demand fors, wheels, and engine are deemed suitable for such an upgrade ittle from the outset due to the inherent reliability of its stroe engine is nown about this dismantled ewcastleregistered machine other than Manufacturing was transferred to ucati in 1, who later introduced that the crancase and wheels appear to hae been reconditioned hilst a fully integrated speed design in a pressed steel frame, with rear many of the maor components do indeed eist there are clearly a number suspension ngine capacity was also gradually increased from 60cc, of parts not included As an unnished conersion, howeer, this is a ia 65cc, to 100cc It is belieed that almost a million Cucciolos were proect worthy of completion potential constructors will be encouraged produced before production ceased in 15 Although offered in an that appropriate oil and fuel tans, plus a sporty’ seat pan, are part of the incomplete and dismantled condition some of the outstanding chassis pacage The gearbo number is 1016 A V5C and an epired MT wor appears to hae been completed, including a reconditioning of certicate are also aailable the motor Registered in ottingham the aheadofitstime ucati is 1 1 accompanied by a copy of its oldstyle log boo 1 o esere o esere 25 Property of a deceased’s estate 260 NORTON AN PROET Property of a deceased’s estate ngine no AAHA S This ot consists of a modern and ery light in weight replica of a Registration no C21 R orton eatherbed frame maer unnown, a selection of oerhead rame no ot ocated camshaft orton engine components including 50model crancases ngine no 1 1255 dating from 1, and arious other parts The latter include a aluable, amaha’s moped range suffered from being oershadowed in the by brand new Mic emmings espeed gearbo, while the fact that the the onda stepthrough amahas were seen as an epensie minority ywheel assembly is wrapped in plastic suggests that it may hae been machine though owners were etremely happy with their ualityThe reconditioned There are no documents with this ot, which is sold strictly MS 50 was a stepthrough’ commuter machine, rarely seen in the as iewed An ecellent basis for a classic competition bie or stylish caf Twostroe, of course, it had a twospeed, automatic gearbo and a racer totallyenclosed shaftdrie, Mstyle ith a clean’ shape it is ideal as 1 occasional transport or for racing behind a motorhome This lightlyused 1 eample, bought by its late owner in 200 and last taed in 2011 has only o esere 101 miles recorded and is in immaculate condition ffered with V5C documents, old MT certicates and matching topbo, it will be ready, following necessary safety checs after storage, to tae to the road again o esere L 261 DOGLAS HP ODEL D Registration no rame no 5 ngine no 111

The ristolbased ouglas oundry too up motorcycle production in A year later, ran dwin urgess of olloway Sanatorium, Virginia 10 with a machine powered by a horiontallyopposed, twincylinder ater, Surrey belieed to be a doctor bought the ouglas and was engine, and the company would eep faith with this layout until it to eep it for some 26 years e garaged the motorcycle in large ceased motorcycle production in 15 oreandaft installation made locup premises belonging to the hospital photographs on le and for a slim machine with a low centre of graity, and the design’s irtues in the same wooden building was a car Around 16 a local repair were soon demonstrated in competition, 2hp ouglas machines garage, ayes ros Automobile ngineers was called upon to loo taing 1st, 2nd and th places in the 112 unior TT in the Isle of at the car ownership unnown in Sandy ane, Virginia ater eorge Man ouglas were uic to realise the adantages of the countershaft ayes, the proprietor, spotted the 111 ouglas under the worbench gearbo, its threespeed entries gaining the Team Prie in the 11 Si and acuired it from Mr urgess after contacting him eorge ayes ays Trial, a conspicuous success that resulted in the rm obtaining a intended to put the ouglas bac on the road for the then increasingly wartime contract for the supply of military machines ouglas’ success popular Pioneer Run’ There was one snag in the interening years continued after The reat ar the magneto had been remoed presumably some time after 126 as Mr urgess continued to use the ouglas until that year eorge This early 0cc ouglas was rst registered on 22nd uly 111 ayes also had to locate a saddle and most unusually eery single owner oer succeeding 10 years is nown and recorded, together with the duration of their ownership The magneto tted to these early ouglases is a particularly unusual ’ is on the Sunbeam MCC Pioneer Register haing been type with adanceretard leer attached to it eorge ayes adertised awarded Pioneer Certicate o 5 in anuary 15, at which time for this particular osch magneto Type Al and eentually Percy Clare it was thought to be 110 oweer further research by the current of the famous Clare’s Motor ors of nights ill, South ondon came owner, using original ouglas catalogues and archies held by to the rescue see letter dated 2th March 15 from eorge ayes loucestershire Council, indicates manufacture in 111, although 110 to Percy Clare Amaingly, this latter was found in historic papers models are ery similar, with only detail differences from Clare’s Motor ors already in the possession of the current owner itting of the allimportant correct magneto enabled a Pioneer The fortunate owner who rst put it on the road was eopold Victor Certicate to be obtained and the ouglas successfully participated in ough of 26 ondon Road, loucester It then changed hands on its rst Pioneer Run riding number 16’ a couple of months later in 16th September that same year, passing to a resident of nearby March 15 Mr ayes rode the ouglas in the 160, 161 and 16 Cheltenham, ohn enry Chesterman of St eorge’s Street A Pioneer Runs and others subseuently couple of years later, on 12th ebruary 11, Mr ouglas Pearson of reille odge, Cheltenham acuired the ouglas Possibly Mr Pearson upgraded to a larger machine as by 1th May 11 a new owner, aid ewis of laclaines arm, irdlip, loucestershire was tacling the local hills on ’ The ouglas remained at Mr ewis’s farm until after the irst orld ar when yet another local man, Christopher oggett of hiteway Colony, Stroud, acuired it on 5th March 11

50 D L eorge ayes standing ddie Renham on the ouglas, 111

The ouglas then earned a rest for two decades until local trials Seeral 1st Class Pioneer Run awards medals and pennants are enthusiast and near neighbour of eorge ayes, ddie Renham of included in the sale together with an oa plaue displaying some of gham, Surrey purchased the machine and rode it many times on the the early medals this motorcycle has earned Also included is a plaue Pioneer Run during the 10s and on into the early 2000s The current denoting the ouglas’s inclusion on the Pioneer Register, which can be endor has owned ’ since 200 and has ept the engine turned afed to the machine ’ also comes with a most substantial oer and occasionally started it urther research on the machine’s history le containing comprehensie oerhaulrestoration details loucestershire history has been undertaen during this period correspondence, receipts, photographs, etc, oldstyle logboo, V5 V5C documents and numerous Pioneer Run programmes 7 1 9 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 51 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 262 ENETTE HP FOREAR ngine no 5

Purchased at roos’ lympia Sale in April 15 ot 6, this enith was soon offering a threewheeled forecar the Tricar’ which, unusual machine had had much wor done prior to purchase, the according to its maer, was constructed on the enith icar double restorer’s handwritten details of which are included in the document frame spring suspension principle,’ the latter introduced for 10 That le The engine was rebuilt new wheel rims, tyres and tubes tted and same year engineer rederic arnes oined the company he would the suspension reconditioned, as was the radua gear, steering and later inent the famous radua’ gear and one of his rst contributions braes hile much had been done, it was still a wor in progress’ was the more conentional enette, another design aailable with when purchased in 15 and reuired nishing Catalogued at that either two or three wheels ngines used by enith at this time were time as c1010’, it was acuired by the endor in the hope the singlecylinder afnir and twincylinder AP and Sarolea that it could be dated as 10 and used on the ondon to righton Veteran Car Run oweer, no further wor was carried out and This machine has the aforementioned sprung frame, afnir engine the machine remains in similar condition to the last time it changed and radua gear, the latter rst made aailable for 10 The hands, haing been drystored since acuisition The 15 catalogue accompanying VMCC dating certicate states the manufacturing date description stated that the enette had preiously formed part of the as efore 11’ and describes the machine erroneously as Tooleys’ ips Collection in olland Reuiring further restoration wor and sold strictly as iewed, the machine comes with the aforementioned restoration details a enette’ was one of the brand names used by the ondonbased photocopy of a 10 enith catalogue arious photocopies of early enith Motor ngineering Company, which had commenced The Motor Cycle articles and miscellaneous papers Also included is a motorcycle production in 105 with the enith icar The latter was a spare afnir singlecylinder engine deelopment of the Tooley’s Patent icar’, named after its inentor, which was a strange deice featuring a horiontal tubular frame and 3 91 hubcentre steering The Tooley had been ehibited at Crystal Palace in ebruary 105 by Messrs itton and arley of reat armouth, and Mr itton would go on to become enith’s wors manager

52 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 26 NE HDSON HP IG SI Registration no M 5 rame no 51 ngine no 1011

irminghambased ew udson started out as a bicycle manufacturer The cent motorcycle offered here is a rare eample of ew in the Victorian era The company’s rst powered machine of 10 udson’s 0cc ig Si, which was a new introduction for 11 ew used a clipon Minera engine, and this was followed by the rst udson manufactured the Armstrong threespeed hub gear and one proper motorcycle in 110 The rst model powered by an engine of of these is tted to this machine M 5’ was found unrestored its own mae arried in 111 and ew udson made its Isle of Man in Italy where it is belieed to hae been used for hill climbs and time TT debut that same year oweer, maor competition success eluded trials until being damaged in the 120s The machine was acuired by the irmingham rm until ert e Vac too oer racing deelopment, the immediately preceding owner in 2005 and restored oer the net becoming the rst man to lap roolands at oer 100mph on a 500cc four years to original condition Carried out by recognised specialists in machine in 12 e Vac’s mount was powered by a deelopment their respectie elds, the wor included reconditioning the magneto, of ew udson’s own oerheadale engine that had rst appeared oerhauling the hub gear and rebuilding the front fors as well as at the Isle of Man TT in 12, and this handsome power unit was repainting, replating, etc also used by the factory team in the Island’ in 12, wors rider immy uthrie nishing the Senior race in second place ew Purchased by the endor at onhams’ Stafford Sale in ctober udson announced a new range for 11, but the onset of economic 200 ot , M 5’ has not been started or used on the road depression did little to encourage sales and in 1 the company, by since then but has been drystored and remains in much the same then manufacturers of irling automotie components, ceased to build condition as at the preious sale nly light recommissioning should motorcycles There was a brief return in 10 with the ew udson be reuired before it returns to the road Accompanying paperwor Autocycle, later built by SA consists of an oldstyle V5 document epired MoT and ta disc 200 Pioneer certicate and a list of restoration wor carried out by the preious owner 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 5 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 26 LA TORTE HP Registration no S rame no 222 ngine no 0

The basis of this machine is an original e rutus clipon’ engine and carburettor found in a hayloft close to the town of ala in orth ales The barn belonged to Mr dward atins who was the rst motorcyclist in the town and registered a radbury in 10 sing a copy of an early adertisement for a a Tortue motorcycle as inspiration the rm used e rutus engines, the engine has been epertly mounted in a contemporary bicycle frame acuired from the ational Cycle Museum, landrindod ells, thus recreating an eocation of an early Pioneer’ machine ewly fabricated parts include the fuel tan, control leers, nameplate, belt rim, rear stand, ignition coil and ocey pulley The name a Tortue’ is particularly apt while the machine is uic to start and simple to ride, progress is best described as tortoise lie, with signicant amounts of pedalling assistance reuired to maintain progress a Tortue is eligible for the VMCC anbury Run and completed the short course for Veterans in 2006, but is not eligible for a Pioneer Certicate on account of the uantity of new parts it incorporates ffered with VMCC dating certicate and V5C registration document, this uniue machine would mae a wonderful addition to any priate collection or museum ehibition illustrating the ingenuity of the nascent rench motorcycle industry

265 DOGLAS HP TORING Registration no 1660 rame no 1066 ngine no 5

ouglas, situated far from the motorcycling mainstream in ristol, started manufacture of their characteristic attwin’ or boer’ engined machines, with fore and aft’ cylinders, in 10 and were thus an eperienced company when they scooped up 1st, 2nd, and fourth positions in the 112 unior TT Their winning formula of lightweight, reliable, easy to start and ride motorcycles ensured etensie contracts for military machinery in 1 and carried them successfully through to 2 and after Their range before 11 can be hard to identify with certainty, being based entirely on ariations of this successful formula This particular ouglas, described originally only as a Touring’ model, but thought to be a Model ’, was purchased the year after that TT ictory and was registered on 1th August 11 in Somerset It has an absolutely perfect proenance, haing been owned by the original buyer, his son and his grandson, who is the endor In original trim, with worn and patinated nish, 1660 is complete with its original euipment, some detached Inspection will be a pleasure for ouglas enthusiasts ocumentation includes the original Copy of an ntry in the Register of Motorcycles’, the logboo under the 121 Act, period and contemporary photographs, manuals and Pioneer Certicate o 12 all in the machine’s history le Complete with V5C, this eteran, with three Pioneer Runs to its credit, will be much soughtafter 7 1 9 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

5 D L 266 TRIPH NIOR Registration no 601 rame no 256 ngine no 105

The rst Triumph motorcycle of 102 used a elgian Minera engine, but within a few years the Coentry rm originally a bicycle manufacturer founded by erman immigrants Siegfried ettman and Maurice Schulte was building its own power units The rst of these a 2cc singlecylinder sideale arried in 10 This rst engine was not without its weanesses, pistons and bores wore out uicly and the curious tandem downtube’ frame in which it was installed broe, but these shortcomings were soon sorted and within a couple of years Triumph’ was a byword for reliability The famous hp model rst appeared in 10 riginally of 5cc, its sideale engine was enlarged to 6cc in 10 and nally to cc in 110 before being superseded by the 550cc hp model in 11 ne of Triumph’s new introductions for 115 was the unior, a lightweight 225cc twostroe single eighing only 12lb, the unior featured chaincumbelt transmission and a twospeed gearbo the latter an unusual feature among contemporary lightweights but there was no clutch and the machine was pushstarted nown as the aby’ Triumph by the motorcycling public, the unior resumed production after The reat ar and was last catalogued for 122 This Triumph unior was purchased by its late owner in the early 10s ffered for restoration and sold strictly as iewed, the machine comes with an oldstyle continuation logboo 160, epired MoT 16 and copy V5 registration document e understand that a V5C document has been reuested from the VA 3 3

26 INDIAN HP POERPLS Registration no 156 rame no 1R61 ngine no 1R61

eelopment of the Powerplus twin had been initiated after arley aidson trounced Indian in the 00mile Venice road race in the spring of 115, chief designer Charles ustafson suggesting that a welldesigned sideale ought to proe good enough to beat the arleys The 2degree twin conguration of the eisting scar edstromdesigned head engine was retained, but with side ales and increased use of roller bearings ustafson’s intuition did indeed proe correct, the new 61ci 1,000cc twin proing more powerful than its predecessor right from the start, hence the Powerplus’ name This particular Powerplus was preiously owned by a ew ealander who did not return from naal serice in 2 In 16 the Indian was discoered on a farm at Masterton, and reconditioned, going on to participate in many eents in ew ealand and Australia including the tago VMCC and Australian Maryborough and arragul rallies Re commissioned to roadworthiness standard in 201 by Pete’s ies of Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, the Indian is described as a thoroughly reliable, wellsorted and capable rally bie ffered with dating certicate and V5C registration document, it would mae a perfect mount for this year’s anbury Run 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 55 26 Ex-TG Meeten, Scottish Six Days Trial FRANIS ARNETT LAPING Registration no P 550 rame no 25 ngine no 65

eginning in the mid120s Tommy Meeten gained many successes astride small capacity rancis arnetts at roolands, the IM TT, the Scottish Si ays Trial SST, and many other prestigious eents These results were mainly achieed on 15015cc Villiersengined machines occasionally tted with a sidecar and undoubtedly helped promote the Coentry rm at a time when the motorcycle maret was etremely sluggish ually commendable was the completion of a 1,000mile run by arnettmounted Mrs Meeten, whose fuel consumption aeraged a remarable 16 mpg The 1cc apwing was introduced as a high uality utility model, priced at 2 15s, in late 11 It was not unusual at that time for highway models to be used in fullblooded competition eents Tommy Meeten is thus pictured beside P 550 while mending a puncture in Motor Cycling’s May 2th report of the 1 SST The history trail then goes cold on this interesting twinport, blac and brown machine until purchased by the endor in a restored condition some 25 years ago A lifelong enthusiast he has ridden it ust once, at the reat orset Steam air in the early 10s Although T Meeten is one of three owners in the accompanying R60 og oo no details of the bie’s earlier refurbishment are aailable ien its rather sober 2tone paintwor the little arnett’s appearance clearly belies of what it was once capable ith V5, a clutch of period cuttings, plus an original 12 2page ints & Spares boolet 3

26 RDGE LSTER SIDEAR rame no 560 ngine no to be adised

The full potential of Rudge’s fouralespercylinder design was slow to emerge but in 12 raham aler’s wors 500 became the rst motorcycle to win a road race the lster rand Pri at an aerage speed in ecess of 0mph, a feat which led to the introduction of the legendary lster’ sports model arly engines deployed parallel ales in a pentroof combustion chamber, then in 10 a trio of 50s appeared at the Isle of Man with radiallydisposed ales, the new arrangement demonstrating its superiority when Rudges nished 1, 2, in the unior TT The net deelopment was a head for the 500 featuring parallel inlet ales and radial ehausts, and this arrangement debuted on the wors bies for 11, its chief adantage being reduced complication The lster though, along with the TT Replica 500, sported a fully radial head for 12 only before reerting to the semiradial arrangement, which was fully enclosed after 15 ith their willing engines, ecellent handling and powerful, lined braes, the Rudges of the late 10s are among the most enoyable of pre war motorcycles to ride This lster combination benets from an etensie oerhaul of the engine, together with other wors, which was undertaen by ritish Sauce’ of Sannois, rance in 200 see detailed bill for 5,0 on le The machine also comes with a rench Carte rise and copy of a magaine article featuring it 1 1 17 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

56 D L 20 TRIPH SPEED TIN Registration no CV rame no T 60 ngine no 5T16

Its accompanying oldstyle buff logboo reeals that this Triumph Speed Twin was owned by a Mr ossey of iss, orfol in 15 and that it enoyed three further owners all in Suffol before being purchased in esgrae by the immediately preceding owner in the late 160s The machine was fully restored engine included by Mr Peter Clar a ondonbased restorer in 10 and had been consered but not used subseuently when it was offered for sale at onhams’ Stafford auction in April 2010 ot 0 It was purchased there by the current endor, recommissioned and MoT’d, receiing fresh oil and new braes, tyres and an Amal Monobloc carburettor Post re commissioning the Triumph’s rst outing was to the Isle of Man in uly 2011 to tae part in the Mountain Challenge’ celebrating 100 years of the Senior TT eent programme on le CV ’ has been used only occasionally in dry weather since then and is described as in generally ecellent condition Representing a rare opportunity to acuire a prewar eample of one of the most inuential motorcycles of all time, this beautiful Speed Twin is offered with the aforementioned logboo and V5C registration document A spare oil pump, timing pinions, a postwar gearbo, the original carburettor and an original instruction manual and parts boo are included in the sale 1 1 17

21 57 miles since restoration TRIPH SPEED TIN Registration no rame no T 165 ngine no 5T 5

Although dward Turner’s Triumph Speed Twin caused a sensation when it appeared in 1, few of its admirers can hae guessed how inuential the design would proe to be True, there had been ertical twins before but Triumph’s newcomer established a formula that would be adopted by all of ritain’s maor motorcycle manufacturers in the succeeding decade And whereas preious ertical twins had suffered from ecess bul, Turner’s was lighter and narrower across the crancase than the contemporary singlecylinder Tiger 0, and from certain angles looed ust lie a twinport single Performance proed eemplary for a roadgoing 500, better than 100mph being attainable under faourable conditions The eample offered here dates from 1, by which time the Speed Twin had been upgraded with a stronger stud cylinder barrel replacing the original 6stud and Triumph’s own telescopic front for espatched new to a dealer in Maret arborough, the Triumph was acuired by the current owner in 200 haing been restored in 200, since when it has coered only 5 miles The machine is described by the priate endor as in generally ecellent condition, though it will reuire recommissioning and the customary safety checs before returning to the road Accompanying paperwor consists of an oldstyle continuation logboo 162, copy old V5 and V5C registration document e are adised that the VMCC has conrmed that the frame and engine numbers match 11

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 5 22 NORTON ES SPEIAL Registration no AS rame no 215 ngine no 626

This handsome S2 Special’ was built up using components from arious sources and ages, commencing around 2000, with the build completed and the machine registered on an agerelated plate in 2002 Components are all orton, with the eception of some proprietary parts and the onda TS front brae The frame is from an early postwar S2 while the rebuilt and resleeed engine is from a 15 Model 1, incorporating big ales, an enlarged inlet tract and a higher than standard compression ratio ther noteworthy features include a rewound magneto and dynamo electronic oltage regulator new Amal Concentric Mar 1 carburettor rechromed brightwor new wheel rims stainless spoes and professionally repainted cycle parts, while the silencer is a roolands Can’ with the unsightly eternal anged oin remoed and an internal bafe tted In addition, the speedometer has been recalibrated the fuel tan lined with an ethanol resistant coating rost and most of the ttings and fastenings are stainless Since completion the orton has been used regularly in VMCC eents up to the end of the 201 season Started recently and described as in generally good, useable condition, the machine is offered with VMCC dating certicate, V5C registration document, a uantity of epired MoT certicates, and arious items of associated literature It should be noted that an antisumping’ ale has been tted 7 7 9

2 NORTON ODEL Registration no A 1 rame no A 21 ngine no 5501

ie the maority of its contemporaries, orton relied on the sideale engine until the 120s when the eisting and welltried 0cc unit was used as the basis for the rm’s rst oerheadale design After debuting on the racetrac, a roadgoing ersion the Model 1 was catalogued for 12, uicly establishing a reputation for both speed and reliability The Model 1 retained its essentially Vintage characteristics until 11 when the range was etensiely redesigned, drysump lubrication and rearmounted magneto being standardised There were numerous improements made to the engine throughout the 10s while orton’s own fourspeed footchange gearbo replaced the old Sturmey Archer in 15 Production of an essentially unchanged 1 model resumed after 2 and then for 1 the Model 1 was updated with Roadholder telescopic fors in common with the rest of the orton range The endor acuired this Model 1 in May 11 A 1’ was restored around eight years ago but has not been ridden since, and thus will reuire recommissioning, including a fresh battery, and the customary safety checs before returning to the road The machine is offered with V5 registration document It should be noted that the engine is an S2 unit dating from circa 15 3 9 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

5 D L 2 NORTON ES Registration no S 565 rame no ngine no 6

Introduced at the 12 Motor Cycle Show, the S2 sports roadster used the Model 1’s oerheadale engine in the cradle frame of the oerheadcamshaft CS1, and from then onwards the S2’ designation was always applied to orton’s topoftherange oerheadale single The S2 was built in seeral ersions during a production run lasting until 16, though the engine dimensions of 100mm borestroe rst adopted by ames ansdowne orton in 111 remained unchanged to the end Postwar deelopments included the adoption of an alloy cylinder head 155, swingingarm rear suspension 15, alternator electrics 15 and the slim line ersion of the eatherbed frame that same year Production of all of orton’s traditional singles ended in 16, though the S2’ designation was later applied to a rebadged Matchless This eample was purchased as an incomplete auction lot frame, engine, hubs, etc by the endor’s late fatherinlaw and rebuilt by him, the wor being carried out at least 15 years ago Registered on an agerelated plate in 2001, the orton was last MoT’d in 2002200 and has not been used since then, though the engine has been turned oer occasionally to eep the piston free ffered in need of recommissioning and sold strictly as iewed, the machine comes with orton wners Club dating letter, two epired MoTs and a V5C document 3

25 ELOETTE A Registration no rame no RS 201 ngine no 16

In 1 Veloce imited augmented its established range of oerhead camshaft models with an oerheadale 250 the MV The newcomer’s engine was a high camshaft’ design with enclosed ales, and the compact and sprightly machine featured a fourspeed gearbo incorporating the company’s new footchange mechanism The following year an oerheadale 50 built along MV lines appeared This was the longstroe MAC, which was subseuently bored out to create the 500cc MSS Postwar, the trio of oerhead ale Velos continued much as before with rigid frames and initially ebb girder fors The MAC gained an alloy cylinder barrel and head for 151, as well as Velocette’s own telescopic front for in place of the preious owty, and was further updated with a swingingarm frame in 15 This MAC had already been restored when it was purchased by the current endor’s late fatherinlaw in the early 0’s Since then, the engine has been run occasionally The current owner has not attempted to start the engine but has turned it oer to eep the piston free ffered in need of recommissioning and sold strictly as iewed, the machine is offered with VC letter, two old MoTs most recent epired 1, V5C document and its original logboo recording an engine number different from that shown aboe, indicating that the unit has been changed at some time 3 39

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 5 26 SA A GOLDEN FLASH Registration no 66 C rame no A 120 ngine no A10 165

A new 650cc twin oined SA’s 500cc A model in 1, the latter’s engine being reised along the lines of the new design at the same time The eisting parallel twin architecture was retained for the new A10, with 60degree cranshaft and single camshaft at the rear of the cylinder bloc, as was the fourspeed gearbo bolted directly to the crancase in a form of semi ie the A, the A10 was aailable with either a rigid frame or plunger rear suspension amed olden lash’, the new 650 was striingly nished in pale beige metallic Perennially popular, the model was updated with the swingingarm frame and separate gearbo for 155 and continued in production until 162 Modied in caf racer’ style, this late A10 comes with its original logboo conrming matching registration, frame and engine numbers wned by the current endor since 1, it was used regularly until the mid10s and then ridden more sparingly up to 15, since when it has been dry stored e are adised that the engine was professionally rebuilt around 1,000 miles ago and that the machine was ridden recently to the local motorcycle worshop to be tted with a new ucas magneto and Amal Concentric carburettor Accompanying paperwor consists of the aforementioned logboo and oldcurrent V5V5C documents 3 3 9

2 ROAL ENFIELD ONSTELLATION Registration no M 00 rame no 101 ngine no S101

M 00 was purchased by the endor in 15, appearing to be in need of restoration oweer, when wor commenced, the engine was found to be in remarably good condition when stripped, and the ecellent main bearings were retained, as were the standard bore pistons which were retted with new rings, and the bores honed ig end shells were replaced as a matter of course All the cycle parts were repainted, the wheels were rebuilt with new rims and spoes, a new seat was tted, and some of the brightwor was rechromed The fors were tted with new seals ew ehaust pipes and silencer were sourced and tted, as were cables rae shoes were also renewed and the magneto rebuilt A new centre stand was also tted in place of the old worn one The Connie’ has not been used on the road since the restoration was completed, but the machine has been ept in dry storage since, and started at regular interals to ensure it remains in useable order In iew of the lac of use since restoration, it is recommended that a new owner carry out basic safety checs before taing to the road Paperwor consists of a V5C, together with the original R60 buff log boo showing the date of rst registration as 10th uly 161 in Southport Also present are some photographs of the restoration in progress, plus some of the restorationrelated inoices 3 9 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

60 D L 2 Property of a deceased’s estate Ex-Royal Signals Motorcycle Display Team TRIPH TP Registration no T rame no T100P AC0 ngine no T100P AC0

riginally built to police specication, this T100P originally formed part of the famous Royal Signals Motorcycle isplay Team RSMT, also nown as the hite elmets’, which for the last 0plus years has toured the country giing displays of daredeil stunt riding The Team was formed in 12 at the ritish Army Signal Training Centre in orshire, its members being recruited from within the Regiment’s despatch riders They hae had many names in the past and only adopted the name hite elmets’ in 16 The machine comes with numerous eent programmes and photographs documenting its history with the Team, together with a display board These include images of the machine being ridden through hoops of re and bursting through bric walls hen he left the Army, its rider too the Triumph bac to his home in arlington, where it remained until purchased by the current registered eeper in anuary 1 Restored to its present ecellent condition in 10, the eRSMT Triumph has since been ridden regularly and ehibited at shows all around the The machine comes with aforementioned documentation, a worshop manual and oldcurrent V5C registration documents 3 91

2 TRIPH TR TROPH rame no TR6 6510 ngine no TR6 6510

International Si ays Trial successes in the late 10s prompted Triumph to adopt the Trophy’ name for their offroadstyled twins, at rst for the 500cc TR5 and then for the 650cc TR6, introduced for 156 The bigger Trophy retained its sporting character but became more of a roadster as time passed, ending up, in effect, as a single carburettor T120 onneille, whose specication in all other respects it closely followed More tractable than the onnie and more economical too, the Trophy gae little away in terms of outright performance The Trophy continued in this form when Triumph’s 650cc twins changed to unitary construction of the enginetransmission in ctober 162 Styling and mechanical updates coincided with the onnie’s from then onwards y the decade’s end the larger Triumphs had arried at what most enthusiasts agree is the models’ ultimate incarnation and today late, pre’oilinframe’ 650s such as this one are becoming increasingly sought after by collectors on both sides of the Atlantic e are adised that this eample has not been used since its full restoration to as new’ condition, which was undertaen in olland in 2012 The machine is offered with etherlands registration papers 7

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 61 20 TRIPH TR ONNEILLE Registration no 15 rame no 021156 ngine no T120 021156

uilt in 15 and rst registered in 15, this Tangerine ream’ onnie was purchased in August 2011 from a entbased collector as an unnished proect 15 ’ is described by the endor as in generally ecellent condition, beneting from a total restoration only completed in une 201 ors undertaen include rebuilding the engine with a rebore and new piston, plus new bigend bearings and nutsbolts, main bearings, smallend bearings, ales and ale guides The gearbo liewise has been rebuilt with new bearings, and the clutch and primary chain are new also ther noteworthy features include a restored competition magneto reconditioned dynamo and oltage regulator new for stanchions, bushes and oil seals new wheel bearings, steering head bearings and swinging arm bushes new brae shoes new wiring harness restored speedometer and oerhauled carburettors e are adised that the engine has been turned oer, using rollers, and showed good oil pressure oweer, it has not been started and the usual adustments and netuning will be reuired to bring the machine to perfection Accompanying documentation consists of a VMCC dating certicate and a V5C registration document 1 1 17

21 TRIPH T ONNEILLE Registration no R rame no 26 ngine no 26

Post2, Triumph of Meriden were wedded to the oh twin’ and to their diminutie Terrier and Tiger Cub Most of their big sellers were ariations on a similar theme, selling to a loyal public who appreciated the beefy torue of the twin in comparison to the then smallcapacity apanese offerings Always enthusiastic in competition, Triumph’s essays on the famous salt ats, aimed at boosting American sales, resulted in 15 in their most famous twin, the T120 onneille’ At rst a highcompression, twincarb ersion of the Tiger Tonten’, the onneille’ rapidly became the model to which enthusiasts aspired, gaining along the way a duple frame, more highly tuned engines and, to the regret of old hands, a much improed unit construction engine and bo in 162 The model remained to the end of Meriden production and the original onneille’ has been in demand eer since R is a particularly good eample of that later onneille’, coming from a longterm enthusiast owner A former VMCC Stafford Show stand ehibit, it is running ery well, is in immaculate condition and is to original, undisturbed specication itted with the ery good twinleadingshoe front brae, it copes happily with today’s trafc pected to hae an MT by saletime and complete with V5C, worshop manual and assorted papers it will be, as a onneille always is, ideal for the coming summer’s riding 79 99 11 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

62 D L 22 TRIPH T ONNEILLE Registration no CC 2C rame no T120 151 ngine no T120 151

Perhaps the most iconic, glamorous, and recogniable motorcycle of etween 12 & 1 it was the subect of a magnicent, the 160s, the Triumph onneille’s style, air, and performance made comprehensie, no epense spared restoration by the etremely able most of its competitors loo staid by comparison en the onneille owner The engine, gearbo, cycle parts, electrics, and cosmetics model name was more eciting than the competition were all rebuilt with meticulous attention to detail The cran was dynamically balanced by asset own alancing ther features of the lamboyant two tone petrol tans and mudguards were featured in restoration are genuine new old stoc unlop wheel rims, correct new most years, and the 165 nish of Pacic lue and siler was surely old stoc ucas switches, correct Amal Monobloc carburettors, one of the most attractie colour combinations in the onneille’s long and a new wiring loom A photographic record of the restoration is history included in the sale This onnie loos as ne today as it did when the rebuild was completed This immaculate matching numbers 165 onnie has been in the long term ownership of the endor since 12 It is now being offered for It is a T120 which is as good on the inside as it is on the outside sale following the recent death of his mother The subseuent sale of reshly MoT’d this ebruary, the onneille is accompanied by a the parental home has resulted in a considerable loss of storage space number of old ta discs and MoT certicates as well as a factory reuiring a thinning out of his collection worshop manual and parts catalogue 11

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 6 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 TRIPH HRRIANE Registration no 61 rame no TR5 00212 ngine no V5V 00212

ac in 16, SATriumph’s S distributors ased motorcycle According to the factory despatch records, this particular urricane styling guru Craig Vetter to create a customised SA Rocet that was built on 20th September 12, the second day of production, would capture the freewheeling, laidbac approach to biing best and is thus one of the ery rst to be completed It was despatched eemplied by the chopper’ and popularised worldwide by the moie from the factory on 2th ecember 12 to the Triumph Corporation asy Rider, released that same year ith its slightly raed frame, in altimore, SA and had one owner in oato, California up to etended front for, upswept threepipe ehaust system and eyeball 1 lown to ew ersey and put into storage, it remained there popping bodywor, there had been nothing lie the Vetter SA before until acuired by the current endor in 200 and air freighted to the y the time the concept reached production in 2, the SA brand Since its arrial in this country the urricane has been ept in name was moribund and Vetter’s creation had become a Triumph, a heated basement and was last running on the road in 200 ff though one that ept the Rocet ’s inclined cylinder bloc Apart from the road for the last seen years, it will reuire recommissioning the change of badge, the production urricane remained remarably and the customary safety checs before further use The machine is faithful to Vetter’s original ision ne of the motorcycling icons of the offered with TRC dating certicate, epired MoT 200 and a V5C 10s, the limited edition urricane was produced for little more than registration document A rare opportunity to acuire an original and one season and today is highly sought after unrestored eample of this pioneering factory custom’ 1 19 1 7

6 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 Property of a deceased’s estate; one owner from new SIL S AR Registration no PA 1R rame no 00S2 ngine no 500SS1 & 00S26 see tet

ngineer eorge Sil turned motorcycle manufacturer in 15 with the As mentioned in the description of the owner’s 116 orton RS 00S, a Spondonframed sports roadster powered by his own Scott ot 2 in this sale he passed away in 1 ollowing his death based engine Production continued until 10, by which time 1 the Sil was ept on display inside the house and the engine turned complete machines had been built, latterly as the Mar 2’ with partly oer at regular interals The machine has not been started since that blacnished engine time and, in iew of the lac of use in recent years, will reuire re commissioning and basic safety checs before returning to the road or This ultrarare ritish twostroe was purchased new by its late owner trac ith one owner from new, the Sil has coered only 5,20 miles in 1 e receied a sales brochure from Sil in anuary 1, since it left the factory subseuently placing an order for the machine with a 100 deposit in ebruary of that same year The balance of payment was inoiced in Accompanying paperwor consists of the aforementioned uly 1 and the machine deliered that month see correspondence correspondence and original sales inoice an oldstyle V5 document and inoice on le an epired MoT certicate two sales brochures an owner’s handboo le and miscellaneous inoicespapers The original 65cc engine is ollowing deliery, the Sil was used on the road and also etensiely included in the sale also in sprints and hillclimbs So much so that an echange of information 7 commenced between the owner and eorge Sil on the tuning and 77 11 performance of the machine The culmination of this deelopment wor was the proision of what is belieed to be one of only two special 500cc shortstroe engines built by Sil This shortstroe motor was duly installed in PA 1R’ and remains in it to this day sed in competition, the new engine was belieed to produce more power with less ibration at high res

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 65 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 25 Property of a deceased’s estate ELOETTE ENO THRTON Registration no S 06 rame no RS1566 ngine no VMT 66

Production race successes, notably in the Thruton 500 Mile eent prompted Veloce td to adopt that name for their newly introduced topoftherange sports roadster in 16 ased on the eisting Venom, the Thruton featured a tuned engine with reised bigale cylinder head, Amal P carburettor, clipon handlebars, rearset footrests and a twinleadingshoe front brae as standard euipment Although much admired by the caf racing fraternity, the Thruton’s necessarily high price limited its appeal to a select handful of wealthy connoisseurs It is thought that as few as 1,100 were made by the factory with a further 5560 assembled from parts by main dealers and today the Thruton is one of the most sought after of postwar Velocettes This matchingnumbers Thruton was supplied new by The art ouse of arlington to orman Robson of Croo, County urham The late owner, only its second in almost 50 years, acuired the machine some 25 years ago and meticulously restored it to its present as new’ condition Completed some ten years ago, the Thruton has been run and ehibited at shows all oer the ortheast of ngland The machine is offered with its original logboo, Velocette Thruton Machine Register letter and a V5C registration document 13 1 1

26 The ex-Martyn Ashwood AERAHI ALA DORO RAING OTORLE rame no 66CR 606 ngine no 66CR 606

Aermacchi is a household name among motorcyclists thans to its heroic achieement of producing the most highly deeloped and successful oerheadale racing single eer the Ala d’ro olden ing Alberto Pagani’s th place on the 250cc erion’s utch TT debut in 160 demonstrated the bie’s potential, which was conrmed the following wee when Pagani nished 5th at the elgian rand Pri Although the pushrod neer won a orld Championship race it did achiee a number of 2nd places, Alan arnett’s in the 10 unior TT on importer Syd awton’s bie being one of the most memorable oasting matching frame and engine numbers, this highly original Aermacchi Ala ’ro was raced by shortcircuit star Martin Ashwood in the late 160s and early 0s Purchased by noted amaha tuner and entrant Ted road, it was later bought by ritish Petroleum’s motor sport manager es Thacer and raced by his son uan in classic eents Tuned by the late Syd awton, it was ept in its original 250cc capacity and not conerted for 50cc eents The machine retains its original and rare orrani alloy wheels Although tted with conentional race footrests, it also comes with the folding aytonastyle footrests and an owner’s handboo with ell’rto carburettor settings and recommendations for gearing at ritish circuits 7

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

66 D L 2 NORTON AN REPLIA rame no RR1 ngine no 05

ac in 16, SATriumph’s S distributors ased motorcycle styling guru Craig Vetter to create a customised SA Rocet that would capture the freewheeling, laidbac approach to biing best eemplied by the chopper’ and popularised worldwide by the moie asy Rider, released that same year ith its slightly raed frame, etended front for, upswept threepipe ehaust system and eyeballpopping bodywor, there had been nothing lie the Vetter SA before y the time the concept reached production in 2, the SA brand name was moribund and Vetter’s creation had become a Triumph, though one that ept the Rocet ’s inclined cylinder bloc Apart from the change of badge, the production urricane remained remarably faithful to Vetter’s original ision ne of the motorcycling icons of the 10s, the limited edition urricane was produced for little more than one season and today is highly sought after According to the factory despatch records, this particular urricane was built on 20th September 12, the second day of production, and is thus one of the ery rst to be completed It was despatched from the factory on 2th ecember 12 to the Triumph Corporation in altimore, SA and had one owner in oato, California up to 1 lown to ew ersey and put into storage, it remained there until acuired by the current endor in 200 and air freighted to the Since its arrial in this country the urricane has been ept in a heated basement and was last running on the road in 200 ff the road for the last seen years, it will reuire re commissioning and the customary safety checs before further use The machine is offered with TRC dating certicate, epired MoT 200 and a V5C registration document A rare opportunity to acuire an original and unrestored eample of this pioneering factory custom’ 1

2 NORTON AN Registration no 561 rame no 61 ngine no 2665

hen orton’s Man featherbed’ frame made its ofcial debut at the landford Camp hit Monday race in May 150, it was neer foreseen ust how many different engines this superbly designed chassis would accommodate oer the net 60 years, though it is fair to say that a single cylinder cammy’ orton is still the ideal tment f attractie appearance the machines specication contains a selection of proen orton components modied and assembled during a 16year gestation period, from which has emerged a superb eample of a roadgoing Man The bottom end is sourced from a 15 International to which is attached a new barrel plus new piston, big end, main bearings, ale springs etc, tted with a brone sull’ cylinder head dating from 1 The sohc engine is installed in a 161 Man frame, incorporating a ohn Ticle swinging arm The 5gallon fuel tan is bafed, and the uality menu continues with a TT carburettor, a T competition magneto, and S front brae ually noteworthy are the stainless steel spoes and alloy rims fore and aft, the neat central oil tan, a replica Man seat, and the eposed spring front fors Crucially, the close ratio gearbo is tted with an all important icstart leer ien the engine has been restored and rebuilt by Ron ewis the oerall impression is of a compatibly itted, oneoff, high performance machine, coupled with orton’s traditionally timeless appearance Supplied with V5C, a VMCC ating Certicate, and a uantity of bills for the wor inoled 31

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 6 2 Ex Isle of Man, 1949 Junior Clubman’s TT NORTON INTERNATIONAL ODEL Registration no MT rame no 10 22101 ngine no 10 22101

Towards the end of 10, the Arthur Carrolldesigned oerhead orton factory records held by the VMCC show that this Model 0 camshaft engine was introduced on orton’s CS and C road International was despatched to agent R ay in ondon, with special models, and in 12 these were oined by a new topoftherange notes recording Clubmans TT’ Registered MT ’, a Middlese sports roadster the International’ that bore a closer resemblance mar, the orton was supplied to one R riscoe on 2th May 1 to the wors racers and was eually at home on the racetrac and ridden by him in that year’s Isle of Man TT unior Clubman’s eent, Although based on the wors racers, the Inter’ could be ordered with nishing 10th There is a photograph on le of riscoe and the orton renements such as lights and a icstarteuipped gearbo if the awaiting the start on lencrutchery Road Subseuently returned customer so desired y the time production halted in 1 the Inter to road trim, it was acuired by the current endor in 1 and is was being built with fourspeed footchange gearbo and plunger rear described by him as a delight to ride, the perfect touring machine’ suspension the socalled arden ate’ frame, reappearing after the The for seals were renewed, the rear brae shoes replaced and an war in similar guise sae for the adoption of the hydraulicallydamped antisumping’ ale installed a few years ago but the machine has not Roadholder front for which replaced the prewar girder The model been used since because the endor’s arthritisaficted nees mae receied orton’s racedeeloped eatherbed frame for 15, an alloy riding painful ighly original and nicely patinated, MT ’ represents cylinder barrelhead and the new laid down’ gearbo being adopted at a rare opportunity to acuire a matchingnumbers Inter with inperiod the same time pensie to mae and challenged by cheaper parallel TT history Accompanying documentation consists of an oldstyle twins of comparable performance, the Inter ceased to be catalogued continuation logboo, sundry inoices, a uantity of epired MoTs, and after 155 but could still be obtained to special order until 15, many oldcurrent V5V5C registration documents of the later machines incorporating Man components 1 1 17 1

6 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 20 NORTON INTERNATIONAL ODEL Registration no T 1 rame no ngine no 551

This Model 0 International had been in the immediately preceding hen the owner purchased the orton 11 years ago it had not run owner’s hands for years when it was purchased by the current for many years and was found to hae been immobilised by repeated endor at onhams’ Stafford Sale in April 200 ot 25 The seiures due to a pooruality engine rebuild A new oil pump and orton wners’ Club has conrmed that it is a 1 standard model metering ets, main bearings, rebore, piston and remoal of ecess completed in oember 12 and despatched without icstart gaset sealant got the engine running as it should, while new tyres document on le It was not registered until 1 and by the time it and rebuilt wheels and forsteering dampers restored the handling was registered by the preious owner in May 12 had acuired later Since then the orton has been used etensiely, always starting rst circa 15 hairpin ale springs, checspring fors, the competition or second ic, with general improements undertaen rather than a front brae and the doll’s head’ gearbo Although its early history comprehensie restoration Tans were repainted and the brightwor is unnown, the eidence strongly suggests that the machine was replated in 2010 including matt chrome to original specication while bought solely for competition use and was upgraded in period to other wors hae seen the rocers restored by Stu Rogers, the re maintain its competitieness This is eactly as the bie is offered today counter recalibrated, and new ale springs, new cams, new brae and the endor and a few surprised riders of much more modern linings, new chains and a new Amal TT carburettor tted the original machinery can attest to its impressie performance and remarable brassbodied carburettor and a set of rocer seals are included in for a girderrigid model roadholding nusually, the original factory the sale The machine is offered with a good history le containing wheel sies of 21 front and 20 rear are retained, while the engine and preiousowner correspondence, sundry restoration inoices, an old frame are liewise original to this machine style continuation logboo, e MoT certicates most recent epired April 2012, a V5C registration document and an original maintenance manual 1 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 6 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

21 1 Colerne Par 2 May, 1 SOTT SPRINT SPEIAL Registration no SC 650 2 rame no 20 Scott Vintage Race of the ear, ngine no P 106 Standard Class, Mallory Par, c1

ennis oward, 160s

The Sprint Special was probably the most eciting and desirable er the 6 years in the current ownership this machine has been machine eer built at Scott’s Shipley factory The combination of the used etensiely on the road, for intage racing it won the VMCC uic engine from the TT Replica model in a much lighter set of cycle standard class championship in 11, and has regularly been sprinted parts deried from the speedway machine resulted in a fast machine at such enues as Colerne, oingdon, Cornbury, and orth eald It with superb handling Iion, possibly the nest motorcycle ournalist is a wonderfully ersatile machine and has been used in the anbury of them all, wrote up his 10 test machines in The MotorCycle of Run straight after a sprint with no modications In 200 the Scott anuary th 11 e said this about the Sprint Special sustained signicant cosmetic damage when a car crashed into the trailer on which it was being transported This resulted in the tting of The Sprint model’s spiritual home is the open road, whereon she will a new radiator, new ehaust pipe and manifold, and repairs and new aerage ust about as high a speed as anything on wheels can hope to paintwor to the tans and rear mudguard The oil supply is ia the achiee drip feed system and this has proed totally reliable oer the years ae Minton’s roadtest of this Sprint Special was published in the May This genuine Sprint Special was despatched on May 20th 10 to 12 issue of Motor Cyclist Illustrated e wrote allams of irmingham Since 16 it has been in the ownership of one of the most highly regarded Scott enthusiasts, a past President hy in eaen’s name men scrabble around after cammy Velos, of the Scott wners Club The single downtube frame as used on ortons, roughs and whathaeyou, when there is stuff lie this Sprint Specials and subseuently on other Scott models prior to the around, eludes me reintroduction of the duple frame, has occasionally been nown to fail where the downtubes enter the headstoc ennis oward, the A copy of this roadtest is included in the sale as are a scrapboo with preious owner, had ongoing problems in this area, and indeed the many photographs, the owner’s technical notes, 1 old ta discs, and frame was fractured when he sold the machine, in a dismantled state about 0 old MoT certicates dating bac to 10 The reason for the and without an engine, to the current owner bac in the late 160s PTT SPRIT stamping on the oil tan strap and the presence In the course of reassembly the frame was repaired by braing on a of the miniature chamber pot on the oil tan cap is that the endor’s gusset which reinforced the area in uestion That was about 5 years nicname is Potty Most of his Scotts are adorned with a miniature ago and the frame has been 100 sound eer since ennis retained potty similar to the one illustrated the original registration number 6 and the bie was reregistered 1 1 SC 650 which had preiously adorned another Scott in the endors’ 1 collection ngine no P 106 56cc was tted at that time and has gien eemplary and rapid serice The crancase dates from 15 but is tted with the correct blind head barrel of a intage Scott

0 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 1 22 1 The rough Superior, Ifey ROGH SPERIOR OH LA ALPINE Road, ford 10 Registration no 11 rame no 102 2 ngine no T 65S The rough Superior, Summer 11 Continental earbo no IV2 Tour with Morgan

2 D L eorge rough’s motorcycles hae been etensiely researched and The history of this wonderfully patinated lac Alpine is nown from written up oer many years The erhead 60 was the company’s new It was supplied in August 10 by aytons of ford to one best seller through the tough trading years of the late 20s and early R Venables Two 10 photos show it pared on the Ifey Road in 0s It was introduced in 126 and sold well initially, but the early ford close to the owner’s home The following summer Mr Venables engines weren’t as robust as those on the larger machines AP rode the bie on an etended continental tour accompanied by his responded with a redesigned engine, but by the end of the decade friend ennis elch who used his Morgan three wheeler for the trip eorge rough felt the need to launch a de lue ersion, and the lac They isited Switerland and the south of rance Two photos of the Alpine 60 was announced in oember 12 rough and the Morgan on this trip are included in the sale, as is the rough’s 11 International Certicate for Motor Vehicles effectiely The MotorCycle reported rough Superior enthusiasts will no doubt a passport for the machine, which was a reuirement if you went be ery surprised to learn that this famous mae will dispense with continental touring at that time In late 11 the lac Alpine was sold the well nown plated tan on one entirely new model nown as the to Chris Arthurs, a silled carpenter who lied in Reading e was to lac Alpine 60 This seems to hae been a sort of less is more eep the rough for the net forty years e tted a sidecar and the mareting moe which wored There were other eyecatching lac Alpine was used for wor and family holidays It was he who features such as twin headlamps and the lined silencers Titch Allen tted the ery distinctie discs to the wheels is shoptting actiities speculated that the money saed on the tan might hae coered the yielded the materials for a number of modications he made in the etra cost of the four speed gearbo specied for the new model course of his ownership The wooden seat base and its upholstery came from seats in the Palace Theatre, Reading e also tted the wooden number plates which are still there today, and modied the handlebars to suit the sidecar uring the later war years he rode the outt far and wide repairing Mosuito aircraft

L D L The third and present owner for the last years had nown Chris This is a matching numbers machine frame, engine and gearbo, Arthurs for a long time, and had preiously ased for rst refusal all housed in the sprung frame It comes with a large history le if Chris eer decided to part with the rough Chris, by now in his including photographs, a rough Superior club copy of the original eighties, nally offered him the machine in 11 The present owner wors record card, contemporary magaine reports of the new lac who had a young family was unable to afford the asing price of 200 Alpine, a separate noteboo recording wor on the machine oer and was allowed to pay the balance off at a rate of 5 per month The many years, a letter from eorge rough to Chris Arthurs dated 1th receipted payment schedule comes with the machine It was then September 1 the signature may perhaps be by rubber stamp, an used for a number of years until a conrod broe in 16 ifteen years article written for the rough Superior Club newsletter in September passed before it was bac on the road, and it has been used regularly 2012, a roadtest of the machine by Motorcycle Sport and eisure eer since in September 16, a photocopy of a 2 page chapter about the machine from Titch Allen’s rough boo egends in their ifetime, In 16 it starred in The ig reafast on Channel with allace & two continuation logboos,, a current V5C and earlier V5 registration rommit Around 2001 the engine was rebuilt by ae Clar including document, an original rough Superior instruction boo, 21 old MoT the approed strengthening modication with bolt through cylinder certicates the earliest dated oember 12, and 22 old ta discs barrels It has probably coered less than 2,000 miles since ringing 7 1 things right up to date, in the 201 anbury Run it won the prie for the 9 1 best rough Superior, and was the only rough to be ridden to a old Award In his noteboo the endor recorded engine runs lie dream such power e describes the paint and bright wor as poor, but the engine as top notch, and also reports that a new battery is reuired It should be noted that the original inerted front brae leer now operates the auiliary oil pump, whilst an additional period brae leer which matches the clutch leer deals with the brae

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 5 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 The Earls Court Motorcycle Show ROGH SPERIOR HP Registration no ARV 62 rame no M12 ngine no T56S

egendary superbie of motorcycling’s betweenthewars olden The speed with which the name rough Superior’ established itself Age’, the rough Superior was synonymous with high performance, as synonymous with ecellence may be gauged from the fact that engineering ecellence and uality of nish That such a formidable the famous RollsRoyce of Motorcycles’ sobriuet was rst coined reputation was forged by a motorcycle constructed almost entirely in 121 when the marue was barely two years old The story goes from boughtin components says much for the publicity sills of that RollsRoyce obected to their name being associated with a mere eorge rough ut if eer a machine was more than the sum of its motorcycle until they eamined one of eorge’s creations parts, it was the rough Superior Always the perfectionist, rough bought only the best aailable components for his motorcycles, reasoning that if the product was right, a lofty price tag would be no handicap And in the Roaring Twenties’ there were sufcient wealthy connoisseurs around to proe him right, T awrence awrence of Arabia’ being the most famous eample

6 D L aunched in 1, the 1,06cc 1150 was the largest rough Superior Its display duties oer, the machine was despatched new to to enter series production Powered by a sideale twin of unusual ennett & Co td and registered ARV 62’ a Portsmouth mar 60degree conguration supplied eclusiely to the ottingham on 1st anuary 1 An oldstyle buff continuation logboo on le factory by A Prestwich, the 1150 tted into the rough price range records the owner, from uly 15, as a Mr illiam orbes of ondon between the SS0 touring and SS100 supersports models The 11 S25 The rough was tted with a sidecar at that time and there are 50 was conceied as a longlegged, effortless tourer and could eceed arious charming period photographs of ARV 62’ and the orbes 0mph in solo form or pull a heay sidecar at up to 5mph indeed, family on le Its recently deceased owner acuired the rough in in the latter role it was one of the nest sidecar mounts of its day 11 and spent the net 16 years restoring it ast taed for the road Production lasted until 1, by which time the 1150 was the only in 2001, the machine will reuire recommissioning before returning to APpowered machine in the rough Superior range the road after some 1 years in dry storage 3 isplayed on the rough Superior stand at the Motorcycle Show in September 1, alongside the rm’s sensational transerse twin prototype, this particular 1150 is unusual in retaining matching frame, engine, gearbo and fuel tan numbers The accompanying etract from the factory records shows that the machine was prepared to show nish’ and tted with aluminium 1150’ numberplates A sprung frame model, it also came euipped with a separate oil tan, foot gear control, small pannier bags show type’, Cranford hinged rear mudguard, top and bottom rear chain cases, rear footrests, and Amal touring handlebars complete with dual integral twist grips

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 Single family ownership since 1959; -year restoration to concours standard INENTHRD SERIESA RAPIDE Registration no 6 rame no V 1 Rear rame no V 1 ngine no V106

f all the many maes and models of motorcycle produced during espite its plethora of eternal oil pipes an arrangement that gae the 10s, there are two outstanding twinengined thoroughbreds rise to the famous Plumber’s ightmare’ sobriuet the SeriesA that feature at the top of eery nowledgeable enthusiast’s fantasy twin is undeniably handsome, its highset camshafts and relatiely barn nd’ league table the rough Superior SS100 and VincentR short cylinders endowing this magnicent motorcycle with a muscular, SeriesA Rapide These days the chances of nding an eample of broadshouldered loo n test, the prototype engine proed to be as either hidden behind a pile of straw bales are slim indeed, all the more powerful as its loos suggested, deliering a maimum of 5bhp at so in the case of the ultrarare SeriesA Rapide, a mere of which 5,500rpm on a relatiely low 61 compression ratio It was installed were produced between late 16 and the summer of 1 pert in a new ersion of Vincent’s sprung frame euipped with urman opinion differs on this point, but most authorities faour a total in the fourspeed gearbo, girder front for and powerful twin front braes, high 0s y way of comparison, production of the rial SS100 ran the complete machine tipping the scales at an admirable 0lbs n into the hundreds the road the SeriesA Rapide fullled all of its maer’s epectations, proing capable of reaching 110mph, comfortably faster than the rial The VincentR marue originated in 12 when Philip C Vincent APpowered SS100 acuired the name, igs, tools and patterns of the recently liuidated R Company R’ stood for oward Raymond aies, the The prototype SeriesA Rapide was proudly displayed on Vincent’s Isle of Man TT winner who had founded the rm in 12 Vincent stand at the 16 Motor Cycle Show at lympia but only a handful moed production from olerhampton to Steenage, pioneering his were sold in 1, the rst full year of production, as the motorcycling own design of sprung frame on an entirely new range of machines public remained sceptical of the upstart rm’s performance claims ie aies, Vincent relied on proprietary engines but increasing This scepticism was soon dispelled by the eploits of the wors dissatisfaction with suppliers led to the creation of Vincent’s own SeriesA racers piloted by Manliffe arrington and inger’ ood, the engine in 1 A 500cc highcamshaft oerheadale single, this latter shattering the onington Par lap record in 1 and returning a allnew power unit was designed ointly by PCV and his Chief ngineer staggering standing uartermile time of 115 seconds at the atwic Phil Iring who, so legend has it, came up with the idea of a 1,000cc sprint twin after seeing two drawings of the single superimposed on one another y producing a twin in this fashion, many of the eisting singlecylinder components could be utilised, thus reducing costs, an important factor for the edgling concern

D L The outbrea of 2 in 1 brought production of all SeriesA models to a halt, and when Vincent resumed production in 16, it was with the allnew Series y uly when the last SeriesA twin was built, the model had been in production for a little oer 0 months, and the fact that so few were made has in no small part contributed to this legendary model’s mythic status It is estimated that around 60 65 SeriesA Vincent twins surie worldwide today, and for one to be offered for sale is an eent of eceptional importance

irst registered on th ctober 1, this ultrarare Vincent SeriesA twin is belieed to be the penultimate eample completed before production ceased The factory records list only one higher engine number, V10’, which is dated 10 or the last 55plus years 6’ has belonged to the current endor’s family, haing been purchased by the owner’s late father, illiam enry arry’ loyd, in August 15 The accompanying oldstyle continuation logboo, issued ecember 15, lists only one owner prior to arry loyd Mr Philip ohnston of ierpool, who had acuired the Vincent in April 155 Its preious history is not nown

The rans of Vincent owners contain a disproportionately high number of engineers, arry loyd among them e sered his engineering apprenticeship during 2 and went on to wor for seeral manufacturing companies, including ucas Aerospace as a toolmaer In a letter to Motorcycle Sport magaine ctober 16 edition, arry recalled that he rst encountered the Rapide when it was on its way to the breaer’s yard with a wreced gearbo and minus wheels and other bits and pieces’

L The Vincent belonged to an employee of orsman Motorcycles in The now dismantled Vincent was stored in a locup garage rented from ierpool presumably the aforementioned Mr ohnston and was in his the local council, which around 10 erroneously rented the premises bac garden in a partly dismantled state The sum of 10 and an Amal to another resident who proceeded to clear it out ortunately, arry TT carburettor changed hands, and arry found himself the owner loyd was informed in the nic of time and was able to rescue his of the Rapide e already owned a SeriesA Meteor and Comet, and beloed Vincent as it was being loaded into a rubbish sip The precious parts from these two machines were used to get the Rapide bac on machine was transferred to arry’s house where it remained securely the road The nal result was engine, frame, gearbo main shell and stored in the bac bedroom until 200 ien its history, it can be safely electrics all original Rapide fors, wheels, gearbo outer coer and said that this motorcycle’s surial to the present day is thans to arry change mechanism Comet ale gear, rocers and pushrods Comet loyd’s engineering nowledge and passion for Vincents The restoration and Meteor’ commenced in 200 and was entrusted to the highly respected marue specialist lyn ohnson of The Vincent orshop td, but sadly arry After a new mainshaft had been made to sort out the troublesome passed away in 200 and did not see the nished result gearbo, the Rapide with sidecar attached ran well throughout 161162 before transmission trouble returned After a period when Completed in 201, this was a most comprehensie restoration the Vincent was laid up, the problem was soled by haing a new steel undertaen to concours standard, both mechanically and cosmetically clutch centre with increased spline length made together with another A measure of its uality may be gained from the painstaing approach mainshaft The machine ran well during 16616 before a broen taen to the use of stainless steel fastenings ery nut, bolt, stud, primary chain eited through the front of the chain case, which had to washer and tting has been reproduced in this material to as near be welded An engine stripdown reealed worn ale gear and cams, original pattern as possible, being nished in one of three ways polished and at the time arry loyd wrote to Motorcycle Sport, the Rapide was to simulate a chromed nish dull blasted to simulate cadmium or off the road pending a rebuild haing coered some 20,000 miles while chemically blacened to simulate a Parerised nish The result is a nish in his ownership, including two holidays of oer 1,000 miles see copy that has the same appearance as the original but with the enduring letter on le ualities of stainless steel The paintwor is all traditional stoe enamel

The engine rebuild included pressure impregnation of the main castings to counter nown porosity problems new alloy cylinder barrels hardened leadfree ale seats and new cylinder liners cast iron, pistons, cams, ales, ale guides, rocer coers, pushrods, bearings, etc, etc ew inner and outer primary transmission coers were cast from M25 aluminium alloy using the originals as patterns and the gearbo rebuilt using stronger postwar gears running in brone bushes The clutch is a new urman of original type

0 D L Specialists Martyn ratby and ae indsley restored the Amal carburettors and ucas magdyno respectiely, while the fors were rebuilt by Ray aniels, including conersion to bronebushed piots ew brae drums were made in cast iron for superior performance while maintaining the appearance of the original pressed components The tinware’ mudguards, lifting handle, tool bo and numberplates are all new and to original pattern, while the fuel tan is the original repaired, pressure tested, polished and repainted The ehaust system and its ttings are all new

A complete electrical rewire was carried out using cables and ttings similar to the originals All the headlamp components were renewed with the eception of the shell, reector and ammeter, which were reconditioned The taillight is an original newoldstoc item lyn ohnson’s detailed list of all the wors carried out is aailable for inspection highly recommended It should be noted that this motorcycle has been bench run only and then decommissioned for storagedisplay at the owner’s reuest Accordingly, the machine will need to be carefully commissioned, calibrated and tuned prior to any use

6’ retains its original registration number and is offered with the aforementioned documentation, VC dating certicate, copy current V5V5C registration documents a copy of the factory ngine Specication Sheet The latter records the assembly technician as rown’, though whether this refers to the famous racer eorge rown or his less wellnown brother and biographer Cliff, another Vincent employee, is not nown

ne of the most eciting motorcycles to be offered on the open maret in recent years, this wonderful VincentR SeriesA twin represents a possibly onceinalifetime opportunity for discerning collectors 31 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 1 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 25 One owner from new INENT LA SHADO SERIESD ITH PRINE ODOR Registration no VV 1 rame no R125 Rear rame no, R125 ngine no 10A2106 Crancase mating no 1V

In September 155 when it was reealed that production of Vincent motorcycles would cease, the news stunned the motorcycling world y the time its demise was announced, Vincent’s nal twin the Series had been in production for ust si months The enclosed ersions of the Rapide and lac Shadow were nown as lac night and lac Prince respectiely, and when production nally ceased in ecember 155 around 60 Series twins had been built, some 200 of which were enclosed models Still in the hands of its original owner, this lac Shadow with Prince bodywor benets from an engine rebuild undertaen circa 15 years ago and was last taed for the road in April 200 ie many of its ind the machine has been upgraded, boasting 12olt alternator electrics, electronic ignition, ashing indicators, crash’ bars, panniers and modern mirrors Currently SR’d, the machine will reuire the customary recommissioning and safety checs before returning to the road Accompanying paperwor consists of sundry inoices from specialist parts suppliers, old V5 document, oldcurrent V5C documents and a uantity of epired MoT certicates indicating that the machine has coered only a handful of miles in the last 20 years The current odometer reading is ,11 miles 7

26 ROGH SPERIOR HP PROET Registration no TV rame no 126 ngine no 50 S

The rough Superior has become the most soughtafter motorcycle of the twentieth century, with a charisma for the buying public unmatched by any other manufacture, The Superior’ part of the name was coined by eorge rough, perhaps the most prominent motorcycle publicist nown, in order to separate his machines from the eisting rough machines, produced by his father pre1 A consummate competition rider and machine designer, eorge rough made a limited number of ariants on the large twin theme, each for a particular segment of the maret The 1150’ targeted the sidecar rider who was happy to pay more than that of a small car for the priilege TV with matching frame and engine numbers was despatched from the ottingham factory on uly 22nd1, as a solo, with Monarch fors and Amal twin twistgrips as part of its full euipment t In storage in the hands of the endor since 16, most of its preious history remains unnown at present and will be a subect for further research This rough is a restoration proect, in eminently restorable condition, with most of its original euipment still present The sheetmetal will reuire silled repair, as will the engine and gearbo, but there is no reason why this rare 1150 should not soon grace the road and rally scene It is complete with a V5C and copy build sheet, ready for close and enthusiastic inspection 1 1 1 17

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

2 D L 2 One owner for the last 52 years INENT LA SHADO SERIESD Registration no S 212 rame no R1255 Rear rame no R1255 ngine no 10A21055

ne of only 11 unenclosed Series lac Shadows made, ther upgrades include a irby Rowbotham dualpoints coil this eample was supplied to ings ford td of irmingham in ignition system, a better engine breather, numerous stainless steel August 155 and on th anuary 156 was sold new to a Mr ewis fastenings, SeriesC side stands and a SeriesC magneto coer The of irmingham Its accompanying original logboo lists a handful recorded mileage at the restoration’s completion was 6,10 MoT of subseuent owners, all in the Midlands, up to oember 16 certicate on le when S 212’ was purchased from ings of olerhampton by the current endor sales receipt on le e had seen the machine Currently displaying a total of 5,0 miles on the odometer, the at ings two years preiously when it was adertised for sale at machine has been routinely maintained and MoT’d from 11 220 guineas 21 but when he bought S 212’ it cost only 5 onwards In uly 2001 at ,00 miles a Conway antisumping ale because, according to ings, the last two owners had returned it and a new ranois rosset selfstarter were tted by on Aleander, complaining of gear selection problems ings were glad to see the while in 200 at ,000 miles the Amal Monobloc carburettors were bac of it resleeed, also by on A new stainless steel front wheel rim was tted in 200 and new Vincent braes made by Macro Precision The endor discoered that the cause was a broen gear selector Pumps td in une 200, while the engine outer cases were repainted spring, which he replaced at the cost of only a few pence e then in 2010 A new battery was tted in 2012 partially dismantled the Vincent, separating it into three large assemblies front end, enginegearbo and rear end and stored it in his garage ast taed for the road to ebruary 2015 and described as in generally while continuing to ride his SeriesC Shadow S 212’ remained in ecellent condition, this well documented Series lac Shadow is storage until 1 when a complete rebuild was commenced inished offered with its original oldstyle logboo, sundry bills, recently epired in September 10, the restoration included a full engine oerhaul by MoT 201, assorted instructional literature and V5C registration on Aleander, total repaint of the cycle parts, replating of brightwor, document carburettor oerhaul and conersion to 12olt electrics 7

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 INENT OET Registration no 10 rame no RC156 ngine no 5A2A515 see tet

nlie in prewar days, when the rst SeriesA VincentR twin riginally tted with engine number 06’ the current engine is a had been created by in effect combining two of the eisting singles, replacement, this Comet was purchased by the current endor in uly post2 Vincent’s approach was reersed, with the Series twin 1 In 16 the engine was rebored and tted with a new piston appearing rst, in 16, and the singlecylinder ersion in 1 The and main bearings, while circa 2005 a renoation of the cycle parts latter was offered in two forms initially Series Meteor and SeriesC was carried out This included stripping the machine to the frame Comet Apart from its urman gearbo and missing’ cylinder, the reassembling with new fastenings and bushes reenamelling the Comet followed SeriesC twin lines, featuring the newly introduced fuel tan rebuilding the wheels with new stainless rims and spoes irdraulic front for and hydraulic dampers at front and rear, while replacing the tyres tting a new chain and clutch uprating the the Meteor retained the old rampton girders The Meteor was electrics to 12olt and tting a new battery More recently in 2011 soon dropped but the Comet continued in production until 15, the Vincent was sericed by ill unn Motorcycles bill on le The offering the same degree of renement as its bigger brother, albeit machine is offered with additional inoices an oldstyle continuation with reduced performance en so, the Comet combined a 0mph logboo 166 a uantity of old ta discs and MoTs most recent potential with ecellent fuel economy, and was the ideal touring mount epired 201 SR paperwor fuel ration boos 2 current road for the discerning rider who placed ciility of manners and uality of fund licence V5C document and a copy of the ors rder orm construction aboe outright performance An epensie machine to engine produce, the Comet did not sell as well as its maer had hoped and 1 was dropped when the Series range was introduced 11 1

D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 ADLER Registration no A rame no 00 ngine no 00

ne of ermany’s lesser nown marues, Adler is best remembered for its adanced twostroes of the 150s Although designed as a roadgoing power unit, Adler’s unitconstruction aircooled twin proed highly tuneable, enabling Adlermounted priateers to achiee signicant results in nationalleel road races and een the occasional international success Interestingly, amaha is nown to hae studied an Adler M250 before embaring on the design of its own 250cc twin Sadly, the Adler company was taen oer by rundig in 15 and its factory turned oer to typewriter production This M250 was in rough condition when it was purchased circa eight years ago by the current endor from a friend of his ow fully restored, it boasts new ehaust pipes and silencers, new piston rings and oil seals, 12olt electrics and new electronic ignition, and has been repainted and replated throughout e are adised that the engine has only been started using a slae fuel tan the restored tan has yet to see fuel escribed as in generally ery good condition, this rare erman motorcycle is offered with an oldstyle continuation logboo issued 1 and a V5 registration document 3 77

00 ITORIA ERGEISTER Registration no 105 rame no 512 ngine no 512

ounded in rnberg, ermany in 16, bicyclemaer Victoria added motorcycles to its portfolio towards the end of the 1th Century After 2, smallcapacity twostroes formed the mainstay of production and then in 151 Victoria announced its rst fourstroe model of the postwar era the V5 ergmeister Mountain Master The V5 was powered by a transersely mounted twin engine, and featured shaft nal drie and an unusual fourspeed, chainandsprocets transmission there are no gears in the gearbo’ an arrangement its designer Richard chen had rst used while employed by ndapp in the early 10s Modern for the times, the V5 boasted plunger rear suspension, a telescopic front for and fullwidth alloy braes This eample of a rarely encountered erman marue was purchased at auction in 2011 and treated to a full last nut and bolt’ restoration including a rebore and new pistons, generator, coils, bearings, braes, cables, wheel rebuilding and replating of brightwor, etc After completion this V5 won the est Continental Motorcycle’ award at the 201 ristol Classic Motorcycle Show nly a handful of ilometres hae been cloced up’ since completion and the machine is described by the priate endor as in generally ecellent condition Currently taed, it comes with a VMCC dating certicate, V5C document and a photocopied instruction manual in erman The machine is to factory specication apart from a solidstate oltage controller and conersion to 12olt electrics 73

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 5 dward Turner, relatiely unnown at this time but later to become 01 one of the giants of the ritish motorcycle industry, designed the Louis Vuitton Classic Concours Winner original Suare our engine is noel four cylinder 500cc oerhead cam engine layout offered a number of adantages it was etremely ARIEL SARE FOR smooth, its compact dimensions allowed it to be tted in the frame of Registration no VS 66 the current Ariel 500cc single, and it allowed the use of conentional rame no P100 chain drie The Suare our was one of the sensations of the 10 ngine no 225 lympia Show Subseuently it was enlarged to 600cc, but by the middle of the decade Ariels recognied that a more radical change was reuired n the ee of the 15 Show they reealed the new 1000cc Suare our

This was an entirely new design by Turner which featured many changes including duralumin pushrod operated ale gear, ertically split crancases with dry sump oiling, one piece cranshafts, light alloy conrods, white metal plain bearings, and a rear mounted Sole carburettor There were some deelopment issues relating to lubrication of the ale gear and production commenced only in September 16 The fantastic eibility of the new engine was demonstrated by reddie Clare who rode a prototype 1000cc Suare our to roolands and there ran ten mph to a hundred in top

Today there is nothing remotely unusual about a four cylinder This particular Suare our was awarded one of the concours world’s motorcycle, but in the 10s a motorcycle powered by four cylinders ultimate accolades when it scooped rst prie in the ouis Vuitton was true eotica nly one such machine was ehibited at the 1 Classic Concours at the urlingham Club in 1 Proing that lympia Show the Ariel Suare our, which attracted an immense this was no ue, a few years later, in 200 it won the Suare our amount of attention according to The Motor Cycle wnership category at the Ariel wners Club annual rally concours The endor, of one of these superbies, oer thirty years before the term was a prewar Suare our epert, has owned this machine, nicnamed coined, set the rider apart from his fellow motorcyclists who were Andromeda, for oer twenty years It is reluctantly offered for sale mostly still aboard singles If the rough Superior was the Rolls Royce following the recent death of his mother The sale of the parental home of motorcycles, then surely the Ariel Suare our was the entley has resulted in a loss of storage space reuiring a thinning out of his collection Parting with it is slightly more bearable because he owns a second 1 eample, in similarly immaculate condition

6 D L ollowing its acuisition in 1 the machine was found wanting in a The fors were rebushed ew for spindles, headrace bearings, and number of areas The etremely able endor embared on the award for spring were tted The rare and correct offside front side stand winning comprehensie restoration which was to tae three years and is in place The carburettor is the original Sole instrument tted with embraced eery aspect of this magnicent machine The cylinder bloc the correct bistarter mechanism Stainless steel fasteners, each one was linered and rebored to standard, genuine new old stoc epolite made by the endor, are tted throughout The perfectionist approach 61 pistons were tted, as well as a new camshaft & followers, to this restoration is eemplied by the apparently insignicant grease tappet guide blocs, ales, ale guides, ale springs, & new rocer nipples, all of which were specially made to the original pattern It shafts to which the rocers were lapped The gearbo was oerhauled should be pointed out that the engine dates from 1, the 1 with new bearings The gearing was raised with a new 26 tooth engine & 1 engines being identical in eery respect An original slightly sprocet & 0 tooth clutch chainwheel The result was found to be damaged Ariel Suare our sales brochure from 1 is included with entirely satisfactory this lot Although it is no longer a legal reuirement, the Suare our was freshly MoT’d this ebruary A rare nd was the genuine new old stoc Smiths day cloc which wors perfectly, as well as the correct domed glass ammeter The The writer of this piece was present when this motorcycle was original and correct handlebars are tted as is the correct rear purchased oer twenty years ago and has nown it eer since It can wheel The magneto was restored by Tony Stairs, that doyen of truly be said that this Suare our is as good on the inside as it is on magneto men ewis & Templeton were responsible for the paintwor the outside including the tans, mudguards, chainguard, wheel rim centres etc 1 1 ther new old stoc tments were the correct MCR1 oltage regulator 1 and the switchgear The correct ucas C0 panel light is present as is the original Thape tyre inator The domed glass headlamp is correct for 1 The silencers were made to the wors drawings with brass bafes handmade by the endor

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 02 ARIEL SARE FOR G AR I Registration no V 6 rame no SC0 ngine no TM650 see tet

esigned by dward Turner, the Suare our was rst shown at or carried out included tting two new cylinder liners four new lympia in 10 riginally an oerheadcamshaft 500, the model pistons and rebores cranshafts reground and new bigend shells grew to 601cc before a total redesign saw it emerge as the Model 0010 undersie new main bearings and bushes echange , with 5cc oerheadale engine, in 1 Anstey lin plunger camshaft and followers and the dynamo oerhauled The wheels were rear suspension became an option in 1 but would not be offered rebuilt and new tyres tted, and the fuel tan refurbished, rechromed again until 16 when a telescopic front for replaced the preious and repainted The remaining cycle parts were powdercoated blac, girder type ith its limitless reseres of pulling power and innate and a new ehaust system obtained smoothness, the model was a superb touring mount and a longtime faourite of the sidecar brigade It was with some ustication that The Suariel’ has not been run since restoration, although the bores Ariel’s 150 catalogue billed their topoftherange model as The hae been oiled and the engine turned oer at regular interals A world’s most eclusie motor cycle’ glimpse down the spar plug holes reeals the new piston crowns, and in iew of the lac of use it is recommended that a new owner should This 151 eample was acuired by the endor in 201 from the family carefully recommission the machine and carry out safety checs prior who had owned it since 15 It had been a longterm restoration, to running or using it on the road unused since the wor’s completion The engine was rebuilt by well nown Ariel specialists ragany Motorcycles, and a bill on le details Accompanying paperwor consists of a current V5C together with the wor done at a time thought to be in the early 10s the date on the original R60 buff logboo and the aforementioned inoice Also the inoice cannot be deciphered included with the machine are the original damaged crancases, which were replaced when the engine was rebuilt 1 11 17

D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 0 Property of a deceased’s estate ARIEL SARE FOR AR I Registration no TC 252 rame no S10 ngine no TM125

In 1 a total redesign saw the Ariel Suare our’ reemerge as the Model , with 5cc oerheadale engine, maing it an een more enticing prospect for sidecarists Ansteylin plunger rear suspension became an option in 1 but would not be offered again until 16, when a telescopic front for replaced the preious girder type An eercise in weight shedding saw the castiron cylinder head and barrel replaced by alloy components for 1 on the reised Mar I’, which was now capable of 0mphplus TC 252’ was sold new ia ings of ford and comes with its original oldstyle logboo conrming matching numbers Ariel wners MCC correspondence on le states that it is one of 5 late 152 Suare our Mar Is that left the wors with early 15 frames The machine was purchased by the late owner in May 2010 from Atlantic Motorcycles sales receipt on le Also on le is an inoice for stripping and rebuilding the transmission, repainting the tan checing the timing, tappets, carburettor, etc tting a new battery and arious other wors There is also a bill for new wheel rims and spoes ast MoT’d to May 2011 and dry stored since then, the machine will reuire recommissioning before returning to the road Accompanying documentation consists of the aforementioned logboo, correspondence and bills SR paperwor and V5C registration document The machine also comes with arious instruction and maintenance manuals, spare parts boos and price lists 1 11 17

0 Property of a deceased’s estate ARIEL RED HNTER Registration no 20 rame no 1 ngine no C166

Accompanying VMCC etracts from the Ariel factory records show that this Red unter consists of a frame originally forming part of a machine supplied in oember 15 to lite Motors in Tooting, South ondon and the engine of another supplied that same year to ac unt in the Selly a rm’s perimental epartment f particular interest is the remars’ section, which states speedo 100mph for eperimental test’, perhaps indicating that the engine was specially tuned The late owner acuired the machine in oember 200 and a few years ago told onhams that it was ery powerful and sweet running, emitting no smoe, and with no gearbo problems 20’ benets from recommissioning, undertaen in ebruary 2010, which included oerhauling the carburettor and stripping the gearbo to t a new icstart spring The related inoice is on le together with others for rebuilding the clutch and repairing and repainting the fuel tan ast MoT’d to ecember 2010, the machine has been dry stored since then and will reuire recommissioning and the customary safety checs before returning to the road Accompanying documentation consists of the aforementioned bills and factory records, an oldstyle continuation logboo issued 15, SR paperwor, two epired MoTs, copies of old V5Cs and current V5C document 1 1 1 17

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 05 ARIEL ODEL F SARE FOR rame no 11 ngine no 15

esigned by the legendary dward Turner, the Ariel Suare our was rst shown at lympia in 10 niue at the time of its introduction, the Suariel’, as it was swiftly dubbed, featured a single bloc of four cylinders and twin gearedtogether cranshafts with pistons phased at 10 degrees The crancase was split horiontally, unusually for a of the period, while the ertical ales were operated by a single oerhead camshaft Although launched as a 500’, the Suariel was soon enlarged to 601cc with an eye on the important sidecar maret, this bigger 6’ ersion being made aailable for the 12 model year This Model 6 was purchased by the current endor in 10 and stored until 2005 when it was recommissioned The machine has been ept as original as possible, though new tyres and chains hae been tted to pass MoT tests In 2005 the engine top end was rebuilt and the magneto and dynamo were professionally oerhauled the latter conerted to a modern 2brush CVC system and since then the Ariel has attended many rallies escribed as running well, this delightful time warp’ Suare our is offered with Ariel wners MCC dating certicate, sundry restoration inoices, epired MoTs, current road fund licence and V5C registration document 1 1

06 Four miles since total restoration ARIEL SARE FOR G AR Registration no P 20 rame no CM 156 ngine no CM 15

esigned by dward Turner, creator of the legendary Triumph Speed Twin, the rst Ariel Suare our was shown at the lympia Motorcycle Show in 10 Conceied as an oerheadcamshaft 500, the model grew to 601cc before a total redesign saw it emerge as the Model , with 5cc oerheadale engine, in 1 Ansteylin plunger rear suspension became an option in 1, but would not be offered again until 16, when a telescopic front for replaced the preious girder type An eercise in weight shedding saw the castiron cylinder head and barrel replaced by alloy components for 1, the reised model, now capable of 0mphplus, being nown as the Mar 1 Introduced in 15, the four pipe’ Mar 2 with redesigned cylinder head eleated the Suare our into the league of genuine 100mph motorcycles Suare our production, along with that of all other Ariel fourstroes, ceased in 15 This late eample had been unused since 16 when it was purchased by the current endor in 200 A total last nut and bolt’ rebuild was carried out between 2011 and 2012, and the Suariel is said to perform well, although it still reuires running in haing coered only four miles since completion Too heay for the elderly owner, the machine is reluctantly offered for sale and comes with a V5C document 7 1 9 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

0 D L 0 R ITH STEI SIDEAR Registration no P 1 rame no 506616 ngine no 501

The propeller motif on a M is the reminder of the company’s origin in 1 aeroengine production In 12 the rst M at twin motorcycle, the R2, appeared and, until the 10s, remained the design characteristic of the mae The modern M perhaps dates from 12 when the R5, with its suare’ borestroe and high camshaft produced 2 bhp at well oer 5000 rpm, with the ability to sustain this for long periods The 1 R51, as here, moed een further forward, gaining telefors and plunger rear suspension ith fewer than 000 made before 10, it remains a rare and signicant model P 1, registered in the ondon in 1, was then a ery epensie and hightech motorcycle and is one with a history worth researching It has two addons’, one the Steib sidecar, the other an alternatie fuel, producergas olgas apparatus a gaogene’ of a type commonly used in occupied countries during 2 when petrol was noneistent This enabled the engine to run on wood or coal, producing about half of the power on petrol hen and why this system was tted is unclear, but it is a fascinating addition In basically sound condition, this possibly uniue R51 outt comes with a V5C, some history and a manual for the gas generator, giing any buyer an interesting choice of restoration path ind another one

0 ELOETTE LE Registration no T 6 rame no ngine no

A longterm member of the Velo Club, the current endor has owned this late eample for 2 years, during which time it had coered approimately 2,000 trouble free miles oweer, while the Velo’s oerall time warp’ condition would suggest that the mileage reading is genuine, it cannot be conrmed The machine is tted with an original Aon handlebar fairing and original unlop chromed wheel rims atterly the rear tyre was replaced, the old tyre and tube being original unlops, suggesting they were factory ttings The old tyre and tube are included in the sale together with some original spares in the panniers aing stood for some years, the machine will reuire recommissioning before returning to the road and it should be noted that there is no battery tted Also included with the machine is a large cardboard bo containing a uantity of club literature and, most signicantly, a bo of mainly original documents including the original green logboo, the original bill of saleinoice, the guarantee card, arious old ta discs and MoT certicates, and the V5C registration document 1 1 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults


Motorcycles were a lifelong passion for Tony is rst Tony’s passion for his motorcycles also etended to bie was purchased at the age of fteen using the the ast Susse section of the VMCC e was a long proceeds from his paper round As these funds did standing member of the VMCC, standing as Chair not stretch to the latest model, he had to become man of the ast Susse Section for some 25 years uite procient at motorbie maintenance from this and only retired from this position a few years ago tender age At the age of twenty he began his na tional serice in the RA aturally, a motorcycle was is collection of bies was ridden etensiely on ral his chosen mode of transport for isiting his wife to lies in rance, elgium and Ireland as well as the be a Triton, which he built and maintained himself Tony would be the rst to admit that his bies would ith the birth of his rst daughter on the horion, neer win a concours prie, but the fun for him was he upgraded to a sidecar outt, which became the in riding them, rather than polishing and admiring family’s only mode of transport for many years e rmly belieed in maintaining and presering his After completing his ational Serice, Tony became bies, not restoring them, and lied to eep them an engineer and eentually established his own as original as possible This is perfectly illustrated business maing moulds for the plastics industry by the Sunbeam Model 6, which has scarcely been As the business became more successful, he had touched since it left the factory more aailable funds to indulge his enthusiasm for all things old and rusty is taste in bies was wideranging and, although initially preferring ritish made bies, he later also At home, Tony’s worshop uicly began to ll up as became interested in American motorcycles, with he began to collect bies and parts in earnest As the rst purchase being the enderson our e well as a collector, he was a ery een bie rider and ue er the years, Tony also amassed a number was neer happier than when he was roaring along of proects but sadly was not able to complete all of a country lane with his friends from the ast Susse these before he passed away section of the VMCC en ry 0 Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH TIGER Registration no rame no T21 ngine no T100 20

Although dward Turner’s Triumph Speed Twin caused a sensation The Tiger 100 was launched in 1 Performance was boosted by when it appeared at the 1 Motorcycle Show, few of its admirers the use of highcompression forged pistons and polished ports and can hae guessed how inuential the design would proe to be True, internals, the result being a machine that could touch 100mph in there had been ertical twins before indeed, Turner’s predecessor road trim and eceed it with the silencer endcaps remoed hen at Triumph had designed one a few years preiously, production resumed in 16, the T100 reappeared with telescopic but the Coentry rm’s newcomer established a formula that would fors in place of the original girders, and separate dynamo and be adopted by all of ritain’s maor motorcycle manufacturers magneto instead of the prewar ersion’s magdyno in the succeeding decade And whereas preious ertical twins had suffered from ecess bul, Turner’s was lighter and narrower This prewar Tiger 100 was rst registered to its late owner in August across the crancase than the contemporary singlecylinder Tiger 2011 The machine was purchased from one Richard Allen haing 0, whose cycle parts it shared, and from certain angles looed preiously been displayed in a elgian museum inside a glass case ust lie a twinport single This was ust what the conseratiely receipt on le Additional accompanying documentation consists minded motorcycling public wanted and the Speed Twin proed of SR paperwor, VMCC dating certicate, V5C registration an enormous success for Triumph, lifting the company out of the document and an MoT certicate epired uly 2012 economic doldrums and setting it on the road to future prosperity 1 1 Performance proed eemplary for a roadgoing 500, around 5mph 1 being attainable by the Speed Twin while the Tiger 100 sports ersion was een faster

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 10 Property of a deceased’s estate OENTR EAGLE FLING EIGHT Registration no SR 5 rame no 5 ngine no TRT0 see tet

There is an undeniable fascination in owning a machine capable Motor Cycle’s tester found that the lying ight was tractable, of seemingly illimitable speed or ordinary running the engine is comfortable and handled well in town, while on the open road, as merely idling, 50mph seems lie 0mph on most machines, 60mph one would epect, it is possible to annihilate space on the merest is a comfortable touring speed, while when one of those ery whiff of gas’In 126 the sideale ersion was oined by a new and rare stretches of really safe road is encountered the speedometer een faster oerheadale engined lying ight, again AP powered needle will, when the throttle is opened wide, pass the 0mph Motor Cycling concluded its test of the V lying ight thus before remaining steady’ Motor Cycling testing a Coentry agle e hae no hesitation in recommending the latest Coentry agle lying ight, with sidecar attached, in 125 th oember edition as a highuality machine, capable of the most satisfactory road stablished in Victorian times as a bicycle manufacturer, Coentry performance both as regards speed and eibility’ And that, lest we agle built a dierse range of motorcycles using proprietary mainly forget, was with a sidecar attached AP engines from 101 onwards, though machines only began to be produced in signicant numbers after I Si Coentryagles were ithin a few years howeer, the onset of the epression had forced offered for 12, all APpowered ecept for a lacburneengined Coentryagle to change tac, the rm concentrating on breadand 50, ranging from the formidable lying ight to the diminutie butter lightweights until it ceased motorcycle production in 1 The S1 ltraightweight Most famous of these was the lying ight last oerheadale lying ight left the factory in 10 and the nal which, with its 10litre AP twin engine and muscular good sideale model the following year Compared with the rial rough loos, was a worthy rial for the rough Superior and a formidable Superior, lying ight suriors are relatiely few roolands racing machine Introduced in 12, the lying ight was not Coentryagle’s rst twin but it was the rst to establish a sporting reputation thans to its special 6cc sideale engine that guaranteed a top speed of 0mph, an eceptional performance at the time

D L In the present ownership for the past 2plus years and last taed for the road to 2th ebruary 2015, this oerhead aleengined Inlying the presentight represents ownership a rarefor the opportunity past 2plus to acuire years anda good last taed foreample the road of oneto 2th of the ebruary Vintage 2015, period’s this most oerhead famous aleengined superbies lyingThe machine ight represents is offered awith rare a opportunitymost substantial to acuire history a goodle containing eamplean oldstyle of onecontinuation of the Vintage logboo period’s issued most 15, famous epired superbies MoTs, an Theoriginal machine Coentry is offered agle withinstruction a most boo substantial and range history brochure le containing 12, anrestoration oldstyle and continuation maintenance logboo notes, issued setches, 15, photocopied epired MoTs, literature, an originalpress cuttings, Coentry photographs, agle instruction inoices, boo correspondence, and range brochure etc and12, old restorationcurrent V5V5C and maintenanceregistration documents notes, setches, It should photocopied be noted thatliterature, a pressdifferent cuttings, engine photographs,number is recorded inoices, both correspondence, in the latter and etc the and 15 old currentlogboo, V5V5C indicating registration that the documentsengine has been It should changed be noted at some that timea differentIndeed, theengine engine number currently is recorded tted numberboth in theTRT0’ latter and the 15came logboo,with the sidealeengined indicating that the lying engine ight has restorationbeen changed proect at some in this time Indeed,sale ot the 11 engine e arecurrently adised tted that thenumber engine, TRT0’ which contains came a withnew thecranshaft, sidealeengined has been loosely lying ightassembled restoration and willproect need in to this be saleremoed, ot 11 dismantled e are and adised rebuilt that before the engine,further usewhich contains a new cranshaft, 1 has been loosely assembled and will need to be remoed,11 dismantled 17 and rebuilt before further use 1 11 17

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 5 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 11 Property of a deceased’s estate OENTR EAGLE FLING EIGHT PROET rame no 105 ngine no TC 12CS & TCS 15 See tet

stablished in Victorian times as a bicycle manufacturer, Coentry In 126 the sideale ersion was oined by a new and een faster agle built a dierse range of motorcycles using proprietary mainly oerheadale engined lying ight, again AP powered ithin a AP engines from 101 onwards, though machines only began to be few years howeer, the onset of the epression had forced Coentry produced in signicant numbers after I Si Coentryagles were agle to change tac, the rm concentrating on breadandbutter offered for 12, all APpowered ecept for a lacburneengined lightweights until it ceased motorcycle production in 1 The last 50, ranging from the formidable lying ight to the diminutie oerheadale lying ight left the factory in 10 and the nal S1 ltraightweight Most famous of these was the lying ight sideale model the following year Compared with the rial rough which, with its 10litre AP twin engine and muscular good Superior, lying ight suriors are relatiely few loos, was a worthy rial for the rough Superior and a formidable roolands racing machine Introduced in 12, the lying ight This sidealeengined lying ight had already been dismantled was not Coentryagle’s rst twin but it was the rst to establish when it was purchased by the late owner from ob Thedder It a sporting reputation thans to its special 6cc sideale engine should be noted that the collection of components includes a that guaranteed a top speed of 0mph, an eceptional performance desirable cam engine Sold strictly as iewed, the ot comes at the time Motor Cycle’s tester found that the lying ight was with a handwritten notes and the purchase receipt but there is no tractable, comfortable and handled well in town, while on the open registration document road, as one would epect, it is possible to annihilate space on the 1 1 merest whiff of gas’ 17

6 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 12 Property of a deceased’s estate INENT RAPIDE SERIESD Registration no P 161 rame no R126 Rear frame no R126 ngine no 10A210 Crancase mating no 5V

It had been Philip Vincent’s belief that proision of ample weather The late owner acuired this Series Rapide in ecember 12 protection combined with enclosure of engine and gearbo would from the widow of ric Monsma of Alperton, est ondon, who mae the Vincent Series the ultimate gentleman’s motorcycle’, had bought it from marue specialists Conway Motors in une 1 though delayed deliery of the glassbre panels plus continuing original order form on le The Vincent was red when acuired demand for traditionally styled models resulted in oer half leaing and we are adised that no eidence of blac paint has been found the Steenage factory in unenclosed form Indeed, the unenclosed beneath the red, suggesting that this motorcycle may be one of Rapide and lac Shadow were the rst Series models to enter those Vincents periodically produced in small batches nished in this production in March 155 the enclosed lac night and lac nontraditional colour scheme, mainly for the orth American maret Prince euialents not appearing until April that year oteworthy features of this particular machine include an Alton 12olt generator, rosset electric starter, electronic ignition and a otwithstanding the fact that, as far as Philip Vincent was ae ills centre stand original stand included The accompanying concerned, the Series was his nest design, the motorcyclebuying history le contains an oldstyle continuation logboo issued 162, public greeted the innoatie new models with suspicion, as is so a uantity of MoT certicates most recent epired May 201 and often the case Its creator’s ision of the Series as a twowheeled oldcurrent V5V5C registration documents together with sundry rande Routire ust did not conform to the public’s perception of inoices, photocopied instruction sheets, technical literature, etc the Vincent as the ultimate sportsbie Sadly, the rm lost money 3 3 on eery machine made, and when production ceased in ecember 155 only 60 Series twins had been built, maing these landmar, lastoftheline models rare indeed

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 1 Property of a deceased’s estate SNEA HP ODEL SPORTSAN Registration no S 00 rame no 1 ngine no 166

The rst Sunbeam motorcycle a 50cc 2hp sideale single Apparently written by its late owner, notes on le record that this left the olerhampton premises of ohn Marston td, hitherto a Model 6 ongstroe’ was purchased new by one orace Allen, who manufacturer of nest uality enamelled goods, bicycles and latterly rode it until his wife’s death in 1 The last prewar ta disc is on cars, in 112 ie Marston’s other products, his motorcycles soon le and the history is conrmed by other correspondence Mr Allen established a reputation for sound construction and eemplary nish then became a recluse, eeping the Sunbeam in his itchen until The marue uicly established a reputation for sporting prowess, he too died, in 1 Mr ohn Moore of Silchester then purchased achieing 2nd place in the 11 Isle of Man Senior TT and winning the machine and got it bac on the road Reregistered as S the 120 race erheadale engines were introduced in the mid 00’ in 15, the Sunbeam passed some two years later to Mr 120s but early successes were achieed with sidealeengined illiam Caebread of ittersham, from whom it was purchased by machines, most notably the 2cc hp ongstroe’, which the late owner in uly 1 The machine comes with a history le secured a debut win at the 121 rench rand Pri ridden by Alec containing a uantity of epired MoT certicates, the most recent ennett In roadgoing form this remarable engine remained in epiring in April 200, which is almost certainly when it was last used production right up until 2 on the road Also on le are a uantity of epired ta discs, SR paperwor, oldcurrent V5V5C registration documents, photocopied manuals and a similar spare parts list 1 11 1

D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 1 Property of a deceased’s estate NORTON AN RAING OTORLE Registration no VSV 0 rame no 156 see tet ngine no 11M 12

ubbed Man rand Pri’ in 1, what would become the best This garden gate’ Man was registered by the late owner with nown racing motorcycle of all time had become simply Man’ when its current number on 21st April 1 e are adised that the production resumed in 16 orton’s oerthecounter Man racers engine has been fully rebuilt with new main and bigend bearings, were much the same as their prewar counterparts, with single new Carrillo conrod, and new piston ales and guides The oerheadcamshaft engine, suare’ cylinder head nning, upright accompanying history le contains a uantity of MoT certicates gearbo and plungersuspended garden gate’ frames nly the most recent epired August 201, SR paperwor, technical presence of the Roadholder telescopic front for readily distinguished drawings, an original maintenance manual, technical drawings, them from the machines 1 brought the rst signicant assorted Manrelated literature and oldcurrent V5V5C registration change in engine specication, the Man gaining a doubleoerhead documents It should be noted that the frame has been stamped camshaft head lie that enoyed by the wors bies for many years, in three different locations with numbers of arying clarity ith but the maor deelopment was the arrial of the eatherbed frame corresponding approimate manufacturing dates in bracets they for 151 The wors’ adoption of the McCandlessdesigned duple are 1166’ 1, 156’ 1 and 0M 556’ 15, the last loop swingingarm chassis the preious year had gien the ortons a two being recorded as the VI number in the V5C If genuine, the new lease of life in rand Pri racing, and eoff ue duly too both 0M’ stamping indicates this motorcycle was built as a Model 0 the 50 and 500cc world titles in 151 The cycle parts remained 50cc Man, while the engine number 11M 12’ indicates that essentially unchanged from then on apart from the adoption of a this engine is a 0cc Model 0 unit dating from 150 doublesided, twinleadingshoe front brae for 162 Man engine 1 1 deelopment though, continued steadily, latterly under oug ele’s 1 direction, until production ceased at the end of 62, among the most signicant design changes being the adoption of suare’ bore and stroe dimensions for 15 and coarserpitch beel teeth in 15

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 15 Property of a deceased’s estate RDGE LSTER Registration no M 6 rame no 206 see tet ngine no 65

The full potential of Rudge’s fouralespercylinder design was slow to emerge but in 12 raham aler’s wors 500 became the rst motorcycle to win a road race the lster rand Pri at an aerage speed in ecess of 0mph, a feat which led to the introduction of the legendary lster’ sports model arly engines deployed parallel ales in a pentroof combustion chamber, then in 10 a trio of 50s appeared at the Isle of Man with radiallydisposed ales, the new arrangement demonstrating its superiority when the Rudges nished 1,2, in the unior TT The net moe was to produce a head for the 500 featuring parallel inlet ales and radial ehausts, the chief adantage of which was reduced complication This semi radial’ arrangement debuted on the 11 wors bies, and in 1 rst appeared on the lster and TT Replica models, the only road going Rudges to use it This Vintageera lster was purchased from one ohn Chapman in March 1 haing preiously belonged to his friend, ac oodhouse Correspondence on le suggests that the frame may hae been changed, although the number gien aboe is recorded in the accompanying oldstyle logboo issued in 16 A past participant in the Irish Rally, the machine is offered with a history le containing blueprints, technicalhistorical literature, parts lists, SR paperwor, oldcurrent V5V5C registration documents and a uantity of MoT certicates most recent epired August 2010 1 1 17

16 Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH TIGER SPEIAL Registration no 0 rame no T15650 ngine no T100 20

The oneoff’ machine offered here consists of the frame from a wartime singlecylinder Triumph S, supplied in March 10, and a 1 Tiger 100 engine, tted with the desirable brone cylinder head and magnesium magneto After its Coentry factory was destroyed in an air raid in oember 10, Triumph relocated to new premises at Meriden, arwicshire and recommenced production of the single cylinder sideale S and oerheadale models, which were based on their ciilian euialents Triumph’s singlecylinder models were used mainly by the Royal ay for despatch duties and general liaison, with the lesspowerful S resered for the RS The sports ersion of dward Turner’s trendsetting Speed Twin, the Tiger 100 was launched in 1 Performance was boosted by the use of highcompression forged pistons and polished ports and internals, the result being a machine that could touch 100mph in road trim and eceed it with the silencer endcaps remoed A past participant in the Irish Rally, 0 ’ was rst registered to its late owner in August 2006, although documents on le suggest that he had owned all or part of it for some considerable time beforehand Taed until the end of uly 2015, the machine is offered with dating documents, SR paperwor, oldcurrent V5C registration documents and a uantity of MoT certicates, the most recent of which epired in August 201 11

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

100 D L 1 Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH TIGER PROET rame no T ngine no T0 11

ust as he had done at Ariel in the 120s, Val Page transformed his employer’s ageing range on his arrial at Triumph as Chief esigner in 12 The new lineup comprised oerheadale and sideale singles in capacities ranging from 250cc to 500cc, plus the rangetopping 650cc 61 sidecar tug ndowed with distinctie timinggear coers a feature Page would employ at SA later in the decade the engines were simple yet robust in construction and amenable to a fair degree of tuning in the case of the oerhead ale units dward Turner’s arrial at Triumph in 16 resulted in etensie improements to the range A brilliant stylist, Turner transformed the Pagedesigned oerheadale singles by adopting sports specication engines, high leel ehausts, chromed fuel tans and a new name Tiger’ rames, fors, engines and gearboes were all improed for 1 and a trio of randomly selected Tigers successfully completed a series of arduous speed trails to secure the Maudes Trophy for Triumph later in the year Today, Turner’s Tigers are widely recognised as the most stylish sports roadsters of idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot the period and thus are highly sought after Partially restored and in prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults primer, this incomplete Tiger 0 is offered for restoration and sold strictly as iewed There are no documents with this ot 3 39

1 Property of a deceased’s estate TRIPH SINGLELINDER PROET rame no T526

ust as he had done at Ariel in the 120s, Val Page transformed his employer’s ageing range on his arrial at Triumph as Chief esigner in 12 The new lineup comprised oerheadale and sideale singles in capacities ranging from 250cc to 500cc, plus the range topping 650cc 61 sidecar tug ndowed with distinctie timinggear coers a feature Page would employ at SA later in the decade the engines were simple yet robust in construction and amenable to a fair degree of tuning in the case of the oerheadale units dward Turner’s arrial at Triumph in 16 resulted in etensie improements to the range A brilliant stylist, Turner transformed the Pagedesigned oerheadale singles by adopting sports specication engines, high leel ehausts, chromed fuel tans and a new name Tiger’ rames, fors, engines and gearboes were all improed for 1 and a trio of randomly selected Tigers successfully completed a series of arduous speed trails to secure the Maudes Trophy for Triumph later in the year Today, Turner’s Tigers are widely recognised as the most stylish sports roadsters of the period and thus are highly sought after Partially restored, this incomplete prewar Triumph single is offered idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot for restoration and sold strictly as iewed Interestingly, the cylinder prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults barrel and head are alloy possibly the wor of racer ilmott ans, who produced components such as these for the Tiger 0 in the late 10s There are no documents with this ot 3

L 101 1 Property of a deceased’s estate HENDERSON DE LE FOR Registration no S 1 rame no 11 ngine no 1C

ne of the most charismatic names in American motorcycling This eample of one of the most desirable of all American history, enderson produced nothing but fourcylinder motorcycles motorcycles was imported from Canada in 1 and rst registered in the course of its 1year eistence ounded by Tom and illiam to the late owner in April 11 haing been purchased at the enderson in etroit in 112, the rm passed into the control of Allington Castle auction in April 10 catalogue on le Since then Chicagobased cycle maer Igna Schwinn, owner of celsior, in the enderson has participated in the ude lepper lorie’ eent 11 The endersons soon moed on to found the Ace motorcycle in elgium 1 and the 201 anbury Run see photographs and company later taen oer by Indian and thereby had a hand competitor number on le e are adised that it benets from the in the design of all the maor Americanbuilt fours Although early epert attention of ill ealing, who rebuilt the engine, and Pete models featured an unusually lengthy frame etending well forward arber, who was responsible for the paintwor The machine is of the engine, the enderson, lie the contemporary Indian and offered with a history le containing import paperwor, technical arleyaidson, was an adanced design for its day isplacing historical literature, VMCC dating certicate, oldcurrent V5V5C 65cc initially, the aircooled cylinders were arranged longitudinally documents, two MoT certicates most recent epired 1 and an in the frame and employed mechanically operated head’ inlet instruction manual A spare wheel hub is included in the sale oerehaust ale gear There was singlegear transmission but 3 3 the enderson outclassed its rials for conenience by haing a clutch and a handcran starter instead of pedals A shorter frame, folding icstarter and threespeed slidinggear transmission were all enderson features by 11 Introduced for 120, the Model beneted from a redesigned 1,01cc sideale engine euipped with forced lubrication, a new twindowntube frame, strengthened front for and enclosed rear chain Modications to the e ue introduced for 122 mainly concentrated on improements to the gearbo Top speed was a guaranteed 0mph, and with the optional alloy pistons installed a e ue could touch 100mph, an astonishing performance for the time, and one matched by few contemporary cars

102 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults FRTHER ENTRIES 20 EELSIOR SPER Registration no 221 rame no 1 ngine no 1

The famous American celsior motorcycle was produced by the Introduced to the S maret in 125, the Super retained the ig celsior Motor Manufacturing Company of Chicago, Illinois from Twin’s head ale gear while reerting to the leadinglin front for 10 until 11, latterly under the Super’ brand name The rst used on its earliest ancestors lsewhere though, it was etensiely celsior was a beltdrien single cylinder machine, the engine of redesigned, featuring unitary construction of the enginegearbo which formed part of the frame A 61ci 1,000cc twin oined the and geared primary drie encased with an alloy casting, innoations range for 111, at which time celsior was acuired by bicycle doubtless inspired by the contemporary Indian Scout and Chief maer, Igna Schwinn In 11 the twin was offered with allchain There was a higherperformance Super Sport model aailable and drie while twospeed planetary transmission and a leafsprung, this pair of Supers continued with few changes, other than a switch Indianstyle front for were two of the following season’s innoations to a streamlined, teardropshaped fuel tan for 12, until Igna Schwinn pulled the plug on motorcycle production in the spring of Alongside rials arleyaidson and Indian, celsior offered a 11 threespeed countershaft transmission for 115, at the same time introducing a new frame with cured top tube and smoothly rounded irst registered in the in August 151, this celsior Super tan, a rst for celsior eeply alanced mudguards distinguished was purchased by the current endor in August 15, the preious the twin of 11 Military’ olie green was adopted as the celsior eeper being recorded as one ames lyn unt of ecenham, liery that year and would remain the only option until 120 when ent ast MoT’d in 20102011 certicate on le the machine will nay blue became the norm In 121 a ci 1,200cc twin was reuire recommissioning and the customary safety checs before added to the range, but by this time celsior had acuired the returning to the road A copy parts list, two epired ta discs and a manufacturing rights to the enderson our and the days of the V5C registration document come with it big twins were numbered They were gone by 125, celsior 1 1 preferring to concentrate its resources on the our and the newly 1 introduced Super 5ci 50cc twin

10 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 21 LEELAND FOR Registration no S 15 rame no 55 ngine no 55

The Cleeland Motorcycle Manufacturing Company, of Cleeland, hio Introduced in 126, the new 5’ was an adanced design featuring was in business from 115 to 12, commencing modestly enough monobloc castings for the cylinders and cylinder head The three with a singlecylinder twostroe lightweight before progressing to a speed gearbo was integral with the crancase but unusually the gear mighty 61ci four uilt between 115 and 12, the 15ci 221cc cluster was remoable without disturbing the engine a considerable twostroe was unusual in mounting its engine with the cranshaft chore for the owners of an Ace or Indian four oweer, the latter had inline with the frame, a sensible arrangement for a shaftdrien much larger engines and were faster, prompting Cleeland to introduce motorcycle but one that necessitated a worm gear to turn the drie a sports’ ersion of the 5’ pending the arrial of the 61’ in through 0 degrees on the chaindrien Cleeland arly models 12 Cleeland was hit hard by the all Street Crash of 12 and laced a icstarter, which was adopted for 11, while subseuent despite producing the most adanced fourcylinder motorcycle of the improements included a combined fueloil tan, battery electrics and day, ceased manufacture later that same year footboards instead of pegs All models had twospeed transmission and a front for copied from the ritish baby’ Triumph ought as a baset case’ from a California dealer, this rare Cleeland 5’ four was rst registered in the in August 200 The endor The twostroe’s replacement for 125 was a 2125ci cc single is its only recorded owner in this country e are adised that arley cylinder fourstroe at head’ that failed miserably in the face of aidson and Indian parts were used in its restoration and that the competition from the Indian Prince Changing tac, Cleeland came gearbo has been repaired It is understood that the Cleeland was bac with a 66ci 600cc Thead’ four, designed by etroit motor last running around ten years ago but its present mechanical condition engineer, owler, which was a close copy of the defunct Pierce is not nown Sold strictly as iewed, the machine is offered with V5C document and a photocopied parts list A relatie failure that sold in limited numbers, Cleeland’s rst four was 3 soon followed by 5ci 50cc and 61ci 1,000cc inletoerehaust 3 9 head’ designs drawn up by eong, who preiously had wored for both enderson and Ace on their fourcylinder models

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 105 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 22 AE FOR Registration no S 51 rame no V ngine no V

The Ace was illiam enderson’s second fourcylinder motorcycle humbling endersonmounted rial ells ennett in the process ne of the most charismatic names in American motorcycling history, ollowing ill enderson’s death in an auto accident in ecember the enderson company founded by Tom and illiam enderson 122 while testing an Ace, Arthur emon was recruited as chief in etroit in 112 produced nothing but fourcylinder motorcycles engineer from the rial celsiorenderson rm, bringing with in the course of its 1year eistence In 11 the rm passed into him rider Charles Red’ olerton Ace’s competition successes the control of Chicagobased cycle maer Igna Schwinn, owner continued under emon’s direction, including a new American of celsior, and the endersons soon moed on to found the Ace motorcycle speed record of 1261mph set by olerton, but these motorcycle company later taen oer by Indian thereby haing a were not matched by sales and the company went bust in 12 hand in the design of all the maor Americanbuilt fours y 126 the reconstituted Ace was owned by etroit Motors, from which it was bought by Indian in anuary 2 The rst Ace four had been offered late in 11 for the 120 season, and retained the head inlet oer ehaust ale gear of Raned alongside Crocer, Cyclone, lying Merel and a select few the original enderson Schwinn’s endersons went at head’ for other marues, the Ace our is a highly desirable motorcycle for any 120 The 5ci 1,22cc aircooled inline engine employed splash collection, and eamples are seldom offered for sale on the open lubrication and was built in unit with the threespeed, handchange maret This eample is belieed to hae resided in the SA before gearbo A wheelbase of 5 and a seat height of 2 made for coming to the in 2005, since when it has had only one owner a stable and comfortable ride, while weight was ept down to a e understand that ric ees restored the clutch and transmission, commendable 65lbs but little else is nown about the Ace’s history or condition Sold strictly as iewed, the machine is offered with oldcurrent V5C To promote its new product, Ace recruited rwin aer, famous for registration documents and ringbinder of photocopied marue his recordbreaing long distance rides for Indian, and Cannonball’ related literature duly obliged, setting a new transcontinental record of 6 days, 22 1 hours, 52 minutes, smashing enderson’s eisting record and 3

106 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 HARLEDAIDSON I L IG TIN Registration no 016 rame no 0 1651 ngine no 0V5

The at head’ sideale arleyaidson V ig Twin’ was This arleyaidson V was bought by the centenarian owner in announced in uly 12 as a replacement for the inletoerehaust 11 from a naal ofcer, then sold and repurchased many years pocet ale’ twins that had been in production since 111 The later Correspondence on le appears to indicate that in 165 the twin headlamps, round toolbo and laon horn were carried oer machine belonged to Mr R ewton, Secretary of the ristol from its immediate predecessor but nearly all of the rest of the bie Vintage Motorcycle Club Mr ewton wrote to the ristol licensing was new arley’s 10 brochure described the new ci machine as authorities that year, receiing conrmation that the registration standing head and shoulders aboe all comers, with such startling 016’ was allocated to a arleyaidson motorcycle in April new features as a 20 more powerful motor with Ricardo remoable 10 copy letter on le nfortunately, all early logboos hae been heads, interchangeable wheels, bigger tires, dropcentre rims, lost, the earliest registration document on le being a V5 issued lower riding position, greater road clearance, automatic increase in anuary 1 when the original registration was retrieed ld of generator output, drop forged fors, 100 stronger frame, theft current V5C documents are on le also together with a photocopied proof loc, dual front drie chain, improed clutch, and many other operationmaintenance manual and a restoration guide The arley features maing the 10 ig Twin the greatest motorcycle alue was restored soon after purchase in its preeisting liery note the eer offered’ heraldic emblem on the fuel tan while subseuently the gearbo was rebuilt by specialist Stee Slocombe Its present mechanical espite its maer’s eident enthusiasm, the model V was far from condition is not nown and thus the machine is sold strictly as an instant success More massiely built and heaier than its iewed predecessor, the V laced topend power to such an etent that 1 1 the rst eamples were recalled for an etensie engine redesign A 17 larger crancase accommodating heaier ywheels did the tric and, its problems soled, the ci at head’ went on to win the hearts of arley enthusiasts eerywhere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 10 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 HARLEDAIDSON I LH IG TIN Registration no AS rame no 6V0 ngine no 6V0

The at head’ sideale arleyaidson V ig Twin’ was espite its maer’s eident enthusiasm, the Model V was far from announced in uly 12 as a replacement for the inletoerehaust an instant success More massiely built and heaier than its pocet ale’ twins that had been in production since 111 The predecessor, the V laced topend power to such an etent that twin headlamps, round toolbo and laon horn were carried oer the rst eamples were recalled for an etensie engine redesign A from its immediate predecessor but nearly all of the rest of the bie larger crancase accommodating heaier ywheels did the tric and, was new arley’s 10 brochure described the new ci 1,21cc its problems soled, the Model V at head’ and its deriaties went machine as standing head and shoulders aboe all comers, with on to win the hearts of arley enthusiasts eerywhere such startling new features as a 20 more powerful motor with Ricardo remoable heads, interchangeable wheels, bigger tires, This arleyaidson V has the 0ci 1,11cc engine newly dropcentre rims, lower riding position, greater road clearance, introduced in 15 An older restoration, the machine was rst automatic increase of generator output, drop forged fors, 100 registered in the in anuary 2002 and has belonged to the current stronger frame, theft proof loc, dual front drie chain, improed endor since then It was last taed for the road to 1st ecember clutch, and many other features maing the 10 ig Twin the 2002 The arley’s present mechanical condition is not nown, greatest motorcycle alue eer offered’ though compression is good, and thus the machine is sold strictly as iewed There are no documents with this ot 1 1

10 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 25 INDIAN TPE FOR Registration no S ngine no A1

Smuggled out of Cechosloaia before the erlin all came down, In the case of the Ace they were blue whereas the Indian our’s were this Indian our was purchased by the endor in 1 The machine red Indian’s adertising literature showed red crancases, so it was was in a ery poor state and it would be a long time before it eer saw decided to nish them in that colour The machine certainly loos the road again A friend of the endor, marue specialist Alan orbes of stunning Motolu in dinburgh was commissioned to undertae the restoration nce the engine came bac from ill ealing, Motolu continued the nce dismantled, the engine was sent to ill ealing Restorations in restoration ery nut and bolt was replaced and nicelplated and ortheet, ent ill had done a lot of wor for red arr, the arley the rebuild’s attention to detail is impressie Ric Parington, who aidson dealer in ondon, and was an epert when it came to four now writes for Classic ie magaine in the arage’ section, wored cylinder American motorcycle engines ill stripped the engine and for Motolu at that time and carried out most of the rebuild The produced a meticulous written report of eerything reuired The restoration was completed in 2000 and only a handful of miles hae most important obseration was that there were no cracs in any of been coered since then The machine is described by the endor the cases or cylinder ns as in generally ecellent condition, though we are adised that the dynamo reuires attention In addition, careful recommissioning and erything was rebuilt, the engine alone taing four years to the customary safety checs will be reuired before the machine complete ar too lengthy to reproduce here, the list of wors carried returns to the road ffered with V5 registration document out, inoices issued and ill ealing’s original report are contained 7 within the etensie history le inspection recommended uring 91 9 the strip down, ill found traces of red paint on the crancases Research reealed that Indian had copied the Ace our in haing coloured cases

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 10 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 26 The property of James May AAHA FSE Registration no T rame no 0115 ngine no 0115

ow eleated to a cult status rialled only by amaha’s R50C, the S1 Siteener Special’ rst appeared in 1 ropped from the range in 1, the model was later reied by amaha an almost unprecedented occurrence with production recommencing in 1 riginally the S1’, the model later gained a set of bicycle pedals to meet moped legislation, becoming the S1’ In its preAugust 1, unrestricted form, the iie’ produced bhp and was good for around 5mph at out hen the model was reied, without pedals but now euipped with Autolube, it was aailable in restricted form only, though the missing horses were relatiely easily restored C Teleision’s Top ear’ presenter, ames May acuired this S1 for his priate collection in ecember 2011, since when it has coered only 50orso miles Restored circa 200 and described as in generally good condition, it represents a wonderful opportunity to acuire one of these increasingly collectible motorcycling icons The machine is offered with a uantity of epired MoT certicates, purchase receipt made out to Richard ammond, V5C registration document and MoTta to 2016 The installation of aftermaret indicator bodies is he only notied deiation from factory specication originals included in sale 3 o esere

2 The property of James May SI AP Registration no PCA 2P rame no 1 ngine no 226

Suui’s epansion throughout the 160s was founded on a range of twostroe ultralightweights, which although of small capacity offered a useful performance increase oer the ubiuitous 50cc stepthru’ moped The apanese company was thus well placed to eploit the Siteener Special’ maret in the , where 16year olds were restricted to riding 50cc machines euipped with pedals y adding pedalling gear to its eisting A50 model, Suui came up with the A50P or AP50 a machine that was both stylish and fast, being capable of reaching 50mph It was also ust what the aerage speedobsessed teenager wanted f course, this was not what the hitehall bureaucrats had in mind when they framed the legislation their insistence on pedals had been meant to restrict youngsters to relatiely slow mopeds and in 1 the law changed to restrict the Siteeners’ to 0mph, though the reuirement for pedals was dropped All of which made the unrestricted models all the more desirable, a state of affairs that obtains among today’s collectors The property of C Teleision’s Top ear’ copresenter, ames May, this Suui AP50 was the subect of a good amateur restoration circa 201 PCA 2P’ is described as in generally ery good condition, only reuiring mild recommissioning in the form of rear wheel truing, and engine tune and a fresh battery The machine is offered with purchase receipt, Pitman manual, V5C registration document and recently epired MoT 3 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

110 D L 2 The property of James May AR TRIALS OTORLE Registration no M 1V ngine no M0211

Aiming to emulate the competition successes of rials ultaco and Montesa, ssa hired nglish trials star Mic Andrews in 16 Then only 2 but already a proen winner, Andrews set about deeloping ssa’s eisting trail bie into a competitie trials mount, a process that culminated in the MAR Mic Andrews Replica that carried its creator to consecutie uropean Trials Championships in 11 and 2 uipped with a lighting it and speedometer for road use, this ssa MAR was acuired by the immediately preceding owner in 200 and subseuently restored, including a professional rebuild of the engine It has not been ridden since In April 201 the ssa was offered for sale at onhams’ Stafford auction ot 2 and purchased there by the current endor, C Teleision’s Top ear’ copresenter, ames May Said to reuire minor nishing, the machine is offered with sales receipt, sundry restoration inoices, SR paperwor and oldcurrent V5C documents 1 1 17 1 o esere

2 The property of James May SI TS Registration no 6T rame no 125 ngine no 201

ie all the apanese manufacturers, Suui recognised the importance of the orth American offroad’ maret and began offering appropriate models in the mid160s Its rst efforts were modied roadsters but as deelopment progressed Suui’s street scramblers became more capable on the dirt ne of the most successful was the TS range of singlecylinder twostroe trial bies, which commenced in 16 with the TS250, while the successor R series shifted the focus een more towards offroad capability A relatiely recent acuisition for ames May’s collection, this TS250 was returned to standard trim in 201 using secondhand parts and a newoldstoc ehaust system Currently taed, the machine is described as in generally good condition mechanically, starting readily with only a little smoe Accompanying documentation consists of a purchase receipt, recently epired MoT and oldcurrent V5C documents, and the Suui also comes with an original owner’s manual and a aynes manual 1 11 17 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 111 0 The property of James May HONDA D Registration no 660M rame no 0115 ngine no 015

Introduced in 166, the onda C15 was aimed suarely at the maret sector that regarded motorcycles merely as cheap and conenient transport rather than thrilling lifestyle accessories ot eactly an eciting performer, the C15 would neertheless cruise comfortably at 65mph while at the same time deliering around 0 miles to eery gallon A lengthy by apanese standards production run of almost 12 years proed the soundness of the basic concept This eample was acuired in August 2012 by the current endor, C Teleision’s Top ear’ co presenter, ames May eneting from a replacement cam chain and other wors carried out in 201 bill on le, 660M’ is described as in generally good patinated’ condition and a good runner The machine needs a new clutch cable supplied and may need a new battery and further recommissioning before use Accompanying documentation consists of the purchase receipt, sundry inoices, two MoT certicates most recent epired August 201 and a V5C registration document 1 1 o esere

1 The property of James May HONDA Registration no PP 1 rame no 102561 ngine no 1021

Introduced in 1, the onda C200 sports roadster superseded the old C15 and came with a tubular spine frame, twin carburettors, a e speed gearbo and either a drum or disc front brae ac in 1 ie magaine found theirs a little slower than both the amaha R200 and Suui T15, though considerably more economical It might not be the fastest thing around,’ remared ritain’s o1 motorcycling magaine, but somehow it loos and feels more lie a real motorcycle than its twostroe counterparts It’s a little bie with a big heart’ Physically smaller and lighter than onda’s contemporary 250, it must hae seemed the ideal mount for lady riders and gents small in stature This eample was acuired in oember 2011 by the current endor, C Teleision’s Top ear’ co presenter, ames May PP 1’ benets from a freshly repainted fuel tan and side panels and is described as in generally good condition, MoT’d and taed until March 2016 Accompanying documentation consists of sundry inoices, VMC dating letter, a uantity of epired MoT certicates, copy old V5current V5C registration documents, and a preious owner’s record of sericing carried out between 200 and 2011 1 1 1 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

112 D L 2 The property of James May AASAI A SARAI Registration no T 11 rame no A1 20 ngine no A1 20

awasai’s reputation for producing eciting highperformance motorcycles began with the rebreathing Mach III 500cc triple, yet before the latter’s arrial awasai offered two other classleading sports models the 250cc A1 Samurai and 50cc A Aenger, a pair of aircooled twostroe twins that employed disc ale induction A espeed gear cluster was contained within the horiontally split crancases and there was Inectolube’ pumped lubrication, while the generator was mounted behind the cylinders, a position dictated by the sidemounted carburettors The cycle parts were entirely conentional, consisting of a dupleloop frame with twin leadingshoe front brae The result was an undeniably handsome sportster with a claimed 1bhp maimum and a top speed of 10mph, phenomenal gures for a 250 of the day The Samurai was built from mid166 to the end of 11, though relatiely few were imported into the , and today this early classic awasai is highly sought after by collectors The property of C Teleision’s Top ear’ copresenter, ames May, this Samurai comes with documentation indicating that it was imported into the in the 10s and comprehensiely restored in the early 10s by a preious owner The machine has seen minimal use since its acuisition for ames’s collection and is described as in generally ecellent condition Additional paperwor consists of a uantity of epired MoT certicates, VMC and other correspondence, current MoTta and V5C document 7

The property of James May AAHA SR GRIEOS ANGEL DES E AHINA Registration no 10 PP rame no AT02T00100 ngine no 10100

ith the growing popularity of nostalgiainspired retro’ styled motorcycles, it was entirely predictable that amaha would reintroduce its SR00 single, a model that has proided the inspiration for many a bacyard customiser since its original introduction bac in 1 nown as rieous Angle’, the eample offered here is the wor of eus Machina, a company founded in Sydney, Australia by are ennings, originator of Mambo’ brand surng euipment ollowing the sale of Mambo, ennings deeloped eus as a centre of motorcycle customising in Australia and has since opened branches in California, SA and Milan, Italy The company was one of the rst to reinterpret the street tracer’ or bobber’ style in the modern idiom, a loo which has since taen off worldwide C Teleision’s Top ear’ copresenter, ames May personally imported this SR00 from eus’s ew ealand operation in 2010 The eus has mostly been ept on indoor display but has been run regularly and the battery ept on charge Presented in commensurately ecellent condition, it should reuire only the bare minimum of recommissioning before further use This beautiful SR00 custom is offered with importshipping paperwor, recently epired MoT August 201 and V5C registration document 1 11 17

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 11 The property of Richard ammond HONDA GL GOLD ING Registration no R rame no 1200 ngine no 120

In a world grown accustomed to an ecess of decadence on all C Teleision Top ear’ presenter and aid motorcycle collector, fronts, it is hard to imagine the miture of awe and disbelief that Richard ammond purchased this 1000 old ing from his greeted the onda old ing on its arrial in 1 Motorcycle colleague ames May in uly 201 Correspondence on le states or sci fantasy’ was ie magaine’s reaction uite simply the that the machine spent much of its early life in storage, while the most adanced motorcycle eer made,’ was onda’s preferred current odometer reading is only circa 1,000 miles umerous description, and gien the mindboggling specication 1,000cc at inoices on le testify to the fact that it has beneted from the four engine, water cooling, beltdrien oerhead camshafts, shaft attentions of some of the best in the business Presented in drie, triple disc braes, etc, it was certainly comple if not, strictly superb original condition and said to be a pleasure to use, the speaing, that adanced ne of the fastest production motorcycles machine is offered with the aforementioned inoices, a uantity of of its day, the old ing was described in onda’s Stateside ads MoT certicates most recent epired uly 201, oldcurrent V5C as the epitome of what touring is all about’, and proed eminently registration documents, worshop manual and an owner’s manual capable of taing sales from both M and arleyaidson As owners began to t more and more accessories including trailers the sie of small caraans engine capacity was increased rst to 1,100cc and then to 1,200cc to cope with the increasing demands for more power er the years the ing has continued to grow in engine capacity, oerall sie and compleity, which only seres to underline the increasingly collectible original’s purity of form

11 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 5 The property of Richard ammond NORTON OANDO SE Registration no 10 R rame no SACS61 1000005

orton’s enduring fascination stems from a reputation forged on the elieries of the new orton Commando 61S commenced in world’s racetracs during the rst si decades of the 20th Century, 2010, and C Teleision Top ear’ presenter and aid motorcycle when the silerandblac bies from the racebridge Street factory collector, Richard ammond was one of the rst customers swept all before them The reitalised company eists in its present Interiewed for ie magaine’s uly 201 edition, which featured form thans to ritish businessman, Stuart arner, who acuired the the machine offered here, he said I saw pictures and wanted one rights to the orton name from its S owners in 200 eelopment It’s such an eocatie name Then I woe up one morning and and production of a new Commando model had been begun by ordered one’ umber 5’, Richard’s is one of the rst batch of enny reer of regon in the late 10s and this allnew design 200 Commandos tted with carbon bre wheels, and it also has the was further deeloped at orton’s factory at the onington Par sports ehaust system race circuit Recognisably related to the last Commando of the 10s, the new caf racerstyle orton roadster boasts an oer In the interening e years Richard’s Commando has coered suare mm aircooled oerheadale twincylinder engine relatiely few miles he has a large collection of other motorcycles incorporating a 20 cranshaft and counterbalancer A maimum to choose from and it remains in pristine lie new’ condition output of 2bhp at the rear wheel is claimed, giing a top speed of Representing a wonderful opportunity to acuire one of the eclusie, oer 10mph hand built future classics, 10 R’ comes with all of its original paperwor including factory correspondence, order form, stamped serice boo and oldcurrent V5C registration documents 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 115 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 6 The property of Richard ammond TRITON AF RAER Registration no C 62 rame no 122 666 ngine no T100 520

A happy marriage of Triumph power and orton roadholding, the Triton is rightly regarded by enthusiasts as the uintessential ritish sports special This hybrid rst emerged in the 150s and continues to be built by professionals and amateurs alie, enoying marue status today irst registered as a Triton’ in 10, this eample consists of a 15 preunit’ Tiger 100 engine and the eatherbed frame from a ominator , the latter dating from 156 ther noteworthy features include an Amal Concentric carburettor, Triumph slic shift’ gearbo, alloy wheel rims, largecapacity fuel tan, racing’ seat, rearset footrests, central oil tan, clipon handlebars, siamesed ehaust, megaphone silencer and SATriumph conical hubs Acuired by preious owner orman Murray in 200 and restored by him circa 200, the Triton has been used sparingly, coering relatiely few miles since the rebuild, and has won concours awards at attlesbridge 2006, est Special’, Race Retro 200, Caf Racer’ runnerup and the Maldon ritish Motorcycle Club 2012, est erall’ In April 201 the Triton was offered for sale by Mr Murray at onhams’ Stafford Sale where it was purchased by ames May, Richard ammond’s copresenter on C Teleision’s Top ear’, who then sold it to Richard escribed as in generally ecellent condition, the machine is offered with a uantity of epired MoTs, sundry inoices, oldcurrent V5V5C documents, MoT to September 2015 and the aforementioned concours awards 91 1

The property of Richard ammond AAHA FSE Registration no 225P rame no 5 ngine no 5

ow eleated to cult status, amaha’s S1 Siteener Special’ rst appeared in 1 ropped from the range in 1, the model was later reied by amaha an almost unprecedented occurrence with production recommencing in 1 riginally the S1’, the model later gained a set of bicycle pedals to meet moped legislation, becoming the S1’ In its preAugust 1, unrestricted form, the iie’ produced bhp and was good for around 5mph at out hen the model was reied, without pedals but now euipped with Autolube, it was aailable in restricted form only, though the missing horses were relatiely easily restored The passage of time and attendant nostalgia effect has seen the humble S1 eleated to the status of one of the most collectible of modern’ apanese motorcycles, perhaps only second to the amaha R50C, with a whole generation of 50something motorcyclists eagerly buying and restoring the humble iie’ in an effort to recapture the spirit of their youth C Teleision Top ear’ presenter and aid motorcycle collector, Richard ammond purchased this superb original S1 in ecember 2011 MoT’d to anuary 2016 and described as in generally ecellent condition, it represents a wonderful opportunity to acuire one of these increasingly collectible motorcycling icons Accompanying documentation consists of the 2011 purchase agreement, a uantity of epired MoT certicates and a V5C registration document 3 3 9

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults


AAHA DT rame no T11625 ngine no 11625

orth America’s wideopen spaces are the perfect playground for offroad motorcycles and the importance of this leisureorientated sector has long been recognised by uropean and apanese manufacturers amaha began contesting this maret in the 160s, offering a range of twostroe singlecylinder trail bies and purpose built motocrossers as well as twincylinder street scramblers’ Powered by a singlecylinder, aircooled, twostroe engine euipped with reed ale induction, the trailstyled T250 enduro was one of amaha’s most successful models of this type during the 10s nlie some of its contemporaries, the T was uite good on the dirt, ie magaine’s ohn ulley reconing it would een cope with a real enduro competition This unrestored matchingnumbers T250 spent many years on display in a dealer’s showroom in hio, SA before being sold as the dealer is nearing retirement Imported into the in March 2015 and offered for restoration, it comes with S title, customs document and VA declaration to facilitate an application to register it as an imported ehicle 1 1

AAHA DT rame no 0051 ngine no 0051

orth America’s wideopen spaces are the perfect playground for offroad motorcycles and the importance of this leisureorientated sector has long been recognised by uropean and apanese manufacturers amaha began contesting this maret in the 160s, offering a range of twostroe singlecylinder trail bies and purpose built motocrossers as well as twincylinder street scramblers’ Powered by a singlecylinder, aircooled, twostroe engine euipped with reed ale induction, the trailstyled T100 enduro was one of amaha’s most successful models of this type during the 10s Small amaha enduros from the 10s are rarely found in better condition than this matchingnumbers eample, which formed part of a priate collection in len Roc, Pennsylania together with numerous other motorcycles and priceless cars until the owner decided to thin out his collection Imported into the in March 2015 and described by the endor as in A1’ condition, it comes with S title, customs document and VA declaration to facilitate an application to register it as an imported ehicle A total of only ,512 miles is currently displayed on the odometer 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 11 0 AASAI H rame no 15 ngine no A 1050

rom the 1 to the 10R, awasai has long enoyed a reputation for building uncompromising often outrageous high performance motorcycles oweer, the machine that started it all was not a four stroe lie the forgoing, but a twostroe the awesome, legendary Mach III ight weight combined with a peay 60bhp and indifferent handling made the twostroe triple an eciting machine to ride but one that neertheless had the legs of ust about eerything under 50cc when launched in 16 The Mach III 1 triple was regularly reised and updated, gaining a front disc brae, reised steering geometry and rubber engine mounts among other changes before production ceased in 16, by which time it had become the 500 ew awasai triples hae remained as original as this eample, which formed part of a priate collection in Pennsylania, SA together with seeral other motorcycles and cars until the owner decided to thin out his collection Imported into the in March 2015 and described by the endor as in generally ecellent condition, it comes with S title, customs document and VA declaration to facilitate an application to register it as an imported ehicle A total of only ,10 miles is displayed on the odometer and only mild re commissioning should be reuired before returning it to use 7

1 AASAI F rame no 1126006 ngine no 1126022

awasai eay Industries was already a supplier of proprietary engines and manufacturer of complete machines under the Meihatsu name when in 162 it introduced the rst awasaibadged model, the 125cc , descendants of which would be produced up to 10 aunched in uly 11, the 11 formed part of awasai’s epanding range of offroad models and was signicant as it mared a switch to piston control of the induction phase, the preceding disc ale haing been dropped This placed the carburettor out of harm’s way and at the same time narrowed the engine The 11 was produced up to the end of 15, its place in the awasai lineup being taen by the 250 This beautifully restored 11 formed part of a priate collection in len Roc, Pennsylania, SA together with seeral other motorcycles and cars until the owner decided to thin out his collection Imported into the in March 2015 and described by the endor as in generally ecellent condition, it comes with S title, customs document and VA declaration to facilitate an application to register it as an imported ehicle The 11 was neer ofcially imported into the and they are rare in this country certainly there can be few as nice as this one 3 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

11 D L 2 AAHA RD rame no 51162 ngine no 51162

ight as a 250 and powerful as a 500, no range of motorcycles better eemplies the apanese approach to maing a 50 than amaha’s charismatic twostroe twins, the rst to mae an impact in the being the R The R5 followed and then in 1 came the rst of a new family the R50 Together with amaha’s other twostroes, the new R50 featured reed ales, an innoation that made for superior breathing and a broader spread of power The cycle parts remained much the same as those of the preceding R5, but for the important introduction of a front disc brae Testing an R50 in 15, ie magaine found it, a ery loeable bie its nely udged blend of ciilisation and brutality should appeal to anyone who wants an oiltight, hasslefree mount which still has that old time uality nown as alls’This collectible, matchingnumbers R50 was ept in a barn in hio, SA for many years before being taen in part echange by a dealer some time ago ffered for restoration and sold strictly as iewed, it comes with S title, customs document and VA declaration to facilitate an application to register it as an imported ehicle by the successful purchaser e are adised that the engine turns and has compression 19 7 3

SI TS rame no TS25025 ngine no TS2502

ie all the apanese manufacturers, Suui recognised the importance of the orth American offroad’ maret and began offering appropriate models in the mid160s Its rst efforts were modied roadsters but as deelopment progressed Suui’s street scramblers became more capable on the dirt ne of the most successful was the TS range of singlecylinder twostroe trial bies, which commenced in 16 with the TS250, while the successor R series shifted the focus een more towards offroad capability This TS250 was restored in the SA and formed part of a priate collection in len Roc, Pennsylania together with numerous other motorcycles and priceless cars until the owner decided to thin out his collection Imported into the in March 2015 and described by the endor as in generally ecellent condition, it comes with S title, customs document and VA declaration to facilitate an application to register it as an imported ehicle A total of only 1,61 miles is displayed on the odometer and this has to be one of the best eamples of its type currently aailable An opportunity not to be missed 3 3 9

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 11 AASAI AH III rame no A 10505 ngine no A 051

nly the shotgun acceleration of a awasai can mae you feel that good, throttle screwed round as the corner opens up into the net bit of straight as you hit the ape, bars shimmying slightly as the front lightens under the power, bac end eing as the engine tries to pull the wheel sideways against all those ’s forcing it into the road, oh boy’ ie magaine on the 1 rom the 1 to the 10R, awasai has long enoyed a reputation for building uncompromising often outrageous high performance motorcycles oweer, the machine that started it all was not a fourstroe lie the forgoing but a twostroe the awesome, legendary Mach III’ 1 ight weight combined with a peay 60bhp and indifferent handling made the twostroe triple an eciting machine to ride but one that neertheless had the legs of ust about eerything under 50cc when launched in 16 The 1 triple was regularly reised and updated, gaining a front disc brae, reised steering geometry and rubber engine mounts among other changes before production ceased in 16, by which time it had become the 500 This early eample is offered fresh from restoration haing coered only some 15 shaedown’ ilometres since the wor’s completion in March 201 the odometer was eroed during the rebuild The machine is offered with ederaione Motociclistica Italiano Registro Storico aionale certicate 9 13

5 Single family ownership from new, HONDA ONE IE rame no S0012 ngine no 112

ith the launch of the C100 in 160, onda created the class of machine nown as money bies’, so called because of their diminutie stature The power unit was the C100 stepthru’s reliable oerheadale fourstroe single that incorporated a threespeed gearbo with automatic clutch An ultrashort wheelbase, small wheels and estigial fuel tan were all features of a machine which, in the case of the folding handlebar ersion, could t into the boot of a car Immensely popular as paddoc transport the world oer they are currently much in ogue, with a ourishing owners club in the The C100 offered here was purchased new by the current endor’s family in 16 Restored in 200, it currently displays a total of ,60 ilometres approimately 2,250 miles on the odometer and we are adised that the preious odometer, which was replaced during restoration, showed in ecess of 6,000 ilometres approimately ,00 miles when remoed escribed as in generally good ecellent condition, this early onda money bie is offered without documents 91

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

120 D L 6 HONDA FFE Registration no 6 rame no RC15210 ngine no RC02201

onda’s 10s domination of the middle and heayweight classes had been achieed with a succession of acrosstheframe, inline fours, but towards the end of the decade the apanese manufacturer began to turn increasingly to eeconguration engines, the rst fourcylinder eample, the shaftdrien V50 tourer, arriing in 12 Smaller V00 and V500 fours followed, together with the rangetopping V1000 and V1000R, while the sportier V50 of 1 switched to chain drie and came with those two 10s must haes’ a 16 front wheel and antidie fors Today’s VR00 is a direct descendent of the original V50, maing it one of onda’s longestrunning models The original is already approaching classic status This particular V50 was acuired by the endor in oember 2011 haing belonged to the preious owner for some 21 years The machine has not been used since it was treated to a full last nut and bolt’ restoration in 201, with no part left untouched escribed by the endor as in generally ecellent condition, this collectible classic onda is offered with an epired MoT certicate 1 and V5C registration document 3 3 9

AASAI Registration no 6 P rame no T00011 ngine no T00A022

awasai followed up its trendsetting P00R superbie of 1 with the P1000R, which after only two years in production was superseded by the 10 Introduced for 1, the latter boasted an aluminium bo’ frame and was 5lbs lighter than its steelframed predecessor The etensiely reised 16ale watercooled engine now produced 1bhp, which was good enough for a top speed nocing on 10mph customers had to mae do with only’ 125bhp courtesy of the industry’s gentlemen’s agreement’ to restrict maimum power, though the missing horses were easily reinstated by modifying the carburettor tops to enable the slides to open fully odywor was similar to the outgoing P’s but featured a higher screen giing greater wind protection to the rider This eample of awasai’s cuttingedge 10s superbie benets from recent restoration of the bodywor and braes, a full respray, new decals and a full serice escribed by the endor as in generally ecellent condition, this beautiful futureclassic is offered with a uantity of epired MoTs, V5C registration document and MoT to ecember 2015 The current odometer reading is 21,56 miles 3 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 121 SI GS ATANA Registration no C 0 rame no S650 10 ngine no S650 115520

Styled by the erman rm of Target esign under the direction of rit an ellstrom and rst seen at the 10 Cologne Show, the S1100 atana represented a bold effort to produce an uncompromising sports bie in the uropean mould The result was a machine that combined straightline speed with secure handling lie no apanese bie before it The concept’s immediate success conrmed the wisdom of Suui’s policy of introducing a family of similarly styled machines across ust about eery capacity class, the eisting S650 getting the atana treatment for 11 ffered here is a lowmileage, threeowner eample of this 10s style icon C 0’ was supplied new ia owsons of Scarborough and comes with the original dealer correspondence and sales inoice Acuired by the current endor in anuary 201, the atana has been treated to a light restoration, which included a full serice and repainting the ehaust system, shaft drie housing, brae callipers and brae disc centres e are adised that, due to the low mileage, the machine still had its original Suui brae pads installed Presented in beautiful condition, it comes complete with tool it, owner’s manual and manufacturer’s brochure, and is offered with a V5C registration document and some MoT certicates most recent epired April 201 3

AAHA SEA Registration no 2 PC rame no 11M0022 ngine no 11M0022

ewly introduced for 11, the amaha 50 Seca was basically a stretched ersion of the preceding 650, a model that had beneted from considerable input from uropean motorcyclists, relayed bac to apan ia amaha Motor V in olland The result was an accomplished, lightmiddleweight allrounder possessing maintenancefree shaft drie one of the best of its day, a comfortable ride, accurate steering, secure handling and strong braes nly the fourcylinder engine came in for criticism that it was too peay and insufciently economical, shortcomings amaha addressed a couple of years later by introducing its ICS lined induction system that was also applied to the 550 and 50 Seca ie magaine managed to coa a top speed of 120mph out of a Seca in 12 other tests achieed higher speeds and achieed an oerall fuel consumption miles per gallon, a gure acnowledged as improable on This eample has not been used since it was treated to a full last nut and bolt’ restoration in 201, with no part left untouched escribed by the endor as in generally ecellent condition, this collectible classic amaha is offered with two old MoT certicates most recent epired ebruary 201 and V5C registration document 3 3 9

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

122 D L 50 SI GT Registration no C P rame no T506502 ngine no T501

Acuired by the endor in 200, C P was in need of some TC A restoration was begun, and subseuently completed in 2012 All the paintwor was renished, the engine was rebuilt with new main bearings, big end bearings, piston rings, and cranshaft seals heels were rebuilt with new rims and spoes, the seat was recoered, and some of the brightwor was rechromed The for stanchions were hardchrome plated, ground to sie, then tted with new seals and bushes The only parts the endor feels could be improed upon is the original ehaust system, which has some mars The ettle’ has not been used on the road since the restoration was completed, but the machine has been ept in dry storage since, and started at regular interals to ensure it remains in useable order In iew of the lac of use since restoration, it is recommended that a new owner carry out basic safety checs before taing to the road Paperwor consists of a V5C together with some photos of the restoration in progress, and some of the restorationrelated inoices 7

51 SI GSS rame no S100052 ngine no S1000121

ollowing onda’s lead, Suui launched its rst fourcylinder four stroe the S50 for 16 ithin a short time there was a 1,000cc ersion on the horion the S1000 The latter arried in the for the 1 season, ying with awasai’s 1000 for the top sports bie’ crown The S1000 proides the sily smoothness synonymous with most acrosstheframe fours, an incredible amount of torue which reduces gearchanging to a minimum plus deastating performance,’ reported ie magaine The deastating performance’ amounted to a sub 12second standing uartermile time and a top speed in ecess of 15mph good enough to beat the wacer in a straight line while air fors at the front and rear suspension units adustable for damping as well as spring preload made for superior handling when pressing on Variations on the theme included the shaftdrien S1000 tourer and S1000S sportster, the latter euipped with a neat cocpit fairing enclosing a more comprehensie instrument cluster Imported from Italy into the etherlands, this S1000S is currently in the hands of only its second owner The machine displays a total of 22,6 ilometres on the odometer and is described as lie new’ ffered with utch registration papers 3 7

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 12 52 SI GSR HAASA Registration no 261 rame no S1A1111100101 ngine no 0112220

The apanese factories’ abandonment of their oluntary 125bhp upper horsepower limit in the mid10s paed the way for a new generation of hypersports’ bies, the rst of which was onda’s CR1100 lacbird, launched in 16 oweer, the 1mph lacbird’s reign as world’s fastest production motorcycle only lasted until the arrial of Suui’s yabusa in 1 oasting 1,00cc to the onda’s 1,100, the yabusa aced the lacbird courtesy of a whopping 150plus brae horsepower and a top speed of 1mph, at which elocity the speedometer would be registering oer 200mph espite eploring limits hitherto unnown to production road bies, the windtunnel styled yabusa proed as stable at 10mph as it was at 0 Riding the yabusa is lie grabbing a surfacetoair missile by its ns and riding the mother at a distant target, enthused ie magaine oweer, scare stories in the press about 200mph roadgoing motorcycles soon caused a rethin in apan, and today’s hypersports roadsters are electronically limited to a top speed of 00mh 16mph which, if nothing else, made the early prelimited’ eamples all the more collectible irst registered on 1th March 2000, this early Suui yabusa has been tted with a oshimura ehaust, ynoet Power Commander II and a atatool alarmimmobiliser ffered with V5C document 3

5 TRIPH SPRINT Registration no P 15 V rame no SM TTC 62 MT 0202 ngine no 021

ollowing the demise of Triumph at Meriden in 1, the company was resurrected by ohn loor who funded and led the redesign and manufacture of the incley’ Triumph, as ritain’s only maor bie maer Said to be based on the best of apanese practice, the completely new Triumphs were undoubtedly right up to the minute in design but always retained some traditional Triumph touches ne of the most highly regarded is the Triple’ range, with an adanced C 12 ale engine producing a hearty 100P or so oth reliable and wellmade, the only criticism of the unit seemed to be bulletproof but oerengineered’, hardly a demerit in most riders’ eyes The stylish Sprint 00’ debuted in 12 in both naed and faired forms and was reised for 15 with new hollowcast wheels and nitrogen rear damping, remaining thus until the model was discontinued in 1 P15 V is that reised model in Triumph Red with the characteristic charcoal engine nish In ecutie’ trim with topbo, it comes from the hands of a mature enthusiast haing coered a little oer 0,000 miles from new It is in ecellent and original condition and, following the usual safety checs, will be ready for the season ollowing minimal use in recent years, it is hoped to hae an MT by sale day An ecellent machine at a modest price 7 1 9 1 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

12 D L 5 Originally the property of Chris Euban; 11,59 miles from new HONDA RRR FIRELADE Registration no M61 rame no SC2256121 ngine no SC225661

ery so often a model comes along that rewrites the ruleboo for sports motorcycles, one of the most inuential of modern times being onda’s ireblade aunched in 12, the ireblade blew away the opposition principally amaha’s R1000 and Suui’s SR1100 with its combination of litrebie performance and a 600sied pacage Superbly styled and eocatiely titled, it was recognised as a future classic almost immediately and early and unmolested eamples command high prices today This eample was rst owned by one of ritish boing’s most amboyant and controersial champions, Chris uban, who at the pea of his career in the 10s held the world middleweight and supermiddleweight titles Paperwor proing Chris uban’s ownership is on le Chris designed the onda’s red and yellow colour scheme and had it painted with his initials and the words Simply the est’, a reference to the Tina Turner song that he made his ght entrances to The current third owner acuired the ireblade in April 201 escribed by the priate endor as in generally ecellent condition, the machine is offered with VA MoT history printout, current MoT certicate and oldcurrent V5C documents The original ehaust silencer, spare ey, owner’s manual and serice boolet, both in pristine condition, are included in the sale 1 1 o esere

55 HONDA G TORIST TROPH rame no 2PC160010060 ngine no PC15500151

aing initially deeloped largecapacity singles for the offroad maret, onda and its apanese rials began offering a succession of purely roadgoing deriaties ne of the most interesting of these was the onda R500 of 15, the styling of which was unashamedly retro’, and this concept was taen a stage further almost immediately with the 500 TT, launched the following year A factory caf racer’, the 500 looed ery ritish, boasting coachlined paintwor, clipon handlebars, rearset footrests, chromed headlamp shell, matching speedometer and re counter, and alloyrimmed, wirespoed wheels instead of the R’s Comstars The drysump, radial fourale motor featured electric starting and deliered its 2bhp ia a sispeed gearbo, while the entire ensemble weighed in at a little under 0lbs It blends a touch of the past with the best of today’s technology,’ declared onda of a model that struc a chord with mature riders who hanered after the past but dislied the associated oil leas, dodgy electrics and general unreliability Representing a rare opportunity to acuire one of these collectible cult’ models, the eample offered here is described by the endor as in generally good condition and comes with erman registration papers A total of 1,650 ilometres approimately 12,200 miles is currently displayed on the odometer 3 7

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 125 idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

3 3

37 39

56 5 AAHA FR GENESIS HONDA R rame no 200150 ngine no M0106 rame no PC15510151 ngine no PC15510151 ating from an era when onelitre sports bies could afford to be relatiely aing initially deeloped largecapacity singles for the offroad maret, roomy and comfortable, amaha’s R1000 enesis arried in 1 as onda and its apanese rials began offering a succession of purely road the class leader, boasting the 50’s pioneering ealespercylinder going deriaties ne of the most interesting of these new ondas was engine technology and a racedeeloped aluminium twinspar eltabo’ the R500 of 15, the styling of which was unashamedly retro’ apart frame ith a claimed maimum output of 125bhp, the enesis was from the Comstar wheels The drysump, radial fourale motor featured good for a top speed of oer 150mph and, eually importantly, had electric starting and deliered its claimed bhp ia a espeed gearbo, handling and braes to match It lasted for only two years before being while the entire ensemble weighed in at around 0lbs Testing an R replaced by the etensiely redesigned P’ model and these days is in 15, ie magaine managed a best one way speed of 10mph and relatiely rare An affordable, fast and comfortable modern classic, this achieed an oerall fuel consumption of 5mpg Representing a rare recently restored enesis currently displays a total of 51, ilometres opportunity to acuire one of these collectible onda singles, the restored approimately 2,200 miles on the odometer and is described by the eample offered here is described by the endor as lie new’ and endor as in lie new’ condition The machine is offered with etherlands comes with etherlands registration papers A total of , ilometres registration papers It should be noted that the engine is not original to the approimately 2,500 miles is currently displayed on the odometer frame Sold as iewed 1 3 1 5 5 HONDA GL GOLD ING SI GSR rame no 1 0020 ngine no 1 002 rame no 11021 ngine no 0611 In a world grown accustomed to ecess on all fronts, it is hard to imagine Suui’s 16 SR00 codename 1 beneted from an all the miture of awe and disbelief that greeted the onda old ing on its new redesigned chassis with shorter wheelbase, reducing weight arrial in 1 uite simply the most adanced motorcycle eer made,’ to approimately 150g Its cc inline four C SATCS Suui was onda’s description, and gien the mindboggling specication Adanced Threeway Cooling System liuid cooled engine featured 1,000cc atfour engine, water cooling, beltdrien oerhead camshafts, 16 ales, generated an impressie 5hp at 12,000rpm The eample shaft drie, triple disc braes, etc, it was certainly comple if not, strictly offered here is belieed to be a apanese Import Purchased by the utch speaing, that adanced ne of the fastest production motorcycles of its collectorowner approimately fteen years ago, the local taation ofce day, the old ing proed eminently capable of taing sales from both failed to return the registration documents at that time, hence the machine M and arleyaidson er the years the ing has continued to is offered without documents isplaying c16,000m on the odometer grow in engine capacity, oerall sie and compleity, which only seres to the endor describes the machine as being in generally goodoriginal underline the increasingly collectible original’s purity of form escribed by condition, started recently and running well The machine will reuire the endor as in lie new’ condition, the restored eample offered here recommissioning to a greater or lesser etent before applying to register comes with etherlands registration papers A total of 25,000 ilometres the machine and returning to the road approimately 15,500 miles is currently displayed on the odometer 1 1 3 3 1 1

126 D L 60 Ex-Jac Mathews, Championship winning TRIALS ITH SIDEAR Registration no 2 rame no 10 ngine no 10052

Since 11 oltonbased CCM hae mostly operated under the capable stewardship of the Clews family founder Alan Clews haing been a successful offroad competitor in the preious decade Production of these handcrafted machines now totals many thousands, albeit CCM are better nown for M than for Trials In 12 ac Mathews, successful 500cc motocrosser and great character to boot, decided to ride sidecar trials, despite the preailing fashion was for machines of 25025cc o matter, ac bought Alan’s personal 600cc M machine, to which a sidecar was duly attached see illustration on page 15 in Rolling Thunder by ill awless illow Publishing Magor After softening’ the engine, by now reduced to 500cc, ac cloced some sensational results, winning 1’s AC Sidecar Championship and nishing 2nd in that year’s ritish perts trial espite competing on what was regarded as something of a dinosaur’ ac also scored a magical ictory in the 1 ritish pertsbelieed the last maor trophy to be gained by a halflitre stroe wned since 200 by an arch SSA enthusiast who’s tted a new piston to the rebored cylinder, and generally ept the famous combo up to scratch is presented in Ready for Scrutineering’ condition, wearing the odd dent and scar with considerable pride V5C included 3

61 Property of a deceased’s estate GREEES SS HASTONE SRALER rame no 6126

As an established engine builder, reees was able to surie while many rials disappeared, along with the supply of Villiers engines, in the late 160s rom then on the Thundersleybased company concentrated on its successful offroad competition models irst introduced for the 15 season, the awstone’ scrambler and Scottish’ trials iron used the 1cc Villiers engine to begin with Versions powered by the new 26cc 1A engine oined the range for 15, the scrambler being distinguished by radially nned paddle’ hubs as standard The awstone was updated with the A engine for 160, at the same time gaining a beeer castalloy frame tted with taper roller head bearings and boasting a stiffer and wider rear sub frame The following year reees’ own alloy cylinder barrel and head debuted on the 2MCS MotoCross Special’, the 2SCS awstone continuing to use the Villiers castiron barrel This awstone’s engine has been tted with an aftermaret alloy topend from an unidentied manufacturer ot used for some considerable time, the machine has been ept in dry storage and is presented in as last raced’ condition, reuiring etensie restoration There are no documents with this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed 1 o esere

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 12 idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

3 3

33 3

62 6 Property of a deceased’s estate Property of a deceased’s estate GREEES GRIFFON GREEES SS HASTONE SRALER ngine no P12 rame no 6115 ngine no 00 11 The culmination of reees’ long line of scrambles machines was the irst introduced for the 15 season, the awstone’ scrambler and riffon, introduced in 16 uilt in 26cc and 0cc ariants, the two Scottish’ trials iron used the 1cc Villiers engine to begin with stroe riffon motor was a deelopment of the preceding Challenger Versions powered by the new 26cc 1A engine oined the range for ater models used a ersion of the engine, deeloped at ueens 15, the scrambler being distinguished by radially nned paddle’ hubs niersity, elfast and reees’ own design of gearbo rames were as standard The awstone was updated with the A engine for 160, constructed of Reynolds 51 tubing, and a type Metal Proles at the same time gaining a beeer castalloy frame tted with taper roller front for and conical alloy hubs were tted I’m coninced that the head bearings and boasting a stiffer and wider rear subframe The open class riffon is the most powerful, most handleable scrambler eer following year reees’ own alloy cylinder barrel and head debuted on the launched by the Thundersley factory,’ wrote Motor Cycle’s Mie ashford 2MCS MotoCross Special’, the 2SCS awstone continuing to use on the machine’s launch ot used for some considerable time, this the Villiers castiron barrel This awstone has been updated with the riffon has been ept in dry storage and is presented in as last raced’ later Challenger engine’s alloy topend ot used for some considerable condition, reuiring etensie restoration There are no documents with time, it has been ept in dry storage and is presented in as last raced’ this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed condition, reuiring etensie restoration There are no documents with 1 this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed 31 1 o esere o esere 6 Property of a deceased’s estate 65 GREEES GRIFFON Property of a deceased’s estate rame no 5 62 ngine no P1 GREEES HALLENGER The culmination of reees’ long line of scrambles machines was the rame no 2 M2 5 ngine no PA5 50 riffon, introduced in 16 uilt in 26cc and 0cc ariants, the two As an established engine builder, reees was able to surie while many stroe riffon motor was a deelopment of the preceding Challenger rials disappeared, along with the supply of Villiers engines, in the late ater models used a ersion of the engine, deeloped at ueens 160s rom then on the Thundersleybased company concentrated on niersity, elfast and reees’ own design of gearbo rames were its successful offroad competition models The rst irtually allreees constructed of Reynolds 51 tubing, and a Cerianitype Metal Proles model was the Challenger scrambler, introduced in 16 uilt in 26cc front for and conical alloy hubs were tted I’m coninced that the and later 62cc capacities, the Challenger engine incorporated an open class riffon is the most powerful, most handleable scrambler eer cranshaft assembly within reees’ own crancases, which were launched by the Thundersley factory,’ wrote Motor Cycle’s Mie ashford complemented by a new, generously nned alloy top end Mated to an on the machine’s launch ot used for some considerable time, this Albion gearbo, this new power unit was carried in typicallyreees cycle riffon has been ept in dry storage and is presented in as last raced’ parts consisting of a cast alloy beam frame and leadinglin fors, the condition, reuiring etensie restoration There are no documents with latter of the banana’ type from 165 with Cerianis optional ot used for this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed some considerable time, this Challenger has been ept in dry storage and 1 is presented in as last raced’ condition, reuiring etensie restoration 3 There are no documents with this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed o esere 1 31 12 D L o esere idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

3 3

37 39

66 6 AAHA IT ENDRO AAHA T PADDO SOOTER rame no 1600201 ngine no 1600201 rame no T 00 orth America’s wideopen spaces are the perfect playground for e are adised that this amaha C50T was preiously used offroad motorcycles, and the importance of this leisureorientated by a ormula 1 team as hospitality transport in race paddocs sector has long been recognised by uropean and apanese nregistered, the machine shows signs of use in the form of scuffs manufacturers amaha began contesting this maret in the 160s, to the paintwor and cracs to the bodywor, and currently displays offering a range of singlecylinder twostroe trail bies and purpose a total of 1, miles on the odometer The tyres are described as built motocrossers as well as twincylinder street scramblers’ aerage’ and the battery is at, so the machine has not been tested or the serious enduro competitor, amaha deeloped the IT ot used for many years and sold strictly as iewed, it comes with a International Trial range, commencing in 16 with IT00 Powered single ignition ey There are no documents with this ot by a singlecylinder, aircooled, twostroe engine euipped with reed ale induction, the IT00 was one of amaha’s most successful 7 11 of this type during the late 10s Considerably rarer than the road o esere orientated T00, this unregistered IT00 displays a total of 10 miles on the replacement speedometer its prior mileage total is 6 unnown Compression is good and the machine comes complete AAHA TE RAING OTORLE with a tool it There are no documents with this ot, which is offered ngine no P 0 for recommissioning and sold strictly as iewed y the end of the 10s, the writing was on the wall for amaha’s 1 traditional T parallel twin engine and in 11 they followed rials 11 17 onda and by introducing a twin on the T250 the T o esere had been around for so long that amaha had all but ehausted the alphabet and been forced to start again at A’ in 10 In its new 6 form the T continued on, with incremental changes annually, into the AAHA T PADDO SOOTER 10s ith the 250cc class now defunct at orld Championship rame no T 00 leel, these purposebuilt rand Pri racers are becoming The way lies ahead ere are the wheels to mae it your own amaha increasingly collectible and this T250 represents a wonderful gies you the ey’ ou would thin amaha were taling about the opportunity to acuire one nfortunately, nothing is nown of the R1 but no, it was the C50T scooter that was intended to race history of this eample, which boasts replacement bodywor ename your motorcycling passion e are adised that this eample and has been in storage for some considerable time The machine was preiously used by a ormula 1 team as hospitality transport in will reuire a full mechanical oerhaul, including repair of the broen race paddocs nregistered, the machine shows signs of use in the rear brae calliper bracet, prior to any further use and thus is sold form of scuffs and scratches to the paintwor, and currently displays strictly as iewed There are no documents with this ot a total of 2,52 miles on the odometer The tyres are described as 1 aerage’ and the battery is at, so the machine has not been tested 17 ot used for many years and sold strictly as iewed, it comes with a o esere single ignition ey There are no documents with this ot 7 11 o esere

L 12 0 The ex-Fabian Looi, rent Jones, Penang Grand Prix-winning AAHA T GRAND PRI RAING OTORLE rame no 5000106 ngine no 5000106

orld Champion in the 500cc class for amaha in 1, and ntered by ong eong Industries, the Malaysian amaha importer, 0, enny Roberts during the latter season had occasionally used his T500 was raced etensiely in the ar ast during the 10s, the R, a ersion of the 1 tted with reersed outer mainly by the Malaysian rider abian ooi, who used it to win the cylinders, an arrangement that produced an etra bhp The 10 Penang rand Pri in 1, 6 and , while Australian rider rent season was also notable for the rst appearance of a customer ones rode it to another Penang P win in 1 a full list of race ersion of amaha’s rand Pri 500 the T500, which was based results is aailable The machine was purchased in Australia in 1 on the 1 wors bies nly detail changes were made to the from Peter ell, its then owner, and is presented in as last raced’ following year’s T500 ith their acrosstheframe four reaching condition, reuiring recommissioning or more etensie restoration the end of its deelopment, amaha introduced the R’s It comes with a spare set of wheels shod with wets’ and a reersed outer cylinders on the customer T500 of 12, though photocopied serice manual and parts catalogue the engine was housed in a conentional tubular steel frame rather than the aluminium one tried occasionally on the wors bies This eeloped directly from amaha’s factory racers, the reersecylinder would be amaha’s last customer 500’ offered to priateers until T500 effectiely represents the end of an era, when priateers 12, when R four engines were made aailable in arris and could buy a premierclass rand Pri motorcycle and at least hae RC chassis the chance of challenging the wors riders on a good day Much rarer than the ubiuitous Suui R500 customer’ racer, which was in production for far longer, it also represents a wonderful opportunity for the serious collector to own a rand Pri thoroughbred with in period racewinning history 3

Please note this ehicle is subect to 5 import ta

10 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 1 LAERDA SF REPLIA rame no 50105 ngine no 50105

ounded in 1, aerda started out maing farm machinery, only Prices hae risen steeply in recent years and for many wouldbe turning to motorcycle manufacture in the immediate aftermath of owners a replica, such as that offered here, is the only affordable 2 Its rst product, the 5cc Motoleggera lightweight motorcycle option e are adised that this machine was built in 2012 using helped meet the unprecedented upsurge in demand for basic factory drawings for the Series 11000’ batch, the nal ersion motorised transport, and modied ersions were soon winning tted with the drum braes the optional Ceriani S The machine their class in the longdistance road races popular at the time features a modied swinging arm with reinforced piot and rear ightweights, scooters and mopeds continued to form the mainstay ale steeper shoc absorbers Vshaped asymmetrical centre stand of production up to the late 160s when the small Italian concern, to accommodate the original 2into1 competition ehaust an hitherto little nown outside its home country, astonished the original aerda roaduse ehaust system original orrani wheel motorcycling world by introducing a 650cc parallel twin aunched rims unlop TT tyres an all new electrical system using the original in 16, the latter was controersial, appearing to hae been closely switches and lighting euipment Verlicchi handlebars Magura twist based on the onda C2 and C twins After fewer than 100 grip ethanolresistant inyl ester fuel tan Carello headlamp and had been made, the engine was taen out to 50cc, and a team Smiths recounter ighlights of the engine specication include a of aerda twins duly waled away with the 16 iro d’Italia That newly rebuilt, lightened cranshaft new Asso pistons new ales rst 50T tourer spawned the 50S sports roadster in 11 and springs new 2C camshafts ell’rto 6mm carburettors and S’ stood for Super reni super braes and mared a switch all new bearings and seals nly some 500orso ilometres hae from rimeca stoppers to aerda’s own superior drum braes been coered since the rebuild’s completion and the machine is Introduced at the same time, the 50SC was a thinly disguised presented in commensurately good condition n offer at a fraction racer that was soon dominating the endurance races of the day uilt of the price of an original, this beautiful 50SC replica comes with in limited numbers only 5 were produced in si different batches etherlands registration papers and technical inspection the 50SC production racer is today one of the more collectible of 13 1 aerda’s early twins and thus highly sought after 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 11 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 DATI NR RAING OTORLE rame no 5 ngine no 01 M 60

Mie ailwood’s 1 Isle of Man TT comebac ride is the stuff of The CR bies supplied to Sports Motorcycles for ailwood and legend ut of topight bie racing for seen years and away from his teammate Roger icholls incorporated aspabuilt frames and the Island for eleen, he too on and beat the might of the onda 6cc desmodromic engines that retained the smoothly contoured wors team to win the ormula ne TT at record speed ntered outer casings of the earlier 50 series The production 60 and 50 by Stee ynne’s Manchesterbased ucati dealership, Sports models had used angular suare’ cases since their introduction in Motorcycles, ailwood’s TTwinner was one of a small batch of 15 Tuning consisted of rewored cylinder heads larger ales such machines built by the legendary CR race shop in Italy for TT highercompression pistons ucas RITA ignition system uprated, ormula ne and IM Coupe d’ndurance racing The CR offered dry clutch and a stronger gearbo reathing ia Malossimodied here is one of this eclusie series 1mm ell’rto carburettors, the desmo twin produced 0bhp at the rear wheel The CR’s wheelbase was on the long side at 1,500mm CR’ stood for the names of its founders, efactory race 5 but on the Isle of Man TT course the stability that this conferred mechanics iorgio epoti, Rino Caracchi and uigi Rii, although was a positie adantage, especially at the ue’s top speed of after Rii’s early departure the R’ stood for Racing CR was 1mph founded in 16 in the small town of orgo Panigale on the outsirts of ucati’s hometown of ologna Situated a stone’s throw from the y the end of practice wee in 1, ailwood had lapped the ucati factory, CR functioned as the semiofcial race team from mile Mountain Circuit at oer 111mph In the ormula ne race he the early 10s, there being no direct wors inolement at that aeraged 1051mph and set a new lap record of 11062mph Phil time The epotiCaracchi philosophy was that eerything could be Read blew up his wors onda in ain pursuit It was an outstanding improed, lightened or made more powerful, and lie all truly great achieement for all concerned ucati, CR, Stee ynne and, tuners they paid attention to the smallest detail in the nowledge that of course, Mie ailwood himself And to proe it was no ue, racing would ineitably epose any weanesses Their emblem, a ailwood too the Sports Motorcycles CR to the PostTT meeting speeding cartoon dog wearing a helmet, is nown the world oer at Mallory Par a wee later and not only beat Read again but also the cream of the ’s short circuit stars The contrast between the TT course and the tight, 1mile Mallory trac could not hae been greater, yet the combination of ailwood and the CR had mastered both Although the ailwood TT win is the CR’s most famous achieement, there were other notable ictories at Mugello, Montuic and Misano in the ndurance Championship

12 D L This CR ucati is a ery rare and original endurance racer, only e of which were manufactured for the 1 season nce again the engine was of the earlier round case’ type, and this machine’s combines an mm bore with a mm stroe for a displacement of 05cc The frame and engine are the original pairing as conrmed by an accompanying document of authentication signed in oember 201 by Rino Caracchi himself

This CR has had only one preious owner, an Italian collector who used it only for parades and hill climbs e are adised that it has neer participated in any of the longdistance endurance eents it was intended for The ucati has been in the hands of the current second owner, an Austrian priate collector and M dealer, for the last 10 years, during which time it has been ept on display The engine has been taen apart only once, a few years ago, by a erman ucati epert to determine its originality and condition, the process being etensiely documented with numerous photographs The professional consulting engineer’s signed report dated 1th ebruary 2015 is on le together with other paperwor relating to its earlier history

escribed mint’ condition, this beautiful CR represents a possibly onceinalifetime opportunity to acuire an unmolested eample of this historic racing motorcycle 1 11 17

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 1 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults DATI ONSTER S rame no MM00AA20160 ngine no M16005

hile its largecapacity sports models were grabbing the headlines by dominating the orld Superbie Championship, it was the relatiely humble Monster that was ucati’s real success story, selling worldwide by the containerload and thus ensuring the Italian company’s surial esigned by Miguel Angel allui and introduced in 1, the Monster singlehandedly icstarted the continuing reial of naed’ motorcycles The fact that it was achieed by raiding the parts bin and combining the maor components of eisting models, only seres to underline the brilliance of allui’s original concept Thus the rst M00 ersion used the aircooled, twoalespercylinder engine of the 00 Supersport and the chassis of the 51 Superbie A 600 Monster arried in 1 and ucati has continued to ring the changes on the engine front as the range epanded to encompass a plethora of ariants It remains a cornerstone of the ucati range to this day ffered here is a Monster S, a ariant introduced for 2001, which used the watercooled esmouattro engine rst seen in the 16 Superbie and was basically the ST sportstourer shorn of its bodywor This eample is nished in Senna’ grey, a colour scheme rst used on the limitededition 16 Senna Superbie, produced in honour of the late ormula 1 orld Champion Currently displaying a total of only ,201 ilometres approimately 5,00 miles on the odometer, the machine is described by the endor as lie new’ and comes with etherlands registration papers 3 7

DATI STRADA TRIOLORE Registration no CPR rame no 50056 ngine no 5056

ne of the most inuential motorcycles of recent times, the ucati 51’ restored the fortunes of the Italian company and paed the way for a highly successful family of superbies, the nal prePanigale eample being the 10’ of 200 In deeloping the original 51, engineer Massimo ordi created one of the nest motorcycle power plants eer y the mid10s, ucati’s eisting aircooled ale twins were approaching the end of their deelopment, so ordi started with a clean sheet in creating their watercooled, ale, fuel inected successor ucati’s trademar desmodromic ale actuation system, which closes the ales mechanically rather than relying on springs, was retained, as was the 0degree angle between the cylinders rapped around this outstanding esmouattro’ engine was a frame, consisting of an intricate trellis of straight tubes, whose design would become a ucati trademar Two models were aailable initially the 51 Strada and 51 Superbie it, the latter being the rst of many limited edition homologation specials’ produced to satisfy orld Superbie Championship reuirements This Tricolore’ eample was acuired by the current second owner in May 1 and has coered only 11, miles from new The machine incorporates desirable upgrades in the form of it bodywor, Maton for conersion, Maton oni rear shoc absorber conersion and Maric 1 wheels, all of which were tted in 12 see documentation and bills on le CPR’ has been featured in Superbie magaine une 1 and Ride magaine date unnown Copies of these articles are on le together with comprehensie serice records, sales inoices and a V5C registration document arage stored for the last ten years, the machine will reuire recommissioning and the customary safety checs before idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot returning to the road The owner’s manual, original Cagia ucati tool prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults it and a set of it reersecone race pipes are included in the sale 1 1 1 D L 5 DRITONHONDA RAING OTORLE ngine no C501165

Riders campaigning onda’s aircooled twins bac in the early 10s freuently turned to alternatie frames, the riton products of Swiss racer turned framemaer thmar Marly’ ril being among the most popular This modern ritononda replica was completed in 200 using a frame built by artel ngineering and comes with inoices relating to its construction The endor commissioned the machine with the intention of entering it in the Man rand Pri but, sadly, his intended rider was illed at the TT before it could be used ased on a C50 unit and built to the highest standards, the engine incorporates Arrow conrods, iseco pistons, iasil plated alloy cylinder liners, Megacycle camshafts, R& ale spring conersion, raceuality ales, ell’rto carburettors, Cappelini oil lter it, eternal oil lines and PV ignition ther noteworthy features include a oa sispeed gear cluster, sispring clutch and an oil cooler, while the chassis boasts Ceriani 5mm fors, Maton rear suspension, ocheed front brae calliper, onda master cylinder and a onda rear drum brae A aytonastyle seat is included in the sale nly 10orso running in’ miles hae been coered around Mallory Par and the machine is presented ready to race or parade 7 1 9 1


Riders campaigning onda’s aircooled twins bac in the early 10s freuently turned to alternatie frames, the riton products of Swiss racer turned framemaer thmar Marly’ ril being among the most popular This modern ritononda replica was completed in 200 using a frame built by artel ngineering and comes with inoices relating to its construction The endor commissioned the machine with the intention of entering it in the Man rand Pri but, sadly, his intended rider was illed at the TT before it could be used ased on a C50 unit and built to the highest standards, the engine incorporates Arrow conrods, iseco pistons, iasil plated alloy cylinder liners, Megacycle camshafts, R& ale spring conersion, raceuality ales, ell’rto carburettors, Cappelini oil lter it, eternal oil lines and PV ignition ther noteworthy features include a oa sispeed gear cluster, sispring clutch and an oil cooler, while the chassis boasts Ceriani 5mm fors, Maton rear suspension, ocheed front brae calliper, onda master cylinder and a onda rear drum brae A aytonastyle seat is included in the sale nly 10orso running in’ miles hae been coered around Mallory Par and the machine is presented ready to race or parade 7 1 9 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults


ew marues hae achieed so ne a competition record in so Then, in 15, rusiani drew up an entirely new 26cc bialbero short a time as Mondial ounded in ologna in 12 by the twincam single and reamped the eisting 125 The result was oselli brothers ratelli oselli, Mondial concentrated on a magnicent return to former glory, Proini ending the season as the manufacture of commercial ehicles at rst, only turning to 125cc orld Champion while newly recruited too motorcycle maing in 1 lying in the face of accepted wisdom, the 250 crown Sadly, what should hae been the dawning of a new engineer Alfonso rusiani belieed that it was possible for a four golden age for the ologna marue was not to be Mondial, along stroe to compete against the twostroes elded by MV Agusta with Moto ui and ilera, withdrew from rand Pri racing at the and Morini then dominating the ultralightweight class After a season’s end, and although the rm built a number of mainly two successful debut season in 1 which saw wors rider ello Pagani stroe racers in the 160s, it neer achieed the same heights win the Italian rand Pri, the little Mondial was further improed for 1 and Pagani duly brought Mondial its rst orld Championship This 15cc Mondial was purchased from eorge eale by the Mondial’s dominance of the 125 class remained ust as oerwhelming current endor, a prominent erman priate collector, around 15 for the net two years, runo Ruffo taing the title in 150 and Carlo years ago haing been restored a few years preiously Presented in bbiali in 151, before Cecil Sandford struc bac for MV Agusta in generally ecellent condition, it has been ridden on seeral occasions 152 by the endor, the last time being at ieburg two years ago 3 The 15cc class was an important one in continental urope and the 9 3 125 was duly boredout from 5mm to 66mm to achiee the reuired etra capacity Reing to ,000rpm, it produced 20bhpplus Riding one of the new 15cc Mondial singles in 15, rising star Taruinio Proini won the arduous eightday 1,mile iro d’Italia to start his debut season as a wors rider in ne style ut een Proini’s prodigious talent could not mae up for a lac of machine deelopment, and the mid150s would proe to be relatiely lean years for Mondial

16 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults AGSTA ONOALERO RAING OTORLE rame no to be adised ngine no to be adised

Although best nown for their fourcylinder fourstroes, multiple The cycle parts were irtually an eact copy of the 52 wors orld Championshipwinning MVAgusta built lightweights bies’, featuring a tubular duple loop frame, telescopic front for throughout its manufacturing career, and in its early days listed small with central hydraulic damper, and swingingarm rear suspension twostroes and een a scooter The racing 125cc twostroes were raes were fullwidth aluminiumalloy diameter at the front, 6 a maor success, winning the arduous MilanTaranto road race in at the rear ry weight was 165lbs and the top speed oer 0mph 150, 51 and 52, but at orld Championship leel the MVs were ecause Italy’s longdistance road races, such as the Moto iro outclassed by the fourstroe Mondial with its twinoerhead d’Italia and MilanTaranto reuired that machines be street legal and cam engine Count Agusta’s response was to hire ilera’s chief possess lights, a ywheel generator formed part of the specication designer Piero Remor together with its chief mechanic, The MV Agusta monoalbero 125 racer proed an enormous success, oweer, the new Remordesigned 125cc fourstroe was not an remaining in production until 156 and continuing to offer priateers immediate success, and it was only following Mondial’s withdrawal a competitie ride in the 125cc class for many years thereafter from racing that MV bagged its rst 125cc orld Championship, Cecil Sandford taing the riders’ title in 152 The current endor, a prominent erman priate collector, purchased this beautiful little MV from a deaf erman racer, who had acuired The following year MV offered an oerthecounter racer for it in Italy from iancarlo , founder of the eponymous priateers, which was deeloped directly from the wors bies Italian motorcycle company and head of the Morbidelli Museum elieed regulations for the domestic ormula Sport’ stipulated that machines restored in the Morbidelli worshops, the machine runs ery well and should hae only a single camshaft and four gears, and so the was last used in September 201 at ieburg monoalbero singlecamshaft 125 racer was born ie its bialbero 3 twincam progenitor, the SC 125 employed a train of gears 3 9 to drie its upstairs cam ore and stroe were 556mm and the motor breathed ia a 2mm ell’rto racing carburettor, eentually producing a maimum of 16bhp at 10,00rpm

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 1 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults AGSTA ATTRO ARE RAING OTORLE rame no SS205 ngine no SS205

Although best nown for their racing and roadgoing four or 1 there was an entirely new ersion, featuring a more cylinder fourstroes, MV Agusta built lightweights throughout its streamlined engine, a fourspeed gearbo replacing the earlier three manufacturing career and in its early days listed small twostroes speed and a new frame with swingingarm rear suspension An ideal and een a scooter Indeed, one of the marue’s earliest rand Pri machine for priateers, the racing 125cc twostroes were a maor results 5th place in the utch 125 round in 150 was achieed by success, winning the arduous MilanTaranto road race in 150, 51 a twostroe Much better engineered than any ritish contemporary, and 52, but at orld Championship leel the MVs were outclassed the 125 MV was powered by a neat unitary construction single by the fourstroe Mondial with its twinoerheadcam engine cylinder engine which, somewhat unusually for a postwar design, Count Agusta’s response was to hire ilera’s chief designer Piero featured detachable transfer ports The cycle parts comprised a twin Remor together with its chief mechanic, Arturo Magni, and build a downtube swingingarm frame and bladetype girder fors fourstroe racer of his own, and in 150 the wors team ceased to use the twostroe As soon as the 125cc roadster appeared the factory began deeloping a racing ersion, although at rst the latter was not that The current endor, a prominent erman priate collector, purchased different from the standard model Its shortcomings soon became this beautiful little uattro Marce fourspeed MV 125 from a deaf apparent, leading to a hasty redesign, the most obious eidence of erman racer, who had acuired it in Italy from iancarlo Morbidelli, which was a new cylinder head with greatly enlarged nning In this founder of the eponymous motorcycle company and head of the form the MV 125 racer achieed its rst maor success, winning at Morbidelli Museum elieed restored in the Morbidelli worshops, the rand Pri des ations at aena in 1 the machine has been run but not raced 1 1 1 1

1 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 0 Formerly the property of Martin Probst DATI FORLA RAING OTORLE rame no 125TS 651 ngine no M125S1 20651

esigned by newly arried abio Taglioni, ucati’s rst oerhead ower and lighter than the roadster ersions, the frames featured camshaft single the 100 ran Sport appeared on the racetrac a lower steering head, shorter fors and a shorter swinging arm in 155 and soon proed unbeatable in its class The ran Sport’s raes were upgraded to racing specication The ormula ’s rst oerhead cam was drien by a ertical shaft and beel gears, and maor success came in 15, shortly after its introduction, when this method was carried oer to ucati’s net racer, the 125, a ranco Villa rode one to ictory in the 15 race supporting the landmar design that debuted Taglioni’s famous desmodromic’ rand Pri des ations at Mona In its natie Italy the 125 ormula method of ale actuation that dispensed with springs, the ales would proide ucati with regular ictories in the class into the mid being closed by a third set of cams Positie ale closure was not a 160s new idea, but Taglioni was the rst to mae it wor on a motorcycle engine and ucati remains the only manufacturer to hae offered this This 125cc ormula racer was purchased by the current endor, a innoation for public sale The new 125 racer debuted in the Swedish prominent erman priate collector, from the late Martin Probst, one rand Pri at edemora in uly 156 when, with factory rider egli of the design team responsible for the M 1 and 100, shortly Antoni aboard, it lapped the entire eld, romping away to a fairytale before he died A perfectionist engineer, Probst was always woring ictory on improements to the little ucati escribed as in generally ecellent condition, it represents a wonderful opportunity to acuire or the production racing classes, ucati offered its ormula model one of these rare, oerthecounter ormula racers that brought the in 125cc, 15cc and later 250cc capacities Although isibly similar Italian company so much success in its early years to their roadgoing euialents, these were ery different motorcycles 1 featuring sandcast crancases and special engine internals, while 11 the camshaft beels and primary drie featured straightcut gears The gearbo was a fourspeeder

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 1 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 1 DATI AR RAING OTORLE rame no M60M 50 ngine no M50 M 2201

esigned by the legendary abio Taglioni, the rst ucati oerhead This 0cc Mar racer was purchased by the current endor, camshaft single the 100 ran Sport appeared on the racetrac a prominent erman priate collector, in Italy at a hill climb near in 15 and soon proed unbeatable in its class Taglioni’s ersatile olsano, and since acuisition has been ridden twice at ucati Club design proed capable of considerable enlargement, being Mnchen eents at ocenheim in 10 and 11 e are adised produced in arious capacities from the original cc up to 50cc that different carburettor et and needles hae been eperimented esmodromic ale operation was a feature of the racing ersions with until the ideal combination was found, and that the engine now and would later be applied to the sportier roadsters runs ery well, pulling smoothly at both high and low res 1 1 The rst maor reision to the original design occurred in 16 17 when the wide case’ engine was introduced, which featured an aft engine mount wider than before and numerous other improements, the most signicant being a stronger bigend assembly Midway through 16, the Mar was introduced in both alespring and esmo ersions, differences between the two being conned almost entirely to the cylinder head oteworthy subseuent deelopments included further increases in bigend sie, the adoption of a rimeca doublesided front brae, and the introduction of electronic ignition the nal Mar s in 1 The latter came in bluegold alespring and yellow esmo colour schemes A rembo front disc brae was an option on the esmos ightweight, nimble, surefooted and possessing a gem of an engine that sounds glorious when it comes on the cam’, these little ues are a purist’s delight to ride and are widely used in classic racing today

10 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults 2 AERAHI ALA DORO RAING OTORLE rame no 2225

A household name among motorcyclists thans to its heroic The wors concentrated on deeloping its new 250 twostroe twin achieement of producing the most highly deeloped and successful from the late 160s onwards, but before then had introduced a bob oerheadale racing single eer, Aermacchi was a relatie weight cranshaft, eternal ywheel and new crancases with an latecomer to motorcycle manufacture, building its rst machine in etra main bearing on its fourstroe single Although the pushrod the late 10s and the rst of its trademar, horiontallymounted, Aermacchi neer won a orld Championship race, it did achiee a fourstroe singles the 15cc Chimera in 156 The enclosed’ number of 2nd places, Alan arnett’s in the 10 unior TT being Chimera was soon oined by more conentionally styled 15cc and one of the most memorable espite a lac of ultimate success in 250cc machines, the racing ersions of which were christened Ala rands Pri, the Aermacchi single was outstandingly successful d’ro olden ing Alberto Pagani’s th place on the 250’s utch at national leel and, haing beneted from another three decades TT debut in 160 demonstrated the bie’s potential, which was of deelopment, remains a competitie force in historic motorcycle conrmed the following wee when Pagani nished 5th at the elgian racing today rand Pri The need for more power led to shortstroe engine dimensions of 2mm 61mm being adopted on the 250 for 16, This 50 Ala d’ro was purchased at a race meeting at the Imola by which time a 50cc ersion had appeared ith increased power circuit in Italy It was last used at Schotten and the Tauplitalm hill came increasing unreliability, necessitating a redesign for 166 when climb e years ago and is ery nicely presented larger ywheels, modied piston and connecting rod, dry clutch and 1 1 wider gears were among improements introduced 17

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot L 11 prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults NORTON DOIRAER REPLIA RAING OTORLE ngine no 20M1102

ollowing the introduction of the raceproen eatherbed frame on This promising debut ought to hae heralded the introduction of an its roadgoing ominator twin for 152, orton began eperimenting oerthecounter ersion, but orton decided to stic with the Man with a racing ersion for use in productionbased AMA racing in the and the omiracer proect was sheled ollowing the AMC taeoer SA Some creditable results were achieed in 15 but it would be and orton’s relocation to oolwich in 16, the bies and spares another eight years before the factory reied the notion of a race bie were sold off to Reg earden and Paul unstall, the latter using the based on the roadster twin eelopment was superised by Chief omiracer to good effect as an ideal way of publicising his tuning and ngineer oug ele, who was coninced that the twin’s adantages accessory business In rand Pri racing, Austrian Rudi Thalhammer of a lighter, smoother and more compact engine would pay diidends built and rode his own omiracer in the early 160s with a measure if the unit was installed in a modied eatherbed frame A new ersion of success, but these priate efforts, although worthy, were ery of the latter was produced, 25 lower than that of the singlecylinder much less than the omiracer desered Man and euipped with proportionately shortened Roadholder fors Christened omiracer’, ele’s creation was entered in the 161 Isle This omiracer replica was constructed and raced by ran Schleifer, of Man Senior TT, though critics gae little for its chances when pitted one of ermany’s leading orton specialists, around 20 years ago against pua racing machinery espite the general scepticism, It was purchased by the current endor, a prominent erman priate Australian Tom Phillis brought the omiracer home in a magnicent rd collector, around 15 years ago and has been used for hill climbing place behind the Man ortons of Mie ailwood and ob MacIntyre, 1 lapping at 1006mph in the process 11 17

12 D L idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults SNEA ODEL Registration no V 55 rame no 5 ngine no 1

Arguably, the Marston Sunbeam was ritain’s bestnished motorcycle, the uality of manufacture haing been compared to that of a RollsRoyce long before rough made the same boast Sunbeam’s Model was a light, fast and goodlooing 500, of which the modied 0 ersions secured Sunbeam ictories in innumerable races both in at and saddletan ariants Still to this day, a Model can be a reelation to riders of more modern, machines It is said that old Sunbeam hands neer too to the ebbstyle girder for which replaced the traditional sidespring ruids for the 11 season e that as it may, the ebbs gae undeniably better steering and more uid handling to Sunbeam’s fastest of machines V 55 was gien the full treatment in 200 with a rebore, hicompression piston, clutch plates and new mains and bigend A chassis oerhaul also too place with chains, braes, damper discs and tyres and tubes replaced together with attention to the front fors, accompanying a full respray The result is a machine which has won a rst place at eymouth as well as other pries aing completed a mere 1,500 or so satisfactory miles up to 2012, the machine is offered with V5C and old MT documents This eample of perhaps Sunbeam’s nest model will reuire the usual safety checs and recommissioning before returning to the road 9 1 13

5 SNEA SERIES Registration no 51 rame no 266 ngine no 215

nnown to the worforce at ohn Marston td, by 1 the company had begun the process of selling their twowheeler business to AMC of ondon, the olerhampton factory turning oer to defence wor In 16, the Series 2’s muchimproed engine had been one of the nal redesigns to tae place, perhaps the last new olerhampton designed Sunbeam 51 , an original eample, has been treated as a rolling restoration following its rescue from a museum approimately 2 years ago by its current owner Since then both wheels hae been powdercoated and tted with new tyres, tubes and brae internals In addition, new steering and suspension damper discs, new cables and seat hae been added The endor adises the machine is in good running condition and has completed some 500 or so miles since completion ffered with a V5C and eclaration of eemption from MT, the Sunbeam will reuire the usual checs and recommissioning before returning to the road 3 3 9

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

L 1 6 AS OH RAING OTORLE PROET rame no 665 ngine no 665

The rst AS motorcycles were sidealeengined lightweights offered with beltdrie transmission or optional allchain drie with a twospeed countershaft gearbo This latter feature enabled them to put up a good showing in the Isle of Man TT’s new unior Class, an eent AS would later dominate In 12 the AS wors 50cc racers appeared with a new oerheadcamshaft engine The camshaft was chain drien, its distinctie castalloy case etending forwards to the frontmounted magneto A catalogued model from 12, the cammy’ AS was built in 50cc and 500cc capacities initially A 250cc ersion followed, immy uthrie winning the ightweight TT on one in 10 Production ceased with the Matchless taeoer in 11 A 12 model as indicated by the ’ pre to the matching frame and engine numbers this cammy AS preiously formed part of an etensie priate collection of racing motorcycles The machine has been dismantled and is offered for restoration Some renoation has been carried out the frame, fors and braes hae been painted and the wheels respoed leaing the lion’s share of the restoration for the net owner There are no documents with this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed 3

DOGLAS PLS PROET rame no 000

ouglas commenced postwar production in 1 with, naturally enough, a horiontally opposed twin, though unlie the ast maority of preious models the T5 mounted its engine across the frame The former was of unitary construction while the latter displayed een greater innoation with its swinging arm rear suspension controlled by torsion bars, and leadinglin Radiadraulic front for After deelopment wor had cured frame breaages and improed engine power, the reised ersion was dubbed the MIII The latter lasted until the adent of the newfor1 Mar IV, which featured an un sprung front mudguard and altered rear subframe with distinctie teardropshaped toolboes Standard and Sports ersions were catalogued until the introduction of the Mar V for 151 Also part of the range by this time were two specially tuned sports models nown as the 0 Plus or 0 Plus depending on the leel of performance achieed, a benchtested 25bhp being reuired for a 0 Plus A 21 front wheel and brae were tted to both models, which had contrasting nishes maroon for the 0 Plus and gold for the 0 Plus Conerted for racing, this 0 Plus features the rare large capacity racing fuel tan An ideal restoration proect for the ouglas enthusiast, it comes with a uantity of spare parts to include cams and crancases There are no documents with this ot, which is sold strictly as iewed 3

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults

1 D L SI GS ATANA rame no S1105216 ngine no S1101601 It’s a classic’ ith those words ie magaine concluded its glowing road test of Suui’s S1100 atana in ebruary 1, noting that, despite haing been around irtually unchanged for three years, the big Suie was still the undisputed ing of the Street’ Styled by the erman rm of Target esign under the direction of riton an ellstrom and rst seen at the 10 Cologne Show, the atana represented a bold effort to produce an uncompromising sports bie in the uropean mould The result was a machine that combined straightline speed with secure handling The speedy eleation of the original to the rans of motorcycling style icon prompted the reintroduction of the model in apan in the 10s, though the secondgeneration ersion had to mae do with 6bhp rather than the original’s 111 horses Currently displaying a total of 1,6 ilometres approimately 26,000 miles on the odometer, this unrestored eample appears fundamentally original with the obious eceptions of the front indicators and into1 ehaust system Sold strictly as iewed, the machine is subect to 20 import ta 1 1 1 1

Please note this ehicle is subect to 20 import ta

AAHA R Registration no 5 rame no R5002 ngine no R5002 The traditional ritish method of building a 50 to sleee down a 500 usually resulted in an oerweight sluggard with little more performance than a 250 The customary apanese approach oerboring a 250 achieed eactly the opposite a machine as light as its uarterlitre sibling yet with sufcient performance to see off most 500s amaha’s R5 is a case in point an oer bored S, it weighed a little oer 00lbs, produced 6bhp from its pistonported twostroe engine, and was good for around 100mph The cycle parts bore close resemblance to the T2 and TR racers’, so good handling was assured Introduced in 10, the R5 was superseded by the reedale induction R50 in 1 This beautiful R5 was imported from the SA in 2012 and recommissioned in 201 escribed as a partial restoration’, wors carried out in anuary 2015 included new paintwor and replacement parts tted as reuired A nice, clean original eample, the machine is offered with MoT to April 2016 and V5C registration document 3

0 RENDERP G OED OTORLE TRAILER rame no 2000 5 C 105 Single Ale with motorcycle trays and strapping points Very little use, stored indoors Cost oer ,000 new Sold as seen 1 1 1 1

idders must satisfy themseles as to the description and condition of each lot prior to bidding All lots are sold as iswhere is with all defects and faults


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OXF/MOT/03.15 11 GOVERNING LAW writing, including in the Catalogue or on Bonhams’ 4.2 You must collect and remove the Lot at your own Website, or by conduct, or otherwise), and whether expense by the date and time specified in the Notice All transactions to which the Contract for Sale applies made before or after this agreement or prior to or to Bidders, or if no date is specified, by 4.30pm on and all connected matters will be governed by and during the Sale. No such Description or Estimate is the seventh day after the Sale. construed in accordance with the laws of that part incorporated into this agreement between you and of the United Kingdom where the Sale takes place us. 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OXF/MOT/03.15 6 RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LOT 7.2 You agree to indemnify us against all legal and other 9.2.2 you notify us in writing as soon as reasonably costs, all losses and all other Expenses (whether or practicable after you have become aware that the Lot 6.1 Only on the payment of the Purchase Price to us not court proceedings will have been issued) incurred is or may be a Forgery, and in any event within one will title in the Lot pass to you. However under the by us as a result of our taking steps under this year after the Sale, that the Lot is a Forgery; and Contract for Sale, the risk in the Lot passed to you paragraph 7 on a full indemnity basis together with when it was knocked down to you. interest thereon (after as well as before judgement or 9.2.3 within one month after such notification has been order) at the rate specified in paragraph 7.1.5 from given, you return the Lot to us in the same condition 6.2 You are advised to obtain insurance in respect of the the date upon which we become liable to pay the as it was at the time of the Sale, accompanied by Lot as soon as possible after the Sale. same until payment by you. written evidence that the Lot is a Forgery and details of the Sale and Lot number sufficient to identify the 7 FAILURE TO PAY OR TO REMOVE THE LOT 7.3 If you pay us only part of the sums due to us such Lot. 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Without prejudice to the encumbrances and adverse claims, in accordance actual payment; generality of the discretion and by way of example, with the provisions of Sections 12(1) and 12(2) of we may: the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and we will pay to you 7.1.6 to repossess the Lot (or any part thereof) which has an amount equal to the sum of the Purchase Price, not become your property, and for this purpose 8.1.1 retain the Lot to investigate any question raised or Buyer’s Premium, VAT and Expenses paid by you in (unless you buy the Lot as a Consumer) you hereby reasonably expected by us to be raised in relation to respect of the Lot. grant an irrevocable licence to us, by ourselves, our the Lot; and/or servants or agents, to enter upon all or any of your 9.6 The benefit of paragraph 9 is personal to, and premises (with or without vehicles) during normal 8.1.2 deliver the Lot to a person other than you; and/or incapable of assignment by, you. business hours to take possession of any Lot or part thereof; 8.1.3 commence interpleader proceedings or seek any 9.7 If you sell or otherwise dispose of your interest in the other order of any court, mediator, arbitrator or Lot, all rights and benefits under this paragraph will 7.1.7 to sell the Lot Without Reserve by auction, private government body; and/or cease. treaty or any other means on giving you three months’ written notice of our intention to do so; 8.1.4 require an indemnity and/or security from you in 9.8 Paragraph 9 does not apply to a Lot made up of or return for pursuing a course of action agreed to by including a Chinese painting or Chinese paintings, a 7.1.8 to retain possession of any of your other property in you. motor vehicle or motor vehicles, a Stamp or Stamps our possession for any purpose (including, without or a Book or Books. limitation, other goods sold to you or with us for 8.2 The discretion referred to in paragraph 8.1: Sale) until all sums due to us have been paid in full; 10 OUR LIABILITY 8.2.1 may be exercised at any time during which we have 7.1.9 to apply any monies received from you for any actual or constructive possession of the Lot, or at 10.1 We will not be liable whether in negligence, other purpose whether at the time of your default or at any time after such possession, where the cessation tort, breach of contract or statutory duty or in any time thereafter in payment or part payment of of such possession has occurred by reason of any restitution or under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 any sums due to us by you under this agreement; decision, order or ruling of any court, mediator, or in any other way for lack of conformity with or arbitrator or government body; and any inaccuracy, error, misdescription or omission in 7.1.10 on three months’ written notice to sell, Without any Description of the Lot or any Entry or Estimate Reserve, any of your other property in our possession 8.2.2 will not be exercised unless we believe that there in respect of it, made by us or on our behalf or by or under our control for any purpose (including other exists a serious prospect of a good arguable case in or on behalf of the Seller (whether made in writing, goods sold to you or with us for Sale) and to apply favour of the claim. including in the Catalogue, or on the Bonhams’ any monies due to you as a result of such Sale in Website, or orally, or by conduct or otherwise) and payment or part payment of any amounts owed to 9 FORGERIES whether made before or after this agreement or prior us; to or during the Sale. 9.1 We undertake a personal responsibility for any 7.1.11 refuse to allow you to register for a future Sale or to Forgery in accordance with the terms of this 10.2 Our duty to you while the Lot is at your risk and/or reject a bid from you at any future Sale or to require paragraph 9. your property and in our custody and/or control is to you to pay a deposit before any bid is accepted by us exercise reasonable care in relation to it, but we will at any future Sale in which case we will be entitled 9.2 Paragraph 9 applies only if: not be responsible for damage to the Lot or to other to apply such deposit in payment or part payment, as persons or things caused by: the case may be, of the Purchase Price of any Lot of 9.2.1 your name appears as the named person to whom which you are the Buyer. the original invoice was made out by us in respect of 10.2.1 handling the Lot if it was affected at the time of Sale the Lot and that invoice has been paid; and to you by woodworm and any damage is caused as a result of it being affected by woodworm; or

OXF/MOT/03.15 10.2.2 changes in atmospheric pressure; nor will we be 11.4 Any notice or other communication to be given APPENDIX 3 liable for: under this agreement must be in writing and may be delivered by hand or sent by first class post or DEFINITIONS AND GLOSSARY 10.2.3 damage to tension stringed musical instruments; or air mail or fax transmission (if to Bonhams marked for the attention of the Company Secretary), to the Where these Definitions and Glossary are incorporated, the 10.2.4 damage to gilded picture frames, plaster picture address or fax number of the relevant party given following words and phrases used have (unless the context frames or picture frame glass; and if the Lot is or in the Contract Form (unless notice of any change otherwise requires) the meanings given to them below. The becomes dangerous, we may dispose of it without of address is given in writing). 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