NACHBRENNER 2020 Wissenswertes aus dem Bereich Militärluftfahrt und Luftkriegsführung Nr. 122 vom 31. Mai 2020

«Air2030: Folgenschwere Konsequenzen bei einem NEIN zum Grundsatzentscheid»

Divisionär Bernhard Müller, Kdt Luftwaffe im Interview mit Oberst i Gst Hans-Peter Erni, SC NKF LW in der Juni Ausgabe der ASMZ

Sie sind jeweils an die jährliche International Air Chiefs Conference geladen. Wie wird die Beschaffung des Schweizer NKF beobachtet? Was sind Meinungen bei einem allfällig negativen Ausgang der Abstimmung?

„Die europäischen Air Chiefs schauen mit viel Interesse auf die Schweiz und ihren speziellen politischen Prozess. Verständlicherweise werben sie für die Vorzüge der eigenen Wahl, jedoch sind keine Druckversuche oder Einmischung spürbar. Ausnahmslos sind alle überzeugt, dass die Erneuerung der Kampfflugzeugflotten von hoher Dringlichkeit ist, weil sich die Sicherheitslage an den Rändern von Europa eindeutig verschlechtert. Ich bin überzeugt: Falls die «reiche» Schweiz zukünftig keinen Beitrag mehr zu ihrer eigenen Verteidigungsfähigkeit leistet, würde dies unsere internationale und hoch angesehene Position negativ beeinträchtigen.“

(Vollständiges Interview siehe Meldung NACHBRENNER 122-156)

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Air2030 CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! 27.05.2020 Öffentlicher Anlass zur (122-159) Volksabstimmung zum Planungsbeschluss zur Beschaffung Dieser ÖFFENTLICHE Anlass wurde aufgrund der grossen Planungsunsicherheiten verschoben. Er findet neuer Kampfflugzeuge NEU wie folgt statt: (Referendumsabstimmung vom 27. September 2020) Samstag, 22. August 2020 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr Le Théâtre Rüeggisingerstrasse 20A CH-6020 Emmenbrücke Tel: 041 348 05 05

An der Podiumsdiskussion nehmen neben Bundesrätin Viola Amherd, Chefin VBS, folgende Persönlichkeiten teil:

Ständerat Thierry Burkart, FDP AG Nationalrätin Yvette Estermann, SVP LU Nationalrat Beat Flach, GLP AG Nationalrätin Marionna Schlatter, Grüne ZH Nationalrätin Priska Seiler Graf, SP ZH Claude Nicollier, Militär-, Linien- und Testpilot NASA, Astronaut

Die Podiumsdiskussion wird geleitet von Michael Weinmann, Journalist SRF.

Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich und kostenlos. Nach Massgabe der geltenden Vorschriften im Zusammenhang mit der Corona-Pandemie wird zusammen mit der Betreiberin des Veranstaltungsorts ein Schutzkonzept erarbeitet und umgesetzt werden.

Sie erreichen Le Théâtre:

Mit dem Zug: In 7 Minuten ab Bahnhof Luzern mit S-Bahn 1 und 9: Le Théâtre befindet sich zwei Gehminuten vom Bahnhof „Emmenbrücke – Gersag“ entfernt. Ab Gersag gibt es Direktverbindungen nach Luzern, Sursee und Olten. Ab dort Intercity-Verbindungen nach Zürich, Flughafen, Basel, Bern, Genf und Lugano. SBB-Fahrplan:

Mit dem Bus: VBL-Bus Linie 2 ab Bahnhof Luzern bis Emmenbrücke „Sonnenplatz“. Von dort 2 Minuten Fussmarsch bis Le Théâtre. Die Regionalbuslinien Luzern-Landschaft fahren bis Emmenbrücke Sonnenplatz und der lokale Emmen-Bus bis Rüeggisingerstrasse: Die Haltestelle Gersag ist wenige Schritte vom Le Théâtre entfernt. Mehr zum VBL-Fahrplan:

Mit dem Auto: Le Théâtre ist wenige Fahrminuten von der A2/A14 Autobahnausfahrt „Emmen Süd“ und der A2 Ausfahrt „Emmen Nord“ entfernt. Die Signalisation GERSAG führt zum Le Théâtre. Le Théâtre verfügt über öffentliche 120 Parkplätze direkt vor dem Haus. Weitere Parkmöglichkeiten stehen im gegenüberliegenden Parkhaus oder in der näheren Umgebung zur Verfügung. CHE: Die Corona-Pandemie macht auch vor der AVIA Luftwaffe nicht Halt. Der Zentralvorstand der AVIA Luftwaffe 27.05.2020 AVIA Generalversammlung hat deshalb beschlossen, dass die Generalversammlung basierend auf der COVID-19 Verordnung des (122-158) PER ZIRKULAR Bundesrates zirkular durchgeführt wird.

Die Unterlagen wurden den Mitgliedern bereits per Post zugestellt. Die Antworten auf die Abstimmungsfragen werden bis zum 20. Juni erwartet.

Pro Libertate/PIKOM CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! « Unsere nationale Sicherheit nach der Corona-Pandemie » Fachreferat Peter Regli, Divisionär aD und ehemaliger Chef des Schweizer Nachrichtendienstes

1. Veranstaltung Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2020 Kaserne, Auditorium, Papiermühlesstr. 13+15, 3000 Bern 22 (im Navigationssystem „Kasernenstrasse 27“ eingeben)

2. Veranstaltung Mehrzweckhalle Stiftung zum Glockenhaus (neben dem Hotel Glockenhof, Sihlstr. 33, 8001 Zürich) Tramstationen: Am Besten erreichbar über Tramhaltestellen Rennweg (7, 10,11 und 13) und Sihlstrasse (2 und 9)

Beginn jeweils: 18:45 Uhr Apéro, 19:30 Referat CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Schweizerische Offiziers- Gesellschaft der Artillerie Herbsttagung und Generalversammlung 2020 (SOGART) 12.09.2020,

Tagungsthema ist „Air2030 – Bedeutung für die Artillerie“. Es referieren die Kommandanten Luftwaffe und Heer. Anschliessend findet eine Besichtigung von Mitteln der Luftwaffe statt. Der traditionelle Anlass findet auf dem Militärflugplatz Emmen statt.

Offiziersgesellschaft CHE : Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! des rechten « Podium Air2030 » Zürichseeufers Veranstaltungen Air2030 [email protected]

Unter Leitung unserer Offiziersgesellschaft mit folgenden Teilnehmenden: NR Priska Seiler Graf (SP), NR Beat Walti (FDP), NR Marionna Schlatter (Grüne), KR Domenik Ledergerber (SVP), KR Janine Vannaz (CVP). Moderation: Oblt Pascal Spahni (OG ZrU).

Datum: Dienstag, 1. September 2020 Jürg Wille Saal des Gasthofs Löwen Meilen Zeit: 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr Öffentlicher Anlass zum Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Januar 2020 Bundesbeschluss über die Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge ÖFFENTLICHER ANLASS DER SICHERHEITSPOLITISCHEN KOMMISSION DER FDP DES KANTONS ZÜRICH ZUM BUNDESBESCHLUSS ÜBER DIE BESCHAFFUNG NEUER KAMPFFLUGZEUGE

Datum: Mittwoch, 26. August 2020 Zeit: 19:00 Uhr Ort: Stiftung zum Glockenhof, Mehrzwecksaal Tramstationen: Am Besten erreichbar über Tramhaltestellen Rennweg (7, 10,11 und 13) und Sihlstrasse (2 und 9) Programm: Impulsreferate CdA und PL NKF, anschliessend kontradiktorisches Podium mit Einbezug des Publikums

Referenten und Podiumsteilnehmer: ° Kkdt Thomas Süssli, Chef der Armee ° Oberst iGst Peter Merz, Projektleiter NKF ° NR Doris Fiala, FDP, Mitglied der SiK-N ° Priska Seiler Graf, SP, Mitglied der Sik-N ° NR Marionna Schlatter, GP, Mitglied der SiK-N ° NR Hans-Peter Portmann, FDP

Moderation: Georg Häsler Sansano, Bundeshausredaktor der NZZ

OG Zürcher Unterland Öffentlicher Anlass Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! „Perspektiven Schweizer Luftwaffe“ Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2020. 19:30 Uhr Restaurant Kaserne Bülach, Of Raum Referat von Brigadier Peter Soller "Perspektiven Schweizer Luftwaffe" CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Stiftung Freiheit & Sicherheit Schweiz - Aktuelle Verantwortung Bedrohungen und Konferenz zu den sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen Terrorismus, Islamismus, innere Sicherheit sowie Abwehrdispositive Cyberkriminalität und Cybersicherheit mit den Referenten Saida Keller-Messahli, Forum für einen fortschrittlichen Islam, Divisionär aD Peter Regli, Nationalrat Franz Grüter und Adi Achermann, Kdt der Luzerner Polizei.

Freitag, 5. Juni 2020 18:15 Uhr Universität Luzern Frohburgstrasse 3 6002 Luzern

Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist eine schriftliche Anmeldung zwingend. Anmeldegebühr CHF 40.--.

Kontakt Stiftung Freiheit & Verantwortung Geschäftsstelle Zeughausstrasse 14 B 8853 Lachen Telefon: 055 442 05 15 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: CHE: Die Verordnung über die Organisation des Bundes zum Schutz vor Cyberrisiken wurde vom Bundesrat in 28.05.2020 Schutz vor Cyberrisiken: Bundesrat seiner Sitzung vom 27. Mai 2020 verabschiedet und tritt am 1. Juli 2020 in Kraft. Weiter hat der Bundesrat (122-157) beschliesst Verordnung und eine Stärkung der personellen Ressourcen für die Umsetzung der Nationalen Strategie zum Schutz der weitere personelle Ressourcen Schweiz vor Cyberrisiken 2020-2022 um 20 Stellen beschlossen.

(Vollständige Medienmitteilung abrufbar unter: CHE: Interview mit Divisionär Bernhard Müller, Kdt Luftwaffe Ausgabe Juni 2020 Air2030: Folgenschwere (122-156) Konsequenzen bei einem NEIN (Abrufbar unter: zum Grundsatzentscheid i%20einem%20Nein.pdf) CHE: In der Corona-Krise hat die Armee ihre historische Bewährungsprobe bisher gut gemeistert. Einiges kann 25.05.2020 „Ob Corona oder Luftverteidigung: noch besser werden. Vor allem aber lehrt uns die Krise, dass es sich lohnt, für alle Eventualitäten gewappnet (122-155) Die Armee muss bereit sein!“ zu sein. Auch in der Luftverteidigung. Die Schweizerische Offiziersgesellschaft (SOG) ist kampfbereit für die Kampfjet-Abstimmung am 27. September 2020! Oberst i Gst Stefan Holenstein, Präsident SOG (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter:




30.05.2020 USA/USA: The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Center Technology 30.05.2020 Black Hawk helicopter can launch Development Directorate led the demonstration that highlighted the forward air launch of Area-I Air- (122-154) ALTIUS 600 UAV mid-flight Launched, Tube-Integrated, Unmanned System, or ALTIUS, 600. The demo was the culmination of over a year of buildup, planning and testing and is in line with the Army’s pursuit of leap-ahead technological advances aimed at dominating its adversaries and reaching its Multi-Domain Operations goal.

The ALTIUS provides the ability to locate the enemy and relay information that will ultimately be used to protect the Warfighter. “This is an ALE unmanned system with advanced teaming capabilities that are operationally relevant in multidomain operations,” Nate Bordick, AvMC TDD-Aviation intelligent teaming lead said. “Over the next couple years we're going to demonstrate a lot more autonomy, a lot more collaboration from manned/unmanned systems, a teams of teams approach.”

29.05.2020 INHERENT RESOLVE: A senior Islamic State leader the U.S. had put a $5 million bounty on was killed this week in a coalition 29.05.2020 Coalition Air strike kills senior ISIS airstrike aided by Syrian partner forces, officials said. Mutaz Numan Abd Nayif Najm al-Jaburi, believed to be (112-153) leader wanted by the US one of the top three leaders of the terrorist group, was killed Tuesday in ’s Deir al-Zour province, the Syrian Democratic Forces said in a statement.

Before the strike, SDF counterterrorism forces had tracked his movements in Syria and elsewhere, the statement released Thursday said. SYR/RUS: The Russian Air Force carried out a number of airstrikes over central and northern Syria on Thursday, causing 29.05.2020 10:20 AM Russian Air Force eliminates significant damage to the Islamic State’s (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) dens and fortifications. According to reports, (122-152) several ISIS terrorists in central the Russian Air Force pounded the Islamic State’s positions in the Al-Raqqa and Homs governorates, killing Syria and wounding several terrorists in the process. The reports said the Russian Air Force carried out these strikes in retaliation for the Islamic State’s heavy attack on the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions near the Al-Thawrah Oil Fields in the southern region of the Al-Raqqa Governorate.

These airstrikes by the Russian Air Force marked the first time since March that they have launched any aerial attack over Syria.

In addition to the Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) also carried out an attack on the Islamic State’s positions in southern Al-Raqqa.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 142) LBY/TUUR/RUS: As Turkish drones helped drive eastern Libyan forces back from this month, was said to be 29.05.2020 Foreign powers in risk ever reinforcing them with warplanes, raising the stakes in a stalemated civil war that has partitioned the country. (122-151) bloodier stalemate Aid from helped turn the tide with air defences and drone strikes that neutralised LNA air power before hammering its ground troops and long supply lines this month. “In the last few weeks, there has been a significant change in balance in Libya,” said a senior Turkish official, crediting Turkish drones and “untrained soldiers” operating LNA air defences.

It led, over the past month, to the LNA’s sudden loss of a string of towns near the Tunisian border, a crucial air base, a dozen of its own air defence systems and most of its foothold in Tripoli. With them went Haftar’s hopes of victory.

Over the same period, Russian military personnel have delivered some 14 MiG 29 and Su-24 fighter jets to the LNA’s Jufra air base in central Libya, the U.S. military said this week. They are aircraft that could again turn the tide of war. A Russian member of parliament and the LNA have denied the aircraft arrived.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: stalemate-idUSKBN2351VU)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-150) LBY: Russia is further destabilizing Libya to gain a stronghold in northern Africa, just as it has in Eastern Europe 29.05.2020 US General: Russia Using ‘Same and the Middle East, according to a top official with U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). (122-150) Playbook’ in Libya as in , Syria "Russia is executing the same playbook as successfully employed in Crimea, Ukraine and to a lesser extent in Syria. Russia has proved its willingness to violate sovereign nations, and appears willing to do the same in Africa," Brigadier General Gregory Hadfield, AFRICOM deputy director for intelligence, told reporters Friday.

Hadfield said at least 14 MiG-29 fighter jets and Su-24 bomber aircraft were “flown by members of the Russian military” into Libya “by way of and Syria” to support Russian state-sponsored private military contractors who are helping forces fighting the U.N.-supported Libyan government. He said the U.S. military was also aware of additional Russian cargo planes and personnel that have been brought in, as well as older surface-to-air .

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 112-121) RUS/USA: Russian Su-27 and Su-30 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept US Air Force B-1B strategic bombers over 29.05.2020 Russian fighter jets scrambled to the neutral waters of the Black Sea, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Friday. The US Air Forces in Europe (112-149) intercept US bombers over Black and US Air Forces Africa Command issued a statement earlier on Friday that two B-1B Lancers conducted a Sea long-range, long duration flight throughout Europe and the Black Sea region.

"Su-27P and Su-30SM fighters from the air defense alert quick reaction forces of the Southern Military District were scrambled to intercept the targets," the ministry said.

The crews of the Russian fighters approached the air targets within a safe distance and identified them as B-1B strategic aircraft, after which "the US bombers changed their flight course and flew away from the state border of Russia," the statement runs. As Russia’s Defense Ministry stressed, the flights of the US strategic bombers over the Baltic and Black Seas "were timely uncovered" by the air defense alert quick reaction forces of the Western and Southern Military Districts. The US aircraft were tracked by Russian radars at a considerable distance from Russia’s border.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-148) USA/TUR/UKR: Two B-1B Lancers from Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, conducted a long-range, long duration 29.05.2020 strategic Bomber Task Force mission throughout Europe and the Black Sea region, May 29, 2020. (112-148) B-1s integrate with Ukrainian and Turkish aircraft for first time This marked the first time that a Bomber Task Force mission integrated with Ukrainian Su-27 Flankers and MiG-29 Fulcrums and Turkish KC-135s. The flight also included integration and interoperability training with Polish F-16s and MiG-29s and Romanian F-16s and MiG-21s, which provided escort and combat patrol overwatch in the Black Sea region. Additionally, the B-1s integrated with Greek F-16 air policing for an overflight of Skopje, North Macedonia.

“Bomber Task Force missions to Europe demonstrate commitment to our allies and partners all while providing a clear deterrence message to any adversary,” said Gen. Jeff Harrigian, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander. “The integration of our strategic bomber presence across Europe proves that the U.S., alongside any ally or partner, stands ready to deter, and if needed, can employ these capabilities together.”

A KC-135 Stratotanker from the 100th Air Refueling Wing, RAF Mildenhall, England, Turkish and U.S. KC-135s based out of Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, and other NATO aerial refueling aircraft enabled the B-1 to complete the round trip from Ellsworth Air Force Base without delay, while also providing aerial refueling support to our partner-nation aircraft.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 112-140) USA: The Pentagon’s costliest program, Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35, is starting to look a little less expensive, 29.05.2020 F-35 Costs Drop for Building Jets with the latest estimate for development and procurement down 7.1% to $397.8 billion. (122-147) But Rise for Operating Them Less encouraging for the lawmakers who craft defense budgets and for taxpayers: Operating and maintaining the fleet for 66 years is projected to cost $1.182 trillion, a 7.8% increase over the estimate from the Pentagon’s F-35 office last year, according to the Defense Department’s annual assessment of the jet obtained by Bloomberg News.

The lower acquisition estimate produced by the F-35 program office is the latest in a string of good news that also includes improved on-time delivery of aircraft, the elimination of all flaws that were considered life-threatening to pilots and a steady reduction since 2018 in the number of potentially mission-crippling software deficiencies.

The Selected Acquisition Report, which hasn’t been released to the public, also said the F-35 program anticipates sales over time of 809 aircraft to international partners, up from the 764 projected last year.

In the new report the F-35 program office said that it “remains committed to and continues pursuing multiple efforts to drive down” those costs.

(Vollständiger Artikel abrufbar unter: them?srnd=premium&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EBB%2005.29.20&utm_term=Edit orial%20-%20Early%20Bird%20Brief) ITA: Italy’s defense minister has thrown his weight behind the F-35 program to counter demands from within his 29.05.2020 Italy defense minister commits to coalition government to suspend purchases of the aircraft to help Italy’s coronavirus-stricken economy. (122-146) F-35 after calls to suspend program Lorenzo Guerini said he “confirmed that the program would continue,” after calls from Italy’s Five Star party to halt F-35 purchases for a year as Italy seeks cash to help rebound from the virus, which has killed 33,000 in Italy.

In an interview with Italian publication Formiche, Guerini said defense spending was often slashed during economic crises, but claimed cuts to Italy’s planned 90-aircraft buy would hurt high-tech jobs and damage an industrial sector which “offers very significant economic returns to our nation.”

Italy has currently taken delivery of 15 F-35 aircraft including 12 F-35A’s and three F-35B’s. Final assembly of the aircraft occurs at Italy’s own facility at Cameri Air Base in the north of the country, which is due to become a maintenance hub for the aircraft. KOR/USA: New interceptor missiles were brought onto a U.S. THAAD missile defense base in South Korea on Friday as 29.05.2020 Replacement interceptor missiles replacements, the defense ministry said, in a surprise overnight operation aimed at minimizing friction with (122-145) brought onto THAAD base local residents opposed to the base. Also brought onto the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) base in the central town of Seongju were power generation equipment and other items to be used to improve the living conditions of troops stationed there, according to the ministry.

The ground transport operation, which began Thursday night, ended around 6 a.m., officials said. The items brought in Friday include multiple guided missiles, generators and electronic equipment for data collection, according to a ministry official. "The new missiles are of the same type as what USFK currently operates. As the mission is to replace expired ones, the number of new ones is exactly the same as that to be taken out of the base," the official said.

"Ahead of this operation, we fully explained to China about the issue and asked for its understanding," another ministry official said. China was known to have not reacted negatively. Beijing claimed that the THAAD deployment hurt its national interest, but Seoul and Washington have stressed that the system is only intended to better cope with the growing missile threats posed by North Korea.

The official also noted that this transport mission has nothing to do with the U.S.' project to improve its THAAD batteries. The U.S. has been working to upgrade its seven THAAD batteries, including one in Seongju, and related training equipment deployed around the world, for which the U.S. government sought a US$1 billion budget for next year.

28.05.2020 YEM: The pro-government Yemeni media the fate of the Minister of Defense Muhammad al-Muqdashi, Chief of 28.05.2020 05:45 AM Powerful missile strike targets Staff Saghir Aziz, and a number of senior army leaders after a missile attack targeted the “Sahn al-Jin” camp (122-144) meeting of high-ranking Yemeni in the Marib Governorate. A local official outlet said the Ansarallah group targeted the camp with a ballistic defense officials missile, resulting in a powerful blast at a meeting with high-ranking defense officials. The report confirmed the death of several soldiers, including one of the sons of the chief of the General Staff, and a nephew of him, both of whom are officers, and wounding others.

The Ansarallah forces have not yet claimed responsibility for the attack, while no official statement has been issued by the pro-government Ministry of Defense either. The government army forces control most parts of Marib Governorate, while the Ansarallah forces control one of the governorates’ districts near the administrative capital. The Ansarallah forces are now preparing for a major attack on this governorate, as they attempt to fully expel the pro-government troops from northwestern Yemen.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-122) TUR/SYR: According to the Syrian news agency SANA the most expensive Turkish drone Anka-S, worth about $ 30 28.05.2020 The most expensive Turkish UAV million, was destroyed in the sky over Syria, learned (122-143) was shot down in Syria by Assad forces Given the damage – only the engine remained from the Turkish UAV, and part of the wing. The drone probably was shot down with the Buk-M2E air defense system, the use of which had previously been reported by sources in the Syrian army.

On the other hand, experts pay attention to the fact that, judging by the current state of the wreckage, the Turkish drone was shot down relatively recently – perhaps about 1-2 weeks ago, which raises a lot of questions, since neither the Turkish nor the Syrian side reported this.

Considering the previously provided information, during the relatively short conflict between the Turkish military and the Syrian army, Turkey lost about 50-60 drones in the territory of the Arab Republic, which, however, they are trying to deny in Ankara, however, do not explain the presence of fragments from the Syrian army, which shot down Turkish drones. RUS/SYR: For the second day in a row, the Russian Air Force has conducted intensive flights over the western 28.05.2020 06:30 PM Russian warplanes conduct non- countryside of the Idlib Governorate. According to reports, the Russian Air Force carried out low and medium (122-142) stop flights over jihadist positions altitude flights over western Idlib, with the main focus being the Jisr Al-Shughour District near the Turkish in west Idlib border. A source from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) said the Russian flights are part of a reconnaissance mission to watch the jihadist movements across western Idlib.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-49) LBY: The (LNA) announced that it had shot down a Turkish suicide drone on Tuesday after 28.05.2020 04:00 AM Libyan Army shot down Turkish it tried to attack the LNA forces around the ‘Ayn Zara axis south of Tripoli. According to the LNA, their air (122-141) ‘kamikaze’ drone defense forces were able to shoot down the Turkish kamikaze drone after spotting the moving towards their positions.

The Turkish military often uses drones to bomb the Libyan National Army’s positions; however, it is rare to see them use a kamikaze aircraft.

The Turkish-made ‘KARGU’ drone was first introduced in the armed forces in 2018 and has not been used against enemy forces until the Libyan conflict. The KARGU drone is characterized by its small size and light weight, as one soldier can move it from one place to another, and it is launched after it is fixed to the ground, and used to attack stationary and moving targets, day and night. The maximum range of this Turkish kamikaze drone is 5 kilometres, and it can be prepared for launch in a short time not exceeding 45 seconds, and it is flying at an altitude of 400 meters, and its speed reaches 80 kilometres per hour. USA/JPN: A pair of U.S. B-1B Lancer bombers flew alongside 16 Japanese fighter jets during a mission Tuesday over 28.05.2020 Two B-1B Lancers train with 16 the Sea of Japan, an Air Force statement said. (122-140) Japanese fighter jets over Sea of Japan The bombers — deployed to Andersen Air Force Base on Guam from the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, 7th Bomb Wing, out of Dyess Air Force Base, Texas — trained with eight Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15 Eagles and eight F-2 Viper Zeros before returning to Andersen, the statement said.

Four B-1Bs from Dyess arrived in Guam on May 1 with approximately 200 airmen to assist Pacific Air Forces’ training and deterrence missions, the statement said. The supersonic B-1s can carry air-to-surface and anti- ship missiles along with 2,000-pound bombs.

The missions with Japan make the air forces better at combining their firepower over vast distances, Stallsworth said. The Air Force flights in the Western Pacific are part of a visible, stepped-up campaign to signal its reach and unpredictability, according to other recent statements. “The U.S. steadfast commitment remains unchanged and integration missions are a way for the U.S. to demonstrate that commitment,” squadron commander Lt. Col. Ryan Stallsworth said in the statement.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-84) NATO/ESP: Spain will complete its first month leading the current rotation of NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission this 28.05.2020 Spain successfully completes first week, after taking over on the 1st of May. Based at Šiauliai Airbase in Lithuania, the Spanish Air Force is (122-139) month leading NATO’s Baltic Air helping to protect the airspace of NATO’s Baltic Allies Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania until the end of August. Policing Spain’s deployment is supplemented by detachments of UK jets at Siauliai, as well as French jets based at Amari Airbase in Estonia.

NATO’s Baltic Air Policing deployment is a defensive mission that sees allies sending planes to patrol the airspace of the three Baltic states, who do not have fighter jets of their own. The Air Policing programme keeps fighter jets on alert 24/7 and ready to scramble in case of suspicious air activity close to the Alliance’s borders. NATO aircraft routinely intercept Russian military aircraft near the Baltic states which frequently fail to adhere to international air safety norms. In the first quarter of 2020, Allied jets with NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission scrambled around 25 times to safeguard Allied airspace.

economictimes. IND: Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd (HAL) is awaiting approval from the Cabinet for manufacture of LCA Mk-1A, the HAL awaiting approval for Mk-1A improvised version of Mk-1 to be supplied to Indian Air Force (IAF), a top official said on Wednesday. 28.05.2020 manufacture (122-138) The Cabinet's approval should have been received earlier, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 situation and the company is expecting it during the third quarter of the financial year, HAL Chairman and MD, R Madhavan told reporters at Sulur near here, on the sidelines of handing over Tejas Mk-1 FOC to the IAF.

HAL has an order of 83 such and once it received the approval it would start supplying by 2023, in 36 months, he said. Similarly, another version Mk-2 is under design stage, which will be more advanced than the previous variants, he added.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-98) USA/GBR: Air Force fighter jets and aerial tankers from across Europe converged over the North Sea for a quickly 28.05.2020 arranged exercise that simulated a large-scale attack by enemy forces. The one-day drill Wednesday was (122-137) Air Force resumes large-scale drills hosted by the U.S. Air Force’s 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath in England. It involved 16 allied aircraft over Europe in North Sea mock trying to intercept 18 adversaries before they reached the English coastline. showdown Complex training events are usually planned months in advance and require considerable support. But U.S. Air Forces in Europe units, and in particular their younger pilots, have started planning events quickly using teleconferencing and other remote means, participants said. They began planning about 45 days ago and much of the work was finalized Tuesday, a day before the exercise began. “When I was making the training plan this spring, it was starting to look like we were going to miss out on a lot of training, but that hasn’t been the case at all,” said Maj. Sean Foote, chief of weapons and tactics for the 48th Fighter Squadron, based at Spangdahlem Air Base in Germany. “Obviously there are going to be some challenges because we had to reduce some of the flying initially, but it was never to the point where it had an impact on our operations.”

Units from RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall, as well as the 52nd Fighter Wing from Spangdahlem, the 31st Wing from Aviano Air Base, Italy, and NATO at Gailenkirchen Air Base, Germany, participated in the exercise. The 35 aircraft included F-16 Falcons, F-15 Eagles, KC-135 Stratotankers and a NATO Airborne Warning and Control System, or AWACS jet. The opposition in the scenario had the same capabilities of real-world potential adversaries, officials said.

“If it was easy and we win every time, then the training’s not going to be good for anybody,” Foote said, adding that Spangdahlem will host a similar exercise in June. “Our future goal is to eventually get other)NATO partners involved as well,” he said. USA/USMC: Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 314 welcomed its most recent delivery of the F-35C Lightning II at Marine 28.05.2020 F-35s arrive at MCAS Miramar Corps Air Station Miramar May 18, 2020. Earlier this year, the VMFA-314 Black Knights made history when (122-136) they became the first F-35C squadron in the Marine Corps.

“We are extremely excited to be receiving our seventh aircraft today,” said Lt. Col. Cedar Hinton, commanding officer of VMFA-314. “Each of these amazing machines represents a significant leap in capability for our squadron and brings us one step closer to becoming fully combat capable.”

With mission sets that range from intercepting and destroying enemy aircraft to providing network enabled reconnaissance support in combat operations, the capabilities of the F-35 bring more lethality and flexibility to combatant commanders than any other fighter platform. The F-35 represents the future of Marine Corps tactical aviation, and will deliver strategic agility, operational flexibility, and tactical supremacy to the Marine Air Ground Task Force. SGP: Singapore’s F-16 fighter jets have been seen carrying Elbit Systems-made reconnaissance pods, suggesting 28.05.2020 Images reveal Singapore jets a hitherto unannounced airborne long-range surveillance capability thought to have been missing from the (122-135) equipped with reconnaissance country’s inventory since 2005. pods Defense News has seen several images of different Lockheed Martin-made F-16D Block 52 Fighting Falcons in service with the Republic of Singapore Air Force. In those images, the aircraft were carrying what has been verified to be the Elbit Condor 2 Long Range Oblique Photography system on their centerline station.

The images were shown to Defense News from different sources and were taken over Singapore during several months in mid-2019, although we understand that the system has already been in use for a few years.

Company documentation of Elbit from 2016 listed four users of the pod, which include Israel, India and now Singapore. The Condor 2 is an electro-optical/ system that Elbit says provides simultaneous, high- resolution visible and infrared reconnaissance images at a long standoff distance from the target, covering wide areas in a short time span. The Israeli company says this reduces the risk to the parent aircraft by enabling photography to be carried out at higher altitudes (which is listed in company documentation as 50,000 feet) and longer distances of up to 50 miles at speeds of up to Mach 1.4. Elbit also says the system can transmit images in real time via an onboard data link to a ground-based image exploitation station. USA/SOCOM: Leidos Inc. was awarded a $22,699,935 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for a De Havilland Canada Dash 8 28.05.2020 Contract – aircraft, with modifications in support of U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) requirements. The (122-134) USSOCOM – contract is multi-year and funded with fiscal 2020 procurement, defense-wide appropriations. De Havilland Canada Dash 8 aircraft USA/USAF: Through a partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory, the Air Force Special Operations Command 28.05.2020 AFRL, AFSOC launch palletized successfully released simulated palletized munitions in three airdrops at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, Jan. (122-133) weapons from cargo plane 28 from an MC-130J Commando II, a multi-mission, combat, transport and special operations tanker.

This successful Phase I operational demonstration represents a milestone in executing a palletized munitions airdrop, which refers to the delivery of a large volume of air-launched weapons at any given time. In this case, munitions stacked upon wooden pallets, or Combat Expendable Platforms, deployed via a roller system. AFSOC used an MC-130J Commando II since its cargo area supported the release of multiple, relatively large munitions.

AFSOC aircrew released five CEPs rigged with six simulated munitions, the same mass as the actual weapons, including four Cargo Launch Expendable Air Vehicles with Extended Range across a spectrum of low and high altitude airdrops. These long-range, high precision weapons destroy moving and non-moving targets.

The demonstration accomplished all objectives,” said Jerry Provenza, AFRL CLEAVER program manager. In the three airdrops, all five CEPs separated cleanly from the aircraft, and the munitions separated from the CEPs.

“CLEAVER represents a different approach to launching large numbers of long-range weapons, which will bring a new dynamic to the high-end fight.”

The employment of these weapons directly advances the Air Force palletized munition experimentation effort, an innovative concept in which a multi-engine platform carrying large quantities of network-enabled, semi-autonomous weapons accompanies remotely piloted aircraft and fighter jets in combat missions.

In future demonstrations, AFSOC will release CLEAVER glider vehicles, powered vehicles, and full-up vehicles with optional Warhead and terminal guidance.

(Ergänzende Information vom 28.05.2020: The US Air Force (USAF) is moving forward with an experiment to drop cruise missiles from the back ramp of cargo aircraft. The Air Force Research Laboratory and Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) successfully tested releasing mock cruise missiles on 28 January 2020 from the cargo ramp of the Lockheed Martin MC-130J Commando II, the service says on 27 May. Dropping cruise missiles from cargo aircraft is considered a cheaper alternative to designing a clean-sheet bomber. USAF leaders have recently discussed the possibility of developing an “Arsenal Plane”, a new bomber which would carry large numbers of cruise missiles into combat. The weapons would be networked with each other and other aircraft. The missiles would be semi-autonomous, and accompany unmanned air vehicles and fighter jets on combat missions, the service says. The USAF wants the missiles to swarm and overwhelm a target. In particular, long-range cruise missiles are seen as a means to destroy military targets while remaining beyond the reach of China and Russia’s anti-aircraft missile batteries.) USA/USN: The Patrol Squadron (VP) 40 Fighting Marlins successfully completed transition from the P-3C Orion to the 28.05.2020 VP-40 Completes Fleet's Final P-8A Poseidon, the Navy’s newest maritime patrol aircraft, May 14. (122-132) Active Duty P-8A Transition With transition complete, VP-40 is now preparing to execute forward-deployed operations across the globe and across all Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance mission areas, including anti-submarine warfare, anti- surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and search and rescue. RUS : The Russian industry considers developing heavy drones to control the border in Arctic regions, First Deputy 28.05.2020 Russia considers using heavy Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), Border Guard Service Head Vladimir Kulishov told TASS on (122-131) drones to control Arctic borders Thursday.

"In the interests of carrying out border guard activity in remote Arctic areas and Far Eastern seas, medium- and heavy-class drones will be in demand in the medium-term perspective as they ensure the transmission of data on the border situation to large distances and are less dependent on weather conditions," he said in an interview with TASS timed for Russia’s Border Guards Day celebrated on May 28.

"In view of this, industrial enterprises are now exploring the possibility of manufacturing for us rotary-wing unmanned aircraft systems capable of taking off and landing both on aviation-capable border guard patrol vessels and on the coast," he said.

Unmanned aircraft systems are already available in Russia, the Border Guard Service head said. "Domestically-produced unmanned aircraft systems are actively used in protecting the state border, along with mobile tethered video surveillance aerostat systems designated for distant control of remote border sections and coordination of border patrols," he said.

Also, in 2019 the border guard troops received new multicopters capable of hovering over the designated terrain and operating both day and night, the Border Guard Service chief said. "The use of drones helps considerably boost the efficiency of protecting the state border in hard-to-access and remote areas and also in places of active illegal activity," he stressed. RUS: The serial delivery of Russia's new Broneboyschik (armour piercer) air-launched missiles to the country's 28.05.2020 Russian Defence Contractor army is planned for 2021, documents for making it operational will soon be drafted, the CEO of Tecmash (122-130) Reveals Dates of Airborne Missile arms industry company (part of state corporation Rostec) has said in an interview. "Everything is ready for and Cluster Glide Bomb Delivery producing Broneboyschik. Moreover, we have created a batch of these missiles for test exploitation by troops at our own expense. We hope that all the matters will be settled this year, and batch deliveries to the troops will start in 2021", Alexander Kochkin said.

After state tests of the new air-launched missile were finished in 2019, the state customer updated some of the requirements outlined in the design specification, Tecmash CEO recalled. "All these issues have already been settled with the Defence Ministry. In the next few days, the preparation of documents for passing Broneboyschik into service will start", Kochkin said.

Broneboyschik is designed for planes of the Su-25 family and for Mi-8 military helicopters. These missiles are expected to complement the 80 mm-caliber S-8 unguided missile family.

Tecmash CEO also revealed that serial deliveries of Russia's new cluster glide bomb Drel to the country's New Cluster Glide Bomb Drel army will start in 2021. "We are now completing the state tests, we should finish this year. I believe the state customer will order some refinement, but the serial purchase of this item is planned for 2022", Alexander Kochkin said.

Drel can be launched by a carrier without entering the destruction envelope of the enemy weapon, and this is what makes the new cluster bomb unique, Kochkin noted. The PBK-500U Drel stealth cluster glide bomb, which can be used round-the-clock regardless of the weather and does not require the aircraft to enter air defense facilities' coverage area, is designed to destroy armored vehicles, ground-based radar stations and control centers. KOR: South Korea has completed the selection process for the precision-guided munitions and guidance kits that 28.05.2020 South Korea selects smart bombs, it plans to integrate with its future Korean Fighter eXperimental (KF-X) multirole fighter aircraft. (122-129) guidance kits for KF-X fighter South Korean military officials told Janes on 28 May that Raytheon’s GBU-12 Paveway II, Boeing’s GBU-31/38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), GBU-54/56 Laser JDAM, and GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb1 (SDB1), as well as Textron’s Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) CBU‐105 had all been selected for integration with the KF-X, which is being developed by Korea Aerospace Industries, with PT Dirgantara Indonesia as KAI’s industry partner on the project.

The move comes after MBDA Missile Systems announced in November 2019 that it had been awarded a contract for the integration of its Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) with the KF-X. Also set for integration is the IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile (SRAAM) by Germany’s Diehl Defence, with a contract expected to be signed in the near future.

The aircraft will feature terrain following/terrain avoidance (TF/TA) systems from Israel’s Elbit Systems. The Haifa-based company announced 6 February that it had been awarded a contract by Hanwha Systems, which itself is working on an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar for the fighter, to equip the KF-X with its TF/TA systems under a USD43 million contract that is set to be fulfilled over a six-year period.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-113) TWN: Vice Defense Minister Chang Che-ping (張哲平) said Thursday that Taiwan will seek to purchase a coastal 28.05.2020 Taiwan aiming to buy coastal defense missile system from the United States to boost its anti-ship arsenal. The Ministry of National Defense (122-128) defense missile system from U.S.: (MND) has not yet made a formal request to the U.S. to buy the system but is hoping to acquire it by 2023, official Chang said during a legislative hearing.

In response to legislators' questions about a recent local media report on the issue, Chang said the package will comprise a Coastal Defense Cruise Missile (CDCM) system and a number of AGM-84 Harpoon missiles.

The purchase is intended to boost Taiwan's defense capability, particularly its anti-ship capacity, he said, responding to questions by Legislator Tsai Shih-ying (蔡適應) of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.

According to the Taiwan military, it has three types of Harpoon missiles, which are carried on its fixed-wing aircraft, ships and submarines. If Taiwan obtains the AGM-84 Harpoon missiles, they will be deployed by the Navy as part of its coastal defense arsenal, according to the military.

New indigenous advanced jet Meanwhile, Chang also said Thursday that the first test flights of Taiwan's new indigenous advanced jet trainer (AJT) trainer (AJT) will be conducted in late June, as part of the country's efforts to become more self-reliant in terms of defense. The AJT has already cleared the required pre-flight dynamic and static tests, according to the Air Force.

A prototype of the AJT, named "Brave Eagle (Yung Yin)," was unveiled in September 2019, with the goal of replacing the military's decades-old AT-3 trainer aircraft and F-5E/F lead-in fighter trainers. According to the military, it will take delivery of 66 AJTs by 2026. USA/KWT: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 28.05.2020 Kuwait – Patriot Advanced Government of Kuwait of 84 Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancements (MSEs) (122-127) Capability (PAC-3) Missile Segment and related equipment for an estimated cost of $800 million. Enhancements (MSEs) with Canisters The proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a Major Non-NATO Ally that is an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.

Patriot PAC-3 MSEs will supplement and improve Kuwait's capability to meet current and future threats and provide greater security for its critical oil and natural gas infrastructure. Kuwait will use the enhanced capability to strengthen its homeland air defense by better meeting current and future air threats. USA/KWT: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 28.05.2020 Kuwait – Patriot Missile Repair and Government of Kuwait of a Patriot missile Repair and Return program for an estimated cost of $200 million. (122-126) Return USA/KWT: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 28.05.2020 Kuwait – Patriot Program Government of Kuwait of Patriot program sustainment and technical assistance as follow-on support for (122-125) Sustainment and Technical an estimated cost of $425 million. Assistance Support

27.05.2020 USA/SYR: The U.S.-led coalition has denied media reports about transferring their Patriot air defense systems to Syria. 27.05.2020 US denies transferring Patriot “More fake news in Syria. There are no Patriot air defense systems in Syria. In these tweets there is a picture (122-124) defense system to Syria from another country,” the Coalition spokesperson said.

The Syrian media had previously reported the transfer of a new convoy of American forces from to Syria.

The U.S. military transported additional equipment and towers for mobile communications [cell phones] to their bases in Al-Hasakah. In turn, the Iraqi satellite channel, Al-Ghadeer, reported that the United States transferred the Patriot air defense systems to the oilfields area in the Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor.

The United States and its allies have been conducting operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria since 2014. TUR/IRQ: The Turkish Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday, the bombing of some areas in Iraq’s Kurdistan 27.05.2020 07:00 PM bombs northern region. (122-123) Iraq region The ministry stated on its official Twitter account that the raid targeted the sites of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), and resulted in the neutralization of five members of the group, which Ankara considers a terrorist organization. The Ministry pointed out that the operation was carried out in cooperation with the Turkish Intelligence Service.

Iraq has repeatedly demanded that Turkey halt its military operations in the northern part of the country; however, Ankara has objected to Baghdad’s stance and vowed to continue their attacks until they eliminate these ‘terrorists’. SAU/YEM: The Saudi-led coalition engaged in Yemen said its forces intercepted and downed a drone launched by the 27.05.2020 Saudi-led coalition says it downed Iran-aligned Houthi movement towards the Saudi border city of Najran on Wednesday, state news agency (122-122) Houthi drone launched toward SPA reported. The coalition said the drone was directed at civilian targets. There was no immediate comment Najran from the Houthi group about the attack, which comes after the expiry of a one-month ceasefire announced by the coalition on April 24.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-100) LBY/RUS: Russian military personnel flew MiG 29 and SU-24 fighter planes to a Libyan airbase escorted by other 27.05.2020 U.S. military says Russia flew 14 Russian fighter jets, the U.S. military said on Wednesday, detailing a deployment of air power that could (122-121) MiG 29s and Su-24s to Libya have a big impact on Libya’s war.

Moscow backs the eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA) of Khalifa Haftar in its conflict against the Government of National Accord (GNA), which is recognised by the United Nations and backed by Turkey. Libya is subject to a U.N. arms embargo. LNA spokesman Ahmed Mismari denied that new jets had arrived, calling it “media rumours and lies”. Last week he said the LNA had repaired four old Libyan jets for use and announced the start of a major new air campaign. A Russian member of parliament earlier on Wednesday said Russia had not sent any military personnel to Libya and the upper house of parliament had received no request to approve such a dispatch.

On Tuesday, the U.S. military’s Africa Command said it assessed that Russia had flown fighter jets to Libya via Syria to support Russian mercenaries fighting alongside the LNA. It said the jets were repainted in Syria to remove Russian Federation Air Force markings.

In a series of Tweets on Wednesday the U.S. military added that the jets had been flown by Russian military personnel and were escorted to Libya by Russian fighter planes, indicating a higher level of involvement by Moscow.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-115) NOR: The three new F-35A multi-role aircraft of the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RoNAF) landed at Orland Air Force 27.05.2020 Norway receives three newest Station in central Norway on 26 May after more than 10 hours in the air from the United States. “The three (122-120) F-35 stealth fighters newest editions to Norways increasing fleet of F-35 fighter aircraft arrived at Orland main airstation tonight at 21:57 local time,” it said in a statement. “In a few years, in 2025, the F-35s will reach full operational capability.”

The first two jets for Norway delivered to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, in late 2015, where they are being used for pilot training. Norway received its first F-35s three years ago. The country currently has 15 of the fifth-generation stealth fighters, but it has plans to expand its fleet to 52 by 2025, at which point all Norway’s F-16s will be retired.

The F-35 program has long been plagued by cost overruns, delays and global parts shortages. However, costs are being brought down, and the aircraft will be the most advanced in the world, U.S. officials have said. Besides the United States, 11 other nations are buying the planes. BEL: Belgian Defence Minister Philippe Goffin hopes a decision on the deployment of four Belgian F-16s will be 27.05.2020 Belgian defence minister expects taken before July, he told the House Defence Committee on Wednesday. (122-119) decision on F-16 deployment The F-16s would be deployed in for a year, starting in October, along with 95 soldiers, as part of the international operation “Inherent Resolve” to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The deployment would be the third of its kind for Belgium. Three missions would be assigned to the F-16s, those being the protection of ground troops, reconnaissance and targeted attacks against ISIS.

Such a deployment involves extensive preparations, including transporting equipment by sea, which is scheduled for early August. RUS: The second prototype of the Tu-22M3M supersonic bomber underwent trials at hypersound speeds during 27.05.2020 Second modernized Tu-22M3M its fourth test flight, a defense industry source told TASS on Wednesday. "Five flights have already been (122-118) bomber tested on hypersonic performed. The hypersound speed was achieved during the fourth flight. The aircraft demonstrated good speeds stability and controllability. Modified systems and equipment are performing normally during the trials," the source said. "Preliminary trials are scheduled for completion in 2020," the source added. The second prototype of the Tu-22M3M supersonic bomber successfully performed its maiden flight in March 2020.

The Tu-22M3M is a modernized version of the Tu-22M3 long-range supersonic missile-carrying bomber with the variable-sweep wing. During its upgrade, the bomber will get new avionics and a capability to employ new missiles. USN/NAVAIR: US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) on 26 May announced that it intends to award BAE Systems 27.05.2020 APKWS II to receive guidance Electronic Systems (BAE) a sole-source delivery order to an existing Basic Ordering Agreement to perform a (122-117) section software update software update to version 4.70 for the WGU-59/B Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II (APKWS II) 70 mm/2.75 inch rocket guidance section.

In May 2019 NAVAIR awarded BAE a USD10.9 million contract to upgrade the guidance section of the APKWS II. That contract, which is expected to be completed in April 2021, provides for BAE “to combine the Rotary Wing APKWS II and the Fixed Wing [FW] APKWS II Guidance Sections into one hardware and software solution”.

“Through this upgrade, we will have one variant of the product, replacing separate versions for rotary-wing and fixed-wing platforms. By moving to this upgrade, we will provide reduced logistics for our customers who are currently tracking more than one variant,” a BAE Systems spokesperson told Janes. USA/USA: The general in charge of Army modernization said Wednesday he is confident that a key effort to transform 27.05.2020 Tech Glitches and COVID-19 Delay Stryker combat vehicles into mobile air-defense systems will remain on track, despite suffering recent testing (122-116) Testing for Army's Stryker-Based delays. Social-distancing restrictions related to the novel coronavirus pandemic and software glitches have Air Defense System interrupted testing of the Army's Interim Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense System (IM-SHORAD), one of the service's top short-term modernization programs.

IM-SHORAD is a Stryker-based capability that will include sophisticated tracking technology and Stinger missiles to defend combat formations against low-altitude fixed-wing and rotary-wing threats, as well as unmanned aerial systems and incoming rocket, artillery and mortar threats, according to Army officials.

The service intends to outfit four IM-SHORAD battalions by fiscal 2023, with an initial goal of equipping the first and second battalions with 36 systems by fiscal 2021.

Despite the shift in testing, Murray said he's confident that IVAS will be fielded as planned in fiscal 2021.

26.05.2020 LBY/USA/AFRICOM: U.S. Africa Command assesses that Moscow recently deployed military fighter aircraft to Libya in order to 26.05.2020 Russia deploys military fighter support Russian state-sponsored private military contractors (PMCs) operating on the ground there. (122-115) aircraft to Libya Russian military aircraft are likely to provide close air support and offensive fires for the PMC that is supporting the Libyan National Army's (LNA) fight against the internationally recognized Government of National Accord. The Russian fighter aircraft arrived in Libya, from an airbase in Russia, after transiting Syria where it is assessed they were repainted to camouflage their Russian origin.

"Russia is clearly trying to tip the scales in its favor in Libya. Just like I saw them doing in Syria, they are expanding their military footprint in Africa using government-supported mercenary groups like Wagner," said U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander, U.S. Africa Command. "For too long, Russia has denied the full extent of its involvement in the ongoing Libyan conflict. Well, there is no denying it now. We watched as Russia flew fourth generation jet fighters to Libya -- every step of the way. Neither the LNA nor private military companies can arm, operate and sustain these fighters without state support -- support they are getting from Russia."

Russia has employed state-sponsored Wagner in Libya to conceal its direct role and to afford Moscow plausible deniability of its malign actions. U.S. Africa Command assesses Moscow's military actions have prolonged the Libyan conflict and exacerbated casualties and human suffering on both sides. “The world heard Mr. Haftar declare he was about to unleash a new air campaign. That will be Russian mercenary pilots flying Russian-supplied aircraft to bomb Libyans,” Townsend said.

U.S. Africa Command assesses that Russia is not interested in what is best for the Libyan people but are working to achieve their own strategic goals instead. "If Russia seizes basing on Libya's coast, the next logical step is they deploy permanent long-range anti-access area denial (A2AD) capabilities," said U.S. Air Force Gen. Jeff Harrigian, commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa. "If that day comes, it will create very real security concerns on Europe's southern flank."

Russia’s destabilizing actions in Libya will also exacerbate the regional instability that has driven the migration crisis affecting Europe.

(Satellite imagery of the Russian aircraft can be found at:

(Ergänzende Information vom 27.05.2020: Pentagon releases photo of Russian fighter jets recently deployed to Libya abrufbar unter: deployed-to-libya.html)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-95) USA/USN/RUS: For the third time in two months, Russian pilots flew in an unsafe and unprofessional manner while 26.05.2020 Third Unsafe Intercept by Russia in intercepting a U.S. Navy P-8A Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft in U.S. Sixth Fleet, May 26, 2020. (122-114) U.S. Sixth Fleet in Two Months On May 26, 2020, a U.S. Navy P-8A aircraft was flying in the Eastern Mediterranean over international waters and was intercepted by two Russian Su-35 aircraft over a period of 65 minutes. The intercept was determined to be unsafe and unprofessional due to the Russian pilots taking close station on each wing of the P-8A simultaneously, restricting the P-8A’s ability to safely maneuver.

The unnecessary actions of the Russian Su-35 pilots were inconsistent with good airmanship and international flight rules, and jeopardized the safety of flight of both aircraft. While the Russian aircraft was operating in international airspace, this interaction was irresponsible. We expect them to operate within international standards set to ensure safety and to prevent incidents, including the 1972 Agreement for the Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas (INCSEA). Actions like these increase the potential for midair collisions.

This incident follows two unsafe interactions in April, over the same waters. In all cases, the U.S. aircraft were operating in international airspace, consistent with international law, with due regard for safety of flight, and did not provoke this Russian activity.

(Video „Two Russian fighters buzz Navy P-8A over the Med“ abrufbar unter: KOR: South Korea’s 18-trillion-won ($14 billion) fighter jet project is facing payment delays amidst the COVID-19 26.05.2020 COVID-19 delays Korea’s defense pandemic, while officials involved have assured it does not mean it is being shut down. (122-113) exports Korea Aerospace Industries -- the country’s only aircraft manufacturer -- is currently co-developing next- generation fighters with Indonesia. Launched in 2016, the KF-X project aims to develop a next-generation fighter jet and mass-produce 180 units by 2026. The project, the biggest in Korean history, needs 8 trillion and 10 trillion won for development and mass production, respectively. Indonesia is responsible for 20 percent of the development costs, or 1.8 trillion won. However, it has been delaying its payments lately, with 500.2 billion won overdue as of April. “Typically, defense contracts between military and defense companies involve collaterals. However, the KF-X project doesn’t include a collateral as it is a co- development project based on a memorandum of understanding, not a defense contract. Indonesia is supposed to pay its share on a yearly basis,” a military official said. As the project lacks a collateral, there is no leverage to force Indonesia to meet the payment deadline. Under the deal, Indonesia will use 50 fighter jets, and Korea the rest.

“KAI is not in a position to comment on the budget status, but the next-generation fighter jet is being developed as planned and will be introduced by 2021,” a company official said. EGY: In an article by the Russian publication “Komsomolskaya Pravda,” the author wrote about why Egypt 26.05.2020 purchased Russian jets instead of the U.S.-made fighters. (122-112) Egypt chose Russian Su-35 because it outperformed US jets According to the author, “our Su-35 has won the largest export order in its history. This time, Egypt wants to buy 26 such fighters.” He would continue that this is the largest single batch of this model required (five years ago, China bought 24 aircraft).

Regarding this deal, the United States has threatened Egypt with sanctions and abandoned military-technical cooperation with it, and even Donald Trump has issued an ultimatum to Cairo. However, this did not deter Cairo. The main reason for buying these fighters is that they can outperform the Israeli and American-made F-15 and F-16 model jets. According to the author, the Su-35 can travel great distances without refueling. But the Israeli fighter F-15 and F-16 could not boast any of that. The Su-35 is a heavy fighter 4+ (almost fifth- generation), and has excellent radar and powerful weapons. The Su-35 has an advanced information management system and a radar station with an Irbis antenna, motors with a plasma ignition system and other advanced technical specifications.

Thus, by purchasing the Russian Su-35, Cairo intends to get rid of the old French-made Mirage 5 planes. In addition, the Egyptian Air Force fleet mainly consists of recycled American F-16 fighters.

(Ergänzende Information vom 26.05.2020: This fighter possesses the winged missile “Kh-59MK2”, which is a tactical missile for fixed targets with a range of 550 km for the Russian version, and less than 300 km for the export version, equipped with a warhead weighing 700 kg, with a speed of 1000 km per hour. These missiles are anti- target ground guided by inertia and then the active radar with an electro-optical system to identify the target and increase the accuracy of the hit with an error rate of 3 – 5 meters. These missiles possess a highly destructive super warhead, and they are fired from at a flying speed of 550-1100 km/hr max.) FRA/DEU/ESP: The air forces of Germany, France and Spain have agreed on a set of performance benchmarks to help their 26.05.2020 Three European air forces approve governments guide the development of a next-generation fighter jet set to fly in 2040, the German (122-111) performance benchmarks for next- Bundeswehr announced on Tuesday. gen fighter jet The document, approved earlier this month, is meant to help officials judge which features from a collection of currently 10 possible system architectures are worth keeping when the time comes to settle on path forward for the Next-Generation Weapon System.

That system, with the manned next-gen fighter at its heart, is slated to become the central element of the Future Combat Air System, the most ambitious and expensive weapons program in mainland Europe. As envisioned, each jet would be accompanied by a small fleet of attack and surveillance drones, or “remote carriers,” and all elements would be interlinked by an artificial intelligence-powered “combat cloud,” according to a project description.

The industry leads for the Future Combat Air System program, Airbus for Germany and Dassault for France, unveiled a mockup of the future fighter jet at the Paris Air Show last year. The plan is to begin testing a prototype in 2026. RUS: Russia has commenced construction of its first strategic stealth bomber within the Perspective Aviation 26.05.2020 Russia begins construction of the Complex for Long-Range Aviation (PAK DA) program, also known as "Product 80" and "Courier", a source in (122-110) first PAK DA strategic bomber - the military-industrial complex told TASS. "The production of airframe elements will be handled by one of sources the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)’s plants; development of working design documentation is complete, material shipping has commenced," the source said.

Another source told TASS that construction of the plane’s cockpit is already underway. "The final assembly of the entire machine should be complete in 2021," he noted.

The Tupolev Design Bureau’s press service refrained from commenting on construction of the first PAK DA.

In December 2019, Deputy Minister of Defense Alexey Krivoruchko told the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper that the draft project of the plane had been approved and that the Tupolev Design Bureau began development of the working design documentation, began creation of parts and elements of the test PAK DA units. In February 2020, Krivoruchko announced that the first engine for the plane will begin stand trials this year.

It is known that the PAK DA is designed using the flying wing scheme. The machine will feature technologies and materials that reduce its radar visibility (stealth technology). The plane will be subsonic, and will be able to carry current and future cruise missiles, precision bombs and hypersonic weapons, it will be provided with the newest communications and jamming equipment.

dsm. TKM: The Turkmen Air Force is believed to have placed an order for the M-346 jet trainer aircraft. forecastinternational. Turkmenistan Presumed to be M- com 346 Customer Earlier this month, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported to the Senate on details of the export of 26.05.2020 armaments in 2019. The MFA report did not break down the type of equipment Turkmenistan ordered, but (122-109) it did indicate that unnamed customers had purchased six M-346 jet trainers and eight AW139 helicopters. BMPD, the unofficial blog of the Russian think Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, concluded it is likely Turkmenistan is the unnamed customer for the aircraft.

The Turkmen government only rarely comments on armament purchases and did not make a statement concerning the AW139 or the M-346. Turkmenistan’s border guard already operates some AW139s. The country’s government has been known to be interested in the M-346.

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Im Rahmen ihres Alternativvorschlags „Doppelte Sicherheit zum halben Preis“ zum Planungsbeschluss über die Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge interessiert sich nach einer Fabrikbesichtigung in Italien bekanntlich auch die SP Schweiz für den Leonardo M-346) Airbus A400M achieves Automatic The Airbus A400M new generation airlifter has achieved a new decisive milestone after the certification of 26.05.2020 Low Level Flight certification its Automatic Low Level Flight capability, offering a unique in its class capability for a military transport (122-108) aircraft.

The certification campaign, performed in April above the Pyrenees and central France, involved operations down to 500ft, including transitions from low level flight to other operations like aerial delivery.

This first certification phase concerns operations with Visual Meteorological Conditions, meaning with crew visibility. There will be a second phase including Instrumental Meteorological Conditions, without visibility, to be certified in Q2 2021.

Inherent to the fighter aircraft world, and as a unique capability for a military transport aircraft, the Automatic Low Level Flights improves the A400M’s terrain masking and survivability, making the aircraft less detectable in hostile areas and less susceptible to threats when cruising towards key military operations like aerial delivery, air-to-air refuelling, logistic or other specific special operations. BRA/PRT: The Brazilian firm Desenvolvimento Aeronáutico (DESAER) is teaming up with the Portuguese centre of 26.05.2020 Portugal joins Brazilian ATL-100 engineering and product development (CEiiA) to proceed with the development of the ATL-100 lightweight (122-107) aircraft project twin-turboprop multirole aircraft. The venture agreement, revealed in mid-May, will enable DESAER and CEiiA to jointly develop, manufacture, and market the ATL-100.

The ATL-100 will be available in civil and military variants. The military version will perform roles such as troop transport, logistics support, search and rescue, paratrooper airdropping maritime patrol, liaison, border surveillance, medical evacuation, and special operations.

The ATL-100 offers 7,500 kg maximum take-off weight, 380 km/h cruising speed, 16 m length, 6 m height, 20 m wingspan, 2,500 kg maximum payload, 430 km/h cruising speed, 1,500 m maximum range, and a 25,000 ft maximum operating altitude. CHN: A series of photos and videos uploaded on China's social media platforms have set Chinese internet abuzz 26.05.2020 Netizens identify China's 2nd as they were identified by Chinese military enthusiasts and netizens as showing China's second aircraft (122-106) carrier leaving port from online carrier, the country's first domestically built one, leaving its shipyard for sail on Monday. According to an images report by Sina Military, the Shandong set off on a voyage on Monday from the Dalian Shipyard in Northeast China's Liaoning Province.

The move, if verified, will mark the aircraft carrier, the Shandong's first known voyage in five months since being commissioned in December and later returning to the shipyard for maintenance. The voyage could feature intense, capability-boosting training and test new modifications made in the past few months, Chinese experts said on Tuesday.

China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, in April conducted deep sea cross-regional mobilization exercises featuring comprehensive back-to-back attack-defense mock battles in the South China Sea, according to reports.

(Ergänzende Information vom 27.05.2020: China's second aircraft carrier, the country's first domestically built one, the Shandong, is now conducting testing and training missions at sea, the state broadcaster confirmed on Wednesday, after local residents saw the warship leaving a shipyard on Monday.) RUS: Four people died in a Mi-8 helicopter crash at Ugolniye Kopi airport in Russia’s Chukotka, a source in the 26.05.2020 Four dead in Mi-8 helicopter crash Chukotka Autonomous Region government told TASS. Preliminary version of the crash is technical (122-105) in Russia’s Chukotka malfunction, the source said. A source in the Ministry of Defense also said that technical malfunction is the probable cause of crash. According to Sergey Savchenko, head of Chukotka’s Anadyr district, "the four victims are servicemen." The Russian Aerospace Forces Main Command commission has departed to the crash site. USA/USSF: Two candidate payloads for the U.S. Space Force’s Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared satellites 26.05.2020 Infrared sensors for the Space have passed their preliminary design review, with critical design review expected in fall 2021. (122-104) Force’s future missile-warning satellites pass key milestone Next Gen OPIR is to replace the Space-Based Infrared System, a constellation of satellites hosting infrared sensors used to detect and track ballistic missile threats. The Space Force says the new system will be more survivable than its predecessor. The Space and Missile Systems Center plans to place five satellites in the initial constellation: three geosynchronous, or NGG, satellites built by Lockheed Martin; and two polar satellites being built by Northrop Grumman. The two infrared payloads that passed preliminary design review are for the first two NGG satellites.

The Space Force works to launch the first NGG satellite in 2025.

25.05.2020 PRK: The most probable step North Korea may take as a way to bolster nuclear capabilities would be launching a 25.05.2020 New submarine or SLBMs likely new submarine and submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), though the regime is expected to walk on (122-103) next options for N.K. to claim a tightrope ahead of the U.S. presidential election, experts said Monday. enhanced nuke deterrence: experts After a weekslong absence from public view, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un convened a meeting of the Central Military Commission of the ruling Worker's Party and discussed "new policies for further increasing the nuclear war deterrence," the North's official Korean Central News Agency reported Sunday.

The announcement drew fresh attention to a warning that the North issued at the end of last year that it will show off a "new strategic weapon" and could take "shocking actual action" amid stalled nuclear talks with the United States. New intercontinental ballistic missiles with greater ranges, submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) or submarines capable of firing SLBMs have been cited as possible new strategic weapons that the communist nation could show off.

South Korean intelligence authorities said they have been closely monitoring the North's activities regarding preparations for the launching of a new submarine it first unveiled in July 2019. The submarine, believed to be a 3,000-ton one, is capable of carrying three SLBMs and to have been under construction at its naval base in Sinpo on its east coast. "It seems almost ready to be deployed," a military source said. "We are closely watching when the North will hold a launching ceremony."

Earlier this month, Seoul's National Intelligence Service noted that 2,000-ton Gorae-class submarines and underwater missile ejection equipment have been detected at the Sinpo shipyard. Currently, North Korea is believed to have 70 subs, including some 20 1,800-ton Romeo class ones. But most of them were known to be outdated and unfit for operations beyond coastal waters.

economictimes. IND/CHN: Reports about enhanced Chinese deployments in the Ladakh region have been confirmed by recent LAC remains tense, satellite images satellizete images that show over 80 tents as well as heavy vehicles that have crossed the Line of Actual 25.05.2020 show China’s troop buildup Control (LAC), as was first reported by ET. (122-102) The images – more detailed satellite information is expected in coming days – shows that the Chinese side has moved in troops both across the LAC as well as on its side of the border as the crisis continues. Reports are also coming in of heavy Chinese deployments in its side of the border, akin to the Doklam crisis of 2017 when several thousands troops were moved near Sikkim by the PLA.

However, sources said that the Chinese deployment is being matched by the Indian side and both the road to the strategic region as well as an airfield at Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) remain functional to bring in additional troops.

At the Pangong Tso lake – the location for several popular Bollywood movie scenes – the Chinese side seems to be attempting a shift of the LAC by moving in by 2-4 kms along the finger area. A new bunker complex is coming up and Indian patrols that used to go to the West have been blocked.

(Infographic „Why LAC often flares up“ abrufbar unter: border-infra-work/articleshow/75967080.cms) YEM : According to the Yemeni Army’s 101st Infantry Brigade’s statement that was posted on its official Facebook 25.05.2020 Saudi-backed Yemeni forces shoot page, “the forces managed to shoot down two Houthi planes after they were detected during the clashes in (122-101) down 2 Ansarallah drones the areas of confrontations east of the al-Hazm district in the al-Jawf governorate.” They explained that “the two planes were conducting reconnaissance missions over several military sites before they were shot down.” VEN/IRN: Venezuela's tight military escort to the Iranian oil tankers' exceptional flotilla may further suspect that this 25.05.2020 Venezuelan military escorting is not just a deal to sell crude but something much bigger. (122-100) arriving Iranian tankers (Video abrufbar unter: CHN: New photos of a prototype FC-31, China's second type of stealth fighter jet, have been appearing frequently 25.05.2020 China’s FC-31 stealth fighter jet on Chinese social media since May, years after disappearing from the public eye. Now painted in a silver (122-99) making new progress, photos gray coating, its development is making smooth progress, experts said on Monday. show Unlike photos taken in previous years, the FC-31 prototype in the new photos is painted with silver gray coating. It seems to be an upgraded version with modifications made to its aerodynamic design just like the prototype that made its maiden flight in 2016, instead of the original version that made its public debut at Airshow China in 2014.

The authenticity of the photos, including the time and location they were taken, cannot be verified.

The photos soon sparked heated discussions among military enthusiasts, as they were reposted on forums on military affairs and overseas social media like Twitter. Fu Qianshao, a Chinese air defense expert, told the Global Times that the new painting could be a sign that the FC-31 was testing its stealth capability and low- observability against the naked eye. Fu said that while the photos could not show exactly how much progress had been made, the aircraft is confirmed to be conducting new test flights and making significant steps. The Chinese Air Force, Navy and foreign clients could all be interested in this advanced stealth fighter jet, Fu said, noting that the FC-31 will likely continue its development and be equipped with new engines and devices in the future.

Military observers have long speculated that the made-for-export FC-31 could be put into domestic military service. Some claimed an upgraded FC-31 could serve as China's next-generation carrier-based fighter jet.

The FC-31 is a single-seat, twin-engine multi-role fighter jet catering to the demands of future battlefield environments. It is 17.3 meters long and has a wingspan of 11.5 meters, according to an info flyer by its maker Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) in 2018.

economictimes. IND: The Indian Air Force will operationalise a second squadron of the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft this week. IAF IAF to operationalise second Chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria will operationalize the squadron at Sulur in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday. 25.05.2020 squadron of Tejas The IAF’s Number 18 Squadron, “Flying Bullets”, will be raised with Tejas aircraft in the Final Operational (122-98) Configuration. The squadron was flying the MiG 27 aircraft before it got number plated on April 15, 2016. Number plating means that a squadron is temporarily wound down and can be revived again with a different aircraft. The squadron was resurrected on April 1 this year at Sulur for the induction of the Tejas jets.

The squadron will be equipped with LCA Tejas FOC Aircraft and will be the second IAF Squadron to fly LCA Tejas,” the IAF said in a statement.

The IAF’s first LCA Tejas squadron, Number 45 the Flying Daggers, was raised in 2016. TUR: The Akıncı UCAV's prototype PT-1 made its second flight on Jan. 10, while the second prototype PT-2's 25.05.2020 integration has recently been completed. The UCAV, which can fly for up to 24 hours, has a maximum (122-97) Documentary reveals how Turkey's altitude of 40,000 feet with a 20-meter (65-feet) wingspan and a load capacity of 1,350 kilograms (2,976 cutting-edge Bayraktar Akıncı pounds). Akıncı's maximum takeoff weight is 5,500 kilograms (12,125 pounds). It has two 450-horsepower armed drone was developed engines but can be equipped with 750-horsepower engines or locally made 240-horsepower engines. Capable of detecting land targets that cannot be seen by human eyes, the drone flies not with a GPS, but its own systems.

With the Akıncı UCAV, Turkey will become one of the three countries capable of producing this drone class. It will provide high flight security with its fully automatic flight control and triple-redundant auto-pilot systems.

Akıncı is equipped with a locally made AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar and Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan air-to-air missiles. It can also launch several locally made ammunition, such as the SOM (standoff) cruise missile, for strategic targets. It can collect and store data from its sensors and cameras via six artificial intelligence (AI) computers.

(Video Turkish armed drone’s documentary abrufbar unter: GBR: Royal Navy helicopter crews have proved their ability to protect the UK’s aircraft carriers with a new missile 25.05.2020 Helicopter unleashes new missile system. Blasting from a Wildcat helicopter, the new Martlet missile was this week tested on a range off the (122-96) to protect carriers coast of Wales. The trials mark an important milestone in the testing of the new system which will arm the Wildcat helicopters that deploy as part of HMS Queen Elizabeth’s maiden operational deployment next year.

In 0.3 seconds, the missile detached from the Wildcat HMA Mk2 helicopter, accelerating to one and a half times the speed of sound. Managed by the Lightweight and Medium Attack Systems and Wildcat delivery teams at DE&S, and manufactured by Thales, the laser-sensor missile can be used against stationary and moving targets.

With each helicopter capable of carrying up to 20 missiles, the Wildcats deployed will be a significant deterrent to anyone wishing to interfere with UK interests.”

(Ergänzende Information provide-royal-navy-increased-capability)

24.05.2020 LBY/RUS: Russian fighters in Libya were flown out a town south of Tripoli by their Libyan allies after retreating from 24.05.2020 Russian fighters flown out of frontlines at the capital, the town's mayor said. The reported departure of the Russians is another blow to (122-95) western Libya after Haftar retreat the Libya National Army (LNA) of eastern Libyan military leader Khalifa Haftar, and his foreign allies.

(Siehe Nachricht Nr. 122-90) TUR/SYR: A satellite image shared on the social media platform, Twitter, this past weekend showed the location of the 24.05.2020 Satellite image reveals location of Turkish military’s air defense system inside Syria. (122-94) Turkish military’s air defense system in Syria Based on the satellite image, the Turkish military’s air defense system has been deployed to the town of Al- Mastoumah, which is located just south of Idlib city. Al-Mastoumah is not only located near the administrative capital of the Idlib Governorate, but its also strategically located along the Idlib- Highway (M-4 Highway).

The location is also located near the city of Ariha, which is expected to be a target for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), should they resume their offensive in the Idlib Governorate. With its location so close to the Syrian Army’s front-lines, it is highly likely that the latter’s air force will be unable to launch any strikes deep into the Idlib region.

economictimes. IND: There will be no delay in delivery of 36 Rafale jets to India as the timeline finalised for the supply of the There will be no delay in supply of fighter jets will be strictly respected, French Ambassador Emmanuel Lenain has said. France is reeling under 24.05.2020 Rafale jets to India: France swelling cases of coronavirus infection and there were apprehensions that the delivery of Rafale jets could (122-93) be delayed due to the pandemic.

"The contractual delivery schedule of the Rafale jets has been perfectly respected till now, and, in fact, a new aircraft was handed over to the Indian Air Force in end-April in France, in keeping with the contract," Lenain told. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh received the first Rafale jet at an airbase in France on October 8.

"We are helping the Indian Air Force in arranging for the ferry flight of their first four Rafales from France to India as soon as possible. So there's no reason today to speculate that the schedule will not be maintained," the envoy said.

India had signed an inter-governmental agreement with France in September 2016 for the procurement of 36 Rafale fighter jets at a cost of around Rs 58,000 crore. The IAF spent around Rs 400 crore to develop required infrastructure like shelters, hangars and maintenance facilities at the two bases. Out of 36 Rafale jets, 30 will be fighter jets and six will be trainers. The trainer jets will be twin-seater with almost all the features of the fighter jets. The first squadron of the aircraft will be stationed at Ambala air force station, considered one of the most strategically located bases of the IAF. The Indo-Pak border is around 220 km from there. The second squadron of Rafale will be stationed at Hasimara base in West Bengal.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-16) CHN: China's first domestically developed unmanned helicopter focused on plateau operations recently made its 24.05.2020 China’s first plateau-focused maiden flight. Capable of conducting missions including reconnaissance, communication relay, electronic (122-92) unmanned helicopter makes disruption and fire strike at high altitude, this versatile and easy-to-operate drone could help safeguard maiden flight, missions along China's southwestern borders with India, analysts said on Sunday. border with India expected The AR500C unmanned helicopter, developed by the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), on Wednesday successfully made its maiden flight at an AVIC base in Poyang, East China's Jiangxi Province, in which it conducted several maneuvers including hovering, horizontal and vertical moves, China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Saturday.

Its main missions include reconnaissance and communication relay, but when equipped with additional devices, it can also run electronic disruption, target indication, fire strike, cargo delivery and nuclear radiation and chemical contamination reconnaissance, according to an AVIC statement.

As China's first unmanned helicopter designed to fly in plateau areas, the AR500C can take off at an elevation of 5,000 meters and has a ceiling of 6,700 meters. It has an endurance of five hours, maximum speed of 170 kilometers an hour and a maximum takeoff weight of 500 kilograms. Highly digitalized and intelligent, it can take off, land and hover automatically and is installed with a number of advanced flight programs for efficient and safe flights.

Compared to a traditional fixed-wing drone, a drone helicopter does not require a large airstrip with long runways, making it more flexible to deploy, Chinese air defense expert Fu Qianshao told the Global Times on Sunday.

The test flight of the AR500C came at a time when China-India border tensions have been flaring up, as Chinese border defense troops have bolstered border control measures and made necessary moves in response to India's recent, illegal construction of defense facilities across the border into Chinese territory in the Galwan Valley region.

23.05.2020 RUS: Today, two Tu-142M3 long-range anti-submarine aircraft of the Pacific Fleet naval aviation completed a 23.05.2020 Tu-142M3 long-range anti- planned flight over the neutral waters of the Pacific Ocean. The total flight time exceeded 12 hours. During (122-91) submarine aircraft of the Pacific this time, aircraft overcame a route of 9,000 kilometers. The flight was carried out as part of the combat Fleet completed a planned training program for anti-submarine aircraft crews and was carried out in strict accordance with the 12-hour flight over the Pacific International Airspace Management System. Ocean LBY/TUR: Turkish Air Force jets appeared to increase their activity in relation to a conflict in Libya on Saturday. Libya 23.05.2020 Libya conflict heats up as Turkish is divided between the Libyan National Army, backed by the UAE and Egypt and the Government of the (122-90) air force increases activity National Accord in Tripoli, backed by Turkey and Qatar. Turkey has been pouring in drones and armored vehicles and Syrian rebel mercenaries to help Tripoli fight. Russia and others are backing the LNA.

Twitter accounts that follow air traffic revealed unusual movements by Turkey’s Air Force. An account called "Yoruk Isik" posted about “Turkey establishing itself in Libya,” showing that the 222nd Turkish squadron with two C-130s had allegedly flown from Istanbul to Libya. It was the fourth flight in 24 hours, the commentator noted.

Another user named “Gerjon” noted that Turkish air Force E-7 Boeing 737 airborne early warning and control radar aircraft were also active this evening. He argued that the C-130 was in fact a Casa CN-235. Another mysterious Beechcraft Super King turboprop also flew into Libya. Also a Libyan GNA Ilyushin IL-76 flew from Istanbul to Libya. A Qatari C-17A also was thought to be en route to Libya.

Meanwhile it appears that other flights arrived to bolster the LNA. A Syrian Cham Wings flight flew into Benghazi on Friday. It appears that allies of the LNA and GNA are trying to bolster their role in Libya in recent days after Turkish drones helped the GNA take a strategic airbase. The LNA has lost numerous Russian-made Pantsir air defense. They are in desperate need of better weapons to confront Turkey’s drones.

There are also questions about damage done to a reinforced hanger at Watiya airbase which appeared to come from a bomb far larger than a Turkish drone could have dropped. This means the air war in Libya could be growing. It is a contest between Turkish technology and Russian air defense as well as Chinese-made drones apparently supplied from the UAE. So far Turkey’s equipment seems to have the upper hand.

(Ergänzende Information vom 24.05.2020: Aside from supplying its ally the GNA with several Bayraktar TB2 drones, armoured vehicles, and even thousands of Syrian militiamen, Turkey also flexed its military muscles more directly in the Libyan conflict in recent months. It sent two of its modernized ex-US Navy Hazard Perry-class guided- missile frigates to the Libyan coast. On April 1, one of those frigates even fired an SM-1 surface-to-air missile at an LNA drone. Turkish Air Force F-16s, along with aerial refuelling tankers, also appeared off the Libyan coast, demonstrating the potential capability of the Turkish Air Force to strike LNA targets.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-82) TUR/ISR: El Al has been granted permission to operate cargo flights from Israel to Turkey after a decade-long hiatus, 23.05.2020 El Al to begin operating cargo it was revealed Saturday. The first flight on the new line is set to take off on Sunday to deliver equipment to (122-89) flights from Israel to Turkey medical teams fighting coronavirus. In the future, two weekly flights set to operate in order to transport import goods from Turkey to Israel. IRN: Brigadier General Mohammad Zalbeigi, the commander of Shahid Lashgari Airbase in Tehran, said the Islamic 23.05.2020 Iranian Air Force Commander Says Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) is progressing with the same pace as other countries despite the sanctions. (122-88) New Homegrown Aircraft to Be “We have had considerable progress in designing various types of aircraft, thanks to the efforts of the IRIAF Unveiled personnel and knowledge-based companies,” he said in an interview, Press TV reported.

“God willing, we will witness the designing and production of aircraft built at the IRIAF in the near future, he said, vowing that the new aircraft will be unveiled soon. He referred to the Iranian-made fighter jet Kowsar as one of the examples of this progress. “During the parade held last year everyone witnessed the flight of Kowsar aircraft. It is an up-to-date plane whose systems conform to the world's most advanced systems,” he noted.

In 2018, Iran launched the mass production of the fourth-generation all-indigenous interceptor jet in a major step toward the renovation of its Air Force. The Kowsar fighter jet, which has been designed to provide logistical support for ground operations, boasts advanced maneuvering capability and can be fitted with various projectiles. The aircraft enjoys integrated design, an avionic and fire control system linked with digital military data network, a ballistic calculations computer system, head-up display (HUD), which focuses visual data in front of the pilot’s sight, a multi-purpose radar, and an independent radio navigation system.

According to the Defense Ministry’s Public Relations Department, the production of each Kowsar jet would save the country around $16.5 million. Iran has made major breakthroughs in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing military equipment and hardware despite facing US sanctions and Western economic pressure. NATO: NATO jets intercepted Russian planes flying close to NATO airspace nearly 300 times in 2019, an alliance 23.05.2020 official said, amid a continuing upward trend of Russian and NATO aircraft encounters. (122-87) NATO Official Says Jets Intercepted Russian Aircraft In European The official, who spoke on condition he not be named, told RFE/RL’s Bulgarian Service that Russian military Airspace Nearly 300 Times In 2019 aircraft activity in the Black Sea and other parts of Europe had increased since 2014. "In 2019, allied aircraft took to skies 290 times to escort or shadow Russian military aircraft all across Europe," the official said in an e-mail on May 23. He did not immediately respond to follow-up questions about encounters in past years.

Earlier this week, five NATO jets from three Black Sea alliance members -- Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey -- were scrambled to respond to two Russian Tu-22 strategic bombers and two Su-27 fighter jets who approached the three countries’ shared airspace in a western part of the Black Sea. Bulgarian military officials said the Russian aircraft returned to Russian airspace without incident.

"They do it on a regular basis," Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov said. "They are testing our capability and want to see how we are going to react, how fast we will send the planes and whether our radars will detect them." USA/USN: In a first, the USS Portland took down a target drone with a new solid state laser this week, the first step in 23.05.2020 US Warship Fries Drone With the Navy’s quest to get the powerful weapon on more ships in the future. (122-86) Powerful New Laser The shot from the San Antonio-class landing platform ship tested out what’s known as the Technology Maturation Laser Weapon System Demonstrator, or LWSD, which has been aboard the ship for several months. The May 16 test, announced by the Pacific Fleet today, is the first public acknowledgement of the system being put to use.

The Northrop Grumman-made LWSD is a high-energy laser weapon initially developed by the Office of Naval Research, and its operational employment marks “the first system-level implementation of a high-energy class solid-state laser,” according to a Pacific Fleet release.

(Einsatzvideo Navy tests laser that can destroy aircraft mid-flight abrufbar unter: orig.cnn/video/playlists/top-news-videos/)

22.05.2020 USA: The United States will withdraw from a third major security agreement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo 22.05.2020 Pompeo Announces Open Skies announced on Thursday. The Open Skies Treaty, signed in 1992, allows its 34 signatories — including the (122-85) Withdrawal United States and Russia — to conduct trust-building surveillance flights over each others’ territory to collect information on military activities and provide reassurance that no one is planning a major offensive against another.

But American officials have long complained that Russia has failed to comply with the deal, forbidding overflights of key strategic regions and military exercises — and privately, that Moscow is using its flights to collect sensitive information on American infrastructure to plan potential attacks.

“Today the president has taken another positive step to end America’s dependence on dysfunctional and broken treaties,” tweeted Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. “The Open Skies Treaty started life as a good-faith agreement between major powers and died an asset of Russian intelligence.”

It was also quickly met with deep disapproval from former intelligence and national security officials, as well as Democratic members of Congress, who argue that it provided the United States with valuable intelligence on Russian activity and was an important trust-building mechanism. “This is insane,” former CIA director Michael Hayden tweeted.

Open Skies is the third major security accord that Trump has abandoned. He withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal — which was not a formal treaty — in 2018 and pulled out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019, arguing then as now that Russia was violating its terms.

The Open Skies treaty is somewhat less significant. Signed in 1992, it entered into force in 2002. It did not govern satellite imagery, which is the biggest source for intelligence-gathering. But it provided a measure of reassurance and stability, and was particularly welcomed by U.S. allies who lack sophisticated aerial reconnaissance capabilities of their own.

(Ergänzende Information vom 21.05.2020: The U.S. withdrawal from the Open Skies treaty will affect the interests of all of its participants, who are also members of NATO, RIA state news agency quoted Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko as saying on Thursday. Russia has not violated the treaty and nothing prevents the continuation of talks on technical issues that the U.S. says are the violations by the Russian side, Grushko said.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 21.05.2020: The Open Skies treaty, proposed by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower in 1955, was signed in 1992 and took effect in 2002. The idea is to let member nations make surveillance flights over each other’s countries to build trust. The officials cited a years-long effort by Russia to violate the terms, such as by restricting U.S. overflights of Russia’s neighbor Georgia and the Russian military enclave in Kaliningrad on the Baltic coast. In addition, they said Russia had been using its own overflights of American and European territory to identify critical U.S. infrastructure for potential attack in time of war.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 21.05.2020: Russia has also continuously violated its obligations under the Treaty, despite a host of U.S. and Allied efforts over the past several years. Since 2017, the United States has declared Russia in violation of the Treaty for limiting flight distances over the Kaliningrad Oblast to 500 kilometers (km) and for denying flights within 10 km of portions of the Georgian-Russian border. Most recently, in September 2019, Russia violated the Treaty again by denying a flight over a major military exercise, preventing the exact transparency the Treaty is meant to provide.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 22.05.2020: Exerpt Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the Open Skies Treaty: NATO Allies met today to discuss the Open Skies Treaty. We are firmly committed to the preservation of effective international arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation. We all agree that all states party to the Open Skies Treaty must fully implement their commitments and obligations. All NATO Allies are in full compliance with all provisions of the Treaty. Russia has for many years imposed flight restrictions inconsistent with the Treaty, including flight limitations over Kaliningrad, and restricting flights in Russia near its border with Georgia. Russia’s ongoing selective implementation of its obligations under the Open Skies Treaty has undermined the contribution of this important Treaty to security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic region.) USA/USAF: Around the same time China was announcing a 6.6% defense spending increase on Thursday, civilian aircraft 22.05.2020 B-1B Flies „Dark“ Close To Russia, trackers spotted a US B-1B bomber flying dark (refusing to answer calls from civilian airliners) over the waters (122-84) Over Kurils near the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, not far from China and Japan — a rare move that could be a harbinger of things to come under DoD’s emerging strategy for the Indo-Pacific region that includes a new ‘dynamic deployment’ concept for bombers.

“This B-1 left from home base, got a great training mission, and showed its capability for a 29-hour round- trip into the super-busy airspace around Japan where Chinese and Russian fighters routinely buzz the borders,” said Rebecca Grant, head of IRIS Independent Research. “China, Russia and North Korea all took notice,” she added. “It’s unpredictability with a purpose: the B-1 flight shows bombers can dagger into that airspace anytime packing precision weapons. In my opinion, we’ll see more of these dynamic missions because they amp up readiness for the crews, and deliver a show of force for Indo-Pacom.”

While the Air Force has discontinued its round-the-clock basing of bombers in Guam, it’s new approach involves flying bombers in and out of the region with “unpredictability” designed to demonstrate to China and Russia the service’s ability to respond quickly to any provocation of regional allies. The mission was first reported on Twitter by a Japanese aircraft spotter going by the handle of @KimagureGolf9. The bomber with the call sign Dodge01 entered the sea from from the North Pacific Ocean, taking a round near the Kuril Islands chain that is administrated by the Moscow.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-61) USA/ARE: The expeditionary landing base ship USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB 3), assigned to U.S. Naval Forces Central 22.05.2020 UAE Military Pilots Conduct Command (NAVCENT), conducted combined naval and air integration operations with the United Arab (122-83) Landing Qualifications aboard USS Emirates (UAE) Joint Aviation Command (JAC) in the central Arabian Gulf, May 11-12. Lewis B. Puller UAE JAC pilots successfully completed deck landing qualifications (DLQ) aboard the Puller, conducting day and night landings and refueling operations with their CH-47F and UH-60M helicopters. UAE pilots have extensive flight experience and have previously performed landings and routine flight operations on the Puller and other U.S. naval assets deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations (AOO).

This series of training evolutions continues to enhance the readiness of UAE pilots and familiarizes the crew of the Puller with UAE rotary-wing platform, by increasing partnership capability and interoperability in the maritime domain.

U.S. 5th Fleet AOO encompasses about 2.5 million square miles of water area and includes the Arabian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Gulf of , Red Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean. The expanse is comprised of 20 countries and includes three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait at the southern tip of Yemen.ilots successfully completed deck landing qualifications (DLQ) aboard the Puller, conducting day and night landings and refueling operations with their CH-47F and UH-60M helicopters. LBY: The spokesperson for the Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan National Army, Major General Ahmed Al- 22.05.2020 01:45 PM LNA repairs 4 warplanes for Mismari, revealed that the Libyan Air Force planes are preparing to launch intense airstrikes after repairing (122-82) ‘largest air campaign in Libyan four warplanes that were damaged during the war. history’ “The technical teams of the Libyan Arab Air Force were able to maintain and repair four warplanes that were long suspended from service,” Al-Mismari said in a press statement. “Now wait for the impressive results of these aircraft, it is time to use them with full firepower,” he added.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-75) USA : The company recently manufactured and tested its first prototype of the Very Lightweight Torpedo for the 22.05.2020 Mini torpedo could be air- USN. The miniature torpedo could be air-launched from the Boeing P-8A Poseidon and two helicopters: (122-81) launched from US Navy aircraft Sikorsky’s MH-60 Sea Hawk and Northrop Grumman’s unmanned MQ-8C Fire Scout, the company says on 22 May. The prototype weapon is not yet qualified on those platforms, however.

The Very Lightweight Torpedo weighs about 104kg (230lb), says Northrop Grumman. That is significantly lighter than the 276kg MK 54 Lightweight Torpedo carried by the USN’s P-8A maritime patrol aircraft and MH-60 submarine-hunting helicopter. The Very Lightweight Torpedo would be carried aboard an aircraft and free-release dropped with a drogue parachute, says Northrop Grumman.

With the ability to carry precision-guided munitions, such as Hellfire missiles, as well as torpedoes, the MQ- 8C might be able to take over many of the lethal ship and submarine hunting tasks of the MH-60. That could be advantageous as the remotely piloted helicopter’s large fuel tank gives it more endurance than the manned MH-60. The MQ-8C has 12h of flight endurance with a 136kg payload, according to the USN. FRA: The French Defense Ministry has announced that a new generation aircraft carrier, to be built in Saint- 22.05.2020 Nazaire, will begin sea trials in 2036. (122-80) Navy launches next generation Aircraft Carrier study The new generation aircraft carrier intended to replace the Charles de Gaulle will be built at the Atlantic Shipyards and launched for the first tests in 2036, French Defense Minister Florence Parly announced on Monday, May 18. The nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will reach the end of its service life in 2038- 2040.

The characteristics of the future successor to the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier have not yet been defined. USA: Raytheon Co., one of the world’s largest defense contractors, has been contracted by the U.S. Department 22.05.2020 Raytheon contracted for National of Defense for National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System, best known as NASAMS. (122-79) Advanced Surface to Air Missile System The $92,3 million contract, announced Thursday by the Department of Defense, covers sustainment, maintenance, training, refurbishment, overhaul, engineering services and spares to support ongoing operations of the NASAMS. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 14, 2024.

The Raytheon’s website said the NASAMS is a highly adaptable mid-range air defense solution. NASAMS consists of the Sentinel radar, Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile, and KONGSBERG’s Fire Distribution Center. As noted by the company, NASAMS is owned by eleven countries and has been integrated into the U.S. National Capital Region’s air defense system since 2005. In addition to the U.S., Norway, Finland, Spain, The Netherlands, Oman, Lithuania, Indonesia, Australia, Qatar and one undisclosed country have chosen to depend on NASAMS for homeland defense and the defense of critical assets.

(Quick facts abrufbar unter: MAR: The Moroccan government has signed an export loan agreement with France’s BNP Paribas for the 22.05.2020 Morocco signs loan for new acquisition of a new ground-based air defence (GBAD) system. While the specific system has not been (122-78) ground-based air defence system disclosed, French and regional media have previously suggested that the contract would be for MBDA’s VL MICA system. The VL MICA system in its land-based configuration consists of a series of truck-mounted elements, including a tactical operations centre, Sagem SIGMA 30 radar, and launcher vehicles that can carry between three and six multi-round launchers with the missiles in clusters of four rounds. RUS: Russia’s main defense export agency, Rosoboronexport has begun promoting its new radar protecting 22.05.2020 Russia claims that its new radar against modern hypersonic missiles. “Today Rosoboronexport is bringing to the market the latest radar (122-77) can track hypersonic missiles station capable of effectively detecting a wide range of advanced and future air objects, including hypersonic targets,” the company’s press office quoted Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheyev as saying.

The new radar’s antenna reportedly is sensitive enough to detect targets flying at 8,000kph (nearly 5,000mph) and at a distance of up to 450km (280 miles).After detection, it exchanges radar information with C4I systems. It operates in conditions of jamming and carries out direction finding of active noise jammers, Rosoboronexport said.

“In a real time mode, it can simultaneously track no less than 1 000 objects and recognize 8 classes of targets, which includes selection of anti-radar missiles and warning its own combat crew of the danger of elimination, inter alia, by high precision munitions and homing missiles. The 59N6-TE radar also includes equipment for the recognition of detected aerial targets in international radar recognition systems Mk-XA and ATC RBS,” the company said.

21.05.2020 IRN/ISR: Numerous Israeli websites were targeted Thursday morning in a cyberattack, with hundreds of websites 21.05.2020 Israeli websites hacked in estimated hit, including some belonging to major firms, political groups and other organizations and (122-76) cyberattack: ‘Be ready for a big individuals. surprise’ The attack came days after a cyberattack on computer systems at an Iranian port was blamed on Israel.

The website attack was linked by an expert to an activist group with ties to Turkey, North African countries and the Gaza Strip, but with no indication of ties to Iran.

The National Cyber Directorate initially said Thursday that it had received reports of dozens of Israeli websites coming under cyberattack. However, later reports on Hebrew-language media said hundreds or even thousands of websites were harmed. The Directorate later said in a statement that an initial investigation had indicated it was a “superficial defacing of websites of private bodies in Israel done via a single storage firm hosting those websites.” It stressed that no damage had been done to official state infrastructure.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: surprise/?utm_source=The+Daily+Edition&utm_campaign=daily-edition-2020-05-21&utm_medium=email)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-50) LBY: The setbacks for Haftar were accompanied by a Turkish armed drone campaign that targeted Russian-made 21.05.2020 Tripoli government says Haftar Pantsir air-defense systems. One of the batteries was captured intact and paraded in Tripoli on Wednesday. (122-75) received jets from Russia base Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar raised the prospect of a dangerous new escalation in the North African country’s war with a threat to target Turkish forces backing the internationally recognized government, prompting Ankara to warn it would retaliate.

Fathi Bashagha, the GNA security chief in Tripoli, said at least six MiG 29s and two Sukhoi 24s had flown into the east from the Russian-controlled Hmeimim Air Base in Syria, escorted by two SU-35 Russian airforce jets. It wasn’t clear whether those were refurbished jets that had belonged to Haftar’s airforce or additions to his fleet. An aerial campaign by Haftar’s forces would first have to neutralize air defenses that had effectively ended strikes on the capital since January.

(Ergänzende Information vom 21.05.2020: Satellite imagery has emerged showing at least one MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter jet at an air base in Libya under the control of forces aligned with rogue general Khalifa Haftar. This follows reports that six MiG-29s, as well as a pair of Su-24 Fencer combat jets, had recently arrived to join Haftar's Libyan National Army, or LNA.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-41) NGA: The NAF said sustained efforts have been underway to eliminate the remnants of Boko Haram and other 21.05.22020 Nigerian Air Force continues the terrorist groups in the North East of the country. Consequently, the Air Task Force (ATF) of Operation Lafiya (122-74) fight against insurgents Dole has attacked over 33 different Boko Haram targets and flown close to 1 700 hours in the last four months.

These numbers were reached during 889 air interdiction, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), battle damage assessment, close air support as well as tactical airlift missions executed in 1 075 sorties with about 1.6 million litres of Jet A-1 fuel expended from 1 January 2020 to mid-May.

This was disclosed on 13 May by the ATF Commander, Air Commodore Precious Amadi, while briefing the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, during the CAS’ Operational Visit to Headquarters ATF (HQ ATF) at Nigerian Air Force Base Maiduguri. Amadi said that during the first quarter of 2020, the ATF had conducted several independent operations including Operations Rattle Snake 2 and 3 and Operation Decisive Edge, while also supporting the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) and allied partners in order to decimate, dislocate and deny Boko Haram freedom of action.

Meanwhile, the NAF said that as of 16 May, it had flown more than 300 hours in support of coronavirus relief efforts, delivering medical equipment, supplies and government workers across the country. USA/RUS: US C-17 military transport aircraft with first shipment of 50 American ventilators has landed in Moscow’s 21.05.2020 American jet C-17 transporting US Vnukovo-3 airport, TASS reports. Overall, the US is aiming to donate 200 ventilators. Russian Foreign (122-73) ventilators arrives in Russia Minister Sergey Lavrov earlier pointed out that the US is delivering the equipment free of charge, just like Russia previously did with ventilators for Americans. Moreover, Russia in April sent a shipment of medical materials to help Washington to fight the coronavirus spread. EGY: Egypt has ordered 24 AW149 combat helicopters and eight AW189 civil models from Italy’s Leonardo 21.05.22020 Egypt orders AW149 and AW189 Helicopters under an 871 million euro contract signed last year. This is according to the Italian foreign (122-72) helicopters ministry’s report to the Senate on 2019 arms exports, published in May.

France’s La Tribune reported in April 2019 that Egypt had chosen the AW149 over the NH90 to meet a shipboard helicopter requirement. France was hoping to sell the NH90 to Egypt after a string of sales that has included 24 Rafale fighter jets, two Mistral class landing helicopter docks (LHDs) and four Gowind class corvettes since 2014. Egypt was looking at acquiring 20-30 NH90 type helicopters for use aboard its naval vessels but it will also fly the AW149 on land-based troop transport and search and rescue missions.

The 8.3/8.6 tonne AW149 first flew in 2009 and slots in between smaller helicopters like the AW139 and larger helicopters like the Boeing CH-47 Chinook. It was developed from the AW139, but with 40% more internal volume and more powerful engines – the aircraft is powered by two General Electric CT7-2E1 turboshafts each developing 2 000 shp. In the troop transport role the AW149 can carry 12 fully equipped soldiers or 19 passengers on crashworthy seats. Weapons options are available, including gun pods, rocket pods and guided missiles.

Since its launch six years ago, Leonardo has struggled to find military customers for the AW149, with the only confirmed customer to date being the Royal Thai Army, which ordered five. USA/USAF: Competition has been opened up by the US Air Force for contractors to design a “loyal wingman” drone 21.05.2020 US Air Force Opens Competition to governed by the “Skyborg” artificial intelligence system. The program hopes to yield an autonomous aircraft (122-71) Design ‘Skyborg’ Loyal Wingman to accompany pilots on missions. The Air Force has said it hopes to field the Skyborg system by the end of Drone 2023.

"The intent of Skyborg is to integrate an autonomy mission system core and suite of services (developed under a separate Skyborg System Design Agent (SDA) program) with multiple low-cost air vehicle systems, each designed to perform one or more mission types,” the Air Force notes.

The drone will carry weapons into combat alongside piloted aircraft, and while it’s capable of firing them offensively, its being a drone means it could also be used as a shield for the human pilot by attracting fire to itself or even playing “bodyguard” against an incoming missile or gunfire.

Air Force Magazine reported last week that Kratos as well as Boeing, General Atomics and Lockheed Martin would each be submitting their own proposals. RUS : ZALA Aero, an affiliate of the Kalashnikov Concern and a Russian drone producer, has created a vertical 21.05.2020 Russian UAV manufacturer rolls takeoff and landing (VTOL) drone, the group enterprise announced on its website Thursday. (122-70) out state-of-the-art VTOL drone "The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ZALA 421-16EV has been developed using a tilt-rotor plane type — the hybrid of a fixed-wing and rotary-wing UAV. The unique advantage of this specific model is the option of a fully automatic vertical takeoff and landing." The UAV relays HD video stream, enabling the station operator on the ground to view the video stream in detail. This innovation has already undergone successful factory and field tests.

Capable of operating for two hours at a cruising speed of up to 110 km/h, the drone can be used in monitoring and in aerial surveys of hard-to-reach points and sites. The key advantage of the tilt-rotor model is that it does not need launching from a catapult and a prepared pad for takeoff and landing.

ZALA Aero is a leading Russian producer of unmanned aerial vehicles, payloads and mobile systems. Over 2,000 drones produced by the company are currently in operation in Russia. USA/USN: NAVAIR announced the award to Raytheon Missile Systems of a USD33 million 24-month EMD phase 21.05.2020 NAVAIR modifies MALD-N EMD contract for MALD-N in January 2019. That award followed a USD46.6 million technical maturation and risk (122-69) SOW reduction (TMRR) contract placed by the command in September 2018.

Intended to address the US Navy’s (USN’s) requirement for a network-enabled stand-in jammer to support suppression of enemy air defence missions, MALD-N is an evolution of the US Air Force (USAF) ADM-160C, the datalink-equipped Miniature Air Launched Decoy – Jammer (MALD-J) system – a subscale, turbojet- powered, air-launched decoy/jammer with a maximum range of about 500 n miles (926 km).

The MALD-N also benefits from technology advances delivered through the Raytheon MALD-X evolved stand-in jammer development, which incorporates a modular front-end, an improved jamming payload, and a low-altitude capability with the MALD-J airframe. RAFAEL Awarded International RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems announced today that it has been awarded a contract to supply 5th 21.05.2020 Contract to Supply 5 and generation Litening and RecceLite airborne electro-optical systems for installation on a combat platform of (122-68) RecceLite Airborne EO Systems an undisclosed air force. Integrated with RAFAEL's pods, the jet will now have combat-proven, stand-off capabilities using the Litening 5 multi-spectral airborne targeting pod.

The Litening pod is in use by 27 air forces and carried by over 25 platforms globally, including F-16, F-15, AV8B, F-18, F-4, F-5, A-10, B-52, Jaguar, LCA, AMX, Mirage 2000, Tornado, Typhoon, MiG21, MiG27, M346, KC390, Gripen, and Sukhoi 27 & Sukhoi 30, and others. Litening 5 delivers real-time, forward-looking infrared (FLIR+SWIR) and day HD color camera imagery. Its high-resolution sensors and effective EO/IR design ensure reliable operation at significant stand-off ranges. Litening 5 allows the operation of all types of air-to-surface smart weaponry, such as laser-guided, GPS- guided and EO/IR imaging-guided munition. Litening pods have logged over 2 million flight hours, with more than two-thirds in contingency operations worldwide.

With the RecceLite ISR system, the attack aircraft will be able to perform target search, using advanced tools and other smart algorithms at the interpretation ground station, for efficient detection, tracking and sensor- to-shooter closure. Using its advanced ISR, image processing, and artificial intelligence, the system achieves optimal data-exploitation at the ground station, of intelligence data relayed in real-time and mission execution in near-real-time.

RecceLite has been delivered to 13 customers world-wide and integrated onto various aircraft, including the F-16, F-18, Jaguar, AMX, Tornado, Typhoon, Gripen, M-346 and others. It is used by air forces in Europe, the Far East and South America. GBR: The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) will upgrade to Leonardo’s latest Osprey radar to support 21.05.2020 UK Maritime and Coastguard missions such as search and rescue, border protection, fishery and pollution patrols. The Osprey 30 radar (122-67) Agency to get latest radar will be installed on-board the two customised Beechcraft King Air aircraft provided to the UK MCA by UK- technology from Leonardo based aviation services company 2Excel.

With a Leonardo E-Scan radar, also known as AESA (Active Electronically-Scanned Array) technology, crews can lift off, scan in 360 degrees and almost-instantaneously detect, track and classify hundreds of maritime contacts, allowing crews to quickly task cooperating aircraft to deeply search an area of interest. GBR: Boeing has selected Leonardo and Thales in the UK to deliver a UK sovereign Defensive Aids System (DAS) 21.05.2020 ELIX-IR Finds a New Home on the for the UK’s new fleet of five Boeing E7 Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) MK1 (122-66) RAF Wedgetail aircraft, in another success for our world beating single-colour, Infra-Red, Threat Warner and our Countermeasures Dispensing System (CMDS).

Boeing’s selection builds on last year’s announcement that Thales’s Elix-IR Threat Warner and Leonardo’s DAS controller had been selected to equip the RAF’s fleet of Shadow R1 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance aircraft to protect against the latest-generation of missile and hostile fire threats.

Elix-IR is the world’s most advanced multi-function passive Threat Warning System (TWS), offering the core functionalities of a simultaneous Missile Approach Warner (MAW) and Hostile Fire Indication (HFI) solution to counter existing and future missile threats USA/USN: After nearly two months sidelined in Guam with a coronavirus outbreak, the USS Theodore Roosevelt has 21.05.2020 Aircraft carrier Theodore gone out to sea for training, in preparation to return to duty in the Pacific. (122-65) Roosevelt returns to sea after coronavirus outbreak The ship has been docked in Guam since March 27, as the 4,800 crew members went through rotations of quarantine, and more than 1,000 of them have tested positive for the virus over that time. The ship plans to conduct required carrier qualifications for about two weeks, including recertification of the flight deck and fighter squadron, such as takeoffs and landings on the carrier. The ship will then return to Guam and pick up healthy crew members. If all goes well, it will set out again to conduct operations before eventually heading home to San Diego.

economictimes. IND/USA: The possibility of US sanctions on India for buying the multi-billion dollar S-400 missile system from Russia Possibility of US sanctions on India remains on the table, a top American diplomat has said, asserting that New Delhi will have to make a 21.05.2020 remain on table: Top diplomat strategic commitment to technologies and platforms. (122-64)

In October 2018, India signed a USD 5 billion deal with Russia to buy five units of the S-400 air defence missile systems, notwithstanding warning from America that going ahead with the contract may invite US sanctions under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

Last year, India made the first tranche of payment of around USD 800 million to Russia for the missile systems. The S-400 is known as Russia's most advanced long-range surface-to-air missile defence system.

20.05.2020 FRA: Du 14 au 15 mai, la force Barkhane a conduit une opération d’ampleur contre des combattants de l’État 20.05.2020 Barkhane : Opération combinée islamique au grand Sahara (EIGS) dans le sud du Gourma malien. Combinant l’intervention d’un drone (122-63) des composantes aériennes, REAPER, de deux avions de chasse MIRAGE 2000D, de 3 hélicoptères de reconnaissance et d’attaque TIGRE, aéroterrestres et terrestres dans le ainsi que d’un sous-groupement tactique désert (SGTD), cette action fulgurante et coordonnée a permis de Gourma malien neutraliser de nombreux terroristes, de détruire plusieurs dizaines de motos ainsi qu’un pick up et de détruire une très grande quantité d’armement et de matériel militaire. JPN: The Defense Ministry is investigating a possible leak of details of a new state-of-the-art missile in a large- 20.05.2020 Japan Defense Ministry probing scale cyberattack on Mitsubishi Electric Corp, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported on Wednesday. (122-62) hack of next-gen missile data, Among the leaked details may have been range, propulsion and heat resistance, according to the newspaper. report say The missile is of a type in use by countries including the United States, China and Russia, which flies at supersonic speeds over long distances and can pass through enemy missile defense networks to make precision strikes, the newspaper said. Japan has been researching such missiles since fiscal 2018, it said. USA/SWE: Two B-1B Lancers from the 28th Bomb Wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, conducted a long- 20.05.2020 range strategic Bomber Task Force mission to the Nordic region May 20, 2020. (122-61) B-1s integrate with allies and The mission marked the first time B-1s have flown over Sweden to integrate with Swedish Gripens while partners; fly over Sweden for first- conducting close-air support training with Swedish Joint Terminal Attack Controller ground teams at Vidsel time Range.

“Long-range bomber training missions strengthen our steadfast partnerships with allies across both Europe and Africa and showcase our ability to respond globally from anywhere,” said U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander, Gen. Jeff Harrigian. “This mission further enhances our interoperability capabilities by taking groundbreaking steps to incorporate our partners to generate seamless operations.”

A KC-135 Stratotanker from the 100th Air Refueling Wing, RAF Mildenhall, England, and a Dutch KDC-10 from the 334th Squadron, RNLAF Eindhoven Air Base, Netherlands, enabled the B-1 to complete the round trip from Ellsworth Air Force Base without stopping, while also providing aerial refueling support to our partner-nation aircraft.

During the flight, the B-1s were escorted by Royal Air Force Typhoons over the United Kingdom. Additionally, the B-1s integrated with Norwegian F-35s to fly tactical sorties and conduct a low-approach over Ørland Air Station, Norway. Ørland Air Station is the home of the Royal Norwegian Air Force’s recently operational F- 35 fleet.

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020: This is the first time that American strategic long- range bombers are exercising in Swedish airspace, Dagens Nyheter reports. In Sweden, the exercise included refueling of the Jas 39 Gripen fighter jets from an American KC-135 tanker. “The sortie was conducted by the Swedish air combat command,” the Swedish Armed Forces informs. Sweden is not a NATO member but is a partner country. In 2014, Sweden signed a host country agreement with NATO allowing for the allied forces to conduct joint training exercises in the country.

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020: Norway’s Defense command says Wednesday’s exercise is “one of the largest of its kind, and several allied and partners trained along with the US B-1B.” Norwegian F-35s were flying together with the B-2 in March this year in Icelandic airspace and over the North-Atlantic. Last November, Norwegian F-16s followed three U.S. B-52 bombers all north to the Barents Sea. The Norwegian military says such joint flight missions are of high priority. “Today we have conducted complex flight operations with advanced systems, both on the ground and in the air,” says Lieutenant Colonel Ståle Nymoen. He is the commander of the 332 squadron which operates the F-35s from Ørland airbase. Neither the Norwegian nor Swedish statements geolocate the flight routes for the joint operations with the American bombers, but photos posted by the Norwegian defense is from Ørland airbase near Trondheim. Also on Wednesday, two F-16s from Bodø airbase were scrambled to identify Russian military aircraft outside Norwegian air space in the north.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-60) USA/USAF: The Air Force's B-1B Lancer bomber is about to move front and center in the U.S. military's power-projection 20.05.2020 B-1 Bomber May Become the New mission in the Pacific. As part of its mission "reset" for the B-1 fleet, the Air Force is not only making its (122-60) Face of US Military Power in the supersonic bombers more visible with multiple flights around the world, it's also getting back into the habit Pacific of having them practice stand-off precision strikes in the Pacific, a dramatic pivot following years of flying close-air support missions in the Middle East.

Close-air support, the B-1's primary mission in recent years, is a much different skill set than "shooting standoff weapons like JASSM-ER and LRASM," he said, referring to the Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile and Joint Air to Surface Stand-Off Missiles-Extended Range.

The JASSM's newer variant, JASSM-ER, has a higher survivability rate -- meaning it's less likely to be detected and shot down -- due to low-observable technology incorporated into the conventional air-to-ground precision-guided missile. It is said to have a range of roughly 600 miles, compared with the 230-mile reach of JASSM, according to The Drive.

The LRASM, a Navy missile integrated on both the B-1 and F/A-18 Super Hornet, is able to autonomously locate and track targets while avoiding friendly forces.

The precision-guided, anti-ship standoff missile was first tested on a B-1 in August 2017. A single B-1 can carry up to 24 LRASMs, or the same number of JASSM-ERs. The LRASM missile achieved early operational capability on the bomber in 2018.

Gen. Tim Ray, head of Air Force Global Strike Command, has expressed support for the B-1 as a future hypersonic weapons platform. "Basically, the configuration we're seeking is external hardpoints that can allow us to add six Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapons [ARRW, pronounced "Arrow"], and then you still have the bomb bay where you can carry the LRASM or the JASSM-ER," Ray told reporters last month. LRASM or JASSM-ER could also be carried externally, he added.

"They're not doing any testing with the hypersonic on the B-1, but that's definitely in the mix," Maj. Gen. Jim Dawkins Jr., commander of the Eighth Air Force and the Joint-Global Strike Operations Center at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, said. If configured with that payload in the future, that would be "quite a bit of air power coming off that airplane, whether it's JASSMs, JASSM-ERs or some combination of those, and hypersonics," he said. The B-1 could become the face of the Pacific for the foreseeable future, Dawkins said.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: pacific.html? RUS: Moscow’s efforts to develop, test and procure its new Su-57 fifth-generation stealth fighter have long 20.05.2020 Moscow Plans Additional stalled, with numerous setbacks and delays. While progress has been made, ongoing issues appear to (122-59) Modifications to Its Fifth- beleaguer aspects of this complex development process, especially following the high-profile crash of an Su- Generation Su-57 Fighter 57 prototype during a test flight on December 24, 2019, in Khabarovsk region, in Russia’s Far East. Specialists in Russian airpower frequently defend the Su-57 against critics by asserting that such negative assessments are rooted in exaggerating the merits of the United States’ F-22 or F-35 stealth fighters. While Russia’s defense ministry aims to introduce 76 Su-57s by 2027, recent reporting suggests there may well be further modifications to the platform before production can finally commence.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: GRC: A statement by the General Staff of the Air Force was issued after recent reports of problems and delays in 20.05.2020 Greek Air Force General Staff: The the upgrade of the F-16 fighter jets. The General Staff of the Air Force clarified the following: (122-58) F-16 upgrade continues without delay The F-16 aircraft upgrade program includes the upgrade of aircraft systems to VIPER configuration, which will take about 8 years, with the last aircraft deliveries in 2027. The upgrade works will be carried out at Hellenic Aerospace Industry.

Work on the first F-16’s, which will also be the original upgrade aircraft, began in January 2020 at the Hellenic Aerospace Industry facilities and continues according to schedule without deviations.

This is part of the modernisation of the Greek Air Force that will also include the acquisition of new aircrafts.

Defence Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos, in January revealed that Greece plans to acquire 24 F-35 aircrafts at a total cost of $3 billion, upgrade 82 F-16 fighter jets, and purchase war ships. The announcement was made following the official visit of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to the White House.

“Someday Greece will also go to the 5th generation aircraft that has unique characteristics, the so-called stealth that is not detected by hostile radars but also has some formidable capabilities in terms of its electronic and weapon systems. Greece will, anyway, like the other countries, go to this 5th generation aircraft. The way we insist on doing this is firstly to upgrade the F-16 fleet to something between the 4th and 5th generations,” Panagiotopoulos said. “When we are finished we will have upgraded the bulk of our planes, 82 to 84 F-16s, to the most up-to-date type for this type of aircraft, and have begun the process of acquiring the F-35s,” he said.

He underlined that “at the same time, we will have complemented the Mirage fleet because of their special features and the special weapons they carry, which is a type of necessity.”

Greek fighter pilots have won in consecutive years the “Best Warrior” award in competitions that only NATO members can participate in. Meanwhile, as reported by Greek City Times, an aviation expert reviewed footage of a Greek pilot dog fighting with a Turkish jet violating Greek airspace, and said the Greek pilot “owned” the Turkish one Saab Signs Support Agreement for Saab has extended its support and maintenance agreement with the Swedish Armed Forces regarding the 20.05.2020 SK60 SK60 trainer aircraft, which is used for pilot training. The contract is valid from 1 July 2020 up to 2025, with (122-57) 2026 as an optional year. The initial order value amounts to MSEK 875.

SK60 is the Swedish military designation for Saab 105, a twin-engine jet aircraft which undertook its maiden flight in 1963 and which has been used in the Swedish Armed Forces, primarily for training purposes, since 1967. SEN: Senegal has taken delivery of the first two of four KT-1S light attack and trainer aircraft from Korea Aerospace 20.05.2020 First Senegalese KT-1s arrive Industries (KAI), with the remaining two will be delivered by October. Training of Senegalese pilots and (122-56) mechanics on the KT-1 is being carried out in South Korea.

Although primarily a trainer aircraft, the KT-1 can be configured for light attack missions and designated KA- 1. In this guise it is fitted gun pods, bombs, rockets and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. The KT-1 is powered by a single Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-62 engine delivering 950 hp and giving a top speed of 648 km/h. GBR: The Navy’s largest helicopter has debuted on its global patrol ships for the first time, during three days of 20.05.2020 Merlin helicopter makes debut on intensive training in the Caribbean. Commando-carrying Merlin Mk4s touched down on HMS Medway during (122-55) Medway a concerted period of aviation training for the new patrol ship in preparation for the imminent hurricane season.

There’s no helicopter assigned to HMS Medway, but there is a flight deck, allowing the ship to serve as a ‘lily pad’ – hosting helicopters temporarily, refuelling them, giving crews a break, transferring personnel and equipment. The ship is the second of five River-class patrol ships built for long-term operations around the globe, deploying from the UK for years on end and operating from overseas ports and bases under the Royal Navy’s growing Forward Presence programme. Indra leads the european project Eleven European companies coordinated by Indra are working on the CROWN project, an initiative selected 20.05.2020 that will give control of radio- by the EU within the Preparatory Action for Defence Research (PADR). Together they will design a key (122-54) electric space to fighters and element to integrate communications, radar and electronic defence functions and give aircraft a crucial aircraft advantage over the enemy. By integrating these functions, aircraft will improve their radar range, electronic defence systems and will be able to exchange data at higher speeds.

This group of companies and research centers from seven countries will design the first element capable of integrating radar, electronic defence and communications equipment into a single compact and lightweight item of equipment that can be installed in the aircraft nose cone, camouflaged in the fuselage, or in an under-wing pod, on multiple platforms (even in UAVs). It will be a system based on active electronically scanned array (AESA) and sophisticated algorithms that will enable multi-purpose use for different capacities and in an optimized way. USA/USAF: The vice chief of the Air Force is “cautiously optimistic” about maintaining fleet mission capable rates 20.05.2020 Aircraft Mission Capable Rates Rise through 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic. (122-53) “Yes, we are concerned about it, but we are monitoring it very closely and think we’ve got a very good plan,” Gen. Stephen Wilson told me during an online briefing this morning sponsored by the Mitchell Institute. “Contrary to most opinions, mission capable rates are actually increasing,” he added, “but it’s one of the things we’re keeping an eye on.”

Mission capable rates tell commanders how much of each type of aircraft in the Air Force’s overall fleet are ready to rumble. According to a report yesterday by colleague Brian Everstine, the service’s mission capable rates during 2019 for the service’s fifth-generation fighters and the bomber fleets were pretty miserable — although the service had an overall score of 70.27 percent.

For example, the F-22 Raptor had an abysmal rate of 50.57 percent the Air Force Magazine story says. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which has suffered as prime contractor Lockheed Martin struggles with shortages of key parts, came in at a lackluster 61.60 percent. Bombers faired pretty badly: the B-1B’s had a mission capable rate of 46.42 percent; the B-2 a rate of 60.47 percent. Ironically, the oldest aircraft fleet, the B-52, had the best rate of 65.73 percent. USA/USAF: Details remain scarce at this time, but an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that was flying out of Eglin AFB, which is 20.05.2020 F-35 Out Of Eglin Air Force Base located on the Florida panhandle, has crashed. Thankfully, the pilot was able to eject and is safe. The incident (122-52) Has Crashed, Second Aircraft Loss occurred at around 9:30 pm local time and the F-35A was on a routine night training mission. For The Base In Five Days This is the second crash of an aircraft operating out of the base in less than a week, with an F-22 Raptor going down on Friday, May 15th. Thankfully, in that incident, the pilot was also able to eject and survive the mishap. If the F-35 is destroyed, it would be the third crash of an F-35 that resulted in a total write-off of the airframe.

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020: An F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 58th Fighter Sq crashed upon landing around 9:30 p.m. today. The pilot successfully ejected and was transported to the 96th Medical Group for evaluation and monitoring. The pilot is in stable condition. At the time of the accident, the pilot was participating in a routine night training sortie. First responders from the 96th Test Wing are on the scene and the site is secured. The accident is under investigation. There was no loss of life or damage to civilian.)

19.05.2020 IRQ/USA: A rocket landed on an empty house inside the heavily fortified green zone in Baghdad without causing any 19.05.2020 01:49 AM Rocket falls inside green zone in casualties, military statement said on Tuesday. The rocket was launched from an eastern district of Baghdad, (122-51) Baghdad, no casualties according to the statement.

(Ergänzende Information vom 19.05.2020: Al-Ghad media said that 3 rockets landed near the embassy. Dozens of rockets have been fired by Kataib Hezbollah against US forces in Iraq in recent months. Four members of the US-led Coalition have been killed since December by the rockets.) IRN/ISR: Israel carried out a recent sophisticated cyberattack on an Iranian port facility, causing widespread chaos, 19.05.2020 04:38 AM Israel said behind cyberattack that apparently in retaliation for an attempt by Tehran to target Israel’s water infrastructure. (122-50) caused ‘total disarray’ at Iran port The report, citing foreign and US officials, said Israel was likely behind the hack that brought the “bustling Shahid Rajaee port terminal to an abrupt and inexplicable halt” on May 9. The port is a newly constructed shipping terminal in the Iranian coastal city of Bandar Abbas, on the Strait of Hormuz.

“Computers that regulate the flow of vessels, trucks and goods all crashed at once, •creating massive backups on waterways and roads leading to the facility. Satellite photos showing miles-long traffic jams leading to the port and ships still waiting to offload several days later.

Iran later acknowledged that an unknown foreign hacker had briefly knocked the port’s computers offline. “A recent cyber attack failed to penetrate the PMO’s systems and was only able to infiltrate and damage a number of private operating systems at the ports,” Mohammad Rastad, managing director of the Ports and Maritime Organization, said in a statement carried by Iran’s ILNA news agency.

But the damage was far more severe than Iran acknowledged and was apparently carried out by Israeli operatives, a security official with a foreign government that monitored the incident, said. The official, who spoke on the condition that his identity and national affiliation not be revealed, called the attack “highly accurate. “There was total disarray,” said the official.

(Ergänzende Information vom 19.05.2020 03:04 PM: Amos Yadlin, the former head of Israeli Military Intelligence, says shutdown of Iranian port seems to be response to attempted hacking of Israeli water companies, which appears to have been retaliation for Syria airstrikes. According to the Ynet news site, the alleged Iranian attack targeted at least six water installations throughout Israel on April 24-25, causing minor disruptions. On May 9, Israel allegedly responded to these attempted hacks, carrying out a cyberattack on the Shahid Rajaee port — one of Iran’s most important terminals — shutting it down completely and causing widespread chaos, the Washington Post reported Monday. “Computers that regulate the flow of vessels, trucks and goods all crashed at once, •creating massive backups on waterways and roads leading to the facility,” the Post reported. The port is a newly constructed shipping terminal in the Iranian coastal city of Bandar Abbas, on the Strait of Hormuz. “There was total disarray,” a security official, who spoke on the condition that his identity and national affiliation not be revealed, told the Post. Iran later acknowledged that an unknown foreign hacker had knocked the port’s computers offline, but denied the severity of the attack. Satellite images of the port on May 11 and May 12 taken by Planet Labs and seen by The Times of Israel indeed show scads of ships idling off the port and a buildup of containers on dry land, days after the alleged Israeli cyberattack. (Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: suggests-israeli-tit-for-tat-strategy-shows-iran-vulnerable/)

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020 10:35 AM: Israel’s security firms and agencies are reportedly preparing for a potential Iranian or Iran-linked cyberattack in response to an attack blamed on the Jewish state that was said to have crippled computer systems at a strategic port in the south of the Islamic Republic. Cyber- defense officials in the and the National Cyber Directorate have raised their alertness, expecting an attack on websites, servers or services, the unsourced reports said. Employees have been ordered not to open or download files from unknown sources or people whose credibility is questionable. Officials have stressed that malicious messages could be ostensibly about the coronavirus crisis. Workers have also been told not to hand personal information or account details to unknown entities, and to only download mobile applications from known app stores.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-48) SYR/RUS: Russian warplanes were spotted above the Idlib countryside on Tuesday amid increased tension between 19.05.2020 Russian warplanes fly over jihadist the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and militant forces in the governorate. According to reports from the Idlib (122-49) positions amid increased tensions Governorate, the Russian warplanes were spotted conducting low-altitude flights over the jihadist positions in Idlib in the Jabal Al-Zawiya region.

The Russian flights were conducted shortly after the jihadist rebels fired several artillery shells towards the Syrian Arab Army’s positions along the front-lines in Jabal Al-Zawiya. Since the start of the March 5th Moscow Agreement, the Russian Air Force has refrained from launching any airstrikes against the militants in Syria.

At the same time, the Syrian Air Force’s reconnaissance flights over Idlib have also intensified, with the jihadist rebels repeatedly attempting to shoot down these aircraft. The jihadist rebels have reported shooting down at least two Syrian reconnaissance drones in the last week. ISR: Shortly after the revelation of a major disruption of a busy Iranian port by unnamed hackers, Israel’s chief of 19.05.2020 Kochavi: Israel has a range of tools staff Gen. Avivi Kochavi said in a speech that the IDF uses “a range of tools” to defend itself. The military has (122-48) for its defense a “moral obligation to protect the citizens of this country from the terrorist armies surrounding us,” he said. Without mentioning the cyberwar ongoing between Israel and Iran, he said: “The enemy places thousands of missiles and rockets in its villages, turning them into military targets. On the day of reckoning, that same enemy will find its home front has become a war front. The chief of staff was addressing the changeover ceremony of the Home Front Command to Brig. Gen. Uri Gordin from Maj. Gen. Tamir Yadai who takes over the Central Command.

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Deutlicher kann man es nicht sagen!)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-28) ARE/ISR: flag-carrier Etihad Airways said Tuesday it is flying aid for the Palestinians amid the 19.05.2020 Etihad makes first known flight coronavirus pandemic into Israel, marking the first known direct commercial flight between the nations. (122-47) between UAE and Israel The flight comes as the United Arab Emirates, home to Abu Dhabi and Dubai on the Arabian Peninsula, has no formal diplomatic ties to Israel. However, it marks an open moment of cooperation between the countries after years of rumored back-channel discussions between them over the mutual enmity of Iran.

Etihad, a state-owned, long-haul carrier, confirmed it had a flight Tuesday to Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion International Airport. “Etihad Airways operated a dedicated humanitarian cargo flight from Abu Dhabi to Tel Aviv on 19 May to provide medical supplies to the Palestinians,” the airline said. “The flight had no passengers on board.”

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020: For several months, Israel and the UAE have been meeting secretly for talks arranged by the US to share information and coordinate their efforts to counter the increasing threat posed by Iran. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis, the Emirates was one of three Gulf states to announce willingness to work with Israel in combating the pandemic, specifically on a vaccine. Bahrain has sought to learn from the Sheba Medical Center how the hospital responded to the coronavirus assault.) USA: Lockheed Martin will throttle back the pace of F-35 production on May 23, leaving it anywhere from 18 to 19.05.2020 Lockheed slated to miss F-35 24 jets short of the 141 scheduled for delivery this year. (122-46) delivery target in 2020 as supply chain struggles to keep up The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for Lockheed’s supply chain to make components on time, and as a result the company is moving to an adjusted work schedule where production will slow over the next three months, said Greg Ulmer, Lockheed’s vice president for the F-35 program.

Ultimately, Lockheed aims to accelerate production as soon as possible and hopes to decrease the number of aircraft that will delivered late. However, Ulmer said there are too many variables to say precisely how long buyers will be left waiting for their F-35s.

Most of the supply chain pressure on the program stems from constraints on low-tier suppliers that produce components that feed into larger portions of the F-35. While the production line tries to do as much work on each section as possible, workers are having to slow down and wait for missing parts to arrive, Ulmer said.

Lockheed has also had challenges getting connectors for the jet on time — another problem that makes it difficult for the company to merge F-35 sub-assemblies into a finished aircraft, Ulmer said. Once aircraft are completed and go through acceptance testing, the sequence of deliveries will remain the same, he said.

The slowdown of the F-35’s production rate comes days after President Donald Trump voiced support for moving more of the jet’s production to the United States. Currently, international partners who helped fund development of the F-35 can compete for work on the jet, reducing the cost of the aircraft and giving foreign buyers an industrial incentive to support the program. “The problem is if we have a problem with a country, you can’t make the jet. We get parts from all over the place. It’s so crazy. We should make everything in the United States,” Trump said on Thursday.

However, the industrial challenges currently faced by Lockheed do not appear to be caused by the international supply base. Ulmer said European suppliers, who were hardest hit before the United States, are now rebounding from the pandemic.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: struggles-to-keep- up/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Breaking%20News%2005.19.20&utm_term=Editoria l%20-%20Breaking%20News) USA: Viasat Inc and Data Link Solutions LLC, comprised of BAE and Collins Aerospace are awarded indefinite- 19.05.2020 Contract - delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for the production, retrofits, development and sustainment of the (122-45) U.S. Navy - Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS) terminals. Multifunctional Information Currently, there are three variants of MIDS JTRS terminals: the Concurrent Multi-Netting-4, the Tactical Distribution System (MIDS) Joint Targeting Network Technology and the F-22 variant. These terminals will continue to be procured, sustained Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS) and updated for future growth, including JTRS advanced networking waveforms such as: multifunction terminal advanced data link, intra-flight data link and other advanced networking waveforms. The MIDS JTRS terminal is a line-of-sight radio system for collecting and transmitting broadband, jam-resistant, secure data and voice across a variety of air, sea and ground platforms. Work is expected to be complete by May 2025. This contract combines purchases for the Navy, Air Force and MIDS Program Office, as well as purchases for NATO and all NATO nations under the FMS program.

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020: Data Link Solutions and Viasat have each been awarded nearly $1 billion by the Pentagon to provide MIDS JTRS terminals that makes use of high-speed jam-resistant Link-16 tactical data exchange network. he Link 16 allows for real-time transfer of combat data, voice communications, imagery, and relative navigation information between dispersed battle elements, using data encryption and frequency hopping to maintain secure communications. The system facilitates the exchange of data over a common communication link, allowing participants to obtain and share situational awareness information and interoperate within the battlespace. Link 16 information is commonly broadcasted through radio frequency bearers, but it can also distribute information via landlines, satellites, and serial links. Messages sent via Link 16 can be broadcast simultaneously to as many users as needed.) RUS: The Russian military said one of its helicopters crash-landed in an uninhabited area north of Moscow late 19.05.2020 Military Helicopter Crash Lands Tuesday, killing all crew members. The Defense Ministry said the incident involving a Mi-8 helicopter (122-44) Killing All Crew occurred near the town of Klin, about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from Moscow. The incident may have been caused by a technical malfunction, officials said. The ministry didn't clarify how many crew members were on board, but said that the helicopter wasn’t carrying ammunition and landed “in a desolate area." USA: The destroyer USS Roosevelt has arrived at its new homeport in Rota, Spain, bringing with it enhanced missile 19.05.2020 Destroyer USS Roosevelt brings defense capabilities and the ability to embark two helicopters, the U.S. Navy said. (122-43) upgraded missile defense to Rota The Navy’s Rota-based destroyers form part of the U.S.’s European missile defense shield, along with U.S. ground-based systems stationed in Romania and planned for Poland.

The Roosevelt brings with it the “most modern combat systems upgrade,” the Aegis Baseline 9 ballistic missile defense system, the Naples, Italy-based 6th Fleet said. Upgrades to weapons, sensors and launching systems “vastly increase the sea-based BMD force structure” for NATO’s missile defense network, 6th Fleet said.

The Roosevelt, formerly homeported at Mayport, Fla., also is the first destroyer in Rota able to deploy with two embarked MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopters. Having MH-60Rs on board boosts anti-submarine and surface warfare capabilities.

18.05.2020 SOM/USA: In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike 18.05.2020 Federal Government of Somalia, targeting al-Shabaab terrorists in vicinity of Qunyo Barrow, Somalia, May 17. The command's initial (122-42) AFRICOM target al-Shabaab assessment concluded this airstrike killed two (2) terrorists. U.S. Africa Command currently assesses no civilians were injured or killed as a result of this airstrike. LBY: Forces aligned with Libya’s internationally recognised government took control of an air base south-west of 18.05.2020 11:44 AM Libyan forces aligned with Tripoli Tripoli on Monday after a sustained assault, in what could be their most significant advance for nearly a year. (122-41) gov't capture key air base Watiya air base, 125 km (80 miles) from the capital, has been an important strategic foothold for forces loyal to eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar, who launched an offensive to capture Tripoli in April 2019. Forces aligned with the Government of National Accord (GNA) had taken full control of Watiya, Osama Juweili, a top military commander, was quoted as saying by official media early on Monday.

The GNA posted footage posted on social media appearing to show its forces driving down runways at the base unhindered. The forces also posted a picture of what they said was a captured Russian-made Pantsir air defence system mounted on a truck at the base, as well as an operating manual in Arabic.

A separate video post showed the purported destruction of a another LNA-held Pantsir from the air as it was being transported by road in the early hours of Monday. GNA forces said was the third they had hit in two days. The video could not be independently verified and the LNA has in recent days denied at least one other GNA claim it had destroyed a Pantsir.

There was no immediate comment from Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) on the loss of Watiya, but LNA military sources confirmed that they had withdrawn after the base had come under intensive bombardment.

(Ergänzende Information vom 19.05.2020 02:50 PM: The Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) forces have captured in the past 24 hours, a large amount of weapons and equipment left behind by the Libyan National Army (LNA) at the Al-Watiya Airbase near the Tunisian border. According to the Turkish-backed GNA forces, their troops seized a Russian-made Pantsir-S1 air defense system that was left behind at the Al-Watiya Airbase. In addition to the air defense system, the GNA forces also seized a Russian-made Mi-35 military chopper, which was confirmed in the video footage released shortly after its capture.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020 12:45 PM: The Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) forces managed to destroy two Russian-made air defense systems this week. At least one of the Pantsir- S1 systems was reportedly destroyed during the GNA’s capture of the strategic Al-Watiya Airbase, which is located near the Tunisian border. In addition to destroying two of these systems, the Government of National Accord troops also managed to capture one Pantsir-S1 while taking control of the Al-Watiya Airbase on Monday. Overall, the capture of the Al-Watiya Airbase for the Government of National Accord forces has proven a major success, as they have managed to push back the Libyan National Army (LNA) from Libya’s northwestern border with Tunisia.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020: The Libyan army on Wednesday destroyed a Russian-made air defense system used by forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar in the city of Terhune. Abdul-Malik Al-Madani, spokesman for the government-led Volcano of Rage Operation, told Anadolu Agency that the , which was supplied to Haftar’s militias by the United Arab Emirates, has been demolished.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-24) USSA/USN: The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, underway in the Atlantic Ocean, conducted a week of naval air 18.05.2020 USS Harry S. Truman Strike Group integration exercises with Marine Corps elements assigned to the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing May 12-18, (122-40) and 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing 2020. Complete Week of Integrated The purpose of the high-end training was to improve Navy and Marine Corps integration, communication, Training power projection in the form of strikes, and enhance readiness of air defense assets.

The HSTCSG is comprised of the flag ship Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) and the embarked squadrons of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1, Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60) and Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98).

Marine Corps support included F/A-18C Hornets assigned to Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 31, based out of Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, and AV-8B Harriers assigned to (MAG) 14, based out of MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina.

The week of day and night-time integration started with close air support exercises, in which Marine ground forces coordinated with Navy strike fighter aircraft to strike a precision target.

The coordination continued with high-end training during multiple air defense exercises and large force strikes over the course of the week. In one of the multiple events, over twenty CVW-1 aircraft including F/A- 18E/F Super Hornets, E/A-18 Growlers, and E2D Hawkeyes faced off against a similar numbers of USMC F/A- 18C Hornets and A/V-8B Harriers to conduct defensive and offensive counter-air and strike missions in support of the carrier strike group and National level tasking. NATO: Troops from NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup in Lithuania are training together with British 18.05.2020 NATO Allies practise close air and Spanish pilots from the Alliance’s Baltic Air Policing mission. The training, which began on Monday (11 (122-39) support in Lithuania May 2020) and wraps up this week, provides an opportunity to improve close air support and air crew procedures and skills.

It involves the battlegroup’s German and Norwegian Joint Terminal Attack Controllers – specialised soldiers who guide fighter aircraft to targets on the ground – conducting air-to-ground support missions with British Eurofighter Typhoons and Spanish F-18s.

The British and Spanish air force contingents operate from Šiauliai Air Base and help guard the skies over the Baltic region as part of NATO’s Air Policing mission. NATO’s battlegroup in Lithuania is composed of around 1,200 personnel from Germany, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Norway. The battlegroup is part of the biggest reinforcement of the Alliance’s collective defence in a generation. NATO/BEL/NLD: As scheduled, the Belgian Air Force took over the responsibility of providing Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) 18.05.2020 Belgium Takes Over BENELUX Air fighter aircraft ready to perform interceptions in the Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg (BENELUX) air space (122-38) Policing from the Netherlands from the Royal Netherlands Air Force on May 14, 2020.

“The Belgian Air Force has now taken over the QRA mission from the Royal Netherlands Air Force for the next four months. The Belgian F-16s will operate alternately from our air bases at Florennes and Kleine- Brogel. Our partnership safeguarding the Benelux skies has proven to be effective,” said Belgian Air Component Commander, Major General Frederik Vansina.

The Royal Netherlands Air Force F-16 pilots had been on 24/7 standby to safeguard the BENELUX airspace since January 9, 2020. When executing tactical action, the aircraft operate under control of the Dutch “Bandbox” (Air Operations Control Station Nieuw-Milligen) and Belgian “Efflux” (CRC Glons) Control and Reporting Centres, depending on whether the target is flying in Dutch or Belgian-Luxemburg airspace. “The Royal Netherlands Air Force QRA consists of two armed F-16 fighter aircraft which are permanently ready for missions to secure the Benelux airspace during their rotation of Air Policing. In the past few years, the F- 16s were scrambled multiple times to conduct intercepts on unidentified or unauthorized aircraft in Dutch airspace. The QRA can either be stationed on Leeuwarden Airbase or Volkel Airbase,” said Lieutenant Colonel Yvo Giesselbach, Commanding Officer of CRC Nieuw Milligen.

All units operate under command of NATO’s Combined Air Operations Centre at Uedem, Germany to deal with airborne threats.

The Royal Netherlands Air Force handed over the Air Policing mission to the Belgian Air Force, whose aircrew will from now on until mid-September 2020 have their F-16 fighter aircraft ready to launch at any moment if necessary to respond to unidentified or unauthorized air traffic.

The special arrangement of the BENELUX Air Policing was launched in January 2017. In late December 2016, the Commander of the Royal Netherlands Air Force, the Belgian Commander of the Air Component and the Ambassador of Luxembourg signed a technical arrangement allowing Belgian F-16 fighter jets to take over the first rotation to conduct integrated Air Policing for the first four months in 2017.

NATO Air Policing is a peacetime mission overseen by Allied Air Command at Ramstein, Germany. Two Allied CAOCs – one at Uedem, Germany and one at Torrejon, Spain – plan, direct, task, coordinate and supervise the launch of fighter aircraft to safeguard and preserve the integrity of NATO airspace. Saab Receives Airborne Saab has signed a contract and received an order for the Airborne Early Warning and Control solution Saab 18.05.2020 Surveillance Order 2000 Erieye AEW&C. The order value is 1.553 billion SEK. Deliveries will be made between 2020 and 2023. (122-37) Saab 2000 Erieye AEW&C is a complete AEW&C system with multi-role and multi-mission capabilities for both military and civil needs. It is based on the Saab 2000 aircraft equipped with Saab’s airborne radar Erieye and a range of other sensors. The solution gives the user detailed situational awareness and can be used for tasks including border surveillance and search-and-rescue operations.

The industry’s nature is such that due to circumstances concerning the product and customer, further information about the customer will not be announced.

(Ergänzende Information vom 18.05.2020: Given that Saab’s primary AEW&C offering is the Bombardier 6000/6500-based GlobalEye, utilising the Erieye Extended-Range (ER) radar, it is likely that the Saab 2000-based platforms are for a follow-on customer looking to augment their existing fleet, rather than a new customer looking to acquire the latest solution. The only two customers already known to operate the Saab 2000 AEW&C are Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.)

defense- FRA: The Ministry of the Armed Forces has announced that the Air Force's A400M Atlas transport aircraft is now The A400M Cleared to Drop able to drop paratroopers belonging to the three services through the aircraft’s side doors. 18.05.2020 Paratroopers Through Side Doors (122-36) This employment clearance allows the release of 30 paratroopers through a side door of the A400M Atlas. It represents an important step in the continuous ramp-up of the A400M Atlas' paradropping capabilities. The next steps will increase the drop altitude and the number of paratroopers. The simultaneous drop from both side doors is expected to be authorized next year.

This new operational clearance marks an important step in the ramp-up of the tactical capabilities of the A400M Atlas for the benefit of airborne units. This type of personnel release is a real asset in operation, and complements the A400M’s existing capability to drop paratroopers and equipment through its rear ramp, the latter having been validated in February.

The A400M Atlas is already capable of dropping 25 tonnes, distributed over 10 pallets, in a single pass, its operational capabilities enabling it to transport a significant volume of equipment over long distances and on short notice. TUR: Turkey successfully test-fired the HGK-84, a domestically produced precision guidance kit, the National 18.05.2020 Turkey test-fires domestic HGK-84 Defense Ministry said Monday. "The test-firing of our HGK-84 LAB (Precision Guidance Kit-84 Laser Seeker (122-35) precision guidance kit Head) produced by domestic and national facilities was successfully carried out," the ministry said on Twitter. The HGK-84 is a GPS/INS guidance kit that turns existing 2,000-pound (908-kilogram) MK-84 general-purpose bombs and penetrator bombs into air-to-ground smart bombs, according to the Defense Industries Research and Development Institute. It enables precision strike capability in all weather conditions.

(Video vom 18.05.2020 « Turkey test-fires native HGK-84 precision guidance kit“ abrufbar unter: USA/USAF: For the last five years, Air Force Special Operations Command has been working toward incorporating a high- 18.05.2020 Air Force Finally Has Plans to Test a energy laser weapon on its newest AC-130J gunship. It now plans to test-fire a 60-kilowatt laser in 2022, (122-34) Laser Weapon on Its AC-130J according to a program officer affiliated with the program. Gunship Air Force Col. Melissa Johnson, program executive officer for fixed-wing programs at Special Operations Command explained that previous tests have largely been ground-based and done in conjunction with the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, Virginia. The next tests, scheduled for fiscal 2022, will be onboard the AC-130 aircraft, she said.

The J-model aircraft achieved initial operational capability in September 2017. The fourth-generation AC- 130 is slated to replace the AC-130H/U/W models, with delivery of the final J-variant sometime in 2021, according to the Air Force. The 4th Special Operations Squadron, part of the 1st Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, Florida, received its first J-model with the Block 30 software upgrade in March 2019. Along with the 105mm cannon sported by its cousin, the AC-130U model, the AC-130J is equipped with a 30mm cannon. USA/USN: The U.S. Navy recently began the final Demonstration of Existing Technologies (DET) test period for the Next 18.05.2020 NGJ-LB Begins Final DET Tests Generation Jammer Low Band (NGJ-LB) capability at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland. Tests are (122-33) being conducted at the Air Combat Environmental Test and Evaluation Facility and the Facility for Antenna and RCS Measurement (FARM) through this summer. The 20-month DET contract has been a collaborative effort with industry partners to assess technical maturity.

NGJ-LB is part of a larger NGJ weapon system that will augment, and ultimately replace the legacy ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System (TJS) currently used for Airborne Electronic Attack on the EA-18G Growler aircraft. The NGJ-LB is the next step in the evolution of Airborne Electronic Attack that is needed to meet current and emerging electronic warfare gaps.

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.05.2020: The NGJ-LB is housed inside a pod and carried under an aircraft’s centreline or a wing. It is intended to disrupt, deny, degrade, and deceive enemy air defences, such as radar- guided surface-to-air missiles, as well as ground-based communication systems that operate on lower radio frequencies, says the USN. It is a partial replacement to the ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System currently used on the EA- 18G electronic attack aircraft. NAVAIR also plans two field two other jammers: a mid-band and a high-band system. The technologies are being developed in order of importance, with the mid-band system scheduled to reach to initial operating capability first, in fiscal year 2022. The low-band system will come second, and the high-band technology will come last. The development competition for the high-band system has not started. Raytheon won the competition to develop the AN/ALQ-249 Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band. The system was to enter flight testing this spring.) USA: Lockheed Martin Corp. has been awarded a ceiling $485,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity 18.05.2020 Contract - contract for Department of Defense and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Sniper, Infrared Search and Track (122-32) U.S. Air Force - (IRST); and Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) navigation pod (fixed wing) SNIPER/LANTIRN hardware production. This contract provides the necessary resources required for the management, fabrication, upgrade/retrofit, integration support and testing and shipping of its non-developmental item (NDI) Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) System, NDI LANTIRN Fixed Image Navigation Set upgrades, and the NDI IRST system as it relates to the requirements document associated with each specific delivery order placed under this contract. The work is expected to be completed by May 2025. This contract involves FMS to (this list is not all inclusive): Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey. USA: Dynetics will help DARPA scale up its artificial intelligence air-to-air combat effort, the company said May 6, 18.05.2020 potentially enabling a pilot to control a fleet of unmanned platforms in a dogfight. (122-31) Dynetics joins DARPA’s unmanned dogfighting effort Dynetics said it has been awarded a phase 1 contract as part of DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program, an effort to develop artificial intelligence for aerial combat. Among other features, ACE seeks to automate some combat functions, freeing up the human pilot for other tasks in a dogfight.

“The overarching goal of ACE is to use aerial dogfighting as sort of the crucible scenario because of its challenges and its ability to increase the complexity in order to get implementations of artificial intelligence that will help increase and help us understand how to increase trust and combat autonomy with with pilots,” explained Tim Keeter, ACE program manager for Dynetics.

The first technical area will develop the actual dogfighting algorithms. The second will determine how to build and measure trust between pilots, the algorithms and unmanned platforms and the fourth will integrate the manned and unmanned systems together. JPN: The Defense Ministry established on Monday the Space Operations Squadron, the Self-Defense Forces’ first 18.05.2020 Japan launches new squadron to unit dedicated to outer space. The squadron, part of the Air Self-Defense Force, will monitor space debris (122-30) step up defense in outer space and suspicious satellites to prevent collisions with Japanese satellites.

It will be based at the ASDF’s Fuchu base in Tokyo with an initial size of around 20 personnel, and is slated to grow to about 100 members in the future.

The unit will focus on training and cooperation with the United States and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to establish a space monitoring system in fiscal 2023. It will aim to launch a satellite for assessing the space environment by the end of fiscal 2026. ROU: Israeli defense electronics company Elbit Systems signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with 18.05.2020 Israeli Elbit picks local partners to Romanian companies Avioane Craiova and Romaero for cooperation in the field of Unmanned Aerial Systems (122-29) assemble, service its drones for (UAS) for the planned programs of the Romanian Defense Ministry (MApN). The Memorandum of Romanian Army Understanding stipulates that Romanian companies are responsible for assembly, integration, training, maintenance and repairs, and program management.

17.05.2020 ISR/SYR/IRN: Unknown warplanes attacked Iran-backed fighters in eastern Syria near the Iraqi border, killing several of 17.05.2020 10:28 PM Airstrike attributed to Israel said to the Iraqi militiamen, Syrian opposition activists said Sunday. The strikes late Saturday targeted a base near (122-28) kill 7 Iran-backed fighters in east the border town of Boukamal, killing seven fighters, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Syria Human Rights, an opposition war monitor.

Omar Abu Laila, a Europe-based activist from Syria’s eastern Deir el-Zour province, confirmed that a strike hit Iran-backed Iraqi fighters in the area, but had no exact word on casualties. The strikes came days after reinforcements were brought into the area from Iraq, the Observatory and Abu Laila said. Abu Laila, who runs Deir Ezzor 24, an activist collective that reports on news in the border area, said Israel was most likely behind the attack, but gave no evidence.

(Ergänzende Information vom 17.05.2020 23:25: Seven Iranian-backed militants were killed after unidentified aircraft attacked a site belonging to Iranian forces and Iran-backed militias near Al-Bukamal in the Deir Ezzor area near the Syria-Iraq border on Saturday, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Local media reported two large explosions in the city early on Saturday morning, with some reports claiming that an alleged Israeli airstrike had targeted Iranian sites in the city.The strikes, which destroyed a structure inside the base, came just days after Iranian militias sent reinforcements to the site.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-27) IRN/SYR: Iranian freighter jets have stepped up the frequency of flights to Syria. At least five flights of the Fars Qasham 17.05.2020 Spotlight on Iran Air were identified in the past two weeks by analysts tracking the movement of aircrafts in the region. (122-27) (Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-26) SYR/RUS/IRN: Earlier this month, the Israeli Air Force carried out a powerful attack on a Syrian military site that stored 17.05.2020 Russia allegedly transports 6 Syrian several aircraft, including six MiG-29 jets, in eastern Homs. The aircraft were badly damaged by the Israeli (122-26) jets to Iran after Israeli attack: strikes, with new reports surfacing that they were transported from Syria to Iran for repair. media Citing a Russian military channel on Telegram, Avia.Pro reported that the six Syrian MiG-29 jets were transported from the Hmeimim Airbase in Latakia to the Hamadan Airbase in Iran.

“As follows from the data of the Telegram community of the ‘Notes of the Hunter‘, citing information from Iranian sources, Russia has transferred at least 6 MiG-29 fighters from Syria. At the moment, the fact for which purpose this was done remains unknown, however, according to some reports, we are not talking about the Russian Air Force fighters at all, but about the repaired, and probably modernized, Syrian Air Force fighters, which are actually armed combat aircraft,” Avia.Pro said.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-19) SYR/RUS/USA: The development comes after three US planes were spotted near Russia’s borders with the Baltic States at 17.05.2020 US P-8A Poseidon Spy Aircraft the end of April. According to local media, an RC-135W, a P-8A Poseidon and a Beechcraft RC-12X Guardrail (122-25) Spotted on Mission Near Russian spent long hours flying close to Russian territory. Military Base in Syria A US Boeing P-8A Poseidon has conducted a reconnaissance mission near the coast of Syria, where a Russian military base is located, reports the flight monitoring data website PlaneRadar. According to the website, the patrol aircraft took off from NATO’s Sigonella Air Base located on Italy’s island of Sicily. It then headed to Syria, where it flew near the in Latakia for more than half an hour.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-14) LBY: A Libyan military airstrike Saturday destroyed the air defense system of warlord Khalifa Haftar on the Al- 17.05.2020 Libyan army hits Haftar’s militias Watiya airbase southwest of the capital. The strike destroyed the Russian-made Pantsir type system that (122-24) air defense system was recently supplied by the United Arab Emirates, according to the UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) spokesman Mohammed Qanunu.

Al-Watiya is regarded as a key airbase and is second only to Mitiga Airport. It was captured in August 2014 by Haftar, the leader of illegally armed forces in eastern Libya, who used it as his headquarters for western operations. The airstrike came as a part of operations to cut supplies to Haftar's militias. USA/USAF: The Idaho Air National Guard recently sent one of biggest deployments in State’s history, amid the COVID- 17.05.2020 Dozen A-10 aircraft and hundreds 19 pandemic. As nearly a dozen A-10 Thunderbolt II Aircraft from the 124th Fighter Wing based at Gowen (122-23) of Idaho guardsman head to Field departed for Southwest Asia in support of combat operations. Southwest Asia More than 400 troops will be deployed to various location in southwest Asia for up to 180 days, marking the second largest deployment in the wing’s history. According to a recent service news release, members of the 124th Fighter Wing and the 190th Fighter Squadron, based at Gowen Field, will continue to deploy throughout the spring and summer in support of Operations Freedom’s Sentinel and Inherent Resolve. First Cessna SkyCourier twin utility Textron Aviation Inc. today announced the successful first flight of its new twin utility turboprop, the Cessna 17.05.2020 turboprop takes flight SkyCourier. During the Cessna SkyCourier's 2-hour and 15-minute flight, the team tested the aircraft’s (122-22) performance, stability and control, as well as its propulsion, environmental, flight controls and avionics systems.

The prototype aircraft, along with five additional flight and ground test articles, will continue to expand on performance goals, focusing on testing flight controls and aerodynamics.

The Cessna SkyCourier, featuring Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-65SC engines, will be offered in various configurations including a 6,000-pound payload capable freighter, a 19-seat passenger version or a mixed passenger/freight combination, all based on the common platform. The Cessna SkyCourier is designed for high utilization and will deliver a combination of robust performance and lower operating costs. Cessna SkyCourier will feature the popular Garmin G1000 NXi avionics suite and offer highlights such as a maximum cruise speed of up to 200 ktas and a maximum range of 900 nm. Both freighter and passenger variants of the Cessna SkyCourier will includer single-point pressure refueling as standard to enable faster turnarounds. CAN: A Canadian Armed Forces Snowbird plane participating in a cross-country tour aimed at boosting the morale 17.05.2020 Canadian Snowbirds acrobatic jet of Canadians dealing with the pandemic crashed Sunday in a residential neighborhood, sending people (122-21) crashes in British Columbia pouring onto the street where they said debris was scattered and a house was on fire. Video posted to Twitter by 6:10 a.m. in Kamloops appears to show two Snowbirds taking off from what is believed to have been Kamloops Airport. One of the aircraft subsequently climbed into the sky before rolling over and plunging to the ground. The video appears to show at least one person ejecting from the plane before it disappears behind a stand of trees and an explosion is heard.

Canada’s defense department said emergency crews were responding to the crash at the airport in the city of Kamloops in British Columbia. The Snowbirds are Canada’s equivalent of the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels.

(Ergänzende Information vom 17.05.2020: “One member of the Canadian Forces’ Snowbirds team has died and one has sustained serious injuries,” the armed forces said on Twitter.) USA/USAF: The Boeing-built X-37B autonomous spaceplane today launched on top of a uniquely configured United 17.05.2020 Boeing-built X-37B Launches in Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. (122-20) Second Mission for U.S. Space Force Boeing is the prime contractor for the X-37B spaceplane and facilitates the integration of all experiments into the vehicle ensuring they receive the correct power, thermal and data services required. Boeing also works to identify future reusable platform experiment opportunities on each mission.

The X-37B’s sixth mission is the first to use a service module with additional payload capability to support a variety of experiments for multiple government partners. The mission will deploy FalconSAT-8, a small satellite developed by the U.S. Air Force Academy and sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, to conduct experiments on orbit. Further, two NASA experiments will study the impact of radiation and other space effects on certain materials and seeds used to grow food. Another experiment by the Naval Research Laboratory will transform solar power into radio frequency microwave energy which could then be transmitted to the ground. In addition, the mission will test reusable space vehicle technologies.

The X-37B first launched in April 2010. Originally designed for missions of 270 days duration, the X-37B has set endurance records during each of its five previous flights. Most recently, X-37B spent 780 days on orbit before returning to Earth in October 2019.

The X-37B program is a partnership between the Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office and the United States Space Force. Boeing program management, engineering, test and mission support functions for the Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV) program are conducted at Boeing sites in Southern California and Florida.

(Factsheet X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle abrufbar unter:

16.05.2020 SYR: An explosion was heard in Syria’s city of Aleppo early on Saturday, Syrian state TV said. No further details 16.05.2020 01:30 AM Explosion heard in Syria's city of were immediately available. (122-19) Aleppo: Syrian state TV (Ergänzende Information vom 16.05.2020 01:20 PM: A powerful explosion was heard in the administrative capital of the Aleppo Governorate on Saturday morning, a field source told Al-Masdar News. According to the source, the explosion took place around the defense factions in the Ramouseh District. The source said that the explosions were first thought to be from airstrikes on the Ramouseh District; however, they later ruled this out after investigating the scene of the blast. The Syrian military and administrative police are still investigating the area to find out what caused the explosion. Earlier this month, the Israeli Air Force struck the southern town of Al-Safira, which is where the Iranian military advisors are currently based. The Israeli airstrike on southern Aleppo was the last time that any blast has taken place inside the government-held areas.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 17.05.2020: Local media reported two large explosions in Aleppo early on Saturday morning, with some reports claiming that an alleged Israeli airstrike had targeted Iranian sites in the city. Syrian state media later denied that the explosions had been caused by an airstrike. A correspondent for the Step News Agency reported that the explosions were believed to have been caused by a strike on Iranian sites in the city and that four bodies had been brought from the scene of the explosion to a hospital in Aleppo, but it was unknown whether the casualties belonged to the Syrian military or Iranian militias. The reports indicated that the airstrikes targeted the Ramouse suburb near a military school. The opposition-affiliated Halab Today TV also reported on the alleged airstrikes, stressing that no official source provided information on the cause or location of the explosion. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Saturday that while the source of the explosion was unknown, unidentified aircraft were reported over the area when the explosion occurred. The SOHR also reported that the explosion occurred in the Ramouse area. However, State media later denied reports of an attack targeting the Aleppo International Airport or the Artillery School in Ramouse, which is located southwest of Aleppo.) NGA: User testing of the three JF-17 Block II fighter jets is underway with Nigerian Air Force (NAF) pilots testing 16.05.2020 Nigerian JF-17 jets Commence the aircraft in the Pakistan Aeronautics Complex (PAC). (122-18) User Testing in Pakistan Nigeria had inked a contract to purchase three JF-17 Block II fighter jets and the deal was formally set in motion in March 2019 when the Pakistani government's Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) approved a $184.3 million sovereign guarantee covering the delivery of three PAC/CAC JF-17 Thunder fighter jets to the Nigerian Air Force. Delivery of the aircraft to the NAF is scheduled for November this year, its Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadiq Abubakar had announced in March while addressing a passing out parade at the NAF Academy in Kaduna.

The Nigerian JF-17 Block II’s price tag of approximately $60 million each indicate an aircraft with an array of weapons including air-to-air and air-to-ground aircraft and guided. The bare-bones price tag of a JF-17 is expected as US$40 million.

The NAF is expected to push the aircraft into the thick of battle against Boko Haram terrorists (BHT). The air –to –ground capability of the JF-17 will be tested in terms of pin-point strikes against the BHT. The Block-II is capable of precision-strike through satellite-guided and laser-guided bombs. USA: The Air Force’s Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon, or ARRW, will be the first hypersonic weapon 16.05.2020 USAF acquisition chief Will Roper deployed by the U.S., but service acquisition chief Will Roper sees a high- and low-flying mix of hypersonic (122-17) Sees High-Low Mix for Hypersonic missiles, complicating an adversary’s defenses, as a longer-term goal. Missiles Speaking in a Zoom chat with reporters May 14, Roper said the ARRW is tracking to initial operational capability “by the end of fiscal ’22.” It’s an “exceptionally important” program as the first such weapon, he said, and “that’s why we want to keep that on track.” He said he’s “very confident” the Joint force will “need that weapon in reasonable quantity.”

However, “we don’t want to make that the place that we end” hypersonic development. While the ARRW will leave the atmosphere and glide to its target, an air-breathing hypersonic cruise missile based on the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept could be small enough to launch from all combat aircraft and at lower altitudes, Roper said. “We could carry more of them on a bomber, but we also could carry them on our fighters, and that opens up the entire Air Force quiver,” he said. “That kind of conundrum to present to an adversary is exactly what we want … We can hit you high and low, with weapons that are wicked fast, that are going to require a lot of expense for you to try to defend against.”


economictimes. IND: The first four of 36 Rafale jets are expected to land in India by last week of July as the coronavirus pandemic First four Rafale jets likely to arrive delayed their scheduled delivery by around 11 weeks, official sources said on Friday. The first batch of the 15.05.2020 in India by last week of July Rafale jets was scheduled to arrive in India by the first week of May. (122-16) India had signed an inter-governmental agreement with France in September 2016 for procurement of 36 Rafale fighter jets at a cost of around ₹58,000 crore. The aircraft is capable of carrying a range of potent weapons. European missile maker MBDA's Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missile and Scalp cruise missile will be the mainstay of the weapons package of the Rafale jets.

The first squadron of the aircraft will be stationed at Ambala air force station, considered one of the most strategically located bases of the IAF. The Indo-Pak border is around 220 km from there. The second squadron of Rafale will be stationed at Hasimara base in West Bengal.

Out of 36 Rafale jets, 30 will be fighter jets and six will be trainers. The trainer jets will be twin-seater and they will have almost all the features of the fighter jets. USA/SOM: U.S. Africa Command hasn’t launched an airstrike in Somalia in five weeks, the longest halt in more than a 15.05.2020 year, as torrential rains complicate the battlefield environment. (122-15) No airstrikes in Somalia for five weeks, but AFRICOM says al- “With the rainy season there can be shifts in Al-Shabab and broader activity,” AFRICOM spokesman Col. Shabab fight continues Chris Karns said. “There is always effort, not always opportunity to conduct airstrikes. There is certainly no pause.”

The most recent U.S. strike in Somalia occurred April 10 — around the time the rainy season started — capping a series of attacks against the al-Shabab militant group, which is aligned with al-Qaida. Even with the five-week lull, AFRICOM has so far conducted about 40 airstrikes in the country this year, putting it on pace to eclipse last year’s tally of 63.

The number of strikes has increased in recent years as part of an effort to aid Somali forces in their long- running battle against al-Shabab. Despite the strikes, al-Shabab has proven resilient and is still able to carry out high-profile attacks in the country and neighboring states such as Kenya, where three Americans were killed in January when a base used by U.S. forces was ambushed. USA/USN: The second week of May marked a number of noteworthy milestones for Naval Aviation and the Maritime 15.05.2020 Maritime Patrol and Patrol and Reconnaissance Force (MPRF). (122-14) Reconnaissance Force Passes Key Milestones ° Patrol Squadron (VP) 40 completed a Safe-For-Flight evaluation May 14 for acceptance of their first P-8A Poseidon, the culminating event of a six-month transition from the P-3C Orion. VP-40 represents the 12th and final active component VP squadron to transition from the P-3C Orion to the state-of-the-art P-8A Poseidon platform, a process that began eight years ago with VP-16 aboard NAS Jacksonville. In the same week, MPRF accepted the 100th United States Navy P-8A aircraft. Side number 555 is the 94th addition to the fleet's inventory of mission-capable aircraft, with six additional jets serving in developmental/operational test and evaluation roles. The P-8A is a proven long-range multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft capable of broad-area, maritime and coastal operations. With an impeccable service and safety record, the globally proven airframe recently surpassed 297,500 flight hours across the worldwide fleet.

° The recent success of the MPRF does not end there. Two MQ-4C Tritons deployed to Guam earlier this year bringing a long anticipated early operational capability to the fleet. The newest addition to the community's family of systems, Triton entered its operational phase last month and rapidly proved itself a valuable asset across the Indo-Pacific theater of operations. Providing persistent Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) to fleet and combatant commanders, the appearance of the MQ-4C has the potential to be a game changer in maritime operations. The Triton is operated and maintained by Unmanned Patrol Squadron (VUP) 19, the Navy's first dedicated Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) squadron. The highly trained crews underwent multiple examinations, simulator events, and flights to become fully qualified. The MQ-4C is the perfect complement to the P-8A Poseidon. The pairing of a high-altitude persistent spotter with multi-mission shooter is the epitome of long-range maritime lethality."

The Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force is the Navy's primary provider of long-range airborne Anti- Submarine Warfare, Anti-Surface Warfare, and Maritime ISR forces. Comprised of more than 7,000 men and women on both coasts, the force is continuously deployed around the world 24/7, 365 days of the year.

(Ergänzende Information vom 15.05.2020: Between January 2016 and now, the P-8A fleet has grown from 33 to 100. The U. S. Navy is on contract to deliver a total of 117 P-8As in support of a larger fleet.)

(Quick facts abrufbar unter:

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 122-13) USA/CHN: A U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft flew a route close to China's Hainan Island in the South 15.05.2020 Navy P-8 With Secretive Radar Pod China Sea, which is home to a massive People's Liberation Army Navy base, earlier today. This particular (122-13) Surveils Massive Chinese Naval aircraft is one of a small subset of the service's Poseidon fleet that is configured to carry a shadowy radar Base In South China Sea system known as the AN/APS-154 Advanced Airborne Sensor. - The flight comes amid escalating Raytheon developed the AN/APS-154 almost under a large degree of secrecy and its exact capabilities friction between China, the U.S. remain highly classified. The radar inside the pod is known to be an active electronically scanned array (AESA) and various countries in the South type that can capture highly detailed imagery, even at night or in bad weather, while operating in a synthetic China Sea, as well as Taiwan. aperture mode and has a moving target indicator (MTI) functionality.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: base-in-south-china-sea) USA/AUS: The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter continues to be plagued by quality and reliability problems, with as many as 550 15.05.2020 Up to 550 F-35s need refits of the jets to require refits, including two dozen already handed to Australia. (122-12) The US Government Accountability Office warned in a report this week that JSF suppliers were failing to “meet predefined design standards” in thousands of manufacturing processes, and that already-built aircraft “do not meet the program’s reliability and maintainability goals”. The GAO said 870 “open deficiencies” with the aircraft had been identified as of December, including nine “category one” problems that could “jeopardise safety (or) security”. It found only 30 per cent of more than 10,000 “critical processes” identified in the assembly phase “are currently able to produce a product within predefined design standards”.

“Due to the concurrency of testing and production, according to an F-35 program official, as many as 550 aircraft delivered through 2020 will need retrofits to fix deficiencies and design issues found during testing,” the GAO said.

Lockheed Martin has so far delivered 24 of 72 F-35A Lightning II aircraft to the Australian Defence Force, at a cost of about A$140m each. USA/USN: The “Greyhawks” of Airborne Command & Control Squadron (VAW) 120 successfully conducted the first 15.05.2020 VAW-120 Greyhawks Complete fleet aerial refueling dry-plug certification between an E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and an F/A-18F Super (122-11) First Fleet Hawkeye and Rhino Hornet - from Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211, May 11. Aerial Refueling with CVW-1 “This ground-breaking achievement represented the culmination of more than three years of test and evaluation to include over 500 hours of evaluation flight time developing the Advanced Hawkeye airborne refueling capability,” said Capt. Matthew Duffy, Commander, Airborne Command & Control and Logistics Wing.

VAW-120, part of Airborne Command & Control and Logistics Wing, has been tasked with initial qualification of aerial refueling for the E-2D fleet and is currently developing the techniques and procedures to train pilots in the new skill set.

“This latest modification of the Advanced Hawkeye will allow for vastly improved on-station time and significantly increase the mission reach and influence of the world’s premier Command and Control platform,” said Duffy. USA/USN: As part of its new Undergraduate Jet Training System programme, the service wants a nondevelopmental, 15.05.2020 US Navy begins search for next jet land-based jet trainer aircraft capable of field carrier landing practice and nuclear aircraft carrier touch-and- (122-10) trainer to replace T-45 Goshawk go landings by 2028 or sooner, according to a request for information posted online on 14 May.

The service wants a two-pilot aircraft with ejection seats. The jet should be able to be flown from either cockpit.

The USN is interested in knowing what aircraft can integrate advanced technologies, such as Precision Landing Mode, which is used to help land the Boeing F-18E/F Super Hornet on aircraft carriers. It also wants the trainer to have an automatic ground collision avoidance system. The next generation trainer is expected to fly 400h a year. The USN wants to conduct field carrier landing practices at a rate of 1,200 per aircraft per year. It wants each aircraft to perform carrier touch-and-go landings 45 times per year. The aircraft is to have a flight life of at least 14,400h and be able to sustain 43,200 landings. The service does not plan to conduct arrested landings or catapult launches from aircraft carriers using the jet trainer. That differs from the T-45, which conducts carrier landings and launches. The aircraft should have an operational ceiling of 41,000ft. It should be capable of speeds greater than 600kt (1,111km/h).

Likely competitors in the USN’s next generation trainer program would be the Boeing-Saab T-7A jet, recent winner of the US Air Force’s T-X trainer competition; Lockheed Martin’s T-50A, based on the FA-50, a light attack and trainer aircraft developed with Korea Aerospace Industries; and Leonardo’s T-100, based on the Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master, a light attack and trainer aircraft. AUS: As Air Force transitions to a fifth-generation force, the Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU) has 15.05.2020 New arrivals testing greater welcomed Air Force’s newest test and evaluation capability with the arrival of three Pilatus PC-21 aircraft (122-09) heights replacing the retired PC-9. ARDU was established in 1943 to support aircraft research in areas like aerodynamics, systems, performance, and weapons clearance. The three Pilatus PC-21 are a leap in technology that will better enable the raise, train and sustainment of the flight test capability. USA/USAF: Raytheon Missiles and Defense has been awarded a $17,354,159 firm-fixed-price modification (P00024) to 15.05.2020 Contract - contract FA8675-18-C-0003 for the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile program. This modification (122-08) U.S. Air Force - provides for procurement of two new final assembly test sets and upgrade of two existing final assembly Advanced AMRAAM test sets. Work is expected to be completed by May 31, 2023. This contract involves unclassified Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Poland, Qatar, Spain and Romania. USA/USAF: An F-22 Raptor assigned to the 43rd Fighter Squadron, and part of the 325th Fighter Wing currently based 15.05.2020 F-22 crashes on Eglin AFB range at Eglin Air Force Base, crashed at approximately 9:15 a.m. May 15. The location of the crash was (122-07) approximately 12 miles northeast of Eglin AFB’s main base on the test and training range. The pilot ejected safely from the aircraft and was transported to the 96th Medical Group hospital on Eglin AFB for evaluation and observation. He was listed in stable condition. The name of the pilot has not been released. There were no other individuals in the aircraft. There was no loss of life or civilian property damage related to the crash. First responders from the 96th Test Wing are on the scene. The crash site has been secured. The mission was a routine training flight with the 33rd Fighter Wing. A board of officers will investigate the crash. USA/AFNWC: The Air Force reviewed Northrop Grumman’s preliminary design for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent 15.05.2020 Air Force reviews preliminary in late April, advancing the program toward its next milestone and acquisition phase. (122-06) design for future ICBM The GBSD intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) will modernize or replace the current Minuteman III ICBM’s systems for command and control, launch and flight.

The GBSD program is currently in its Technology and Maturation Risk Reduction phase. The Air Force anticipates receiving DoD approval to enter Milestone B later this year and awarding the contract for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase before the end of the fiscal year. The EMD phase will conclude with the development, test and evaluation of the GBSD system, before it proceeds into the Production and Deployment phase. Deployment of the new ICBM is planned to begin in the late 2020s and span about nine years.

14.05.2020 IND: India plans to switch to locally-made fighter jets, two years after asking global companies to submit proposals 14.05.2020 India Seeks Local Warplanes as to supply 114 combat aircraft in the world’s biggest warplane contract. (122-05) Overseas Purchase Plan Stalls The country’s air force is finalizing plans to induct indigenously made Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas to boost the capability of its aging combat aircraft fleet, Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat said in an interview in New Delhi. It will buy an additional 83 jets, apart from an earlier deal for 40 aircraft, for $6 billion, he said. “The Indian Air Force is switching that to the LCA,” Rawat said, when asked about the global tender for jets. “The IAF is saying, I would rather take the indigenous fighter, it is good.”

The decision is a set back for the likes of Boeing Co., Lockheed Martin Corp. and Saab AB who were in the race for the $15 billion order and another sign that India is abandoning costly foreign defense purchases which have been plagued by bureaucratic delays and a funding crunch. Prime Minister Narendra Modi this week stressed the need to buy locally made products to boost an economy battered by the Covid-19 outbreak. The process to buy fighter jets started more than a decade ago. India scrapped a long-awaited order with Dassault Aviation for 126 Rafales worth $11 billion in 2015, but has since bought 36 of the planes to speed replacement of older aircraft. In April 2018, India floated a global tender seeking responses from global manufacturers to purchase 114 jets. The deal attracted initial offers from global giants like Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Sweden’s Saab AB and the Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30Mki and Su-35. At least 85% of production was to be in India, according to the initial document.

The move to indigenous fighters marks a shift to start using locally made weaponry, Rawat said. The defense forces will be using a lot more domestically produced goods, and there is an understanding there may be some quality issues in the beginning, but these will be improved, he said. India desperately needs new aircraft to replace aging Soviet-era jets. It needs about 42 squadrons of fighters to defend its western and northern borders simultaneously but is making do with about 31 squadrons only. By 2022, it is likely to add on two more squadrons of the Rafale fighter.

While the IAF is backing the indigenous fighter program, there are several glitches, including faster delivery schedules and quality issues that still need to be ironed out. As per plans, the 123 Tejas fighters are to be followed by the Mark-II variant which are medium weight fighters. The test flight for the next generation Tejas aircraft is likely in 2022.

(Ergänzende Information vom 19.05.2020: The Indian Air Force (IAF) will set up the second squadron of indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas by month-end, said Air Chief Marshal (ACM) R.K.S. Bhadauria on Monday, while the “high priority” deal for 83 LCA-MK1A jets was expected to be signed in three months. On the tender for 114 fighters to be built under Make in India, stating that it was a “different class” of fighter than the LCA which would be built in India and not imported, he said the global responses to the tender were being analysed after which they would go to the government for the grant of Acceptance of Necessity (AoN). “We will finalise the way forward on the 114 tender.” Chief of Defence Staff, General Bipin Rawat had earlier said large imports could not be done and they had to be staggered. Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: NATO: The Multinational Multi-Role Tanker and Transport Fleet (MMF), managed by the NATO Support and 14.05.2020 The Multinational MRTT Fleet Procurement Agency (NSPA) with strong support of the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (122-04) project makes steady progress (OCCAR), under the ownership of NATO and operated by an international unit, will provide its six participating nations (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway and the Netherlands) with strategic tanker and transport capabilities.

Germany is the largest contributor with a share of 5,500 hours a year. The Netherlands will take up 2,000 hours a year. Belgium will take 1,000 hours, Luxembourg 200 hours and Norway and Czech Republic will take 100 hours a year each. As the projected utilisation will be 1100 flying hours per aircraft per year, the fleet of of 8 aircraft is fully committed.

Based on a pooling and sharing concept, the nations will soon have access to a total of eight Airbus A-330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft, which can provide strategic transport (pax and cargo), air-to- air refuelling and medical evacuation capabilities.

While the first two of eight A330 MRTT, MMF1 and MMF2 are ready for acceptance, the third and fourth aircraft are currently under conversion at the Airbus Defence facilities in Getafe, Madrid and the fifth aircraft, currently a “green aircraft”, was flown from Toulouse to Getafe last week. The handover of the first two aircraft to the Main Operating Base in Eindhoven is scheduled to start next month.

The Netherlands and Luxembourg initially launched the programme in July 2016, with the first one as the lead nation of the project. Germany and Norway joined in 2017, Belgium followed in early 2018 and Czech Republic lastly joined the MMF programme in October 2019.

Based on the participating nations requirements, eight Airbus A330 MRTT aircraft were procured by OCCAR, on behalf of NSPA. These state of the art aircraft are configured for a variety of missions, from air-to-air refuelling (both boom and hose and drogue), to troop transport, VIP transport, cargo/freight transport and can also be re-configured for aeromedical evacuation.

The 111 tonnes basic fuel capacity enables the aircraft to excel in air-to-air refuelling missions without the need for any additional fuel . Moreover it can provide, a maximum fuel flow rate of approximately 2,200 litres a minute, using a boom and a hose and drogue mechanism, can quickly fuel all of the aircraft in inventory with the MMF nations ( F-16, F-35, C-17, Eurofighters, Tornado and Gripen ) and most of the other aircraft used within NATO.

With the first two aircraft delivered during the summer, the main purpose in 2020 is to complete the training of the crews to make the unit operational. During their first missions, the aircraft will mainly fly for training and will then gradually deploy on operational tasks by the end of 2020. The delivery of the third aircraft is planned for October 2020 and the fourth one will be delivered early next year. From that point on, a new A330 MRTT will be added to the fleet regularly, with the expected delivery of the last aircraft in 2024.

13.05.2020 USA/USN: Capella Space today announced it has signed a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for the 13.05.2020 purpose of providing airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data to the U.S. Navy. Facilitated through the (122-03) Defense Innovation Unit’s Commercial Solutions Opening, Capella will also provide the DoD with in-house Capella Space will provide on- analytics services to interpret the data. This marks the latest in a series of contracts Capella Space has signed demand, high-resolution SAR data with federal agencies, including the U.S. Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office. and analytics for the U.S. Navy Capella will provide the DoD with SAR data collected by an airborne collection campaign using Capella’s synthetic radar flown on board a specially equipped and outfitted airplane. This aerial campaign will give the DoD early access to Capella’s SAR imagery and user console ahead of its first operational satellite launch planned later in the year.

SAR systems image in all weather, day or night, and capture amplitude and phase history data enabling the extraction of highly valuable information such as material properties, moisture content, elevation, and precise changes and movements, which are not available with optical imagery. When fully deployed, Capella’s satellite constellation will collect sub-0.5 meter SAR imagery, which can identify types of aircraft or vehicles on the ground and provide 24/7 monitoring and change detection in any weather and lighting conditions. VEN/CHN/USA: A Chinese-made type JY-27 radar deployed by Venezuelan Air Defense detected a United States F22 stealth 13.05.2020 Venezuelan Air Defence's Chinese- aircraft as it approached the country’s airspace and sent a warning to the American fighter jet on Tuesday. (122-02) made Radar Detects US F-22 According to Avia Pro website, following the incident the Venezuelan army issued a warning to the US Air Stealth Jet Force on May 12 that it was ready to fire without warning at any American aircraft if it tried to violate the country’s airspace. The F-22 had attempted to violate the country's borders in a “provocative manner,” information released by the site said quoting unnamed military sources.

The Chinese made type JY-27 ‘Wide Mat’ long-range early warning radar is claimed to detect stealth aircraft up to 500 km radius. In February 2016, the radar tracked an F-22 which was on its way to South Korea from Japan, Chinese media has claimed. However other reports say the tracking may have been facilitated by external fuel tanks on the F-22 needed to undertake the long trip. The radar is mounted on a mobile platform which enables it to move away after detecting the enemy aircraft, thus avoiding counter-measures.

The JY-27A 3-D, it is a Very High Frequency (VHF) active phased array radar. VHF radars, with their longer wavelengths are capable of detecting stealth aircraft. The radar is said to have been sold to several countries including Venezuela and Pakistan. If the Venezuelan detection of the F-22 is proven, then it is bad news for the US military which has developed the F-22 and F-35 on the assumption that enemy radars will not be able to detect these aircraft until it is too late to avoid an attack.

(Ergänzende Information vom 13.05.2020: Venezuela had ordered up to 9 JYL-1 long range 3D air surveillance radars from China starting 2006. However, there is no information of it having acquired the more modern JY-27 3D radar. Nevertheless, China is known to deploy its cutting edge defence equipment for tests with friendly countries.)

12.05.2020 USA/AMC: A 344th Air Refueling Squadron aircrew from McConnell Air Force Base was the first KC-46 Pegasus crew to 12.05.2020 McConnell first to test KC-46 NVG conduct operational test flights using night vision goggles. (122-01) flights NVG operations allow the KC-46 fleet to operate out of airfields that would otherwise be limited to day-use only or that have lighting outages or deficiencies that would not guarantee uninterrupted operations.

“The biggest challenge to flying on NVGs is the lack of color cues and poor binocular vision,” said Col. Mark Baran, 22nd Air Refueling Wing vice commander. “This makes it a little more difficult for the pilots to judge things like height and distance using their vision.”

mitchellaerospace- USA/RAF: Based on an address he delivered during a ‘Mitchell Hour’ on October 11, 2019, Air Chief Marshal „The Future of RAF-USAF Co- (ACM) Mike Wigston gives his appraisal of the current and future state of the R AF-USAF bilateral Mai 2020 operation and Integration“ relationship. After setting out the changing geostrategic context which is challenging the post-1945 rules- (122-A) based international order, ACM Wigston provides his analysis of the growing state-based threats across by Air Chief Marshal Mike Wigston, all domains that are stalking the U.S., U.K. and their allies. He goes on to demonstrate the enduring closeness Royal Air Force Chief of the Air Staff of the two air forces’ relationship and why, in an emerging era in which multi-domain operations and information advantage will be decisive, the USAF and R AF need to redouble their partnering efforts.

(Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: https://a2dd917a-65ab-41f1-ab11- Mobile Nuclear Microreactor The US Department of Defense has been working with American companies for the past year on a project 27.05.2020 Development: A Military-Civilian to develop a prototype for a portable nuclear microreactor, a device intended for use by the US military in (122-B) Symbiosis security scenarios around the world. The US Department of Energy is also involved in the project, with the aim of providing electricity to remote sites that are difficult to link to the grid. The project thus represents a symbiosis between military and civilian technological development.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter:

news. USA/USA: It’s a cold December morning at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, and two surrogate cruise missile northropgrumman. Army and Northrop Grumman’s targets have just been launched, one after the other. They are flying separate courses among the jagged San com IBCS simultaneously destroy Andres and Sacramento mountains toward soldiers in a U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense unit at a test site 27.05.2020 multiple threats in test called TAC-2 – Tactical Command Post 2. (122-C) These sophisticated targets precisely mimic real cruise missile threats and can take advantage of this terrain to hide from the radars and sensors commanders have positioned in the area. This can create gaps in tracking that make the job of interceptor missiles or other defensive weapons more difficult – you can’t hit what you can’t see.

(Vollständiger Beitrag „Advanced Air and Missile Defense, in the Hands of Soldiers“ abrufbar unter: DEU: Over the last few weeks, a debate has intensified in German political and national security circles on the 26.05.2020 « Squaring the Circle: The issue of replacing jets for the Luftwaffe. With entry into service in 1979, the Tornado as (122-D) Replacement of the German presently operated by the Luftwaffe fulfills three key requirements. First, it is the dedicated strike and Luftwaffe’s Tornado » ground support asset of the service. Second, the Tornado assumes, in its ECR-configuration, the mission to suppress and destroy enemy air defenses (SEAD/DEAD). Last, as part of the nuclear sharing-agreement with By Alexander Luck the United States, the system is configured to deliver B61 tactical nuclear weapons, stored at the German Alexander Luck received his MA in airbase of Buechel. This article is focused on the immediate operational requirement to replace a vintage Political Science from the University of aircraft type with a modern capable asset fulfilling all Luftwaffe requirements, while at the same time Leipzig. He is an independent analyst creating enough maneuvering space for a likely drawn-out discussion on the future of nuclear sharing and focusing on the Bundeswehr and relevant repercussions for force adaption. trans-Atlantic security.

(Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: USA: Its stealth, long-range sensors and ability to internally carry Raytheon's AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile 23.05.2020 The F-35B Guarantees Allied Naval make it the world's most effective air supremacy fighter, after the F-22. The Joint Strike Missile (JSM), and (122-E) Dominance Over China Lockheed's Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) provide the F-35B with advanced long-range sea and land strike capabilities. There will soon likely be a JSM variant that will fit into the F-35B's internal bomb bays, thus preserving its stealth.

America’s ten nuclear powered Nimitz-class carriers operate the catapult and arresting wire variant of the aircraft, the F-35C.

The U.S. Navy also operates nine non-nuclear-powered amphibious assault ships that are capable of launching and recovering STOVL fighters. Though they are only half the size of the nuclear-powered carriers, and not dedicated exclusively to air operations, they are a significant force multiplier for U.S. naval aviation. Once the F-35B achieved Initial Operational Capability in 2015, the U.S. Navy found that its fifth-generation- capable carrier fleet essentially doubled, from 10 to 19, by adding this group of smaller warships to the mix.

Furthermore, the F-35B enables up to eleven allied warships to operate fifth-generation fighters. Below is a list of the number of STOVL platforms that each allied nation operates:

° 2 British (*) ° 2 Japanese (*) ° 1 Italian (with another completing construction (*) ° 1 Spanish ° 2 Australian (**) ° 1 Korean (with another conducting sea trials (**)

(*) Already have F-35B delivered or ordered for carrier operations (**) Ships would require some modification for F-35B operations

(Vollständiger Artikel abrufbar unter: 157446?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EBB%2005.27.20&utm_term=Editorial%20- %20Early%20Bird%20Brief) USA/USN: The F-35 pilot who flew the two infamous supersonic missions that inflicted damage to the jet’s stealth 22.05.2020 The inside story of two supersonic coating and tail wants to set the record straight. (122-F) flights that changed how America operates the F-35 When pilots conduct supersonic intercepts or find themselves needing to race away from an enemy during combat, they will be able to take the F-35 to its furthest limits of speed and altitude — most likely without any permanent damage to the aircraft, he told Defense News in an exclusive interview. Those limits were imposed after two separate tests in 2011 where the "B" model incurred “bubbling [and] blistering” of its stealth coating and the "C" model suffered “thermal damage” to the tailboom and horizontal tail, according to documents exclusively obtained by Defense News. But those limitations must be placed in context, said Billie Flynn, the Lockheed Martin test pilot who flew both of those missions during F-35 developmental testing at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: changed-how-america-operates-the-f- 35/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Exclusive%2005.22.20&utm_term=Editorial%20- %20Breaking%20News) CHN: China set its 2020 defense budget growth target at 6.6 percent, lower than the 7.5 percent growth in 2019. 22.05.2020 China slows defense budget The figure was made public on Friday in a draft budget report to be submitted to the annual session of the (122-G) growth to 6.6 % in 2020 National People’s Congress (NPC).

This means China can provide sufficient funding for military development despite the economic impact brought by the COVID-19 outbreak, and while the growth has slowed down, it matches China’s current economic situation in the wake of COVID-19, analysts said on Friday.

China's defense budget for 2019 was 1.19 trillion yuan, up 7.5 percent from 2018. China has maintained single-digit growth in its annual defense budget since 2016.

Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst, told the Global Times on Friday that the increased defense budget can ensure the Chinese military’s major programs and key spending fields are not affected by the pandemic and will remain on schedule.

China has scrapped a numerical economic growth target this year for the first time in decades. China has kept its military expenditure/GDP ratio to under 2 percent in the past three decades, while other major countries like the US have been keeping this ratio to 3 to 4 percent in recent years.

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Die letzteren Zahlen sind mit der für China notwendigen Sorgfalt zu werten)

dsm.forecast- UKR: The Ukrainian military is looking to procure new fighter jets and surface-to-air missiles over the coming Ukraine Plans Air Force Overhaul years. 20.05.2020 (122-H) In the Air Force Vision 2035 document, recently approved by the Military Council of the Air Force Command of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, the Ukrainian Air Force has specified its intention to procure a multirole 4th generation fighter jet able to both guard Ukrainian airspace from hostile aircraft and deliver strikes on enemy positions.

Ukraine will procure new fighter jets in phases over the coming decade, with a tender for initial batches of the aircraft appearing in either 2021 or 2022, Ukrainian media reported. Only a small number of jets will be acquired in this phase, while a larger purchase is being planned for the period 2025-2030. As much as UAH200 billion ($7.5 billion) could be spent on the fighter jet. Kiev will turn to suppliers in the U.S. and Europe to examine options to fill the requirement.

The Air Force aims to significantly overhaul its inventory over the coming decade. The transport fleet is to be consolidated with a new medium transport aircraft expected to begin entering service between 2027- 2035. This project could cost around UAH40 billion. Moreover, the Air Force will overhaul its trainer fleet, which presently operates the L-39, at a cost of UAH35 billion. New unmanned systems should be procured as part of the project. These are estimated to cost around UAH30 billion.

Furthermore, the Ukrainian Air Force is to consolidate its air-defense capabilities under a UAH50 billion plan that will see it acquire a new medium-range surface-to-air missile system. Defense Express reported that at least four should be equipped with a new system and ready for operational duties by 2030. Ukraine will also expand its domestic air-defense missile production (as much as UAH15 billion).

The modernization plan is highly ambitious. The price estimates cited in Ukrainian media come to UAH370 billion against the current annual defense budget that totals a little over UAH100 billion. Moreover, while the spending allocated specifically for rearmament and modernization in the defense budget has seen significant growth in recent years, it still amounts to only about one fifth of the annual defense budget. USA/USN: These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready 18.05.2020 USNI News Fleet and Marine groups throughout the world as of May 18, 2020, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or (122-I) Tracker: May 18, 2020 ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

( 2020?utm_source=USNI+News&utm_campaign=075a899a9b- USNI_NEWS_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0dd4a1450b-075a899a9b- 234292521&ct=t(USNI_NEWS_DAILY)&mc_cid=075a899a9b&mc_eid=deb2031232)

crsreports.congress. USA: The largest procurement program in the Department of Defense (DOD), the F-35 Lightning II is a strike fighter gov F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft being procured in different versions for the , Marine Corps, and Navy. Current 13.05.2020 Program DOD plans call for acquiring a total of 2,456 F-35s. Allies are expected to purchase hundreds of additional F- (122-K) 35s, and eight nations are cost-sharing partners in the program with the United States.

The F-35 promises significant advances in military capability. Like many high-technology programs before it, reaching that capability has put the program above its original budget and behind the planned schedule. The Administration’s proposed FY2021 defense budget requested about $11.4 billion in procurement funding for the F-35 program. This would fund the procurement of 48 F-35As for the Air Force, 10 F-35Bs for the Marine Corps, 20 F-35Cs for the Navy and Marines, advance procurement for future aircraft, and continuing modifications. The proposed budget also requested about $1.7 billion for F-35 research and development.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter:

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