eteenseventythr nin ee

31YEARS tw r o t h o u s a n d f o u

VOL. 31, No. 46 SERVING ANTHONY, VINTON, CANUTILLO, EAST MONTANA, HORIZON, SOCORRO, CLINT, FABENS, SAN ELIZARIO AND TORNILLO NOVEMBER 11, 2004 NEWSBRIEFS Unique veterans award to be County to open New Socorro council long awaited Socorro City Council representatives, both unveiled in Clint this weekend former and those elected last Tuesday, CLINT — The Victory Veterans Organization CSM William R. White of the 31st BDE, and continued a recent streak of absenteeism in Clint will host the unveiling of two marble other dignitaries. animal shelter by not showing up for the regular council plaques on Saturday, Nov. 13, bearing the names The plaques are to be mounted on either side EL PASO COUNTY — El Paso’s home- meeting on Thursday, Nov. 4 — with the of about 430 veterans from WWI, WWII, Ko- of a monument built in the late 1940’s by less pet population will have new digs after exception of Mayor Irma Sanchez, who rea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, and Rafael Guardado of Clint to honor the town’s the grand opening of the city and county’s was the lone councilperson to appear. all other veterans from Clint that have or are Catholic veterans from WWII. The additional new Animal Shelter next week. Votes from last week’s election were to currently serving in the U.S. military. names will complete the roster, and names will The 30,000 square-foot Southwest-style be canvassed this week on Nov. 9. The new The ceremony, to begin at 11 a.m. at the San be read by descendents of the veterans, others building will be officially inaugurated and mayor will be Willie Gandara Jr. who won Lorenzo Catholic Church in Clint, will feature by members of the organization and still oth- placed into service at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, in a three way race against Sanchez and guest speaker Robert Skov Jr., son of a WWII ers by volunteers. Nov. 18 at 5001 Fred Wilson Road. Tours Chuy Hernandez. Gary Gandara will re- veteran. In attendance will be Chief of Staff A reception will follow the ceremony and will be provided of the open, well-lighted main councilman at large; Luis Varela won from Ft. Bliss, Gen. Harry D. Boomer, and the public is encouraged to attend. the district one seat; Mary Perez will rep- structure that includes spacious holding ar- resent district two; Trini Lopez district eas, examination rooms, a surgical suite, three; and Jesse Gandara Jr. district four. classrooms and adoption spaces. ‘Peter Pan’ helps establish Jim Kluetz, the shelter’s advisory board Official arrested chairman, described the new shelter as of- fering state- Belen Barrio Arriaga, 43, of Chaparral, healthy habits in San Eli The public, too, of-the-art fa- New Mexico has been charged with theft has to commit to cilities to con- over $20,000 but under $100,000 by a trol the animal Public Servant. She is also charged with By Don Woodyard the proper care Courier Staff Writer population in five counts of Tampering with Govern- the region. ment Records. Detectives allege Arriaga of their pets. SAN ELIZARIO — If you have visited Compared to has altered numerous government records Borrego Elementary in the San Elizario school the old animal shelter, which had repeatedly and it is suspected Arriaga stole more than district recently, you might have seen a green- failed to pass health inspections, this is an $88,000 from El Paso County. Her bond ish figure who bore a striking resemblance to animal shelter for the future, he said. is $100,000 and she remained in the El Peter Pan walking — not flying — around the “I’m thrilled this is happening, it’s good Paso County Jail as of 2 p.m. last Friday. campus. to see all the work and all those years of try- El Paso County Sheriff’s Office began in- Portrayed by Borrego’s cafeteria manager ing to get a new shelter for El Paso become vestigating after receiving information Jackie Mendoza, this Peter Pan is not flying a reality,” Kluetz said. “This community has from the County Auditor’s office of some around and living in the fantasy and make-be- needed one for a long time. I’m also glad discrepancies in an internal review of fi- lieve world of James Barrie. Rather she is very the construction was finished on time and nancial records. The White Collar Crime much down-to-earth, reflecting the reality and within budget.” Unit initiated the investigation in mid-Oc- importance of a healthier lifestyle in a fun way Kluetz explained the delay in getting the tober 2004 after a preliminary investiga- for the students. project going was one of procedure, outlin- tion indicated funds from several “grant “I enjoy it; we are big kids,” Mendoza says. ing two basic reasons for the five-year hold- files” assigned to Arriaga appeared to be “Not every cafeteria manager would put on a back. One was selecting the right location missing some money. “We appreciate the Peter Pan costume.” NOT EASY BEING GREEN — Jackie and negotiating the right price, he said. The cooperation and professionalism of the Mendoza dons colors to teach kids you are Why Peter Pan? 4.5-acre site where the shelter is now located County Auditor and his staff. The internal what you eat. Peter Pan is the name of a popular brand of belonged to the Public Service Board. An- review helped our Detectives in the initial peanut butter and what better way to get the Healthy Rams Club, a group of 60 students, at other delay was in approval of the architec- stages of this investigation,” said Rick kids’ attention than to make healthy snacks last count, who have pledged to live a more tural design. Glancey, Public Information Officer, El from peanut butter, reasoned school nurse healthy life. She sees the kids educating other “You have to realize that two government Paso County Sheriff’s Office. Laura Rodriguez. kids and serving as role models. entities had to approve the design, each with In addition to peanut butter items, Mendoza Students hit the trail, a walking trail around its own financial problems,” he said. “There Memorial fund offers fruits such as watermelon and grapes. the school. Four times around is a mile. Twice wasn’t enough money for some of the aes- A memorial fund has been established at “They love it; they are accustomed to it.” They around the school three times a week earns the thetic details, such as the tower and mural the First National Bank of Fabens for the are so accustomed to it, that they run out of the child a special foot token for a chain. The girl and the bridge in the ponding area, which family of Cristobal Cano, the Clint High healthy snacks.” or boy with the most tokens at the end of the can be added later. We had to prioritize, and School senior who was killed in a tragic Rodriguez has established a new front in her the cages were more important. The truth is accident on Nov. 3. Persons who would war against unhealthy lifestyle habits. It is the See HABITS, Page 5 we all worked well together.” like to make a contribution, are invited to Commissioner Charles Scruggs, who was visit any branch of FNB or mail your con- a strong force in getting the animal shelter tribution to any branch. Contributions can built, described the construction of the shel- be made payable to the Cristobal Cano Former law officer, Adolfo Lazcano, charged with drug trafficking ter not as an end but as a beginning of an- Memorial Fund account # 600100641. EL PASO COUNTY — The El Paso County Lazcano is being held without bond in the other project. The building is only one as- Sheriff’s officers and FBI agents made what El Paso County Jail. pect of animal control, he said. There also In other news they are calling a significant arrest last week “Our Metro Narcotics Detectives worked very has to be a strong commitment from the gov- as part of a two-month-long special investiga- hard on this case. We really appreciate the assis- Megan Tara Harris was crowned Miss ernment to maintain and operate the shelter tion into area narcotics trafficking. tance of the FBI. This partnership (between Teen El Paso last month in a competition as required, including the mobile unit. Rick Glancey, Public Information Officer EPCSO the FBI) proves very rewarding when against about 700 other contestants. She The public, too, has to commit to the for El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, said in- you can take someone off the street who abuses will now travel to the National Competi- proper care of their pets. formation obtained by the EPCSO Metro Nar- his law enforcement training,” said Glancey. tion in Orlando, Florida Dec. 17-22. She “I’m proud that we were finally able to cotics Unit indicated a former law enforcement “This individual violated a sacred trust and is a 19-year-old sophomore at El Paso give such a quality facility to the commu- official was allegedly involved in narcotics attempted to use his previous law enforcement Community College and she plans to nity,” Scruggs said. “But this is no time to trafficking. experience to further his illegal operation. This rest on our laurels. We need to bring a no- See BRIEFS, Page 5 On Wednesday, Nov. 3, around 2 p.m. offic- arrest just scratched the surface of our joint kill policy to El Paso. More than 25,000 ani- ers stopped Adolfo Lazcano, 34, at I-10 West investigation,” said Captain Tony Morales of mals are killed here every year. With this and Geronimo in El Paso and charged him with the El Paso County Sheriffs Office. building we now have the tools to provide No matter how humble you think you are, possession of a controlled substance with in- Lazcano was previously employed by the the public education needed to deal hu- it always comes as a shock to find out tent to distribute. Socorro Police Department in Socorro — his last manely with animals — to uphold the val- some people don’t like you. He had 12 kilos of cocaine in his possession date of hire there was Dec. 26, 2003. Sources ues of spay and neutering so we won’t have — Quips & Quotes at the time of the arrest, Glancey said, estimat- said Lazcano had also previously worked for the an over-population of animals, which in ef- ing the street value of the narcotics at $168,000. El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. fect is a public health issue.” Page 2 WEST COUNTY COURIER November 11, 2004 One perspective By Francis Shrum Identity crisis

His eyes for years without ever having “docu- are blue, bril- mentation.” liant against a Put another check in the blessings dark-skinned column for living in the face. He has a slight under-bite and of America. favors quality Western clothes, in- But it’s a cold and empty feeling cluding a wide-brimmed black felt to be a visitor in another nation — hat that covers a considerable thatch maybe one not so prosperous, or of thick black hair going silver in a friendly, or trusting — and discover hurry. you don’t have your documents, your His primary heritage is Native papers, your identity. American, so the heavy turquoise and Just ask Art. silver jewelry that he makes with his He’ll tell you that who you really own wide, thick hands can be mar- are depends on who your papers say keted as authentic Indian. His cre- you are. If you don’t have them, ations are more abstract than tradi- you’re nobody. tional in design and they demand — His story goes something like a and get — a hefty price at a major business trip down to Tijuana, amusement park in California. Mexico; a day shopping in a crowded San Diego is his favorite city in his marketplace; an evening crossing homestate. His wife has a good job, back to the U.S. — and an empty hip so she can’t go along very often on pocket where his wallet used to be. his frequent trips down to Tijuana and Now, Art’s people were residents other locations on buying trips. of what we now call the United States His name is Art, but that’s not re- a long time before most of ours were ally who he is. — probably before those of the un- When it comes right down to prac- friendly official who, with a cold eye, tical fact, none of us are who we think looked over this stocky, swarthy, we are. In fact, there are situations ready-looking man and told him that people find themselves in — all over without an identity, he had to go sit the globe, everyday — in which it over there. For hours. doesn’t matter at all who their par- He finally got an interview with a ents were, what their vocation is, how customs official who told him he much education they have or even would check out his story — for where there favorite city is. Their $128. Art didn’t have $128. Well, too identity is determined solely by the bad, the man said. He couldn’t reach papers they carry. any officials to verify Art’s story af- It doesn’t really cross my mind ter hours, anyway. Come back tomor- much because I’m seldom off my row when you have the money. home turf, which, conveniently, Art spent the night on the streets stretches from sea to shining sea. of Tijuana. He says that would not There is an almost unlimited variety have necessarily been an unpleasant of climate, terrain, culture and expe- prospect except he was dead broke. rience available within the borders of He said he had plenty to think about a nation where all the identification I that night. need is my driver’s license, maybe a Finally, a shopkeeper took pity on picture ID. Even without that, I could him and let him use his phone to call probably get by. There are people, non-citizens, who live and work here See IDENTITY, Page 7

eteenseventythr nin ee Reyes Reports By U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes

31YEARS tw r o t h o u s a n d f o u SERVING ANTHONY, VINTON, CANUTILLO, EAST MONTANA, HORIZON, SOCORRO, CLINT, FABENS, SAN ELIZARIO AND TORNILLO Honoring our veterans PUBLISHED: AD DEADLINE: Published each Thursday by Monday 4 p.m. for Thursday The yearly all other veterans across the country. Beaumont Army Medical Center and Homesteader News, Inc. Appreciation publication. celebration of In last week’s annual Veterans the El Paso Veterans Affairs Health to our many contributors. Office open Veterans Day Town Hall here in El Paso, which Care Center are both expanding and Monday through Thursday. CLASSIFIED RATES $5 for 15 words, $10 for 35 words. Ad is not only featured local and federal experts on a new state-of-the-art laboratory re- COPYRIGHT: must be in writing and pre-paid. The about honor- veterans issues, panelists expressed cently opened at the medical center. Entire contents © 2004 Homesteader Courier reserves the right not to print News, Inc. Individual authors retain all classified advertising it considers ing the men and women who have concern about the strains incoming In Congress, I am working to en- rights. Pictures, drawings and written inappropriate. heroically served our country, it is troop levels will have on our local sure that our active duty, Reserves material appearing in the West Texas County Courier may not be used or DISPLAY RATES: about renewing our commitment to veterans health care delivery system. and National Guard veterans who are reproduced without written permission Open rate — $20 per column inch. their well-being and quality of life. About 3,800 new troops will be returning from Iraq and Afghanistan of Homesteader News, Inc. Call for more information or to set an Many of our veterans are physically stationed at in 2006 and have access to the health care, em- appointment. The Courier reserves LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: the right not to print advertising it disabled or economically disadvan- even more troops could potentially ployment opportunities and job re- Letter must not be more than 250 considers inappropriate. taged and many young soldiers are come to Fort Bliss as a result of next training they need to transition to ci- words in length. They should be dated, must be signed and have an MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS: returning with life-altering wounds year’s realignment of military bases vilian life. I am also working to en- address and daytime phone number. 52 issues for $35. from the battlefields of Iraq and Af- across the country. While this is ex- sure that all veterans — regardless Only the name and city will be printed Delivery via 1st class mail. with the letter. The Courier reserves ghanistan. It is necessary that we pro- tremely positive news for El Paso and of disability rating — have access to the right not to print letters to the ADDRESS: vide quality health care, benefits, em- Fort Bliss, it does demand careful their full disability pay and retirement editor or other submitted materials it 15344 Werling Court ployment opportunities, and job re- consideration so that we as a com- benefits. considers inappropriate. Horizon City, TX 79928 training for these courageous men munity are prepared to provide for It is important to remember that Phone: 852-3235 and women. both our existing and new popula- the freedoms we enjoy here in the Fax: 852-0123 E-mail: [email protected] As a Vietnam veteran, I bring my tions. United States are protected through Website: firsthand knowledge of military and Fortunately, our community has the hard work and personal sacrifice Publisher combat situations — and of being a been readying itself for quite some of the millions of men and women Rick Shrum veteran — to Congress, where I am time for a potential influx of soldiers who make up our armed forces. Both Business Manager a member of the House Armed Ser- to ensure continued care and services our veterans and our current sol- Francis D. Shrum vices Committee. This committee for our veterans and non-military diers serve with dedication and Contributors Homesteader Don Woodyard Est. 1973 assignment provides a good oppor- residents. I worked to ensure that land honor. They deserve the support of Member Texas Community Steve Escajeda tunity to represent the El Paso was secured for a State Veterans a grateful nation on Veterans Day Newspaper Association Arleen Beard News, Inc. region’s nearly 85,000 veterans and Nursing Home in El Paso. William and everyday. November 11, 2004 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER Page 3 A real decent car deal arrangement. (No, he did not know I By Rick Shrum published a paper — and it probably Courier Staff Writer wouldn’t have mattered.) Sunland Park would come as close as they I have a friend, now in his seventh could to putting me in a comparable decade, who is a walking price in- vehicle at my current payments. dex of years gone by. Though he no Needless to say, it was not without longer drives — poor vision — he snags. For starters, where do you find delights in telling me how much cars a super clean ’99 Suburban? You and other things used to cost. He tells don’t. And it’s not easy to make the me about the time he bought a couple money work either. Depending on the ’57 Chevies for about $2,500 each — terms negotiated for a vehicle traded new. I don’t think Fred ever paid over in to the dealer, it may have too much four grand for a set of wheels. He says paper value to work for an arrange- new car prices scare him to death. ment like this. My mother has pointed out to me Consider that my ’99 is now a on several occasions that her first scrapper — it’s going straight to auc- house in Houston cost less than a new tion with little probability of recoup- car. In fact, it cost around $11,000 ing the very generous maximum — less than many good used and blue-book-plus trade-in Sunland Park most new cars do today. gave me. Also, the figures for my ’99 In part, it’s stories like these that and the other vehicle’s value must added to my frustration when I add up to satisfy the number learned that my ’99 Suburban had a crunchers in financing and at the IRS. wee bit more road wear to it when I Cutting to the chase — the ’03 purchased it than was on the vehicle’s GMC Yukon XL still has factory reported history. In fact, it had been warranty left. The upgrades are no- t-boned on the driver’s side. ticeable, though I do miss the leather The car was purchased used. It seats. But we can now haul nine with looked great. The Car-Fax came back everyone in a seat belt. One big plus clean. Leather interior, AM/FM/CD/ — the dual zone air. My wife likes a Tape, dual A/C and on and on. A good warmer climate than I do. The ride friend, manager of the used car de- and sound system are grand. And the partment at another major dealership, payments stayed the same. advised me to grab it at $20,000 even Should they have done this? You bet. if it was on a competitor’s lot. And Did they make a little in the deal. Sure. for two years it drove like the dream But they worked for it and met all the my family thought it was. initial parameters of a verbal agree- The repair job was superb. The ment without any lawyers. Had they paint too. Had the back door on the sold the car at market value they would driver’s side not been cosmetically have made many thousands more. damaged in the course of time, we Could I have done better? Maybe. probably would have never known. With lawyers. And several years to I suppose it really wouldn’t matter hash it out in court. And it would still whether this happened twenty years only be maybe. We’d put 45,000 ago or just last month — which it did. miles on the ‘Burby along with wear It’s quite a dilemma when two years and tear to include an unrepaired goes by before you find out about dented fender. She was up to 111,000. this, or any, kind of a problem with a Sales rep Carlos Todd showed us used car purchase. I mean, if push every option on the lot in addition to comes to shove, what’s to keep the hearing our tale of woe. Al too. dealership from denying any respon- Owner Hector Rico, who has numer- sibility or straight out accusing you ous endorsements hanging on the of causing the damage. walls in the dealership, ponied up Well, the Don Quixote in me extra discounts and cash to make the thought, “What have I got to lose?” I numbers work. My family has al- Clint school district deals with tragic death of Clint High student called Al Heredia, the used car man- ready forgotten the ’99 except to ager, over at Sunland Park Pontiac- point out how the ’03 has something The trauma team drafted a letter to all events which led up to this unfor- Buick-GMC. I sometimes think I’d it lacked. They’re happy campers. By Laura Cade be sent home with the students in- tunate accident to prevent another like to know what he looked like To the guys at Sunland Park: Special to the Courier forming parents of the accident in occurrence. The District is reviewing when I told the problem and what I Thanks for dealing square and mak- which Cano was run over by an au- its vehicle-on-campus rules, as well thought should be done. Then, ing things right. I’ll be doing busi- CLINT — Immediately following tomobile driven by another student as student safety regulations. Any the tragic accident on Nov. 3 at Clint and asking that the families monitor areas found deficient will be ad- again… maybe not. ness with ya’ll again. High School which resulted in the the behavior of their children during dressed immediately. Over the course of an hour or so of (And no, the Sunland Park gang death of senior Cristobal Cano, this time of grieving. The letter was Appropriate behavior and safety in give and take on our respective posi- didn’t know I was going to write any- school district and campus officials also mailed home. and around school parking lots and tions Al and I came to an amicable thing, good or bad, about this deal.) met with the trauma team to address A statement was developed by the roads will also be discussed with high the needs of the students and staff on trauma team to be read by all teach- school students in Clint ISD. Nov. 4, 2004. ers to students at the beginning of “It is because of incidents such as About 15 counselors were as- first period class on the morning of these that we encourage students who sembled to meet with students and Nov. 4 to inform the student body of drive to act responsibly,” says Olivia staff and will continue to do so the accident. Campos, Asst. Superintendent for through Nov. 5. Clint ISD is currently looking at Clint ISD. Veterans’ new ID cards help battle identity theft WASHINGTON DC — With iden- The card, formally known as the identity theft as the number one fraud Carlisle tity theft as the major fraud reported Veterans Identity Card (VIC), will reported by consumers in 2003. Re- Navidomskis by Americans in 2003, the Depart- have veterans’ photos on the front quests from veterans and their con- M.Ed., LPC, RPT ment of Veterans Affairs (VA) has and identify them as enrollees in the gressional representatives were in- Family Counselor designed a new identity card for vet- VA’s health care system. strumental in bringing about these erans that will safeguard confidential Encrypted on a magnetic tape on latest changes. information. the back of the card will be the Veterans should request the new Horizon Family Counseling “The new identification card en- veteran’s Social Security number, card at their local medical center. sures veterans’ personal information date of birth and a control number. Processing will take five to seven is protected,” said Secretary of Vet- The magnetic strip also records days once eligibility is verified. VA By appointment only • Se habla español erans Affairs Anthony J. Principi. “It whether the veteran has a service- hopes to complete the conversion to Medicaid and insurance accepted also helps prevent the theft of impor- connected disability. the new, safer card by mid-Novem- tant benefits and services from vet- Identity theft is one of the fastest ber. The existing cards will remain 14200 Ashford (915) 433-7727 erans that they earned by their ser- growing crimes in the nation. The valid until veterans receive their new Horizon City, Texas 79928 [email protected] vice to our country.” Federal Trade Commission listed cards. Page 4 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER November 11, 2004 Project had whole families involved Wings Across Texas fly into the assignment, got fam- Tornillo on educational excursion By Alfredo Vasquez ily members involved, Special to the Courier and I was very happy with By D. Joe Williams the projects because they Special to the Courier CANUTILLO — Margarito showed a lot of creativ- Duran, sixth grade teacher at Bill ity,” said Duran. Childress Elementary School in the “I used corn oil, pop TORNILLO — Thanks to the Canutillo Independent School Dis- corn, Jello powder, and I generous support of the National trict, has his students using their found just about every- Institute of Environmental Health imagination thing at home. I Services (Peer Project), The Health to complete came up with the Resources and Services Adminis- their social idea on the Steven Chavira peeks into his solar system. tration (Safe Water Project), and studies internet,” said Cassandra planets,” Chavira said. “I really en- Texas Instruction, Jon Hunter has homework Guzman, whose solar sys- joyed making it, and I learned how flown around the state making 195 assignments. tem planets were made of to put the planets in the right order,” presentations to science students for After multi-colored popcorn balls. he said. the last several years. Last month, completing a “I learned a lot about the so- “The principle thing about this type Dr. Hunter flew to Tornillo and gave A LITTLE E-STRUCTION — Tor- lesson on the lar system, and I learned that of assignment is to encourage students two presentations at Tornillo Junior nillo Junior High students Pedro Mendoza and Edgar Lazcano planet Earth Jello can be used for color- to use their imagination, to be creative. High School. At the Tuesday, Oct. 19 presen- work on a science experiment recently, ing popcorn,” she said. This is just another way to engage stu- lead by Dr. Jon Hunter Duran in- Andrea De Anda said that dents and their families in an educa- tation, Hunter guided students as structed his Andrea De Anda holds up her mother helped her. She tional effort,” Duran commented. they conducted experiments on Elizabeth Martinez, Veronica students to her Styrofoam solar system. used Styrofoam, wire, and water quality, then on Thursday, Terrazas, David Alvarez, Ben create a three-dimensional model of paint to design her project. “I Oct. 21, Hunter presented on the Valencia and Manny Reyes. the solar system for homework; the learned that the planets are of dif- “testing of food and water for Prizes were calculators and catch was that he did not tell them ferent colors, and I learned the dis- enterobacteriaceae.” Students en- Texas A & M t-shirts. Texas A & how to do it. He simply instructed tance of each planet from Earth,” gaged in a question and answer M also donated an incubator and them to use whatever materials they De Anda said. session, and competed in a contest some test materials to Tornillo could find at home, and that if they Steven Chavira had his uncle using “E-Instruction.” They also Junior High School for use in ex- needed help he told them to ask fam- help him build a box and paint it. conducted experiments regarding periments in microbiology. ily members for assistance. The stu- His cousin helped him type on the bacteria samples found in differ- Tornillo Junior High Science dents had a week to complete the computer the information he ent areas of the school cafeteria. teachers D. Joe Williams and Ernie project. needed for his solar system display. Cassandra Guzman proudly displays Winning students in the com- Monte invite these scientists to “The students worked at home on “I just had to buy some cardboard her solar system made of popcorn. petitions were: Tracy Valdez, their campus annually.

Parent conference at UTEP expected to be productive and well-attended

EL PASO COUNTY — Over 700 sored by the members of a parent in- The full-day conference, titled and afternoon. Sessions will address will also be greeted by Dr. Diana parents from school districts in the volvement committee that includes “Core Values: No Family Left Be- literacy, effective parenting, college Natalicio, UTEP President, Dr. El Paso area are expected to attend Region 19 Education Service Center, hind,” is a opportunity for parents and preparation, culture, wellness, drug Jimmy Vasquez, Executive Director the 7th Annual Regional Parent En- the El Paso Collaborative for Aca- educators to examine the educational and violence prevention, special edu- for Region 19 Education Service gagement Conference on Saturday, demic Excellence, the region’s needs of children. Participants can cation and more. Pre-registration is Center, and Dr. Alicia Parra, Deputy Nov. 13 at the UTEP. The Parent school districts and other parent in- attend two keynote sessions as well highly recommended and further in- Director of the El Paso Collaborative Conference is organized and spon- volvement organizations. as breakout sessions in the morning formation can be obtained by calling for Academic Excellence. Region 19 at 780-5349. Student groups from UTEP and The event will feature keynote ad- Clint ISD will volunteer to assist dresses from Dr. Robert Duron, presenters and parents during the Socorro ISD Superintendent and conference. Socorro ISD music Myrna Castrejon, a national speaker and dance groups will provide on parent involvement. Participants entertainment. Clint ISD students ‘Make a Difference’ NHS Sponsors Annette Loomis and By Laura Cade Helen Rojas and Special to the Courier parent Hilda James also participated. • About 64 students from the EAST EL PASO COUNTY — Mountain View High School Lobo Student groups from Clint ISD par- Student Council, Cheer Team, Na- ticipated in community projects as tional Honor Society, and the Fam- part of Make a Difference Day on ily, Career and Community Leaders Saturday, Oct. 23, an event created of America (FCCLA) bought fabric by USA Weekend Magazine as a na- and worked together from Oct. 12- tional celebration of neighbors help- 18 to sew and stuff bears. The stu- ing neighbors. It occurs annually on dents delivered most of the bears to the 4th Saturday of October. the El Paso Child Crisis Center. The • The National Honor Society and remaining bears will be delivered to Student Council from Clint High the Candlelighters of the El Paso School and Clint Junior High School Area. Those bears will be placed in a cleaned up the highway. More than duffle bag that is given to families 35 students arrived promptly and who discover that their child has can- worked hard for several hours in the cer. “It was an awesome feeling to morning along Alameda in Clint to see the little faces light up when we pick up trash and debris left by pass- gave them the bears. It especially felt ersby. The group gathered over ten great, because my hands had created large bags of trash which included this gift that we gave them and I put many election signs and bottles. “I a lot of love into it,” said Junior was glad and surprised to see how Cynthia Moncayo, a Student Coun- many students showed up. It’s good cil Senator and Cheer Team member. to see people come out to help clean The group registered their project up Clint,” says Jennie Nelson, Clint with the Make A Difference Day Data High School National Honor Society Bank for recognition and awards. President. Clint High School NHS Sponsors of the Lobo student orga- and Student Council participate an- nizations are: Elva Chavez and Tury nually in the event by holding a high- Chavira, Student Council and Cheer way clean up. This year’s event was Team; Iris Jimenez, NHS; Jacqueline organized by Senior James Gonzalez. Taylor, FCCLA. November 11, 2004 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER Page 5

Habits San Elizario honors vets with 8th Annual event From Page 1 the Veteran’s Day celebration in his cal Battalion in Europe. While serv- year will be dedicated to all San ______By Guadalupe Silva hometown and a Vietnam veteran. ing in France and Germany, he lost Elizario veterans fallen during World Special to the Courier Carmen Cruz, who started the San his brother Pedro Lujan and his clos- War II. Commissioner Miguel Terán, school year gets a bicycle. Elizario Veterans Day celebrations in est friend Jose Garcia in battle. Carmen Cruz and the veteran’s fami- There is also the Healthy Tip SAN ELIZARIO — Residents of memory of her veteran husband and In recognition of his bravery and lies will unveil a bronze plaque in of the Week in which the kids San Elizario will honor their veter- son, described the ceremonies as sacrifice, Lujan was awarded two their honor. research a health topic empha- ans, both those who gave their lives homage to all San Elizario veterans, Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart. To Cruz, who is the chairwoman, sizing good health practices. for their country and those who came to all veterans in the country and to this day, Lujan has difficulty talking Ramon Holguin and Ben Sanchez, all This is presented regularly by back alive, on Veteran’s Day, Thurs- all active military personnel. The about his years at war. “It’s not easy of them members of the San Elizario the kids themselves on their own day Nov. 11. eighth annual flag and candle cer- losing your brother, best friend and Genealogical and Historical Society, in-house TV network. In driving With a population of 11,046 as of emony will start at 11 a.m. Thursday other comrades,” Lujan said. “But coordinate the annual San Elizario home the point of the Healthy the 2000 U.S. Census, the small town in the town’s cemetery at the corner life must go on, even with your pain- Veteran’s ceremony and parade. Tip of the Week, you might have in El Paso County has sent a dispro- of Thompson and Socorro Road. It ful memories.” Sanchez, curator of Los Portales, also seen a giant tube of tooth- portionate number of its young will be followed by a parade to the Also honored during the ceremony the Society’s museum in San paste walking the halls. people to serve in the nation’s Armed Veteran’s Memorial Placita, where will be Lance Corporal Michael Elizario is the keeper of the flame Rodriguez sees the change to- Forces. More than half its adult popu- the tributes will continue. Steven Torres, an El Pasoan who died and of the special section on the ward healthier living in the lation has served at one time or an- This year’s ceremonies will give a July 5 this year in the battlefields of town’s veterans. school, but she is not satisfied. other in different branches of the ser- special recognition to Pfc. Nicolas C. Iraq, and Sgt. Isela Rubalcava, who The Society and El Paso County “Change still needs to happen. vice, according to Commissioner Lujan, who served in the U.S. Army was killed by mortar attack in Mosul, are co-sponsors of the San Elizario This is just the beginning.” Miguel Terán, an avid supporter of during World War II, in the 1st Medi- Iraq. She is the first woman from El Veteran’s Day ceremonies, which Paso to die in the Iraqi war. include the parade and activities at The memorial at the Plazita this the Memorial Plaza. sentation. Spreadsheet and data- about $53,504, loaded in a 2003 Briefs base management will soon be Ford Explorer. Two subjects were From Page 1 added to the curriculum, accord- arrested after the abandoned the ve- ______ing to Oralia Moseley. She said stu- hicle and attempted to flee on foot. THANKSGIVING dents can take the certification test DINNER FUNDRAISER become a dentist. A volunteer in free on-line. Information: 886-6659. Buddy Garcia of Austin has 00 AM 00 PM numerous entities, including been appointed by Gov. Rick Nov. 21, 2004 from 11 - 3 EPCC and Socorro ISD, she Tornillo ISD is planning their Perry as the Border Commerce Adults: $750 Donation Advance 00 earned the Teenage Volunteer of annual Christmas party and invites Coordinator to serve for a term at $8 At The Door the Year award at Hueco Elemen- area businesses and vendors to par- the pleasure of the governor. The Under 10: $400 Donation tary and represented the school in ticipate. Donation of products, gift coordinator examines trade issues Oz Glaze Senior Center district competition. She is the certificate or other valuable items with Mexico and Canada as well 13969 Veny Webb • Horizon City daughter of James M. Harris and for use as door prizes also provides as addresses transportation and For Information: 852-0062 Ruth A. Harris. valuable advertising opportunities border crossing issues, water and within the district. To participate, wastewater concerns and electric Needy Mission Valley chil- contact Terry Campillo at 764- power sales from Texas to dren will benefit from the Salva- 2366, ext. 235. Mexico. Garcia is currently the dor Sanchez Middle School’s Fall senate liaison for the Governor’s COMING SOON Festival, scheduled for 1-6 p.m., Justine Farmer, Americas High Office, where he coordinates be- Nov. 20. The festival will be School volleyball sensation, was tween senators, senate staff mem- staged at the campus, 321 North expected to sign a letter of intent bers and the governor. He also Horizon Rio Vista Road. Sponsors are with the University of Houston this serves as special assistant to the planning booths for games and week during a ceremony at the governor on Texas and Mexico food, plus a motorcycle show. school on Nov. 10. border affairs, managing budget, Laundry Mat Vendor tables may be rented for policy and planning for all bor- $10 each. Entry fee for the mo- An Old Fashion Christmas Fair der issues and collaborating with (Across the street from AutoZone on Horizon Blvd.) torcycle show is a new toy and will be held at Clint Methodist the Secretary of State’s Office on the motorcycle show winner will Church, Friday, Nov. 19 from 9:30 related issues. Previously, Garcia be presented with a trophy from a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. was legislative director for Sen. • Master Licensed Plumber • Sewer and Drain Cleaning Super Lolly Motorsports. For 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eddie Lucio and then served as #M18624 • Faucet and Sprinkler Repair more information, call Marlena Handcrafted Christmas items, border policy advisor to Gov. • Bonded and Insured • Appliance Installation Smith, 937-5216. breads and baked goods, candies Perry when he was lieutenant • Senior Citizens Discount • Evaporative Cooler Service and more will be offered. Enjoy a governor. Garcia, a native of Canutillo Independent School day in the country — follow signs Brownsville, has a bachelor’s de- District will hold a goal-setting from I-10 and Clint exit to the his- gree in political science from meeting at each of the six school toric church at 201 McKinney Southwest Texas State University, campuses through Nov.. Street. Information: Julie Jones at now Texas State University. Horizon Plumbing The goal-setting meetings are 851-2702 or 851-6622. scheduled from 6 to 7 p.m.: About $9.3 million is being 852-1079 • Wednesday, Nov. 10, at The 2nd Annual Rio Norte Re- granted to 127 programs focused Canutillo Elementary School; tirement Community’s Craft Fair, on reducing crime and improving • Thursday, Nov. 11, at Jose H. to benefit local rescue missions, the juvenile and criminal justice Damian Elementary School; will be held on Saturday, Nov. 13, systems, according to an an- • Tuesday, Nov. 16, at Canutillo 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at 1941 Saul nouncement by Gov. Rick Perry Middle School; Kleinfeld. Open to the public, ven- last week. These grants are • Wednesday, Nov. 17, at dors are still welcome. Call 856- awarded under the state Criminal Canutillo High School; and 6655 for information. Justice Planning Fund (421) and • Thursday, Nov. 18, at Deanna are distributed statewide. State- Davenport Elementary School. About 120 students from Rob- wide programs include a grant to The series of meetings are de- ert R. Rojas Elementary were the Office of the Attorney Gen- signed to give parents, commu- awarded completion certificates eral in the amount of $523,437 to nity residents, businesspersons, for their participation in the provide aggressive prosecution of and school personnel an opportu- GREAT program (Gang Resis- crimes involving illegal firearm nity to identify the future educa- tance, Education and Training) possession under federal statutes tional needs for the district. Bill which reinforces values against and an award to Texas CASA, Childress Elementary School held drug abuse and violence. The pro- Inc., in the amount of $508,000 its goal-setting meeting Nov. 4. gram was led by SISD Police Of- to provide programs that serve For information, call 877-7379. ficer Efren Pulido. abused and neglected children in 175 Texas counties. These Crimi- The Anthony school district is U.S. Customs and Border Pro- nal Justice Planning Fund grants, the only El Paso area district cur- tection agents seized three quarters distributed by the Governor’s rently that is offering certification of a ton of marijuana in two sepa- Criminal Justice Division (CJD), to its high school students in rate incidents on Oct. 19 in the Ft. are granted to such recipients as Microsoft Office Specialist Hancock area. One seizure netted independent school districts, non- (MOS), which qualifies them for a driver and 1,043 pounds of mari- profit organizations, hospitals, employment calling for the com- juana valued at about $834,512, in universities, colleges, commu- puter skills that are most widely the back of a white, extended cab nity supervision and corrections used in the business world for pickup. The second produced 654.8 departments, and councils of word processing and visual pre- pounds of marijuana, valued at government. Page 6 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER November 11, 2004 Sprewell should try feeding his family with an everyday job turbulent times. humanity! How in the world have we sunk so won’t even consider buying a lottery ticket until By Steve Escajeda Able to choke the life out of his opponent, low as to do this to our fellow man? I remember the amount goes well over $20-million. I mean, Special to the Courier on and off the court, Sprewell is now spending when there was a time that we would extend our I’ve got to feed my family, too, you know. as much time at the free throw line as he is hand to a man in need, but now we just turn our What is Sprewell’s lifestyle going to be re- Now that the 2004 presidential election is trying to stay ahead of the poverty line. back on the ones who need us the most. duced to? Why, he may be forced to cut back over, we can get back to the important work at You see, Sprewell has asked the T-Wolves It sickens me. and take the middle-sized limo to the arena. At hand. for a new contract. Why, just a couple weeks ago Sprewell — least he can have them drop him off at the back The work of finishing the war in Iraq, the And the indifferent, no good, self-important, who described the new three-year, $30-million alley so no one will see his embarrassment. work of leaving no child behind, the work of money-grubbing, tax-evading, scandal-ridden, contract offered to him by the T-Wolves as “in- I can’t tell you how sorry I feel for Latrell overhauling the social security system, and the chain-smoking, book-burning, cattle-rustling, sulting” — said it all in just one sentence: “I’ve Sprewell and his family. How would you like work of improving the budget. tobacco-chewing, over-eating, litter-bugging, got my family to feed.” it if you could afford to eat caviar just five times In fact, the most important of all may be the SUV-driving, Bush-backing Minnesota If that doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, noth- a week or if you had to cut your butler and budget. Timberwolves owners said no. ing will. maid staff from 14 to 12. And speaking of those many poor United How can they be so unfeeling? How do they How the Timberwolves expect this man to I know times are hard and the economy is States citizens on a fixed income trying des- sleep at night? How do they function knowing feed his family on just tens of millions of dol- unstable but can’t the NBA or even the United perately to make ends meet, the tragedy has that they’ve denied one of the best ever at his lars a year is beyond me. States government do something special for now reached cataclysmic proportions. profession? What happened to the idea of helping your such a special human being? Seems that even those of us who at one time I don’t know about you, but I find it very fellow man? What happened to reaching out Maybe President Bush can initiate some kind were considered well off are now beginning to difficult to sleep myself knowing that Latrell to a friend in need? of “No-NBA-Player-Left-Behind” act. feel the financial pinch. is out there possibly wandering the streets with I mean, they’re asking for Sprewell to get Well, my rant is over. Hopefully Sprewell Of course, I’m speaking about the plight of his paltry $14.6-million contract. by on $14.6-million this year and then a mea- will find a way to keep his family off the streets. Minnesota Timberwolves guard Latrell No, that’s not spread over several years — sly $10-million a year for the next three years. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I was going to Sprewell. Sprewell, one of the best players of that $14.6-million is for this year alone. I think everyone knows that a million dol- get something to eat — where is that can of our era, is yet another innocent victim of these I can hardly contain my emotions. Oh, the in- lars doesn’t go as far as it used to. I, myself, Spam? Canutillo’s 7th grade football team captures district San Elizario 30-18, East Montana 14-6, and executing the plays flawlessly, taking back the ing victorious 28-14. Fabens was a tough op- By Joe Bueno dismantled Horizon 42-16. lead in the middle of the first quarter, and end- ponent and both teams battled to the end. Special to the Courier The next match up on Canutillo’s UPPER VALLEY — The beginning of ev- schedule would ery school year not only means new teachers, pit the only two new classrooms, and new friends; it also marks undefeated teams the beginning of the football season. in the district — The 2004 Canutillo Middle School seventh Fabens Wildcats grade football season began with a new coach- versus Canutillo ing staff. The three coaches, who are also teach- Eagles for the dis- ers at the middle school, are Angel Olivas, trict champion- Christopher Scott, and Joe Bueno. ship. After 10 Even though the team lost its first two games weeks of hard against Ysleta Middle School and Ranchland work and grueling Hills, the team never lost its focus and fought practices the hard until the last second. This was the begin- Eagles had a ning of a successful and undefeated district chance to prove to season. themselves who Sept. 18 marked the turning point for the the champions re- team. The offense started executing the plays ally were. DISTRICT CHAMPS — Canutillo Middle School Seventh Grade Football Team, front row from left, Esteban Vargas, Adam Viella, Abel Vargas, Mario Casas, Chris Vale, Daniel, Dovali, Cannon Duby, and Danny Gutierrez; second row and their hard work turned into offensive Fabens took an from left, Oscar Ceniceros, John De La Rosa, George Meza, Juan Velasco, R.J. Fraire, Jonathan Chaires, Esteban points. The defensive unit came together and early lead in the De La Cruz, Tony Varela, Sammy Gutierrez, and Steven Minton; third row from left, Joel Rodriguez, Cody Barrajas, carried out their assignments successfully. They first quarter but Gilbert Quintana, Manager Darlene Calvo, Assist. Coach Angel Olivas, Head Coach Joe Bueno, Assist. Coach Chris- defeated Clint Middle School 44-12 and never by then, the topher Scott, Manager Denise Hernandez, Carlos Loya, Amador Herrera, and Andrew Hernandez; back row from looked back, carrying that winning momentum Eagles offense left, Abraham Maldonado, Joshua Reyes, Felix Pacheco, Emmanuel Reyes, M.C. Cowley, Norberto Martinez, Adam for its next three games. The Eagles defeated and defense were Cooper, Christian Canales, Shawn Castro, and Angel Calvo. Not shown are Managers Ana Gomez and Jessica Romero. King Super Crossword

ADD-ONS 65 Gumbo thickener 128 Irregular 33 Job opening 85 Curative ACROSS 68 Stephen King 129 I specialist? 34 Biting 86 Article of faith 1 Two-legged stand book 130 Humorist George 36 Public 87 Bunyan’s whacker 6 Palindromic 69 Brazilian kicker 131 Costa _ Sol 37 Sal of “Giant” 90 Tina’s ex pirogue 71 Glowing 132 The Brainy 38 Pull off 91 Actor Bert 11 Mortarboard 74 Congregational Bunch? 40 Novelist Lee 92 Crooked 14 Make a muumuu comeback 133 Greases the 42 Bunyan’s ox 93 Torrid or Frigid 17 Genesis peak 75 The Fresh wheels 43 _ -Locka, FL 99 Prone 19 Salad veggie Prince’s place 45 132 Across stats 100 Charge 20 Be obligated 77 Rope fiber DOWN 46 Grumble 101 Pounded a 21 Literary collection 78 Possessed 1 Fugue composer 49 Contrition portcullis 22 FILE FILE 80 Goblet part 2 “Dies _” 50 Director Mira 103 Defrost 25 Diagnostic instr. 83 Soporific 3 Unwind a rind 51 He’s Devine 105 Plant pest 26 Bray beginning substance 4 Chicago airport 54 Battery size 106 Versify 27 Luau entertain- 84 “I _ Rock” (’66 abbr. 55 A Karamazov 108 It may be platinum ment song) 5 Russian villa brother 110 Inspect too 28 Kind of mushroom 86 _ cotta 6 Norton or Olin 56 Dire closely? 30 _ Hari 88 Exist 7 Ginger _ 57 Diamond features 111 Castle campaign 31 Ecclesiastic 89 TRAIL TRAIL 8 Still 63 Bridges and 112 Singer James 35 Evangelist 94 New Deal agcy. 9 Word from a Brummell 113 Roof edge Roberts 95 City in Kyrgyzstan Weimaraner 65 Lyric poem 114 100 dinars 36 Mathematician 96 Baby butter 10 Former Japanese 66 Kipling novel 115 Staff Khayyam 97 Solitary capital 67 Knock 116 Young of “The Last 39 ’62 Tommy Roe hit 98 Priest-to-be 11 Musical finale 68 Domingo’s Detail” 41 Hard wood 100 Mirella of the Met 12 Blew away birthplace 117 _ majesty 44 Injured party 102 Trustworthy 13 Non-sexist suffix 70 Wing or flipper 118 Part of M.A. 47 Zeal 104 Hide 14 Pacific islands 72 Melville 121 Chemical ending 48 Drink like a 105 Geometric 15 Register monomaniac 122 Ford of football Dandie Dinmont calculation 16 Keen 73 “_ a Kind of Hush” 123 Common 49 Heredity letters 107 Red _ 18 Like some nerves (’67 hit) appliances 52 SASE, e.g. 109 Throw a party 19 Security grp. 75 ’67 Peter Sellers 124 Swell place? 53 STRING STRING 112 Fleeting 23 Lesage’s “Gil _” film, with “The” 125 _ degree 58 Antique auto 115 Christmas visitors 24 Rhine siren 76 Homer’s field 59 Disinfectant target 116 Slangy suffix 29 Attempt 79 Prepare for 60 Compete 119 Yesterday’s your 30 Clubber Lang’s combat 61 Quick-footed 120 CHAIN CHAIN portrayer 81 Comic Leon 62 Pyramid, e.g. 126 Cratchit kid 31 _ Amboy, NJ 82 Had in mind 64 _ kwon do 127 Bartok or Peron 32 General’s helper 84 Related Answer Page 4 November 11, 2004 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER Page 7 Comix Shatner explores new OUT ON A LIMB By Gary Kopervas world of recording By Don Flood But no, he’s just like you and me, Britney Spears recently an- except he can afford more studio nounced the sad news that she’s time. taking a break from her career as a Shatner’s first album, in 1968, pop star, so she can “chill.” was less than a commercial and (That’s a bit like Dan Quayle an- critical success, despite the ram- nouncing he’s taking a break from pant drug use at that time. his career as a politician. He’s been He even showed up on an album, chilling since ’92.) “Golden Throats: The Great Celeb- But fret not, music fans, the door rity Sing-Off,” that contains some AMBER WAVES By Dave T. Phipps closes one on recording artist and of the most extraordinary record- another beams down to take her ings of all time, including (and place: William Shatner is back! none of these is made up): That’s right, Shatner has re- • “Proud Mary,” sung by leased his first album in more than Leonard Nimoy. (What is it with 35 years! these “Star Trek” guys?) The cover alone should earn this • “House of the Rising Sun,” by man a Grammy nomination. Andy Griffith. (Wonder what There is Shatner, with his head Mayberry thought.) in his hands, looking like he’s • “If I Had a Hammer,” again by about to throw up. (Perhaps he just Nimoy. (If only he’d changed it to listened to his album for the first “If I Had a Phaser,” I think I would time.) have believed it more.) Black and white, with a single, But the winner of “Golden By Jeff Pickering THE SPATS bare light bulb providing the only Throats” weirdest recording award light, the cover projects the gritty, — even ahead of Shatner’s own lonely feel of a ’60s jazz album. “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” You half expect Shatner to be sit- — is Jack Webb, who became fa- ting there with a needle in his arm. mous as the hard-boiled detective It’s that bleak. on “Dragnet.” And, why not? The album title For those too young to remem- says it all: “Has Been.” ber Webb’s vocal qualities, try to Not that he is a has been. He’s imagine a cement mixer — no, a fashioned a remarkable career, but cement mixer with a severe chest not all is sunny in the life of the cold, puffing on a cigarette — sing- artist known as Shatner. ing “Try a Little Tenderness.” Just listen to these lyrics of gut- Well, Webb is nowhere near that R.F.D. By Mike Marland busting revelation: good, but it does give you an idea “Just because you’ve seen me on of where he stands in history of your TV / Doesn’t mean I’m any music. more enlightened than you.” But despite his earlier album, And here I believed all those Shatner still believes his mission Priceline ads! is to boldly go where no recording I don’t know about you, but I artist has gone before. thought Kirk — I mean, Shatner And who knows, maybe his at- — knew all the secrets of the uni- tempt will give Britney the confi- verse, at least those worth know- dence to make her comeback. ing, such as attracting the hottest ______babes on other planets. (c) 2004 King Features Synd., Inc.

Identity available to him. He says he hates to Classified Ads think how it is for people in the under- From Page 2 world of our globe who live as virtual LEGAL DISTRICT RAS ness Services HELP Consultation, Free “Windshield Ding ______slaves with no understanding of the SYSTEM Dept., 12300 WANTED Wrapping! Servicing — value of their personal identity because SOCORRO CSP NO. Eastlake Drive, El any area! Hablo Gimme a Ring” 199-1207-0553 Paso, Texas 79928 espanol JIFFY GLASS his wife. He says she wasn’t too where they are, it has none. INDEPENDENT TOWN OF until the specified 727-3626 REPAIR happy about having to miss work to And he wonders what the future is SCHOOL CLINT TAPE DRIVE times. Detailed ______Windshield Repair DISTRICT CLINT, TEXAS come bail him out of Mexico. And going to be like. He wonders about Invitation to UPGRADE FOR specifications are Specialists even after they got paid, it took all the effects that 9/11 and terrorism DISTRICT available from the By appt. at your Bid/Respond: The Town of Clint, RENTALS CONSOLIDATED above office be- home or office: day for the customs officials to verify have had on the trust and friendliness Texas is accepting MANAGEMENT tween 8 a.m. and 4 (No repairs within that Art was really Art and decide to factor in our nation, and how things Sealed bids/pro- resumes from inter- Fairway CSP NO. p.m. Mondays Horizon City) posals/CSP to fur- ested applicants for Townhouse, Hori- let him come home. will be when something terrible hap- 199-1207-0554 through Fridays. R.V. Dick nish the District with the position of Town zon City, view 18th He says he knows that he was pens again on our soil — and it will. WTCC-11/11/04 Harshberger the following prod- Clerk. hole, Emerald MS SERVER ______915-852-9082 lucky — for him it was just some- Like the Jews in Germany at the ucts and/or ser- Resumes will be Springs. Two bed- CAL 2003 ______thing that happened one day. He isn’t outset of W.W.II, we are a people vices will be ac- accepted now until room, two bath, DEVICE CAL PUBLIC cepted at the fol- Nov. 19, 2004, at 4 available. 755- someone who could easily be taken accustomed to a solid, stable society CSP NO. NOTICE BERT’S lowing times: p.m. and should be 1730, 494-3054. advantage of on a dark street in and we may not recognize it when 199-1207-0555 AUTOMOTIVE delivered to the ______As per Article V, REPAIR Mexico. He had resources to call on, the thin line between civility and TUESDAY, Clint Town Hall at STORAGE Sec. 5.05(a), all Domestic and despite the inconvenience, and some- chaos begins to blur. DEC. 07, 2004 200 N. San Elizario SELF-HELP AREA owners and Foreign 3:00 P.M. Rd., Clint, Texas one on the other side to make them Talk about an identity crisis. NETWORK lienholders have 852-3523 79836. Persons who have (SAN) ten (10) days from 1558 Oxbow, DISTRICT Office management a problem with al- CSP NO. this date to reclaim Horizon City ACTIVE and grant writing cohol are offered a 199-1207-0556 their vehicles at ______DIRECTORY experience pre- free source of help Southwest DHCP SYSTEM ferred. Salary is ne- locally. Alcoholics ADDITIONAL Wrecker, 1401 HORIZON CITY CSP NO. gotiable. Anonymous - call DATA DROPS IN Darrington Rd., PLUMBING 199-1207-0550 The Town of Clint is 562-4081 for infor- CLASSROOM 855-1900, 851- 852-1079 an equal opportu- mation. CSP NO. 2091-fax, or it will •Electric rooter DISTRICT DNS nity employer. ______199-1207-0557 be sold at public service for sewers SYSTEM For additional infor- auction for charges: and drains CSP NO. mation please call DISTRICT VIN - SERVICES •Appliance 199-1207-0551 851-3146. E-MAIL JMOOIT8483398I270, installation WTCC-11/11/04 SYSTEM 2003 Mitsubishi ALTERATIONS •Many other DISTRICT ISA ______CSP NO. Eclipse, 2-door, no EMBROIDERY plumbing services FIREWALL 199-1207-0558 license plates Tees & More Licensed, bonded SYSTEM AVON WTCC-11/11/04 14010 Horizon Blvd. and insured for CSP NO. Calling - Buy, Sell, Proposals will be ______852-8956 your protection. 199-1207-0552 Free Skincare received at Busi- ______Page 8 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER November 11, 2004

2004, they will still be subject to the ment, will be considered towards the least age 60, (or any age if taking care Social Security Q&A By Ray Vigil pre existing rule, that is, they must five years as long as they work the of your ex-husband’s child who is pay into Social Security and Texas last month of their employment ca- entitled to a child’s benefit and is age Q: I have been working for a school receive a pension from Texas Retire- Retirement System on the last day of reers with one of the dual retirement 16 or younger or who is disabled) district for 25 years and as I am get- ment System, two-thirds of that pen- their careers with the schools but system school districts. unmarried and not due higher ben- ting closer to retirement, I want to sion will be applied against any spou- under the new law; they are allowed efits on your own Social Security find out how my retirement from sal benefits paid under social secu- to work the last day anytime in the Q: I was married for about seven record. Texas Retirement System is going to rity. Remember the exemption is still future. The new legislation also in- years before my husband and I di- impact any benefits I can receive on there but it now requires that you corporated another factor which vorced three years ago. Now, I have ______my husband’s record. I understand must be in a position that pays into comes into play when we consider learned that my former husband has For more information visit your lo- the loop hole provision recently both Social Security and Texas Re- the five years; if individual’s last day died. Can I get Social Security ben- cal Security office, see changed. Where do I stand? tirement System during the last 60 of employment occurs between June efits based on his work record? or call us at 1-800-772-1213. If you continuous months (5 years) of your 30, 2004 and March 2, 2009, any have any questions that you would A: Legislation did change the “Last career. Legislators incorporated an- employment they had in a school dis- A: Generally, you have to be married like to have answered, please mail Day of Employment Exemption” other exemption to the new rule; for trict that paid into both Social Secu- for more than 10 years in order to them to the Social Security Office, from one day to five years. This those individuals who filed for social rity and Texas Retirement System collect divorced widow’s benefits on 11111 Gateway West, Attn: Ray Vigil, means that if you are expecting to security benefits prior to April 1, before the date of the new law enact- his work record. You also must be at El Paso, Texas 79935. WEATHER SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR EL PASO THURSDAY THUR. NIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY

A gusty breeze Mainly cloudy and Mostly cloudy, Some clouds and Times of sun and A good deal of Sunny to partly with times of cold; breezy in the windy and cold Mostly sunny. chilly. clouds. sunshine. cloudy. clouds and sun. afternoon. with rain possible. 62° 34° 54° 32° 50° 36° 56° 36° 58° 36° 60° 38° 62° 38°

UV INDEX Statistics for noon. TEXAS WEATHER TRAVELERS CITIES The higher the UV Index, the greater Anthony 64 35 Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. the need for eye and skin protection. Santa Fe Canutillo 64 35 48/23 City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Thursday ...... 5 ...... Moderate Albuquerque 53/32/pc 41/30/sh 38/26/sn 40/29/c 46/26/c Friday ...... 3 ...... Low Clint 62 33 Albuquerque 53/32 Amarillo Atlanta 60/50/r 58/38/sh 54/38/pc 58/40/s 60/42/r Saturday ...... 3 ...... Low 39/23 Atlantic City 60/44/s 52/29/r 43/27/pc 48/29/pc 52/30/s Sunday ...... 4 ...... Low E. Montana 63 34 Lubbock Austin/San Antonio 69/40/sh 57/35/pc 54/38/pc 56/43/sh 59/42/c Monday ...... 5 ...... Moderate Fabens 62 33 44/28 Baltimore 60/42/s 50/29/r 46/28/pc 50/32/pc 53/31/pc Tuesday ...... 5 ...... Moderate Boston 56/42/s 47/31/r 40/28/pc 46/38/pc 51/38/r Wednesday ...... 5 ...... Moderate Horizon 65 34 Ruidoso 45/24 Chicago 44/22/sn 44/24/pc 48/28/s 52/32/s 54/32/s Dallas/Ft. Worth 58/37/r 52/35/pc 53/39/pc 53/38/r 53/38/c San Elizario 62 31 Alamogordo ® 60/31 Cloudcroft Denver 34/17/sf 45/21/pc 47/23/pc 40/22/c 38/18/c REAL FEEL TEMP Deming 42/18 Socorro 62 33 Flagstaff 50/28/pc 42/28/sn 42/26/sn 40/21/sn 37/16/sn The exclusive AccuWeather composite index of 67/34 Las Cruces Carlsbad effective temperature based on eight weather 63/37 Houston 70/46/sh 56/40/sh 58/42/pc 58/48/c 60/52/r Tornillo 62 33 52/28 factors. Kansas City 42/21/pc 43/26/s 50/30/s 48/29/c 44/28/c El Paso Las Vegas 64/50/sh 62/48/sh 64/46/pc 61/46/pc 59/44/pc Thursday ...... 56° Vinton 64 35 62/34 Ciudad Odessa Miami 82/68/sh 82/68/sh 82/66/sh 80/66/sh 80/66/sh Friday ...... 43° 52/30 Juárez Minneapolis 38/18/s 39/24/s 45/28/s 48/31/pc 50/28/c Saturday ...... 38° Shown is Thursday’s 64/41 New Orleans 81/58/t 65/48/sh 62/48/s 66/50/t 66/52/t Sunday ...... 48° Alpine weather. 61/30 New York City 58/42/s 49/34/r 45/32/pc 46/39/pc 52/39/pc Monday ...... 56° Temperatures are Philadelphia 60/44/s 50/33/r 46/31/pc 50/36/s 51/36/s Tuesday ...... 57° Mexico Lajitas Thursday’s highs and Phoenix 74/55/s 69/50/pc 67/48/sh 68/46/pc 65/45/r Wednesday ...... 54° 75/40 Thursday night’s lows. Portland 54/40/s 54/42/pc 52/42/sh 50/38/pc 54/40/c San Francisco 62/54/sh 64/52/pc 62/52/pc 64/48/pc 60/44/pc AGRICULTURE Seattle 54/42/s 52/42/pc 50/42/sh 50/40/pc 49/35/pc Gusty winds will be found across the region on Thursday. While winds will average 10-20 mph from the east-northeast, there may be Tucson 75/48/s 70/46/pc 64/40/sh 64/40/pc 66/38/pc gusts over 30 mph. Plenty of clouds are expected on Thursday and Friday. These clouds may bring some rain on Saturday. Washington, DC 60/42/s 50/32/r 46/32/s 48/37/s 56/36/pc Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, All forecasts and maps provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2004 r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.


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