Fflimiw Oar, Btnnek CAUM Or Damtnk Cattlbarn WIN 111:111 Ttvrr AOAIN'ht Tilt: Nun LAW HUERTA STOPS in COURTS Or K4.XS.48
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For News o the World, For News the ' of Southwest The Times f " 11 - FIF.L A 8U FBCHA. ?,p" Mornta Tigs. tí o men MKT AI. periódico diario qae llega a todo 1 Suroeste el miaño día en que ea publi- cado, alendo fiel a su fecha cada día Copper , ... $M.T5 del 1 ano. La pagina doce contiene laa Kllrer, por ei , Vtm últimas noticia del dfa en español. ; t.ad, per 100 Ib . ......ti in ;n fugo per 100 lbs r, fo- - ro f fflimiw Oar, BtNNEK CAUM or DAMtnk CATTLBaRN WIN 111:111 ttvrr AOAIN'HT Tilt: nun LAW HUERTA STOPS IN COURTS or K4.XS.48. BURNETT BILL DALLAS ASKS WHICH THRKA TENED INDUSTRY. a Bu Ike aiiocaihaf Pree By the A eoUted Prats VILLA BACK IN Batánela, N. m., Feb. Enrique By Kprrtal salta Topeas, Kan., Feb. 4. it up to the Wire la re Timet tonlirht killed Host Oarela, bis fatber-i- it Austin. 4. Kaniaa supreme court lo decide Tt Feb. The proposed law. with an axe trier had what amendment of the be a boiled beef dinner that caused Indi- tU cattle quarantine fatally wounded bit wife at Mi laws that would, according lo stock HOSTILE MOVE HOUSE gestion li worth to its victim in dam- home at Torreón, eighteen miles wear PASSES ages. EL PASO'S AID men. rauae an unnecessary shrinkage of bare. Oarela a mer- In cattle while being JUAREZ TODAY wai wealthy The district court or Smith county held lor insper chant and sheepman. lion and dipping, haa been declared It was worth (1,000 and ren- withdrawn WILL Oarela had heard that wag quar- according lo advices NOT PERMIT STUDENTS IN Silas IMPOSES dered a verdict for that amount, D. received today by M reling with his LITERACY TEST UPON i. Oovernor Colquitt r.X ICO CITY TO HOLD A.NTI wife and harried to his Manlone. a farm hand, who SENDS RRPRB8KNTATIVK III ill rrom Acting Secre- house. met ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO ENTER ale the din- Oalloway RETURNS FROM CHIHUAHUX AMERICAN DEMONSTRATION. Salts him at the door and ner, thinks he should TO SOLICIT SUPPORT IN FIGHT tary or the I'nlted Slates de TO truck him with axa, UNITED STATES. have IK.00O. FOR parlment or COMPLETE DEAL WITH A MER- the nurturing while Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. REGIONAL BANK. agriculture Ti.e proposed CAN bit skull and Jonaa, amendment was MININO COMPANY causing bis death two who served the meal, and an item In the appro- hours later. for whom priation bill Manlone worked, asserted which would have prohibit- PLANNED FOR TODAY had M the farm WAS Salts struck wife on the bead TAFT VETOED MEASURE hand should get nothing. ed tbe Interstate shipment or animals with axe previously. CLEARING HOUSE APPEAL the Salaa is still The case came to the aupreme carrying Inrectlon. According to Secre SOUTHERN TRIP at large. court SUNOAY on an appeal by Mr. tary Otlloway the Item will not be re- and Mrs. Janea ported. NATIONAD HOLIDAY. AND IT from the verdict of the lower WAS SAME BILL WAS ALSO VETOED court. REQUEST EXPECTED TO DRAW DURING 18 DENIED, AS BANK- THOUSANDS OF IDLK MEN. HYDRO-AEROPLA- CLEVELAND'S SECOND ERS HERE WANT TO BE FRISK BATTLE AT TORREON IS EXPECT- AIlAUNlbTRATION. TO WORK FOR BRANCH BANK. ED TO IIE4JIN FEB. 10 REBELS OFFERED PREDICT SWEEPING VICTORY. CAPITAL PAPERS CONTINUF BITTER WILL REVOLUTION WILL CROSS OCEAN PROBABLY PASS THE SENATE CABINET MEN TO VISIT SATURDAY HUERTA SOLDIERS TROOPS MOVING TOWARD CITY Bat Cubilo i.cncrally Takes Little In- o Alt Amendments for t hoi Exclusion of terest In Lifting; of Embarfe-- by 'FLYING Special Reception Committer Will President Wilson. BOAT" WILD TEST AERO- astatic immigrants Are Eliminated, Meet Official at Station Banquet Plan lo Meet Within Few Mile- - of NAUTICS TO PROVIDE ARGU- STRIKES LIMA VIIiLA AGRP.F.8 TO GRANT AM- Town Brief light at Pass Near MENT si su aet norte. Maplml. FOR WORLD PEACE. By NESTY TO ALL WHO LAV DOWN By ins A norial rd Presa the Aeeociatet Prett ARMS BY FEBRUARY Washington. Feb. 4. The Burnett 14. Mexico City, Feb. 4. Students In I' rank IJInnkcnsblD. a nromlnent Rodman Wanamaker of Philadelphia immigration bill prescribing a literacy ranuviAM GOVERNMENT WAS Gen. Franc isco Villa, who left Jua- the capital today made plans to hold Has Contracted test nanxer 01 oallas and a represéntate e to Construct It for applications to admission to uvKirruituwN BY lR. of Rebel Commander In Palate at Chi- rez for Chihuahua yesterday, will re- a public Lieut. Tower May Drive It. the United States passed in the BAND du the Initios i:namber of Commerce demonstration .against tbe house YES'tERDAY. and of the Dallas Clearing House As huahua Holds Conference With turn today to dispose of nomo urgent American government, but the mis arternpon by a vote of 241 to 121. sociation, of Army. of All proposed amendmenta for the ex appeared belore the Kl business matters und will leave the Federal diatrtot, acting; By the A nnnein 'rd Prut Paso Clearing House Association the under instructions from President clusion of Asiatic lmmlgranta had border Sunday to go through to Tor- New York, Feb. A. To cross the yesterday afternoon, requesting Sprelal In Huerta, announced tonlirht that no been eliminated. PRESIDENT GILLINGUURST that Hll Wire I he Timet reón to lend hln Hoops In an Atlantic In from 12 to 14 hours with- organization to Indorse Dallas an the Chihuahua, 4. attack demonstration would be out alighting As the bill passed. It provides that Méx., Feb. Amnesty nn the federal garrison there. His permitted. la the task aet to a "fly- every Immigrant logical location of a regional reservo will be granted by General Villa to all visit to ing boat" Wana-mak- admitted to the Chihuahua yesterday was for for which Rodman bank In Texas. The local organisa- federal soldiers who will In purpose The students proposed to take ad of United States must be able to read HAS III I N turn their he of giving orders to cer- vantage Philadelphia haa contracted, English OCSTED FROM OP. tion passed th matter up, saying to arms to some garri- illo of the fact that tomorrow la according to correspondence "the language, or some other AND IS Mr. constitutionalist commanders who nro leaving for a published FICE AT MEKCY Or Blankenahip that so far El Paso son before February 14 give he national holiday and that a demon- here tonight. by Allan R. Hawley, pres- language or dialect, including Hebrew ANTAGONISTS. had not any and their front with their troops. stration on such an or Yiddish." prescribes Indorsed city, und did not word of honor that they will no l ight 10. occasion would ident of the Aero Club of America, It that each care to do so at present The. take Eeol I'eb. draw of applicant the time. further part in fighting From . Sunday thousands of idle men. which organisation Wanamaker is a for admlasion must read a ocal business men the constitu- Juan he Intends to Satisfaction was expressed at slip on which Is printed between thirty and luinkere are tionalists. It wan announced In a o to Torreón without stopping In the member. REVOLUTIONISTS WORK working a branch of the great re- American embassy tonight over the and forty "words. COMPLETE for proclamation signed here by (ienerul 'hihiiHhua. As the Journey to Tor-co- n In a letter to Mr. Hawley Mr. gional reserve, bank tnat will be lo- - prompt manner in whloh theaauthori-tle- a Wanamaker says purpose Passed and Vetoed. Villa today after bin. arrival from rrom Juarez vvHI onsume about the of the ated In the territory, or district, that wo II In denied the students permission to undertaking is to make In Its present form this measure Juarez. The pardon will be granted ilayn. lielleved the battle for noia a meeting;. "a purely passed But Little Information (Omni Includes El Paso. he possession of ihe, city will begin scientific teat" of aeronautics and to the house and the senate In From Mr. Ulankenshlp Pt the term Newspapers Are provide an the last congress, but was vetoed by Xiima and Revolutionary Clans Are informed the local "traitors Tuesday, Feb. 10. Bitter. argument for world peace learlng house Se- 'resident A was Unknown. that Dallas had Already many General Villa did not complete busl-iis- s Although the newspapers Insofar as the success of the Taft. similar bill ll former federals who continue would craft vetoed during Cleveland's red the Indorsement of a majority are negotiations with an American to print bitter artlclea dealing with the show that dreadnaughts might President f the western halt of Louisiana, scattered about the stale have ninlng company lifting of embargo be futile in the second administration. Supporters of fly applied to the constitutionalists which will mean the the oh arms by future. the Aetoc'.ated Prett practically all of Texan and a great for 1 President It has been learned tne bill are confident that It will again pardon. Among are many or uiyment of nearly 100,000 to the i Wilson, the public gener- the "Wana- Washington, Feb. 4. Today's portion or New Mexico. This Is the them onstltutionallnt army ally has displayed no active maker flyer" will resemble a hydro- pass the senate, although President Maximo Cantillo s followers, who have if the dea! Is Interest aeroplane Wilson has let spectacular and successful revolution itory, he said, that Dallas wanted 011summ.it.