
SII'N WATCH IWiN PiChUPuour ollicial JR'S Academu Award Dallot . till it out & suDmit it Detore 8pm on marCh 24. Then watch.. '"ulSllal, Malcll 21 Sunlla, ,Malcll 30 TheDallot with the most BOOIS& Boxels Conlesl lIuSlin Balllisl Women correct entries wins 1011mwilli IIliles EaSlel SIIow gllm

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CHARliE'S Ift!SI 00 preseOllo wln.EmDloooes 01cauen Enlerorlses I_A_.lll .Ll-S1 and IlIIlr I5IMners are nol eligible 10win. In 111Ieuenl l'tIIIa'SGRIIBISJEAI(& •••••. 01a lie, 111Iprize moneu will 00 dooldlll OOlwoenwinners. WIlHAI11HERIONS6PM•8:30PM 3923 Cedar SprinDS DalilS TeHas (912) 380-3808 [email protected] I. • _ .~. liRllnbaw allill aamplny Texas. # 1 Gay Dance Club Dallas' Best Dance Club 1996

Falcon Studios wimme Village Station and Alternatives/New FineArts presents Legendary adult video director Chi Chi laRue and superstar Bradshaw in person as part 01 1#"' the Falcon Talent Search , Friday, March 28th

3911 Cedar Springs, Dallas, 972.380.3808, [email protected] VOLUME 23, NUMBER 3 MARCH 21 - 27, 1997

16 MOVIES Director Leslie Smith Hits Mark with David Searching by Bruce Williams 20 VIEWPOINT Same-Sex Marriage Is Our Birthright by Elizabeth Birch 27 CLASSIC TWT Oscar Through the Years by Cody Young 39 CURRENT EVENTS 47 BACKSTAGE Dallas Theater Center Brings Back All's Well That Ends Well 50 ON OUR COVER Rick Ashe of EI Paso photos by Albert Tovar/Photo Shoots! 57 STARSCOPE The Sun Conjuncts Stern Old Saturn and Delightful Venus, Strewing Gold Among the Dreck 67 TEXAS SPORTS Oak Lawn Soccer Club Reports Results from Second Game 68 TEXAS NEWS "March in March" in Austin Pushes for Stronger Hate Crimes Law This Weekend 72 FRESH BEATS Erykah Badu and Grace Debut Albums, Promises Return, Nuyorican Soul Ends the Big Wait by Jimmy Smith 75 TEXAS TEA Miss Gay Houston USofA Pageant Tonight at Rich's 84 CLASSIFIEDS 93 GUIDE

lWT (This Week In Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co., ot 3300 Reagan Street In DaUos, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer in Houston, Texas 770C16.Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or 01 Its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising In TWT Is not to be construed as any Indication of the sex- ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: 579 per year, $40 per half year. Back Issues available at S2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1997 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. AU rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from 1WT Isspecifically prohibited by federal statute.


Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000

DALLAS OFFICE PUBLISHER HOUSTON OFFICE MOlY ALAN GELLMAN 3300 Reagan Street 811 Westheimer,Suite III Dallas, Texas 75219 EDITOR Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214) 520-8948 RICHARD HEBERT Houston Fax (713) 527-8948 (214) 521-0622 COMPTROLLER (713) 527-9111 E-mail: [email protected] STEVE MILES E-mail: [email protected]

ART DEPARTMENT Richard Bang, Chris Salza, Rick Smith CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dannie Angelle, Dan Baker, Elizabeth Birch, Robert Bois, Mark Deaton, Phil Johnson, Gary Laird, C. Lichtenstein, Steven c. Lindsey, David Parnell, Jimmy Smith, Bruce Williams, Cody Young STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Robert Miller, Jerry Stevens, TiO,Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX 520- TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city. DOCK Austin - Bruce Williams (512) 473-7180 • Dallas / Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 D ALL A S Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • San Antonio / Corpus Chrisll- Steve Miles (210) 754-5837 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Dallas Chase Gutierrez' Houston David Parnell

TWT © 1997 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANE RUFF,PRESIDENT / CEO / DIRECTOR ROY KLAUS / CO-DIRECTOR aster Weekend iday, March 28th 0 Doors 9pm LIFl)AVE .A :J)ance fJrtlj benefiting HIV/ Aids Research at with DJ Chris Sill and 6peciaf gUMt DJ Danny M from Sou

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~G_ COMPAN~Y , ~5 . 30 14 Ibrockrnorton. Dallas, Texas ~ (972) 380-3$08 [email protected] An Outstanding Cast Helps Leslie Smith Find His Mark In the Romantic Comedy DAVID SEARCIDNG ilmmakers have focused on AIDS with F widely acclaimed movies like Philadel- BY BRUCE WILLIAMS phia. They've done drag and female imper- sonators with The Adventures of Priscilla, discover themselves to be soulmates and Queen of the Desert and To Wong Foo, best friends, as each searches for the per- Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar. fect man to round out his or her life. Seri- They've done gay men with Jeffrey and ous dating doesn't help; their lives are con- lesbians with Go Fish. They've even done trolled and directed more by lost jobs, documentaries, like Stonewall and The drunken strangers and visits to a men's Celluloid Closet. sex club. Along the way, David and Gwen In other words, movies with gay charac- find their paths crossed by a stand-up ters or focusing on gay orientation aren't comic (Julie Halston), a former tenant of as rare as they used to be. They're not their apartment (Joseph Fuqua) and a automatically "oh my!" shockers of the sort handsome stranger (David Courier). David, = ,,_,Eli S.-I once expected to be rejected by the gen- eral film community and audience. Leslie Smith hopes to take the genre another step down the road to general acceptance with David Searching, a tale of the search for their perfect men by a gay male and a straight female who share a New York City apartment. Some ideas and images in the nearly-two-hour movie may be strong, may talloutside the mainstream, Camryn Manheim and Anthony Rapp play best friends but the picture as a whole is a real, accu- looking for love in the romantic comedy David Searching. rate slice of life whose characters are searching for love, truth and acceptance. a documentary filmmaker, discovers that a Smith wrote, directed and produced the lot of talent and a lot more luck and perse- film, which was made on a budget of just verance are required to realize and bal- $22,500. He was in Austin as his movie ance your professional dreams (he's mak- made its U.S. premiere at the South by ing a film that asks people, "What is an Southwest Film Festival March 7-16, and absolute truth?") and your personal ones. he basked in the glow as his project was "We did the film's world premiere at well received by audiences. He also Mardi Gras in Sydney (Australia) two proudly explained to THIS WEEK IN TEXAS weeks ago," Smith said. Supporters told how this dream of his became a reality. him of SXSW and advised him it would "I first set out to write this script in June provide a perfect next step for his movie. "I of '94," Smith said. "I wound up with a fab- took them on faith, and I'm glad we came ulous cast. They were also hungry for here. This is a place where you come to these images, of positive people who were find what they (the world-renowned Sun- trying to deal with day-to-day life. And the dance Film Festival in Utah) were doing audiences have loved the film; it's great to ten years ago, in the way of discovering know that what I set out to do comes and giving opportunities to new talents and across to them. That is, to give a little bit of ideas." hope, to laugh and to feel good about their An Arkadelphia, Arkansas native who lives. That's what a movie does." attended Southern Methodist University for David (played by Anthony Rapp) finds a two years before moving to New York, new roommate in Gwen (Camryn Man- Smith noted that a homecoming of sorts is heim), who is divorcing her husband. They next in the plans for his movie. "We'll be at

1WT MARCH 21 - MARCH 271997 PAGE 16 "I tailored the role (of David) because the USA Festival in Dallas in April - April Anthony Rapp and I wanted to work to- 21 is our screening date," he said. "Then gether," Smith explained. "Everything I'd we'll possibly do a bunch of gay/lesbian HAPPY HOUR SILVERAND GOLD ever written before, Anthony had been sug- film festivals over the summer, then shoot gested as the lead in. We didn't know each to find major distribution in the fall. We've other that well, but we knew our talents tried with this film to hit mainstream festi- would be adapted well for each other." vals first. It's important to make this film ty~qH Whereas David is insecure, angst-ridden mostly a study of the relationship between and trampled upon by much of life and a gay man and a straight woman, the sim- those around him, uncertain of when to ilarities they had in their lives. I think it THE ENTIRE MONT~ MARCH! stand up and just go for it, his roommate really has some appeal that's universal:' Gwen is a perfect counterbalance of ag- David Searching benefits from an out- gressiveness and imagination, gifted with a You can win 1 'IToyOunce Register to win our daily Grand standing cast, headed by Rapp, who's cur- Yoda-esque ability to accept most of the rently a star on Broadway in the smash of Pure Silver! A 1997 Prize ... A 1997 Pure Silver stumbling blocks and hurdles fate strews in Rent. He appeared in both the stage and Eagle Coin. Drawings her path. The Rubenesque Manheim steals Silver Eagle movie versions of Six Degrees of Separa- nearly every scene she's in with her pow- Mon.-Thurs. nightly tion, and his other screen credits include ColJector'sCoin erful yet loving, accepting and supporting Dazed and Confused, Twisted and Adven- at 8 pm. Every presence. Manheim's previous successes Ewry ~ft •• AY in tures in Babysitting. Friday, we will have ranged from a one-woman show enti- March at IR.'s! tled "Wake Up! - I'm Fat!" to the movie select five winners, The Road to WeJlviJle,and she'll be a star drawings held at in an upcoming ABC-TV series about attor- We invite you neys, The Practice. 6, 7, 8, 9, Wpm. Fuqua as Walter and Courier as Michael to join us for give excellent supporting performances. our All-American Cmlfll;D~ Both men are so perfect, so handsome, Happy Hour. such complete packages that you expect drawing for 1Troy Houston's friendliest that at the end they'll stroll off arm-in-arm Ounce of Pure Gold with each other, and leave the fates laugh- staff serves up Happy ing at our movie's stars once again. But -A 1997 Gold Eagle Coin. Hour prices until 10 pm. \ that would be telling - and it would also Drawing to be held April 1st be contrary to Smith's central message: that no matter how many times life drags #xM;Z;rrM-~II~Nr (No ~oolin'!) at 9pm. you down, you've got to get right back up again because there are still good things 4 pm until 7 pm Ask your favorite bartender for an waiting out there. $2.25 Well Drinks official entry. No purchase necessary; Most of the music in David Searching is $4.50 Doubles however, you must be present to win. original; artists like Julee Cruz, Thunder's Monkey, Itchy Trigger Finger, Tom McCor- $1.75 Domestic Longnecks mack, Man Ray and Andrea Katz contrib- uted the rights to their recordings after being impressed by the script or a rough cut of the project. The music makes for good mood and background, and it'll make a great soundtrack eventually. For under $25,000, the production is no Lawrence of Arabia or Gone With the Wind. But it's as entrancing and inviting as The Big Chill or St. Elmo's Fire, and even better than the hilarious but somewhat dis- jointed screen version of Jeffrey. Mainly, David Searching is real - and not just about the downsides of life. David learns a lot about both relationships and himself, that there's no "perfect match," but that in the end a lot of completion and satisfaction can be found in the effort of searching itself.

PAGE 18 TOWARD A MORE PERFECT UNION Equal Marriage Rights Are Our Birthright As Americans, and n this long journey that is our quest We Will Work Hard O for equal rights, no goal will be more symbolic, have a more tangible effect on To Claim Them our lives or be more difficult to achieve than securing the right to marry. As a cul- tural institution, marriage is so highly mitted to the fight for equal marriage rights. revered that it is assumed each of us will And, as a graduate of the University of experience it. From the moment we are Hawaii, I feel a personal commitment not born, we are socialized to dream about the only to the issue but to the magnificent day we will wed, and to look forward to that state from which it emanates. Through at as one of life's pinnacles. least five major waves of immigration and Those of us who grew up knowing we other struggles, Hawaii has a rich history might be gay faced a conundrum: How of fairness and nondiscrimination. HRC were we to reconcile our expectations of has purposely not engaged in the court marriage with the fundamental desire for a case because it is in very able hands, and partner of the same sex? Most of us because litigation is not part of HRC's resolved this dilemma by forgoing any mandate. But now that the issue is moving dreams of legal marriage, or by creating beyond the courts and onto political our own marriage-like ceremonies and ground in Hawaii, the value HRC can add institutions. has come into focus. We must treat the sit- That situation may be about to change, uation in Hawaii with the same investment which is really quite miraculous to those of and commitment that we applied to defeat- us who never conceived of the possibility in ing the anti-gay ballot initiatives in Maine, our lifetimes. Given that lesbian and gay Oregon and elsewhere. The skills we honed Americans have been fighting for equal in those confrontations will be directly rights for only about 30 years, the fact that applicable to Hawaii, which is why we are we stand at the brink of winning equal mar- poised to conduct cutting-edge polling in riage rights in Hawaii in 1997 is breathtak- Hawaii, and to work one-on-one with those ing to ponder. leaders in Hawaii who have brought us to Our community started on this path the current crossroads. almost by accident. Three gay couples, HRC recently sent two key staffers - strangers to each other, decided to file National Field Director Donna Red Wing what looked like a pie-in-the-sky lawsuit in and Senior Policy Advocate Nancy Buer- 1991. Yet at each level, they won, thanks to meyer - to Hawaii to meet with the activ- hard work, thick skin, legal brilliance and ists on the front lines. The information they coordination. We all owe a great deal to the brought home is sobering. The issue is courage and dedication of Dan Foley, the moving along several tracks. The state attorney in Hawaii who continues to cham- Legislature is working furiously to pass a pion the case; co-counsel Evan Wolfson constitutional amendment, which could go from Lambda Legal Defense and Educa- to the people for a vote as early as Novem- tion Fund; the leaders of the Marriage ber 1998. It is not yet clear whether a state Project Hawaii; and many others in the constitutional convention will be convened wonderful Aloha State whose faith is an in 1998, a second possible avenue to alter inspiration. the constitutional provisions on which the The Human Rights Campaign is com- remarkable court case is based. The latter

PAGE 20 TWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 271997 approach would not only provide an oppor- u.I tunity to change Hawaii's equal rights amendment, but to alter other progressive a= aspects of the state's constitution. CI Assuming that the state Supreme Court again affirms the right of same-sex couples Mt to marry in Hawaii, our mission is to hold onto that gain. To that end, HRC is plan- ning to conduct much deeper polling and research to determine how to reach the 1:1 hearts and minds of all Hawaii residents. = We know we are correct in our conviction Mt that lesbian and gay Americans deserve u.I equal marriage rights, but how do we con- vince those who fear we are threatening this sacred institution? = HRC conducted research two years ago ••• to come up with methods to frame our messages around gay marriage. We pub- lished a manual based on that polling which has been used by activists across TUESDAY the country who are warring against anti- gay marriage bills in their state legisla- tures. And we never wavered in our efforts to defeat the hideous Defense of Marriage Act, knowing full well that it was a carefully engineered election-year ploy. TALEnT If we break marriage down into many of its basic components, most Americans agree that we n 16 H T deserve the same rights and responsibilities - which is 81.75 dORlISllC lonanlCHS a very positive sign. In the meantime, we have a long way to go to convince our heterosexual fellow citi- zens that gay marriage is no threat to 81.75 11111.$2 SRllrnol1 them, or to the underpinnings of society. Our research shows that if we break mar- riage down into many of its basic compo- 8111811nd III nlghl nents, most Americans agree that we deserve the same rights and responsibili- ties - which is a very positive sign. Winning equal marriage rights is a cru- IICillunll111DID sade that sprang from the deepest grass- t>hI.l~ roots of our community, and from our ~ shared desire to be full, responsible, val- ued citizens. Indeed, it is our birthright as 3923 Cedar Springs Dallas Texas Americans and we will, ultimately, claim it.

Elizabeth Birch is Executive Director of the (972) 380-3808 caven@airmail,net Human Rights Campaign. ~

TWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 271997

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$2.50 U-CALL-IT ALL NITE LONG Any Drink.Any,$hot. Any Beer.

703 MCKin~~i;A7~exas.USA With this issue, TWT reintroduces an old favorite, CLASSIC TWT, to the pages of SUNDAY., MARCH 23 America's oldest free, weekly gay and les- bian puoucetion. Every month, contributing writer Cody Young will look back into TWT'S fAt RODELA is Celebrating the 23-year archives and bring you highlights and reflections from our vast and historic lOth Anni~ersaryof lIis 21st Birthday library, as only THIS WEEK IN TEXAS can re- call it. BARBECUE BUFFET ixteen years ago this week in Texas, Sguest columnist Tyson (a features Serred 5pm to &pm • $5 Per Plate writer for The Advocate) accomplished BY CODY YOUNG what few can boast of by correctly predict- ing the winners of all six major Oscar cat- conquers his heart. egories in the pages of TWT. IATIN MUSIC & IATIN DANCERS Everyone must have felt the sensation (The daring feat wasn't even attempted when Tom Hanks won for Philadelphia again for a full ten years. No names, (outing his ~eloved high school mentors in From 5pm to 9pm please - and no cigar.) the process). ~ * * Trusting Tyson helped some readers win the office Oscar pool. In fact, we dashing, ~ ALL-STAR REVUE well-groomed bachelors often win the "* office Oscar pool, don't we? (but somehow aren't quite so prophetic predicting college Featuring "ouston's "ottest Entertainers basketball's Final Four.) *- at9pm _~ c ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT A.V.E.S.

MALE STRIP Even the documentary winner has elated us on occasion: in 1985, when the Oscar went to The Times of Harvey Milk; and five years later when the winner was CONTESTS Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt. The '80s were truly the Golden Age for TWT Oscar fans. Year by year, hundreds more readers SUNDAYS A comeback and a costume: Best Supporting Actor winner entered our annual Oscar contest, educat- with Black Yetrett Don Ameche [Ij and (who else?) presenter Chef, 1985. ing their guesses with clues from previews, Lately, it seems the gay fascination with reviews and interviews up close and per- the Academy Awards flows beyond its sonal with Hollywood players. Among the catty rivalries, tearful comebacks and winners were Ben Paniagua, Johnny WEDNESDAYS those fashions (!) to something deeper that Wilson, Randal Tolbert (who picked 17 for with Dyan Michaels strikes a unifying cord with us 0(1 Oscar 22 in '91) and David Warren (who won the night. year that "losers" included Dustin Hoffman TWT'S publisher emeritus, the late in Tootsie drag, Julie Andrews and Robert Showtimes at t t pm Chuck Patrick, felt it in 1986. He sent cov- Preston in VictorNictoria drag and John eted HOT TEA "cheers" to the Academy for Lithgow in The World According to Garp $150 Casb Prizes honoring William Hurt (Kiss of the Spider drag). in Woman) as best actor playing an effer,ni- Many of the winners won for films set in nate window-dresser who first repels his our own backyard: . macho prison cellmate (Raul Julia), then Terms of Endearment swept best pre-

lVVTMARCH 21 - MARCH 271997 PAGE29 ture, director and screenplay, supporting actor (Jack Nicholson) and - finally - best actress for Shirley MacLaine. Horton Foote wrote Oscar-winning roles for Robert Duvall (Tender Mercies) and Geraldine Page (The Trip to Bountiful). Sally Field and writer/director Robert Benton were honored for Places in the Heart. This year, Hollywood pundits say Oscars will go to: The English Patient (for best pic- ture and best director, Anthony Minghella), lead actors Geoffrey Rush (Shine) and Frances McDormand (Fargo), and sup- porting players Cuba Gooding Jr. (Jerry Maguire) and Lauren Bacall (The Mirror Has Two Faces). .."

OJ all If) a.l'.\·ociate.\· update ID Associates is pleased to announce that Patrick A. Morrow, M.D. and is now accepting patients at the St. Paul Medical Center location.

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~,...u~, ..• ~~.. ~,,~, PAGE 31 THE HOTTEST LATINO CLUB IN HOUSTQA,N , i. iiil\

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All Day All Night 90¢WELL TONIGHT! REMEMBERI~G SELENA In Celebration of the release of Selena ''The Movie" INERGY will have C.D.s, Posters, Buttons etc. courtesy of EMIlLATIN COM I N G: S !i~i'., M A R'C H 30 AUSTIN, TEXAS MISS HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL USofA • N www.io.com/-chaindrv 504 Willow St. (512) 480-9017 5750 CHI M N E Y 'R 0 C '5~i\i1t.,'~" 6 6 6 - 7 3 1 0

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FALCON Studios, the leading producer of all- male erotic videos, is conducting a talent search ...make the most of your for fresh, new talent in Texas on the following life insurance today. dates: Houston, March 23 & 24; Dallas, March 26, ~ We create competition among the 12 most reputable funding sources to make sure 27 & 28; and Austin, March 30 & 31. you receive the highest cash settlement. Please call Bill Van Bokke/en, our Director of ~ Absolutely no cost or obligation at any time and we qualify anyone up to 1,000 Tcells, Development at 1-800-227-3717, ext. 614; or page him at 1-800-759-7243, pin 5678507 to FALCON schedule an appointment with our representatives. 1-800-422-1314 exclusive TOM CHASE Visit our website at hHp:!Iwww.falconstudios.com www.med-escrow.com In FVP109 Founding Member of the Viatica I Association of America "MANHAHDLERS" © The Medical Escrow Society 1996 - ======------r~WTMMAA~RC~HHZ21~.~M~A~RR

IJF YOU ARlh III AND MONlhY AIDS Services of Austin holds Buddyl Helper Training from 8:45 a.m.-5 p.m. this Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23, at JillA§ IBlhCOMlhA CONClhRN its offices, 825 E. 53Y2 St. For more info, call (512)451-2273.

We understand the financial difficulties that occur when National Leather Association: Austin living with a lift! threatening illness. holds its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Mon- day, March 24, at 1117 Red River. The workshop will be followed by a business at Luby's Cafeteria (Oak Lawn at Cedar meeting at 8 p.m. For more info, call (512) Springs) on Thursday, March 27 from 1-2 (VBF) secures purchasers for 703-8927. your life insurance policy, provid- p.m. For more info, call (972)504-8866. ing you with the funds you need The Heart of Texas Bears hold their White Rock Community Church pre- today. We simplify the entire pro- monthly Bears Night Out at 7 p.m. Thurs- sents an Easter Musical Presentation at 7 day, March 27, at Vinny's Ten-a-Three cess, creating the least amount p.m. this Saturday, March 22, at the Cafe, 1003 Barton Springs Rd. For more church, 722 Tenison Memorial Road. For of stress on you. info, call (512)707-3737. more info, call (214)320-0043. Our clients peace of mind and Cornerstone and Alexis Travel hold the well being is our NUMBER ONE Movie Night at the Gay and Lesbian second party in their Travel Series 1997 Community Center features The Cel/uloid CONCERN. from 7-10 p.m. Thursday, March 27, at the Closet starting at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, We are committed to securing Zilker Clubhouse. The focus will be on March 29. The GLCC is located at 2701 Spain and Germany; tickets are $10, and Reagan. For more info, call (214)528-9254. the absolute highest possible pur- beverages and snacks will be served. For chase price for your policy, while more info, call (512)708-1515. GLCC's "Parenthood Series" presents maintaining the utmost in confi- "Childcare" from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. this Satur- Log Cabin Republicans of Austin hold day, March 22 at the GLCC, 2701 Reagan. dentiality. their monthly general meeting at 7 p.m. To register or for more info, call (214) Thursday, March 27, at Tres Amigos Res- 528-9254. taurant, 1206 W. 38th St. For more info, call We are family concerned about the (512)916-3236. well being and security of all other Please call for HOUSTON families. more information. Project Transitions Inc. has a Caregivers Support Group that meets every Tuesday The Houston Black Tie Dinner, Inc. is from 6-7:30 p.m.; new participants are still requesting proposals for local beneficiaries 1-800-871-9440 being accepted. For location and more info, of this year's banquet (set for Nov. 8). For call (512)454-8646. y [AlI'llCAIL IBlEWlElF[1J'S 24 HOURS an information packet, write to P.O. Box 131351; Houston, TX 77219. Proposals will DALLAS be accepted through April 15. JFOUWDAnow. iwc. FT. LAUDERDALE • CLEVELAND Gay Owned and Operated PHOENIX. CAMDEN "Setting Up Your Office," "Getting Your First Friends Associating and Relating hosts Case," "Handling a DUI Case," "The Em- a Video Night this Saturday, March 22 at 7 ployment Termination Case," "Same-Sex p.m, at a private residence. For directions Marriage" and "Keeping Your License" are or more details, call (214)328-6749 or among topics to be covered in a series of (972)315-8105. Learn more about our free Physicians Hotline, workshops this Saturday from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel, 400 Dallas Available to all Viatical Benefit Foundation Men of All Colors Together hosts a Rapp St. "Fundamentals of Law Practice" is pre- clients, Along with our 1A: Hr. Crisis Intervention Session at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25 at sented by the Bar Association for Human the Gay and Lesbian Community Center, Rights. For more info, call (713)236-0064. Hot Line, Staffed by certified HIV counselors. 2701 Reagan. For more info, call (214) 521'4765. Milam House/AIDS Housing Houston benefits from a fund-raiser this Sunday Prime Timers DFW, a support group for (March 23) in conjunction with the perform- mature gay men, hosts their Lunch Bunch ance of Dracula by the Houston Ballet at

TWT MARCH 21 • MARCH 27 1 PAGE 38 PAGE 39 2 p.m. Tickets for the afternoon (which includes the ballet and a wine-and-cheese reception afterwards with company mem- bers) are $60; for tickets or more info, call George at (713)522-2240.

Tony Bennett, Farrah Fawcett and Betty White headline "Together for Medical Re- search III" this Saturday, March 22, at 8 p.m. at the Houston Arena Theatre, 7326 SW Frwy. Proceeds benefit the American Foundation for AIDS Research. For ticket info, call (713)988-1020.

Les Miz (concert version) is on the marquis this evening (March 21) at 7 p.m. at the Kolbe Project, 1509 Fairview. Refresh- ments will be served during and after the feature. Admission is free, though contribu- tions are appreciated. For more info, call (713)522-8182.

Everything You Have Is Mine by Sandra Scoppettone is the book up for discussion at the next meeting of the Gay and Les- bian Readers Group, on Monday, March 31, at 7 p.m. at Barnes & Noble Booksel- lers, 3003 W. Holcombe. For more info, call (713)349-0050.

The AIDS Housing Coalition Houston hosts its 1997 Spring Rummage-A-Rama charity sale on Saturday, April 5, at 115 Tuam. Items in working condition (no used mattresses, broken items or worn-out couches) are sought; TLC also needs things like men's jeans, casual shirts, underclothes, coats, shoes and twin-size bedding for residents. Donations may be dropped off at 117 Tuam 10 a.m.-8 p.m. seven days a week. Call (713)521-1613.


The San Antonio Equal Rights political, Caucus holds a Mayoral CandidateS Forum at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, al Metropolitan Community Church, 611 E.I Myrtle. For more info, call (210)828-2723.

My Beautiful Laundrette (1985), about twO young men who take over and renovate a beat-up laundromat, battling thugs and racism all the while, is on the schedule thiS evening (March 21) at 7:30 p.m. for "Out of the Closet: Cinema!" at the Gay & Lesbiall Community Center, 923 E. Mistletoe. call (210)732-4300. ilton Berle would be so proud! It'll 1 M be a night of female impersonation SIMON 8l KNESEK l.l.P. as "Austin's Ladies of the Evening" take AllO RN EYS AT LAW over the Kleberg Stage at the Zachary Scott Theatre Center from 6-8 p.m. this Areas of Concentration Sunday, March 23, at 1421 W. Riverside Dr. in Austin. Tickets are $12 advance and • Bankruptcy $15 at the door for the show, a benefit for • Personal Injury Project Transitions Inc. and the Austin • Business Litigation Circle of Theaters. The diva-studded lineup • Wills & Probate includes Miss Gay America Lauren Taylor, • Ell1ploYll1ent Miss Austin Metroplex Ashley Collins, Discrill1ina tion Miss Corpus Christi Heather Thomas, Ticketmaster outlets or by calling (713) Miss Austin Scarlett Leigh, Joe York as 227-ARTS or (800)828-ARTS. YVONNE KNESEK* & RUSSELL SIMON 2323 South Shepherd • Ste. 1012 • Houston 77019 Sylvia St. Croix and more. For reservations Next weekend, the Houston Symphony 'BoardCertified· COI1SUIIl€T Bankru~cyLaw,TexasBoanIofLegalSfroaliL1tiOil Telephone: (713)52HIDJ or more info, call (512)454-TIXS or (512) presents Great Loves of the Silver Screen, YYO/lne R. Knetek . Board Certified. Contumer Bankruptcy Law • Texas Board of LetJaI Speciaballon. Not Certified By the Texa, Board of legal Specializ.!ItkIo In any other areas of praclk:e. 464-1991. featuring music composed for the movies. Russel C. Simon· Nol certified by the Texa. Board of legal Specialization. Dance Umbrella opens its spring sea- On March 28, 29 and 31 at 8 p.m., Con- son with the return of Austin native Nine ductor-in-Residence Stephen Stein will Martin with "Lower Left Dance" today lead the symphony as dazzling footage of through Sunday (March 21-23) at Synergy some of Hollywood's most famous love Studio, 1501 W. 5th St. in Austin. Perform- scenes (The Bride of Frankenstein, Briga- CATCH THE BERING SPIRIT - A PLACE FOR EVERYONE! ances are at 8 p.m. today and Saturday doon, King Kong, etc.) is presented on a and 4 p.m. Sunday; tickets are $10 ad- huge screen hung over the stage. Tickets vance, $12 at the door, with a $2 discount ($17-$56), are available at the Houston BERING MEMORIAL 1~7. for DU members. For reservations or more Ticket Center in Jones Hall, 615 Louisiana .4l~ info, call (512)454-TIXS. St., at Ticketmaster outlets or by calling UNITED METHODIST CHURCH W V' (713)227-ARTS or (800)828-ARTS. '11["'- A Reconciling Congregation . Scriptwriters/Houston, a nonprofit organization of Houston-area writers, has Where persons - regardless of sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity or age - fully announced its seventh annual competition participate in the church's life and ministries as loved disciples of Christ. for ten-minute playlets for its Ten by Ten production at Main Street Theatre. Dead- Sunday School 9:30am • Sunday Worship lO:50am line for entries is April 5, and the ten win- ning playwrights will be paid. For more info, call (713)707-5194. 1440 Harold at Mulberry • Houston • 713/526-1017 The Dallas Theater Center's season cul- minates with the long-awaited return of Shakespeare's romantic comedy All's Well That Ends Well March 27-April 20. This intoxicating tale of adventure, love and coming-of-age is one of Shakespeare's RITCHIE & .GLASS richest comedies and features one of his most charming and inspiring heroines. ATTORNEYS AT UW Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday eve- CRIMINAL DEFENSE I rus year ISthe 100th anniversary of the nings, 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, with 2 publication of Bram Stoker's Dracula, and p.m. matinees Saturdays and Sundays. For SEX CASES • DWI • DRUG CASES in honor of the occasion, Houston Ballet tickets ($11-$44.50), call (214)522-TIXX. Artistic Director Ben Stevenson has cre- This production will be at the Kalita Hum- ASSAULT • ALL CRIMINAL CASES ated a new full-length ballet version of the phreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. story. This co-production with Pittsburgh MOTION TO REVOKE PROBATION . Theatre Arlington presents the fractured Herb Ritchie Greg Glass Ballet Theatre moves to Pittsburgh and Los musical fairy tale Into the Woods through Angeles after its Houston run. Houston April 12. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. BOARD CERTIFIED, CRIMINAL LAW, TEXAS BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION Shows continue this evening and Saturday Thursdays, 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays (713)521-9216 (March 21 and 22) at 7:30 p.m. and Sun- and 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets 1744 Norfolk Phones Answered day (March 23) at 2 p.m. at Brown Theater ($12-$16) can be purchased by calling Houston 24 Hours (800)716-9216 in Wortham Center. Tickets ($10-$80) are (817)275-7661. Theatre Arlington is lo- available at Houston Ticket Center and all cated at 305 West Main St. in Arlington.

PAGE46 TWTMARCH 21 - MARCH 27 1ciii I lWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 27 1997 ~ PAGE47 Workout to fight HIV/AIDS The Lovett Inn and related cancers ... ALASKA CRUISE 7-day 'Misty Fjords' Cruise Gay Group aboard San Antonio NCr:s The Windward April 12 ~~!~~ce July 7-14 Dallas I.;~"e~ st In: April 19 11 seases THE INSIDE PASSAGE Houston Visits Sawyer Glacier; Ll~~~ni'tted April 26 Skagway, Juneau, Ketchikan Austin Jacuui Suites' Continental Breakfast April 27 All ocean-view cabins Pool' Hot Tub • Color TV • Phones $1449 Walking Distance to Bars & &cellent Restaurants Central Location & Close to the Galleria & Medical Center Please call 800/779-5893 Grulse only. Includes port cbarges for more information. 45·minute Drive to Galveston & Space Center Houston AnY'!tlcre l,~~<,!fl\ ~1'rafCI CALL TOLL FREE ~ City of For more information, contact Joe 800/779-5224 OHki11 Spornor ~l~Hope 800-352-8947 ext. 710 • 401-943-3300 501 Lovett Blvd. Houston, TX 77006 NATKlNAL MEDICAL CENTER AND 713/522·5224 (In Houston>' 713/528·6708 FAX BECKMAN RESEARCH INSTIT\JTE E-mail: [email protected] ~H~~ TOU(~lng the Llvei ofMllllOnl l~(21.~)~2.G-2~,_~~~__\

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PAGE 49 PAGE 48 TWTMARCH 21· MARCH 271997 lWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 27 1997







101 SMITH The Only Gay Comic To Appear on The Tonight NeW CD Release , Show With Jay lenol. IIEVIN MAY!" SCOTTIIINNIPY Sometimes the most delightful things come from the most unexpected places. This week, the Sun conjuncts with stern old Saturn and delightful Venus. Don't turn up your nose at a seemingly less than attractive opportunity, lest the wart-laden frog you refuse to kiss turns out to be royalty. Read ahead, kids, and see where you can find gold among the dreck. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) There's more CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Pink Crabs may than enough activity going on in your sign feel they're on the short end of a profes- LIVE GAY this week when Sun, Venus and Saturn in sional stick, but the conjunction of the Sun, Aries conjunct and set off sparks. Queer Venus and Saturn can turn all sticks into CRUISING Ramsshould take their pride to the streets golden divining rods. Step up to the cor- r1131524-2333 Cruise through 100 telephone lines for a while this fabulous energy propels you into porate plate and hit a home run. You know • 1952A West Gray live one-on-one chat. the limelight. Be kind and magnanimous to much more than you think and are capable • River Oaks Center 1-26S- alii you never know who will figure promi- of much more than the current administra- ~ HOUSTON 404-6433 nently in your life's goals, and it would be a tion believes. Prove them wrong, stage a TICKETS ON SALE NOW! shame to snub 'em. corporate coup and throw the bums out. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) A spark of intu- LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23) You've probably ition leads to new rewards during the Sun, been traveling more but enjoying it less. Venus, Saturn face-off. Proud Bulls feel at Take heart, gay Lion, there's a good lesson one with our community as the planets to be learned from all your travels and tra- provide an outlet for your charitable ef- vails, everything will fall into place during forts. The problem is that you may not see the Sun, Venus and Saturn conjunction. Cinderella as a breakthrough role. But grab Who knows? You may embark on a new it while you can, dear, queer friend. Once phase of study which will prove to be ex- yOU clean the chimneys, you'll get to the tremely rewarding. Become too smart for ball and fit those glassslippers. your own good. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Who knows VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23) Since the con- What pals are capable of during the Sun, junction between the Sun, Venus and Venus and Saturn conjunction? Try not to Saturn heats up your sexuality, I suggest be too suspicious of all the friendly goings- that you give lovers and potential lovers a on, you may jump to the wrong conclu- long, long rope (for lassoing). The scaly sions and upset the applecart of true com- toad that you turn your nose up at today radeship. Go with the flow, queer Twins, could be the king or queen of your dreams and give your social circle a wide berth. tomorrow. So hedge your bets, queer The group dynamic may in fact direct you Virgin, and play deliciously hard to get. to your life's mission, so stop kvetching and (Some of us like it that way ... ) listen! LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23) Just when you

PAGE 57 'I'M aQ I~~~

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'.- .~~o~ - OAK LAWN SOCCER DALLAS - In its second game of the sea- EXPLOSIVE son, the Sideburns, the Oak Lawn Soccer Club's men's team, beat the Strikers 2-1 EROTIC Sunday at Moss Park. After leaving the first half down 1-0, the Sideburns came back with a strong offensive attack. Forward Greg FANTASIESI pyron scored the Sideburns' first goal on a penalty kick early in the half. Soon thereafter, center halfback Pepe Conforme brought the 1·900· score to 2-1 with a long shot that entered in For the men, Richard Dauchy bowled high the far corner of the Strikers' goal. A coordi- scratch game of 202 and series of 564; Mike I-GfT· nated defense held on to Oak Lawn's lead, Weikert bowled high handicapped game and and the Sideburns moved into second place Scott Allbee series. For the women, Terry in their division of the North Texas Premier Shannon bowled high scratch game of 211 HIM Soccer Association. and series of 557; Dana Howard bowled high This weekend will see the Oak Lawn handicapped game and Kristin Hess series. Soccer Club playing two games. In co-ed Call Tom at (713)522-9612. action, the Pride hopes to get its season Balls R Out leads the Monday Night Wom- underway after having two games canceled en's League, followed by Marks-A-Lot, TAZ due to muddy fields. They take on the Arse- Club and Bitches in Beautiful Shirts. Call Pat nals this evening (March 21) at 6:45 p.m. at at (713)437-6218. Crown Park. Houston bowlers recently competed with This Sunday, March 23, the Sideburns other gay and lesbian bowlers from across take on Strikers F.C. (not related to this the country in a "mail-in" fund-raising tourna- week's opponents) at 1:30 p.m. The game ment for the IGBO national tournament, to be takes place at Lake Park in Plano. held in Nashville in May. From a field of 452 For more info about Oak Lawn Soccer, call bowlers, Mike Figliola finished first, Gardy (214)941-3566 or send e-mail to astrojet@ Harvey fourth, Tom O'Dell 18th and Rodney airmail.net. Seiler 39th. Peri Cain placed second in high scratch series for the women. Other Houston HOUSTON BOWLING bowlers in the top 75 included Terry Wolber, Stacy Moore, Pat DeCarlo and Randy HOUSTON - The Montrose Monday Stanger. NightMen's League reports that Division A is headed by We Go There, Beat the Meat Againand 3 Dukes & A Duchess. Spank My Feet, Five Easy Pieces and Not So Easy Pickupslead Division B. Mike Figliola bowled high scratch game of 278 and high handi- capped game. Ron Bayer bowled high ~~ scratchseries of 679 and high handicapped series.Call Tom at (713)522-9612. The Inner Loop Sunday Evening League GAMBLERS BOWLING reportsthat Please Don't Eat the Daisy is in AUSTIN - Mike Strand had the hot hand lirst place, followed by Sleeping with the in week 24 of the Austin Gamblers Bowling Enema and Titty Titty Wang Wang. For the League [as of 3/11] at Dart Bowl. Strand men,Brian Elley bowled high scratch game swept weekly honors for high game scratch of256 and Tom O'Dell high scratch series of (258), game handicap (263), series scratch 696 and high handicapped game and series. (673) and series handicap (688), and his Forthe women, Judy Hatfield bowled high team, The Longshots, walked off with team Scratchgame of 252 and handicap game, high game scratch (766) and series scratch WhilePeri Cain bowled high scratch series of (2,174). The only honor Strand didn't take 609. Melissa Botting bowled high handicap part in was Most Pins Over Average, won by SeriesCall. Tom at (713)522-9612. Dale Nelson (67). Ease It In continues to lead The Wednesday Night Mixers report that the team standings, followed by Heavy ~utter Bumper is in first place, with Gutter Equipment and Family Affair as its closest rashin second and Charley's Tunas in third. challengers. ~

PAGE 67 along the route. Parade participants must udice or bias based on sexual orientation HOUSTON PRIDE PICKS obtain prior approval from the Pride Com- or race, ethnicity, disability or religion. mittee concerning the nature of items to be The event is being organized by the Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas. The GRAND MARSHALS FOR thrown. The honoring of outstanding parade en- group's Executive Director, Dianne Hardy- THIS YEAR'S PARADE tries, a traditional part of pride festivities, Garcia, told TWT NEWS, "We need· a Deborah Bell, Jim Carper and has been updated. In addition to the Hous- stronger hate crime law so Texas makes a Krewe of Olympus Honored. ton (best nonprofessional motorized float), strong, clear stand .... We've had a lot of Texas (best professional motorized float) 1055 caused by hate crimes. People de- HOUSTON - After a lengthy process and Stonewall (best unit to commemorate serve to live in a state where everyone of that involved numerous nominees and run- pride) awards, this year's trophies will their lives matter." offs in three categories, grand marshals include the Glowing with Pride (best inter- A number of groups are planning con- ment. Tickets $10 in advance, $12 at the were chosen Tuesday evening for this sum- pretation of slogan), Edison (best nonpro- ferences, meetings or parties in Austin to door. (512)474-5475, (512)708-1515, (512) mer's Houston pride parade, which culmi- fessional lighted unit), Rainbow Lights coincide with the March weekend. Hardy- 476-2900. nates over a week of celebrations. That (best professional lighted unit) and Ruby Garcia hopes many of them step forward to Sunday nighttime event, set for Saturday, June 28, Slippers (best walking unit). lend their strength and support to the • 10 a.m.: Ecumenical Service, City Col- will be the first of its kind in Houston and There is a new schedule of entry fees March, and stay over for Lobby Day on iseum, 400 S. 1st St. Metropolitan Commu- apparently in all of North America. this year; fees for float entries by nonprofit Monday, March 24. nity Church of Austin hosts event, featuring Chosen Female Grand Marshal of the organizations are $50, for walking units A partial schedule of events follows (to a special guest speaker. (512)708-8002. Houston Gay and Lesbian Pride Week Pa- $75. Fees for businesses with float entries find out more and obtain updated listings • Noon: The March in March gathers at rade is Deborah Bell, who has given over a will be $100, for walking units $150. and plans, call LGRL at (512)474-5475): Palmer Auditorium, 400 S. 1st St., with decade of service to community organiza- Deadline for submission of parade entry Saturday walk scheduled to take off between 12:30 tions on the local and national levels. In applications is June 4; call (713)529-6979. • 11 a.m.-6 p.m.: P-FLAG [Parents, and 1 p.m. March proceeds north across addition to volunteering with Houston pride A special workshop hosted by the Krewe Families and Friends of Lesbians and Congress Avenue Bridge up Congress celebrations, she has served as a co-host of Olympus in conjunction with the Pride Gays] Southwest Regional Conference, Ave. to the Capitol building's south en- and associate producer of the Wilde 'n' Committee will be held Tuesday, April 8 at primarily at Grace United Methodist trance. Participants are urged to bring Stein and Lesbian & Gay Voices radio 7 p.m. at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Church, 205 E. Monroe St., and capped by signs, friends and energy. (512)474-5475. shows on KPFT-FM. She has worked with Center, 1475 W. Gray. Local organizations, barbecue at the Lazy Oak Inn, 211 W. Live • 2-7 p.m.: Various post-march parties the National Organization for Women, was businesses and individuals interested in Oak. Activities are $20 per person, $35 a at Austin clubs and establishments, includ- a key organizer of the 1993 March on entering the parade are encouraged to couple. Continues with additional group ing parking lot picnic ($2) at Congress and Washington and did a stint as Editor of The attend the workshop, which will include tips activities Sunday and Monday. For more 4th sponsored by LGRL. Houston Voice. and techniques on building floats and on information, call (512)302-FLAG. Monday This year's Male Grand Marshal is Jim how to use lighting. • 1 p.m.: Youth Rally for Equality in Edu- • LGRL Lobby Day all day at Capitol, as Carper, a longtime volunteer with the Q The next meeting of the Houston Gay cation. Site to be announced for this LGRL- group urges constituents to visit and talk Patrol, the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard and Lesbian Pride Week Committee is sponsored event aimed at creating public with their senators and representatives on of Houston and NAMES Project Houston April 15 at 7 p.m. at the Multi-Service Cen- awareness of the discrimination gay and the importance of a strong, clear, fair hate who has also worked as producer of the ter. For more information on parade rules, lesbian young people often face as they try crimes bill. Proposals in committees right After Hours radio program on KPFT-FM fees and the route, call (713)529-6979 and to get an education in Texas. Call (512) now are Senate Bill 80, sponsored by Sen. and helped produce Houston Pride Week leave a message for Robin Duncan. Send 474-5475. Rodney Ellis of Houston, and House Bill broadcasts on that station for three years. e-mail to [email protected]. • Capital City Crawl weekend convention 1116, sponsored by Rep. Sylvester Turner Organizational Grand Marshal is the of IAGLCWDC hosted by Southern Coun- of Houston. Krewe of Olympus, a social and charitable THOUSANDS EXPECTED try Austin and headquartered at the Red • Children's Art Exhibit at State Capitol organization founded in New Orleans in lion Hotel. Highlights include dance les- building expressing a vision through kids' 1971 that moved to Houston in 1992. The FOR MARCH IN AUSTIN sons at 2 and 3 p.m. Saturday in the Red eyes of a world without hate crimes and group hosts three fund-raisers a year, and lion Ballroom, and the main benefit, the violence. Sponsored by the Allan G. Calkin has donated over $35,000 to local nonprof- TmSWEEKEND Grand Ball, at 7 p.m. Saturday at the same Human Rights Education and Research its. No nominations were submitted for site. (512)243-1578 or (512)835-8218. Fund. Honorary Grand Marshal, which recog- State Gay Lobby Pushing for • 5-7 p.m.: Log Cabin Republicans nizes a non-gay individual who has shown Stronger Hate Crime Law. Cocktail Reception. Call (512)467-9797 for DALLAS OSCAR PARTY significant support of the gay community. details and location. Instead of a festival and rally, this year's AUSTIN - Between 5,000 and 10,000 To BENEFIT STATE people are expected to take part in "The • 6:30-8 p.m.: Texas Cabinet Reception parade will be followed by an After-Parade for sustaining members of LGRL. Call March in March: It's Time for Justice" HUMAN RIGHTS Party hosted by Outrage. Festivities will (512)345-4437 for details and location. actually begin a couple hours before the through downtown Austin to the state Capitol this Sunday. Hundreds more are • 9 p.m.-4 a.m.: Freedom Dance, in the GROUP parade, and shuttles will carry people back parking lot at Congress Ave. and West 4th expected to stay in town Monday to lobbY 24 to the parade as it begins and then trans- St., and in the adjacent clubs The Forum March Bash to Be Held their legislators face-to-face on the ne~d port them to the party afterwards. and The Cuff at 408 Congress, as well as At Lakewood Theatre. for a truly effective Texas hate crime bill, An addition to parade fun this year is on their roof. Live performance by record- one that would enhance penalties for ill~' DALLAS - An evening of suspense and item distribution, which means that units Ing artist Lonnie Gordon among entertain- celebration returns to Dallas next Monday, will be allowed to throw items to spectators gal activities or violence motivated by pre)'

lWi='MllDf"""Uf')l ~Al\n,....lll"\"7 lrv't.-, 1WT MARCH 21 - MARCH ~ PAGE 69 PAGE 68 March 24, as Hector Garcia presents his 18th Annual Academy Awards Party at 7 p.m. at the historic Lakewood Theatre. "After a three-year hiatus from a major production, we are rested, reorganized, and ready to party," said Garcia. "We're bringing back the Academy Awards cele- bration in grand style." Proceeds from this year's event will ben- efit the Texas Human Rights Foundation, a statewide, nonprofit organization that fights to end discrimination based on sexual ori- entation or HIV status. In its 21-year his- tory, THRF has sponsored numerous law- Dr. Scott Sawyer will be "roasted" June 8 for his support of suits in Texas and has helped thousands of the Montrose Clinic. people. Its toll-free bilingual hotline has Ralph Sikes. The evening will continue with fielded over 10,000 calls since 1988. dance music provided by well-known local With Nelda Pickens and Sister Helen entertainer Scott Gertner. (nelfinavir mesylate) Holy (a.k.a. Paul J. Williams) serving as Underwriter and individual tickets are honorary co-chairs, the event is sure to available for both events or for "Hats Off" offer a little something for everyone. It's only. For ticket information, or to find out produced by the nonprofit organization more about supporting the evening, con- Genesius, Inc., and all proceeds go to tact the development office of the Mont- THRF. "This is going to be a fun, exciting, rose Clinic at (713)520-2000. and suspense-filled party as we all view the ceremony together," Garcia said. DALLAS AIDS CENTER To OFFER POPULAR DATE SET FOR HIV CLASS IN SPANISH 'HATS OFF' BENEFIT First Installment Set for FOR HOUSTON'S March 29 at 10 a.m. MONTROSE CLINIC DALLAS - The popular AIDS Resource June 8 Event Includes Center class "AIDS 101: The Truth About Salute to Agency Supporter AIDS" will head a new direction in AIDS awareness on Saturday, March 29. The Dr. Scott Sawyer. program will be the same as always, only HOUSTON - (fhe "Friends of Montrose on that date it will be conducted in Span- Clinic" have announced the date of the ish, with the title "SIDA 101: La Verdad oc second annual gala benefiting the clinic, a Sobre SIDA." nonprofit agency that provides HIV-related "There was such a tremendous need for and other testing and services. This year's this type of program," said Jamie Schield, "Hats Off to Broadway" and "A Roast of Director of Programs for the AIDS Re- Honorary Chair Dr. Scott Sawyer" will be source Center. "We saw it as a way to fur- held at the Edwin Hornberger Center in the ther help our community." Texas Medical Center on Sunday, June 8. Each 1'/2-hour class offers a basic un- Sawyer, a longtime supporter and friend derstanding of the HIV epidemic, including ofthe Houston clinic, is the Honorary Chair discussion of how the virus works in the of "Hats Off" and will be specially honored immune system, treatment of HIV, trans- at a "roast" to be held just prior to the eve- mission of HIV, descriptions of safe and 8226 Douglas Ave., Ste 331 Call or Visit a ning'sevents. "Hats Off" will include a cock- unsafe sex and how to get tested. Dalras, TX 75225 STATSCRIPT Pharmacy tail hour and silent auction with entertain- The first Spanish class will begin at 10 Phone (214) 373-3494 ~ent to be provided by the Todd Vullo Trio, a.m. on Saturday, March 29 at the AIDS and feel the difference for yourself. ollowed by dinner and Broadway-style Resource Center, 2701 Reagan at Brown. 3818 Cedar Springs, Ste 106 ~ntertainment featuring Jerry Atwood, English versions continue throughout the Dallas, TX 75219 Hhrts Bennings, Keith Caldwell, Clay month, as well. Both classes are free of Phone (214) 522-4006 NOWOPFN oWell, Keira O'Keefe, Sharon Mont- charge. For more dates, information or to 3810 Medical Parkway, Ste 115 gomery,Terry Pierce, Juliana Wathen and register, call (214)521-5124. ~ 4101 Greenbriar, #235 Austin, TX 78756 Houston, TX 77098 Phone 512-451-7100 ~n~ •• ~. .•••...... , ..•...• ,•...... • PAGE 71 Phone 713-521-1700 A t last the wait is over! You can now debut collection from Grace? If I Could Fly, '"' rush out and buy that ever-so-spec- her first domestic release on Reprise, tacular Nuyorican Soul CD that we've been gives the American audience a chance to ranting and raving over since Christmas. catch the excitement that has had UK I'm telling you, you have absolutely no idea dance fans hot and bothered since she what a treat your ears are in store for with came on the scene with Perfecto back in this little marvel. Latin, jazz, , house, '95. Grace consists of vocalist Dominique soul, R&B, whatever you're into - it's all Atkins and the production team of Paul here, and wonderfully produced by "Little" Oakenfold and Steve Osborne. Grace has Louie Vega and Kenny "Dope" Gonzales enjoyed several certified smashes through- (aka Masters at Work). Nuyorican Sout out the Texas circuit as well as in other combines the production talents of Kenny! parts of the U.S. with her singles "I Want to and Louie with a star-studded lineup thai Live," "Skin On Skin" and "Down to Earth"; includes India, Vince Montana Jr., Ro' her latest, "" (with remixes by Ayers, Hilton Ruiz, Eddie Palmer Danny Tenaglia), has currently got the girls Jocelyn Brown, Tito Puente and th twirling from coast to coast.. .. smooth vocal and guitar prowess of th Concert Corner. .. Diva Joi Cardwell great George Benson. Together they pu asked me to thank everyone for coming out off a musical stunt that's certain to set th, to see her when she was in Dallas and music industry (not to mention consumers' reeling with delight.. .. Last Thursday evening, I was privileg to attend the release party for the albu and was able to visit with all the membe Houston last of Nuyorican Soul during a special pn week, and to tell performance press bash. I had a rath you that, in her interesting conversation with George Be book, "Texas is son, who pointed out that "It's really gre, tha' bomb!" Joi to be a part in a project like this, whe promises to get we're getting so much support from ma back to Texas to different areas of the music industry - promote her just jazz or Latin, but everywhere." Aft, album later this wards, we were treated to a jam session summer .... the group, the likes of which I've nevI Okay, Houston, you're in for a very spe- heard before. Believe me when I tell yl cial treat if you can get up bright and early this album is going to be huge. And tomorrow morning._Erasur~ - t~'s right, need to have yours today .... -~ Guuuurls? Have you heard that 'n girl" on the radio who sounds so much iii ? Her name is Erykah Ba, and her debut album, Baduism, is sou scanning its way right up the retail cha selling over 358,000 units since its rele Feb. 11. What's so great about Badu is she goes great with any audience of lis ers. Yes, she does sound like "Lady 0, but that's only the tip for her. Badu is ping into another area of R&B music the kids who groove on your typical S "Puffy" Combs or Babyface product are getting into, and it's also a style th working well for the Adult Contempo ERASURE - is coming to Houston for market as well. Even in areas of the one night only, next Saturday, March 27, at try where she's getting no radio airplay. Numbers. Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. to- strong presence on the Box and B morrow morning (March 22) at the Record sending music buyers out to pick up o Rack and TicketMaster outlets, with a limit of Badu's album. of two per customer. Moving on to the dance floor ... SII And that's dance music THIS WEEK IN we're talking about albums, how about TEXAS. ~

PAGE 72 PAGE 73 SAN ANTONIO TEA - Bonham Exchange is legendary for its beautiful The Forum & The Cu location and its super friendly staff. Beautiful door gal welcome Texas to Mary [right] is no exception, and she'll II no doubt be the one II THE-- FREEDO.. _-_...... JM- DANCE welcoming you tonight for the club's Saturday, March 22 • 9pm-4aD.J. new Freaky Friday lineup featuring The1.o.rg & Hottest Party In The State! staggering drink Continental Melissa Crawford and the est specials, go-go boys and after hours. Don't newly-crowned Miss Gay San Antonio Outside, Inside and On The Roof} miss the very happening weekend kickoff USofA Layla LaRue.... party in the Ballroom tonight. The big girls The grand opening of Sanctuary last $10 Advance strut their stuff at the Miss San Antonio-at- week drew record numbers of people, all Large Pageantstarring emcee Cinnamon raving about the club's slick decor and $12 At The Door Sweet and Miss Gay Texas-at-Large Shante dazzling light show. Among the bevy of Whitney. Showtime is 10:30 p.m .... beautiful dancers, we spotted go-go god Eagle Mountain Saloon is gearing up for Karl Thomas and grooved to truly hot Tickets available at the FORUM/CUFF or spring and summer with Margarita mad- music on the dance floor. Join them again nessevery Wednesday, and the crowd is this weekend for dance parties on Friday, from LGRL by phone at (512)474-5475 loving it. Terri Rivas continues to pack 'em Saturday and Sunday with deejay Michael in for the club's free Thursday night dance Angel and after hours on Saturday until lessons.This Sunday, March 23, EMS-spon- dawn .... :le1(Jturing Top Recording Artist sored Mr. and Miss TGRA candidates Mario Duron and Destiny Harper host a big benefit for the Wellness Center. The fun l.ONNIH G0RDON includes dart and pool tourneys, raffles with sign-in starting at 1 p.m. and a big live in the parking lot show later in the evening. The club opens at 12 noon that day in anticipation of the hugeturnout. Watch TWT for all the details on EMS' big switch night scheduled for Coming April 2. You won't want to miss a minute of the fun.... The hottest dancers in SA can usually be Easte. found at the Silver Dollar Saloon and the Pegasus.Gorgeous boy toy Nathan [above, c] got up close and personal with Sundaj some SDS regulars recently and so can you THE - seven nights a week - plus there's a ,March 30 wicked happy hour beginning at 2 p.m. FORUM daily .... ~ooking with 408 Congress Austin erne (517)476-2900 Our CRUISE CAMERA caught Saint-ly bar- backsRene, Robert and Lucas [above, I-r] Chilling out after a feverish Friday after- hoursparty. Join the Saint staff each Tuesdayfor Pauletta Leigh's infamous ama- teur talent night, when the up-and-coming starletscompete for cash and prizes and a 408.CONGRFSS chance at Newcomer of the Year.Thursday The Saint played host last Sunday to the AUSTIN nightsfeature a knockout show starring Miss Gay San Antonio USofA Pageant. Food, Drinks, More (512)476-5700 emceeVictoria West, Miss Gay Texas Pictured in the winner's circle above are USafA Erica Andrews, Miss Texas ll-rl second runner-up Talissa Michaels,

lWTMARCH 21 - MARCH 271997 PAGE 75 Miss Gay Texas they did it so sweetly selling chocolate- Broadway@Cheever·SanAntonlo546 featuring many great prizes; any hunky ~...Il __ n (210) 821-5345 USofA 1997 Erica dipped strawberries, bananas and pretzels bears or cute cubs can enter. Then, at 11 ena;;e, W lK9.J@(Q)U[Ji@, for a dollar donation last Friday at Andrews, winner Sunday night, there's a Full Moon Contest; Layla LaRue and first Rainbow Cattle Company, all to benefit the butt right in and take part! TGRA will be runner-up Kelly Pediatric AIDS League, Austin Wellness handling the cookout on the patio from Klein. Layla [right, r] center and UCA. They'll do it again at 9 4-9 p.m. Sunday; the Capital City Men's wowed the capacity p.m. March 28. Rainbow welcomes after- Chorus did a great job last Sunday in their crowd with her March celebrants this Sunday with the maiden appearance, even though rainy Misery-inspired tal- club's first of weekly Summer Meltdown weather forced them inside. Mike Tank is ent presentation, Madnesses manned by the TGRA from 4-9 now hosting "Nostalgia" on Thursdays, while San Antonio goddess Erica Andrews p.rn. Coming at 10 p.m. Thursday, March featuring your favorite '80s music. Randy [I] stepped down from her MGSAUSofA 27, is a Boots and Boxers Contest, with just turned 40 Thursday; we can't believe title to a packed house of fans and follow- prizes to the best.. .. it, stud! Start preparing for Chain Drive's ers wishing her well at Miss Gay USofA Charlie's is welcoming March in March 11th anniversary party April 17-20, this May 18-23 in Dallas. participants to the capital city as a host bar which'lI be a real golden event. And check of the Austin Tavern Guild. To help the out Chain Drive's new web site at festivities, there'll be no cover Saturday www.io.com/-chaindrv .... and Sunday at the party palace on Lavaca, and they'll be opening at noon both days. A special Orca Feastis set for Sunday from 1-8 p.m., and there'll also be a draft beer bust. Miss Gay America Lauren Taylor AUSTINteaCIOUS - Robert, Tim, Ric comes home for Sunday Showtime at and Shayne [above, I-r] of the United about 11:30 p.m., with special guests. The Oscars on Charlie's multiple screens will "EB"A~ 1216 Euclid @ Locust Court of Austin know that the way to a •• ~Z (210) 472-2800 www.zebraz.com girl's heart is through her stomach, and be the highlight of another Blackout Monday on March 24. Tuesday is the The CRUISE CAMERA caught Melinda and Amateur Male Strip Contest, and Thursday Joey [above, I-r] from San Angelo checking Miss Nacha Type presents another out the Austin sights with localite Brian, marvelous show.... including The Forum and The Cuff. Those Deejay Brad [left] two bars will be major sites for the THE CENTER OF GUY~OVVN is back in charge for Freedom Dance on Saturday night, as pre- 'Bout Time's Way C'-17 - . Marchers party from 9 p.m.-4 a.m. under a ~~ LA> '< ~ _ Back Wednesdays, huge tent in the parking lot at 4th and delighting the Congress, as well as in the twin clubs and crowds with on their roof. Tickets are $10 advance, $12 selections from his at the door - and recording artist Lonnie collection of 250 or Gordon will perform live. There'll also be so CDs from 7 p.m.-midnight. The an after-March party from 2-7 p.m. Sunday neighborhood bar up north is now at 4th and Congress, with a $2 donation accepting entries for its Easter Basket ~ requested. The Cuff continues to pack in Contest and Auction, to be capped at the hunky leather lords, while The Forum Sunday March 2) 2:"9PIll 10:30 p.m. Saturday with over $400 in has a Pro/Am Strip-Off at 11 p.m. Mondays $I draft beer, free munchies, daisies, kisses ... prizes given away during the Hen House and the fabulous Drag-in-a-Bag Show at 11 also: Ho' Down II EasterShow; proceeds benefit p.m. Wednesdays. Coming EasterSunday, the Pediatric AIDS ~eague of Austin - March 30: "It's a Good Thing" cookin' with " T'h e E die 0 f Cab a l'~ t 'S}l~0 w " this'll be one not to be missed! And Satur- Chi Chi LaRue, featuring porn star Jeremy day starting at 4 p.m., Mr. TGRA candidate Penn and lots of munchies and other with Boyd Vance-IO pjh.:.....,SundaJi Wayne Marion once again will be dealing goodies .... blackjack to raise money for charities. If you find yourself huffing and puffing OPEN .zPM-.zAM • 2I:3'W. .;;iJTH"ST. Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for after the March, maybe it's time for a >,/\....) AUSTIN· 5I2.480.8.t>8<> the male dancer on Wednesdays, or enter workout at A.C.I.-Austin, the city's newest 'Bout Time's Dart Tournament.. .. gym, weight room and social spot at 500 It's a big, busy weekend at Chain Drive, Chicon. Membership is just $3, or $21 .hAppy kOUl\. DAiLy 2-9PM • CALLFOI\ ~ 8DiQNk spECIALs starting at 10:30 tonight (Friday) with the monthly with a six-month contract. Or try Heart of Texas Bears' Quarterly Contest, out Midtowne Spa-Austin, which features a

PAGE 77 PAGE 76 1WTMARCH 21 - MARCH 27 19i7 iWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 27 1997 the best in town. Kofi ed to make sure we mentioned her new male strip contest at 9 p.m. Mondays and floor. Caught between dances recently male dancers from 9-11 p.m. Fridays and Maya [right, I-r] show on Wednesday night at the Brick, so were Tony, Dana and Rhonda [below, l-r], through Sundays, plus magnificent workout put on great go over and see her at her best!... and relaxation facilities at 5815 Airport.. .. performances as The United Court usual last weekend. of Austin gave a If the EasterBunny magnificent show forgets you, you'll March 12 at The want to hop over to Edge, capped by a the Village Station on March 30 for the great Best Buns Easter Basket Auction benefiting the Food Contest that Pantry. It all begins at 5 p.m. and you included Emperor could walk away with a great basket filled Bobby [left, rl and with goodies from area businesses!... co-winners Adrian Zippers ran out of their green beer so who were thoroughly enjoying the latest [c] and Sheri [I]. Sunday from 2-9 p.rn., it's quickly last Monday, you'd think it was a country music. Join the fun on Thursdays "Da Peace Party" and at 10 that evening, holiday or some- Take off your clothes or get out of her and Sundays at 8:30 for dance lessons that Boyd Vance will be featured in the initial thing. Well, actually way! Emcee Kourtney Wells [above] hosts will help you enjoy country music, too!. .. "The Edge of Cabaret" live show. Oh, it was, but it's the Monday night Strip-Off at Kolors and St. Patrick's Day at Dick was a yeah, UCA's show raised $200 each for always so packed at she really keeps the show going fast and non-stop hunkfest. Yes,the sexy bartenders Pediatric AIDS League and Breast Cancer Zippers recently, it's strong. Stop by and show off what you've who strip to their underwear every Research Center; way to go! And the new hard to tell. Perhaps got, or stand back and enjoy what others Monday night put on their best green briefs bar Sister's Edge is almost ready, ladies.... it's because Joey have been blessed with. Come back on [left] has been there Tuesdayand join Kourtney, along with dancing his little Lady Shawn and Sweet Savage, for their heart out. Or maybe outrageous Tuesday show. So if you're it's the morning looking for plenty of entertainment and hours that are luring people in. It could be 7 lots of men, head over to Kolors soon.... that everyone is picking out a favorite spot Throckmorton Mining Company is get- for when the Bears are coming to town. ting ready to welcome the participants in That's right, the Texas Bear Round-Up is the Texas Bear Round-Up, which is coming coming April 3-6 and Zippers and Crews soon to Dallas. Since you can always find ' •• The Blue Flamingo enjoyed huge Inn are waiting with open arms.... the best bears in town at TMC, this'll be a crowds and wild scenes for its South-by- great opportunity to meet a few more. So-What Music Festival, such as when TMC is proud to announce that their draft Pretty Mouth performed last Friday selection keeps growing and growing. and boxers, which kept everyone in the [above]. Things may have settled down a There'sa flavor to please everyone, that's Irish spirit all night long. Daryl and Chad tiny bit at the fabulous spot for live music for sure. So grab a brew, playa round of [above, I-r] actually manage to keep peo- and livelier people, but not much! pool, or simply just sit back and enjoy the ple interested with their clothes on, but Tonight's (Friday) an ACORN benefit sightsthis weekend at TMC. Keep an eye we'd never stop them if they wanted to featuring The Chumps; coming up are Out out for Caven's Eric Boggs, too. If he shows expose a little more! Next Monday, if bar- of Orten and Dippin' Willie and the up, make sure you wish him the best birth- tenders in briefs aren't enough, there'll be Chocolate Orphan this Saturday the 22nd; day from all of us at TWT.. .. By the way, a great Academy Awards Show, too. Don't Provocative Elbow, Pervertsand KGB on The Mr. Gay Metroplex competition Wereyou confused to see ten-year veteran forget to check out the Balcony Beer Club Tuesday the 25th; Slender Loris and Paul held at The Brick recently brought out all deejay John "Fuzzy" Carpenter spinning on Friday afternoon for draft specials out- Newman on Wednesday the 26th; and the finest men in Dallas. It's amazing the elsewhere in last week's TEA section? Truth side. Coming soon, a Birthday Bash for all Black School Children on Thursday the judges were able to narrow it down to one is, we messed up in our reporting - you winner, but they did. Raven [above, r] you Aries babies out there. Watch for 27th. can enjoy John's music nightly at Dallas' details .... DALLAS TEA - Chi Chi Larue and Matt posed with second runner up Jerome [I] oldest levi/leather bar, TMC. ... It's Fetish time! That's right, the famous Bradshaw already have their plans made to and first runner up Louis [c]. The Queen of the Closet Ball is gone, Fetish Party returns to the Dallas Eagle be atVillage Station on March 28, do you? Congratulations, guys! If you thought the but won't soon be forgotten. What a night! tonight. Break out all your fetish attire (you The legendary adult video director and Beads & Boxers Party was great last week, Don't worry, though. The Round-Up know you've got some) and head over for hunky star Matt will definitely spice up then just wait. More great men will be always hosts great benefits and there are a night straight out of your wildest dreams. your evening and get your weekend off to around tonight for the new Fog Party.As more on the horizon. This weekend, stop For even better dreams, make plans to a great start. If Chi Chi doesn't completely the dance floor and dancers slowly disap- by and check out the back patio and the attend the Mr. Texas Fantasy Contest, com- satisfy your need for female impersonators, pear, the night of mystery will begin. sweet great bartenders out there. It's a great ing soon to the Eagle.Ask for details at the Savagepulled us aside recently and want- then head upstairs to the Rose Room for escapeafter a few rounds on the dance Fetish Party tonight.. .. -PA-G-E-7-8------~---M-A-R-C-H-2-1--M-A-R-C-H~2~7l997 lWrMADr'U ">1 ~Alln""'II"'" lfV\.., PAGE 79 Get out your crystal ball, pick the win- stars. You'll be help- HOUSTON TEA - Are you ready to April 1 for a 1997 Gold Eagle pure gold ners of the Academy Awards and you ing out the AIDS journey into Candyland with the absolutely coin. Easter is coming early this year and could take away $250 from JR'sAcademy Resource Center, outrageous Candy J?Tomorrow night at friendly club staffer Awards party this Monday. Even if you too. Heck, you could Heaven, the sassysister that brought you Lupe "Rashelle don't get all the winners, but you get more probably even con- "Hateful Head Helen" and "Sweet Pussy Stevens" Moreno than anyone else, you'll be a winner! On vince manager Mark Pauline" will be performing her club [rightJ wants you to March 27, join in the outrageous festivities Lock [right] to pose classics along with her smash hit, "Wham join him for another as PaulJ. Williams hosts another fabulous with you, as well. Bam" and more. Talented entertainers can fun-filled holiday Personals Party.You could meet your You never know .... always be found at Heaven, especially weekend. Easter dream guy and take him on a fabulous After a great Sunday at JR'swill .vacation. There's a chance that both will Sunday cookout and be highlighted by l,~ppen, so give it a shot. Just make sure a stimulating game I ..J that infamous well you're happy with the way you look before of volleyball, what else could Sue Ellen's vodka juice drink you leave the house, because in case you possibly do to make Sunday night as much special, SRO karaoke, a sexy male strip haven't noticed, all the mirrors are gone fun as the afternoon? Well, they've lined contest and hot male dancers.... from JR's.This is great news, since it sig- up the best live bands around to play every Tonight at Inergy, they're "Remembering nals work on their upcoming expansion, Sunday night. So erase everything on your Selena" to celebrate the opening of the just pray it isn't rainy or windy any time calendar and make a day of it at Sue movie about the famed Tejano singer. EMI soon.... Ellen's soon.... Latin will be giving away CDs, posters and Travis Wade and Chi Chi Larue are HOTTEA would like to congratulate the more. The club's super show schedule going to be at Alternatives on Thursday, Hidden Door for helping to raise over includes Talent Night on Monday, Latino March 27 at 6 p.m. waiting for future $42,000 in the past year for local nonprofit Night on Wednesday with the Wild & Falcon models to walk through the door. gay and lesbian organizations. Along with Crazy Show starring Jenny Craig and You just might be one! Even if you don't thei r great customers, the staff at the friends and the Sunday Show with Lady want to be in moving pictures, stop by and Hidden Door is helping make our commu- Shamu, as well as lots of great pageants. have a still photo taken with these great nity even better. Thanks! Speaking of, the Miss Gay Southeast Texas during Super Sunday Shows like the one contest gave us the opportunity to focus in that featured [clockwise from I] Kofi, Whitney Paige, Caviar, Cezanne and Felicia Phillips. Coming April 20, the club will present an unprecedented evening of IFlrBcllay • IMClurcth 2tlitth illusion. The all-star cast will include, from the famed Baton Show Lounge in Chicago, "1fIME 01flMEfR EiND" fRE~UNltOiNI Monica Munro as and Cher and Cezanne as Janet Jackson; from com. ioon itth. fon.lit .nt.rtah •• rI al South Beach, Florida, the incomparable Electra as Bette Midler and Lucille Ball, on last year's winner Catia Lee Love, Miss I Houston favorite Kourtney Van Wales as Gay Texas Laken Edwards, winner Shawna tta." puit orn :m Dolly Parton and Madonna and LasVegas St. John, first alternate Kristin Taylor, legend Hot Chocolate as Tina Turner and emcees Paivi Lee Love and Kara Dion and 'flh. Ilhow I Patti LaBelle. Don't miss it.. .. Mr. Southeast All-American Byron Norton I This Sunday at Gentry, Val Rodela is [above, l-rl. Next Sunday, March 30, the celebrating the tenth anniversary of his club welcomes Miss Houston International of itth. \T.aur 21st birthda~ with a barbecue buffet from USofA with Porsche Paris, Erica Andrews I' 5-8 p.m. ana latin music and dancers until and a multitude of special guests.... For more information 9 p.m. followed by an exciting show with This Sunday, Pacific Street presents adult call Alberto James some of Houston's finest performers. rain video star Dallas Taylor performing live for Orshine, Gentry continues to sizzle with (817)752-3121 your viewing pleasure. There'll also be I male strip contests every Wednesday and video giveaways and a personal autograph Sunday and Boy Toy dancers seven nights session that you won't want to miss. a week.... Weekends at Pacific Street start with Friday I JR'sSilver & Gold Happy Hour Foreplay, accelerate with Leather & Flesh ",,"••• "8 Giveaway is a great place to get rich quick, Fantasy Night on Saturday and climax on but you better hurry because time is Sunday with Male Overload. As always, 507 Jefferson • Waco • (817)753-9189 running out. There's only one week left to shameless Caged Heat dancers heat things - - - oIIl_---_---_ qualify before the grand prize drawing on up, while cheap drinks keep it cool. ..

PAGE 80 TWTMARCH 21 - MARCH 27i9'ii TWrMADrl-l,)' _ t•..1..6.Dr'W ')7 1()()7 PAGE81 Bendixen and Vice President/Public Service You've read all about her in our FRESH extend congratulations and best wishes for Jim Vokoun. Recently, their new President BEATS column, so we hope you didn't miss continued success.Are you ready for a religious experience? This Sunday, the BRB [below, I] presented the last installment of THE CLUB hosts the Church of the Neon Cactus' a $10,000 pledge to the Montrose annual inspirational gospel revue.... i 2 £I Tomorrow night, bring your straps and FICTXIONS chaps to the Midtowne Spa for The Garage, 409 N. HANCOCK an evening of levi and leather beginning at ODESSA, TEXAS 10 p.m. Next Saturday, they present their monthly Flashlights & Fog Party.Mark you (915)580-5449 calendars fro April 19 because that's when adult video star Dallas Taylor will be at Midtowne for a sinful show and autograph signing session.... the special appearance of loi Cardwell [above] at Rich's. Her dance hit repertoire really rocked the house. Tonight, Rich's Counseling Center in memory of Colt 45 once again hosts the Miss Gay Houston and MCC board member Darryl Butler. USofA Pageant.Special guests include MCC Board President Ron Jenson [c] and Erica Andrews, Denise Mykels, Lauren Executive Director Ann Robinson [r] accepted this generous donation at the ., Brach and Regina Dane. Easterweekend at Counseling Center's "Bringing In The the club will kick-off with the Lifesavers WED - SUN 9:30 - 2 AM dance party benefit for HIV/AIDS research Green" St. Patrick's Day Fund-raiser. WEDNESDAY $1 LONGNECKS at City of Hope. Everyone get ready, TEXAS TElETYPE - This week, we're because it's gonna get hot at Rich's.... happy to welcome Odessa's newest THURSDAY $2 WELL The subject of Easterand the spring QT's manager Terry Harlan, owner Bob hotspot, Club Fictxions, to the pages of FRIDAY & SATURDAY social season instantly brings to mind the Neely and bartender Keith McKeon [above, America's oldest free gay and lesbian $1 WELL $3 PITCHERS T ILL 11 publication. The club is open Wednesday- Bunnies on the Bayou Party slated for next l-r] want you to join them in Vera's Closet. 19 AND UP WELCOME Sunday, March 30. Having raised over Formerly known as The Back Bar, they're Sunday with fabulous shows on Fridays $20,000 last year alone, this annual showcasing male strip contests with $150 featuring wonderful ------holiday event is celebrating 18 years of in cash prizes every Saturday night. Emcee entertainers like FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1997 fun-filled fund-raising. Following the JessicaVan Shelton puts the boys through Fictxions Valentine festivities from 2-7 p.m. at the Wortham their paces each weekend at 10 p.m. Stop Sweetheart Roxi THE ONE AND ONLY Center's Fish Plaza, 500 TexasAve., Miss by and check it out.. .. Marsalis [rightl. Next Camp America Ivanna Starr will host a Every Wednesday, you're invited to open Friday, March 28, MISS GAY USoFA Easterbonnet contest at Rich's.... your mind and experience another world they'll welcome the AT-LARGE Next Saturday, March 29, the Bayou City at The Palace. Presented by The SX one and only Miss Boys Club is hosting Jungle LustV. This Productions, the location is 5351 W. Gay USofA At-Large STACEY HOLLIDAY year's guest deejay will be Julian Marsh Alabama at Rice. Doors open at 8 p.m. Stacey Holliday with from New York City. Proceeds benefit the with no cover until 11 p.m., so come Beatrize San Miguel, Bering Dental Clinic, Body Positive and the prepared for the royal treatment.. .. Desiree and Montrose Clinic. Tickets are available at Courtney Wal~r.... Basic Brothers, Lobo and Custom Valet Speaking bf talented titleholders, the Cleaners on Shepherd at San Felipe.... 651 Arlingt6n will host the Miss Gay R. ~ Arlington Pageant next Saturday, March 29. Special guests include last year's winner Candi Carroll, Melissa Monroe, Essence DeVille, Tiffany Rene, Ashley Rhone, Miss Cay Texas Laken Edwards, Mr. TexasAII- American Stuart Micheal and former Miss Cay Fort Worth Cherry Monroe .... WITH The Colt 45's have been very busy lately. Continuing the subject of sensational BEATRIZE SAN MIGUEL Taking a break from the free food, we Their new officers are [above, l-rl Vice shows, David's in Waco presents The Other DESIREE & were able to snap this picture of the BRB's PresidenVlnternal Functions Gale Clayton, End Reunion next Friday, March 28 starring staff and management [above] during the President Bruce "Spook" Lewellyn, Lindsy Love and Raven with a bevy of your COURTNEY WALKER club's 19th anniversary celebration. We Treasurer Norm Seguin, Secretary David favorite performers. ~ PAGE 83 1WTMARCH 21 - MARCH 271997 TWr MARCH 21 - MARCH 27 1997 PAGE 82 Dallas. Dallas/Houston. San Antonio. VISTA- Totally updated 2/1 on promi- OAK LAWN $475+ (214)522-9957 nent corner. Hardwoods, CH/A, covered parking. Newly decorated, large deluxe 1 and 2 bedrooms. FREE SERVICE $750. (210)737-7700. (LREA) Established Oak Lawn neighborhood. 2606 Shelby Dallas: Leasing or buying - we do both. We have #116. two bedrooms, $600 and up; one bedrooms, $430; efficiency, $325. FOR SALE Dallas. 1 BDRM all bills paid, Knox/Henderson (214}528-9154. Houston: We have two bedroom studios, $500 bills Houston. 2300 Stanford, 9 units, $199,000. 419 paid; one bedrooms, $400; efficiency, $300; some Marshall 1/1 condo, $24,000. Eckman, (713) Dallas. Galleria upstairs, upscale, entertainment with washer/dryer, alarms, pool, microwave. 523-3100. Agent. area, single/couples welcome, $500-700, call Marx. (214}538-9486. FIND IT FIND IT ROOMMATES APARTMENT LOCATOR-REALTY Dallas. Houston. Male sharing 4-2 house, on-street parking, OAK LAWN $475+ (214)522-8693 DALLAS CALL HOUSTON CALL near 1-45 between Almeda/Baybrook malls. $250 Beautiful older stately building. Deluxe 1 and 2 bed- (214)520-2300 (713}266-1460 bills paid, including maid! No srnokinq, drugs, pets. FOR RENT rooms, newly decorated. 2817 Shelby. (800}947-7086 (800)259-8558 Little alcohol. Larry, (713)922-9222, 5-9 p.m. Dallas. Dallas. Houston. River Oaks area highrise, 2/2, beautifully Austin. Your Austin housing connection since 1989 OAK LAWN $500+ (214)528-7993 - Windsor Roommates & Apartment Locators: OAK LAWN $395 (214)559-4119 remodeled. WID, owner gone 95% of time. $950. Large deluxe 1 bedroom flat & townhouses, some Large, deluxe, 1 and 2 bedrooms. Small gated com- (713)864-8414, (713)961-3321. [email protected]. (512}495-9988. plex with pool in prestigious Oak Lawn neighbor- with fireplaces and 600 + large deluxe 2 bedroom. Houston. Roommate needed for home/business~V:i. Austin. Carlton Properties. Live where your lifestyle All central air. Large renovated 1 bedroom-2 bed- hood. 4335 Cedar Springs #109. is appreciated. Two apartment communities in rent and utilities. WID, off-street parking, great loca- room and efficiencies, pool, secure parking. 2612 East Forth Worth. Large newly remodeled 1/1 and tion. References a must. (713}526-5190. Austin. (512}444-1229. Throckmorton (214}559-4119. 2'/, apartment homes. Small quiet community. Pool, Houston. Man to share Cy-Fair home, quiet. Lots of Austin. YOUR AUSTIN housing connection since individual air, restricted access gates. On site man- Dallas. room. (281}894-6639. 1989 - Windsor Roommates & Apartment Loca- ager and 24 hr maintenance, call for rates. OAK LAWN $4Z5 (214)526-3387 tors: [email protected]. (512}495-9988. (817)457-0622, Los Brisos apartments, 6914 Irving. Roommate wanted! You must be fun and Large deluxe 1 bedroom/2 bedrooms, new decor. All Brentwood Stair Rd. energetic and get along with others. Cost $350 plus Dallas. Oaklawn. Spacious apartments. Eff.,1,2 bills paid. 2707 Shelby. bdrm 2/2. Some bills paid! $360-$575. Gated, Houston. Memorial/Shepherd 1/1. All bills paid, 'I, of electric. Come join us! Dion, (972)399-0041. Dallas. Oak Lawn, spacious apartments. Eff., 1BR, attractive, quiet properties. (214}526-4990 2/1, 2/2. Some bills paid. $360-$575, gated, attrac- dishwasher, on-site laundry, pool. $425. Great loca- HELP WANTED Dallas. Oaklawn- 1/1 suitable for office or residence, tive, quiet properties. (214}526-4990. tion. Olympus/Nelson Property Management. $400 per month, all bills paid. Call Laurie at (713}622-4805. Denton/Dallas. Dallas. Oak Lawn. Lovely apts. on Bowser. All bills (214}520-2497 for details. Houston. Northwest Mall area condo for lease. 2/1, Music Director, Part-time paid. Pool, gates and some with fireplaces. pool, $500. All bills paid, (713}957-1653 a.rn., Keyboard and choral conducting experience re- Dallas. (214}528-9832. OAK LAWN $475+ (214}599-9234 (713}961-2987 p.m. quired. select and coordinate music. Responsible for Dallas. Small, quiet complexes, north of Lemmon. Newly Houston. Duplex, highrise, townhome, house, apart- directing choir practice and Sunday a.m. and p.m. decorated one bedrooms. 4227 Bowser #104. ments. Free service. ECkman, (713)523-3100. services. Must be gay friendly and Christian. Send NORTHWAY Agent. resume to: Harvest MCC; 5900 S. Stemmons; Dallas. Denton, TX 76205, e-mail Harvestmcc@ OAK LAWN $495+ (214)521-3351 APARTMENTS Houston. 220 W. Alabama efficiency, free cable. aol.com, fax (817}321-2337. Close to Crossroads in heart of Oak Lawn. Newly $420/month, all bills paid. Call Pal, (713)521-0585. TWO WEEKS FREE RENT! Dallas. Applications now being taken for entry-level decorated, large one and two bedrooms. 2808 Houston. Montrose efficiency in great complex. Throckmorton. • TEXAS SIZE APARTMENT positions at Sue Ellen's, 3903 Cedar Springs, Pool, gated and covered parking. Only $325, Olym- Dallas. Apply in person with manager Mondays from Dallas. • WALKING DISTANCE TO GROCERY STORE, pus/Nelson Property Management. (713}622-4805. NIGHTCLUBS AND TOLLWAY. 11-2. Equal opportunity employer; drug free work 1,000 Sq. Ft. GUESTHOUSE $675 (214)826-3699 Houston. 2 bedroom, 2';' bath townhouse. Water, place. Large 1 bed/ 1 bath, w/ formals, Lakewood area, • COZY 20-UNIT BUILDING. (las, electric free! $890. First month only $700. completely renovated, two story, hardwoods & mex- • NEW CARPET, LARGE WALK-IN CLOSETS, Dallas. Receptionist position available dynamic-flex- (713)522-8021. ible personality a must! Busy North Dallas Salon. ican tile, crown molding, floor to ceiling windows, SECURED-GATED-REMOTE Houston. Westbury Sq. Townhomes. Beautiful, Please contact Judy Milburn at (972}788-0975. covered parking, separate drive, new appliances, • CONTROLLED PARKING! friendly, great 610 location. 1, 2, 3 bedroom units for Deltes. Male dancers' needed for weekend shifts. wid, central H/A, 2nd story deck, security. Lots of • ACCESS GATES, MANAGEMENT ON SITE! extras! sale or lease from $400. Agent, (713)729-1599. Gay or gay-friendly only! Leather/levi-oriented. Top • $395 ALL BILLS PAID (ONE BEDROOM), Houston. Midtown. Cute 1/1 garage apartment. pay. Call Laurie at (214}520-2497. Dallas. • $495 ALL BILLS PAID (TWO BEDROOM). Good storage space, nice size kitchen. Only $325. Houston. Terry's Home Services is now hiring (713)622-4805 Olympus/Nelson Property PRAIRIE HILL 5024 BOWSER, DALLAS, TX 75209 maids, FT/PT. Dependability, honesty a must. (281) CONDOMINIUMS Management. 894-6639 Two story one bedroom one bath condo, access CALL (214)762-0850. Houston. Montrose: One bedroom apartment, $400. Dallas. Short order cook needed-experience pre- gates, wood burning fireplaces, washer and dyrers Dallas. Central air, ceiling fans, gas range, cable, locked in unit, vaulted ceilings, skylights. ferred. Apply in person with manager, Mondays 12- gates, covered parking. Small, quiet complex. 13,at JR's Bar & Grill, 3923 Cedar Springs, Dallas. $395 PLUS ELECTRIC THE TECALI (713}864-6450. (713}880-4800 2016 N. PRAIRIE AVE. Dallas. Hunky models for erotic B&W/magazines/ Take 75 exit Fitzugh, go east, then hit Capital make 4533 Cedar Springs Houston. Montrose condominium: One bedroom, videos. Magic Light Studio (972}293-5365. rightand Prarieis firststreeton left.2 blockson leftside. (214}521-3674 $450. Central air/heat, gas range, dishwasher, cable, laundry. (713}864-6450. (713}880-4800 Dallas. Doorman needed for Moby Dick: and Brick Must call for appt. In the heart of Oak Lawn. Offering 24 unique floor Bar. Please call Laurie at (214}520-2497 for Houston. Med. Center 2/1, hardwoods, free basic appointment. plans. Unusual landscaping with towering trees. cable. First two weeks rent free! $485. (713) '--'-'- 214 357-8322 Equal Housing Opportunity. 622-4805. Olympus/Nelson Property Management. Dallas/Metropiex. Arlington's largest pet shop now Dallas. Downtown professionals: upscale 1-bed- Dallas. hiring full-time groomers, bathers, sales, cashiers, room condo. All amenities, including washer/dryer, Houston. Woodland Heights, near Downtown: Two animal care techs, garden help. Pet Safari - Fielder microwave, fireplace, pool. Quiet on-site manage- THE ESTABLISHMENT APTS. bedrooms, $525. Efficiency, $315. Central air/heat, & Randol Mill (817}265-7387. ment, $460/month. Call John (214)824-1520. "Quiet Courtyard Living" pool, sauna, ceiling fans, cable, laundry, covered parking. (713}864-6450. (713)880-4800. Dallas. Applications now being taken for entry-level Dallas. • Unique floor plans positions at JR's Bar & Grill, 3923 Cedar Springs, OAK LAWN $395 (214)528-5056 • Individual heat/air conditioning Houston. Med. Center/Hermann Park. 1/1, hard- Dallas. Apply in person with manager Mondays woods, free basic cable, First two weeks rent free! Large deluxe efficiency, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom • 2 swimming pools 11-2. Equal opportunity employer; drug-free work $365. (713}622-4805. Olympus/Nelson Property place. immaculate, new decor. 4301 Hartford #124. • On-site management/maintenance Management. Houston. Bartenders, barback, deejay and door- Dallas. 211'/, condo, patio, w/outlets, WBFp, 1245 • Oak Lawn sq. ft. For info, (214)528-7031. Houston. Apartment locator: Olympus/Nelson offers man! Apply in person, daily from 3-5 p.rn., 534 (214)528-3531 fast, free service. (713}622-4805 or (800) 677-8690. Westheimer.

PAGE 84 TUfT r.AADr'U 1")1 _ UAnru 1)71997- TWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 27 1997 PAGE 85 San Antonio. PERSONALS 3-0 Thursdays at Mick's Hideaway 5307 McCullough A \NEEKLY National. Older Seeks Younger: Are you young, Dollar Beer (non-premium!) aggressive and dominant? Do you have smooth or Dollar Well CITY-BY-CITY light hair body? Are you considered gifted in the Dollar Schnapps LISTING OF T\NT"S right spot? Although young, do you consider your Friday and Saturday Male Dancers at 11p.m. self mature? Do you enjoy quiet nights, country liv- SUPPORTERS AND ing and animals? Older 42 year old business man, TRAVEL 6', 245 Ibs, brown hair and eyes seeks to enjoy ADVERTISERS times with younger guy. Photo and letter a must : National. ACROSS TEXAS Neal, P.O. Box 270, Elbert, CO. 80106. (800)650- CARIBBEAN ESCAPE 6969. Texas. Penis-nipple enlargement. Professional vacu- Discover the Wonderful Gay Resort on Beautiful St. um pump. Instructions. Gain 1"-3". Permanent, safe, Croix. Summer Packages Including Car $625 for Two Persons & $150 of free liquor. Free Brochure TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS Panhandle AIDS Support Organization 372·1050 Blue Flamingo 617 Red River. ..469-0014 enhance erection. Free brochure. Dr. Joel Kaplan. Ace Social Group 01 Mineral Wells (817)325·0325 Texas AIDS Project. •. 711 S. Virginia .•...•... 371·9110 'Bout Time 9601 N.t-35 . . .. 832-5339 (312)409-1950. Latest surgical/non-surgical (800)524-2018. Byzantine Cath"ic Church 01America {210)520-8213 Texas Gay Rodeo Association 355·2666 Chain Drive ..•...•.. 504 Willow .•...•...•. 480·9017 enlargement information, 1-900-976-PUMP. State TGRA Inlo . .. P.O. t801731Austin ANGLETON ORGANIZATION {AC: 409) Charlie's .•...•...•. 1301 Lavaca ...•...•. 474-6481 Texas. ($2.95/min.) .... 78718·0173 {512)835·5314 Gua Coast Center (HIV case manage.) ... 2512 N. Velasco The Cuff. . .408 Congress 476-5700 THRF AIDS Legal Resource Project . . 849·23111(713)489-0545 The Edge •.•.•..•.•. 213 W_4th .•...•..•. 480·8686 Texas. YOUNG GUY WANTED. GWM, 39, seeks SEAHORSE INN ...... 815 Brazos 1801178701. 1·800-828-6417 ARLINGTON CHURCHES {AC: 817) The Forum. . . 408 Congress _. 476-2900 GWM/GHM, 18-28, smooth, cleanshaven, boyish Under New Old Management! TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN AUSTIN {AC: 512) Christian Gays in FeliowshiplEC _. P.O. 120611176012 Rainbow Cante Co 305 W. 5th SI. 472-5288 _ looking for friendship/relationship. (512) • Affordable Rates' Kitchens' Cable TV • Am~ Inl't Mbrs lor UG Concerns ... 837·159611ax 836-9715 . 446·1555 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (AC: 512) 419-4171. Any1ime. B.OAl . . . P.O. 1357178767 472·3333 Lutherans Concerned·Fort WorthiArli"9ton .. AA Austin {Live and Let Live) .•..•.•..•....•.•. _•.•. • Private Pool' Trained Pets Welcome' The Holy Catholic Church (Texas Deanery) .. · 2800 W. Boyce 924·3966 . .2700 W. Anderson Ln 1412178757 .. 453-1441 Texas...... P.O. 91597178709 280-9151 Trinity MCC . .609 Truman. _.. {Metro)265'5454 Adventuring Outdoors. . ... P.O. 2332178768 GAY ORGY Port Aransas, Texas Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby PO. 2579178768 ARLINGTON CLUB {AC: 817) •.•.•. 445-2870 Listen In or Join In (512)749-5221 ...... 474·5475 Arlington 651. .. 1851 W. Di~sion •. .275·9651 AIDS Deal T.T.Y.....•.•..•.•..•...•..•... 459-DEAF 1-900-745-2463 Acapulco, Mexico. Large 3 br, 3 bath condominium. Log Cabin Repu~icans 01TX P.O. 50484178763 ARLINGTON ORGAN./HELPLINES {AC: 817) AIDS Legal Resource Project ... 815 Brazos 11000178701 $2.50/min.18+ ...... 467-9797 AIDS Outreach Center 401 W. San lord, Suite 1100 .. 479-8473 Fantastic view of the bay. 1 block to beach, 3-minute Positive Threads Newsletter 478-9218 ...... 275·3311 AIDS Services 01Austin PO. 4874178765 !Texas. Shemale relationship wanted by 40ish WM. walk to gay bars. Guest welcome. Maid service Texas AIDS Nel. .... PO. 2395178768. . .447-8887 Alpha House, Inc P.O. 2031176004·2031 ...... 451-2273 1(903)455-7402. included. Only $125 per day. Call (800) 341-0448. Texas Freedom Network P.O. 1624178767 Crossdressers (TVs) Helpline. Am~ Int'l Mbrs lor UG Concerns ... 837·159611ax 836-9715 .322·0545 · c/o Delta Omega, P.O. 1021 264·7103 Austin Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus. . P.O. 822 Texas. San Diego. Texas Human Rights Foundation .. 815 Brazos 1801178701 Tarrant County Gay Pride Week Assoc. . . P.O. 3459 .474-0750 HIV+ Date Line ...... 479·847311·800·828-6417 ...... Fort Worth. TX 76113 Austin Latinola Les. & Gay Organ.. '" 472·2001 $2.99/ minute, 18+ KASA KORBEl - SAN DIEGO TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN DALLAS {AC: 214) Tarrant County Lesbiarv'Gay Alliance. , ASA Inlormation line. . . 458-AIDS (900)656-5050 Rooms, Suites, Continental Breakfast, Spa AIDS Mastery P.O. 36125175235 . . 526-LlFE ...... 3327 Winthrop, Suite 243176116 .. 763·5544 Austin Babtist Women . .. •..•...•. 442·6415 Ext. 5896 Lambda Amateur Radio Club P.O. 35343175235 UT Gay/les. Assoc. _PO_ 19348-77 ...•...•. 794-5140 Austin Gay Nudists P.O. 684101178768·4101 "Where A Guest Is At Home" ...... 522-1458 ATHENS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) NAMES Project. P.O. 14178767...... 385-3094 Austin. Seeking 18-26 toned, athletic, straight- Lesbian/Gay Democrats ofTexas P.O. 224424 Parents, Families & Friends 01 Les. & Gays 675-8326 Austin Radical Faeries (>tokas Orthodox Catholic Church .. lesbian Visionaries .. P.O. 190712 .. 521-5342, ext. 844 .... 521-5342, ext. 272 San Anlonio Mining Company 800 E. San Antonio Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays ..... 498·5607 CARROLLTON CHURCHES & RElIG, ORGAN...... 521-5342, ext. 465 Life Walk. .. 443-WAlK Bryan's House. . . 559-3946 ...... _ _533-9516 Respect-TCJC NE Campus. 281-7860 (AC:214) SI. Thomas Ihe Aposlle Episcopal Church .. Men of All Colors Together.. .. P.O. 190611175219 ...... 6525 Inwood Rd. . .352-0410 Buddy Project . .. 520-8108 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) Ribbons of Hope. .. 763-8168 Cathedral 01 Light. _. 2040 N. Denlon. . . . 245-6520 ...... 521-4765 AIDS Info Eng.-543-3574 Span.-543-3575 Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship. . . P.O. 38454 CaliDulteen inlo line. .520-7433 Ryan Avenue AA 3144 Ryan Ave. Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship...... P.O. 110116175011 log CabirVMetroplex Republicans .. _ PO. 191033 GlBT Community Center. _ 910 N. Mesa (rear) .. 416-1358 .. 416-1358 Cheer D~las _ . 3027 RouIh SI., Suite 200 .... _922-9229 Samaritan House 2200 Ephriham _... 626-9398 · - _ - _.. -- - _. _.520-6655 .. - ______.633-8024 .. _ fax 626-8289 COMMERCE ORGANIZATION (AC: 903) Universal Creators Commu~ Church .... _... 690-0883 Classic Chassis Car Club _ PO. 7703175209 NAMES Project.. PO. 190869175219 520-SEWS HIV & STD testing 222 S. Campbell 543-3560 Seoond Salurday (gay m~e socials).. . 795·1376 ANGlSlAssociation for the Needs 01 Gay and lesbian Stu. White Rod< Community Church . Client Services fax line.. . 521-3859 Narootics Anonymous (24 hrs.) 699-9306 Lambda Une (helpline!switchboardl24 hrs.) 562-GAYS Second Tuesday (lesbian socials) 795-1376 at East Texas State Univ. . . . 886-5205 .722 Tenison Memorial Rd ..... 320-0043 Codependents AnonymousiLambda.. .520-8108 Nelson-Tebedo Community Clinic. . .. 4012 Cedar Springs Lambda Services P.O. 31321179931-0321 Sex Addicts Anonymous 461-8801 CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN. White Rock Friends HIV Support. . .. 320-0106 CouplesiMetro Dallas...... P.O. 803156175380 MCC EI Paso 9828 Montana _.. 591-4155 Sexuality Education Center. . 338-4551 (AC: 512) DALLAS CLUBS (AC: 214) ... 521-5342, ext. 464 N;t L~;lh~rAs~ ..· . . Ro75~~~~. ~~~ Crossdressers (TVs) Helpline.. . 264-7103 National Gay & Les. Victim Assist. Hotline (hate crimes) . Spiritual AIDS Ministry. . . 535-5002 D~n~/Corpus Christi. . ... 937-2604 Bamboleo's _ 5027Lemmon Ave 520-1124 · - _ _521-5342, ext. 820 DIFW Big Man's Club.. __264-2449 . - _ _ _ _ 800-259-1538 Survivors 01 Incest .. .. 335-4330 Metropolitan Community Church 01Corpus Christi. Buddies II 4025 Maple Ave .. _526-0887 North Texas Assoc. 01 Physicians for Human Rights. DIFW MAN. (Metro Area Nudisls) . .. P.O. 612813175261 Southwest AI DS Comm . _. _...... 1505 Mescalero Tarrant County lesbiarlGay Alliance .. 1219 6th AV

TWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 271997 PAGE 95 PAGE 94 TWT MARCH 21 - MARCH 271997 Gay & Lesbian Health Professionals. . . .523·4700 HOOD COUNTY ORGANIZATION (AC: 817) Chances . 1100 Westheimer . .. . 523-7217 . 523-6381 MINERAL WELLS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) Gay & lesbian Community CenterilJnity Founcfation . ElJ's.. . 2517 Ralph SI... .527·9071 Gay & Lesbian Switchboard P.O. 66469177266-6469 Rainbow Ranglers Dance Club .3115 Houston Avef17009 AIDS Resources of Rural Texas. · P.O. 15857n8212 734·UNITY AIDS Resources 01 Rural Texas. .. 529·3211 .. P.O. 172lJiWeathertord 76086 .... 59£·3022 Gentry.. . 2303 Richmonc...... 520·1861 ...... 88O-D670 . P.O. 172lJiWeathertord 76086 .... 596·3022 Happy foundation 411 Bonham 227·6451 Gay, Lesbian and Straight Teachers Netwo