• Principals Off Er Alternative to Loans Scheme
IRlBOT RICE GRLLERY a. BRQ~ University of Edinburgh, Old College THE South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL Tel: 031-667 1011 ext 4308 STATIONERS 24 Feb-24 March WE'RE BETTER FRANCES WALKER Tiree Works Tues·Sat 10 am·5 pm Admission Free Subsidised by the Scottish Ans Council Glasgow Herald Studen_t' Newspaper of the l'. ear thursday, february 15, 12 substance: JUNO A.ND •20 page supplement, THE PAYCOCK: Lloyd Cole interview .Civil War tragedy . VALENTINES at the .and compe~tion insi~ P.13 Lyceum p.10 Graduate Tax proposed • Principals offer alternative to loans scheme by Mark Campanile Means tested parental con He said that the CVCP administrative arrangements for Mr MacGregor also stated that tributions would be abolished, accepted that, in principle, stu loans and is making good prog administrative costs would be pro ress." hibitive, although the CVCP UNIVERSITY VICE Chan and the money borrowed would dents should pay something be repayed through income tax or towards their own education, but "The department will of course claim their plan would be cheaper cellors ancf Principals have national insurance contributions. that they believed that the current . be meeting the representatives of to implement than the combined announced details of a A spokesman for the CVCP, loans proposals were unfair, the universities, polytechnics, and running costs for grants and loans. graduate tax scheme which · Dr Ted Neild, told Student that administratively complicated, and colleges in due course to discuss NUS President Maeve Sher-. they want the government to the proposals meant that flawed because they still involved their role in certifying student lock has denounced the new prop consider as an alternative to graduates who had an income at a parental contributions, which are eligibility for loans." osals as "loans by any other student loans.
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