2003 Conference Abstracts
African Studies Roberto Cordova, Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado Hermon George, Jr., Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado "Cooperation Between People of Color in an Age of Deracia1ization: The Case of the Black/Latino Coalition of the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), c.1982-2002" Much of the analysis of recent Afro-American/Latino relations has centered upon the electoral arena in large urban areas (e.g., Romo, 1990; Browning, Marshall, and Tabb, 1990; Jennings, 1997; Franklin and Seltzer, 2002). The chances for cooperation between these two groups in this setting is said to depend upon political mobilization for economic (e.g., low wage jobs) and political (e.g., government employment) resources. However, in our study, a non-electora1 arena- a university campus -is the locus of a study of a two decades old Afro- American/Latino coalition, the Black/Latino Coalition (BLC). After establishing four factors that account for this coalition's persistence and success (leadership, agenda, adversarial accountability, and absence of direct economic or political competition between coalition partners), a periodization of the BLC's history is offered. The study concludes with a summation of the BLC's major victories and defeats, and of the BLC's success as a measure of the prospects for black/brown cooperation in an age of deracialization. Foster K. Amey, Middle Tennessee State University AFRICAN FEMALE IMMIGRANTS IN THE US LABOR FORCE Several studies have examined the dynamics of labor force participation among immigrants in the labor markets of advanced economies such us the United States, Canada, and Australia. Particular attention has been focused on the role of female immigrants in light of the real and perceived hostile nature of the labor market in these countries to their peculiar positions as women and immigrants.
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