Program of the Seventh Congress University of Massachusetts, Amherst July 26-August 1, 1992

SUNDAY JULY 26 Arrival Registration.


9:00 PM: Meeting of the International Executive Committee



9:00-10:30 AM: OPENING CONVOCATION WELCOME: Richard D. O'Brien, Chancellor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

PLENARY ADDRESS I Chair: Glyn S. Burgess, University of Liverpool Joan Ferrante (Columbia University): Whose Voice? Medieval Poets and the Women They Speak For and Through


1. IMAGES OF WOMEN Chair: Kathryn Gravdal, Columbia University

Eve as Adam's Pareil: Equivalence and Subordination in the Jeu d'Adam Joan Tasker Grimbert (Catholic University of America) Women, Magic and Learning. Perceptions of the Educated Heroine Penny Simons (University of Sheffield) Nature's Forge Recast in the Roman de Silence Suzanne Akbari (Columbia University)

2. MIDDLE ENGLISH ROMANCE Chair: Sandra Ihle, University of Wisconsin, Madison

The Implications of Medieval Literary Theory in the Middle English Athelston Daniel F. Pigg (University of Tennessee, Martin) Multiple Births and Multiple Disaster. Twins in Medieval Literature Erik Kooper (University of Utrecht) The Permutations of Love, Chivalry and Envy: Characterization and Structure in Malory's Morte d'Arthur Edward J. Milowicki (Mills College) 3. LA COUR DES GUELFES: INAUGURAL SESSION A series of three sessions organized by Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok

Le rôle de la cour des Guelfes dans le développement de la culture allemande au Moyen Âge classique Wolfgang Spiewok (Universität Greifswald) and Danielle Buschinger (Université de Picardie)

4. OLD FRENCH LYRIC Chair: Eglal Doss-Quinby, Smith College

Mouvance and Minstrelsy Andrew Taylor (Trent University) Crusade Love Songs Cathrynke Dijkstra (University of Groningen) The Malmariée Theme in Old French Lyric or What is a Chanson de Malmariée? Susan M. Johnson (Memphis State University)


5. EARLY OLD FRENCH NARRATIVE Chair: David Rollo, Dartmouth College

Specular Tales: Canis in the Roman des Sept Sages and Dolopathos Mary B. Speer (Rutgers University) Taming the Warrior Responding to the Charge of Sexual Deviance in Twelfth-Century Vernacular Romance Raymond Cormier (Wilson College) The Case of the Unfaithful Author. The Invention of Briseida in Benoit's Troie Douglas Kelly (University of Wisconsin, Madison) The Ideology of the Roman Antique Paul Clogan (University of North Texas)

6. MIDDLE ENGLISH: FRENCH CONNECTIONS Chair: Craig Davis, Smith College

Courtliness in Two Fourteenth-Century English John Scattergood (Trinity College, Dublin) "Out of the Frenssh": Lydgate's Source of the Churl and the Bird-- and the cuckoo is the clue Lenora D. Wolfgang (Lehigh University) English Dream Poems of the Fifteenth Century and their French Connections Julia Boffey (Queen Mary & Westfield College, London)

7. CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVES Chair: Elizabeth Petroff, University of Massachusetts

The "Courtliness" of Heaven: Visions of Paradise in Three Old French Accounts of the Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine William MacBain (University of Maryland) Cil dormi et cele veilla: The Latin Song of Songs Commentary Genre as Trope in the Romances of Chrétien de Troyes Jeanne A. Nightingale (Miami University) Is the First Roman de la Rose Christian? Heather Arden (University of Cincinnati)

8. MEDIEVAL ITALIAN Chair: Charles Ross, Purdue University

Frederick II's Magna Curia (1220-50) as a Locus of Courtliness and Humanism V. Louise Katainen (Auburn University) "A Liar's Autobiography": Ironic Misogyny in Boccaccio's Corbaccio Dina Consolini (Yale University) The Quest Motif in Medieval Christopher Kleinhenz (University of Wisconsin, Madison)


9. ARTHURIAN NARRATIVE Chair: Elspeth Kennedy, Emerita, St. Hilda's College, Oxford

The Suggestion of Simultaneity Frank Brandsma (University of Utrecht) Molding Joseph into Merlin's Past Sophie Hand (North Central College) Camelot Through the Eyes of Arthur's Nephews: Seeds of Dissention in the Prose Lancelot Stacey L. Hahn (Oakland University) Rewriting Remembrance in the Lancelot-Grail Cycle Paul Rockwell (Amherst College)


Die Rolandslied-Adaptation am welfischen Hof Wolfgang Spiewok (Universität Greifswald) La Sanespruchdichtung (poésie gnomique, religieuse et politique) à la cour du duc Albert Ier de Brunswick (+ 1279) Danielle Buschinger (Université d'Amiens) Sage and poetische Zersetzung. Uberlegungen zur Funktion von Michel Wyssenherres Eyn buoch von dem edeln hero von Bruneczwigk als er uber mer fuore" Matthias Meyer (Freie Universität, Berlin)

11. LATER FRENCH COURTLY POETRY Chair: Deborah H. Nelson, Rice University Text and Countertext Carol J. Harvey (University of Winnipeg) Machaut's Jugements, Text and Commentary: A Genre Specific to Patronage? Kathleen Mulkern Smail (University of Michigan) Charles d'Orléans and the Authorship of Three Bilingual Caroles Pierre Monnin (University de Neuchatel) Text and Building: Architectural Fictions in the Work of the Rhétoriqueurs David Cowling (Magdalen College, Oxford)

12. TEXT AND ICONOGRAPHY Chair: Donald Hoffman, Northeastern Illinois University

Arborial Drama in a Most Uncourtly Genesis Mary Coker Joslin (Raleigh, North Carolina) Reading Illustrations of Tristan Stephanie Cain Van D'Elden (University of Minnesota) The Meeting Place of Heaven and Earth in MS Paris, BN 794: Evidence of Hebrew Influence in the Guiot Erec et Enide Joan Helm (University of Queensland, Australia)

6:30-7:45PM: DINNER: A New England Clambake

8:15PM: BOGUS JOAN by Virginia Scott [Curtain Theater] ______



13. MARIE DE FRANCE: FABLES Organizer and Chair: Hans Runte, Dalhousie University

"Que pruzdume diva pur veir": Truth and Deception in the Fables of Marie de France Karen K. Jambeck (Western Connecticut State University) The Fables of Marie de France as Courtly Parody Harriet Spiegel (California State University, Chico) The Other Isopets Keith Busby (University of Oklahoma)

14. CHAUCER I Chair: Carol Heffernan, Rutgers University

The End of an Adventure: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Chaucer's Troilus and Crisevde Setsuko Haruta (Tokyo University) Criseyde's Honor: Interiority and Public Identity in Chaucer's Courtly Romance Carolyn Collette (Mount Holyoke College) Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess: A Courtly Elegy? Patrizia Grimaldi Pizzorno (Florence, Italy)

15. LATE COURTLY ROMANCE Chair: Paul Rockwell, Amherst College

Courtly and Uncourtly Love in the Prose Tristan Janina Traxler (Manchester College) The Man on a Horse and the Horse-Man: Constructions of Human and Animal in a Late Courtly Romance Nathaniel Smith (Franklin and Marshall College) Chivalry and Conversion in the Late Medieval Prose Romance Jennifer Goodman (Texas A & M University)


16. LATE ROMANCE: CONTEXTS Chair: Rupert T. Pickens, University of Kentucky

Courtly Elegance and Extrapolation in Thomas of Saluzzo's Livre du chevalier errant Nadia Margolis (Leverett, Massachusetts) Femmes et pas d'armes dans la Bourgogne de Philippe le Bon Maria Colombo Timelli (Università degli Studi di Milano) Image as Reception: Jehan de Saintré: Tragedy of Betrayal or Comedy of Revenge Jane H. M. Taylor (St. Hilda's College, Oxford)

17. CANSO, TENSO, Chair: Michel-André Bossy, Brown University

Loc Aizi/Anima Mundi: Being, Time, and Desire in the Canso Charlotte Gross (North Carolina State University) Debatable Fictions: the Tensos of the Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner (Boston College) Intertextuality in the Devinalh M. C. Corcoran (University of Lethbridge, Canada)

18. DUTCH AND FLEMISH LITERATURE Chair: E. M. Beekman, University of Massachusetts

Neutral Angels and Princess-slaughterers: the Development of a Motif in Two Twelfth-Century Adventure Travel Romances Clara Strijbosch (University of Utrecht) Bock van Zeden: Three Medieval Flemish Courtesy Poems in the Latin Facetus Tradition T. Meder (University of Leiden) Amor hereos in Middle Dutch Literature: The Case of Lancelot of Denmark Bart Besamusca (University of Utrecht)

19. SIGNIFYING SILENCE Chair: Karen Pratt, Goldsmiths' College, University of London

The Grieving Heloise Helen C. R. Laurie (University of Glasgow) Silent Women Deborah H. Nelson (Rice University) Listening to Silence: Secrecy in the Practice of Courtly Love Peggy McCracken (The Newberry Library, Chicago)


2:30 PM: WELCOME: Ronald Rosbottom, Dean of Faculty, Amherst College [Buckley Recital Hall]

PLENARY ADDRESS II. Chair: Douglas Kelly, University of Wisconsin, Madison Michel Zink (Paris IV, Sorbonne): Un paradoxe courtois: le chant et la plainte

4:00-5:30PM: PRESENTATION OF THE MULTIMEDIA VIDEO ROMAN DE FAUVEL, ERATO (Paris) Introduction: Nancy Freeman Regalado (New York University) and Joel Cohen (The Boston Camerata): Multimedia at the Court of Philip the Fair: The Roman de Fauvel of BN MS FR 146

5:30-7:00 PM: RECEPTION Host: Paul Rockwell, Amherst College VIN D'HONNEUR offered by the AMHERST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WELCOME : Richard Howland, President, Amherst Chamber of Commerce and a representative of the Town of Amherst ______


8:00-9:00 AM: Breakfast Meeting of ICLS Bibliographers Chair: Glyn S. Burgess

9:00-10:30 AM: Wednesday Session

20. MEDIEVAL TEXT AND IMAGE Chair: Jane H. M. Taylor, St. Hilda's College, Oxford

Image as/and Commentary: Morgan 32, Jean de Meun's Translation of Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae Stephen G. Nichols (The Johns Hopkins University) Parades, Politics, and Poetry in the Court of Philip the Fair. The Parisian Pentecost Celebration of 1313 in BN MS Fr. 146 Nancy Freeman Regalado (New York University)

21. SUBVERSION AND CONTAINMENT: WOMEN AND/IN COURTLY LITERATURE Organizers: Felicity Riddy and Arlyn Diamond Chair: Carolyn Collette, Mt. Holyoke College

The Case of the Hagiographic Heroine Jocelyn Wogan-Browne (University of Liverpool) Buxom Ladies in English Courtly Romance and Saint's Life Felicity Riddy (University of York) Female Freedom and Enclosure in the Romance Arlyn Diamond (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)


Militia Dei, malitia diaboli: l'appreéciation cistercienne de la chevalierie dans le Rolandslied du Pretre Konrad Jean-Marc Pastre (Université de Haute Normandie, Rouen) Welfisches Selbstverständnis in der Literatur. Gregorius peccator and Lucidarius-Prolog Volker Mertens (Freie Universität, Berlin)

11:15 DEPARTURE ON EXCURSIONS for Boston, for Williamstown and Hancock Shaker Village, for Old Sturbridge Village ______



23. MARIE DE FRANCE: LAIS Chair: Keith Busby, University of Oklahoma

Le lai de Milun: un exemple d'auto-écriture Chantal Maréchal (Virginia Commonwealth University) The Curse of the White Hind and the Cure of the Weasel: Animal Magic in the Lais of Marie de France June Hall McCash (Middle Tennessee State University) Marie de France and the Body Poetic Rupert T. Pickens (University of Kentucky)

24. CHAUCER II Chair: Juliette Dor, Université de Liège

A Perfect Marriage on the Rocks: Geoffrey and Philippa Chaucer in The Franklin's Tale Craig Davis (Smith College) Contraception and the Pear Tree Episode of Chaucer's Merchant's Tale Carol F. Heffernan (Rutgers University) The Canterbury Tales and the World Beyond Europe J John Fyler (Tufts University)

25. HISTORY AND CHRONICLE: PRODUCTION AND RECEPTION Chair: Dhira Mahoney, Arizona State University

The Deeds of the Normans in Ireland: the Author, Patrons, and Public of an Anonymous Twelfth-Century Anglo- Norman Chronicle Evelyn Mullally (Queen's University, Belfast) Genesis and Context of Pierre de Langtoft's Chronicle Thea Summerfield (University of Utrecht) Monastic History in a Courtly Mode? Author and Audience in Guillaume de Saint-Pair's Roman du Mont-Saint- Michel and the Histoire de I'abbave de Fécamp Jean Blacker (Kenyon College)

26. GERMAN LYRIC: MINNESANG Chair: Maria Dobozy, University of Utah

Mouvance, Mutability, and Androgyny in Minnesang Hubert Heinen (University of Texas) The Paradox of the Minnesang:ars laudandi or ars vituperandi Charles G. Nelson (Tufts University)


27. LATE FRENCH COURTLY LITERATURE Chair: Mary B. Speer, Rutgers University

Le Dit de la Panthère d'Amour, ou la courtoisie menacée Anne Berthelot (University of Connecticut) Le Court d'amours de Mahieu le Polder Hans-Erich Keller (Ohio State University) L'espace et la manière: le texte courtois dans le roman tardif Danielle Régnier-Bohler (Université Paris III)

28. ITALIAN COURTLY TEXTS AND IMAGES Chair: Elizabeth H. D. Mazzocco, University of Massachusetts

Radix Amoris: Aspects of Love in the Tavola Ritonda Donald L. Hoffman (Northeastern Illinois University) Exorcising the Castle: from Dolorous Guard to Boiardo's Castle Cruel Charles Ross (Purdue University) A "Pilgrimage of Life" in the Italian Renaissance: a Reading of the Story of Ruggero and Bradamante in Ariosto's Orlando Furioso Maria Bendinelli Predelli (McGill University)

29. CHRÉTIEN DE TROYES: LE CHEVALIER AU LION Chair: Joan Tasker Grimbert, Catholic University of America

Lunete la courtoise? Hans R. Runte (Dalhousie University) Yvain as Hero Joan Brumlik (University of Alberta) Amors and Seignorie in Chrétien de Troyes' Le Chevalier au lion Margaret Burrell (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

30. GENDER AND COMMUNICATION IN GERMAN COURTLY ROMANCE Chair: Frank Hugus, University of Massachusetts

Flames of Love and Seduction. Dido's Love in the Eneasroman by Heinrich von Veldeke as an Example of Female Emotionality Annegret Fiebig (Freie Universität Berlin) Time of Silence and Time of Talk: The Communicative Gap in German Courtly Romances Albrecht Classen (University of Arizona) Lunete's Counsel. Women and Men in the Shadow of Heroes Hans-Jochen Schiewer (Freie Universität Berlin)

2:00-3:00 PM: PLENARY ADDRESS III Chair: Erik Kooper, University of Utrecht

Piero Boitani (Università di Roma): "In gentil hertes ay redy to repaire": Dante's Francesca and Chaucer's Troilus

3:30-5:30PM: SPECIAL SESSION: MEDIEVAL LYRIC, TEXT AND MELODY Chair: Miriam Whaples, University of Massachusetts

The Role of Formulae in the Melodies of the and Trouvères Donna Mayer-Martin (Southern Methodist University) Once More: Medieval Performance of Medieval Songs Hendrik van der Werf (University of Rochester) Cansoneta leu a plana; or, Singing the 'Lost' Troubadour Melodies Joel Cohen (The Boston Camerata) From Metrics to Melody: The ABAB X Form in Troubadour Song Vincent Pollina (Tufts University)


7:00-8:00 PM: DINNER 8:30-9:45: CONCERT VEILLÉE: MUSIC OF THE TROUBADOURS AND TROUVÈRES DUO Anne Azema and Joel Cohen of The Boston Camerata

9:45 PM: RECEPTION offerte par les SERVICES CULTURELS FRANÇAIS, près le Consul Général de France à Boston Allocution et toast: Noelle de Chambrun, Attachée Culturelle ______



31. MEDIEVAL HISTORIOGRAPHY Chair: Robert Francis Cook, University of Virginia

Alcuin's Search for Patronage in Charlemagne's "New Athens" Mary Alberi (Pace University) Authorial Self-Presentation in the Prologues and Epilogues of Medieval Historians Dhira B. Mahoney (Arizona State University) Writing about Britain in Alien Forms: The Examples of Robert Wace and Gerald of Wales David Rollo (Dartmouth College)

32. THE LITERARY AND ARTISTIC PATRONAGE OF MEDIEVAL WOMEN Organizer and Chair: June Hall McCash, Middle Tennessee State University

Female Patronage and Building History: Women in Thirteenth-Century France and Castile Miriam Shadis (Duke University) The Circle of Diego de San Pedro at the Court of Queen Isabella Joe Snow (Michigan State University) A Late Medieval Patron: Louise de Crequy Charity Cannon Willard (Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York)

33. CHAUCER III Chair: Jennifer Goodman, Texas A&M University

Chaucer's Valentine Poem: A Fabulous Feast for the Birds Jean E. Jost (Bradley University) The Chaucerian Sin of Courtly Love Merle Fifield (Ball State University) Polonius and the Manciple Elyse Rukkila (Phoeniz, Arizona)

34. WOMAN'S PLACE Chair: Nadia Margolis, Leverett, Massachusetts Analogy or Logic; Authority or Experience? Rhetorical and Dialectical Strategies for and against Women Karen Pratt (Goldsmiths' College, University of London) A Defamatory Belle Dame Helen Solterer (Duke University) Rewriting Romance: Courtly Discourse and Auto-Citation in Christine de Pizan Kevin Brownlee (University of Pennsylvania)


35. AMOROUS FICTIONS IN OLD FRENCH COURTLY TEXTS Chair: Raymond J. Cormier, Wilson College

The Theme of the Heart in the Lai de l'Ombre and the Chastelaine de Vergi Glyn S. Burgess (University of Liverpool) La nostalgie du paradis perdu: Laüstic Evelyne Datta (Rice University) Allegorical Narrative in Philippe de Remi's Salut d'Amour Leslie C. Brook (University of Birmingham) Cor ne edito Milad Doueihi (The Johns Hopkins University)

36. SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE Chair: Alice Clemente, Smith College

The Courtly Authority and Reception of the Iberian Chronicles: Medieval Historiography and Cultural Historicism Roberto Gonzalez-Casanovas (Catholic University of America) Order and Cyclical Composition in King Dials of Portugal's Songbook Harvey L. Sharrer (University of California, Santa Barbara) Celestina as a Comic Figure Dorothy Sherman Severin (University of Liverpool) Literal Letters: Segura's Proceso de Cartas Marina Brownlee (University of Pennsylvania)

37. MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN COURTLY TEXTS AND CONTEXTS Chair: Charles Nelson, Tufts University

The Influence of the Alexius Legend on the Sigune-scenes in Wolfram's Parzival and Titurel Sibylle Jefferis (Wayne, Pennsylvania) Magister Conradus Presbyter. Pfaffe Conrad at the Court of Henry the Lion Jeffrey Ashcroft (University of St. Andrews) The Contest of Courtly and Heroic Values in the Nibelungenlied Neil Thomas (University of Durham) 38. OCCITANIA: NEW PERSPECTIVES Chair: Hans-Erich Keller, Ohio State University

A Sign of the Times: Proverbs and the Question of Literacy in Medieval Occitania Wendy Pfeffer (University of Louisville) The Worm Turns: Bernart de Ventadorn's Less Timorous Moments Ronnie Apter (Central Michigan University) The Economics of Fame and Credit in Guiraut Riquier's Poetry Michel-André Bossy (Brown University) Des troubadours "italotropes" Antoine Tavera (Nice)

2:00-3:00 PM: Meeting of ICLS Bibliographers Chairs: Maria Dobozy and Nathan Love

Meeting of International Executive Committee Chair: Glyn S. Burgess

3:00-4:30PM: GENERAL ASSEMBLY Presiding: Glyn S. Burgess, International President

5:30-6:30PM: RECEPTION offered by FIVE COLLEGES INC. WELCOME: Lorna Peterson, Director, Five Colleges, Inc.

6:30-8:00 PM: BANQUET

8:00 PM: RENAISSANCE DANCING performed by Nona Monahin, Sharon Arslanian, and Joseph Johnson accompanied by the Ensemble Castellano ______