ASPIREASPIRE The official termly newsletter of Langley School SUMMER TERM 2018 ISSUE 18 TEL:0121 706 9771 EMAIL:
[email protected] Aspiring to be the best we can be: Student Enrichment Freedom By Eoin Hodgkiss 9O National Writing Day – Let Them Loose! I feel free when I draw. th Flowing, swirling colours turning a blank canvas into a masterpiece On Wednesday 27 June, students at Langley participated in a only dreams could previously create. national project to celebrate the freedom of expression that writing No limits, offers as part of National Writing Day. The theme for this year was No boundaries, ‘Freedom’ and students wrote first as a class to produce a piece of Only you and your imagination. shared writing before writing independent creations. Students’ Nothing can stop me, not even the sky, enthusiasm grew throughout the day as they had the opportunity to The stars, write without limits and create without constraints. The universe. A single stroke of a pen can create the most inspiring landscapes, A single colour can portray an ocean of feelings and thoughts. I feel most free when… Bernadette Jordan 8H Freedom smells fresh. Like fresh ideas- I feel most free when I’m let out. Released from my horrible cage that I spend every A new outlook on life, hour of every day of every week, waiting in. Waiting for something that I know might A clean fresh canvas for when life goes wrong. not ever come. Waiting, just waiting… Freedom sounds relaxing. No pressure, I know that I shouldn’t be excited about being let out, I should be savouring every last No judging faces, moment but I’m not.