William III 1
William III 20-year truce, 1684, 485–486, 488–490, 492, 506, 541 Luxemburg, blockade of, 451–453, 454–459 military budgets, 507–509 A Monmouth rebellion, 498 Adda, Fernandino d’, Papal nuncio, 554 Orange, seizure of, 467 Admiral-General peace party, growth of, 337–338, 361, 365, 368–369, Stadholdership, relationship with, 126 371 vacancy, 37–39, 42, 66, 69, 93, 125 Scheldt, closure of, 112 Aerson, member of Delegated Council of Holland, 371 Spanish Netherlands, troops for, 479, 480–483, 488– Africa, Anglo-Dutch rivalry, 80, 87 489 Aire, 305, 311, 333, 343–344, 367 van Beuningen as Burgomaster, 473 siege of, 336 war preparations, 1671, 147 Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of, 118, 119, 121, 125, 227, war taxation, 247 254–255, 287, 303–304, 311, 343–345 William’s relationship with, 429–430, 433–435, 506– Albemarle, Christopher Monck, Duke of, 415 509 Albert Frederick, Prince of Brandenburg, 560 Anglo-Dutch commercial rivalry, 39–40, 65, 78, 87 Albertina-Agnes, Countess of Nassau, 94, 248, 433 Anglo-Dutch treaty of 1678, 375–376 Albeville, Ignatius White, Marquis d’, 515, 522, 524, Anglo-Dutch wars 529, 531–532, 536, 540 first, 41–44, 78 Almonde, Vice-Admiral Philips van, 561, 565 second, 87–105 Alsace third, 256–257, 266–267, 269–270 in Franco-Dutch war, 221, 258, 283, 299, 321, 325– Anglo-Spanish treaty of 1680, 403–404, 414 326, 335 Anhalt, Amalia van, 507 in Nijmegen peace negotiations, 356 Anhalt-Dessau, Henrietta, Duchess of, 51, 217, 507 réunions, 444 Anhalt-Dessau, Johann Georg, Prince of, 34, 217–218, Amalia von Solms-Braunfels, Princess of Orange 229, 248, 553 Act of Exclusion, 44 Anjou, François, Duke of, 16 Albertina-Agnes, Countess of Nassau, rift with, 94 Anjou, Philippe Duke of, 48.
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