REPORT TO: Executive Board


DATE: 10 September 2013

LEAD MEMBER: Councillor Neil Rogers (Economic Development and Regeneration)

CONTACT OFFICER: Peter Scott: (Tel: 292405)

SUBJECT: Strategic Management Arrangements for Events



To inform Members about the strategic management arrangements for events; to seek support for the Events Strategy 2013-2017 and programme for 2013-14; and to seek approval to the transfer of the community events budget into the Assets and Economic Development Department's cash limited budget.


2.1 In order to establish a more strategic approach to event management and to ensure a co-ordinated and structured events programme, the Head of Assets and Economic Development is now responsible for all events.

2.2 The budget for major events is currently held in the community events budget and totals £40,000. In the past all requests for use of this budget have required Executive Board approval. In order to streamline the delivery of events and their associated budgets it is proposed to transfer the community events budget to the Assets and Economic Development Department’s cash limited budget with immediate effect. This will result in a single annual report being submitted to Executive Board highlighting the events strategy and expenditure.

2.3 This report highlights three categories of events – corporate, place and departmental. Corporate events aim to raise the profile of the Council itself, whereas place marketing events promote the County Borough as a location. Departmental events are generally smaller scale events organised and executed within departments. The draft Events Strategy for 2013-17 is attached as appendix 1.



3.1 That Members:

(i) support the Events Strategy for 2013-17 and Programme for 2013-14 as outlined in Appendix 1 and;

(ii) approve the transfer of the community events budget into the Assets and Economic Development department's cash limited budget with immediate effect .


A single Head of Department responsible for events will result in a more co-ordinated and structured approach which will ensure events are well managed. Transferring the community events budget to the Assets and Economic Development Department will ensure that the budget can be allocated annually to an agreed events programme without the need to for Executive Board approval each time.


4.1 The Council has been staging successful events for many years. Corporate events are the responsibility of the Communications and Social Media Manager based in the Customer and Corporate Services Department. Place Marketing events are the responsibility of the Marketing and Promotions Manager based in the Assets and Economic Development Department. Designated officers are responsible for the delivery of events in departments. High profile corporate events have included the 2005 and 2006 BBC Children in Need concerts and more recently the National Eisteddfod of and the two Olympic themed events in 2012. Major Place Marketing events have included Year of Culture, Etape Cymru and the celebrations to mark World Heritage Status for the . The forthcoming events around the Rugby League World Cup are organised by the Community & Well-being Department.

4.2 As explained in appendix 1, the Council can play a crucial role in the delivery and development of events within the County Borough. The Council undertakes four clear roles when supporting the development and implementation of events. These are:

Catalyst - championing, co-ordinating, advocating, planning and providing events focus for the County Borough. Working with partners and developing co-operative arrangements for events. Organiser - providing the organisation of events that add value to the tourism experience and the local economy. Sponsor – investing in events organised by others. The investment can be either in kind or financial support. Regulator - a regulatory and advisory role through the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and via licensing arrangements.

4.3 Section two of the attached Events Strategy identifies four key objectives that underpin the events activity. These can be summarised as;

(a) Objective One – Attract significant events of that bring valuable economic benefits to the County Borough Major events, such as the Rugby World Cup, Wales Rally GB, Tour of Britain etc, play a significant role in attracting visitors and encouraging them to stay longer in the


area and spend more. Last year’s Etape Cymru cycle event attracted 1,625 competitors. A total of 59% stayed overnight in the area. Events such as this are a real boost to tourism and this contribution has been recognised in the North Wales Tourism Strategy and Wrexham’s Destination Management Plan.

(b) Objective Two - Increase the profile of the area at a regional, national and international level in line with the Communication Strategy’s objectives and the need to enhance visitor numbers to the area Events raise the profile of the area and generate media coverage. Last year’s The Etape Cymru cycle event resulted in 69 items of national media coverage in the period between July and September 2012. An equivalent amount of bought advertising would have cost around £150,000.

(c) Objective Three - Create an environment which nurtures and supports events The aim is to assist event organisers by providing a supportive environment which facilitates the effective creation, production and development of events.

(d) Objective Four - Support either with sponsorship or relevant advice/guidance at key existing events that enhance the quality of life and contribute to making an even better place to live, work and visit In addition to economic benefits, events can foster a sense of community and civic pride amongst the people who organise and participate in them. Council expertise can be deployed to assist and advise communities and organisations on how best to develop events.

4.4 All Council events link into one or more of the following strategic documents; the Council Plan 2012-16, Destination Management Plan 2012-17, the Economic Prosperity Strategy 2011-16 and the North Wales Events partnership, 2013-14. The Events plan provides a schedule of all major events within the County Borough for 2013-14 along with details of their expected outcomes and outputs.

4.5 An Events Management Group has been established and is chaired by the Head of Assets and Economic Development. The team meets on a monthly basis and comprises representatives from both the corporate and place marketing events team. In addition, Safety Advisory Group representatives participate when major events are being considered. This group was established to ensure consistency in event and avoid event clashes and share resources within the organisation thus ensuring that events are delivered effectively and efficiently.

4.6 The budget for major events is currently held in the community events budget and totals £40,000. In the past all requests for use of this budget have required separate Executive Board approval. In order to streamline the delivery of events and their associated budgets it is proposed to transfer the community events budget to the Assets and Economic Development Department’s cash limited budget with immediate effect. This will result in a single annual report to Executive Board seeking approval of the events programme and expenditure for the following year.

4.7 The Events Toolkit has recently been updated and now includes an Events Management process flow chart (see appendix 1 pages 23-25). This highlights in detail the processes required to deliver successful targeted events within the County Borough and all officers organising events must adhere to the guidelines in the documents. The process also identifies whether the event fits into the criteria for a corporate, departmental or place marketing event.


4.8 To reduce health and safety risks, appropriately trained stewards are required to maintain public safety. The Events Management Group will prepare and maintain a register of trained stewards and compile a schedule of equipment required, purchase such equipment and keep it maintained. These stewards will be used to ensure events across the Council are delivered professionally, fully adhering to health and safety guidelines and other legal and policy requirements.

4.9 Policy Framework – Event management links to the ‘Economy’ Priority of The Council Plan 2013/17 and Economic Prosperity Strategy 2011-16. In addition activities link to the regional activity of the North Wales Events partnership, and the Welsh Government’s Major Events Strategy for Wales 2010-2020.

4.10 Budget – the report recommends that the community events budget of £40,000 is transferred to the Assets and Economic Department’s cash limited budget in 2013/14 financial year.

4.11 Legal – There are no immediate legal issues that arise in respect of this Report. As necessary, Legal Services can advise in relation to contractual arrangements between Event Organisers and Wrexham County Borough Council. If the Head of Assets and Economic Development is to be responsible for the strategic management of events, such delegated authority will need to be added to his scheme of delegations in the WCBC Constitution in due course.

4.12 Staffing – Staff will be required to train work as part of a pool of Stewards to ensure the Council manages successful events.

4.13 Equality/Human Rights – the proposals attached in this report pose no Equalities implications. All major events are subject to an Impact Equality Assessment which is undertaken at the outline planning stage.

4.14 Risks –Events aim to boost the areas reputation. However, failure can create adverse publicity. In terms of public safety, each event is risk assessed individually.


5.1 Consultation has been undertaken in terms of the development of the Events Programme with neighbouring authorities to avoid conflict of programmes. Consultation has also been undertaken with Welsh Government in respect of the development of major events.


6.1 This matter has not been considered by Scrutiny Committee.




County Borough Council

Events Plan 2013/14 and Strategy 2013/17 Contents

1. Introduction

2. Strategic Objectives

3. Events Management Group

4. Category of Events

5. Corporate Safety Advisory Group

6. Events Toolkit

7. Major Events 2013/14

8. Events Calendar

9. The Wrexham Economy

10. Priorities, Policies and Strategies

11. Consultation / Customer Satisfaction

12. Partnership Working

13. Examples of WCBC Events

14. Conclusion

2 1. Introduction

The Council has a strong and well established tradition of staging high profile and successful events. Events bring with them substantial investment and benefit the local economy and raise the profile of the area and it is important that the Council continues to deliver them. One of the key ways in which the Council promotes its services, engages with the public and raises its profile is by staging events.

Events are also an important component of the Council’s Economic Prosperity Strategy. They can inspire, engage and encourage our communities, attract visitors and in so doing improve our local economy.

The Council can play a crucial role in the delivery and development of events within the County Borough. The Council undertakes four clear roles when supporting the development and implementation of events in addition to supporting the work of the Welsh Government’s Major Events Unit.

Catalyst - championing, co-ordinating, advocating, planning and providing events focus for the County Borough. Working with partners and developing co-operative arrangements for events. Organiser - providing the organisation of events that add value to the tourism experience and the local economy. Sponsor – investing in events organised by others. The investment can be either in kind or financial support. Regulator - a regulatory and advisory role through the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and via licensing arrangements.

2. Strategic Objectives

There are four key strategic objectives that underpin this strategy:

2.1 Objective One – Attract significant events of that bring valuable economic benefits to the County Borough

Major events, such as the Rugby World cup, Wales Rally GB and the Tour of Britain play a really significant role in attracting visitors to the area and increasing both their length of stay and spend whilst they are here. A good demonstration of this impact is the Etape Cymru. In 2012 1,973 competitors took part in the event, 59% of those indicated that they stayed overnight in the area. A total of 27% of competitors stayed between two and five nights. Many competitors brought family, friends and supporters along with them. Events such as these are an important element of tourism and this has been recognised in the North Wales Tourism Strategy and Wrexham’s Destination Management Plan.

2.2 Objective Two - Increase the profile of the area at a regional, national and international level in line with the Communication Strategy’s objectives and the need to enhance visitor numbers to the area

Events are an excellent tool for raising the profile of an area as an attractive place to live, work and visit. Major events attract significant national and international media coverage which can be of great benefit in showcasing the quality of life and culture of the area. For example, the Etape Cymru cycle event resulted in 69 items of

3 national media coverage in the period between July and September. An equivalent amount of advertising would have cost around £150,000 to buy. Events of a smaller scale, but still of national significance, achieve similar domestic coverage. This in turn, can attract additional tourism and further economic growth to the area. The Tour of Britain 2013 will be broadcast to over 120 countries around the world with a reach of over 288 million homes. The economic impact for Wales in previous years has been significant and has generated over £3million. Smaller regional events are also important to the local economy. The annual Christmas Victorian Market has attendances in excess of 10,000; with an average spend of £10 per person which equates to £100k income generation.

2.3 Objective Three - Create an environment which nurtures and supports events

The aim is to assist event organisers by providing a supportive environment which facilitates the effective creation, production and development of events. The Destination Management Plan has been put in place to tackle all the infrastructure and people issues that can make a real difference to the experience a potential visitor may have when visiting Wrexham County Borough. The Plan will be the catalyst to ensuring that a holistic approach is taken to the development of the tourism offer across the County. The development of events is a key objective of this plan.

2.4 Objective Four - Support either with sponsorship or relevant advice/guidance at key existing events that enhance the quality of life and contribute to making the County Borough an even better place to live, work and visit

A sense of community and civic pride can be re-affirmed in those who stage and participate in events. Events also have the potential to promote the history and heritage of an area to its community. Events can create a feel good factor that is immeasurable and is a great platform to support the regeneration of an area. There is huge expertise of organising events in the Council and in the wider community. This knowledge needs to be shared and new events encouraged. . These events can also bring economic benefits, for example, the well established programme of town centre Christmas activities ( light switch on, Santa’s arrival and festive grotto and Victorian market) that attracted around 15,000 people to the town centre last year, incurred direct costs of less than £9,000 to stage. At a conservative estimate, those combined events added £100,000 to our local economy.

3. Events Management Group

An Events Management Group is chaired by the Head of Assets and Economic Development. It has Council wide responsibility for events. The group meets on a regular basis and comprises of representatives from both the corporate and place marketing events teams. The aim of this group is to:

a) monitor and control existing events within their remit; b) identify new events to address the Council’s corporate vision. An example would include the organisation of pan Council events to commemorate the outbreak of World War I; c) establish a register of stewards to officiate at events; d) create / purchase an inventory of events equipment;

4 e) Liaise and develop links with other local authorities within North Wales [North Wales Events Forum] and neighbouring English authorities to avoid conflict and duplication; f) Report annually to Executive Board; and g) source funding/sponsorship.

4. Category of Events

Events organised by Wrexham Council are placed into three distinct categories, each with distinct criteria;

4.1 Corporate Events

The delivery of corporate events is the responsibility of the Communications and Social Media Manager based in the Customer and Corporate Services Department. High profile corporate events have included the 2005 and 2006 BBC Children in Need concerts and more recently the National Eisteddfod of Wales and the two Olympic themed events in 2012.

Such an event must align with 3 out of the 6 criteria specified below:

 Expected attendance more than 2,000;  Cost more than £10,000;  Failure would have catastrophic effect on the Council;  Part of national programme – i.e. Olympics, World Cup, Military, Children in Need, Royal/Ministerial visit;  Project adopted by Major Events Unit (MEU), Welsh Government; and  Event of national/regional significance.

4.2 Place Events

Place Marketing events are the responsibility of the Marketing and Promotions Manager in the Assets and Economic Development Department. Major Place Marketing events have included Wrexham Year of Culture 2011, Etape Cymru from 2011 onwards and the celebrations associated with the World Heritage Site.

To be designated in the Place Marketing category, an event it must align with at least one of the following:

 There is a business and regeneration theme  Has a positive economic impact on the area  Supports the Destination Management Strategy  Supports the Tourism Strategy  Has a positive impact on visitor/tourist/retail numbers

4.3 Departmental Events

Such an event must align with 3 out of the 6 criteria specified below:

 Targets mainly a local audience;  Expected attendance of less than 2000;

5  Supports Departmental objectives;  Requires specialist knowledge and expertise from a particular department;  Costs less than £10,000; and  Is typically held as a one day event.

These events are delivered by individual departments in order to help deliver their departmental aims and objectives. The specialist knowledge in particular areas of operation, often helps to deliver these events, drawing on expert knowledge and experience. An example would be the Rugby League World Cup 2013, supported locally by the Community & Well-being Department.

These events are not large scale and have not been included in the list. In future, these events will be co-ordinated across the Council, and a list will be developed by the Events Management Group, who will ensure that duplication is avoided.

5. Corporate Safety Advisory Group

A Corporate Safety Advisory Group has been established and meets on a quarterly basis. This group addresses all Council run events and has representatives from the Events Management Group, Emergency Planning, Health & Safety and Licensing. The aim of this group is to identify whether individual events require a SAG Assessment .

6. Events Toolkit

The Council’s Events Toolkit pulls together the various aspects involved in the organisation and delivery of an event. Based on feedback from members of staff who are regularly involved in this area, the guide can be used as a reference document to ensure various policies and procedures are adhered to and all relevant issues are considered. The toolkit contains sections on planning, publicity and evaluation and signposts useful contacts. This toolkit is the definitive guide to be used by all staff delivering events within the Council.

7. Major Events 2013/14

The Council has identified a number of major events for 2013/14. They will have a significant impact on the County Borough in visitor numbers, economic impact and community involvement. Each event is listed in table A page 7.

6 Table A – Proposed Events 2013-14

Corporate Events

Event Responsible Budget Comments Outputs/Outcomes Department and Implications Officers

Commonwealth Corporate and None To engage schools and Day Customer requested Link: community groups to Services Council Plan support this event. All 54 Lead: Sue Wyn One Wrexham member countries of the (Corporate) Jones Commonwealth celebrate their links with one TBC another.

Part of an international initiative with the opportunity for a global audience.

Direct instruction from Chief Executive.

Generate publicity to the value of 3k

Place Events

Event Responsible Budget Comments and Links to Outputs/Outcomes Department and Implications Council Plans and Policies Officers Etape Cymru Assets and This is an Economic Prosperity Strategy Replicate previous events’ 2013 Economic externally North Wales Events success in terms of income 8 September Development organised Partnership generation and publicity for Lead :Amanda event Destination Management the region. (Place) Davies which the Plan Council 2012 Etape Cymru supports. Targeted event - Energy & No request Environment Key Sector as Participant/Organiser spend for funding identified in the NW Economic £247,600 in the region made to Ambition Board and the Destination NW Project Team 100% of hotels booked for a Community minimum of one night stay as Events a direct result of the Etape) budget 95% of restaurants were fully booked as a result of the Etape.

Estimated total media Value £150,000

Total reach 1,175,812 people

Economic impact £450K for the Region


Event Responsible Budget Comments and Links to Outputs/Outcomes Department and Implications Council Plans and Policies Officers Tour of Britain Assets and £15k from This is the first year that Economic 2013/14 Economic Prosperity Strategy the event will be broadcast 18 September Development Community North Wales Events live on television. It will be 2013 Lead :Amanda Events Partnership seen by over 120 countries Davies budget Council Plan around the world with a (Place) [replicated by Destination Management reach of over 288 million each N. Plan homes. Wales local authority] Targeted event - Energy & The economic impact for £70k Environment Key Sector as Wales in previous years provided by identified in the NW Economic has been significant and in Welsh Ambition Board and 2012 generated over Government Destination NW Project £3million – the aim for Team. 2013 is to replicate this with an expected income of up to £700k for N. Wales Rugby League Community £20,000 from World Cup Health and Well- the Council Plan Expected tourism revenue 2013 being Community Economic Prosperity Strategy generated for £1-1.5m for Lead: Andy Events North Wales Events North Wales – two games Harris budget Partnership Destination 3 Nov and 2013/14. Management Plan Global television coverage 15 Nov TPNW of 120 countries expected

(Place) 19.2 million average global TV viewers


Event Responsible Budget Comments Outputs/Outcomes Department and Implications Officers Wales Rally GB Assets and £5k be met Targeted event – Advanced Economic from the cash Manufacturing Key Sector Promotion of region 14 – 17 Development limited (automotive industry) as Expected press / TV November 2013 Lead :Amanda budget in the identified in the NW coverage in specialist Davies Assets and Economic Ambition Board press and local, regional (Place) Economic and destination NW Project and national media to the Development Team. value of £200k. Department Link: Replicate the £5m Council Plan economic impact for Wales Economic Prosperity from 2012 statistics. Strategy North Wales Events No breakdown figures for Partnership Destination regions exist, analysis will Management Plan take place in 2013 but is estimated at £500k.

Christmas Light Assets and £1k from the Annual event being Promotion in local media Switch On Economic Marketing organised this year in Increased footfall in the Development and conjunction with Rampant town centre to support Date:TBC Department Promotions Dragon – activity outsourced retailers. Christmas to involve the private sector / Event in 2012 generated (Place) Lead: Kay budget reduce the cost to the 3000 advanced visitors Rickard Council.

10 Event Responsible Budget Comments Outputs/Outcomes Department and Implications Officers

Santa’s Grotto Assets and £2k from the Annual event Promotion in local media Economic events Increased footfall in the 7 – 24 December Development budget town centre to support Department retailers. 2000 children (Place) visited the grotto in 2012 – Lead: Kay all accompanied by a Rickard minimum of 1 adult. Estimated economic impact of £20,000 Victorian Assets and £1k from Annual event Promotion in local media Christmas Economic Marketing Increased footfall in the Market Development and town centre to support Department Promotions retailers – 10,000 (Place) Christmas attendees in 2012 Lead: Kay Budget estimated economic impact Rickard Income £100,000 generated to cover additional costs from Stall rental St David’s Day Assets and £2k from Annual events Promotion in local media Market and Economic Marketing Increased footfall in the Parade Development and town centre to support Date: 1 March Department Promotions retailers – attendance in 2014 St David Day 2012 4000 – estimated Lead: Kay Budget economic impact 20,000 (Place) Rickard due to the high number of school children attendance 11

8. Events Calendar

The events calendar lists all the events taking place in the Council be they corporate, place or departmental, large or small. The calendar is made available on the intranet to be viewed by all staff and is updated by named individuals in departments who have responsibility for events. The events calendar features all events including annual events or ‘one-off’ small scale events.

9. The Wrexham Economy

The events programme cannot exist in isolation. It operates within a wider economic and political context. Events will typically only be undertaken if they can show that they contribute in a meaningful way to the development of the local economy. The annual programme of events is an instrument that is intended to encourage inward investment, promote new business starts and increase visitor numbers. The overall aim is to stimulate the local economy, encourage growth and create jobs for local people.

The economy of Wrexham County Borough has enjoyed considerable growth in the years prior to the current economic climate, particularly in the retail sector. That said, our town centre needs to be a focus for events if it is to compete with other locations in the wider region.

Tourism has found significant growth and now contributes £94.8 million annually to the local economy, while tourism related businesses employ one in ten of the workforce.

The events strategy needs to support this growth and capitalise on our key tourism assets. In this context we will work with the National Trust and other attraction providers, with special emphasis on the World Heritage Site. A 2010 study undertaken on behalf of Glyndŵr University, by local company, White Fox, revealed the huge significance of creative industries in the area. The events plan and strategy will seek to support this growing sector.

In terms of place marketing There are two major areas of geographical focus in the County Borough as far as events are concerned - the town centre and the World Heritage Site, both of which offer great opportunities. Wrexham town centre is in competition for retail spend with other retail centres in the region so must offer that bit more if it is to attract shoppers and boost spend. The events programme will support this ambition and will help to create a vibrant street scene. The second focus, the World Heritage Site, is by definition a world class attraction. With regard to corporate events the focus remains on promoting the whole of the County Borough.

10. Priorities

a) Local Priorities, Policies and Strategies

The Economic Prosperity Strategy 2013-17 sets out three strategic priority themes - Economy, People and Place.

Our programme of events will align itself with the Council's key priority outcomes by ensuring that they contribute to the promotion of place by creating a positive, vibrant and attractive image for the area.

Secondly, the events programme will support the economy by driving up visitor numbers and supporting economic activity.

The events programme will also seek support from people and communities by engaging with them and encouraging participation at all levels, including encouraging communities and individuals to add to the events programme.

In addition, the events programme will be influenced by the Destination Management Plan which contains recommendations for how the visitor experience can be improved.

A key priority for Wrexham County Borough is to enhance the image of the area. A major campaign aims to enhance the way Wrexham is perceived by the outside world – and the way Wrexham perceives itself – by creating a stronger sense of identity.

Hello World is based on the concept that everybody (or place) needs a ‘thing’. A special talent or skill they’re known for. A quality that sums up exactly what they’re about.

Wrexham’s ‘thing’ has been identified as ‘creativity’.


Throughout history Wrexham has been a creative and innovative place. From Telford and John ‘Iron Mad’ Wilkinson at the dawn of the Industrial Age to the present day. We might not always shout about it, but Wrexham has been at the forefront of new thinking in many fields and has an inventive spirit in its heart..

So to summarise Wrexham needs in the long term to position itself as a creative, forward-thinking place.

Part of this means threading a message of creativity through everything the Council and other organisations in the area to. As a consequence, events promoted by the Council will need to be innovative and creative. b) Regional Priorities

A North Wales Events Officers Forum has been established and is now part of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board. The Forum seeks collaboration across the six counties of North Wales – Anglesey, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd and Wrexham. This group aims to jointly promote events and attract funding to support the region. Whilst each authority will continue to undertake its own events and promotional campaigns, events recognised by the group as ‘significant’ will be supported by all local authorities.

This work links with the activities of the Economic Ambition Board. This is a partnership of six North Wales local authorities, colleges, universities and the private sector working together to promote the economic wellbeing of the region. c) National Priorities

It is important that wherever possible the plans and strategies of Wrexham County Borough Council link with those of Welsh Government. In June 2010 Welsh Government comprehensively revised its thinking on events and established a Major Events Unit (MEU). ‘A Major Events Strategy for Wales 2010-2020’ was published in September 2010. This was Wales’ first major events strategy. It sets out how Welsh Government will lead a more co-ordinated and coherent approach to major events in Wales. Its aim is to develop a balanced and sustainable portfolio of major events that will enhance Wales’ international reputation and the well-being of its people and communities.

The strategy highlights the importance of strong partnerships. The key primary principle produced by Welsh Government was to forge new strategic alliances and develop new forms of collaboration across geographic, organisational and sectoral boundaries. As a starting point, Welsh Government urges potential partners to take into account the strategy when shaping their own strategic approach to major events and to ensure that it is fully considered in their plans and proposals. In this context, it is essential that Wrexham County Borough Council produces an events strategy that is coherent for local needs, whilst still engaging with the wider ‘All Wales Agenda’.

In addition, note will be taken of the Festivals and Events Strategy of the Arts Council for Wales. More than £1.5m is to be invested in festivals across Wales. An example of the scale and scope of this funding is the Hay Festival, which received

14 £100,000 in April 2012 and is to be given a further £100,000, which will secure the future of its spin-off music festival, Merthyr Rocks.

11. Consultation / Customer Satisfaction

Two consultation events took place in November 2011 and January 2012 with representatives of the Regional Partnership Board, Glyndwr University, Coleg Cambria, other Council departments and local events providers. An update exercise is planned. Local businesses are also consulted monthly on an informal basis at the Town Centre Forum. The purpose of the consultation was to enable stakeholders and partners to help shape the departmental and place events programme. Feedback was that more town centre events were required to attract families and shoppers. The Assets and Economic Development Department’s Events programme supports this. The desire for collaboration to run events and promote Wrexham jointly was apparent and a favoured option. However, overall, there was little enthusiasm for any massive change in our short-term direction.

Consultation continues to take place on an on-going basis with retailers, business groups such as accommodation providers, restaurants and community groups in the County Borough to ensure that people engage in the design of the events programme and understand the benefits that it seeks to bring to the area – benefits such as tourism, inward investment and maintaining the reputation of the Council.

Data on customer satisfaction levels will be collected and reviewed. The events toolkit includes a section specifically addressing the importance of monitoring and evaluating events and examples of how this can be done. This information will be reviews by the Events Management Group to ensure events are delivered in line with corporate policies.

12. Partnership Working

It is important to recognise that the Council would not be able to deliver effectively on significant events if they were not run on a partnership basis. A strong relationship with our partners is necessary to achieve successful outcomes and generate positive publicity for Wrexham. We anticipate working increasingly closely with Coleg Cambria and Glyndwr University in future years and attendance at events is crucial, so support from our media partners is essential.

The Council will work closely with the Town Centre Forum to deliver a series of events in the town centre during 2013-17 to attract shoppers and visitors and ultimately spend. Involvement of the Town Centre

15 Forum will ensure that the retailers and town centre businesses can influence the events programme, which will help develop a community spirit and increase the effectiveness of the events.

The Council has excellent links with the media and will aim to capitalise on this relationship in the future. It also makes extensive and effective use of social media and other digital channels of communication. To deliver an effective events strategy for Wrexham, future consultation with both internal and external partners will be sought on an ongoing basis. Partners include:

. Business – local and regional partners; . Community groups, including AVOW and relevant community councils; . Wrexham Service Board; . Tourism Partnership North Wales; . Glyndŵr University; . Coleg Cambria; . The Canal and River Trust (formerly British Waterways); . Media Partners, such as Heart Radio, North Wales Media and influencers such as BBC and Trinity group; . Welsh Government; . Town Centre Forum; . Council Departments; and . Arts Council Wales.

13. Examples of Wrexham County Borough Council Events

This is a selection of typical events featured within the calendar for Wrexham and show the variety and diversity of the departmental, place and corporate event provision. It must be noted that some event are annual; other are one-off bespoke to the County Rugby League World Cup. It also features regional and national events.

Section A – General

St David’s Day events – March - annual

A St David’s Day market, organised by the Assets and Economic Development Department, has been held in Wrexham on the nearest Saturday to 1 March since 2006. The event has proved popular with both the general public and local food and craft producers. Annual attendance is now in the region of 5,000.

From fairly modest beginnings in 2008, Wrexham’s St David’s Day parade has grown steadily in size. There has, in particular, been a significant increase in the number of schools participating and in the number of pupils each school sends. The St David’s Day market and parade are an important part of the events calendar and reflect our Welsh heritage, language and culture. The parade has an annual attendance of around 7,000.

16 Christmas events – November / December - annual

When the Christmas events programme was first introduced in 2004, the justification for its funding was that it supported town centre retailers through a series of short evening events which were designed to draw in large crowds on Thursday - the one night of the week when shops opened late. Things have changed now and, as Christmas approaches, a great many shops open their doors until late most nights of the week so Thursday evenings are no longer ‘special’. The Council will continue to support retailers by ensuring that the town centre has a festive feel and will provide decorations and a tree. In 2012, an opportunity arose for partially outsourcing the switch-on ceremony for the Christmas lights. The event proved successful and has been fully outsourced for 2013. This is a prime example where the private sector has become pivotal in the delivery of the events programme in the County Borough. This in turn has released Council budget and staff to concentrate on other priorities.

Christmas Victorian Market – December - annual

For many people, this event has become the highlight of the town’s Christmas festivities. It attracts in excess of 10,000 visitors in the course of the day, many of them from outside the County Borough. The majority of the 70+stall holders are local, but increasingly traders are coming from further afield - Shropshire, Cheshire and as far away as Yorkshire, Lancashire and Lincolnshire. Town centre traders welcome the influx of shoppers attracted to Wrexham by this much loved market.

Section B

Events at the World Heritage Site – annual / bespoke

As well as providing a free family activity, the annual Fun Day provides an opportunity for local charitable groups to do some much needed fundraising, which in turn helps to foster good relations with the local community.

July 2013 is the second year for the delivery of the Under the Arches Event. A concert for local bands with fireworks and a backdrop of an illuminated Aqueduct. A true community event!

Subject to funding being available, some small scale entertainment will be provided in the vicinity of the Visitor Centre on two or three summer/autumn weekends.

Se cti on C


Heritage and Arts Events – annual/bespoke

Creative International - annual

Creative International is the result of a new approach being taken to Wrexham Arts Festival. It will consolidate a number of key arts events across the county including, Print International, FocusWales, and other cultural highlights.

History Alive - annual

Wrexham’s annual living history event, held at Ironworks, features veteran and vintage cars, motorbikes and machinery, along with displays put on by local heritage and historical re-enactment groups.

Open Doors - annual

Part of the ‘European Heritage Days’ project, which takes place in 50 European countries each September, the annual ‘Open Doors’ event is a celebration of the architecture and heritage of Wales. It provides opportunities for the public to visit places that are not normally open to them, to gain free access to sites where there is usually a charge, or to take part in special ‘Open Doors’ events, such as guided walks. The initiative is organised by The Civic Trust for Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government and is supported by Cadw. The number of activities available in Wrexham is increasing steadily each year.

Section 4

National and Regional Events Supported by Wrexham County Borough Council

The following events are organised and/or sponsored by outside bodies who require the support of the Council in order for the events to take place. Whilst various council departments will be involved with each event in some way, Marketing and Promotions, Assets and Economic Development department usually takes the lead in bringing the events to the County Borough in the first place and will co-ordinate the participation of other departments. In the case of an event such as the Rugby League World Cup, where another department takes the lead, Marketing and Promotions will play a supporting role.

Wiggle Etape Cymru – September 2013 – Annual

The first Etape Cymru closed road cycle event held in October 2011 was the biggest cycling event of the year in Wales. Organised and funded by a private company it attracted 1,625 entrants and generated huge interest from the public and press. 85% of the participants were from outside Wrexham and £750,000 income was generated for

18 the county borough. This first event resulted in Wrexham being promoted in national cycling magazines, such as Cycle Weekly, which has a readership of 123,000. The second event, held in 2012, attracted 1,625 contestants. The 2012 event proved to be very successful, with the economy benefitting.Some of the economic headlines included:

 Total estimated participant spend in the region over the weekend was £129,254.40.  Total estimated organiser spend in the region to deliver the event was £115,000  92% of participants were inspired to return to the North Wales region for business, work or pleasure  59% stayed overnight in the region (27% 2-5 nights)  43% bought friends/family along for support

Wales Rally GB – 2013

This event will raise the profile of North Wales and is related to the automotive industry. This is considered to be part of the Advanced Manufacturing Sector which is a priority sector for the North Wales Economic Ambition Board. The event will start in Conwy county and two stages will feature the Great Orme. With a service area in Deeside, the race will then progress into Mid Wales through forestry commission sites.

The World Rally Championship is a rallying series organised by the FIA, culminating with a Champion Driver and a Champion Manufacturer at the end of the season. Conwy County Council has been working with the organisers of Wales Rally GB since 2009 to bring this very successful motorsport event to North Wales. Wales Rally GB is the largest and most high profile motor rally in the UK and is one of Wales' long standing flagship events and brings with it a huge number of spectators and loyal fans. This would bring, estimated on previous years, an economic boost to the North Wales economy of £5m. In additional there is extensive national and international media coverage.

Tour of Britain – 18 September 2013

This year is the 10th anniversary of the Tour of Britain, which is Britain’s largest cycle event. It involves 8 days of cycling with 8 different stages. Approximately 120 professional elite cyclists take part in this event. Team Sky (Bradley Wiggins) is the main draw for the event following their achievements at the London 2012 Olympic Games and the Tour de France 2012. North Wales will be involved in the fourth stage on Wednesday 18 September 2013 when the event will be coming through Wrexham. This is the first year that the event will be broadcast live on TV. It will be seen by over 120 countries around the world with a reach of over 288 million homes. Support for this event is a genuine collaboration between the six North Wales local authorities and has been identified by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board and Destination North Wales Project as a key element in the North Wales calendar and is supported by the Welsh Government.

Rugby League World Cup – October / November 2013


The 2013 Rugby League World Cup will be the fourteenth staging of the Rugby League World Cup tournament and will be co-hosted by Wales and England. It is the first major global sporting event to be held on British following last year's Olympics. It runs from 26 October to 30 November 2013 with fourteen teams contesting the tournament. Wrexham will be hosting the Wales vs USA match on 3 November and one of the quarter finals on 16 November.

This will be the second time Wrexham has hosted a RLWC match, and the Wales team will also be based in Wrexham for the tournament.

Events in 2014

North Wales Science Festival

There is a proposal by the North Wales Ambition Board to develop a festival of science for North Wales. Subject to funding, the intention is to start running this annual event from Autumn 2014.

Previously, the Council organised a successful Science Festival for 7 years. It became established as the second largest science festival in the UK. The event has continued for six years, organised by Glyndwr University. The 2013 event was cancelled due to capacity and budget issues. At its height in 2004, audiences exceeded 25,000 people, who attended a range of events. Whilst the expertise exists to replicate the success of this event on a North Wales scale, organisational capacity to deliver is limited.

Potentially if the event was instigated in North Wales, It would be with the aim of creating the largest Science fair in Europe within 5 years. To achieve this, commercial sponsors would need to be brought on board. Additionally funding would be sought from the British Association for the advancement of science, the Royal Institution, Wellcome Trust etc. EVENT SUBJECT TO FUNDING/CONFIRMATION

Commemorative Events for Outbreak of World War One – bespoke - 2014

A year long schedule of events will be established to events to commemorate events for outbreak of World War One. An events team will be established pan-Council to:

 Identify planned activities across Council departments  Identify links with external organisations events  co-ordinate activities  develop a promotions campaign

FocusWales – April 2014

The FocusWales event will once again be supported by Wrexham County Borough Council. WCBC will support the event with:

. a direct cash contribution of £3,000

20 . a co-ordinated approach to bringing FocusWales and Creative International (a new approach to Wrexham Arts Festival) into alignment to create a larger- scale arts event with Focus Wales as a key event.

The event organisers will build on this relationship with the Council to ensure that the event creates further impact and excitement within the town centre itself.

The 2014 event will also take place late on in April, exact dates to be confirmed in due course.

Commonwealth Day – March 2014

The Council has been invited to join other UK Councils in celebrating and marking Commonwealth Day. Commonwealth Day is traditionally held on the 2nd Monday in March but has never had a specific event attached to is. In March 2014 it is intended that all UK Councils ‘Fly the Flag’ at an iconic venue. The Council is considering doing this at , the highest village in Wales. It is an opportunity for the Council to celebrate this day with the other fifty four member states and to mark a global event locally. It will be an opportunity for schools and community groups to make links and to consider the impact and benefits being a member of the Commonwealth has on the UK..

21 Event Management Process

All Heads of Departments must inform Events Management Group/HAED of all planned events

What is the event?

Is the event Corporate, Departmental or Place? Decision by Communications Manager and Marketing and Promotions Manager

Corporate Departmental Place

Event aligns with 3 out of the 6 Identify staff resources Event will contribute to at criteria specified schedule required least one of the following: 1. Expected attendance more than activities and actions 1. There is a business and 2,000 dependant on H&S regeneration theme 2. Cost more than £10,000 requirements- 2. Has a positive economic 3. Failure would have catastrophic equalities/size/ impact impact on the area 3. Supports the Destination effect on the Council of event 4. Part of national programme – i.e. Management Strategy Olympics, World Cup, Military, 4. Supports the Tourism Children in Need, Royal/Ministerial Strategy visit Funded internally 5. Has a positive impact on 5. Project adopted by Major Events visitor/tourist/retail numbers Unit (MEU), Welsh Government 6. Event of national/regional significance Yes No Funded internally

Source sponsorship- Obtain political Source external funding Yes No support Income generation possibilities

Confirm project Source Implement Implement sponsor (Head of promotional Events sponsorship- Corporate and campaign Toolkit Source external Customer Services) funding Income generation Deliver Event Nominate project lead Confirm project sponsor (Head of (Communications Evaluation Manager) Assets and Economic Development) Repeat event Confirm objectives Implement and outcomes Events Nominate project required Toolkit Yes No lead (Marketing and Promotions Manager) Identify costs and undertake feasibility Repeat process study Confirm objectives and outcomes Funded internally required

Yes No Identify staff resources schedule Activate required activities Safety and actions Advisory Source sponsorship- dependant on H&S Group Source external requirements- funding equalities/size/ Income generation impact of event Yes No possibilities 23 Identify staff Implement resources schedule Activate promotional required activities Safety campaign and actions Advisory dependant on H&S Group requirements- Deliver Event equalities/size/ Yes No impact of event


Implement promotional Update Events Toolkit campaign

Deliver Event Yes No

Evaluation Repeat event

Update Events Toolkit Yes No

Yes No Repeat process

Repeat event

Yes No

Repeat process 24 16. Conclusion

This strategy sets out a structure for Wrexham County Borough Council’s events for 2013 – 2017.

It also gives a general indication of the direction of the events programme over the next five years, - which will be to:

 focus events on key locations and assets, - primarily, but not exclusively, the town centre, the World Heritage Site corridor, the commercial property portfolio/the business community and heritage & culture events;  raise the profile of the County as a leading events location for North Wales and beyond;  maintain the Council’s reputation as an authority who stages and executes successful events for the benefit of the whole of the County Borough;  work with partners, especially Glyndŵr University and Coleg Cambria to link events and to support emerging themes such as innovation and creative thinking, as outlined in the Wrexham Tomorrow programme;  to try to work with partners by outsourcing events with business and local charities;  to link all events programming to clearly identifiable economic benefits and the Council Plan;  create recurring, evolving and developing events that will be attractive to potential sponsors. Avoid ‘one off’ events;  provide a co-ordinated and consistent Council-wide approach to event management, incorporating risk assessments and equalities; and  to continue to work as a catalyst, organiser, sponsor and regulator of events.

h:Events Events Strategy 2013/14 Amanda Davies Sue Wyn Jones V.1 – July 2013