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Published by Authority

Vol. LXVIII, No. 59 17th AUGUST. 1990 Price $2

General Notice 446 of 1990. Schedule ZIMBABWE {STOCK EXCHANGE ACT Deed of Transfer 6597/85, registered in the name of Newton [CHAPTER 1981 Dzomba Mungate, in respect of a certain piece of land situate in the district of Darwin, being Montana “B” measuring one thousand three hundred and fifty nine comma t!wo seven Registration of a Broker nought seven (1 359,270 7) hectares.

rr is hereby notified, in terms of subparagraph (ii) of General Notice 449 of 1990. paragraph (e) of subsection (22) of the Zimbabwe Stock Ex­ change Act [Chapter 198], that the Registrar of the Stock GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD Exchange has, in terms of subsection (1) of section 30 of the said Act, registered Freddie Mutenure as a stockbroker with Tenders Invited effect from 13th June, 1990.

V. S. KUMALO, All tenders must be submhted to tlse Secretary, Govemm^it Tender Board, 17-8-90. Acting Registrar of the Stock Exchange. F.O. Box 8075, Causeway. Tenders must in no circumstances be submittiKl to departments. Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside witb the advertised tender number, desoiption, closing date and must bo posted General Notice 447 of 1990. in time to 1^ sorted into Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered by hand CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, Fifth Floor, Fanum House, 57, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date notified. Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the toiderer, Appointment of Chief Justice of Zimbabwe the service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post Offi(^ to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.ni. on the closing date and the con&mation tender posted not later than the closing time and date. The telegraphic address is “Tenders, Harare**. rr is hereby notified that His Excellency the President has, in terms of subsection (1) of section 84 of the Constitution, Note.—Tenders which are not received by 10 a.m. on the closing date, whether appointed the Honourable Mr. Justice Anthony Roy Gubbay by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as late tenders. to be Chief Justice of Zimbabwe with effect from the 3rd If a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refunded on receipt of August, 1990. a bona fide tender or if the tender documents are returned complete and unmarked before the closing date. M. A. CHEDA, For supply contracts, the countiy of manufacture must be stated. When tenders Secretady for Justice, are compared, a degree of preference is deducted from prices tendered for goods 17-8-90. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. manufactured in Zimbabwe.

No tender can be withdrawn or amended during a period of 30 daj^ (or another period specified in tender documents) from the stated closing date.

General Notice 448 of 1990. The Government doM not bind iteelf to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserres the right to select any tender In whole or in part. RURAL LAND ACT [CHAPTER 155] Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Board in envelope with the advertised tender number and description endorsed on the Notice of Intention to Cancel Deeds of Transfer outside are not opened until 10 ami. on the closing date. Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders on Fifth Floor, Fanum House, 57, Samora M^hel Avenue, Harare, from 10 a.m. onwards on NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Lands, Agri­ the date specified. culture and Rural Resettlement proposes to direct the Registrar of Deeds to cancel the deeds of transfer described in the C. C. MUCHENJE, Schedule in terms of section 5 of the Rural Land Act [Chapter Secretary, 17-8-90. Govommeat Tender Board. All persons having any objections to such cancellation are required to lodge the same, in writing, with the Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, Private Bag 7701, Tender Causeway, on or before the 24th of September, 1990. number S/0212/AM. Supply erf self adhesive paper to Air Zimbabwe. B. N. NDIMANDE, Closing date, 30.8.90. Documents are obtainable from Secretary for Lands, the Chief Purchasing Officer, Air Zimbabwe Corpora­ 17-8-90. Agriculture and Rural Resettlement. tion, P.O. Box AP1, Harare Airport. 750 Zimbabwean Government OASEriEj 17th August* 1990

Tenders Ore invited from specialists for: General Notice 450 of 1990. Tender number VEHKXE REGISTRATION AND UCENSENG ACT ICaAPTER 265] CON.138/90. Mutare: Design, fabrication, delivery and fix­ ing of demountable partitions for EWRD offices. Closing date, 30.8.90. Appointment of Manufacturers of Registration Plate* Tenders are invited from structural engineers for: THE Minister of Transport and National Supplies, in terms CON. 139/90. Mutare: Structural steelwork to roof of OPD/ of section 7 of the Vehicle Registration and licensing Regu­ Casualty MFC & NH at provincial hospital. Closing lations, 1990, hereby appoints the companies spedfi^ here­ date, 30.8.90. under as manufacturers of registration plates. Documents for tender numbers CON. 138/90 and CON. Mr. Sign (Private) limited. 139/90 are obtainable from the Secretary for Public Construction and National Housing, Samora Machel Capri Signs (Private) Limited. Avenue (P.O. Box 8081, Causeway), Harare. Number Plates and Sign (Private) Limited. CSC.0035. Supply of 3 ply sisal, twin, oil free, to the Cold Storage Commission. Closing date, 6.9.90. Docwnents Payen Zimbabwe (Private) Limited. Me obtainable from the Purchasing Manager, Cold Flame Lily Industries (Private) Limited. Storage Commission, P.O. Box 953, Bulawayo. D. R. NORMAN, RDS.17/90. Remedial construction to Um^za River Bridge 17-8-90. Minister of Transport and National Supplies. at 14,5 km point on the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road. Closing date, 6.9.90. Deposit $100, extra copy $100 each. Compulsory attendance at the meeting at the office of the Provincial Road Engineer (Matabeleland North General Notice 451 of 1990. Province), Khami Road, P.O. Box 780, Bulawayo, at II a.m, on 22.8.90. Documents are obtainable from the PRECIOUS STONES TRADE ACT, 1978 Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, cnr. Fourth Street/Central Avenue, Harare {P.O. Box 8109, Cause­ way). Confiscated Precious Stones

MED.438. Galenicals; internal and external: Harare and Bulawayo Medical Stores. Closing date, 13.9.90. Docu­ IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 16 of the Precious ments are obtainable from the Controller, Medical Stones Trade Act, 1978, that the precious stones described Stores, P.O. Box ST 23, Southerton, Harare. in the Schedule, which have been forfeited to the State, are in the possession of the Secretary for Mines. EWRD.30/90. Hire of light transport vehicle to Mashonaland Province on an “as and when required basis” for the The stones may, by prior appointment, be inspected by any period from 1.9.90 to 31.8.91. Closing date, 30.8.90. person claiming a leg^ right to any of the stones at the Ministry of Mines, Sixth Floor, Zimre Building, Union Ave­ EWRD.31/90. Matabeleland North, Binga District: Construc­ nue/Leopold Takawira Street, Harare, durii^ the two months tion of Lungwala Dam, canal, ni^t storage and infield following the date of publication of this notice, works. Closing date, 13.9.90. Any person claiming a legal right to any of the precious Documen'is for tender numbers EWRD.30/90 and stones may apjrly, in writing, within two months from the EWRD.31/90 are obtainable from the Stores Officer, date of publication hf this notice, to the Secretary for Mines, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources and Develop­ Private Bag 7709, Causeway, for delivery to him of such ment (Private Bag 7712, Ouseway), Harare. precious stones. If no such person establishes a legal right LGRUID/EPWORTH.3/90. Construction of ^Sewerage and to any of these precious stones within the afore-mentioned Water Reti^ation for Muguta. Closing date, 30.8.90. period, they may be disposed of by the Sfecretary for Mines. Deposit is $100 per set of documents. Tender site inspec­ tion—10 ajn. (22.8.90) on Wednesday. Documents are D. E. H. MURANGARI, available from Messrs. Brian Colquhoun, Hugh 17-8-90. Secretary for Mines. O’Donnel and Partners, Consulting Engineers, Maitland Building, Sbuth Avenue/Wynne Street, Harare. Schedule VET.1/90. Supply and delivery of vaccines to die Depart­ Description of precious stones ment of Veterinary Services for a period of one year. The State v. Dickson Phiri - Closing date, 13.9.90. Documents are obtainable from (S.M. 14240) .... 8 pieces of rough emeralds the Director, Veterinary Services, P.O. Box 8012, Cause­ way, Harare. The State v. R. Maposa 3 pieces of rough uncut (S.M. 14244)...... emeralds 6517:2801. Turbine inlet casing napier MS 100/4. Closing date, 13.9.90.

6552 : 2802. Steel structural beam Universal metric/imperiaL Closing date, 13.9.90. General Notice 452 of 1990.

6539 : 2804. Perkins en^e. Closing date, 13.9.90. GOLD TRADE ACT {CHAPTER 164] Documents for tender numbers 6517 : 2801 to 6539 : 2804 are obtainable from the Supplies Manager, Confiscated Gold N.R.Z., P.O. Box 1999, Bulawayo, or the 'District Store­ keeper, P.O. Box 764, Harare. IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 29 of the Gold. Tenders Ore invited from building contractors registered in Trade Act {Chapter 164], that the gold described in the

category ‘‘A’’ with the Ministry of Public Construction and Schedule, which has been forfeited to the State, is in the National Housing for: possession of the Ministry of Mines. ZISCO.01/90. Erection and completion of additions to the The gold may, by prior arrangement, be inspected by any existing clinic at Redcliff. Qosing date, 6.9.90. Docu­ person claiming a legal right to the gold at the Ministry of ments are obtainable from Oasling and Wgby, Chartered Mines, Sixth Floor, Zimre Building, Union Avenue/Leoiwld Quantity Surveyors, Suite 5, No. 1, Raleigh Street, Takawira Street, Harare, during the two months following the Harare, on payment of a refundable deposit of $200 date of publication of this notice. by crossed cheque to ZISCO Medical Benefit Society. Any person claiming a legal right to any of this gold may ■ EXTENSION OF CLOSING DATE apply, in writing, within two months from the date of publica­ The following tender has been extended. tion of this notice, to the Secretary for Mines, Private Bag 7709, Causeway, Harare, for the delivery to him of such gold. RD.2/90. Supply and delivery of building materials and erec­ tion of modular structures for school units in various If no such applicant establishes a legal right to any of resettlement areas. Closing date is now 30.8.90 and not this gold within the afore-mentioned period it may be disposed 16.8.90 as previously advertised. of by the Secretary for Mines.

CANCELLATION (CPA 2A/90 TO CPA 292/90) D. E. H. MURANGARI, The above tender numbers have been cancelled. 17-8-90. Secretary for Mmes. Zimbabwean Government Gazette^ 17ih August, 1990 751

Schedule (c) section 25C in respect of non-residents* tax on fees Description of gold chargeable on fees of a technical nature that become jmyable by the company to non-resident persons for The State v. AbisM Borera (S.M. 14231) 5,470 mg of gold services performed by them outside Zimbabwe in The State v. Lucky Chipokore (S.M. 14232) Gold content connection with the company’s petroleum operations; The State v. Lucky Chipokore and Funase 968,38 mg and 203,5 mg gold (d) section 25D in respect of non-residents’ tax on remit­ Chipokore (S.M. 14233) tances chargeable on remittances effected by the company The State v. Dabid Banda (S.M. 14234) Bag of gold concentrates in respect of allocable expenditure in connection with The State v. Francisco Zhuwawo (S.M. Gold concentrates its petroleum operations; 14235) The State v. J. Gatawa (S.M. 14236) Gold ore (e) section 25B in respect of non-residents’ tax on royalties The State v. D. Kamaramura (S.M. Gold ore and concentrates chargeable on royalties payable by the company to any non-resident person in connexion with its petroleum 14237) The State v. P. Tapera (S.M. 14238) Green stones operations. The State y. Benjamin Cbitimbe (S.M. Gold concentrates 14239) B. T. OODZEROi The State v. M. Ndlovu (S.M. 14241) Gold ore Minister of Finance, The State y. S. Phusire (S.M. 14242) Gold amalgam 17-8-90. Economic Planning and DevelopmeDt. The State v. J. John Gold ore The State y. P. Phiri (S.M. 14245) Gold ore General Notice 455 of 1990, The State v. Birivore (S.M. 14246) Gold amalgam The State y. C. Mate (S.M. 14247) Gold concentrates MINES AND MINERALS ACT {CHAPTER 165\ The State y. S. Chikoti (S.M. 14248) Gold ore The State y. T. Chindende (S.M. 14249) Gold concentrates The State y. R. Kariza (S.M. 14250) Gold ore Application for an Exclusive Prospecting Order: [Harare The State v. C. Ncube (S.M. 1425!) Gold concentrates Mining District The State v. M. Alfaneti (S.M. 14252) Gold button Gold button The State v. Daniel John (S.M. 14253) IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) of section 88 The State v. Shadreck Shumba (S.M. 14255) Gold ore of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], that Corsyn The State v. Marufu Shumba (S.M. 14256) Gold du$t Consolidated Mines Ltd., has applied to the Mining Affairs Board for an exclusive prospecting order, over the area described hereunder, in the Harare mining district, in' relation General Notice 453 of 1990. to the maps references Mt. Hami>den 1730D2 and Domboshawa LABOUR RELATIONS ACT; 1985 1731C1 of the Second and TUrd Editions and both of the scale 1 : 50 000, produced by the Surveyor-General. Order to Rectify an Unfair Labour Practice Description of area An area of approximately 3 600 hectares situated in the IN the matter between K. Monteiro Sabwa, of 26, Grosvenor Harare Mining Dikrict and bounded by a Unte commencing at Road, Highlands, and Noor Mohamed, of 18, Tyrell Street, a point on the map (grid reference TR870510); thence on a Arcadia. The Labour Relations Board has issued this Order true bearing of approximately 90” 30' for a distance of in terms of section 111 (2) of the Ltoour Relations Act, 1985. 12 km to a point on the map (grid reference TR990510); thence on' a true bearing of approximately 180” 30” for a The matter came to toe Board as m appeal against the distance of 3 km to a point on' the map (grid reference Regional Hearing Officer’s determination ordering payment TR990480); thence on a true bearing of approximately of overtime worked. 270“ 30' to a distance of 12 km to a point on toe map The Board’s findings are that the matter is one of restitu­ (grid reference TR870480); thence on a true bearing of tion where toe 'Labour Relations Officer should have issued approximately 00” 30" for a distance of 3 km to toe starting an Order on Form LR26. The employer by making the point. employee to work overtime which she did not pay for, contra­ The applirant wishes to prospect for gold and other precious vened section 6 (1) paragraph (b) of the Labour Relations metals within the area wluch has been reserved against pros­ Act, 1985. In terms of section 8 paragraph (b) of the said pecting pending determination of this application. Prospecting Act, the employer is guilty of an unfair Labour Practice and authority is sought upon registered base mineral blocks witoin the Labour Relations Board orders that Mrs. K. Monteiro the reservation. Sabwa pays Noor Mohamed $1850 beihg none payments of overtime worked as calculated by the Hearing Officer, Mrs. Any person wishing to lodge any objections to toe granting I. Muyambo. of this application should do so, in writing, with the Secretary, I. T. CmGWENDERE, Mining Affairs Board, Private Bag 7709, Causeway, by not Chairman, later than Friday, the 17th August, 1990. 17-8-90. Labour Relation's Board. D. E. H. MURANGARI, Chairman, 17-8-90. General Notice 454 of 1990. Mining Affairs Board. INCOME TAX ACrr [CHAPTER 181] General Notice 456 of 1990.

Declaration of Petroleum Operator as Approved Petroleum MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] Operator Application for an Exclusive Prospecting Order: Harare Mining District THE Minister of Finante, Economic Planning and Develop­ ment, in terms of section 25G of ithe Income Tax Act [Chapter I8I], and after consultation with the Minister of IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) of section 88 Mines, hereby declares the comirany known as Mobil Explora­ of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], that Returion tion Zimbabwe Incorporated to be an approved petroleum Mining (Zimbabwe) Limited has applied to the Mining Affairs operator for the purposes of the following sections of toe said Board for an exclusive prospecting order, over toe area Act— described hereunder, in the Harare mining district, in relation to the maps references Chiswiti 1631B3 and Mavuradonha (a) section 25 in respect of branch profits tax chargeable 1631B2 and B4 all of the Secon'd Edition and of the scale in respect of the company’s taxable income attributable 1 ; 50 000, produced by the Surveyor-General to petroleum operations, as determined by aiqffying toe provisions of paragraph 2 of the Twenty-second ^hedule Description or area to the Act; An area of approximately 28 329,5 hectares in extent and (b) section 25B in respect of non-residents’ tax on interest situated in the Harare mining district, bordered by a line chargeable on interest incurred by the company on any commeiicing at a point where a track crosses a cattle fence loan or other form of credit for the purposes of the (approximately 0,86 km south of the Mocambique border company’s petroleum operations conducted during the (grid reference 36KUS900834); thence proceeding on a bearing development and production period spedfled in the of approximately 201” for a distance of approximately petroleum agreement between the company and toe 2,25 km to the junction of two tracks approximately 100 m Government; north of Nyamatyopa R. (grid reference 36KUS892813); 752 Zimbabwean Government Gazette* 17ih August, 1990

thence on a bearing of approxtaately 263" for a distance of Polling Station Presiding Officer approximately 14,6 km to a point where a stream crosses the St. Jame’s Muzambi School Madziva, C. junction of three roads (grid reference 36KUS746796); thence Rupere School Muhwati, S. on a bearing of approximately 275° for a distance of Chivizhe School Shlitto, T. M. approximately 5,2 km to the junction of a road leading to Nyabote Dam and a narrow road (grid reference Polling stations will open from 7 o’clock a.m. and close at 36KUS694801); thence on a bearing of approximately 275° 7 o’clock p.m. for a distance of approximately 14,6 km to a point on a T. T. MUDEDE, narrow road which crosses an unsurveyed fence approxi­ 17-8-90. Registrar-General. mately 100 m east of the point) (grid reference 36KUS548808); thence proceeding on a bearing of approximately 325° for a distance of approximately 3,4 km General Notice 458 of 1990. to the junction of two narrow roads approximately 150 m east of the Musingwa River (grid reference 36KUS528836); DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT [CHAPTER 739] thence in a northerly direction on a bearing of approximately 2° for an approximate distance of 9,25 km to a narrow road Notification of Cancellation of De^ of Grant No. 295/62, (grid reference 36KUS531928); thence on' a bearing of Rusape Township in Makoni District: Rusape approximately 113° for an approximate distance of 6,5 km to the junction of two narrow roads near a small dam (grid reference 36KUS592903); thence on a bearing of approxi­ NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Local Govern­ mately 97° for a distance approximately 11,0 km to a road ment, Rural and Urban Development intends to direct the approximately 50 m west of Dande Store (grid reference Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, to cancel Deed of Grant 36KUS703890); thence on a bearing of approximately 105° No. 295/62, in terms of subsection (1) of section 18 of the for a distance of approximately 12,8 kin to the junction Deeds Registries Act [Chapter 139]. The property concern^ of two rOads approximately 150 m south of a cattle fence is Rusapi Landing Group represented on diagram SG (grid reference 36KUS826857); thence on a bearing of No. 1829/62, owned by the State and situated in the distnct of approximately 107° for a distance of approximately 7,7 km Makoni: Rusape. to the starting point. Any person objecting to the proposed i^cellation is hereby The applicant wishes tp prosp^ for gold, platinum group required to lodge his objection, in writing, giving his name metals, copper, nickel, lead and zinc within the area which has and address and the grounds of objection, with the Minister been reserved against prospecting pendin'g determination of this of Local Government, Rural and Urbm Development, at application. Prospecting authority is sought upon registered Private Bag 7706, Causeway, Harare, within 44 days of the b^e mineral blocks within the reservation. publication of this notice. Any person wishing to lodge any objections to the granting J. MSnCA, of this application should do so, in writin'g, with the Secretary, Minister of Local Government, Rural Mining Affairs Board, Private Bag 7709, Causeway, by not 17-8-90. and Urban Development. later than Friday, the 17th August, 1990. General Notice 459 of 1990. D. E. H. MURANGARI, Chairman, ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] 17-8-90. Mining Affairs Board. Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits General Notice 457 of 1990. ( ELECTORAL ACT, 1990 IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the isstm or By-election in Qiihota Constituency: Candidates, Polling Days, amendment of road service permits, have been received for Constituency Registrar, Deputy Constituency Registrar, the consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Trans­ Presiding Officers portation. Any person wishing to object to any such application must IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 40 of the Electoral lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, Act, 1990, that the following persons have beert-duly nominated P.O. Box 8332, Causew^ay— as candidates for election to Parliament for the constituency (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to of Chihota: reach the Controller’s office not later than the 7th 1. Shadreck Dzakoromoka Chipangura—^Independent. September, 1990; 2. Rashie Musungo—ZANU (P.F.). (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach Polling days will be Tuesday and Wednesday, 21st and 22nd the Controller’s office ncd: later than the 28th Septem­ August, 1990. ber, 1990. IT is further notified that the constituency registrar for the Any person objecting to an application for the issue or constituency of Chihota is Mr. Batani, and the deputy amendment of a road service permit must confine his grounds constituency registrar is Mr. Japhet Murenje, whose offices are of objection to matters directly ibearing on the considerations at the Central Registry, Makombe Building, Leopold Takawira referred to in paragraph

The service to operate as follows— The service to operate as follows— (a) depart Gweru Monday, Wednesday and Friday (a) depart Harare Monday to Thursday 1 p.m., arrive St. 7.^ a.m., arrive Chikore Mission 2.50 p.m.; Cecilia 5.40 p.m.; (b) depart Chikore Mission Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (b) depart Harare Friday 5 p.m., arrive Zumbara 8.20 p.m.; 5 am., arrive Gweru 1.35 p.m. (c) depart Harare Saturday 10 a.m., arrive St. Cecilia 3.40 p.m.; Additionals (d) depart Harare Sunday 2 p.m., arrive St. Cecilia 7.40 p.m. Zimbabwe Omnibus and Touring Company—a division of (e) depart St. Cecilia Monday to Friday 5.30 a.m., arrive ZUPCO. Harare 10.10 a.m.; 0/73/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. (f) depart Zumbara Saturday 4 a.m., arrive Harare 7.20 a.m.; Route: Tsholotsho - St. lame’s - Nyamandlovu - Cheliner School - Bulawayo - Esigodind - Mbalab^a - Filabusi - (g) depart St. Cecilia Sunday 8 ajn., arrive Harare Gwatemba Zvfehavane - Mashava - Masvingo. 12.30 p.m.

Tito service to operate as follows— Power Coach Express (Pvt.) Ltd. (a) depart Tsholotsho Monday to Saturday 5 am., arrive 0/605/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Masvingo 12.20 p.m.; Route: Harare - Banket Chinhoyi - Karoi Makuti - 0>) depart Tsholotsho Sunday 7 am., arrive Masvingo Chirundu. 1.20 p.m.; (a) depart Harare Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.45 ajm.. (c) depart Masvingo Monday to Saturday 2 pm., arrive T&olotsho 8 p.m.; The service to operate as follows— arrive Chirundu 2.45 p.m.; (d) depart Masvingo Sunday, 4.30 pm., arrive T^ololriio 10.10 pm. (b) depart Harare Sunday 8.45 a.m., arrive Chirundu 1.20 p.m.; Kugara Kunzwana Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. (c) depart Chirundu Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m., arrive Harare 12.45 pan.; 0/352/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 64. (d) depart Chirundu Sunday 2 pm., arrive Harare 6.45 p.m. Route: Berejena - Chomuruvati - Chikofa - Chirobwe - Chikoni Chivi D.C. - Chivi Tum-ofi - Masvingo - Mako- 0/610/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. holi - Shashe Bridge - Rupiepwe School - Gowere School - Route: Harare Banket - Chinhoyi - Karoi Makuti Dafana Township - Manzvimba School - Chaka Turn-off - Chirundu. Driefontein Turn-off - Driefontein Mission - Mvuma - Chivhu " Harare. The service to operate as follows— The service opiates as follows— (a) depart Harare Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9.45 a.m., arrive Chirundu 2.45 p.m.; (a) depart Berejaia Tuesday and Thursday 7 a.m., arrive Harare 2.48 p.m.; (b) depart Harare Sunday 1.45 p.m., arrive Chirundu 6.30 p.m.; (b) depart Berejena Sunday 11 a.m., arrive Harare 6.48 p.m.; (c) depart Chirundu Monday, Wednesday, Friday and (c) depart Harare Monday and Wednesday 9 am., arrive Sunday 8 a.m., arrive Harare 12.45 p.m. Berejena 4.42 pm.; (d) depart Harare Friday 6 p.m.; arrive Berejena Saturday GOODS-VEHICLES 1.42 a.m. Amendments —^This application' is made to reinstate permit 20598 Note. Bindura Haulage (Pvt.) Ltd. which expired on the 31st January, 1985. G/458 to 462/90. Permits: 26041, 26042, 26043, 26044 and R. Noach (Pvt.) Ltd. 26045. Five goods-vehicles. Load: 30000 kalograms, each. Route 1: Within a 25-kilometre radius of the General Post 0/376/89. Motor-omnibus.. Passenger-capacity: 75. Office, Harare. Route: Bulawayo - Gweru - Lower Gweru - Maboteni - Route 2; Harare - Nyamapanda. Dimbamiwa - Mpinda - Mahlatini Cross Roads - Nkayi Business Centre. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Condition: Standard interlocking conditions. The service to operate as follows— By: Deletion of route 1 and substitution of: “Within an 80- (a) depart Bulawayo Monday to Sunday 1 p.m., arrive kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Harare.’’. Nkayi Business Centre 6.15 pm.; (b) depart Nkayi business Centre Monday to Sunday G/464/90. Permit: 17328. Goods-vehicle. Load: 9 300 kilo­ 4.15 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 9.30 a.m. grams. Area: Within Mashonaland Central Province, with access to 0/523/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Harare. Route: Mutare - Bezeley Brid^ - Bambazonke - Masasi School Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. - Hot Springs Turn off Birchenough Bridge - Masvingo - Condition: Standard interlocking conditions. Zviritavane - Bulawayo. By: Increase jn load to 30 000 kilograms. The service to operate as follows— Additionals (a) depart Mutare Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m., arrive Bviawayo 5.30 p.m.; B. H. Moyo. (b) depart Mutare Friday and Sunday 7 a.m., arrive Bula­ G/469/90. Goods-vehicle. Load: 30 000 kilograms. wayo. 3.30 pm.; Area: Within the Midlands Province, with access to Kadoma, (c) depart Mutare Saturday 7 a.m., arrive Hot Springs Turn­ Chegutu and Harare. off 8.50 a.m.; Nature of carriage: (d) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m., arrive Mutare 5 p.m.; (a) Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. (e) depart Bulawayo Friday 4 p.m., arrive Mutare 12 mid­ (b) Agricultural produce and requirements. night; I. C. Duncan. (f) depart Hot Springs Turn-off Saturday 10.37 a.m., arrive Mutare 12 noon; G/471/90. Goods-vehicle. Load: 7000 kilograms. (g) depart Bulawayo Sunday 4 p.m., arrive Mutare Monday Area: Within Mashonaland West Province, with access to 1 a.m. Harare. Nature of carriage: Agricultural produce and requirements. Mashiri Bus Service. H. G. Rautenbach. 0/512/89. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Route: Harare >- Norton Kutama Mission - Chikaka - G/474/90. Trailer. Load: 6 000 kilograms. Murombedzi - Kazangarare - Chirau School - Chivhere Store Area: Shall be the same as in the road service permit in - Zumbara - Makonde - Oriya School >- St. Cecilia. respect of the vehicle towing the trailer. , 754 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990

Nature of carriage: Shall be the same as in the road service F. Gwafa. permit in respSirt of the vehicle towing the trailer. TX/180/90. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post ofBce, Gokwe. TAXI-CABS Additionals Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Gokwe Business Centre taxi-rank, only. Avondale Taxis and Car Hire (Pvt.) Ltd. J. Z. Dhlamini. TX/159/90. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. TX/182/90. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. Route: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Harare. • Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Banket. Condition: The vehicle will opiate only from premises Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Kuwadzana and occupied by the operator, and will not stand for hire in any Trelawney Shopping Centres and Blue Jay Hotel, only. taxi-rank provided by the Municipality of Harare. Natei—This application is made to reinstate permit 24874 Note.—^This application is made to reinstate permit 19764 which expired on 31st January, 1988. which expired on the 31st January, 1990. K. L. Nyatsine. TX/160/90. Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity: 3. TX/183/90. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Harare. Bulawayo. Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Avondale Shopping Condition: The vehicle .to stand,for hire at any authorized Caitre, only. taxi-rank, within the area tmder the jurisdiction of the Bulawayo Municipality. Note.'—This application is made to reinstate permit 20344 which expir^ on the 30th ‘&ptember, 1989. Note.—This application is made to reinstate permit 20143 which expired on the 31st May, 1989. TX/161/90. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. TRANSFERS Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Harare. P. Hall and Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. Condition; The vehicle to stand for hire at Avondale Shopping 0/599/89. Permit: 27214. Motor-omnibus. Ontre, only. By; Transfer of the permit from S. Takachicha, trading as Note.—^This application is made to reinstate permit 18336 which Kuvimtnka Motorways. eiqpired cm the 31st May, 1990. Route; Gweru - Lalapanzi - Mvuma - Chaka - Masvingo - Meeting « Zaka - Jerera - Veza Township - Mageza. TX/162/90. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. Area: Within a 16-kilometre radius of the post office. Green- The service to operate as follows— dale. (a> depart Gweru Monday and Thursday 8 a.m., arrive Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Greendale Mageza 1.40 p.m.; Stationers, only. (b) depart Gweru Friday 5 p.m., arrive Mageza 10.40 p.m.; Note.—This application is made to reinstate permit 16050 (c) depart Gweru Saturday 1 p.m., arrive Mageza 6.40 p.m.; which expired on the Slst May, 1988. (d) depart Mageza Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 4 a.m., arrive Gweru 9.40 a.m.; C. Chirewa ‘ (e) depart Mageza Sunday 9 a.m., arrive Gweru 2.40 pm. TX/168/90. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. J. Chalcabva. Area; Within a 40-fcilometre radius of the post office, Nyazura. Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized TX/149,-151 and 152/90. Permits: 24528, 24952 and 28059. taxi-rank within the area under the jurisdiction of Tsu- Three Taxi-cabs. ngwesi Rural Council. By: Transfer of the permits from P. Maimborwa.

General Notice 560 of 1990.



Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of section 10 of the Insurance Regulations, 1967, published in Rhodesia Government Notice 899 of 1967, that evidence has been submitted to the insurer whose names and addresses are mentioned in the Schedule of the lo^ or destruction of the local life policies desmbed opposite thereto.

Any person in possession of any sudi policy, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with the appropriate Insurer.

Failing any sudi communication, the insurer will issue a correct and certified copy of the poli^ in accordance with section 51 of the Insurance Act, 1987.

V. S. KUMALO, 17-8-90. Acting Commissioner of Insurance. Schedule

Policy- Date of Amount Name and address of insurer number policy insured Life insured Poli

Fidelity Life Assurance of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box 003302593 1.5.77 $2 448 late Davison Chandafira late Davison Cha- 23580f 435, Harare ndafira. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare .... 4167631 28.3.83 $12712 Jimmy Gazi...... Jimmy Gazi. 23661f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare ....3499562 27.12.79 $9 000 Austin Kenneth Jeans . Kenneth Ernley 23665f Jeans. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7122090 21.5.89 $7 625 Lilian Muziringa Lilian Muziringa. 23666f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7044235 1.11.86 $1 806 Richard Mahinde . . Michel Mahinde. 23694f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7044246 1 11 86 $1 937 Obette Mahinde Michael Mahinde. 23695f Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7154401 i.5.90 $26 520 Graham Austin Runyowa . Graham Austin Ru- 23696f ; nyowa. Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare .... 7125430 1.10.89 $4 768 S. Moyo...... S. Moyo. 23697f ZIMNAT Life Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 61108 1.10.85 $7 000 Misheck Munozvaani Maviza Misheck Munozvaani 23692f 2417, Harare Maviza. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990 755


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed TAKE notice that, on the 31st July, 1990, Simbi Lazarus before me, Davison Moses Foroma, a legal practitioner, at Musboye, appeared before me, Shireen Omarshah, a legal Harare, on the 24th day of July, 1990, Douglas Nyarrra did practitioner, and changed his name to Simbi Lazarus Chari.— adopt the name Douglas Nyalila for all purposes whatsoever. Joseph & Alexander, Second Floor, Gelfand House, Speke Avenue, Harare. 235761 Dated at Harare this 3rd day of August, 1990.—^Davison Moses Foroma, legal practitioner and notary public, c/o Saw­ yer & Mkushi, First and Second Floors, Methodist House, 7, CHANGE OF NAME Central Avenue, Harare. 23612f

TAKE notice that, on the 13th day of July, 1990, Thomas CHANGE OF NAME Jakarasi appeared before me, Shireen Omarshah, a legal practitioner, and changed his name to Thomas Speark Muko- norwa.—^Joseph & Alexander, Second Hoor, Gelfand House, TAKE notice that, on the 2nd day of August, 1990, Evelyn S(peke Avenue, Harare. 23577f Mudzamiii appeared before me and changed her name to Evelyn' Marongwe. Dated at Gweru on this 2nd day of August, 1990.—Godfrey CHANGE OF NAME Mutseyekwa, c/o Danziger & Partners, Danziger House, 62, Sixth Street (P.O. Box 58), Gweru. 23627£ NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Ali Ebrahim, on the 30th July, 1990, Ian Zulu and Nobuhle Henrietta Zulu changed their surnames and their CHANGE OF NAME children’s surnames from Zulu to Mlangeni, so that, hence­ forth, they and their children shall be known by the surname NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed Mlangeni. before me, Imtiaz Ahmed Kurawley, a notary public and Dated at Harare this 6th day of August, 1990.—^Ali Ebrahim, legal practitioner, on the 2nd August, 1990, Rinaldo Antonio legal praaitioner, P.O. Box 4862, Harare. 2^57f Salvatore Cosentino changed his name to Renaldo Antonio Salvatore Cosentino, which name shall be used by him in all deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions and upon all CHANGE OF NAME occasions whatsoever.

Dated at Harare this 2nd day of August, 1990.—I. A. NOTICE is given that, by notarial deed executed before Kurawley, c/o Messrs. Gollop & Blank, Ninth noor, Ottoman me on 3rd August, 1990, Takaengwa Pedzayi changed his House, 59, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 23629f name to Kossam Matsekwa.—S. B. A. Longhurst, notary public, c/o Ben Baron & Partners, First Floor, South^pton House, Main Street, Bulawayo. 23653£ CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 31st day of July, 1990, before me, Benjamin Paradza, a legal practitioner and NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 23rd of June, 1990, notary public, at Kwekwe, came and appeared Ehmael Masere Joseph Ngonyamo changed his name to Joseph Ngonyama and Phdllipah Chinoda, the legal parents and legal guardians before me, Erick Giyani Mhlanga, a legal practitioner, c/o of their minor dhild Charity Maphosa (bom 1st June, 1980), No. 90, cnr. Second/Central Avenue, Bindura. and, by notarial deed the said Munael Masere and Phillipm Chinoda, in theh capacities as -legal guardians of their said Dated at Bindura this 19th day of July, 1990. 2356If minor child, changed their said minor child’s surname from Maphosa to Masere, and shall utilize this name in all docu­ ments, actions and transactions of whatsoever nature from CHANGE OF NAME this date forward. Dated at Kwekwe this 2nd day of August, 1990.—^B. NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 22nd day of June^ Paradza, of Wilmot & Bennett, First Floor, CABS House, 1990, Edith Kache changed her name to Edith Makamba Fourth Averse (P.O. Box 480), Kwekwe. 236311 before ine, Erick Giyani Mhlanga, a legal practitioner, c/o No. 90, cnr. Second/Central Avenue, Bindura. Dated at Bindura this 19th day of July, 1990 23562f CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Simplisius Julius Rugede Chihambakwe, this 2nd NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 16th day of July, 1990. day of August, 1990, Emmah Mhariwa did abandon emd Annah Ninivha Nyeredzemhuka changed her name to.A”“Uh renounce the surname Mharira and assumed in its place Chaka before me, Erick Giyani Mhlanga, a legn' t^ractitioner, Madimu, so that she shall be known as Emmah Madimu, c/o No. 90, cnr. Second/Central Avenue, B“>uura. which name shall be used in all records, deeds, documents and transactions. Dated at Bindura this 1st day of August, 1990, 23563f Dated at Harare on this 7th day of August, 1990.—Chdmnda, Chihahibakwe & Chiktimbirike, applicant’s legal practitioner’s. CJIANGE OF NAME Eighth Floor, Regal Star House, 25, George Silundika Avenue, Iferare. 23679f NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 13th of July, 1990, Virginia Gutsha changed her name to Virginia Gutsa Gwa- nzura before me, Erick Giyani Mhlanga, a legal practitioner, CHANGE OF NAME c/o No. 90, cnr. Second/Central Avenue, Bindura. Dated at Bindura this 1st day of August, 1990. 23564f NOTICE is hereby ^ven that, by notarial deed executed iefore me, Clement Phiri, a legal practitioner, at Harare, on he 31st day of July, 1990, Portia Mandizvidza did formally CHANGE OF NAME abandon the name Portia Mandizvidza and did assume the lame Portia Manyemwe, so that, henceforth, she shall be mown as Portia Manyemwe, which name shall be used in aU NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 13th day of July, leeds, documents, proceedings and transactions whatsoever. 1990, Shebenia Gutsha changed his name to Shebenia Gutsa Gwanzura before me, Erick Giyani Mhlanga, a legal practi­ Dated at Harare this 8th day of August, 1990.—Coghlan, tioner, c/o No. 90, cnr. Second/Central Avenue, Bindura. Velsh and Guest, legal practitioners. Colonial Mutual Building, jeorge Silundika Avenue, Harare. 23688f Dated at Bindura this 1st day of August, 1990. 23565f 756 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Tayengwa iDugmore Muskwe, a legal practitioner, before me, Christopher Tendai Jeche, a legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 6th day of August, 1990, came and appealed at Harare, on the 3rd day of August, 1990, Musafare Sigaba Samuel Chibwana who declared that he had abandoned the changed his name and assumed the name of Mike Mus^are surname Chibwana and had assumed in its place thereof the Mapfumo, which name shall be used in all records, deeds, name Samuel Chibwana Nderecha. documents and transactions. Dated at Harare this 6th day of August, 1990.—Honey & Dated at Harare this 3rd day of August, 1990.—Chirunda, Blanckenbeig, legal practitioners. Fifth Floor, Throgmodton Chihambakwe & Chikumbirike, Eighth floor. Regal Shar House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 23664f House, 25, George Sdlundika Avenue, Harare. 23635f


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, David W illiam Aitken, a legal practitioner, at before me, Peter Dzimba, of Hove, 'Mutasa & Associates, legal Harare, on the 27th day of July, 1990, Theresa Keyer, in her practitionars, at Qhveru, on the 24th day of July, 1990, personal capacity, did abandon her surname Keyer and did Mathias Ranganayi Charandura changed his name to Mathias assume and adopt the surname Zachariah, so that,' hencrforth, Ranganayi Mushakwe. she shall be known on all occasions as Theresa Zachariah, Dated at Gweru this 24th day of March, 1990.—Peter which name shall be used in all deeds, documents, proceedings Dzimba, legal practitioner, c/o Hove, Mutasa & Associates, and transactions whatsoever.—^D. W. Aitken, c/o D. W. Aitken 55, Fifth Street, P.O. Box 128, Gweru. 23S87f & Company, No. 2, Allan Wilson Avenue, Belgravia, Harare. 23642f


NOTICE is hereby given that by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Michael Tendai Nicholas Chingore, a notary before me, Norman James Pattison, a notary public and public and legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 11th July, legal practitioner, at Bulawayo, on the 15th day of July, 1990, personally came and appeared Philimon Kamutando, 1990, Dan Mbeba Soko did change his name from Dan who changed his name to Brighton Phillimon Mwendesi. Mbeba Soko to Dan Mbeba, which name shall be used by Dated at Harare this 11th day of July, 1990.—^M. T. N. him in all deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions, Chingore, c/o George Seirlis & Associates, Third Floor, Lintas and upon all occasions whatsoever. House, Union Avenue, Harare. 237 lOf Dated at Bulawayo this 2nd day of August, 1990.—N. J ^ttisorr, notary public/legal practitioner, c/o Webb, Low S. Barty, 16, Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo. 23643J CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME'

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Peter Immba, of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed execute* legal practitioners, at Gweru, on tl» 9tii day of July, 1990, before me, Norman James Patrison, a notary public and lega Maxwell Alex Munamo changed his name to Maxwell Alex practitioner, at Bulawayo, on the 13th day of July, 1990 Musiiwa. Victoria Beaulah Ghigogora did change her name fron Victoria Beaulah Chigogora to Victoria Thomas, whicl Dated at Gweru this 9th day of July, 1990.—^Peter Dzimba, name shall be used by her in all deeds, documents, proceeding legal practitioner, c/o Hove, Mutasa & Associates, 55, Fiftii and transactions, and upon all occasions whatsoever. Street, P.O. Box 128, Gweru. 23592f Dated at Bulawayo this 2nd day of August, 1990.—N. 1 Pattison, notary public/legal practitioner, c/o Webb, Low d Barry, 16, Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo. 23644 CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME NOUCX is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Peter Dzimba, of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, legal practitioners, at Gweru, on the 1st day of July, 1990, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed execute Tcmba Munzara changed his name to Martino Skudary. before me, Michael Tendai Nicholas Chingore, a notary publi and legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 9th August, 1991 Dated at Gweru this 1st day of July, 1990.—Peter Dzimba, personally came and appeared Johnson ttitagu, who change legal practitioner, c/o Hove, Mutasa & Associates, 55, Fifth the name of the minor child Simbarashe Vengesai (born 1 Street, P.O. Box 128, Gweru. 23591f March, 1979) to Simbarashe Chitagu. Dated at Harare this 9th day of August, 1990.—M. T. I Chingore, c/o George Seirlis & Associates, Third Floe CHANGE OF NAME Lintas House, Union Avenue, Harare. 2370

NOTICE is hereby ^ven ttiat, by notarial deed executed CHANGE OF NAME I»*^itioner, at Gweru, on the 25th day of June, 1990, personally came and appeared Imbayarwo Makota, also known as Imbayarwo z. Makota, NOTICE IS giyen that, by notarial deed executed befo and changed his name to Inock Zivanai. me on: 6th August, 1990, Violet Mbele, ;in her capacity mother and legal guardian of her minor child, Blesset Nyoi Dated at Gweru this 25th day of June, 1990.—Peter Dzimba, changed her name to Blessed Busisiwe Mbele.—S B legal practitioner, c/o Hove, Mutasa & Associates, 55, Fifth Longhurst, notary public, c/o Ben Baron & Partners, FS Street, P.O, Box 128, Gweru. 235851 Floor, Southampton House, Main Street, Bulawayo. 236.‘


hereby given that, on the 6th day of Augi 28th day of June, “e. foseiAat laiunia. a notaiy/Iegal praedtioB 1990, SCholastica Chivaura changed her name to Pelagia Mohya Robert changed his name by notarial deed^to Mol Scholastica Chiwarura before me, Erick Giyani Mhlanga, a Robert Mukumbwa. legal practitioner, c/o No. 90, cnr. Second/Central Avenue, Bmdura. Dated at Bulawayo this 7th day of August, 1990—We Low & Barry, legal practitioners, 16, Eighth Avenue, Bi Dated at Binduia this 19th day of July, 1990. 23566f wayo. 237 ?IMBABWEAN Gqvebnment Gazetfe, 17th Auoust, 1990 757

CHANGE OF NAME . AND WHEREAS an inquiry will be held at the Manicaland Provinciar M agistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. on the 27th of August, 1990: . . ■ TAKE notice that, on the 23rd day of July, 1990, before me, John, Bourchier Meyburgh, a duly registered legal practitioner, NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— appeared Violet Tsitsi Pai^Srii who expressed her desire to (a) has any information relating to the circumstances of change her name to Tsitsi Samantha Paweni, so that, hence­ the disappearance of the missing person; or forth, she shall be known by the name Tsitsi Samantha.Paweni. (b) can show cause why the missing person should not 'oe Dated at Harare this 9th .day of August, 1990.—Stumbles & presumed to be dead or why his estate should not be Rowe, legal practitioners. First Floor, Chancellor House, placed under an administrator; or Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 23699f (c) can show that there is no possibility that the disappear­ ance of the missing person was caused by the activities CHANGE OF NAME of terrorists; or (d) wishes to make any other representations in connexion with the application; NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 26th day of July, 1990, should lodge with the Clerk of the Manicaland Provincial before me, Josephat Tsh,uma, a notary public/legal practitioner, M agistrate’s Court at Mutare, such representations, in writing, Benadi Siliraa, changed his name by notarial deed to Benard on or before the 27th day of August, 1990.—Clerk of the Chirima (born on the 12th March, 1967). Court, Mutare. 23309fl7 Dated at Bulawayo this 6th day of August, 1990.—^Webb, Low & Barry, legal practitioners, 16, Eighth Avenue, Haddon & Sly Building, Bulawayo. 23753f MISSING PERSONS ACT, 1978

CHANGE OF NAME Notice of Application

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change WHEREAS an application has been received for an order of name executed before me, Stephen Nyasha Gwaza, a legal presuming the death of Johan Mafura, of Ndakopa School, practitioner and notary public, appeared Rjingiwa Shava, on P.O. Box 2049, Chimanimani, who has disappeared; behalf of his minor children, namely: Jescah Mpofu, Sino- thambo Mpofu and Nathan Mpofu, and changed their surname AND WTJEREAS an inquiry will be held at the Manicaland to Shava, which surname they shall use in all records, deeds, Provincial M agistrate’s Court at 2.15 p.m. on the 16th of documents and in all transactions whatsoever. August, 1990: Dated alt Harare this 9th day of August, 1990.— Brian NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— Mparadzi, Chinamora and Company, 161, Second Street (a) has any information relating to the circumstances of Extension, Harare. , 23719f the disappearance of the missing person; or (b) can show cause why the missing person should not be CHANGE OF NAME presumed to be dead or why his estate should not be placed under an administrator: or (c) can show that there is no possibility that the disappear­ NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed ance of the missing person was caused by the activities before me, Peter Dzimba, of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, of terrorists; or legal practitioners, at Gweru, on the 24th day of July, 1990, (d) wishes to make any other representations in connexion Benjamin Karaurayi changed his name to Benjamin Chamm- with the application; doro. should lodge with the Clerk of the Manicaland Provincial Dated at Gweru this 24th day of July, 1990.—Peter Dzimba, M agistrate’s Court at Mutare, such representations, in writing, legal practitioner, c/o Hove, Mutasa & Associates, 55, Fifth on or before the 16th day of August, 1990.—Clerk of the Street, P.O. Box 128, Gweru. 23586f Court, Mutare. 23308fl7


Notice of Application Notice of Application

WHEREAS an application has been received for an order presuming the death of Nyararai Chakanyuka, of Manjeru WHEREAiS an application has been received for an order School, Wvate Bag 22 Z, Zaka, who has disappeared; presuming the death of Dumiso Mazibuko, of D20, Mzilikazd Township, Bulawayo, who has disappeared; AND WHEREAS an inquiry will be held at Masvingo Provincial M agistrate’s Court at 9.00 a.m. on the 22nd August, AND WHEREAS an inquiry will be held at Bulawayo Pro­ 1990: vincial M agistrate’s Court at 8.30 a.m. on the 17th day of August, 1990: NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— NOW, THEREFORE, any person who— (a) has any information relating to the circumstances of the disappearance of the missing person; or (a) has any information relating to the circumstances of the disappearance of the missing person: or (b) can show cause why the missing person should not be presumed to be dead or why his Mtate should not be (b) can show cause why the missing person sfaquld not be placed under an administrator; or presumed to be dead or why his estate should not be placed under an administrator; or ■ (c) can show that there is no possibility that the disappear­ ance of the missing person was caused by the activities (c) can show that there is Jio possibility, that the ^ppp^fr of terrorists; or ance of the missing person was caused by the. activities, (d) wishes to make any other representations in connexion of terrorists; or with the application: (d) wishes to make any other representations in connexion should lodge with the Clerk of the MasvingO' Provincial Magis­ with the application; trate’s Court at Masvingo,, such representations, in writing, on should lodge with the Clerk of the Matabeleland Provincial or before the 22nd August, 1990. M agistrate’s Court, at Bulawayo, such representations, in Dated at Masvingo this 18th day of July, 1990.—D. Mbaya, writing, on or before the 17th day of August, 1990.—S. .J. Clerk of Court, 23307H7 Nyoni (M rs.), Clerk of Court. 23216117


Notice of Application jVOnCE is hereby given that the under-mentioned ceitifl- cates of registration, issued in the name of Charles John Fatweett, have been lost • or ffiislaid and that kpidication- will WHERE'AS an application has been received for an ortfer be made to the Mining Commissioner, Gweru, at the expiration presuming the death of Mazwi Mutudza, of Mutudza Village, of 30 days from date of publication of this hotice, for the issue Private Bag 7085, Mutare, who has disappeared;' , of duplicates thereof. 758 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17to August, 1990

Before the Honourable Mr. Justice M uchechetctre. Registration number Name of block M iss. Ncube for the applicant. 2172 B.M. Rydal No interested persons. 2229 B.M. Killamey WHEREUPON, after reading documents filed of record and Dated at Harare this 7A day of August, 1990. 23581f hearing M iss. Ncube, IT IS ORDERED: 1. That a rule do issue returnable to this honourable LOST DEED OF GRANT nisi court sitting at Bulawayo on the 31st day of August, 1990, calling upon all persons interested to show cause, if any, why— NOTICE is hereby given that Johnson Furusa intends to (a) the estate of Jerry W ilson Vera should not be volimtarily apffly for a certified copy of iDeed of Grant (Regd. No. 482/65), surrendered; made in bis favour on the 21st day of June, 1965, in respect (b) the costs of these proceedings should not be costs in of certain piece of land situate in the district of Selukwe, surrender. called Jobolinko 38, measuring seventy-seven comma nine five six seven (77,956 7) hectares. 2. That this rule do operate as a provisional order of All persons laving any objections to, or wishing to make stirrender. any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, 3. That the Master of this honourable court be and is are required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds hereby directed to aippoint Malcolm Fraser as Provisional Registry, Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date of publica­ Trustee of the estate. tion of this notice.-^hirunda, Chihambakwe & Chikumbirike, 4. That there be one publication of this order in the legal practitioners. Eighth Floor, Regal Star House, 25, George and in a Friday edition of Bulawayo. Sfilundika Avenue, Ilarare. 23634f Gazette The Chronicle, BY THE COURT. LOST DEED OF TRANSFER lazarus & Sarif, P.O. Box 484, Assistant Registrar NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made for Bulawayo. 236761 a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 2003/87, made in favour of Denies Mad2dwa (boih on the 13th July, 1954) on the 2nd April, 1987, whereby a certain piece of land situate in the Case H. C. 2574/90 district of Salisbury called Stand 6282 Glen View Township IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE of ®en View, measuring 200 square metres, was conveyed. All such persons claiming to have any objections to the issue In the matter of the petition of M.K.T. (Pvt.) Ltd., petitioner, of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same with the for an order in' terms of section 3 of the Titles 'Registration Registrar Deeds, at Harare, writhin 14 days of the publica­ and Derelict Lands Act [Chapter 158]. tion of this notice. Harare, Thursday, the 26th day of July, 1990. Dated at Harare on this the 8th day of August, 1990.— Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson. Honey & Blanckenberg, applicant’s legal practitioners. Fifth WHEREUPON, after reading docum^s filed of record, Floor, Throgmorton House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 23681f IT IS ORDERED: That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon aU persons having or LOST DEED OF TRANSFER pretending to have amy right or title to the under-mentioned property to appear brfore this honourable court sitting at Ha(rare on the 22nd day of August, 1990, to show cause, if any, NOTICE is hereW given that I intend to apply for a certified why the property should not be registered in the name of copy of Deed of Transfer 255/80, registered in the name of M.K.T. (^.) Ltd., in terras of the Titles Registration and Maureen Priscilla van der W alt (bom 5th November, 1942) in Derelict Lands Act [Chapter J58], certain piece of land situate respect of certain piece of land situate in the district of Bula­ in the district of Harare, called Stand 268, Midlands Town­ wayo, . being Stand 4 Richmond Township

NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Mortgage Bond No. 1151/83, passed by Petros INSURANCE ACT, 1987 Lesapo MoiM (bom 1st November, 1936) in favour of Central Africa Building Society on the 28th February, 1983, whereby certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury being Proposed Transfer of Insurance Business: Protea Assurance Stand 28 of Prospect, measuring 9294 square metres, hdd Company Limited to Soufiiampton Assurance Company of uncter Deed of Transfer (Registered No. 1114/83), dated 28th Zimbabwe Limited February, 1983, was hypothecated as a first mortgage, the original of which has been lost or destroyed. NOTICE as hereby given that:— All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of sudi copy, are 1. In terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 33 the Insurance Act, 1987, Protea Assurance Comi»ny Limited hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the I>eeds cd (hereinafter called “Protea”), a ccunpany duly incorporated Office, Harare, wifiiin 14 days from die date of publication of this notice. und» the laws of 'tiie Republic of South Africa, and carrying on in Zimbabwe life insurance business, intends to make Dated at Harare on this the 6th day of August, 1990.— apidication to the M inister of Finance, Economic Planning Kantor & Immemian, appilicant’s legal practitioners, 67-69, and Development, in terms of section 33 of the Insurance Act, Second Stre^, Harare. 23614f to sanction the tranter to Southampton Assurance Company of Zimbabwe Limited (hereinafter called “Southampton”) all Case H.C. 603/90 the life insurance business in Zimbabwe of Protea, wi& effect from 1st January, 1990. IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE 2. A statement of the nature tA the transfer, togethH* With— In the matter of the petition of Jerry W ilson Vera, p^itioner. (a) an abstract contaiiring the material facts embodied in for the voluntary surrender of his estate. the agreement trader which tile transfer as proposed Bulawayo, Friday, the 3rd day of August, 1990. to be effected; and Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990 759

(b) summaries of tlie actuarial reports upon which the INLAND WATCRS SHIPPING ACT [CHAPTER 258} agreement referred to above ds founds, including a report by an actuary approved by (he Conxmissiana of Application for the Issue of an Ordinary Permit to Provide Insurance; a Shipping Service has been posted to the registered or last known address of every owner of a local Protea life insurance policy affected by the transfer and to the Commissioner of Insurance, as NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Hans Jacob Meyer, c/o required by subparagraphs (d) and (ii) of paragraph (b) of Private iBag 522D, Harare, has made application to the Inland subsection (3) of section 33 of the Act. Waters Shipping '&rvices Board in terms of sectiori 37 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act 255], for the issue of an The agreement under which the transfer is proposed to be [Chapter Ordinary Permit, valid for three years to provide the following effected shall, dn terms of paragraph (e) of subsection (3) of section 33 of the Act, be open for inspection by policyholders shipping service on Zambezi River, Chirundu Area— and sWeholdcrs for a period of 21 days at the following “Offer two vesseJs of 4,72 metres in length overall and offices of Southampton, during normal business hours: one vessel of 4,0 metres in length overall for the piirpose of Harare; Third Floor, Southampton House, 68-70, Union non-scheduled charter or individual fare basis from Avenue. Chirundu.”. Bulawayo: Second Floor, 90, Main Street Any objections to this application, made in terms of section Any objections to the proposed transfer should be lodged 40 of the Inland Waters dipping Act [Chapter 255], must be with the Commissioner of Insurance, Private Bag 7705, Cause­ made in the manner prescribed in section 156 of the Inland way, on or before 7th September, 1990. 23584f Waters Shipping Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after the date of publication in this Gazette of this notice.— Hans Jacob Meyer. 23572f INLAND WATERS SHIPPING ACT [CHAPTER 258] + Application for the Amendment of an Ordinary Permit to INLAND WATERS SHIPPING ACT [CHAPTER 258] Provide a Shipping Service 4. Applioation for tiie Issue of an Ordinary Permit with NOTICE is hereby given that Sunseeker (Pvt.) Ltd., of P.O. Amendments to Provide a Shipping Service Box 3875, Harare, has made an Application to the Inland Waters shipping Slices Board in terms of section 37 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chafer 255], for the amendment NOTICE is hereby given that Canoeing Safaris (IM.) Ltd., of Ordinary Permit No. 18 of 1989. of P.O. Box UA 8, IJnion Avenue, Harare, has made applica­ “The effect of the amendment will be to allow the tion to the Inland Waters Shipping Services Board in terms of operator to increase his xnesent fleet by two vessels of 4,6 section 37 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], metres in Wgth overall to be used as tenders.” for the issue of an ordinary permit with amendments valid for Any objection's to this application, made in terms of section three years to provide the following shipping services— 40 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], must be “The renewal with amendments of Ordina^ Permit No. made in the manner prescribed in section 156 of the Inland 17 of 1987, for a period of three years to continue with boat Waters Shipping Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after hire services. The effect of the amendment will be to allow the date of publication in this Gazette of this notice.— the operator to increase Ms present fleet by eleven more Sunseeker (Pvt.) Ltd. 23720f canoes.”. Any objections to this application, made in terms of section INLAND WATERS SHIPPING ACT [CHAPTER 258] 40 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 255], must be made in the manner prescribed in section 156 of the Inland Application for the Amendment of an Ordinary Permit to Waters Shipping Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after Provide a Shipping Service the date of publication in this Gazette of tMs notice.— Canoeing Safaris (Pvt.) Ltd. 23713f

NOTICE is hereby given that M/S J. S. Ferreira & R Carey, of P.O. Box 40, Bromley, has made an application to the Inland Waters Shipping Services Board in terms Uf section 37 of the UQUOR ACT, 1984 Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 255], for the amendment of Ordmary Permit No. 3 of 1989. Application for the Issue of a Part H Liquor Licence “The effect of the amendment will be to allow the operator to increase his fleet by two tenders.” Any objections to this application, made in terms of section NOTICE 'is hereby given that an application, in terms of 40 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 255], must be section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, wilt be made by Bertrams made in the manner prescribed in section 156 of the Inland Vineyards (Private) limited to the liquor Licensing Board, Waters SMpping Regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after Harare, for the issue of a Wine Producer’s Liquor Licence in the date tit publication in this Gazette of this notice.'— respect of premises situate at Subdivision E of Lot 60 of J. S. Ferreira, for: lAIS J. S. Ferreira & R. Carey. 23707f Umsungwe mock, Gwcru. AH iiersons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with (he Secretary of itiie INLAND WATEI«1 SHIPPING ACT 255] [CHAPTER Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later ffian 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—Gill, Godlonton & Application for the Issue of an Ordinary Permit to Flrovide Gerrans, applicant’s legal practitioners, Harare. 2369Qf a Shipping Service

NOTICE is hereby given that Shumba Charters, of P.O. Box LIQUOR ACT, 1984 3628, Harare, has made application to the Inland Waters Shipping Services Board in terms of section 37 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], for the issue of an otdin^ Api^ication for di6 Issue of a Part II Liquor Licoice permit, vahd tor three years to provide the fallowing sMpihng service on Lake Kariba— “Offer one vessel of 14,5 metres in' length overall plus NOTICE is hereby given that an applicatiem, in terms of two tenders of 4,72 metres in length overaU for the purpose section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor of non-scheduled charter or individual fare basis from Licensing Board, 'Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Marineland.”. Licence in resp^ of premises situate at Lease No. 26071, Guwa Business Centre, Masvingo District, trading as Muda- Any objection^ to tMs application, made in terms of section rikwa Bottle Store, for W. Matapura. 40 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], must be made in the manner prescribed in section 156


Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Application for Transfer of a Part II Liquor Licence

NOTICE i.s hereby given that an application, in terms of NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liauor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor ■ section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will.be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for transfer of the Bottle Ltquor Licence to Sipho Moyo, trading as Sipho Sam-i Bottle Store Licence in respect of premises situate on Stand 4948, Julius Nyetere Way, Harare, from Albert Amato and Sons (Pvt.) in respect of premises at Nkai Grotvth point. Ltd., trading as Albert Amato and Sons'(Pvt.) Ltd., to Thomas All persons who have any obiections to the application may Meilde Centre (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as TM Supermarkets. lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 14 days from All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the the date of publication of this notice. Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 31st Dated at Bulawayo this 3rd day of August, 1990.—^Lazarus August, 1990.—Thomas Meikle Centre (Pvt.) Ltd. 23571f & Sarif, applicant’s legal practitioners, Centenary Building, Ninth Avenue, 'Bulav/ayo. 23641f . CITY OF HARARE

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Declaration of Closure of ’Portion of Roadway

Application for -the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence NOTICE is hereby given that, in terms of section .7,.as read with section 4 of the Roads. Act [Chapter 263], the Harare NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in tenns of City Council hereby declares a portion of roadway described section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor as Stand 2067 Glen Lome Township of Subdivision “B” of Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Subdivision "D” of Subdivision “D” of Nthaba of Glen Lome Licence in respect of premises situated on Duncrieve Ranch, closed. Battlefields, Kadoma, trading.as Duncrieve Ranch Bottle Store, for Balanced Quarto Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. Description of closure All persons who have any objections to the application may That roadway, which is Stand 2067 Glen' Lome Township lodge their objections, lin writing, with the Secretary of the of Subdivision “B” of Subdivision “D” of Subdivision “B” Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 31st of Subdivision “D” of Nthaba of Glen Lome, as defined August, 1990.—Wilmot & Bennett, P.O. Box 480, Kwekwe. by the figure ABCDA, where A is the north-eastern boundary 23639f beacon and D the south-eastern boundary beacon of Lot 1 of Subdivision B of Subdivision D of Subdivision B of Subdivision’ D of Nthaba of Glen Lome and B is the LIQUOR ACT, 1984 western boundary beacon and C the south-eastern boundary beacon of Stand 2067 Glen Lome Township of Subdivision Application for the Issue of a Part H Liquor Licence B of Subdivision D of Subdivision B of Subdivision D of Nthaba of Glen Lome, as shown on the Surveyor-General’s diagram No. 919/74, held at the offices of the Surveyor- NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of General, Electra House, 49, Samora Machel Avenue Central, section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Harare. Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Beerhall Liquor Town House, E. C. M. KANENGONI, Licence in respect of premises situated on Duncrieve Ranch, Harare. Town Clerk. Battlefields, Kadoma, trading as Duncrieve Ranch Beerhall, 23675f for Balanced Quarto Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 31st August, 1990.—^Wilmot & Bennett, P.O. Box 480, Kwekwe. A uthorized Scale of C harges, Tim es of C losing and 23638t Subscription R ate as from 16th July, 1990

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Charges

NOTICES published in the norm al colum ns; $8 per centi­ Application for the Issue of a Part H Liquor Licence m etre or part thereof single colum n. Taking the depth of such m atter, norm ally spaced, approxim ately 25 w ords occupy one centim etre; but th is can only be a rough guide, as a heading NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of m ay occupy tw o centim etres, and certain notices unavoidably section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor contain w hite space, w hich m ust be included in the chargeable Licensing Boaid, Harare, for the issue of a Bar Liquor Licence in resp^ of premises situate at Lease No. C.L. depth. 43324, Nyahondo Business Centre, Zaka,' trading as Bhomba N otices w hich have to appear in tabular form across the Investments, for Muwandi Tawanda Manyadze. fu ll w idth of the page, such as lost insurance p olicies, deceased estates, insolvent estates, com pany liquidation, notices in term s 'All persons who have any objections to the application may of the Insolvency A ct [Chapter 303], changes of com panies* lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the nam es, et cetera: $20 per entry. Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 3Ist August, 1990.—Muwandi Tawanda Manyadze, applicant. Except in the case of approved accounts, rem ittances m ust 23597f accom i^y all copy of advertisem ents, failin g th is, copy w ill be returned w ith an assessm ent of charges.

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Times of closing The Gazette closes for the receipt of copy for all notices to be published in the norm al colum ns, and for statutory instru­ Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence m ent,, at 11 a.m . on the M onday preceding the Friday of publication.

NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of Copy for all notices to be set in tabular form m ust be section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor received by 11 a.m . on the Friday preceding the Friday of Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Store Liquor publication.

Licence in respetd of premises situate at Shop No. 3, Chigango Any copy w hich is received after the respective closing- Business: Centre, Mt IJarwin, trading as Mudindo Bottle Store, tim es w ill autom atically be held over for insertion in the for Herbert Robert Mudindo.. ' ’ Gazette of the follow ing w eek, in w hich case no responsibility can be accepted if the purport of the notice is hereby n ullified , A ll persons who have any objections to the application m ay lodge their objections, in w riting, w ith the Secretary of the W hen public holidays occur, the norm al closing-tim es are L iquor. L icensing Board, H arare, not later than the 31st varied, and; such variations are notified in the. Gazette in A ugust, 1990;’^H erbert R obert M udindo, applicant. 23590f advance. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, I7th August, 1990 761

All copy must be addressed to the Department of Printing 6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in and Stationery, and either posted to P.O. Box 8062, Causeway, these conditions, any copy— or delivered direct to the department, in George Silundika (a) which is of national importance, and which is Averme (between Sixth ®reet and Eptom Street), Harare. originated as a matter of urgent necessity, may, by Envelopes should be marked; Gazette copy—urgent. prior arrangement, be accepted late for the current Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to advise week; immediately of any change of address. (b) may, due to shortage of staff or to technical Subscription rate considerations, be delayed until conditions permit The annual subscription rate for the Gazette is Z-S104, pay­ its processing. able, in advance, to the Controller of Printing and Stationery, 7. Copy must be submitted as part of a letter or a and may commence with the first issue of any month. requisition. It must appear on a separate sheet of paper, on which there is no instruction or other extraneous matter. 8. (1) In cases where notices have to be published in GOVERNMENT GAZETTE tabular form, copy must be drafed exactly as it is to appear. If printed forms for any such notices are unavailable, Conditions for Acceptance of Copy advertisers must prepare their own forms. While it is not necessary to include the preamble, the box-headings must be there, and, where applicable, the number of the form; for FAILURE to comply with any of the following conditions example, “Insolvency Regulations—^Form 3”. will result in the rejection of copy, and no reponsibitity can (2) In the case of copy for tabular notices, the provision be accepted if such rejection should affect any date contained of subsection (2) of pection 3 does not ai^ly, in such copy or any requirement of publication on a specific date 9. Copy for all advertisements, whether sent by; post or Persons drafting any kind of notices are strongly advised to delivered by hand, must be accompanied by a requisition or follow the guidance offered in— a letter which clearly sets out— (a) the Instructions Relating to the Drafting and Typing of (a) the name and address of the advertiser; and Legislation (Attorney-General’s Circular 1 of 1978); and (b) the debtor's code-number, if any; and (b) the Manual of Style for the Drafting and Preparation of copy, published by the Department of Printing and (c) the required date or dates of publication. Stationery; 10. (1) If a typographical error occurs in the Gazette, it is which two booklets are intended for complemental use. rectified as soon as possible by a correcting notice without In these conditions, other than where a particular kind of charge to the ministry or department concerned, subject to copy is specified, “copy” means copy for all matter contained the following conditions— in the Gazette itself and for subsidiary legislation issued as supplements to the Gazette. (a) that such error is reported to the editor within three months from file date of publication; and 1. (1) Other than by prior arrangement, only original (b) that the relevant copy, upon re-examination, is typing is accepted. proved to be abundanfiy clear; and (2) Carbon-copies are not normally acceptable, other than in cases where file original typing has to be legally retained, (c) that the correction of such error is legally necessary; elsewhere, as, for example, in the case of a proclamation. (2) If a drafting error is not detected brfore publication, (3) Computer print-outs are not accepted automatically, the originating ministry or d^artment is required to draft its as discussion may be necessary with regard to the extra time own correcting notice, take it to the Attorney-General for vetting, and pay for such notice to be published. and costs involved. (3) For the removal of doubt— 2. (1) All copy must be clear and legible, and there must be double or one and a half spacing between the lines. (a) a typographical error is made by a typographer; (2) Any corrections or alterations made by the originator (b) a typist’s error is classed as a drafting error by I must be clearly effected in blue or black ink, using editorial reasons of the fact that the ofBcer responsible for marks—not proof-reader’s marks: drafting failed to check the typist’s work. Provided that any copy containing extensive alterations wiU be rejected. 3. (1) Copy must appear on one side only of each sheet of GOVERNMENT GAZETTE paper. (2) Except as is provided in subsection (2) of section 8, Submission of Copy for Application for the Issue of paper must not exjoeed 210 millimetres in width. Liquor Licences (3) If copy comprises Wo or more sheets Of paper, all sheets must be numbered consecutively, in arable figures, preferably in the lop right-hand corner. IT is hereby notified, for goieral information, that due to an increase in the number of apidicants, throughout the country, (4) Where any matter is added after the copy has been for Liquor Licences and the subsequent publication in the prepared, and such additional matter results in one or more Gazette, applicants are advised to ensure that their copy has sheets being inserted between those already numbered, all been accepted prior to fixing dates for simultaneous publication Aeets must be renumbered from there onwards—not, for in both the Gazette and any newspaper in the country. instance, 7, 7b, 8, etcetera. While ev^ effort will be made to take in what we can in 4. Photographic copy or copy produced on a duplicating- the weekly issue, in respert of applications for Liquor Licences machine may be accepted if it is abundantly clear. only, no responsibility wUl be accepted by the Dejuntment of Printing and Stationery if— 5. (1) Should any copy- fa) exceed 10 pages of double-spaced typing on size A4 (a) copy is automaticallY held over for insertion in file of the following week; and paper; or Gazette (b) contain tabular or other matter which involves (b) the dates contained in such copy, or any requirements complicated setting: of publication on specified dates are affected; it will be classed as “lengthy” copy and Will be required to be because the production' of the weekly issue of the Gazette sutaitted not less than 21 days before the date of closing for operates to a tight schedule resulting in programming printing the Gazette in which it is to be published. work-flow. (2) Lengthy copy may be accepted at less than 21 days’ notice if— L. C. TAKAWIRA, (a) the work involved is of a straight forward and non- (Editor). tabular nature; and Department of Printing and Stationery, (b) the total volume of work on hand for the time George Silundika Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton being permits its acceptance. Street), Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). 762 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE $ Kirkia, volume 5, parte I and per part...... 1.50 Kirkia, volume 6, parts 1 and II, per part...... 1,50 Submission of Copy for Government Gazette Statutory Kirkia, volume 7, parts I and H, per part ,' ...... • . 1,50 Instruments and Notices Kirkia, volume 8, parts I and II, per part...... 1,50 Kirkia, volume 9, parts I and II, per part...... 1,50 Kirkia, volume 10, parts 1 and II, per part...... 1,50 rr is hereby notified, for general information, that it is Kirkia, volume II, ^art I ...... 1,50 necessary to draw attention to the “Conditions for Kirkia, volume 11, part II...... 5,00 Acceptance of Copy”, which appears in every issue of the Kirkia, volume 12, part I...... 5,00 Gazette; and particularly the ne^ to submit lengthy copy, Labour and Economy: Report of the National Trade Unions Surveys, in the case of Statutory Instruments, at least 21 days before Zimbabwe, 1984: Volume one...... 10,00 the date of closing for the Gazette in which the notice is to be Let's build 2Umbabwe together—Zimcord ConfN'ence documeatatioos 5.00 published. Manual of River and Lakemanship ...... 5,00 Model Building By-laws, 1977 ...... 5,00 During the past few months or so there have been many National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume I...... 10,00 cases where urgent copy for subsidiary legislation, which National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume II...... 5,00 requires the signature of the President or a minister to give National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume III...... 10,00 it effect, and which is of national importance, has been sent National Railways of Zimbabwe: Report of the Committee of Inquiry in for publication in the Gazette after closing-time. Whilst into Parastatais...... 5,00 I acknowledge that it is the duty of the Department of Parliamentary debates (House of Assembly) (annual subscription rate) . 2,00 Printing and Stationery to give certain notices special treat­ Parliamentary debates (The Senate) (annual subscription rate) ... 2,00 ment, I am, however, of the view that a Gazette Extraordinary Patent and Trade Marks Journal (annual subscription rate) .... 6,00 has tended to be a must rather than a matter of priority in Patent and Trade Marks Journal (individual copies)...... 0,20 respect of unwarranted delays of urgent copy. Population Projections of Zimbabwe: 1982 to 1983 ...... 2,00 Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Agricultural Industry While every effort will continue to be made to publish (soft cover)...... 5,00 Exiraordinaries on the required dates, copy nmst be submiUed timeously so that it can be programmed into the ininting Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Distribution of Motor Vehicles...... 5,00 work-flow as soon as it is available. Rhodesia subsidim'y legislation, 1970 (four parts), per set...... 6,30 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1971 (five parts), per part...... 1,60 L. C. TAKAWIRA, or, per set...... 6,30 (Editor). Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1972 (seven parte), per part .... 7,50 Department of Printing and Stationery, Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1973 (seven parts), per part ....7,50 George Silundika Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1974 (five parts), per part...... 7,50 Street), Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1975 (five parte), per part...... 7,50 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1976 (six parts), per part...... 7,50 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1977 (four parts), per part .... 7,50 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978 (four parte), per part ....7,50 GOVERNMENT PUBUCATIONS ON SALE Rhodesian law reports, 1970, part I and part 2, per part...... 4,20 Rhodesian law reports, 1971, part I and part 2, per part...... 4,20 (as available at time of orderii^) Rhodesian law reports, 1972, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 4,20 Rhodesian law reports, 1973, part 1 and part 2, per part . . • • • 4,20 Rhodesian law reports, 1974, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 4,20 THE following publications are obtainable from the Govern­ Rhodesian law reports, 1975, part 1 and part 2, per part ..... 4,20 ment Publication Office, Cecil House, 95, Jason Moyo Avenue, Rhodesian law reports, 1976, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 4,20 Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway), or from the Government Rhodesian law reports, 1977, part 1 and part 2, per part...... 4,20 Publication Office, 101b, Main Street, Bulawayo (P.O. Box 211, .Rhodesian law reports, 1978 ...... 9,00 Bulawayo), at the prices specified opposite thereto. Rhodesian law reports, 1979 ...... 9,00 Rules and practice of the General Division of the High Court, 1971 . . 4,00 $ Socio-Economic Review, 1980-1985 (Zimbabwe)...... 12,00 Agro-economic survey of Central Midlands • . • 2,00 Statistical Yearbook of Zimbabwe, 1987 ...... 10.00 An Introduction to Law...... 3,00 Statute law of Rhodesia, 1975; 1976, 1977; 1978— Annual Economic Review of Zimbabwe, 1986 . . 5,00 full-bound, buckram...... 10,00 Brands directory, 1974 (consolidated edition) • . . . 12.00 quarter-bound, hard «>ver...... 4,50 Brands directory, 1975 ...... 4,00 soft cover...... 5,50 Brands directory, 1976 ...... Statute law of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1979— Brands directory, 1977 ...... 4,00 full-bound, buckram . . . .•...... 14,00 Brands directory, 1979 ...... 4,00 quarter-bound, hard cover...... 9,50 Catalogue of banned books, periodicals, records, etc., from 1st December, soft cover...... 8,50 1967 to 31st December, 1980 ...... 2,00 Statute law of Rhodesia and Zimbabwe, December, 1979, to December, Commonveld grasses of Rhodesia (second edition)...... 1,00 1980 (soft cover)...... 4,50 Commission of inquiry into taxation...... Statute law of 2jmbabwe, Orders, Ordinances and Acts—December, 1979, Commission of inquiry into termination of pregnancy, 1976 .... 0,50 to December, 1980—full bound, buckram...... 10,00 Companies Act [Chapter 290]...... 1 75 * Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1982, quarter-bound, hard cover .... 5,50 Conservation—a guide book for teachers...... 1,00 Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 59] (as amended at the 31st Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1983, quarter-bound, hard cover .... 5,50 December, 1976)...... 1,75 Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1984, quarter-bound, hard cover .... 5,50 35,00 Customs and Excise Tariff Hand Book, January, 1988 ...... Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1985, quarter-bound, hard cover .... 5,50 Customs Valuation and Containerisation Guide...... 4,00 Statutory Instruments, 1980 (five parts), per part...... 7,50 First Five Year National Development Plan 1986-90 Volume 2 (April, 1986) ...... 10,00 Statutory Instruments, 1981 (four parts), per part...... 7,50 First Five-Year National Development Plan 1986-1990, Volume I (April, Transitional National Development Plan, 1982/83-1984/85: Volume 1 . 10,00 10,00 1986)...... Transitional National Development Plan, 1982/83-1984/85: Volume 2 . 5,00 Five-year plan: three cozrqjlementary books— Zimbabwe law reports, 1980— Proposals for a five-year programme of development in the public sector 3,00 Integrated plan for rural development .... 2,00 full-bound, hard cover...... 10,00 Urban development in the main centres . . . 1,00 soft cover...... 9,00 Phra zambesiaca, volume I, part I...... 2,70 Zimbabwe law reports, 1981— Flora zambesiaca, volume I, part II...... 2,70 full-bound- buckram...... 10,00 Flora zambesiaca, volume II, part I...... 3,20 Flora zambesiaca, supplement...... 1,55 soft cover...... 9,00 Greater Salisbury report, local authority commission 3,00 Embabwe law reports, 1982, part I— Government Gazette (annual subscription rate) . . 104,00 full-bound, buckram...... 10,00 Government Gazette (individual copies) .... 2,00 soft cover...... 4,20 Income Tax Act [Chapter 181] as amended at the 31st October, 1986 3,00 Index to the legislation in force in Zimbabwe on the 1st January, 1981 . 3,50 Zimbabwe law reports, 1982 (Part 2] (soft cover) 4,20 Instant statute case law...... 8,00 Zimbabwe law reports, 1983 (Part 1] (soft cover) 10,00 ISrkia, journal of the National Herbarium, Salisbury, 1960-61, Volume 1 3,00 Zimbabwe law reports, 1983 (Part 2] (soft cover) 10,00 Kirkia, 1961-62, volume 2 3,00 Zombabwe law reports, 1984 (soft cover) . . . 4,20 Kirkia, 1962-63, volume 3 3,00 Kirkia, 1963-64, volume 4 3,00 Zimbabwe Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1979 (four p&rte), per part . 7,50

A Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990 763

NOTICES OF UQUIDATION AND DISTHIBUnON ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECnON (pursuant to section S3 of the Administration of Estates Act {Cht^ter 301\) Notice is h«eby given that copies of liquidation and distribution accounts in the under-mentmned estates will be open for the inspectk>n of all persons interested leirein for a period of 21 days (or longer if stated) from the dat^ specified, or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later. Accounts will lie >r inspection at the offices specified below. Objections to an account should be lodged with the Master, Harare, or the Assistant Master, Bulawayo, as the case lay be. Should no objections be lodged to the account during the period of inspection, the executor concerned will proceed to make payments in accordance there- ith. M.H.C, 28

'dumber Date Description of Name and description of estate or of Office of the estate period account

,282/90 Andries Bernardus Kotze Viljoen, of South Africa . 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 236I5f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account .172/90 Izak David de Beer, of Bulawayo 21 da>^ First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 23616f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account 1406/88 Michael Anthony Crow 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23617f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1864/89 Godwin Herbett Matatu 21 days Firet and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23619f Administration and Distribution Account ,183/89 Winsome Daniel McKop, of Bulawayo 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 23624f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account .604/89 Robert McCullough 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 23628f Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Gvreru. Distribution Account .160/90 Cicely Hope Hope 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 23630f Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Kwe- Distribution Account kwe. 1606/89 Peter Francis Swinford-Meyer 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23633f Liquidation and Distribution Account 761/90 Maria Susannah Johanna Thedvall 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23640f Liquidation and Distribution Account 426/90 Patricia Jean Chambers 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23662f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1470/89 John Alexander Gardner 21 days First and Final Master of the High C^urt, Harare. 23670f Liquidation and Distribution Account B.14/90 Levina C^thrina Hcndrina Barnett (also known as May 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 23573f Barnett) Bulawayo. 898/90 Idwal Powell...... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23588f Liquidation and Distribution Account 58/88 William Olden Price 21 days First and Final Master of the High Ck>urt, Harare. 23686f Liquidation and Distribution Account ,750/88 Austin Shoko 21 da>^ First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23691f Administration and Distribution Account 556/89 Vera May Stevenson 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 23704f and Magistrate, Mutare, 399/90 Walter Percival Knight 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23714f and Magistrate, Mutare. 641/90 Robert Waters Tait Young, retired papcrmill worker, of 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23715f Penicuick, Liquidation and Distribution Account 970/90 Frederick Dunn Ashbourn Payne, retired, of Durban 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23716f Natal, South Africa Liquidation and Distribution Account 378/90 Richard George Rowley Langford, retired, of Knysna, 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23717f South Africa Liquidation and Distribution Account 711/90 Charles William Walter Diss, garage owner, of Alberta, 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23718f Canada Liquidation and Distribution Account 182/89 Marianinha Estela Fernandes 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 23721F Liquidation and and Magistrate, Mutare. Distribution Account 273/90 William Aubrey Frederick Warren 21 First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 23722f and Magistrate, Mutare. .699/89 Dorothy Nellie Clarke 21 First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 23723f Bulawayo. 40/90 Andrew Nicholas Pinto 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 23724f and Magistrate, Mutare. 810/89 Edward Manoah Manzungu 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 23725f mid Magistrate, Mutare. 760/90 Norah Gwendoline Dehn 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 23755f Liquidation and Distribution Account / 764 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990

NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS (pursuant to sections 44 and 67 of the Administratioo of Estates Act (Chapter 301])

Au persons having daims against the under-mentioned estate are required to lo<^ them in detail with the executor or representative concerned within t stated periods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and those indebted thereto are required to pay to the executor or r^resentative the amounts d by them within the same period, failing which legal proceedings will be takoi for the recovery thereof. M.H.C.

Number Date W ithin of Name and description of estate of a Name and address of executor or representative estate death period of

1804/89 Arnold Leopold Sheen . . . 28.7.89 30 days G. F. M ilwid, P.O. Box 1181. Harare. 235( 893/90 Skoudros Papayannis Anastassios 11.2.90 30 days Thony Cesano, 21, Me Loughlin Road, Kensing- 235C ton, Harare. 1175/88 Vongai Gwekwete...... 28.8.87 30 days Mapfumo and Associates, P.O. Box 4498, Harare. 2356 John Alfred Hvold W heeler, of South Africa . . 2.7.88 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 2351 5330, Harare. W illiam Richard Helsdon, of Vereeniging, South Africa 26.2.88 30 daj^ National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 235^ 5330, Harare. 1829/89 Stanley Taonezvi Chikumbirike 10.1.89 30 daj^ P. Chikum fairike, 25, Paget Road, W Uminston 235f Park, Cranborne, Harare. 403/90 Kasiwe Amon 9.9.89 30 daj^ Norbuth Amon, 1083, Shambare Street, Old 2355 M abvuku, Harare. 959/90 Howard M ukahiwa, of Glen View, Harare . 15.5.90 30 days Phillip M ukahiwa, 590,17th Crescent, Glen View, 235S Harare. 379/90 Ronald Galley . . 29.5.90 30 daj^ M rs. K. Galley, P.O. Box 489, Kwekwe. 235S 1374/89 A. M waifa Nyamasve 17.8.89 30 days D. R. Nyamasve, 54, George Road, Hatfield, 235S Harare. 955/90 Jekete M injanja . . 5.5.90 30 days Elimos M injanja, House No. 5288, New Canaan. 236C John Alexander Press 28.7.90 30 days Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 2361 2093, Harare. Frederick George Anderson 18.7.90 30 days Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box '■ 2362 2093, Harare. 556/90 Joseph Mande 21.2.90 21 days Kantor & Immerman, 67-69, Second Street, 2362 Harare. (Executrix testamentary’s legal advisors.) B.458/90 Tliurstan Cronwright Amm, retired, of Plettenberg Bay, 26.2.90 30 days Coopers & Lybrand Trust Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. 2362 Cape, South Africa Box 437, Bulawayo. (The executors.) B.481/90 Irene Sybil Rowland, of Bulawayo...... 11.7.90 30 days W ebb, Low & Barry, P.O. Box 159, Bulawayo. 2362 275/90 Thomas Hopkinson Blackburn 8.4.90 30 days Trevor Duncan Dollar, c/o W ilmot & Bennett. 2363 P.O. Box 1380, Gweru. (Executor testam entary.) 601/89 W iliimn Lewis Thyne 3.2.89 30 days W ilmot & Bennett, P.O. Box 480, Kwekwe. 236' (Executor dative.) B.352/90 M oketsi Nleya, a soldier, of Bulawayo 24.8.89 30 days M. Nleya, Domboderaa M ission, Private Bag 236^ PLM 5871, Plum tree. B.262/90 M atli^w Nkomo, a supervisor, of Bulawayo . 17.4.90 30 days Rose Nkomo, 11414, Fever Tree, Thomgroove, 236^ Bulawayo. B.363/90 Godwin Chimbwanda, of Bulawayo 3.1.90 30 days M rs. J. Chimbwanda, M uzingwane High School, 236^ Private Bag 5806, Esigodini. B.404/90 Peter John W asserman, Rosemary Alice W asserman 1.6.90 30 days Charles Fredrick Stanbury, 87, Napier Avenue, 236< H illside, Bulawayo. B.38I/90 M arjorie Dinah Reynolds 12.6.90 30 days W alter Frederick Reynolds, P.O. Box 8164, 236; Belmont. B.472/90 Cecil Hooper-Sbarpe 3.7.90 30 days Joel Pincus, Konson & W olhuter, 215, York 236.‘ House, 8th Avenue, Bulawayo. B.244/90 M olly Nimu, a teacher 1.2.90 30 days M essrs. Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie & Partners, 236; P.O. Box 276, Bulawayo. B.298/90 Isabel Ntombesuthu Samkeliso M aplanka, of Bulawayo 11.2.90 21 days Coghlan & W elsh, P.O. Box 22, Bulawayo. 236; 1267/90 Donald Alfred Saunders...... 3.7.90 30 days Scanlen & Holdemess, P.O. Box 188, Harare. 236( 910/90 Ella Barbara Bumaford Gisborne...... 20.5.90 30 days Stumbles & Rowe, P.O. Box 495, Harare. 236< 1914/89 Mohamed Abdoola...... 23.10.89 30 days Stumble & Rowe, P.O- Box 495, Harare. 236< 1087/90 Bryan Lomax Angel...... 27.5.90 30 days M. D. Reed, 16, Balmoral Road, Pomona, P.O. 236' Borrowdale, Harare. 1324/90 Arthur Edward Thomas 10.7.90 30 daj^ Honey & Blanckenberg, P.O. Box 85, Harare. 236' 307/90 Hezikiah Siwadi . . . 18.4.90 30 days L. H. Bennett, W ilmot & Bennett, P.O. Box 480, 236' Kwekwe. (Executor dative.) 449/90 Arthur Birimi M ugwira 29.6.89 30 days B. M. W. Kahari, P.O. Box UA429, Union 2361 Avenue, Harare. (Legal practitioner.) 975/90 Sheila Agnes Camie King 12.5.90 30 daj^ Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd,, P.O. Box 236J 2093, Harare. 1204/90 Antony George Hawkins 19.6.90 30 days Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 2361 2093, Harare. 466/90 Eimes Johannes Strydom 5.3.90 30 da>^ Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 2361 2093, Harare. 921/90 W illiam David M cCulloch 5.4.90 30 days Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 236 2093, Harare. 782/90 Lilian Sye (also known as Lillian Sye) 7.2.89 30 da>^ Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 236i 2093, Harare. 1334/90 Hendrik Antonie Schmitz 10.7.90 30 days Surgey, Pittman & Kerswell, Central Africa 23^' House, First Street, Harare. Alfred Richard Stone 25.6.90 30 days Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 236: 2093, Harare. (Representative.) 886/90 Harold Hoi^-Brown...... 19.4.90 ' 30 days Stumbles & Rowe, P.O. Box 19, M arondera. 237 Kathleen Mary Hoffmann, housewife, of Gweru 16.7.90 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 237 132, Bulawayo. 156/90 W oodrow W ilson Pickard 5.2.90 30 days Gargan Brothers & Chadder, P.O. Box 137, 237 M utare. 946/90 Harriet Annie Sargent 12.4.90 30 days Gargan Brothers & Chadder, P.O. Box 137, 237 M utare. 630/90 Doris Pemberton M ethuen 6.3.90 30 days Gargan Brothers & Chadder, P.O. Box 137, 237 M utare. I Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August; 1990 765

;.C. 7—continued

umber Dato Within of Name and description of estate of a Name and address of executor or rq>reseiitative Mtate death period of

916/90 Henry Bright Mutowo 4.5.90 30 days Gargan Brothers & Chadder, P.O. Box 137> 23706f Mutare. 1275/90 Frances May Fisher 9.7.90 30 days N. E. Carlsen, P.O. Box 3119, Paulington, Mutare. 23708T Ivy May Jamison 3.7.90 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 2371 If 132, Bulawayo. Pearl Bettina Joan Stevenson 21.7.90 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 23712f 132, Bulawayo. 1316/90 Marjorie Joyce Lc Blanc Smith 8.7.90 30 days Stumbles & Rowe, P.O. Box 19, Marondera. 23751f 1353/90 William Joseph Sidney Bosworth 18.7.90 30 days Gill, Godlonton & Gerram, P.O. Box 235, 23756f Harare.

EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS, TUTOTS AND CURATORS DATIVE (pursuant to sections 26,75 and 80 of the Administration of Estates Act [Cfugtter plb]) NOTCE is hereto^ given that the estates of the under-mentioned deceased persons, minors or persons who^ whereabouts are unknown, are unrqnesented, and lat the next of kin, creditors or otiier persons concerned are required to attend on the dates and at the tim^ and places specified, for the setocUon of an executor, itor or curator dative, as the case may 'bo. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo before the Assistant Master, and elsewhere before le District Administrator. M.H.C. 25

Clumber Time of meeting of Name and description of estote Place of meeting For selection of estate Date Hour

L462/90 Johannes Christiaan Botha, a locomotive driver, of Bulawayo 22.8.90 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 23621f i.497/90 Sidney Horton, a farmer, of Bulawayo...... 22.8.90 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 23622f 3.504/90 Irene Stella de Beer, a pensioner, of Durban...... 29.8.90 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 23673f



Notiob is hereby given, in terms of section 22 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190], that application will be made, not less than 14 da>^ from the date of this notice, to the Registrar of Companies, for his approval to change the names of the under-mentioned companies as indicated below.

Number Name Change of name to Agent

102/86 General Construction and Transport (Private) Masvingo Industrial Enterprises (Private) Peter Gwenzi, P.O. Box 4676, 23578f Limited Limited Harare. 1412/90 Bonanranki Safaris (Private) Limited . . . Maswerasei Safaris (Private) Limited . . . Acx:ounting & Executor Services 23579f (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 2282, Harare. 616/60 T. B. S. Bottle Store Cl*rivate) Limited . . Toby’s Enterprises (Private) Limited . . Condy, Chadwick & Elliott. 23689f '

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to section 250 of the Companies Act {Cfu^ter 190]) Notice is hereby given that a joint meeting of creditors and contributories of the under-mentioned companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places stated, for the purposes of receiving the liquidator’s report as to the afiairs and progress of the liquidation, giving any directions relating to the winding up thereof which creditors may deem desirable and, in the case of companies t^ing wound up by the court, for the proof of claims. Companies Act, Llquidatioii—Form 6

. Day, dato and hour of meeting Number Name of company Mode of Place of meeting liquidation Day Date Hour

1/90 LVM Distributors ^vt.) Ltd, In Compulsory Wed. 5.9,90 8.30 a.m. High Court, Harare. 23656f

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (1) of section 193, subsection (4) of section 194, section 195 or subsection (1) of section 236 of the Companies Act [Chapter JPO]) Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors and/or contributories will be held In the liquidations mentioned below on the dates and at the times and places for the purposes set forth. Companies Act, liquidation—Form 7

Whether meeting of creditors Day, date and hour of mreting Number Name of company and/or Place of meeting Purpose of meeting contributories Day Date Hour

15/89 B & S Farming (Pvt.) Ltd. . . Creditors Wed. 29.8.90 8.30 a.m. High Court Harare Further proof of claims. 23667f 3/90 Mo-Fred Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. Mcetipg of creditors Wed. 5.9.90 8.33 a.m. High Court, Harare Proof of claims. 23672f 766 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990

SHEEUFF’S SALES Condition of sale L The sale Is conducted in terms of the rules of the High Court, which provide that it shall be without reserve but subject to the condition that the Sheri requires to satined that the high^t price offered is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances of time and place and the state of the property.

2. After the auction, a report on the bidding and on the highest price offeied, together with any other relevant information relating to the sale, will be forwarde to the Sheriff, who, if satisfied that the highest price offered is reasonable, having i^gard to the circiuustances of time and place and the state of the proi>ert2 will declare the highest bidder to be the purchaser.

3. In terms of the rul^ of court, any person having an interest in the sale may, within seven days of the Sherifi* having declared the highest bidder to be th purchaser, apply to the High Court to have it set aside on the grounds that the sale was improperly conducted or the proj^rty was sold for an unre^onabl low sum, or any other good ground. 4. In the event of no application being made within the said period of seven days, the Sheriff shall confirm the sale.

5. During the auction, should any dispute arise as to any bid the property will be put up for sale again.

6. The right is reserved to the auctioneer of r^ulating or refusing any bid.

7. The sale shall be for cash and, in addition, the purchaser shall pay— (a) the auctior^er’s commission; and (b) the costs of transfer, including conveyancer’s charges, stamp-duty and any other fees; and (c) all arrear rates and charges, and any other expenses necessary to complete the transfer.

8. Immediately after conclusion of the auction, the highest bidder shall, unless other arrangements are made with the auctioneer, deposit with the aucttonee an amount sufficient to cover the auctioneer’s commission, and ei&er— (a) advise the Commissioner appointed by the Sheriff, attending the sale, of the manner in which he intends to make payment of the purchase-price anc other costs and charges in terms of these conditions, and satisfy the Commissioner as to bis bona fides and ability to meet bis obligations; or (b) effect payment to the Commissioner of the whole of the purchase-price in cash or by cheque or bank draft drawn to the order of the Sheriff.

9. The purchase-money, if not paid in full to the Commissioner at the conclusion of the auction, shall be paid on or before the registration of the transfer o the property into the name of the purchaser, unless the Sheriff approves other arrangements for discharging the amount due by the purchaser.

10. The purchaser shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of nine per cent, per annum in respect of any unpaid balance of the purchase-price, with effect fron seven days after the date of confirmation of the sale by the Sheriff.

H. If the purchaser fails to make payment of the purchase-price and other costs and charges in terms of these conditions of sale, or fails to comply with anj conditions of the sale contained herein, the Sheriff shall have the right to apply to a judge of the High Court to have the sale cancelled, and to hold tht purchaser liable for any loss or damages sustained, or to employ any other remedy which he may have. In the event of the sale being cancelled, the purchase! shall not be entitled to any increase which the property may realize at a subsequent sale.

12. The property is sold as represented by the title-deeds, the Sheriff not holding himself liable for any deficiency whatsoever, and renouncing all excess; aud the Sheriff does not hold himself responsible for the determination of the boundaries and beacons, which shall be the responsibility of the purchaser.

13. The property shall he at the risk and profit of the purchaser from the date upon which the Sheriff confirms the sale and the Sheriff gives no warranty oi vacant possession.

14. The highest bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation of the sale or rejection of his offer by the Sheriff.

P.O. Box 8050, B. R. DONZWA, Causeway. Sheriff.

S.S. number Plaintiff and defendant Description of property Date, time and place of sale Auctioneer

85/90 CABS Remaining Extent of Stand 155 of Prospect 14th September, 1990, at 10.30 Ferreira Auction. 23658f and a.m., at 71/73, Harare Street Nyangara Phih'p Dube 78/90 CABS Stand 33, Park Meadowlands of Subdivision B 7th September, 1990, at 11 a.m., at Mitchell Real Estate. 23659f and of Makabusi ^ 1st Floor, Puzey Chambers, 1st Darlington Chennai Chitsenga SU'eet/Robert Mugabe Way 82/90 UDCLtd. An undividM 1,91 % Share being share No. 4, 14th September, 1990, at 10 a.m., Ferreira’s Auction. 23660f and in Stand 1757 A, Salisbury Township at 71/73, Harare Street A. N. Dauya 84/90 R. P. Begbie Belford Estate A 7th September, 1990, at 10 a.m., at Redfem & Mullet. 23613f and 201/5, Frankel House, Cnr. 2nd Marondera Co-operative Streef/Speke Avenue Society Ltd.

MASTER’S NOTICES (pursuant to the Insol^^cy Act) (Subsection (5) of section 22 of the Insolvency Act \Chctpter 190\) Notice is hereby given that sequestration orders have been granted by the General Division of the Hi]^ Court, placing the under-mentioned estates under provisional sequestration. Insolvency Regulations—Form I (1952) or 6 (1974)

Date upon which and court Number by which order made of estate Name and description of estate Upon the application of Date of order Court

B.2/90 Jerry Wilson Vera 3.8.90 Bulawayo Jerry Wilson Vera (Miss Ncube for 23674f the applicant.) Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 17th August, 1990 767


Notice of Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of a Business or any Goods or Property Forming Part of a Business, Otherwise than in the Ordinary Course of the Business

NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 49 of the Insolvency Act [Chapter 303], that each of the under-mentioned person iroposes to alienate— (a) his business; or (b) the goodwill of his business; or (c) any goods or property forming part of his business, otherwise than in the ordinary course or the business.

Full name of person Date from whidi alienation Name and addr^ of induding style of business Situation of business Particular of proposed alienation takes effect person inserting notice

f.T.M. (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Shop No. 4, Craster Raymond Alex Chikwa>« 31.8.90 Business Transfer Agency Madiikichori Takeaway and Road, Southerton, (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box Restaurant Harare 1071, Harare. 23169fl7 4[Uls Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd. . . Stand 6552 and 6555A, Has sold the capital assets, fixtures For the purposes of the above- Barbour, Robb and Canberra Road, Work­ and fittings, equipment and stock-in- mentioned Act, from the date O’Connor, Chancellor ington trade to commercial & Industrial of the last publication of this House, Samora Machel Holdings Ltd., with effect from notice, but for all other pur­ Avenue, P.O. Box 714, 1.7.90 poses from 1.7.90 Harare. 232I2fl7 lills Zimbabwe Properties (Pvt.) Stand 6552 and 6555A, Has sold the capital assets, fixtures For the purposes of the above- Barbour, Robb and Ltd. Canberra Road, Work­ and fittings, equipment and stock-in- mentioned Act, from the date O’Connor, P.O. Box ington, Harare trade to Commercial & Industrial of the last publication of this 714, Chancellor House, Holdings Ltd., with effect from 1.7.90 notice, but for all other pur­ Samora Machel Avenue, poses from 1.7.90 Harare. 23213fl7 )orothy Ivy Hayward, trading as Stand 53 A, Marandellas Sale of business, including fixtures, For the purposes of the above- Stumbles and Rowe, Ricky’s Take-a^y Township plant and equipment and stock-in- mentioned Act, from the date Howard House, The trade, but excluding liabilities and of the last publication of this Green, P.O. Box 19, book debts to Gemac (Pvt.) Ltd. notice, but for all other pur­ Marondera. poses from 18.6.90 23360f24 ‘lectro Technicians (Pvt.) Ltd., 58b, Mbuya Nehanda Sale of business, including goodwill, For the purposes of the above- Business Exchange (Pvt.) trading as Electro Technicians Avenue stock-in-trade, and capital assets mentioned Act, from the date Ltd., P.O. Box A^O, of the last publication of this Avondale, Harare. notice, but for all other pur­ 23416f24 poses from 1.8.90 ilartin Fashions (Pvt.) Ltd., Shop lA, Groombridge* Sale of business, including goodwill, For the purposes of the above- Business Exchange (Pvt.) trading as New Image Harare stock-in-trade and capital assets mentioned Act, from the date Ltd., P.O. Box A 400, of the last publication of this Avondale, Harare. notice, but for all other pur­ 23570f31 poses from 1.8.90




General Notices General Notices Number Page Number Page 446. Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Act [Chapter 198]: Registration of a 458. Deeds Registries Act [Chapter 139]: N otification of Cancellation of Broker ...... 749 Deed of Grant No. 295/62, Rusape Township in M akoni D istrict: 447. Constitution of Zimbabwe: Appomtment of Chief Justice of Rusape ...... 752 Zimbabwe...... 749 459. Road M otor Transportatioa Act [Chapter 262]: Applications in 448. Rural Land Act [Chapter 1S5]: Notice of Intention to Cancel Connexion with Road Service Perm its...... 752 Deeds of Transfer...... 749 460. Insurance Act, 1987; Loit or Destroyed Life Policies .... 754 449. Government Tender Board: Tenders Invited...... 749 450. Vehicle Registration and Licensing Act [Chapter 265]: Appoint­ Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements to this Gazette ment of M anufacturers of Registration Plates ...... 750 Number 451. Precious Stones Trade A ct, 1978: Confiscated Precious Stones 750 192. Produce Export (A battoir, Slaughter and M eat Hygiene) (Amendment) 452. Gold Trade Act [Chapter 164]: Confiscated Gold...... 750 Regulations, 1990 (No. 1). 453. Labour Relations A ct, 1985; Order to Rectify an. Unfair Labour 193. Road Traffic (licensing of D rivers) (Amendment) Regulations, 1990 751 Practice...... (No. 12). 454. RicomeTax Act D eclaration of Petroleum Operator [Chapter 181]: 194. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (M unicipality of Qiegutu) as Approved Petroleum Operator...... 751 N otice, 1990. 455. M ines and M inerals Act Application for an Exclu­ [Chapter 165]: 195. M arondera M unicipal Council (Incorporated Areas) (Amendment) 751 sive Prospecting: Harare M ining D istrict...... By-laws, 1990 (No. U). 456. M ines and M inerals Act Application for an Exclu­ [Chapter 165]: 196. Prison (Amendment) Regulations, 1990 (No. 30). sive Prospecting: Harare M ining Dis’ - ict...... 751 197- M utare (Incorporated Areas) (Rent, Service and Supplem entary Charges) 457. Electroral Act, 1990: By-election in Chihota Constituency: (Amendment) By-laws, 1990 (No. 7). Candidates, Polling Days, Constituency Registrar, Deputy 198. Gweru (Incorporated Areas) (Rent, Services and Supplem entary Charges) Constituency Registrar, Presiding O fficers...... 752 (Amendment) By-laws, 1990 (No. 5).

i’rinted by the Cjvernmcnt Printer, Harare

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