Handout One: Introducing [With Country Names] First, let’s look at this world map. Find the United States.

Now let’s find !

Tibet is a region within China. This is a map of Tibet’s six prefectures and its capital city, . On the map of China below, find Tibet. What color is Tibet on this map?

Did you find it? [Teacher’s Key] Handout One: Introducing Tibet [Without Country Names] First, let’s look at this world map. Find the United States.

Now let’s find China! Hint: It’s light green!

Tibet is a region within China. This is a map of Tibet’s six prefectures and its capital city, Lhasa. On the map of China below, find Tibet. What color is Tibet on this map?

Did you find it? [Teacher’s Key] Handout Two: Quick Facts about Tibet and the

★ Tibet is historically made up of three provinces of Amdo, and

U-Tsang. It was split up by the People’s Republic of China. The main

Tibetan region now is the Tibet Autonomous Region.

★ The Tibet Autonomous Region, is a province within the People’s Republic

of China.

★ Before 1950, Tibet was an independent country, but China invaded the

country and took over.

★ The capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region is Lhasa.

★ The official language of the Tibet Autonomous Region is Lhasa .

○ In schools, children are also taught .

★ The main religion among the Tibetan people is .

★ In 1959, the and 80,000 Tibetans fled to India for their safety.

They set up their own government of Tibet which is known as the

government-in-exile of Tibet, or the Administration.

★ The current President, or , of the Central Tibetan Administration

is Penpa Tsering.


Where is Tibet? by the Great Tibet Tour Tibet Fast Facts by CNN Tibet Fast Facts for Kids by Kiddle Facts About Tibet by Free Tibet Resources on Tibet by The National Resource Center Buddhism Lesson Plan Master Glossary

Word Definition

Autonomous Having the right or power of self-government

Buddha 1. The person who started Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama 2. Someone who has gained enlightenment

Buddhism A religion founded by the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama.

Eightfold Path The way to end suffering, as taught by the Budda. It is also called the Middle Way. People should balance between too much luxury, and staying away from all luxury.

Enlightenment (In Buddhism) To have a deep knowledge or understanding of life

Exile Being removed from your land, country or home by force.

Four Noble Truths Four truths about life that Buddha understood about suffering. They are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

Nirvana To reach enlightenment. Province A division of a country into a smaller area (like a state!)

Region A division of a country or the world that has something in common.

Reincarnation The belief that after death, your soul is reborn in another body.

Tibet A historically independent country made up of three regions in Asia.

Tibet Autonomous Region A province within China. Buddhism Lesson Plan Master Glossary [Homework]

Word Definition




Eightfold Path

Enlightenment Exile

Four Noble Truths




Reincarnation Tibet

Tibet Autonomous Region