30th March 2020 Dear Parent

Re. Partial Closure Update – Change of location to Hub School

I would like to thank you all for the support you have given the school at this extremely difficult time. As you will be aware, we have been able to provide a continued service in school for the children of key workers and our most vulnerable. This will continue into the Easter holidays and beyond if this is what we are asked to do to support the measures designed to combat the Coronavirus.

It is important to note however, that from Wednesday 1st April 2020, we are adjusting the way that we will run this provision by creating a central hub school based at Park Vale Academy.

Park Vale Academy Drive Top Valley NG5 9AZ

Telephone: 0115 822 1244

This hub will be shared by students from and Park Vale Academy although members of Oakwood teaching and support staff will still be working with our students.

This decision has been taken following Government advice on pooling resources and using hub schools in order to comply with the clear advice of reducing the number of people out of their homes and essential travel only.

Should you need to contact us regarding any general enquiries during this time, you should do so by calling the Academy on 0115 953 9323 as our phone lines will be diverted to Park Vale Academy or via email: [email protected]

Any concerns around child safeguarding should also be reported through via the academy telephone number or by calling Pak Vale Academy directly. A Designated Safeguarding Lead will be on duty daily to offer advice and support.

May I take this opportunity to stress the continued need to only access this provision if it is absolutely essential and there are no other alternatives for your child at home.

We still have not had any guidance regarding the grades that will be awarded to students in Year 11 who were expecting to sit GCSE's and this summer. However, we do anticipate that this will be released shortly and I will be in touch with you as soon as it becomes available.

In times of difficulty, it is important for communities to pull together. The 'clap for carers' initiative on Thursday evening was truly inspiring. On hearing of the potential shortages of equipment in the NHS, Andrew Burns CEO of the Redhill trust asked all schools to donate science goggles and protective eyewear. Over 1000 items were delivered to the QMC this morning from the 7 schools in the trust, including Oakwood Academy.

Finally, I would like to thank you for the kind messages you have sent to the staff here and wish you all the best of health.

Yours sincerely

Mr Hardy Headteacher