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A naturalist lost – C. P. Thunberg’s disciple Johan Arnold Stützer (1763–1821) in the East Indies

Wolfgang, Michel Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University : Professor emeritus


出版情報:Japanese collections in European museums : reports from the Toyota-Foundation- Symposium Königswinter 2003. 3, pp.147-162, 2015-03-01. Bier'sche Verlagsanstalt バージョン: 権利関係: A NATURALIST LOST - C. P. THUNBERG'S DISCIPLE JOHAN ARNOLD STUTZER (1763-1821) IN THE EAST INDIES

Wolfgang MICHEL, Fukuoka

Johan Arnold Stiitzer was one of two disciples man barber surgeon, Martin Christian Wilhelm of the renowned Swedish scholar Carl Peter Stiitzer (1727- 1806). Martin Stiitzer had im­ Thunberg who traveled overseas as an employ­ migrated from Oranienburg (Prussia) to Stock­ ee of the to lay the holm during the 17 50s. After traveling to the foundations of an academic career. Following West Indies in 1757 and undertaking further in the footsteps of his famous teacher, he even studies including an examination to become managed to work as a surgeon at the Dutch trad­ a surgeon in 1760, he married Anna Maria ing post ofDejima in . However, after Soem (?- 1766), whose father, Christian Soem years of rapidly changing circumstances and ( 1694-1775), was also a barber surgeon. 1 twists and turns, this promising young naturalist Surgeons were educated and organized settled down to serve the British in Ceylon with­ in guilds and, like his father-in-law, Martin out ever returning to Europe. While most of the Stiitzer took part in the fight for recognition objects collected by Westerners in ended and reputation. Growing up in a studious en­ up in Central European collections, Stiitzer vironment, Johan Arnold attended school in eventually donated his treasures to the Russian Stockholm while receiving further lessons empress Catherine II ( 1729-1796). in languages and sciences at home and, from The first outline of Stiitzer's life was pub­ 1776, even surgical instruction from his ambi­ lished almost two centuries ago in Saclden's tious father (SACK.LEN 1824: 564f). "Swedish History of Medicine" (SACK.LEN 1824: 564f). A recent and more detailed description Thunberg s Influence based on his letters to Thunberg has been given by Mason C. Hoadley and Ingvar Svanberg, In October 1779, he enrolled at Uppsala Uni­ who focus on his travels through Java (HOADLEY versity (CARLSSON 1925: 228), where he met and SvANBERG 1991 ). The present study sheds (1743- 1828), a gifted new light on Stiitzer's stay in Japan, which has disciple of the then recently deceased Carl not been explored in previous research, and von Linne (1707- 1778). Thunberg had just presents further findings elucidating his biogra­ returned from a nine-year journey, bringing phy and his Japanese collection. with him an impressive collection of natural specimens from South Africa, Southeast Asia, Childhood 1 For more on "Chir. Mag. Martin Christian Wil­ Johan Arnold Stiitzer was born in Stockholm helm Stiitzer", see SACKLEN 1822: 889f. and on 23 February 1763 as the first child of a Ger- lIJELT 1891: l, 269, 403-405. 147 Wolfgang Michel

.. /, •/() /} ~ · - a set of watercolors that had ._.....- ·· · i.~~ lt ~~. ~ ~ ~~.. 4; · been sent to Christian Mentzel #\ ~ (1622- 1702) about a century (/ ,_,~u-.f ~_ /· . I~ ~_.:fJ~ n;b.~ .· __;) _ earlier by the German physician -\ / z- -,· and merchant Andreas Cleyer ~ . ~:uh<-., / ~ . (1634-1698), who had twice .______- ______. served as chief of the Dutch Fig. 1: Address on a letter from J. A. Stiltzer to the "very fa,. trading post Dejima in Japan mous professor of botany Charles Pierre Thunberg" (1784) during the 1~80s {KRAFT 1975: { Library). 158-196). In 1695, Mentzel, a physician, botanist and Sinolo­ and Japan.2 At the time, he was teaching as a gist, added a dedication to the Elector and had botanical demonstrator (botanices demonstra­ the watercolors bound together with a fron­ tor), but he would soon ascend to the chair of tispiece, copper portraits of Friedrich Ill and his revered teacher Linne. Details of Stiitzer's Carolina Sophia and other materials to form 4 studies are not known. Given the numerous an impressive Flora Japanica (sic) • Stiitzer letters the two men exchanged during the fol­ promised Thunberg that he would copy the Jap­ lowing decades, there is no doubt that Thun­ anese names and other relevant information. 5 In berg had a lasting influence on his disciple. February 1783, he also made a short journey to After a few years in Uppsala and Stockholm, visit professor Joseph von Quarin (1733-1814) Stiitzer received a grant to undertake surgical in Vienna, one of Maria Theresa's physicians studies and decided to embark on the inevita­ and, from 1784, director of the General Hospi­ ble academic peregrination. tal (NDB 21: 38ff.). In 1781, Thunberg had begun to publish Berlin Nova , a series of disserta­ tions defended by his disciples but basically Stiitzer's first stop on his journey was Berlin written by himself. The first of these disserta­ (HOADLEY and SvANBERG 1991: 95), where tions was by Claes Frederik Homstedt, who he won the support of Johann Theodor Pyl went to Batavia shortly afterward (discussed (1749-1794), a renowned specialist in foren­ further below).6 In the same year, Thunberg sic medicine and chief public health physi­ also started a series titled Novae Insectorum cian (ADB 26: 783fl). Stiitzer kept in contact Species with an entomological dissertation de­ with Thunberg who, obviously having heard fended by Samuel Nicolas Casstrom. 7 Stiitzer about a collection of Japanese watercolors of 4 Currently held at the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin plants and birds, asked for more information as Libri Picturati 41-42. Published as part of the 3 and the Japanese names. The collection was Exhibition Catalogue DIJ 1990/91, nos. 74-1 - 74-27. 2 For a comprehensive description of Thunberg's 5 Letter from Stiltzer to Thunberg (October 14, life, see MoHNIKE 1831: 3-56. Mohnike's son 1783); HOADLEY and SVANBERG 1991: 95. Otto Gottlieb Johann Mohnike (1814-1887) 6 Nova Genera Plantarum, quorum partem pri­ later served as one of Thunberg's successors at mam [... ] exhibent Praeses Carol. P. Thunberg Dejima for five years. [ ... ] et Respondens Claudius Fr. Hornstedt [ ... ] 3 Letters from Stiltzer to Thunberg (December 3, in Audit. Gust. D. XXIV. Nov. Anno MDC­ 1782; June 15, 1783); HOADLEY and SvANBERG CLXXXI. Upsalia: Joh. Edman, 1781. 1991: 95. 7 Dissertatio sistens novas insectorum species, sis-

148 A Naturalist Lost - C. P. Thunberg's Disciple Johan Arnold Sffltzer (1763- 1821) in the East Indies


:- 0 i :" I • ~~ ifL::: J

Fig. 2: Gold and silver Japanese from C.P. Thunberg's Abhand­ von den Munzsorten (1784) (Sachsische Landesbibliothek, Staats­ und Universitatsbibliothek Dresden). asked for a copy and showed much interest in a zu Drontheim, Lund, u.s. w. Abhandlung paper about Japanese coins that Thunberg had von den Milnzsorten, welche in altem presented to the Swedish Academy of Sciences und neuem Zeiten im Kaiserthum Japan in 1779.8 Stiitzer's mentor Pyl published the geschlagen worden und gangbar gewesen German translation of this text in 1784: sind. Mit acht Kupfem. Aus dem Scbwedi­ scben ilbersetzt. Stendal, bei Franzen und H[er ]m Carl Peter Thunberg der Arzneiwis­ Grosse. ([PYL:] (1784) senscbaft Doktor und Professor zu Upsala, Mitglied der Romiscb-Kaiserl. Akademie Stiitzer, who appears in this booklet only as der Naturforscher, der Konigl. Schwedi­ "der Obersetzer'' (the translator), first gives an schen Akademie der Wissenscbaften zu outline of Thunberg's activities after his return Stock-Holm, und der gelehrten Sozietaten to Sweden. Thunberg's book about his travels in Africa and Asia had yet to be printed, which tens, cujus Partem Primam [ ... ] exhibent Praeses is why Thunberg presents a long description Carol. P. Thunberg [ ... ] et Respondens Samuel of Japan and the Japanese before turning to Col. CasstrOm [ ...] in Audit. Gust. Maj. D. XV the coins he had smuggled out of the coun­ Dec. Anno MDCCLXXI. Upsalia: Joh. Edman, try in the autumn of 1776. There is no doubt 1781. that Stiitzer had accumulated a considerable 8 lntriides-Tal, om de mynt-sorter, som i !ldre och amount of knowledge about Japan before leav­ sednare tider blifvit slagne och varit gangbare uti kejsardOmet Japan; hAllet fOr Kongl. Vetenskaps­ ing Europe. Acadernien, den 25 Aug. 1779. Stockholm: Johan Georg Lange, 1779.

149 Wolfgang Michel

Amsterdam In the spring of 1785, Swedish physi­ cian and naturalist Clas Fredrik Homstedt Against his father's wishes, Stiitzer decided to (1758- 1809) arrived in Amsterdam. In a follow Thunberg's example and travel to the letter dated May 24, he mentions "Stytzer" East Indies. He arrived in Amsterdam in the as one of several visitors, among them Bur­ summer of 1784, but everyone Thunberg had mann with wife and daughters, the anato­ recommended had either died or left the city.9 mistAndreas Bonn (1738- 1817), the chem­ While seeking employment in the Dutch East ist Dirk van Rhijn (1745-1854), and the India Company, Stiitzer undertook some medi­ merchant Johannes Fahreus (1745-1821).12 cal studies. A letter dated October 24, 1784 After his successful defense of a disserta­ shows that he, with the support of Professqr tion presided over by Thunberg in 1781, Burman, had finally managed to secure a con­ Homstedt had sailed to Batavia. With the tract as a senior surgeon (oppermeester) with a support of Governor General Willem Arnold 10 salary of 36 guilders per month • He intended Alting and the Batavian Society of Arts and to take an exam in November, 11 but it is not Sciences (Bataviaasch Genootschap van clear whether this was an academic exami­ Kunsten en Wetenschappen), he collected nation or the one requested by the East India plants, animals, minerals, and ethnological Company as a precondition of employment. objects. Homstedt did not manage to travel "Professor Burman" was Nicolaas Lau­ to Japan, but be obtained some material on rens Burman ( 1734-1793), who had suc­ topics such as Japanese medicine from the ceeded his eminent father eminent (1745-1812), who (l 707-1780) in the chair of botany at the Uni­ had returned from his second term in Na­ versity of Amsterdam (BURMAN-BECKER 1866). gasaki shortly after Homstedt's arrival in In 1735, Johannes Burman had accommodated Batavia (MICHEL 2008). Unfortunately, se­ and employed the young Carl Linnreus during rious illness forced him to return to Europe his stay in Amsterdam, and his son Nicolaas after only 18 months in Java. 13 The two Laurens later studied under Linne in Uppsala. men shared common interests, and Hom­ In 1771, Johannes Burman secured financial stedt probably showed Stiitzer some of his support and letters of recommendation for treasures. Thunberg and asked him especially to provide OnJune 13, 1785,Stiitzer'sshipd'.ljstroom plant specimens from Japan. Thunberg was left Texel for the Cape, where they arrived on on good terms with both father and son and October 29 and stayed for about three weeks. called them "my patrons the Professors Bur­ 12 GRANROTH 2008: 279 (Trettionde Brefwet, Am- mans" {THUNBERG 1795/96: Vol. I, 64, 16ff.). sterdam den 24 Mai 1785): ''Dagen efter sedan 9 Letters from Martin Christian Wilhelm Stiltzer jag opnat mina Samlingar, feck jag visit af den to Thunberg (August 8, 1784, August 9, 1784, Larde Professor Burmannus, af Dess Fru ock August 28, 1924); HOADLEY and SvANBERG 1991: twanne Dottra, af Professoreme Bonn och van 96. Ryn, af Herrar Landsman FAhreus, Sahlsten, 10 Letter from Stiitzer to Thunberg, October 24, Petterson och Stytzer, hvilken sednare nu skulle 1784. HOADLEY and SvANBERG 1991: 95. Bur­ innankort antriida sin Resa till Ostlndien, dit han mann 's support is also mentioned by the Swedish pa Herr Professoms starka recommendation, physician and naturalist Clas Fredrik Homstedt; skulle ga som OpperMeester." 13 GRANROTH 2008: 279. For a comprehensive discussion of Homstedt's 11 Letter from Stiltzer to Thunberg (August 24, life, collections and achievements, see GRAN­ 1784); HOADLEY and SVANBERG 1991: 95. ROTH 2008. 150 A Naturalist Lost - C. P. Thunbergs Disciple Johan Arnold Stiitzer (1763- 1821) in the East Indies

On February 21, 1786, they dropped anchor on German, but one possibility is that he intended the roadstead of Batavia. 14 to send it to Berlin. Its contents have been de­ scribed and analyzed by Hoadley and Svan­ Java berg, who point out that Stiitzer devoted little space to natural historical observations de­ In sharp contrast to his compatriot Homstedt, spite being continually engaged in collecting Stiitzer had considerable difficulty in finding a natural specimens for preservation and even­ position in which he could pursue his studies tual shipment to Thunberg in Uppsala (HOAD­ in the natural sciences. His recommendations LEY and SvANBERG 1991: 130). However, this introduced him as a mere surgeon. Neverthe­ might have something to do with his intentions less, he eventually gained the help of Adriaan concerning the future use of this manuscript. Moens (1728- 1792), the former governor of Malabar and since 1784 "directeur-generaal Nagasaki van Nederlandsch Indiil'. 15 In March 1786, Stiitzer moved into rooms of the Batavian On June 21, 1787, Stiitzer wrote his last entry Society of Arts and Sciences. Johannes Hooy­ of the above dfary. Five days later, he departed man 16, a minister (predikant) in the Lutheran for Japan on board the Zeeland together with Church of Batavia and frequent contributor to the new trading post chief (opperhoofd). The the Transactions ( Verhandelingen van het Bat­ passage to Japan was comparatively quiet and aviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten­ on August 7 their ship dropped anchor in the schappen) helped Stiitzer to become a member bay of Nagasaki.18 Stiitzer's term as senior of a commission, which conducted inspections surgeon (opper-chirurgijn) did not begin until in the area of Cirebon on the north coast of December 1, when the outgoing trading post Java. They left Batavia on June 21, 1786 on chief Hendrik Casper Romberg (1741- 1793) the ship De Scheide. Stiitzer started a travel di­ left for Batavia. Sttitzer and junior surgeon ary (Journal von die Reise nach Cheribon and Johan August Loth (ca. 1760-1805) were re­ den da umliegende Gegenden) that ends in the sponsible for the care of only a dozen Euro­ midst of his third trip to the Priangan region.17 peans. Like all surgeons at the Dutch trading It is not clear why he wrote this manuscript in post Dejima, he was occasionally asked to give instructions to Japanese physicians or 14 BRUUN, GAASTRA and ScHOFFER 1979: 714ff. A tend to high-ranking Japanese who were able letter to Thunberg (May 4, 1786) gives some to secure his assistance through the Japanese details of this journey; HOADLEY and SvANBERG governor of Nagasaki. In a trading organiza­ 1991: 103. tion such as the Dutch East India Company, 15 HOADLEY and SVANBERG 1991: 104. The Dutch surgeons National Archive bas a collection of materials were not considered to be of any par­ (access no. 1.10.100) on this influential man, in­ ticular importance. Only on rare occasions did cluding a short biography written by his son, Pi­ trading post chiefs mention their chirurgijn or eter Jozias; see M.C. van Leeuwen-Canneman: meester in the official diary. Baron Johan Fre­ Archie/van defamilie Moens 1586-1891. Den derik van Reede tot de Parkeler (1757- 1802), Haag: Nationaal Archief, 1986. was no exception in this regard. In a letter to 16 BWPGN (1931). 17 Thunberg from December 1790, Stiitzer re­ Held by the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volken.kunde (Royal Institute of Lin­ ports that be had twice saved his superior from guistics, Geography and Ethnology) in The Hague as Ms 277. 18 NA, NFJ 198, August 7, 1787.

151 Wolfgang Michel

a deadly illness (HOADLEY and SvANBERG 1991: Reede made no further mention of Stiitzer's 132), but not a word about such matters was investigations in his diary. entered in van Reede's dagregister. Carl Peter Thunberg's academic ca­ Journey to the Shoguns Court reer was accelerated by his botanical stud­ ies in Japan. To follow the path of his From 1633, the trading post chiefs had been eminent teacher, Stiitzer needed the per­ required to travel to Edo once a year in order mission of the local authorities. As the to convey the gratitude of the Company for be­ Dutch East India Company always had a ing permitted to conduct trade in Japan. After strong interest in use~l plants, van Reede a century and a half this "court journey" (hoof­ made a formal request addressed to the reis) had become a more or less bothersome I Nagasaki governor Sueyoshi Zenzaemon routine and the descriptions in the official dia- Toshitaka. Senior surgeon Stiitzer, he ex­ ries were kept short. Usually the visit involved plained, is a "lover of herbal studies" and only three Europeans - the trading post chief, would like to conduct occasional plant a secretary and the surgeon - surrounded by searches in the areas surrounding Nagasa­ a great number of Japanese officials and serv­ ki. 19 In principle, Japanese authorities tried ants. All travel expenses had to be paid by the to block any foreign research on their coun­ Dutch. try, but as Western know-how could lead Baron van Reede, his secretary Coenraad to the discovery of useful plants, botanical Jonaas and Stiltzer departed from Dejima on Feb­ research had been permitted without much ruary 21, 1788. They crossed northern Kyiishu hesitation since the late 1660s (MrcHEL 2009: on the famous Nagasaki highway (Nagasaki 19-34). In Stiitzer's case too, the response kaido) and then embarked in Shimonoseki on was quick and positive.20 Regrettably, van a medium-sized Japanese ship. For about two weeks nothing noteworthy happened, but when 19 ''Den 31 de Oppermeester Stutzer mij versogt heb­ they arrived in Osaka, word spread about a dis­ bende, om dat moogelijk nu an clan zond hem Nan­ astrous fire that had broken out on March 7 in gazacky hy eenige kruijden en planten te moogen nearby Miyako (Kyoto). Even the Tenno was gaan versammelen. Liet ik daa de Tolken bet vol­ gende Schrift aan de Gouverneur presenteeren. forced to flee the city and take refuge in a tem­ I Wel Edele Achtbaare Heer I Zoejejosie Jsno no ple on Mount Hiei (Hieizan). According to van Cami Sama [= Izu-no-kami] I Gouverneur van Reede's diary, the owner of the inn, where the Nangazacky I Het ondergeteekende Opperhoofd embassy used to spend a few days every year, neemt de vrijheijd Uw I welew. agel friendelijk ver­ came to Osaka on March 13. Using a map of soeken aan de oppermeester I van dit Comptoir J: Kyoto, he explained in detail how the blaze had A: Stutzer, die een liefhebber van I de kruijtkunde quickly jumped the river and, due to changing is, permissie te weilen verleenen, om I nu en clan roods om de Stat Nangazacky eenige planten en I winds, destroyed most parts of the city includ­ .kruijden te gaan opzoeken. waar meede zult verp­ ing his own buildings. As the inn in Kyoto was fligten I Wei Edele Achtbaare Heer I Uw weled: completely burned down, the party had to spend acbtb: d:w: dienaar J: F: van Reede tot de Parkel­ the night in Fushimi. Such changes were only er''. NA, NFJ 199, 31 December 1787. possible after numerous formalities. 20 "Kwam mij de Onderrapporteur Enosin [= Ei­ Although Stiltzer's diary from his year noshin] kenniss geven, dat de Gouverneur mijn op den 3 le der voorleeden maan gedraan versock om­ in Japan seems to be lost, a French extract trend den oppermeester Stutzer, had toegestaan". concerning the events in Kyoto is kept in St. NA, NFJ 199, 8January1788. Petersburg: Extrait de mon Diaire tenu sur le 152 A Naturalist Lost- C. P. Thunberg's Disciple Johan Arnold Stiitzer (1763- 1821) in the East Indies

voyage pour la Cour, en allant pour Jedo, re­ ~ gardant la grande incendie de Miaco. Stiitzer ,_A gives as his source of information "men of 9d ' ~ ~ ' / quality who told us about it during our stay in • • ... the outskirts of Miyako" ("des gens de qualite "'6· iI "' ... qui nous racontoient cela pendant notre sejour au fauxbourg de Miaco"). The fire that Stiitzer ~ l( and van Reede wrote about was one of the great disasters of the . On April 3, van Reede and bis entourage ar­ i• rived in Edo and took lodgings at the Nagasaki Inn (Nagasakiya). Physicians to high-ranking jj? .. k~ government officials and regional lords used Fig. 3: Sketch by Shiba: Stiitzer invites Shiba to visit their Western colleagues to receive in­ Kokan, posing as a merchant, to his quarters structions or medicine. Van Reede was given at Dejima (Shiba Kokan zenshu 1992: 318ff.). notice that some astronomers and physicians of the·Shogun had received permission to question him. Two days later, a court physician came to Back in Nagasaki their quarters and Stiitzer had to answer vari­ ous medical questions. A secret visit by the At the end of May 1788 (in the Japanese cal­ powerful Lord of Satsuma Shimaza Shigehide endar, the 23rd day of the fourth month), Shiba (1745-1833) was canceled because of the im­ Kokan left Edo to journey to the western parts prudence of the trading post interpreters. We of Japan. As he had a strong interest in Europe­ know from Japanese sources that Stiitzer met an painting and printing techniques, be hoped two remarkable Japanese. One of them was the to gain a deeper understanding of these matters painter and printmaker Shiba Kokan (1747- in Nagasaki. Such "study sojourns in Nagasa­ 1818), who also engaged in Western geography ki" (Nagasaki yilgaku) served to satisfy one's and astronomy. The other was Otsuki Gentaku curiosity and thirst for knowledge and were (1757-1827), one of the outstanding adherents popular not only among scholars of "Dutch of "Dutch learning" (). According to Leaming" . With the right recommendations, Ayusawa, Stiitzer gave Otsuki a world map even a visit to the Chinese or Dutch trading made by Guillaume de L'Isle (1675-1726) and post was possible, and some of the interpreter printed inAmsterdam by Jean Covens and Cor­ families had accumulated remarkable col­ neille Mortier. Otsuki had mounted the map lections. In particular, the senior Dutch inter­ as a hanging scroll. Above the map, he noted preter and scholar Yoshio Kosaku alias Kogyii Stiitzer's name in Chinese characters (AYUSAWA (1 724-1800) was famous for his treasures, his 1964: 288). Five years later, Shiba managed to "Dutch residence" (Oranda yashiki) and pro­ reproduce this map as the first copperplate print found scholarship that attracted hundreds of in Japan. The print shows both hemispheres disciples and many more visitors (KATsUMORI of the original map, to which are added some 2009). comments and illustrations selected from other With its numerous, at times humorous, sources (TSUKAHARA 1996: 130f). sketches, Shiba's diary gives a vivid account of the long journey to Kyiishu. On November 7, he finally arrived in Nagasaki. After a while, he

153 Wolfgang Michel managed to obtain a special permit as a mer­ Leaving the Dutch Service chant from Edo, which enabled him to enter the Dutch trading post. During November, Jap­ Surgeons were not usually supposed to partici­ anese merchants received many deliveries of pate in official trading activities, but remarks sugar, piece goods, cotton thread, pepper and in van Reede's diary show that Stiitzer was or­ sappanwood, and final preparations were made dered on at least one occasion to take care of on the Dutch ships that were soon to leave for incoming goods from Barwia. Moreover, like Batavia. During these days, buzzing with all almost everybody at Dejima, Stiitzer engaged kinds of activities, a visit to Dejima did not in some more or less secret private business. arouse much suspicion. This must have opened his eyes to further op­ On November 22, Shiba and two com­ portunities, and he managed to embark as a panions entered the gateway to the island. ship's surgeon on a vessel to Japan during the They soon ran into Stiitzer (Sutottsuru), who following summer. As a member of the ship's was quite surprised to meet Shiba again. He crew, he could only enter Dejima on trading pulled him toward a cowshed where nobody days, provided he received permission from else could hear their conversation and talked the Japanese authorities. After all transactions to him 4t Dutch. Shiba only understood the were completed, the Dutch ships returned to words "teekening, teekening" (drawings) and Batavia in October or November before the thought that Stiitzer was talking about the seasonal winds changed to an unfavorable views of Marunouchi and Mitsuke that he bad direction. Hoadley and Svanberg assume that drawn for Stiitzer in Edo. Stiitzer then invit­ van Reede and Stiitzer had a falling-out after ed him to his room on the second floor of a this business trip to Nagasaki. Stiitzer's mer­ house ("mijnheer, kom, kammer'). As Shiba chandise was confiscated as contraband, which recounts it, without taking off their shoes, they caused him considerable financial problems entered a room with dirty tatami mats on the and darkened his career prospects. floor and sat on chairs at a low table. A tame There is no doubt that Stiitzer's standing white bird drew Shiba's attention. They had in Batavia had suffered a severe blow. Luck­ a glass of somewhat turbid wine, and when ily, he once again obtained a recommendation Shiba made a remark about its bitter taste, from Moens and sailed to Ceylon, which was Stiitzer explained in Japanese that this was largely under Dutch governance until the Na­ "kusuri" (medicine). Afterward, they went poleonic Wars. In Ceylon, he made contact to the interpreter's lounge (tsujibeya), where with the English East India Company, ended they met senior interpreter Yoshio Kosaku. At his service with the Dutch an~ engaged in his orders, they were escorted to the room of private trade between Dutch Ceylon and the the trading post chief, where Shiba had a chat British territory on the coast of Malabar. Ob­ with the designated new opperhoofd Hendrik viously, he had abandoned any idea of pursu­ Romberg. With this highlight, Shiba 's excur­ ing an academic career. On July 15, 1792, he sion to Dejima came to an end. After a short married Johanna Jacoba Lebeck, daughter of look at the billiard pavilion in the garden they Anna Henrietta Dormieux (1753- 1831) and left the island. Eight days later, Stiitzer's serv­ Abraham Evert de Lebecq (1746-1777), who ice at Dejima ended and he boarded one of the had served the Dutch East India Company in anchored Dutch ships. various capacities since 1762.

154 A Naturalist Lost- C. P. Thunberg's Disciple Johan Arnold Stiitzer (1763- 1821) in the East Indies

Sti.Jtzer s Brother-in-Law plant genus Lebeckia after him. The Swedish Henricus Julius Lebeck historian Jonas Hallenberg (1748-1834), who received information on the Tamil and Malabar Stiitzer never returned to Europe, but through languages from Lebeck, praised the erudition his young brother-in-law, Henricus Julius Le­ of this young scholar (HA.u.ENsERG 1796: 72). beck ( 1772- 1800), his exchange with Thun­ Lebeck died prematurely on June 12, 1800. berg was resumed for a while. Lebeck was educated in the school of the German mis­ Physician ofthe English East India Company sionary and naturalist Christoph Samuel John (1747- 1813), who later praised him as the In 1796, the Dutch relinquished Ceylon to the "crown of his educational institution." Soon British and a few years later Stiitzer was work­ he developed a keen interest in natural stud­ ing as a physician for the English East India ies. As letters found by Hoadley and Svanberg Company in the newly established Civil Medi­ show, Henricus Julius tried to contact Thun­ cal Department. In 1803, he was appointed berg. Stiitzer supported his endeavors with a Superintendent of Vaccination at Manar, Jaffna recommendation and sent the young man to and Mullativo , and one year later became As­ Sweden. sistant Surgeon doing duty in the garrison of In November 1794, Lebeck enrolled at Jaflhapatam . An obituary in the Ceylon Gov­ Uppsala University under the name Henricus ernment Gazette (21 July 1821) sheds light on Julius Lebeck Ceylonensis (CARLSSON 1925: his work: 331 ). In that same year, Stiitzer's collection ar­ rived in St. Petersburg. By that time, Linne's Dr. Stutzer was a native of Sweden, left famous specimens had been sold to the found­ his country in the service of the Dutch East er and first president of the Linnaean Society India Company in I 783, was employed as of London, James Edward Smith (1759-1828), a Physician to several embassies to Japan, leaving Uppsala without a natural history col­ from whence he brought many specimens lection, apart from Thunberg's specimens. of the art of that wonderful people, had Thunberg had written extensively about Cey­ married and settled at Jaffnapatam, &c., lon (THUNBERG 1795: 17{}-264) and should on the capitulation of Ceylon, accepted have been more than happy to welcome Lebeck employment under His Majesty's Govern­ as his student. However, for reasons unknown, ment- first in superintending the smallpox Lebeck's stay in Sweden did not last long. In establishment, and afterwards in introduc­ 1795, he o btained a testamur (testimonium) ing the Vaccine, which he did so success­ from the university (KINzE 2000: 195). When fully that in this populous district no rav­ he left for Ceylon in December, he promised ages of the dreadful malady it supplanted Thunberg he would send him animal and plant have even been known for these 18 years. specimens. After his return to the East Indies, (LEWIS 1913: 409) Lebeck worked as mint master for the Dutch East India Company. During the following When the British invaded Java during the Na­ years, he paid two visits to his old mentor John poleonic Wars, his intimate knowledge turned in Tranquebar and published at least five sci­ out to be very useful, probably much to the dis­ entific papers (KINzE 2000: 196). As promised, may of his former employers in Batavia: he sent animal specimens and herbaria to Swe­ den, and Thunberg named the South African

155 Wolfgang Michel

In 1811, the Doctor, being then 48 years of ried George Cochrane, founder of the Jaffna age, volunteered to accompany the expe­ Friend-in-Need Society and Hospital (LEWIS dition against Batavia, and being appoint­ 1913: 230). Another daughter, Anna Maria Ul­ ed by General Sir Thomas Maitland to do rica, had died in 1830 (LEWIS 1913: 266). duty with the Corps of the Royal Artillery as Surgeon, he happily, in the execution Items from Japan of this trust and of duties more important from his knowledge of the languages, As mentioned above, Stiitzer collected natural manners and people of that country, both specimens in Japan with the permission of the European and Malay, succeeded in obtain­ local authorities. Since the 1650s, Japanese ing the approbation of the Commander-in­ craftsmen were producing porcelain, kimonos, Chief and those under whom he served. lacquer ware etc. especially for the European (LEWIS 1913: 409) market, and Stiitzer also managed to acquire a considerable number of these artifacts. There A List of Subscribers to the Address to His is much room for speculation as to why about Royal Highness the Prince Regent for eman­ sixty pieces of these items ended up in St. Pe­ cipating Children born of Slaves after August tersburg. The British Museum was expanding 12, 1816 shows that Stiitzer was involved in rapidly, and there were many other palaces and the abolition of slavery in Ceylon. His open­ estates in Munich, Dresden, Gottorf and Co­ mindedness, compassion and mild temper was penhagen with renowned collectio~. There highly praised in his obituary, which also men­ is no doubt that his Japanese collection was tions the circumstances of his death in July brought to Europe by his brother-in-law, and 1821: we can be sure that Henricus Julius Lebeck acted strictly on behalf of Stiitzer. Endowed with an enlightened mind, of a We do not know whether Stiitzer was mild and conciliatory temper, and much aware of the rapidly growing Russian inter­ kindness of manner, the Doctor was the est in Japan. In 1791 , because of the dedicated life of all Society, and bis firmness in efforts of the clergyman and natural scientist sickness and affliction tbro' which he lab­ Erik Gustavovich Laxman (1737- 1796), the ored 10 long months without ever being Empress Catherine TI had dispatched an ex­ heard to complain - expressing no feeling pedition to Northern Japan. The party was led for his own agonizing suffering, but pity by Laxman's son Adam Kirillovich Laxman only for the distresses of bis afflicted and (1766-1806), a lieutenant in the Imperial army. amiable family, bas left us to experience While returning two Japanese castaways to their what a blank the loss of a single individual home country, the Russians tried to obtain trade may occasion amongst a circle of friends. concessions from the . (LEWIS 1913: 409) Adam Laxman landed in Nemuro, from where he was led to Hakodate and Matsumae. He did Stiitzer's son Charles, a lieutenant in the Cey­ not achieve his aim but during the lengthy ne­ lon Regiment, was killed by a musket shot dur­ gotiations, he and bis crew collected marine ing the Uva-Wellassa Uprising in 1818 (LEWIS animals, insects, plants, and other natural spec­ 1913: 423). Stiitzer's wife, Johanna Jacoba, imens. In 1794, these items were added to the diedatJaffna in 1831(LEWIS1913: 409) and in collections of the imperial cabinet of curiosi­ that same year, their daughter Theodora mar- ties (Kunst/camera) in St. Petersburg. A short

156 A Naturalist Lost - C. P. Thunberg :S Disciple Johan Arnold Stiitzer (1 763- 1821) in the East Indies account of Laxman 's journey can be found in pan". The account of their meeting mentions the Nova Acta of the Imperial Academy of Sci­ "very fine works of black lacquer with gold ence for the year 1794. and nacre, real and counterfeit Japanese mon­ Only a few months later, on January 12, ey, Japanese mirror paper in different colors, 1795, several esteemed members of the Acad­ engraved stones, paintings, books, maps and emy received a report on Stiltzer's collection: other pieces made with great skill together with the anatomist Alexei Protasjewitsch Protassow a detailed catalogue". Another description of ( 1724-1 796), the German astronomer Wolf­ the collection was published in the Nova Acla gang Ludwig Krafft ( 1743- 18 14), his fellow of the Academy in 1802. Here, we find "very countryman, the mathematician and astronomer fine works of black lacquer with gold and na­ Friedrich Theodor von Schubert (1758- 1825), cre such as plates and boxes", models o f pal­ the chemist and mineralogist Vasiliy (Basil­ anquins (sedan chairs), Japanese money in ius) Mikhailovich Severgin ( 1765-1826), the gold, sil ver and copper, "mirror paper in differ­ German chemist Johann Tobias Lowitz ( 1757 - ent colors made from a marine plant and used 1804), the c hemist and "balloon aeronaut" Ya­ by the Japanese for baldachins and blinds in kov Omitrievich Zakharov (1765-1836), and rooms as well as in palanquins", together with the Swiss-born astronomer Jean Albert Euler paintings, Japanese geographical maps, maps ( 1734-1800). The adjunct of the Academy and of cities and temples, "Japanese books trans­ acting s upervisor of the Kunstkamera, Johann lated from the Dutch translations, such as the Heinrich von Busse ( J 763- 1835), gave an out­ anatomic tables from Kulmus, Heister's Sur­ line of the "collection of curiosities from Ja- gery and Rosenstein's book on the diseases of

Fig. 4: Page from the woodblock print Umi no sachi (1762) (Waseda University Library).

157 Wolfgang Michel children", and finally "three boxes filled with six decades until Udagawa Genshin's Japanese insect models made from copper". version (Shoni shobyo kampo-chiho zensho, About 15 years later, one of the Japanese 1845) was published by his son Yoan. Thus, prints drew the attention of the German natu­ the description given by the Russian Academy ralist Wilhelm Gottlieb Tilesius (1769-1857), is very puzzling. Because the Nova Acta was who had a look at Stiitzer's collection in St. Pe­ printed in 1802, published translations at least tersburg. In a letter to Thunberg, dated October from parts of Heister's and von Rosenstein's 1, 1810, he describes a Japanese book about writings must have been already in existence. fishes, Umi no sachi (Fruits of the sea) that While the Japanese books and artifacts had been presented to the Imperial Academy were handed over to the Kunstkamera, the ex­ of Sciences by "H Stiitzer, surgeon of the East cerpt from Stiitzer's diary depicting the cata­ India Company and physician of the Dutch strophic fire in Kyoto and two short medical factory at Dejima" (SoNDERMANN and STERBA texts remained in the archive of the Confer­ 2010: 45). Tilesius, who himself had made ence. Probably stimulated by previous re­ beautiful watercolours of fish in Japanese wa­ search, Stiitzer had studied Japanese acupunc­ ters , praised this book as a typographical rarity ture and therapeutic burning with moxa (from · that well deserved to be reproduced in Europe Jap. mogusa), a woolly mass prepared from the and stated he would be prepared to arrange this mugwort herb: Description of Moxa and ofthe if he had an opportunity to do so. cure with needles, called in Latin Acupunctura. The Japanese translations of the Dutch Sttitzer's description of moxa follows the medical books mentioned in the Nova Acta pattern laid out in previous publications. In the were probably given to Stiitzer by Otsuki Gen­ early 1670s, the Batavian clergyman Hennann taku or other prominent adherents of Western Buschoff bad published a manuscript on the medicine in Edo. Nowadays, all three titles treatment ofgout with a miraculous "dried herb" are valued as pioneering achievements of he called "Moxa". His Dutch booklet (1675) Japanese "Dutch studies" (rangaku). The ana­ was translated almost immediately into English tomic tables of Adam Kulmus had been trans­ (1676) and German (1677) and sparked a lively lated from Gerardus Dicten's Dutch edition debate about the nature and effects of this ''East ( Ontleedkundige Tafelen) by Sugita Genpaku, Indian wool". Although it was used in China Maeno Ryotaku and others and printed in 1774 and surrounding countries for treating a great as Kaitai Shinsho (''New Book on Anatomy"). variety of diseases, European physicians ap­ Lorenz Heister's writings came to Japan in plied and discussed moxa solely as a remedy for Dutch versions published by Hendrik Ulhoom gout (also known as podagra or chiagra). Even (Heelkondige onderwyzingen, 1741) and Jan an illustrated Japanese Moxa Mirror (Kyfisho Morterre (Kort begrip der heelkonst, 1764). kagami) that the German physician Engelbert Sugita and Otsuki were the first scholars en­ Kaempfer (1651- 1716) had brought back from gaged in their translation, but their manuscripts Nagasaki and published in his Amoenitates Ex­ (YOi shinsho and Yoka seisen zukai) were pub­ oticae ( 1712) did not change this narrow con­ lished many years after Stiitzer's stay in Ja­ ception (MicHEL 1993: 248-293). pan (YosmoA 1991: 47- 95). Nils Rosen von Stiitzer too only refers to podagra and chi­ Rosenstein's famous book on pediatrics was agra, and like Willem ten Rhijne and Kaemp­ also introduced to Japan in a Dutch translation fer, he considers the "place of pain" (locus do­ (Handleiding tot de kennis en geneezing van de lendi) as the appropriate location for placing ziekten der kinderen, 1779). It took more than the moxa cones. He had brought moxa from 158 A Naturalist Lost- C. P. Thunberg's Disciple Johan Arnold Stiitzer (J 763- 1821) in the East Indies

Mount Ibuki that was considered far superior tersburg is a beautifully lacquered wooden case to other products and instructed his brother-in­ with chrysanthemum ornaments and two nee­ law Lebeck on how to apply it, in case a dem­ dles attributed to Stittzer (SINITSYN 2012: 17), onstration was requested in Europe. but in view of his writings on acupuncture and Since the 17th century, many Japanese moxibustion, guiding tubes, moxa from Mount physicians had turned to new concepts and Ibuki and other medical items should also have treatment methods and ignored traditional Chi­ been donated to the Kunstkamera. nese teachings. None of the European authors was aware of these developments (MICHEL Literature 2004). Like Kaempfer, Stiitzer had observed the use ofguiding tubes (''une sorte de canule") Accounts and Papers: Seventeen Volumes. in acupuncture. This so-called "tube needle" Volume 16. Slavery. Session November (kudabari) was invented by the acupuncturist 15, 1837- August 16, 1838, Vol LI. Or­ Sugiyama Wa'ichi (1610-1694). Sugiyama dered by The House of Commons to be had been blind since childhood and after years Printed, July 31, 1838. of unsuccessful trials, he had devised small cy­ ADB (1888): Allgemeine Deutsche Biogra­ lindrical tubes to guide the needles and control phie. Vol. 26. Leipzig: Duncker&Humblot. the depth of their penetration. According to The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register Stiitzer, the thin needles penetrated the cellular for British India and its Dependencies. tissue ("tela cellulosa"), which fits in neatly Volume 4 (July to December 1817). with Sugiyama 's teachings. London: Black, Kingsbury, Parbury and Ten Rhijne gives a list of diseases, from Allen, 1817. gray star (cataract) and epilepsy to rheumatism A vusAwA, Shintaro (1964): Geography and and colic, in which acupuncture was said to Japanese Knowledge of World Geography. help, but only limited copies of his book were Io: Monumenta Nipponica 19, 3/4, pp. circulated (TEN RHYNE 1683: 186). Kaempfer's 275- 294. treatise on Curatio colicae per acupuncturam, BRUUN, Jacobus Ruurd, Femme S. GAASTRA japonibus usitata (KAEMPFER 1712: 582-589), and Ivo ScHOFFER (1979): Dutch-Asiatic was disseminated all over Europe as an appen­ Shipping in the 17th and 18th Centuries. dix to his famous History ofJapan in English, Vol. II: Outward-bound Voyages from the French, Dutch and German versions. During Netherlands to Asia and the Cape (1595- his stay in Japan, his Japanese counterparts 1794). The Hague: M. NijhofI. bad talked to him about senki. This was a BURMAN-BECKER, Johan Gottfried (1866): No­ popular medical term for pain and diseases in tices historiques et genealogiques sur la the abdominal area, which be judged to be the famille Burman. Copenhague: E.C. Loser. Japanese equivalent of Western colic. Stiitzer BWPGN (1931): Jan Pieter de Bie en Jakob too had the opportunity to observe an actual Loosjes (ed.): Biographisch woordenboek treatment of such "Coliques". He sensed that van protestantsche godgeleerden in Ned­ needling had something to do with irritation erland. Deel 4. The Hague: M. Nijhoff. of the , but he felt unable to present a CAMPBELL, Lawrence Dundas (1806): The Asiat­ proper explanation for the astonishing effects ic Annual Register, or, View ofthe History of of acupuncture and confined himself to report­ Hindustan, and of the Politics, Commerce, ing only what he had seen. and Literature ofAsia. For the Year 1804. Among the Japanese treasures in St. Pe- London: T. Cadell, W. Davies.

159 Wolfgang Michel

CARLSSON, Alfred Bernhard (ed.) (1925): Upp­ Dolphin. ln: Zoologische Mededelingen sala universitets matrikel. Vol. II (1750- 74 (11). pp. 193-203. 1760). Uppsala: Afmqvist and Wiksell. KNEGTSMANS, Peter Jan (2007): Professoren DIJ (Deutsches Institut fiir Japanstudien) (ed.) van de stad: het Athenaeum fllustre en de (1990/91): Doitsujin no mita Genroku­ Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: jidai. Kemperu-ten [The Genroku period Amsterdam University Press. viewed by a German. Kaempfer Exhibi­ KRAFT, Eva (1975): Christian Mentzel, Philipp tion.] Catalogue. : Deutsches Insti­ Couplet, Andreas Cleyer und die chine­ tut fiir Japanstudien. sische Medizin. In: Helga Wonnit (ed.): GRANROTH, Christina (ed.) (2008): C.F. Horn­ Fernostliche Kultur. Marburg: Elwert, pp. stedt, Brev fran Batavia - En resa till Ost­ 158- 196. indien 1782- 1786. Stockholm: Bokfor­ KRAFT, Eva (1985): Andreas Cleyer: Tagebuch laget Atlantis. des Kontors zu Nagasaki au/ der Insel liALLENBERG, Jonas (1796): Ex Occasione Deshima 20. Oktober 1682- 5. Novem­ Nummi Cufici, de Nominis dei Gud [ ... ]. ber 1683. Bonn: Forderverein "Bonner Stockholm: Joh. A. Carlbohm. Zeitschrift fiir Japanologie'' (= Bonner HOADLEY, Mason C. and Ingvar Svanberg Zeitschrift fiir Japanologie; 6). (1991 ): Hunting Rhinoceros in Java - LEWIS, John Penry ( 1913): List ofInscriptions Johan Arnold Stiitzer and his Journal on Tombstones and Monuments in Cey­ 1786-1787. ln: Svenska Linnesiillskapets lon, ofHistorical or Local Interest with an Arsskrift Argang 1990-1991 (Yearbook of Obituary of Persons Uncommemorated. the 1990-1991 ), Colombo: H.C. Cottle. Uppsala: Afmqvist and Wiksell Tryckeri, The London Medical and Surgical Specta­ pp. 91- 143. tor: or, Monthly Register of Medicine in HlRAMATSu, (1999): Nagasaki yilgaku its Various Branches. Vol. II, London: S. jiten. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Highley, 1809. JoHN, Christoph Samuel (1801): Beschreibung MlcHEL, Wolfgang (1993): EngelbertKaempfer und Abbildung des Uranoscopus Lebeckii. und die Medizin in Japan. ln: Detlef Haber­ ln: Der Gesellschaft Natuiforschender Fre­ land (ed.): Engelbert Kaempfer - Werk und unde zu Berlin, Neue Schriften 3, p. 287. Wirkung. Stuttgart: Boethius, pp. 248-293. KATSUMORI Noriko (2009): Yoshio Kogyli. MlcHEL, Wolfgang (2004): Far Eastern Medi­ In: Wolfgang Michel, Torii Ymniko and cine in Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Kawashima Mabito (eds): Kyilshu no ran­ Century Germany. In: Studies in Languag­ gaku [Dutch studies in Kyiishii]. Kyoto: es and Cultures (Kyiishii University) 20, Shibunkaku Shuppan, pp. 66-72. pp. 67-82. KAEMPFER, Engelbert (1712): Amoenitatum MICHEL, Wolfgang (2008): Japansk lakekonst exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum i teckningar av Clas Fredrik Homstedt. fasciculi V. Lemgo: Meyer, pp. 582- 589. ln: Christina Granroth (ed.): Clas Fredrik Katagiri, Kazuo (1998): Orandashuku Ebiya Hornstedt, Brev fran Batavia - En resa till no kenkyU [Research on the Dutch inn Ebi­ Ostindien 1782-1786. Helsingfors: Sven­ ya]. Vol. I. Kyoto: Shibunkaku Shuppan. ska Litteratursallskapet i Finland, Stock­ KlNZE, Carl Christian (2000): Rehabilitation holm: Atlantis, pp. 117- 150. of Platanista gangetica (Lebeck, 1801) as MICHEL, Wolfgang (2009): Medizin, Heilmittel the Valid Scientific Name of the Ganges und Pfianzenkunde im Euro-Japanischen 160 A Naturalist Lost- C. P. Thunberg 's Disciple Johan Arnold Statzer (1763-1821) in the East Indies

Kulturaustausch des 17. Jahrhunderts. ln: afdelningen, senare hiiftet. Nykoping: P.E. HORIN - Vergleichende Studien zur japa­ Winge. nischen Kultur 16, pp. 19- 34. Shiba Kokan zenshii [Collected works of Shiba MoHNnrn, Gottlieb (1831 ): Die schwedischen Kokan]. Vol. 1. Tokyo: YasakaShobo, 1992. Naturforscher Karl Peter Thunberg und SINITSYN, Alexander (2012): Japanese Items Johann Wilhelm Dalman. Stralsund: J. from the 18th Century in Collection no. Strucks Wittwe. 677 of the Museum of Anthropology and MoLRUYSEN, Philip Christian et al. (1911-1937): Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Rus­ Nieuw Nederlandsch Biograjisch Woorden­ sian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. boek. 1911en1937. Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff. ln: M. Kondo (ed.): Protocol ofthe "Inter­ NDB: Neue Deutsche Biographie. Berlin: national Symposium on Japanese collec­ Duncker und Humblot, Vol. 17 (1994); tions around the Baltic Sea Area", March Vol. 21 (2003). 2011, National Museum of Ethnology, Nordisk Familjebok. Encyklopedi och Kon­ Osaka. Osaka. (In Japanese). [See also A. versationslexikon. Stockholm: Nordisk Sinitsyn's contribution to this volume.] familjebok forlags aktiebolag, 1923- 1937. SONDERMANN, Frieder (2009): Tilesius und Ja­ Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum lmperialis pan. (Tei I 1) Tagebuchausziige fiber An­ Petropolitanae, Tomus XII. Praecedit His­ kunft und Aufenthalt in Nagasaki 1804/5. toria eiusdem Academiae ad Annum MDC­ lo: Tohoku gakuindaigaku kyoyogakubu CXCIV. Petropolis: Academia Scientiarum, ronshii 154, pp. 105- 147. 1801. SoNDERMANN, Frieder and Gilnther STERBA Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum lmperialis (2010): Tilesius und Japan (4. Teil)- Sein Petropolitanae, Tomus XIII. Praecedit Kontakt zu Thunberg und das Verzeichois Historia eiusdem Academiae ad Annos der Tilesius-Illustrationen in der Leip­ MDCCXCV et MDCCXCVI. Petropolis: ziger Universitatskustodie. Jn: Tohoku Academia Scientiarum, 1802. gakuindaigaku kyoyogakubu ronshii 157, Protokoly zasiedanii konferencii lmpera­ pp. 39-74. torskoy Akademii Nauk s 1725 po 1803 STERBA, Gilnther (2013): Tilesius als Ichthy­ goda - Proces-verbaux des seances de ologe und Illustrator japanischer Fische. l 'Academie imperiale des sciences depuis ln: Tohoku gakuindaigaku kyoyogakubu sa fondation jusqu 'a 1803. Vol. IV. St. ronshii 165, pp. 87-138. Petersburg: Prodaetsja u Komissionerov TAYLOR, Jean Gelman (1983): The Social Imp. Akad. Nauk, 1911 . World ofBatavia : European and Eurasian [PYL, Johann Theodor (ed.)) (1784): Abhand­ in Dutch Asia. Madison, Wis.: University lung von den Miinzsorten, welche in altem of Wisconsin Press. und oeuern Zeiten im Kaisertbum Japan TEN RHYNE, Wilhem (1683): Dissertatio de geschlagen worden und gangbar gewesen Arthritide: Mantissa schematica: De Acu­ sind. [ ...) Aus dem Schwedischen uber­ punctura et Orationes tres. London: A. setzt. Stendal: Franzen und Grosse. Leers. SACK.LEN, Johan Fredrik (ed.) (1822): Sveriges THUNBERG, Charles Peter [i.e. Carl Peter] lakare-historia, ifran konung Gustaf I:s (1795-1796): Travels in Europe, Africa till narvarande tid Forsta afdelningen. and Asia Made between the Years 1770 Nykoping: P. E. Winge. and 1779. Vol. I-IV. London: Rivington. SACKLEN, Johan Fredrik (ed.) (1824): Andra THUNBERG, Carol. P. [i.e. Carl Peter] (1800):

161 Wolfgang Michel

Nova Genera Plantarum. Vol. 1. Uppsala: [NA, NFJ 199] Diary kept by Opperhoofd Jo­ Joh. Fredr. Edman. han Fredrik Baron van Reede tot de Par­ TSUKAHARA Akira et al. (eds.) ( 1996): Shiba keler 1787-88. Nationaal Archief (The Kokan hyakkajiten [Shiba Kokan Encyclo­ Hague), Accessno. 01.04.21, Nederlandse pedia]. Kobe: Kobe City Museum/Machida: Factorij in Japan, No. 199. Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts. Letters from J. A. Stiitzer to C. P. Thunberg. WELLS, David N. (ed.) (2004): Russian Views Uppsala universitetsbibliotek (Uppsala of Japan (1792- 1913): An Anthology of University Library), G 300aa. Travel Writing. New York: RoutledgeCur­ Letters from W. G. Tilesius to C. P. Thunberg. zon. Uppsala universitetsbibliotek (Uppsala YosmoA Tadao (1991): Haisutem Yoi shinsho University Library), G 300ad. no honyaku [The translation of Heister's [J. A. Stiitzer:] "Extrait de mon Diaire tenu Yoi shinsho]. In: Yogakushi kenkyiikai sur le voyage pour la Cour, en allant pour (ed.): Otsuki Gentaku no kenkyU. Kyoto: Jedo, regardant la grande incendie de Shibunkaku Shuppan, pp. 47- 95. Miaco". The St. Petersburg Filial of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sci­ Unpublished Sources ences, Foundation 1, inv. 2-1795, fol. 7-8. [J. A. Stiitzer:] "Description de Moxa, et de la [NA, NFJ 198] Diary kept by Opperhoofd Hen­ cure des Epingles, nommees en Latin Acu­ drik Casper Romberg 1786-87. Nationaal punctura. The St. Petersburg Filial of the Archief (The Hague), Access No. 01.04.21, Archive of the Russian Academy of Sci­ Nederlandse Factorij in Japan, No. 198. ences, Foundation I, inv. 2-1795, fol. 54.

162 JapanArchiv Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle Modemes Japan Band 5, 3

The publishing of this volume was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25300024

Japanese Collections in European Museums I Josef Kreiner (ed.) Vol. III: Regional Studies 2 - Bonn: Bier'sche Verlagsanstalt, 2015 (JapanArchiv: Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle Modemes Japan; vol. 5, 3) ISBN 978-3-936366-48-8 ISSN 1438-0927

© Bier'sche Verlagsanstalt, Bonn 2015 All rights reserved Printed by Baltoprint, Vilnius, Lithuania Cover design by Neil Holt, Cologne Callygraphy on cover by Shimatani Hiroyuki, Tokyo Printed in Lithuania ISBN 978-3-936366-48-8