Special Recognition for Gifts of $100,000+ to the Chinese Garden
Special Recognition For gifts of $100,000+ to the Chinese Garden Phase II Donors will be recognized upon completion of construction. 24 Lake of Reflected Fragrance | 映芳湖 $8,000,000 Chosen as the site to recognize the lead donor to the Phase II, the large central lake is the heart of the entire garden and unifies the surrounding pavilions, rocks, and plantings. The five bridges spanning its surface offer lovely vistas of the nearby pavilions and the distant hills. The lake’s water is at once negative space, a mirror reflecting and duplicating each scene, and positive space holding colorful carp, water lilies, and lotus. Its name “Reflected Fragrance” recalls the delicate scents of flowers and echoes “Flowing Fragrance,” the name of the Chinese Garden. 25 Terrace for Idle Chanting |閑吟臺 $500,000 This rooftop terrace in the northwest section of the garden provides a stunning overlook of the lake, surrounding trees, and Suzhou style pavilions and bridges. It is an inspirational view, and “chanting” refers to the tradition of reciting poetry in a rhythmic tone and pattern. 26 Court of Assembled Worthies | 集賢院 $1,000,000 Bordered by a graceful and meditative corridor, this large courtyard is sheltered by heritage coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) trees. The beautifully crafted paved surface can seat 350 and serves as the central space for public gatherings. It is named to honor the esteemed audiences that come together to enjoy cultural performances staged from either the Terrace of Cultivated Elegance to the north or on the pavilion stage of Clear and Transcendent. 27 Reflections in the Stream and Fragrance of Orchids Pavilion |映水蘭香 $350,000 This delicate pavilion, shielded by large California oaks, is a place to pause, meditate, be poetically inspired, and enjoy the fragrance of nearby orchids.
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