Weather Report Prom the Doited Stetei Weathei Bureau Resort

Moderately warm this afternoon: cooler tonight. Temperatures today—Highest. 89. at 3:30 p.m.; NIGHT FINAL lowest. 74, at 6:40 a.m. Full report on page A-16. LATEST NEWS AND SPORTS CLOSING MARKETS

Closing N. Y. Markets—Soles, Page A-17. OP) Mean* Ataaclat«4 Pratt.

91st YEAR. No. D. JULY Elsewhere 36,247. WASHINGTON, C\, WEDNESDAY, 28, 1943^—FORTY-EIGHT PAGES. xx Washington TTTT?Tnr PTT’XTTC! and Suburbs -LJixliiiJii OJliJNxto. prvE cents I

► German Troops Reported Moving South Announcement Through Stresses Return Madrid Hears •Estimates of Texas Hurricane Loss Rise to $10,000,000 To 'Normality' 22 Soldiers Injured, Six Planes Damaged; Italians Also Special Tribunal Also Galveston Faces Drinking Water Shortage Voided at BULLETIN. i $1,000,000 worth of damage are quite ; Meeting conservative for this city.” Of in DALLAS, Tex.