Weather Report Prom the Doited Stetei Weathei Bureau Resort Moderately warm this afternoon: cooler tonight. Temperatures today—Highest. 89. at 3:30 p.m.; NIGHT FINAL lowest. 74, at 6:40 a.m. Full report on page A-16. LATEST NEWS AND SPORTS CLOSING MARKETS Closing N. Y. Markets—Soles, Page A-17. OP) Mean* Ataaclat«4 Pratt. 91st YEAR. No. D. JULY Elsewhere 36,247. WASHINGTON, C\, WEDNESDAY, 28, 1943^—FORTY-EIGHT PAGES. xx Washington TTTT?Tnr PTT’XTTC! and Suburbs -LJixliiiJii OJliJNxto. prvE cents I ► German Troops Reported Moving South Rome Announcement Through Stresses Return Madrid Hears •Estimates of Texas Hurricane Loss Rise to $10,000,000 To 'Normality' 22 Soldiers Injured, Six Planes Damaged; Italians Also Special Tribunal Also Galveston Faces Drinking Water Shortage Voided at BULLETIN. i $1,000,000 worth of damage are quite ; Meeting conservative for this city.” Of in DALLAS, Tex. <A\— Col. | New Cabinet Are Convoys Preliminary estimates placed Robert R. of the Army By the Associated Neylan Houston’s property damage at about Press. Southwestern Divi- Mob Demonstrates Engineers $6,000,000. The Rome radio announced to- sion Office said today 18 mem- Damage in the tri-cites—Goose day that “complete dissolution of bers of the crew of the and esti- Before Residence dredge Creek, Baytown Pelly—was the National Fascist party” had Galveston mated at were missing after $1,000,000. been ordered at the hrst meet- Of Official the The Galveston News said that city Party vessel was pounded on ing of the new Italian faced a shortage of drinking water cabinet, rocks during last night’s hur- held under the (Earlier Story on Page A-l.) because of a breakdown in the power yesterday presi- ricane and sank. of By the Associated Press. supply used to pump water from the dency Marshal Pietro Badog- 28 re- mainland. lio, new Premier, MADRID. July —Reports (Earlier Story on Page B-4.) said Twenty-two soldiers, including 13 The broadcast, recorded bv the ceived from Rome today By Associated Press. aviation cadets, were at Associated Press, said the German units had been seen hospitalized cabinet HOUSTON, Tex., July 28.—Esti- Ellington Field, near Houston, for also decided: moving south through Rome on mates of damage to property and injuries, Maj. Collis Jordan, public 1. To abrogate the 14-year-old law Monday, traveling in railroad under ; crops in the Houston-Galveston j relations officer, disclosed. Their which the Fascist grand coun- cars which bore two Italian sol- cil became an coastal region rose to $10,000,000 names will not be released until the organ of the state, the diers for every German soldier next of kin have been notified. law being today and tw’o deaths and scores j “incompatible with the re- and which were listed as Italian Six airplanes at the field were turn to constitutional normality." of injuries were reported after badly damaged. 2. To suppress the special tribunal troop convoys. I one of the worst hurri- tropical the storm all en- for defense of the Two new newspapers began pub- During cadets, state. It was or- canes ever to hit the Texas Gulf dered that lication in Rome Monday a few listed men and officers were called cases ordinarily tried by Coast. hours after the announcement of to the flying line, where they headed Benito Mussolini's resignation. They The American Rice Growers’ As-; the planes into the wind and held down. Seized Files Show were liberal publications, named socitaion estimated that the upper them and "Riscoso." In Houston a colored boy was *‘Numbo" Texas gulf coast rice crop would Distrusted Only two specific casualties were drowned and 40 persons were hos- Badoglio suffer a $2,000,000 loss. reported. They were the chief of pitalized. Galveston police reported Nazis as Allies OVRA, the Italian secret police, and Mayor George W. Fraser of a colored woman was crushed to Galveston said that "estimates of I death by a falling radio tower. By thf Associated Press. the head of Stefani. official Italian HEAVY GOING ON RENDOVA—It took no less than a bulldozer begun June 30. American were to be news agency, who was reported a troops reported today PALERMO. Sicily. July 27 to this American truck from the suicide. dislodge mud on Rendova squeezing the Japs into a small pocket at Munda, New Georgia 'Delayed'.—A letter found in Island, Central Solomons, taken from the official files here disclosed A mob demonstrated bpfore the American Planes Raid Ban on Fire Sirens Japanese in an action Island, just north of Rendova. —A. P. Photo from Navy Film. that Gran Hotel, however, where Roberto j !■ mm m <mt. two years ago Marshal Pietro Faranacci, former secretary of the Badoglio. new Premier of Italy, distrusted Fascist party and leader of the pro- Germany as an aliv Hankow Without Was Invoked and refused to German faction of the party, had Loss, by Edict recognize the his residence. right of the Fascist, party "to act as supreme censor of the work Embassy Removes Portrait. of the Italian staff.” The Italian Embassy in Madrid Down 13 Jap Fighters Of Commissioners general Badoglio * view.* were Already has removed the portrait given in a letter, identified as of Mussolini from its offices. Madrid Medium Bombers Blast Authorities written by Military him to Roberto then offices of the Fascist party already Farinacci, Fascist party have been closed, and the head of Enemy-Held City in And OCD Officers Deny secretary. At that time the Albanian the group in Spain. Conde San Province for Act campaign was Marzanno. has quit work. Hupeh Responsibility going badly and the Greeks were making the Meanwhile from an unexpected (Earlier Story on Page A-l.) (Earlier Story on Page A-l.) Italian Army look bad As a itself—came the quarter—Berlin Br'thf Associated Press. The use of sirens on District, result Badoglio was removed as suggestion in a Spanish correspond- AT U. S. 14th AIR FORCE fire is not chief of the general staff and ent's dispatch that the new Italian apparatus prohibited HEADQUARTERS IN CHINA. by the United States Office of given a tongue lashing by Fari- Foreign Minister. Raffaele Guariglia. nacci. — had been chosen because his con- July 26 (Delayed*. United Civilian Defense or the Army’s nections with Britain made him the States medium bombers and Eastern Defense Command, it the tribunal would be transferred to best possible contact with the Allies. fighters raided Hankow today, developed today in the wake of military courts of the army corps The Berlin correspondent of the many installa- a crash between a destroying enemy hook-and- "during the duration of actual war.” morning newspaper Ya said "Ger- tions and shooting down 13 Jap- ladder truck and commercial van The broadcast said: man official sources not only ener- anese fighters in retaliation lor yesterday that resulted in the The first meeting of the Council getically rejected" the idea of an attacks on advanced fatal of Fireman of Ministers was held on Italian surrender but "left it com- Japanese injury Everett Tuesday. in the last three July 27, in the Quirinal. pletely out of the discussion." American bases L. Owens. under the i presidency of his excellency Marshal But he continued, "this is despite days. Use of sirens, according to Col. : Badoglio. the fart that the appointment of The toll increased to 44 the num- William F. Rehm. was left to the ! ‘‘The council. In view of the new Guariglia—Ambassador to Ankara ber of enemy aircraft discretion of the District Commis- destroyed situation which has arisen and last representative of Fascism sioners. although the Army had | in the since the Japanese raids began July political life of the land, has in London—leads one to assume issued Instructions thst they were ! ordered 23—the first offensive action the complete dissolution of the Na- that the man was chosen, who. if he enemy t,o be so governed as to avoid con- tional Fascist party. has not continued maintaining re- since May 17—compared with losses fusion wdth air-raid warning signals. "Measures have Col. is executive to been taken to the lations with Great Britain, knows of two American Rehm officer 1 planes. end that auxiliary institutions, of very well the European countries Maj. Gen John T. Lewis, chief of The Japanese lost 13 planes Fri- education and which de- which have the greatest contact the Washington Military District. sports, in will with British interest." day. 14 on Saturday, 4 on Sunday pended part upon it, continue Not Banned by OCD. to function. The correspondent made it clear and 13 again today. James M. Landis, OCD director, "In addition, the same meeting that. Berlin was surprised and All the American and crews said the national office had made no planes of the Council of Ministers decided shocked at the news of Mussolini's returned without today. flat on the matter, and T. T. mishap ruing among other things to abrogate the resignation and that German offi- The tried unsuc- Japanese again Felt, in charge of OCD press rela- law of December from 9. 1928. No. 2693, cials "expected anything Italy cessfully yesterday to knock out tions, said sirens were not prohib- * concerning the Fascist Grand Coun- but that." eastern air bases of the United ited when the first arose question cil, incompatible with the return Although Berlin's morning and States force. bombed one They in the District several months ago. to constitutional normality. “~T which was usable Mr. See MADRID. Page 2-X> field, immediately Felt produced a statement from ‘‘Finally the council ordered the afterward, then bombed another Mr.
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