Father Gary Ash Wednesday, March 5 Collection

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Father Gary Ash Wednesday, March 5 Collection OUR LADY OF VICTORY VICTORIA, TEXAS FEBRUARY 23, 2014 The admonition of Jesus, Registration forms are available in the Cathedral in today’s Gospel reading and at the Rectory for the next Women’s ACTS from St. Matthew, is to Retreat to be held March 20-23. Retreatant forms be [...] “perfect, just as should be turned in ASAP. For more information, your heavenly Father is perfect.” This does not imply that we contact Sandy Munoz, Director, at 652-6613. will be without mistakes or even without sin, but Jesus assures us that, in trusting him and embracing his grace, it is possible to Ash Wednesday, March 5 Collection strive for such perfection. We cannot do it alone, but with God Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe all is possible. How? Jesus tells us, in this fifth chapter of St. Matthew’s Gospel, that we are to go over and beyond what is Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in expected of us. That must be who we strive to be, as followers of Central and Eastern Europe. This Collection supports Catholic Jesus. Otherwise, in our faith life, Jesus says, we will be simply organizations that provide affordable shelter and training for sem- doing what the pagans do. Going beyond what is expected of us inarians in a region that still struggles with the effects of Soviet means caring for others, even when we can expect nothing in re- rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for build- turn from them. It also requires offering no resistance to those ing renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and who seek to persecute us. It implies we are to go an extra mile, build the future in the region. Please give even when only one is requested. It even requires that we are to generously to the Collection next week. Vis- pray for our enemies and to love them. Living an authentic Chris- it www.usccb.org (search “Church in Cen- tian life will be the opposite of what the world teaches and ex- tral and Eastern Europe”) to learn more. pects, but we who seek to live it will find a joy and wholeness that the world can never offer. Let us strive to be perfect, just as our heavenly Father is perfect. A most blessed week to you. A New Lenten Program for OLV: Becoming a Credible Witness: Our parish’s new Lenten Pro- gram “Becoming a Credible Witness” will be held Father Gary for five weeks during Lent (weeks of March 10- April 7) with the goal being for all participants to The Victory Run become Credible Witnesses for the Lord. 5k/10k Run/Walk The program is for those wanting to deepen Benefitting our Parish Youth their understanding of our Catholic faith and to be better Saturday, March 8 equipped to address the questions many non-Catholics ask of us. Week 1 answers the question, “Where Is That Found in the Bible”. Running for Victory!!! Registration forms for “The Victory Week 2 explores the question, “Are You Saved?”. Run!” are available in the Cathedral, the School, Religious Educa- Week 3 addresses, “Is the Mass Truly a Sacrifice?”. tion Offices and the Rectory...also on the Parish website Week 4 answers, “Are the Bread and Wine Really the Body (www.olvcathedral.org). Completed forms and fees should be sent and Blood of Christ?”. to to Kelly Aldis, Youth Minister at the Rectory. This event will Week 5 covers, “Hail Mary, Full of Grace.” be held in Riverside Park. There will be a 5k/10k Run & Walk! Sign up sheets are located at all Cathedral entrances and now Prizes will be awarded to the top three. There will be a DJ for enter- show the day of the week options for getting together with a tainment as well! Father Gary hopes you will be able to run with him group. If you have not yet signed up, please do so soon. The during this awesome event! T-shirts will be available for purchase as options are Mondays at 7:00 p.m., Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., well! Call the Rectory (575-4741) for more information. Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m., Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and Fri- days at Noon. The exact locations should be finalized soon. If you signed up in the last few weeks, you will be noti- fied about selecting which of the days of the week will work best for your schedule. Please email Chris Kallus at christo- [email protected] if you have any questions or had signed up earlier and wish to now choose a particular time slot. COMING THIS LENT TO OUR LADY OF VICTORY OLV parishioners may make donations by go- ing to the website “www.olvcathedral.org” and This is a Lenten lectionary based group which will meet during click on the “Online Giving” link on the main the 6 weeks of Lent. These small groups will give participants menu. See how easy it is to make regular or the opportunity to listen to and share the Sunday readings with one time contributions to the Church & School. others. Meetings will be at various times, locations and dates. The light purple Disciples forms are available at all the entrances of the church. Please fill one out and return to the Collection of February 15-16 Rectory, Religious Education Office or drop it in the basket in Envelopes $ 11,560.00 the back of the Church. Groups are forming, call for more infor- Loose 3,326.50 mation how to join or host a group. Groups will begin meeting Total $ 14,886.50 the Week of Ash Wednesday, March 5. For more information Candle Stands/Book Rack $193.00 please visit the website www.disciplesonthejourney.org or call the Religious Education Office at 575-8132. SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education News Registration for the 2014/2015 Religious Education There will be no Religious Education classes held on Ash L K year has begun. Registration forms were sent home Wednesday, March 5. Parents are urged to attend the 5:30 p.m. with current students and should be returned along Mass with their children. Please DO NOT with payment to the Religious Education Office. Registration for drop off your students for Mass, as there will new families will begin on March 18. Space fills up fast so please be no teachers available to supervise the sign up early. Your family must be registered and active members children since there will not be organized of the parish! Adult teachers and aides are always needed classes that evening. Begin your walk and welcomed! Consider sharing your time, talents and faith with through Lent by attending Mass and receiv- the young people of the parish. A wide range of talents are need- ing the ashes together as family. Give your ed! Call the Religious Education Office for more information at 575- children the example of prayer, fasting and 8132. Training and support is provided. Baptism Class For Parents and Sponsors CONFIRMATION The class will be Tuesday, March 11, at 7:00 ~ Sunday, March 23 ~ p.m. in the Religious Education Building. Parents Please remember in your prayers all those being must be registered parishioners of Our Lady of confirmed this year. These young people have Victory and bring the child’s birth certificate. studied, done service, spent time in retreat and Class is for adults only. Attendance at baptism prayer and are now ready to take the final step of class is required for parents and godparents. initiation into the Church. We thank all those who have given so much of their time in preparing them - our teachers, retreat Godparents are to be: leaders and most of all the parents, who by their faithful example 1) fully initiated into the Catholic Church; baptized, received 1st have taught them what being Catholic really means. Communion and Confirmation; 2) be at least 16-years-old; 3) practicing the faith (attends Mass faithfully); TEEN ACTS—Attention: Teens wanting to serve 4) married - must be in accordance with the Catholic Church or on the team for the next Teen ACTS Retreat (July 31 living a chaste single lifestyle. -August 3) …. Registration forms are available at the Rectory and on the Parish Website For more information, call 575-4741 or 575-8132. (www.olvcathedral.org under the ACTS tab). Com- pleted forms should be turned in by Friday, February 28. Vacation Bible School is returning to OLV this summer. Set sail for “SonTreasure Island Ad- Last week’s TRIVIA answer: venture” Vacation Bible School - Monday, June 23 thru Friday, June 27, 8:30-11:30 According to the Bible, satan is the prince of the air. a.m. You'll find the greatest treasure of all at Son Treasure Island - God's love! Explore this tropical island filled with games, crafts, music and First Communion for our Religious snacks. Kids from those entering kindergarten thru 5th Education Program will be the week- grade will learn how Jesus is the most important part of end of Saturday May 3 and Sunday God's love. Adults are needed NOW to ensure we May 4. Please pray for our young stu- have enough help to hold this event - all material and dents and their families as they prepare guidance are provided. This will count as service for this very special time in their faith hours for Confirmation and/or St. Joseph’s High lives. School students. Please call the Religious Educa- tion Office (575-8132) to volunteer or for more Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held every NEEDED FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - VBS is look- Sunday at the 11:30 a.m.
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