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03-26-13 (The Liberty Champion, volume 30 issue 18)

Champion Liberty University

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Today: Sunfly 50/31 Tomorrow: Sunny 48/31 - , ol..... :- ' Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Volume 30 • Issue 78 . I spring? . ' Proposed budget ' ' Laure~ Creelonor~ lcre,[email protected] . Lynchburg City Manager Kimball Payne announced the City of Lynch­ bµrg's proposed budget for 2014 on March 12. The budget includes funding for many different areas in the city, ac­

rcording to Payne's proposal. I "We've had a number of difficult bud­ gets over the last four years, especially January of 2009," Payne said. "We've made a number of adjustments, such as cutting spending and erasing tax increas­ es in the new budget and including a pay raise." According to Payne, th~ proposed bud­ get includes money for the general, capi­ tal, airport, water, sewer and storm water funds, among others. Without the begin­ I ning funds and transfers between them, the total amounts to $318.1 million. The 2014 budget is different than pre­ l. vious budgets. The 2013 budget proposal totaled $294.6 million, and the 2012 bud­ get amounted to $306.6 million. The obvious increase betWeen the bud­ get proposals is due to more spending on capital projects, fleet expenditures and the general fund. According to Payne, the main goal for the new budget proposal was to maintain ,' a level of. services, public safety and fire emergency rescue service!Y, as well as to improve parks and the city in general. This budget mainly affects . teachers, schools and city employees, Payne said. AsHLEY MCALPIN I LlBER1Y CHAMPiON The proposed budget supports an across­ MARCH MADNESS - A blast of winter weather left the courtyard~s ornamental c;herry tr_ees covered with more the-board pay increase for city and school than six inches of snow. employees for the first time since 2008. ''After several years of very challeng­ ing budgets, it may' be reasonable to

' Teddy bears bring smiles to hospitalized kids

Emily Hoosier Centra Health PediatricIi< Center Liberty's online student commu­ [email protected] at Lynchburg General H~spital nity. Thursday, March 21. , · "I think it is awesome," Smith Those who have seen playpens This year's annual Teddy Bear said. littering . the DeMoss hallways Drive moved students and fac­ Smith is in her' second year at this past week can rest any ideas ulty to donate more than 150 Liberty' and will finish this De­ about a new Liberty University stuffed teddy bears, giraffes and cember. She said that this is the Day Care. Liberty's chapter of monkeys. According to ALD fac­ first year she has participated in the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor ulty advisor Marilyn G.idomski, the Teddy Bear Drive. Society made them available for this amount of teddy bears-. al­ Gadomski, Smith and ALD peers, faculty and staff to donate though impressive - was slight- Administrative Advisor Bessie teddy bears and other stuffed an, . ly less than the usual amount tol- Grayson loaded the gifts and de­ imals for hospitalized childre~ : lected. · livered them io Pam Enochs, a ALD ·Head President Rebecca Gadomski also said that the nurse who accepted the bags of KAMRYN REYNOLDS I LIBER1Y CHAMPION' Smith and other chapter officers honor society will gather more COMPANION - ALD members collected stuffed animals to give , delivered these teddy bears to the stuffC'ld animaJs next week from SeeALD,A2 ' to children in the Centra Health Pediatric Center.

~ INSIDE THE.CHAMPION ' A1 • N~ws X.4 News I ,, Sports . Feature • Opuuon .. ~ ...... •. B1 P~stor Judah Smith of The The men's and women's Tenth Avenue North is set to • . SP9r~s .. BS City Church addressed basketball teams competed perform in the Vines C~nter . • f.t.:l:l.t\lI~ students March 20. A3 in March Madness. Bl .Friday, April 12. . BB

\ , '

-- ·--- . ·' ~---·~ A2/Liberty Champion NEWS March 26, 2013 Health maSter's offered New program equips students to impact Mark T ait mta it(l/ }jbe rty.ctlu

Thr aim for Liben y University's new master's in public health pro­ gram is to train students to impact the world Lh rough Lhcir fuLurc ca­ reers, according 10 Richard Lane, Lhe fo under and director of 1he master's R UTH Bmnv I LtnERTV C 1v•• \t PION in public health program. Lane said thl' nl'w dl'grce prepares C ELEBRATIO N .S tudents participate in the ceremonial service that recognizes the sacrifice of Christ. studenL5 fo r work in preventing dis­ ease, not only trl'aLing it. "\Ne saw . . . how we could u1ilize this dl'grel' lo reach out 10 na1ions Students take in communio·n in nl'('d and usl' it as a platfo rm to Cecilia H ines the ordinance of bap­ changed by Jesus." munion is one of th.e take the Lime LO remem­ spread thl' Gospel," I .a11c said. c hines2(ll liberty.e du tism as instructed in the Clips from the Histo­ most important parts of ber, then whaL are we The new progra rn hl'gan with 22 Bible. ry Channel's mini.-series your relationship with doing?" Kintzel said. studl'nl s taking an onl inc e ll\~ro n­ Libcn y University "\Vhy do you thi nk "The Bible," including God," Mello said. '1\t According to Kint­ nw 111al hl'alth rnurs<" in Lhe fa ll of stude111s celebrated God gave us instruc­ un-aired scenes, were home, I don't usually zel, members of student 2011, according 10 Lane, but it hns Christ's sacrifice by grow11 lo inrludc 740 011lint• stu­ lions to take commu­ shown after Moore go to church because of leadership and students cll·nts and 33 n·sidl'nti al. Studen1s nrr taking pat l in com mu­ ni on? So we will re­ spoke to help illustrate work, so this is one o ~ seeking Christian ser­ 1a11gh1 by 5'.i onli nl' fi1rnlt y membn s nion du1ing the weekly member the sacrifices poirus in his sermon. the only Limes all year I vice hours helped set up as wdl as Sl'\'l'ral n·sidential profes­ Campus Church service of Christ," Moore said. "Showing the clips get to take communion, the cross-shaped table \ors. Wed nesday, March 20. · "Communion allows us from 'The Bible' mini­ and I'm th ;:in kf~l for the that held communion. Lanl' also said th at h(' looks for­ Worship Pastor .Justin an opponunity to assess series was a great visual opportunity to do so." O ther students were in­ wa rd. to gradua1ing 1hc firsl class of Kintzel and the Cam­ our lives in light of the rendition of C l11i st's Kintzel also stressed volved in Lhe service as 1hc young progra m. This May, ninr pus Praise Band led cross. It's a Lime or uni ty sacri fice fo r us, and it Lhe importance of com­ ushers or technical pro­ s111dt·n1 s will n·rl'iv<· 1hl'ir nmsH·r's 1housands of students fo r the body of Christ added a lot to Lhc visual munion in a Christian's duction helpers. dq.{l'l'l' in public ht·ahh fro m I .ibl'rt y. in worship 1hr oughoul and a Lime to remem­ emphasis of the com­ life. Moore ended his ser­ According LO L:11 w, he is exri1ed 10 the night. /\llerwards, ber th at .Jesus Jrns freed munion ceremony," "We are commanded mon by urging students see lhl'St s1udt·n1s i111 par1 the wo rld. "'\\'l''re l'ntbraring public hen lth, Johnnie Moore taught us of sin and give n us Liberty . graduate sLu­ as a body to take com­ 10 examine themselves and Wl' 're going full force at i1 ," Lane from the Book of Mark a new and be uer life. dem Colby Tallafuss munion, and as a Chris­ before taking commu­ said. "\Ve 're doing i1 so others can and discussed the signif­ Communion presses said. tian university,.Campus nion and to honor Je­ t·n 1bran· th l' lo\'l' or Cl11is1. That's icance of the Last up­ the pause button on According to Liberty Church is when we sus by remembering his th t· whok rtason wt"'rl' doin!{ this.'' pl' r and lllC impact or lesser things, so that we junior Devan Mello, come Jogether as a body broken body and sacri­ In order 10 graduate, each stude nt the sacrifice Jesus made have Lhe space to look this is the Lhird year he and b,S! a community fi ce. 111us1 ron1pletl' a pranirum, a11d pub­ on the cross fo r a.I I. inside our hearts again has attended commu­ of believers. Christ ts lic health students n HTI 1h is req11ire­ t\ loo re also instructed and remember how nion al the university. what we center our lives HIN}':S is a news llll' n1 1h ro ugh various nll'ans around s1u dc nts to remember we've been loved and "I think that com- around, and if we don't reporter. 1he world. "ll 's basirnllr pull ing l'Vl'rything tht')' haw kanH'd int o practice," A.Lb continued I .ant· said. from Al t\rcordi11b Ill him, nine s1udl'nts In memory of the Civil War an· ru1n·ndy C(l111pk1i11g pr:-ie1 icun1s Daniel Bnrtlctt gifts for the children. Among the teddy in Virginia as well :is in orth Caro­ dba 1;lctt

The Champion encourages community members to submit letters to m:ii!~l!ft'!m · the editor on any subject. Letters should not exceed 400 words and must ~ typed and signed. The deadline Is 5 p.m. Friday. Letters and LIBERTY CHA PION columns that appear ore the opinion of the author solely, not the 1971 UN/VERSfTY BLVD. LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA 24502 Champion edltorlol board or Liberty University.

Tabitha Cassidy Shelonne Jennings PHOTOGRAPHY Derrick Bottle All material submitted becomes :.•roperty of the Champion. The EOllOR IN Clll(f GRAOUAlE ASSISTANI Ruth Bibby Champion reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any letter ASST SPORTS EDITOR PHOTOGRAPHY £01100 received-according to the Champion styleboo k, taste and the ADMINISIDATION CONTENT Melonie Oelrich Liberty University mission statement. Deborah Huff Greg Leasure DESIGN fACULIY ADVISOR NEIYSWllOR FEATURE EOllOR Elliot Mosher Tyler Eacho Tess Curtis GRAl'tllC DESIGNER Omar Adams Send /errers to: AOV:RnSltlG DIR£C10R ASST NEWS EDITOR COPY EDITOR Abigail Bock GRAPHIC DESIGNER liberty Champion Andrew Woolfolk Soro Warrender Ashley McAlpln OPINION EDllOR liberty Unlvershy, Box 2000, GRADUATEA SSl~lANT ASSTSlCllON EDITOR Kevin McAlpln Lynchburg, VA 24502 Kyle Harvey IY'EBDtSIGNER SpORTSE DITOR ordropolfln DfMou Ha// IOJS. March 26, 20l3 NEWS Liberty Champion/ A3

Rt 111 Urn"' I L1e1.Rn C11,,~1r1n' TRUTH The C ity Church pastor J udah mith, who happens to be J ustin Bieber's 'pastor, urged studl'nts in Con\'ocation to be who God cn·nted tlwm to be. Judah Smith ignites passion among crowd Students filled the Vines Center Wednesday, March 20, to hear the "Jesus is_" author preach on self-worth

M elanie Oelrich accept it, enjoy it, but please ':Jesus is .grace and 1ni1h ," own backyard? It 's a pl ace that is in the local papn so that people m oelrich(fl do not o!Tmd me by trying to Smith said in an intervit•w with in m•t•d, 100,'' Smith 8aid. "Bl'ing knew what was happening in our hurt {the name). Be who you re­ the C h1i stian Post. ."Grace is al­ a missionary doesn '1 mean you COn llHU nil)'." " Be who you really arc." ally are." ways fir t in thr biblical order, 1wcd a band or a pulpit back­ J\ccording to Smith. human These five words rang through mith's newest book, ''.Jesus ls and o b,~ous l y I'm one of those ing you up - just be who God's bt•i ngs cannot fi nd thei r wonh in the Liben y University Vines __: Find a cw \ \'ay to Be 11 u­ guys that belir\'C that ewn the railed you to be and do what he\ the world they li\'t' in. but in the Center Wednesday, March 20, as man," skyrocketed in pre-sales order of the '' ording in Strip- gifted you to do." image tht')' \\t'l'l' created in . Pasto r JuJah rnith addressed a thanks to a shout-out from Justin 1u re is compktely inspirl'd and Smith also said that the pur­ "God lows you,'' SmiLl1 said. fu ll crowd about what it means to Bi ebe 1~ who mith has known divi ne. I think J esus is g race, pose or his new book is to spread ··t te doesn't need you, but he have worth and to appreciate li fe personally for about thret· years, 1ru1h and love. Qb,~ously, tlwn·'s the nanw of J esus 10 those who wants you and he loves you. But as a gi fi . according to C hristi an Post. so \nuch in there 10 unpack, but do not know him. the only thing that impresses mith , the lead pastor of The " o proud of my pastor," grace is always fi rst. " · "As a communi ty in eaule, God is his son, and that's wh) it's City Church in Seattle, Wash., Bieber wrote on lnstagram, in­ During the Convocation ser­ we want 10 make J esus a big impo'isible to please God without described a conversation he had cluding a pict ure of mith's ' 'icc, mith joked \\1t h the crowd, deal," Smith said. "(The '.Jesus Is fa ith. All of' us who trust.Jesus are with his son, who told him that book. ''.Judah is the best speaker saying that he needed prayer, __' theme based on Luke 15) pleasing 10 Goel." he was ready 10 fulfi ll his duties of our generation. Read this because he was one of only fi w stan ed out as n 30-day se1ies at as a mith'. book yon won't r('grct it. " Christians living in ·eattk. church, and then il evolved into "You are a son by birth - you In his new book, Smith consid­ "The way I see it is, Sraule is a bi llboards, bumper stickers and j ust became a Smith," he said in ers J ohn I to be the fo undation ""')' black-and-\\'hite culture, so magnets. \ Ve start ed 10 see pt·o­ OELRICH is the news response to his son. "It was a gi fL of defi ning who J esus is. ,\,hy not be a mi~s i ona ry in your plP's lives chang<\ and we put it editor. LIBERTY U N V E RS I T Y . DINING by sodex•o

· ·.. f Reber-1l101nas Dining Hall• 1971 University Blvd.• (434) 582-2Z62 ~ Visit our homepage frequently for weekly menus, calendar of events and news you can use.

Join the local CROP Hunger Walk to Walk Detaiis DATE: Sunday, Ap ril 14, 2013

LOCATION: St. John's Episcopal Church off Rivermont Ave REGISTRATION: 1:00 p.m. I Walk starts at 2:00 p.m.

Th e Walk will go from the church down Bedford to the end and back up Rivermont .... one step at a time. and then by Randolph light.

There will be rocking chairs provided for people to Rock the Wa lk wh o ca nnot walk.

•• ••• •mm•••••••••• ••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••'

To sign up online or join our team, visit the link below!

1 www.cro h 1 e Tai" • chburgva Sodexo at Li berty

''l OPINION Morch 26, 2013 March m.adness is a slam dunk And rew Woolfolk March Madness has no glaring a lwoolfolk(ll flaw, like other playoff systems. Major League Baseball has the I am a man of 1radi1 ion. Ev­ baarre home-field advantage ny y1·a r aro11nd thl' middle of rule in the World Series. The Marrh, my daily ro 11 tint' is al­ NBA lets in too many teams. Per­ ways tlw saml'. To some, the sonally, I have never fo und a col­ ll'rms "Selection Sunday," "T he lege foo tball fan who would say Big Dann"' and "hrarkl'lology" tlle BCS is the pinnacle of hu­ sound like ali<'n wrnarular. man achjevement. And though Hut 10 me, all or 1he madness the NFL is the closest to match­ March ladncss, that is ing the magic of March, iL still makes sl'nse. 'fo thost· confu sed seems too easy for a team to get by tht•st• terms, they refer to the on a hot streak near the end of NC:AA 1m·n's bnskt· tbn ll tourna­ the season and steal the trophy. nit·nt. March Madness is the only For sports fans, it is hard to fi nd tournament that gets devout, ca­ 1 a sporting cwnl more in 1ri1,rui ng sual and even non-sports fans to and rewarding than the 68-tcam, sit down, look at a piece of paper single d imi1rntion lflumamt·nt with teams strewn across with a 1ha1 tlw rollt-gia1e haskt'thn ll 's j agged group of lines and spend playo ff sys11·111 ofl(·rs. \ \'1· low the next I 0 minutes or so filling dw fon 1ha1 >Oi i rnn1101 liavt· an it out. ''off " gamt'. For your 1ca111 lo So, as you ~it back fo r the next win 1ht' 1illc, ll H'rt' an· no rom­ few weeks, watching the tourna­ pl icatt'd rcq11ircnwn1s, nu 111ci1- mem come to a close with your 1ion of hon1t·-fidcl ;iclvaniagt', no bracket resting right beside you, un1 HT1·ssary rel ianrt' 011 statis1irs , 1\N0Rc11· \Vom.m1.i.: I L 111£R JY CHA.IJPJON do not get discouraged if your not clin·nly rorrrlatt'd 10 s11 rn·ss, Blv \ C KETS lo malt l'r how frustrated baskt'tball fa ns get year after year, filli ng out the March Mad- team loses or your bracket gets s11 ch as point di!liTrnlial. lll'SS brackcts is a 1radi tio11 fo r almos1 1·,·eryom:. destroyed. Next yeat~ another All thl'y haw to do is shu1 11p bracket will be out, and you will and win. this yc·a 1~ 1ha1 clOl'S not stop the rnrny yet emotionally-charged only 10 crumple them up just a almost assuredly be sucked back Fans low 1ha 1. \ \'1· Im·<· 1h e Fla mes fai thl't1I lrom thinking \'idco montage at the end of few hours aft er the tournamem into the system, no mntter how n1rt 1hal al any gi\'l'n gaml', an abou1 that one da> whC'll we in­ l'\'ery tournament. T here is has begun. Sure, there arc more many games you have predicted unsung school lik.- I .c high 111 - e\'itably ge~ a r r;ick at slaying a the cut Li ng of the nets, the post­ than nine quintillion that is a wrong before. \Trsi1 y ur Norfolk Stalt' 11iwr­ i.,rian I. gamc hnndshakc and the filli ng nine with 18 zeroes behind it, fo r That, ladies and gentlemen, is si1 > ca11 k11 ock down pownhousc Thl' spons nerd in me could out of the brackets. those who arc cU1ious - possi­ true madness. programs likc Dukt· Lf11iwrsi1 y go on a11d on about why March Yes, those lrustra1i ng, drl·nm­ bilities fo r a bracket to turn out, a11d lhe ninTSil\' or ~ li sso uri . Machwss is the best playoff sys­ ci uashing brackets. Every yea 1~ but that docs not stop us from . t\ncl althongh Liiwrty did 1101 tl'm in Anll'rican sports. There it seems like we fill them out geuing a little cocky about our WOOLFOLK is the opinion makt· i1 pas1 tl w firs! ro1111d of is "Ont' Shini ng ~ lo111cnt," the with the highest of expectations, prognosticating prowess. editor. Does electing a new pope give us hope?

Gabrie ll a Fuller far more im plications 1ha11 Though Protl'Stants cultu ra lly aware. , As we ~fu ll cr2 11 tilu•r1y.1•tlu mndy a clay or speetade may not look to the pope witnessed histOt}' in the and rc-cnngizecl spiri1 u­ as head of 1he church and mn king, the instnllation T he world was shockcd al i1 y in Roml'. It is for 110 sole vicar of Christ, w(· of Pope Francis provided Ft:IJ. I I , '20 I '.{ whcn Popi' smal l n·ason thal Pro1cs- arc called as ambassadors the opport11 nity to fu rther Bl·1 11·cli r1 X \ 'I publicl y an- 1a 11 ts ough1 to ht:ecl lh t: of Christ to mah· disciplt:s discover ;jnd discuss the 11ou1icl'cl hi s onirinl rcsig- words and clel'ciS or lht' of all pt·oplc and na1io11s. csscmials of Christia ni ty 11 a1iun as hl' acl or the Ro­ new leader of 1he Ca1 ho­ Protesinnts should be nci- npcl how they fa re with man Cat holir Church. lir fa ith . 1her passive nor condemn­ papal cbims. t\rrorcl ing 10 1h t· C:ath­ Though 1ht: position nr ing. Though Catholicism When it comes to gov­ olir Ecl ucat ion Rt·sou1n· ti tt' popt: may S\'l'lll 1101h ­ and Protestantism may erning leaders, the Bible C:t: nl rr, Popi· lk11t:cl ir1 ing mim· 1han a 1r;idi- be 1wo different religious spenks clearly on where X\'I was llH' lirst popc tu 1io11al fo rmality, the pope sects, Pro1cstants should we ought 10 begin - in rl·lirc in lll'arly 600 }'l'ars, is rl'rognizcd as the 01: nvoid the extreme or alto­ prayer. We are charged in and lhl· lirst to do so 011 his lici;il voicl' or the Roman ge1her dismissing t h os~ or I T imothy 2: 1-2 to pray own \0oli1i on since 1 'l~M . Catholic f hurch. I lis Catholic fa i1h . for nil those in authority. Thi' um·xpl'rtl·d naturl' con 11 11l·111s and calls to ac­ " It is our dut y, love Prayer for the pope, then, or tilt' p. ip.d prodam.1tio11 tio11 rdk r t the voirl' of all and joy lO speak and liw is a responsibility that ev­ r.1pidl); gai11ecl a1t1· 111io11 Roman Catholic ll'aders the truth and righ1 eous­ crr Protestant bears, de­ lill' C:a1 holicis111 , placing and fo llowers for mall lTS Jll'SS of C.ocl every day in spite inconvenience or dif: 1wwly-dl'rtl'd Popl' Fran­ ho1h inside a 11 d outside cwry wny," C:leawr snicl. li.:rcncc of opinion. cis al thl' pi 11 narll' or glob­ the churrli. " Protestants should alft rm As the most power­ al m·ws IH'aclli 11 t:s. t\crnrcl i11g 10 Kl'11 popl's and Roman Catho­ fu I spiritunl leader in the Arrorcli 11g to I 11tcrna- C:leavt· r, chair of the Dt:­ lics when l hey spt:ak nnd world, Pope Francis will 1ional B11si1wss Tinll's, pa n mcnl of Hiblical and li ve in a manner consistent set the tone on issues of ll\ Orl' lha11 Olll' 111illi1 111 'f'ht:ological S1udie s al wi th C:od's 11 utl1 and righ­ lire and death. He will 1>1·opll' 1rawlcd IO Ro1111· I .iben y U11i wrsit), i11soti1r tl'Ous11ess. However, we frnme the church's role liH· th\' in.1ugur.11iu n of as th1· pope's rhoires al: should l'qually speak out in the moral debates cbn­ .Jorg-l' ~ la rio lk rgoglio, Ii.Tl the dinTlion or Ro­ agai'nst :1nd call others to ccrning abortion, djvorcc,'llll'r r;1rdi11a l and aJ'l'h­ man C:nt holics around the turn away fro m thl'm and homoscxunlity, euthann­ CATHOJJc c:11 u Rc:H I C R ~::A'nvE CoMNIONs bishop or Bu1·no' t\in·s. wo rld, hi s posi1io 11 mail ers anyone 'else who speaks sia, education and much t\1uong thosl' i11 1hc rrowcl rnnsidt·rably. a11cl livl's in a manner more. TRA SIT ION - T hough viewed mostly as a figure­ .11 St. PcttT 1s Basilica wt: rc ''To tht• t•x11·n1 1ha1 I .'2 inconsis1en1 with God's Yet, regnrdless of future head by 111a1iy, popes still have the power to change. n·ligious ll'.1dns, royal! y bi lli on peopll' 's hdids :rnd truth and righ1 eo\1 s11t·ss." papnl decisions and nc­ .mcl hl·ad' or stalt' rep­ lin·s arc in1par1l'cl by 1he Rather 1h<1 11 olm·rving t i o n ~;, God is the ultimate So, let us pray fervently fo r the Vatican. rt'Sl' lll ing mon· 1han I :rn choices and ll'aching of with indilkrcnce, Protes­ sovereign, and Christinns thr fu ture of the Roman l'Oll lllril's. thc pupl', yes, his posit io n tallls ncl'd to be actively can rest nssurccl knowing Cntholic C hurch and .for Tlw sig11i lira11n· or a llllA'ht lll bl' or great con­ and intelligently cng;ig­ 1hn1 our prayers affect de­ the snlvation of all whose FULLER is an opinion , Ill' \\ popl'. howt'\'1·r. has n·rn," C: ll'awr said. ing the ll'orld as pl'ople cisions at 1he highest level. eyes are currently fixe d on writer.

My hou:ie was onl· should be clone without cording lo the EIA. cies. If businesst>s would among them. consistent prompting from The 002 emissions, pledge to go light-free dur­ Aller participating m the WW F. according to the En~ro n­ i11g non-operational hours, this even!, I could not help Since most of us have mental Protection Agency then the fossil fuels saved but wondc1; why do we heard at least some sort (EPA), have significa nt en­ and the environmental . shut off our lights only on I of argument about global vironmental impact. One benefits would be endless. this special clay? warming, the impact that consequence is the trap­ \IVhile my small house Turning off the power the consumption of eleCl'.­ ping of heat within the m Lynchburg, Va. does in my house clicl not hin­ tricity has on the planet earth's atmosphere, which not contribute much to der anything that 1 had should not be foreign to can contribute to global elecnical use across the planned for the night. ln us. Still, being reminded warming. United States, and while l by Tabit:ha Cassidy fact, my friends nnd l had of the numbers every so Ves, C0 2 is a part of cannot keep my lights off more li.111 silting together often has a sobering effect. a natural cycle on earth. every night of the year, I and telling ghost stories, T he U.S. Energy Infor­ Still, EPA reports show will start making an effort In a voluntaiy, rolling Fund VWL~ n1porlccl singiug and reminiscing mation Administration additional human activity to cut back my electricity blackout, thousnncls ol' that cities s u~ h ns Paris, thnn we ever had watching (EIA) reported that on av­ has contributed to more usage to make my time on ci1 ics across fa1 ro1w, Asin, London, Hong Kong, nn overplayed movie. erage, an American home C0 2 being released; alter­ earth a little less polluted. Australia a11d the J\nwri­ Sydney, Beij ing and even \l\lhilc it is not plausible uses 940 kilowalthours per ing the carbon cycle. cas flippl'd tlwir switches the Vatican shut, off their for l'very household, busi­ monlh. This equates to As witnessed on Satur­ CASSIDY is the editor to co111 plcte clarktH'ss as a lights from 8:30 to 9:30 ness or agency to turn off 2, 166 million metric tons day, shutting off the lighls in chief. symbolic ge~tu n· or sup­ p.m. in each of their re­ their lights each night, it of carbon dioxide (0 0 2) for just one hour each port for the plnnct. spective time zones Satur­ should be consiclorccl more emissions leaking into the night is not a difficult task The World Wilcllifo day, .tvfarch 23. tlrnn om:: day a yem; and it aunosphcre per home, ac- for cities, homes and agen-

1... March 26, 20l3 OPINION Liberty Champion/ A5

\\'11..nll.\lf\ Cmt\lo'" A HARP OfVIDE M a ny have expressed concerns over new risks", questioning the motives bt·hind tht"rl'Cl'llt di.111gt• in TSA poliq to a llow poC'kl'tknivt's 011 planes Knives on planes, how times have changed

David Van Dyk Ed Markl·y, advocates from se,·cral flight horizon. dvandyk(n a Ltcndant unions gathered a t the news con­ " \\'hilt• passt'll !{l'l'S c:.111 onn· again carry ference to denounce Pistole's decision. sma ll blaclt•s Oil nights, brin1-,ri11g aboard Whm immed iately comes to mind when Pilots have been o utspoken as well. Allowe~: Not Allowe~ : lllCll'(' th,111 :~






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AS/Lib erty Champion NEWS March 26, 2013 Blackboard president of global sales speaks Soprua Hahn Blackboard was founded in 1997 and has Companies fail whrn they focus on their .,hahn:J ti lih1•r1y.etlu sine 1· arrumulatt·d mmT th.m 160 pai-t- profits and lose sight of the long-term 1w1ships and has 21 !orations with eigh t goals. Hc"l':trch conlrihuterl hy glob.ii cla1a rcn11·rs. According IO Dt•an of the School or Karn Smjll1 "Blackboard has brl'n a wry arrom­ Business Scott Hicks, this idea is in li nr lrn ~ milhll tt lihcrty.t'50 <·duration, corporall' and govcrn­ because o~ the person it's their posi­

C:nnHu .11u1n ~ l oncla), ~l au h 18. mt• 111 die ms worlchdd1· 1 arro1di ng to its tion in the business world," Hicks said. Tiil' ( :ull\·111 .11io11, hl'ld .ll Lhl' tow1•r ll'\•­ \\l'bsite, Behn·m said it is his wish Students took awar many positive les­ d or \ \' S1.1cli11111, was co-hosted hy to sc<' tlw good n·putation of Blackboard sons from Behrens. Bethany Green, a 1111' inl!11111.i1io11 tl'd 111olo,1.,•y cll'partnwn t si~1 ifi rantly inrn·asl' in the future . busin(•ss communirations major, discov­ . 111cl till' S1 hool of l:ngirH·ni ng. Blackboard "I would like Blackboard to be more ered the importance of learning from ex­ lkl111·ns spok1· .dm111 il ll' exp1·1il'm'l'' 1'11010 PKll\llll.ll promim·nt in the mainstream opinion pc.·rienres. th. 11 ,h.qlt'd hi, 1.111'1'1, 111.1cl1· hi m who lw or rnmpanic.·s that 111a11cr," Behrens said. .. , k reall)' appreciates till' values or the i' .incl hl'lp1·d hi111 ~1·1 111 \\ ha1· he is 1ocl.1). )Olll failures. " " Our CEO alwa)'s t alk~ about good, great companies he works for and that was a big l>1·,pi11· hi' c 111 rl'nt sun 1·ss in till' bu,i• lkhn·ns said th o11 Ill' st.rrted workin l{ .mcl important compani(•s. An important deal for me to hear," Crl'('n said. "The Ill''' 1t'<1 h11 . lkhn·ns s, 1i cl th.11 ht· l'nclur rd fo r ;\ I irrosoft C:orpor .11io11 .11 the ng1· ol' rompany is a company that is benefiting romp<\ny I work for in the future should 111.111) f,1ih 111·s \\ i1h hi s 1·v1-r-rhanging 25. t\ftl'r working his wa} up th rough the nation or tin· world \ ccluration in tht' also reflect my valUl'S, 100." <. 11 1·1·1 1 lwi1Ts. 1\1 orw point or an111 lwr, thl' b11si111·ss, Microsoli ask1·cl him to lw pron·ss. Hei ng an imponan company is Behrens lcfl sll!dents with words of en­ lkhr 1· 11s p111s111·cl·1·1 s in avia1in11 , 1·n­ tlw 11·.ickr of edul .llinn. \\'hrn he had top-of-the-line for us." couragement that he took from his par­ girn·1-ring, i111n na1io n.d hu ~ i111 ·ss ,111cl p11li­ workl'cl in educati on for six months, he Behrcns'also spok1· about how business­ ents as a child. til's l)(' lou· findi11g his 11i1 Ill' in bu,int·ss. km·\, it was the fidd for him. es, such as his own, become successful. "If you believe in yourself, you can br ... 1'111' h.11 cil-sl rh.dkng1· ((11 nu·\\·" ron­ t\1rnrcling to Bl' hn·ns, lw took the job ''\\'hat makes n great compat)y gn·at is anything you want 10 bl' in life. If you are s1,1111ly p1< king rm·"·lf b.rrk up .111cl 1101 at Bl.1rkboa rcl beraus<· lw wa mccl to bl' " rompan)' that l?dicws in a higher pur­ focusing on a goal that has an importance gl'l1 i11 g disrnur.rgl'cl.'' lkl111'11s s.1icl. part of ll'adership in 1·ch1r;11ion terhnol- pos<' and serves a higher purpose than its to you, then you will be happy and you I lowt'\l'I, Bdm·11s s.1id th.ll f:1il111 l' is 01-,')'. own pnsonal self-inll'l'l'sL," Bduens said. will be fulfilled." not o:arlly .1 bad il1i1 1g. ''.·\ 1 Hla ckboard . . . fo1 using on stu­ For a rompany 10 bt•liew in and se1ve "'1'011 .r n· going 10 i:lil if you h.1wn'1 cl1·111 s' sucrt•ss is absol111 dy 1h1· most i111- a higher purpose, Beh rl'l1S daimccl that HAHN is a fcatu1·c reporter. f:likcl ," lkl111'11s ... 1id. " You wa nt to have porta111 mission for us," lkhn·m said. it has to have a rkar and focused mis­ r. 1ih111·s \011 olll' ~oi n g lo lt'alll from A<• ording to thl' 10111 pany websitl', sion statt'lllt'nt 1h!11 pcoplt· want to follow. SMITH is a news reporter. Studen's take time to examine spiritual walk l\l.trk Tait st11cl1·n1s in a positi \'l' wa y, Lord .' \ \'h,11\ goin g O il in own spiri tual walk, both that can create bad hab­ ~ion, students wrote words 111t.1i 1 11 lihe r 1r.1•du to build I l'silicru 1• .md 10 ym u· lift· 11gln now? Do when· w1· are .rnd \1 hl're its," Dahl said. describing where they kind or \\01k lllll Sd\'l's Olll you wa111 10 change? Is it we.· want 10 bl'." At the encl of the walk­ , wam LO be in the future Tiu· Dl'<1n or ~ 1 11cl1·n 1 ' or a job," Ri1t lwy s. 1icl. whl'rl' you \\ant to bl'?" In a11othl'r portion or throui;h. stucl1.·n1s we re and took n st•rond picture. C>fli1 l' lu·lcl 1• :, s1·1 oncl " \\'!' \\ oulcl 1.11 hc.·r do Rit chq ,,Lid. lhl' \\.tlk-through, studt.•nts offered a '31 -day chal­ According 10 Ritcher, ,111 11 11.d iTr, 1mli11 n1 1'\'l'lll sonu·t hing posil i\'t' for th<' J\t the bl·gi nning of tht· took noll' of all of lhl' dut­ lenge w n·ad through a more than 300 students 111 1111' I l.111cm k \\'l'l111 11 w higgt·r population or tiw walk-1hrough, s 1 ucknt~ ll'r in the world that ran lw frc.·e dc.·r ti·onic book fea­ took 1h e 3 1-clay-rhallcnge ( :l'llll'I' 'i'lll'Sd.l }, ~ 1.11 l'h sdrool 1h.1n th l' 'il1alll'r 1·va lu.1l1'CI their ... piri111al ,, cl is1rar1ion to a rel.11ion­ tu ring Andrew l\lurray's last year, and a Facebook 1lJ, 111 0,·icling s111d1·111 s \1 i1h pop11l:rt io11 1h.11 \\l' st't' 111 lifi· br \\ ri 1ing words that ship with God. "\Vai1ing on God." post about the event 1111' op port1111i1 ~ 10 1·x, 11 n­ ou r ollin·s." dl'srrilwcl llH'msdn·s. "Onl' of' t hl' fricusl's During a ti ml' of wor­ rerei\'cd 1wnrly 90 likes in i1w llll'ir -. pirit11.d li\l· ~. Thl' \\ .dk-1h 1ough l'\Tnl "I " "di~ 1·njo} eel thl' or till' ('\'l'lll \\as .1bou1 ship, stu cknts hncl the a maucr of minutes. This Hr i~i111· Rirrhn, .1 \l'lriur fi·atun·cl Sl'\'l'll difli.·n·nt lli11 -. mg. 111i 1.1'CI an·as or tlw Cl11 i ~ ti • m lifi." l'\'t'nt ,'" Libl'rt}" st trdl'nt ful habits pullin~ \IS il\\'a}" challmge and ponclt'r the or studems who took the llll' l'\l'lll. '"'l'hl' \\ hol1· idl'a rs 10 Kimi D.dtl said . "Tht· from Goel or 1h rough dis­ question, "How trans­ challenge. "Thi· ich-.1 w;1s 111 ha\'\' gl't 1h1· 11 1 10 sdl~n· a luate . q111·s1i u11s wne meant 10 t rart i on~ ~ur h as ad\'l'rt isl'­ for mtcl are you?" TAIT is a news SI 11n1• kind or l'\'l'lll Ill hl' lp · \\'hl'rl' .ll't' }'O ll \\ilh lhl' gt· I us thi11 ki11g about our n1t·111s, 1mcial media, l'll'., fter a 1imc of rcflcc- reporter.


A p A R OPEN HOUSE APRIL4TH 4PM-7PM March 26, 2013 NEWS Liberty Champion/A? LUO adds certificate programs New courses can be taken in areas of interest or to add specialized skills to a completed degree

C.edlia Hines chine ... 2 11 libert)·.cdu

Libl'rt) L' nin·r-. ity Onlinl' l}l'­ ~ <111 rl.1s-.t•s !in it s Ill'\' n·rtillratt· pro~ra m -. :\londa). :\l.1rrh 18. Thl''>l' p ro~ra rn s ofli:r unckr­ (\raclu all' l'rt\ l ' ni\'t'rsit ) Onlinl' web­ .,i ll'. Lxcn11in· Din'l"tor of ,\ dmis­ si11n-. !in l.ilwrn l 'niwrsit\ On­ line Stt'\ l' Pi·terson said th.11 1hc n·11ilh iltl' · pro~ram' \\ l'tT just l.1u111 h1·d this spt ing and that thl'rl' h.1s hl't'n .t gn·.it rl'spomt 'o fat. :\Ion• th.m 100 1wopk h.1\ 1' t• nrolled in tl11· :-18 progrntm 1h.11 \\1·nt lin· for thl' 'Pring, .is "l'll .ts thl' It'\\ th .11 •trl' going li\'l' for till' -, umnll'r and fa ll. ,\ ccorcling to Pe11·r-,on. thl' IJ\ 11'11 pl111111 • pr01.~1a111s .tlso allnl' 1h.1t tlw"' 11·11tli1.11t s trl'. manageable and pro,idcs for a job, cwn if th1·) do not han .1 p1ng s1ucl1• nh to .l.\o .111cl g1·t the pn1g1.1111' \\ill hl'lp tlt.11 1111111lu 1 " For a ft·\, years, the uni\'cr­ quicker completion than a tradi­ fu ll degree. pm11inm th.11 thn \\.mt, .ind gt l)\\ sity h.1s looked into developing ti onal degree. "Thinkin,g about \\hat \\l' clo till' 101>, th.ti 1h1·\ .in· st•1·k111g,'' •• 1 he gll',ll !111111• .d11111I tlllhlll l l'rtifiratl' programs that \,·oulcl " Fur instance, if somt·onP had hcrr at I.ibl'l'I \. if s1mwom· 1 anw Pe11·1,on s, 11cl. "\ \ 1· 11·1\ 1111 .1 1·n111lhtll'lll i' tl11 t 'p.111s11111 of sl'tY1' .. 111clt-nts that ntn) not w,1m an u11dergrad11.11l· ckgtTC but to us and had spl'l tfit tr.1i11111 g fl'\\ llllhtdl' ilgl'lll ll'' 111 hdp tl11 111i" 1rn1 ol l.tlwtl\. \\l' \\,llll 10 pursul' a fltll dt•gtTl'. or maybl' was 110\\' in a position or lt·ad­ through a 11·nifir.11t· prn~r.1m. gutdt• II' Ill th.II J>I O( t'''· ()Ill' l' 111 11.iin nwn .ind 1\111111·11 \\llh thl') ·w alrl'ad) l'arncd a cll'grl'l' l'l'S hip or managcmePt in their \\'t' would romickr l11rinl.\ thl'm. th1 B11n .111 ol I .. 11>01 ,111cl S1.1- tlw \,dun, k1111\\lt-dgc .11ul skill' .incl an· looking to acid on an companr, they may want to go l'Vl'n though thl') do 1101 h.t\ 1· .1 11-.11cs. I hn p11bh'h li11d111g' ol 1t1 i111p.ll't tlH 11 ,,otld." Pl'11·1,11n .ll'l'.l or specializati on that would back to school and not ancmpl full clrgn·1-." P1·tl'ts1>11 ,,1id . \\lt.11 1111•\ tlunk \\tll lw .111'.I' of ,,,id. " I hi ' pt111.\t.llll It.ts h1 ·l1wd hdp thl'm in thl'ir r urrem t·m­ .1 whole ckgH'l' rdatl'cl to man­ Pl'tl'rso 11 also .,,1id 1h.11 1lw lngh l'lllplm 1111 ·111 111 tlw \C'.lt' 111 111 ll',ll It 'o Ill.Ill\ pc·11p!t• .1nd plo) nw1 11 , .. Peterson said. agl'nll'nt, hut takt• our graduate most pop11l,1r prol.\1"111\'i so f,11 ( Ollll'. \\1 k1•1•p ,Ill 1'\I' 1111 tit.ti hl'!p 'j>ll'.1

.m y cl c~n·<· th.11 studl'nts ma) hours," Pl'wrson said. "T he cer­ but lt-acll't ship .111cl .1u 1H1111i 111.\ cl1·1.\11·1 ·, m.111 Ii up\\ uh \\ tlw HINES i..., a Ill'\\..., n'JHH'h•r• •1h ;cacl y ha\T or ~' 'l' an 1·clgc to t ificatc-. lr) to fill the g-ap for stu­ have also 't'l'll ,1m11· l.i1g1·1 1·11- 111,11kl'tpl.111· ts h11111g 101 .. 1h ost' ;tln·.id) in thl' workf01n·, cll'n ts II") ing to gain emplo) ment rolln11·111 1111m hl't ,. l..isl \t .ll . wt I\ C>11lt11c • It .id ;irrorcl ing w Pl'tn,on. Peopll' or add on to a degree." " Li bnt) i' \t'l'\ i11t1 ·11111 1111111· th.u1 1\1.()(11) st11d1·11h 1·11- <11T clra\' n 10 thl'sl' progr<1ms be- In s11m1.: cases, a specific cer- \\ ith the tk gn'l'' 1h1•\ oll t· 1. \\'1 · llllll'd . .uHi .1rl111111i-,11.111 1111 lull\

11 ~----~--~~~ AB/Liberty Ghampion NEWS March 26, 2013

SAFETY continued from Al Renowned broadcaster visits majority vote in the en­ atc, then Liberty University could be directly alfrcted. Brown, host of THE NFL Today on CBS, spoke in Convocation Monday, March 25 Along with providing these security grants and a Andrew Woolfolk Liberty senior Kyle Har­ knowledgt· ccmcr for insti-. al}"oolfoll<(fl•liber ty.cdu vey said. "l think he suc­ tutions of higher education, ceeded today in doing the Campus Safety /\ct will Three-time Emmy win­ what he said he does with also renew authorization ner and renowned sports sportscasting - that is, for the Sl·curc Our Schools broadcaster J ames Brown sugarcoating the educa­ (SOS) program headed by addressed students about tion pill.'' the Community Oriented the keys to success in the At the end of Convoca­ Policing Services (COPS). corporate world during tion, Brown harl a sh()rt Grant money comes from Convocation service Mon­ question-and-answer ti me t11e already existing Byrne day, March 25. with Chancellor]eny Fal­ grant program al the Dc­ Brown stressed that wcllJr. partmcm of Justice, which mastc1i ng the fundamen­ When asked i'f there "gets significant funding tals of life was a lesson seemed to be an increas­ each year to assist state and that made him the man ing number qf Christian local police," ac.cording lo he is. athletes in sports, Brown \'Varner's pre s secretary, A former basketball cited Tim Tebow and Kevin Hall. standout at Harvard Uni­ Tony Dungy as examples The SOS program con­ versity, Brown went from of strong Oh1istians on ducts assessments of certain falling short of his child­ the athletic field. Brown public schools and provides hood dream of . playing believes that if C hristians fundjng based on security professional basketball display godly principles in needs. COPS works in to working at the prim­ the workplace, they can conjunction with state, lo­ ing company Xerox be­ leave an impression that cal and tribal government truly makes a difference. in order to organize the fore becoming the sports 1 broadcaster that the coun­ 'Tl1 ere ' s no quesu·on program. try has come to know and that athletes arc in tune, \Namer's office is opti­ love. when they see someone mistic that the bill will pass, During his time at Xe­ being successful doing according to Hall . rox, a company executive so.mething different, to see gave il speech that Brown if there is a competitive FRIBERG is a n ews said had a huge impact 0 11 edge," Brown said. "You reporter. his outlook. The speech, can show them t11 erc is no enti tled "The Objecti,·e bcucr competitive edge and u l~j ec ti ve Criteria than walking t11c walk." for uc:-ess in Corpo- Brown aimed to leave rate /\mcrica,'' inspired students with the confi­ Brown to create his own dence that, through the list of' fundame111als, principles of J esus C hrist, each of which he put his they could find success in own spin on. a world that seems to be R un1 B1mw I L rnP.RTY C11AMP10;.; growing more politically " l tied seven fimdamen­ 1 tals to a scriptu ral fo unda­ PROFES IO 1\L C B sports broadcasterj ames Brown addresses students. correct by the day. tion because I grew to un­ "God's people can be derstand that ultimatd}; 10 being on time, a charac­ up to an interview with a career, Brown's speech the most successful doing success in life did n't neces­ teristic that Brown readily blue suit and ,·civet was particularly encourag­ it the right way," Brown sarily mean there was go­ admitt ed he still struggles bowtic to his first encoun­ ing and entert aining. said. "v\lcll clone is better ing to b!' eternal success," with. ter with his former co-host "I grew up watching than well said." Brown said. Between each topic, and cultural opposite Ter­ him on television, both Brown's list of fim­ Brown made sure to in­ ry Bradshaw. with FOX and CB , so WOOLFOLK is the daml'ntals ranged from clude comical stories from for students reaching it was a real thri ll to get opinion editor. dressing like a proft·ssional his career, from showing ' the end of their academic to hear him in person,"

' Buy Your ·Diarn

...... ~ ~· •. ...-;~· '~'f," • .. MARCH26 2013

. ,

Fl.ames Boiling • fa·11 in Point ~Fi . rst 4' Pu_rdue beats Lady F~ames-at the boards, ·Libe 'rty loses to ·ends tourney hopes ... .N.C. A&T, 73-72 Derrick Battle • Kyle Harvey [email protected] kh;[email protected] Since the 71-63 loss to High When the buzzer sealed Point, Jan. 17 , the Liberty Lady Libi;rty's win over Charleston Flames baski;tball team went on Southern University in to win 14 straight. In their third the Big South Conference consecutive _NCAA appearance ;. · Championship M(lfch 10, (14th all-time), the No. 13 seed it launched a Lady Flame's fell to the No. media frenzy durih'g which 4 seed • Purdue Boilermakers, the Flames fetched headlines 77 -43, across the nation on the air­ Liberty's ·last victory in waves and in the papers. the · NCAA tournament was The New York Times, in 2005, when i't defeated Washington Post, Associated · DePaul, 88-79, leading to the' ]Af

Emily Brown meet where .we were just compet~ Smith's throw in the shot put sailed . name@) ing as a team, and we 1don't get to 57-6.5 · feet farther . do that very often,'1 Tols~a said. than . the second-place distance. In Liberty University's men's and "We' weren't as much chasing times the hammer throw, Smith recorded women's track and field squads or distances. We were ,just trying to a distance.of 179-7. The redshirt se­ notched two team titles and 16 in­ compete." nior also notched a third-place fin- dividual event victories as they com­ The Liberty men finished the day ish in the discus. . · peted against in-state foes at the Vir­ undefeated and picked up three · Sophomore Daniel Klase placed ginia Cup, March·23. victories · over Radford ( 104-69), first in the javelin with a distance of The Flames faced Radford Uni­ • Virginia Commonwealth (I 09-64) 180-3. versity, Virginia Commonwealth and Virginia (99-62.5) to secure the The Flames also secured three University, University of Virginia team title. wins in the vertical and horizontal andjames Madison University in its Despite having · a different focus Jumps. . third meet of the outdoo~ season. during the meet, the Flames still Cody Bingham cleared a .height The one-day event, whic;h was brought home nine individual event . of 16-0. 75 for first place in the pole. scored as a series of dual meets, was victories.on the day. The men domi­ vault. The height wa; also a new . a chance for the track and field ath­ nated in. the field, securing siiK of the personal best for the redshirt fresh­ l~tes 'to focus on the success of the eight available wins. man. , · tearµ, according to Head Coach Redshirt senior · Ryan Smith In the long jump, Aaronjohnson ' . Brant Tolsma. threw. for a pair of event victories RUTII BIBBY · J LIBERTY CHAMPION "I mean, this was kind of a fun in the shot put and hammer throw. See CUP, B4 NOT A CHANCE - With its "showing at the Virginia ,. Cup, LibertY established itself as the team to beat. . I • ,.) . , ' • , _We'll see you at the game , '.

W. Tennis vs. M. Lacrosse vs. M. Tennis vs. Baseball vs. W. Lacrosse. vs .. ' '. Ra~ford Tennessee Weslyan Presbyterian Longwood Davidson ' Mar~h 27@? 2 p.m. March 27@12 a.m. · March 28 @ I p.m. March 29@ 6 p.m. March 30 @3 - p.m. ' . •

, . 82/Liberty Champion SPORTS March 26, 2013 Men's and women's tennis take tumble The Flames winning streak ends at six as the Lady Flames suffers a defeat against No. 72 East Carolina

Steven Sullivan s .. ullivan5ra libcrty.cJu

Lihl'rt)' niw rsity nwn's ~ l'n n i s team playt·d thn·t· matrlws owr spring break. Tlw first matr b was against th<' Brigham Young nivc·rsit )1-l lawaii St•asickrs, 7- 1, a nd marked Libt'rty's sixth win in a t'O\\( I .ilwrty's double pairing of Slwa Thom­ as a nd Ev;on Sanra.ii cll'ft·atl'd BY 's pair­ ing .n f' Zl'vhan Zakhar m· a nd ~ I art in C ho­ j nar ki. Thl' duo of S ii111 Tuus and Stan Va ugha n won thl' sl'rnncl doublt-s match fin· thl' Flam<'s, ddi·ating the Seasiclers tt•a 11 11.iof .Jordan Ba rlow and Andy X ing. Alier winning t\\'O points from the double rn. 11 rl1l's, I .ibcn y went on to win the major­ it ) or single pairi nt,''" 7- 1. T ill' sl't o nd match for Liberty's men's tt·11 11 is tt·a 111 was a loss against No. 63 Idaho 11iw rsity, 5-2. Th1· Flamt's lost in doubles, 2- 1. Ida ho's Ramos Salazar

FIµST 4 continuedfrom Bl "When you come to BOILING contirm.edfrom Bl first media timeout. The Lady Fla mes poor shooting pe r­ st·rorrcl half, Li hl'rty fo 1111cl it sd f down hese, as a (a11d go on a) fa st break, a nd then you're sisted as they shot 36 percent from the hy s1·vt·n . .J. C . Sanclt· rs hit a three-point m_o ...... person or as a so rt o f in sc ramble mode on defense." field (9-25). fi l'ld goal 10 pull tht· Fl.1111es to within O nly averaging 37 rebounds a game, Liberty c9ulcl not !ind the ne t, and the four .111cl make it a ''' o - pus~t·s~ i o n ganw . fan, you don't know Purdue held the L1dy Fla mes to zero Boilermakers co nt~o ll e d the tempo on But /\&T 's j ert·my ndt'rwood drew a what these guys' second-cha nce points a nd under 40 the floor. Purdue fo rward a m O sta rcllo ltlltl a nd ronrH·ctcd 0 11 two free throws to rebounds. finished wilh a double-double, gathering n·sto rT /\&T's lead to six, 73-67. Liberty hearts are like." Center Jnsmine Gardn e r~ who aver­ I 0 points a nd a Boilermaker record of aged 7.6 rebounds during th.e seaso n, 17 re bounds. cmrrll n l'd on a thnT-point j11111per from _ T VEP Darnn l\larshall to ma kt· it 73-70 with was missed in the Lady Fla mes front­ " I wanted her (O starello) to wear a I :25 to go. ~l ars ha.11 ll'd the Flames "\ \'e r anw this far, a nd it hurts to go coun due to injtll) '· Liberty j ersey yc s terda)~ so she proved with 22 po ints. I !is six th r<'e-point fidd clown likl· tha t,.. a nders said. " When it "They ca me out physical,'' Omotola me right," G reen said. " he did a great go a l ~ lifil' cl him past 'Sl'th Curry to rlaim conws down to till' end of the year, one said . "They just won most o f the battles j ob with 17 rebounds. I'd still like to have I .ib1·rt y's rl'rord fo r 111ost three· pointers team is go ing to lose.'' inside. We ca me out, a nd we're only one a Liberty j e rsey on he r." in a st·aso 11 , with 107. Sanders lini s h c<;~ the night with 2 1 deep, so the re was a lot on us." M oses linishccl the game with 2 1 St'nior ·1:1\'arl's Spt•a ks ran1 e bar k points a nd n ine assisti;. J\s a team , After going scoreless for nearly three points a nd shot 5-8 from three. "ith a layup tu makl' it a 0 11e-point Libe rty shot 43 percent from the field minutes, tl)e Lady Flames pulled a head Afie r shooting 1-6 from the liclcl in the gamr , 7 :~-n . Spl'aks rl'rordl'd 17 p,oints a nd 89 -perce nt from the fn:c-throw line. to a I 0-9 lead after guard Reagan Mmcr first, Brown scored 16 points in the sec­ a nd six boards in the linal garnl' of In spilt' of the loss, L1)'l'r desc ribed hit a three with 15 :00 minutes left in the ond lmlf a nd was Llberty's o nly scorer in his rolll'giatt' carl'<'r. /\&'I' f'umbkcl the Liberty's astounding com eba k as giving first ha lf. double fi gures, with 2 1 points a nd seven inbo und a11d only "on a j ump ball by a ncl'dcd boost to the program. This wo uld be their only lead of the rebounds. virtue or the rule or ahl'l'llat ing posses­ " I think this certainly is a shot in the ga me. Miller's l11rec was one of two Brown also beca me the second Lady ;.itlll. On the scrn11d i11l mu11d , Liberty a rm fo r o ur p rog ram , but it's a sho t in nr ad c fo r th<: entire game as the Lad)' Fla me lo score 2,000 career points. fi1 ulecl arrcl srnt tht' i\ggil's to thl' charity thl' arm fo r our peoplt: in this p rogram, Flames shot 2-1 1 from beyond the a rc. " It 's bee n a blessing up and down, but stri pl', whl'rt' they nrissed the first shot. which is way more important," L1yer I .ilwrty also made six Ii ·Id goals a nd shot I'm really proud of Lhe accomplishments Thl' Fla nw s rl'ho urrdl'd, and Sande rs s.1id. 18 percent in the first half (6-32). I've made, a nd I'm glad I made it with took off on a orw-ma n 11 1ission "itlt six The l'Xperience or rompeting in the Brown a nd Omotola were unable to these girls," Brown said. st·ronrls o n the dor k. CJ\A tourna me nt o n a na tional stage !ind their stride and sco red only eight \ \lhilc forwa rd A~hl cy Rininger was " \ \'(''\'t' had a lot or lall·-gam t• situa­ was something tha t Layer said was the points combined by halftime. held sco reless, shooting 0-6 from the field tions simila r to that, .and Coach (Layer) rulmination of years or a rri\'ing early "They ca me o ut hitting, they ca me out a nd grabbing a Llben y game-high of 13 has always said , " lh kc it .to thl' rim,'" :incl staying late. It was a satisfa ction thnt shooting well , a nd we didn't," Omoto l

. i920 Wards Roa·d, Lynchburg~ VA 24so2 ·• 434-237-7788 Order Now @ March 26, 2013 SPORTS Liberty Champion/83



I ~ ,j 84/Liberty Champion SPORTS March 26, 20l3 Lady Flames complete record season Standout Jess Reinhardt finishes 46th among the nations best at the national swim and diving championships Jriy Si1· Ah hough slw finished only rnnfcrence with an overall re­ II liherry.t'd11 2 ..5CJ sl'roncls bl'hi11d first plarl', rorcl of 14-2. They arc ranked I .ib1-rt}' nivcrsity's J l'ss R('in­ 3 7th by Endless Pools/co lleg­ hardt finisla·d in 46th with a cswimmin!}com and finished \\'hc·n thl' c1u11pl'tit1m1 g10"' time of' 54.22 and placed above second in the C.:CSA Swimming finc 1• in c 0111p1·titi\'l' '" in1111i111~, only four oth t•1 rnmpetitors. Re- and Di\'ing C hampionships this tl w difl1·n·1111· b1·tm·c·11 fi1 't and . inharclt's f i11i s hin~ timl' was 1.35 sl'a•;on for the second consccu­ l."t pl;ft 1· is 11w.i\1 111·d in milli­ second off Jwr sn·dl'd time of ti\'<' time. "'' onds 1,lllwr th.111 ,1·1 011cls. 52.87. Shl' was till' only Lib1·ny During thr tournament in This \c:11 , tilt' dil11·11·1u l' b1·­ swimnwr im~ t c· d to till' NC.:At\ 1\tllC'ns, Ga., Emilie Kaufman, tWl'l'll fi; st plat 1· <111CI 1hi1cl was a DI \\'01111·n 's Swimming & Oi\'­ Emil}' Duff, 1 lannah Wakely 1111·11· fi \'t' milli -.c·c onds. ing C:hampiomhips this yea r. and Rei nhardt brok1· the pro­ i\ulmrn [ 111i\'1'1si l} \ Olivia R1·i11harcl1 l)('canw the second gr;;m record for their respeCLi\'t: Sc oil br.11 0111 th1· ro111pe11:ion swimnwr to participatr in thl' l'Vl'lllS. "ith .1 1i11w of i I .h I. L' C: lkrk- a11n11.1l < h.11npionship, with ll!'r According to the Liberty 11·\ \ R.1dll'I Bootsma tonk s1'C'- t1·a 111111.1t1· B1 ~1· Rawtlinr being Fla1m·s website, the Lady 01,1d "ith .1 tinw of ~>!, and Lill' fi1 , 1, Flames have fi nished their reg­ L' 111\'l'rsity of' Florida's Ellc·ss1· ular season and will att end the Zd1·\\'ski finishl'd with a tillll' Season review St\ national championshi ps in cil' .-, I .GtJ at th l' I 00 n11·11·r fl y 'f'hl' l.i bl'rty women's swim­ I11dia11apolis, l11d.,Ju1w 25. final' C'\'l'lll d11ri11g 'C: t\t\ I)( ming 11·:1111 has had a successful Rlfl II BIDDY I UBl'..R I'\' CH1\.\IPION \\'01111"n\ s,dmming and Diving ~casc111 , both indi,~dua ll y and a~ SIR is a contributing TEAMB ILDING Liberty finished 14-2, which was its best ever. ( !ha111pio11ships. a 11·;11n. Thi')' fi11i ~ hcd 9- 1 in the reporter.

10-back strikl'outs 10 end the inning. CUP continued feated in the event and now Li berty held thi: 131ue Hose to from Bl owns a perfect 3-0 record only one run in the last three in­ on the season after three nings, allowing them one hit secured a victory fo r the outdoor meets. Nichols was '.i-for-3 in the game, Flames with a distance ophomore J ennifer and Allen baued 2-for-3. Zavoclny's of 23-2, while his brother Nicholson became the d1ird single kept ·· 17-game hitting Chris J ohnson claimed the different Lady Flame 10 streak alivl', tying her \\~ th Beth win in tiiple jump ''ith a claim first place in di cus on Bcnneu for thr second longest in distance of +7- 10. the season. Nicholson's win­ program history. O n the t.rnck, Roderi ck ning throw sailed 15 1-4. "Overall, I a 111 really pleased \\ith Spruel, Andre Washi ngton, Shelley Parker added an thl' way we battled th rough the Tarell Williams and Leon­ event victOI)' fo r the wom­ whole thing and hdd it really ard Robbins combined to en in the pole vault. The shows some character," \\'ct.more win 1.he 4x I 00-meter re­ senior cleared a season­ said. 'The only way you ge t these lay \\ith a time of 4 1. 12 best height of 11 -5. 75. wins is if' <'\'et)'One contributes." st:conds. Washington and Rookie J anae J ones Robbins, along with Kyle rounded out the women's Liberty 8, Pres byterian 6 field ''icto1ies "~th a first­ .I '"' ~II 1<:1 11.u . I L11111k to lwlp I .i lw1 t} 1·srape tht "Coach Tu<·sd kept their win- ll'ad on a two-run double. ping up competition with a pleased with the way (they) g 11'.1t job." ning strl'ak alive Friday, taking gaml' The Blue Hos1· j umped in fro nt 4-0 record on the day and competed," Tots'ma said. The srorl' n·niai111·cl ti1·d •ll four two against dw Blue I lost. 10 a 5-4 lcacl when Lcgacki smacked a \cam Lit.le. T he Liberty "T hey kind of rallied to tlu ough Sl'\'!' n inning,, so tlH' ~anw In till' bouom of thr third inning, a two-run homr run over the fen ce. women beat their compeli­ compete as a team, and I 1·11tnl'd 1·xtra inniugs w d1Ticle till· junior Katie Zavodny hit a single The lead was short lived as Allen Li on bran average of about think it was moLivaLional to \'irwr. to right fil'ld. Sophomore J\mher once again came through with a 48 points. everyone." J\fi1·r the lllH'\'l' 11tf'ul s1'\'l'11th aud Donova11 fo llowed and brought Za- clutch hit, 1ippi11g a two-run double "To be able 10 come out Liberty's track ai:id fi eld 1·igh1h innings, the Lady Flan11·s \'oclny homl' wi th a honw run ll\'{'I' to put the Lady Flames ahead 6-5. on the top in that situa­ athletes will · be spread "1·n· .1bk to r.1pitali 1.1· on Nichols' thl' light field fi.· nct'. ichols thl'n sent her fo urth homr tion is encouraging," Tols­ across the country to com­ g. 1111t'-\\ inning hit in th!' ninth. " ( \,·as just focusing on ll)'ing run of the season o\·er the fence to ma said. "\Ve definitely pete in three different J\lll'n rt'.tdit•d first on .1 fidder's to 111.1kt· contact and put tht· ball go ahead, 8-5. like Lhac. " meets beginning March 27. r hoin· \\i th t\\O 011t s, .111d Kenslty in plan· so '>l' could score runs," The Blue Hose tried to answer even individual event Fou r distance runners \\~ II I .oudl'!'mdk of the Blut· 1 lme thrt·w Dono\'an said. "I was just kind of back when Shelby PeLik sent her 'ictorics aided the Lady travel to the West Coast to t\\'O " ilcl pitdw ~ that .tllmH·cl Allen shockl'd, likt', 'Whoa, I ju ~ t hit 1ha1.' second home run over the fence, but Flame on the road to a compete in the Stanford to rt·.1d1 third. It fC.·lt good." the L1d}' Fl ames managed to close team tide. lnvitalional, while the re­ Loudl'nndk t h1·11 wal kt·d junior Donovan's home run mak1·s it her out and take the victOl) ' 8-6 and In the field, the Lady maining athletes will rep­ (:rare 'orclon ll1 lir ~ t bas1·, " hich fourth or thl· season. earn the serirs sweep. Flames secured two event resent Liberty at the Texas ~1· 1 t ht· stagl' fC11 'irhok Thl' Blue Hose cnnw fighting 'ictories in the throws and Relays and Raleigh Relays. "\\'h1·11 I get prq>.m·d to i;ct in the bark in the top of the fifth with a FOOTE, TYREE and two in jumps. box, I .dway~ tl'll mysdt: ·Come on hon1l' run fron1 Erin Ruff lo cut WILLIAMS are s ports Redshirt senior Ch1is­ BROWN is a s ports I l.11111a , ) ou <.. 111 do this,"' lid1ols Liberty's lead in half. reporters. tina litchell wo11 the jav­ reporter. ~aid . "( alway~ look at a n·1tain spot T lw I .ady Flames fans \\'t• re on elin with a th row of 140-3. on till' bat and st:t) ralm through thl' eclgt of their seats in ti ll' bouom T he reigning Big South it nll. " of tlw fourth. T he bases \\'\'rt' load- Women's Field athlete of idwls' ralm d1·nwa nor helped. ed with only one out , and Pn·sbytc- the week remains uncle- lwr ddi\'l'r thl' dutrh hit, and she rian pitcher Cat Tani n thr1·w back-

I * RRV MllG" * Direct from ·1s~ael . , March 26, 2013 FEATURE Liberty Champion/85 PRSSA's 'Catchy ·Com_munications' Lynchburg Hillcats employee Erik Wilson shared his public relations experience with Liberty students Thursday

Melissa Skinner "One of the reasons I enjoy and value be­ an internship in the sports broadcasti ng you rnn st'll 1hings and bl' rnmp<·titiw. Be­ mjslUnncr(n libcrty.cdu ing a part of PRSSA is because it gives fi d d , which caused him to rcalizl' that lw gin now looking in1 0 job \\1·bsitl'S and p;l'l me the opportunity to network with cxpc- wanted to work in that a rea. W hen he your n·, 11111(· oul lo lhl' righ1 people l'arly." C ommunication students were im~t ed lo 1ienced professionals and gain advice fo r lnnded his job with tht· Hilkats, he had Lo ~frmbns of' f RSSt\ hdit'\'l' it is attend a workshop Thursday, March 21 that when I enter into life after Liberty." move from .California to Lynchburg. wry importan1 for rommunira1ion ~t11- was hosted by Liberty University's Public Wilson explained that when he was in Wilson stressed the need 10 be will ing 10 cl1·nts lo .tlll'nd tlwsl' l'Vl'llls. Relations Society of America (PRSSA). c?llege, he studied business economics and r('locatc and emphasized tlw importance "T his is a unique opportunity LU During me event, Director of Broad­ accounting. However, after graduation, he of networking while still in colleg<'. about tlw importanrl' and role or rommu­ casting and Media Relations at Lynchburg realized that he would rather pursue a n "\\/hen you have the chann· 10 attend n irations in tlw sports industry. W lll'thn Hillcats MiJ1or League Baseball C lub Eiik alternate career choice in public rela tions. evc n L~ where you ran meet future employ­ you arc into sporh 01 not, c hallenge your­ Wilson spoke to students about his daily " Internships and hand~-on expeiience ers, you should not ta ke the opportunity sdr LO lt•a rn abo111 rommuniratiom .111cl duties as well as about how importa nt it is arc important," \t\T"tlson said . " ff you can fo r granted," \'\'ilson said. the diffrrrnt ways it ran bl' used," Bailie to begin networking as t student. put something together in front of employ­ His p1i mary focus du ring the p rcscma­ Porter, dirl'rlor of ro111mt111ica1io11s for "Inviting prominent speake rs to our ers that can make you look \~able and that tion was toward rommuniration students PRSSJ\, said. PRSSA events allows students to gain a you know what yot1 are doing, that is incred­ wanting 10 enter the sp orts industry. For 11101T informa tio n about flllun· deeper understanding o f the communica.1 ibly important for getting a career for a job "lf you arc going into sports, you \\111 PRSSt\ t•vents, visit libnt}-eclu/ PRSS.\ . lions field," K1isten Gorsuch, the presi­ that will interest you for t11e rest of your life." have 10 do more than public relations," \ \'il­ dent of Liberty's cha pter of PRSSA, said. According to Wilson, T1 e eventually took son said. "You ,,111 have to rom111n· people SKINNER is a featu re r·cportcr.

DESIGN continued my li fe. The hard pa rt re­ phpiral lwndih. So tlwir from.BB ally was j ust sitting a nd minds gt'l rnnditi01H'cl to waiting for t11 e judging in think like this, and it bc­ d esigns simple because the the e nd. The whole night ronws 1· asirr a 11d easil'1;" simplest designs can be the was just g reat fun, being r-.. kyer said. best design s. here \\~th everybody. lt Conditioning Lill' mind "The first thing was didn't feel like a dimcult wi th conceptual .thinking weeding out a ll the first a tmosphe re. lt was a good was a main be nefit that things ~1 a l came to mind, way to create." ~ fryer said this compl'ti­ because everything mat hit Assisting with the judg­ tion brought to students. me 1i ght at first was stufT ing was instructo r of Stu­ " \\'ht·n you'rl' in the I've seen, like floating is­ dio a nd Digital Arts M o­ industry, you don '1 ,1 l\\'ays lands," iner said. "That nique Maloney, who said haw till' 11ormal school typically happens wim mat she agreed LO be a assignnwnt deaclli1H's tha1 design. Everything you judge because she wants last for weeks." :-.tcyer said. know comes back first. ~ nd to be able to cheer her stu­ " It could be a couple clays you 've got to weed ilirough d ents on as they go above or a few hours. So that's that and try to do some­ and beyond school assign- one n·ason why I wan1ed thing a little newe1:" m en ts. 10 roml', berausr it's some- Siner said tlmt he did "I wasn't sure wha t to 1hi ng we leach in our class­ not know what to expect expect," Maloney said. " I rooms." beforehand because he did · was e>..lJ ecting good things, /\crordi11g lo Std!, com­ not know what the compe­ but our expectations were E~tll .Y Bt:CKt:K I Lllll.ltl'Y C:ll .\~ ll'I OX petitions like Dt·sign Wars tition would be like. Upon exceeded. O verall, the DEUBERJ\TIO J udges i\ loniquc M aloney, D m1cl ~fr yer :rnd Sa ndra Sia) ton arc created to encourage a rrival, howeve r, Siner also show of work was great. re,1ew the entries for 1hc competition. 1he :.111dents LO foster com­ said that he knew he was in People did a lot o f port raJ­ munity among fe llow ck­ good company with his fel­ ture, a lot of illustratio ns. I During the judging pro­ rangement. The j udges studio and digital ar1 s. si1:,riwrs while motivating low design ers. was really impressed espe­ cess, Maloney said the also looked fo r the overall compared the rompe1i1 ion 1hem 10 surrct·d in their " I sit down a nd design cially because they we re on judges looked for things a ppearance of a movie LO physical cxerrist•. fi eld . a ll ilie time," Siner said. the spot. They had no ... such as concept, type ex­ poster. " \ Vhcn you do ir, you "It's just how l spen.d most incubation time. It was re­ ecution, illustration ex­ David M eyt· 1~ also a feel belier afterward and WEBSTER is a feature of my time and most of al ~ good." ecution and overall ar- j udge and instructo r of you start to have good r ep orte r .

. Call t~y to set up an appointm1tnt for a tour of our beautiful community. Phone: 1'866-839.Qtia I Visit: •..[!] I 300·E Weeping Willow Drivo, Lynchburg VA 24601 HH::.,NT Ql 6. [!J ~ . ·. I 86/Li bc rty Champion FEATUR E March 26, 20 13 Connecting through worship Gospel Community Church Praise Band and Gavin Davis visit Waldon Pond Apartments clubhouse

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TENTH AVENUE co11 ti11ued ft·om BB

" I ,tall 111 .1 1111t cl 111 tl11 .11n. '" 1111\\ It .111 COMS students visit D.C. .It It ,1,t .ll t likt I'm .1 11 .dh i.:rn•cl llllhl­ t 1.111:· I >fl1ll'hl'\ ,,11d "uh .1 l.111gh . Journalism class expe'riences media at work on a field trip to the nation's capital \ t 1111Ch11g tt1 I >t•lll hn. Ill' .111cl li·nth Kyle Hnrvcy \\ t lllll '\flllh cll lllllllll I j.1 Oil ,J.tlllhllll kharVl'Y 11 lihcrl)'• l'du llll"I .11a( \(dill'!( pl.1\ ill!.( 11111,i< l1 1gt·ti11·1 cl111 111g l )t111l'ht•\ \ ht•,(1111.111 \l',ll I Ill' Ill''! \t'.11 ()11111 hl'\ .11111 j.1111i,1111 h\1•cl I l.1\ 1· you ('\'l'r \\'Ollclt·H·cl "hat .-\11wii- 11111 11111111 .1p.11t lifllll '"ll h 11tl1t 1 lll'.ll 1.1's \l'r~ [11 , t m·ws1J.1p1·rs lookl'd likl' ~ Ir !(·11th \\t'llllt '\n1th. thl' 'lit t'l 1111 \\hi< h you .in· rurious, !incl om· of thl' :m st u­ 1hn t·\1·11111.dh 11.111wcl 1ill'11 li.11111 cll'nts ''ho joi1wcl I .ilwrty Uni\'t'n.ity com­ · 1lw1.1,t thin!.( th.11 I th1111gl11 I \\1111lcl munications prof1•ssor Deborah Huff on IH clfllllg b llll'ill!.( .11ul 111.1k111° 11111,it 1111 ht'I' trip to Washington Tuesday, i\Jarch 19 .1 h' 111g.' I l1111t ht•\ ,,nd 1,u 1, 1.1111. .\ht 111" tht·\' could u·U mu ,di about it. h11\\ (11 pl.I\ 1' 111 tl1t <111111111111111 . . 11111111 h"' .111d tht' Fox News Washington. bureau and tlll'll'''"' l t•11t h \\t'lllll '\1111h \ 1t111d- the Capitol Rayburn Buildi ng for a meet 111g tfl hint. t lll1,t.1111h lu 1111' 1 11 tht 111,ul and gn'<'t with st'\Tral Liberty alumni now .111d \\lllk111g \\llh till' lt''l nl tlw li.1111 11111\,\ll I It II I l.11111\1\ ( II \\11'111, Tiu: i\'e\\'sl'l11n, which is located on otl 1t 1 p1•t1plt• hannon Bream. giws ad,1n· to Krnclr.1 •\Il l'~ rn· .111cl l :i1w,h.1h ~ 1111,1•. Pennsylvania i\\'t'm1e with a \-it'''' of the 1111 li,111<)-. 1111 ll 'lll !11111 \\Ill 1111lll lfl Capit~I 811ildi11g, is a news junkie's dream. olll l lid 111 , \pl JI. I Hll ,}l I Ill dlllg t< I 1)fl­ T hl' seven-story buildi ng feature! a va riety lll'lll'\, thn .lit pl.11111111g lt> ·)lt'IHI tl1111 of exhibits highl ighting. l'\'ety thing from s11n11111·1 pl. 1\ 11H: .it lt''tl\ ,d,, \ .u .11io11i11g old ne\\·spapcrs, fa mous radio and tcle\•i­ .incl \\t11k111g 1111 .1 Ill'\' ~ l ottl\\ll-,tdt· sion broackaMs to artifacts from some of ( :111 hllll.l' .dli11111. the biggest historical t'\"l' IHs both in .\ t 1 llld111g Ill I )11111·hl'\, ,.,pl11111 1g Amnica ,111d abroad. I,\ 111 hli11rg i, fllll 111 111, I.I\ 01111· tl1111g' 111 " It\ \'l'r~ unique seeing how newspaper do \\lll'll lt'llth \\< lllll '\111tl1 t llllll 'S (II cowragc has progressed and changed O\'l' r to\\ 11 time espt'cially si nce 9/ 11," Liberty ju­ "Y1111 k1111\\ " I 11 .dh d11. .\ tl1t·1 " ' I nior Derrick 13,lltlt· said. hkt j.!lllll!.( to dll\\ Jilli\\ 11 f.\ lit hli111 t: .11111 One of the ex hibits \\' o11l'l1t•\ \\,1s 'till t•11tl111,1.1s11t .dunll till' rdi,fog thl' lllOllll'llts from that day." prmpt•t t Ill pl.l\ i11g to .1 p.11 knl \ llll, From the i\cwst•um. students· bussed ( :nll< ! 0 O\'er to the Fox l'WS building a few blocks " 1'111 t \.1 lll'cl ltl pl.I\ t11 .11>11111h111 l.ili- .1\\· a~ . whl'rl' tlwy got a pri\'aH· tour of all 1)1 111111 "' I h 11 l .111111 n t :11 \\11·111s 1'1l~ 'o(lldt llh ill tlll ll .111t( "'t' if \llll gll\' t hl' st uclios and worksparl's of America's ~ I E IJL\ T RUCK C:l11is lkrkl'I; s.1tdlitl' t111 rk opn.1101, <''pl.1i1h hi' job .it h i,':\t'\\'. k1111" h11\\ 111 (l.lll\, I l1111d1l'\ ~.11cl. No. l-ratl'cl cable lll' \\S lll'twork. h11 llll ll t i11l111111.1111111 .al1n111 ll'llth students rcndez\'oused with a \'.1ri1°t\ of Sh;mnon Bream, a Libl'l'l\' .dumna who 'on I lo\\illd of' till' Cont 1·1111·d \\'t1n1111 111 .\\t'lllll :\t11th\ 11pt0llllllg tlllHt'll, \ISll 11 Id( a promising carl'l'r as a ia")'l'r to pur­ alumni as well Rl·p. Rohen urt. 'who 1\ mni1.1. Snt'r;d t>thn .d1111mi .1pp1-.111·d lilll'l l\.t cl11/s.1. sul' tck\'ision, oflcn:d words of wisdom spoke w tht· studl'nts at lt'ngth about th t· 111,111\ of' \\hOlll .Ill' \\lllklllg ill t llll!,\ll''• ,1bout thl' media business as she conductl'd interplay bl'twcen politicians and llw llll'­ s1<11 1. d oll1n·s . LEASUIU. j.., tht• f<•atm't' Nlitor. .i tour of thl' entire burt'au. Bream cur­ dia. I'l l<' n!lin· t'\t'lll "·"on lt1·,t1 .1tt'l lllllll\ fill 0111 't11cl1·11i..." that .Josh Bl'aty complt•tt·cl his to tour such a well-known news station." K 1i~ t i Way from the offic e of I ! ~ml' \ l.1- 11 ull , .• id. m a~tt' r 's. I k is ~till 111 lht· procl'ss Libt'rt)' seni or Andrew Woolfo lk said. joriL) Leader Eric Cantor as wdl "' Akx­ of compkting it. After their time in the newsroom, thl' andria Paolozzi, Caroline Biggs and ,\Ii- HAR\ EY is the '>ports editor.

• ·VINES FEATURE MARCH 26, 2013 • Students go crazy for Lecrae The Grammy-winning hip-hop artist spoke· in convocation and performed at a Student Activities concert March 22

Daniel Bartlett came out singing. dbarllett(11 Lecrae had spectators fi st pumping and waving their arms in the air to­ Run by Student Activities, the Lcc­ gether as one while one student surfed rae concert F1iday, larch 22 sold more through the crowd of his fellow school­ than 5,800 tickets and was an evening mates, filming· it on his phone as Lecrae fill ed with busLli ng hip-hop, godly mes­ rapped across the stage. sages and even an on-stage proposal by Lecrac played hits from his newest an aucnding couple:. album Gravity, including " Fakin"' and As 4 p.111 . approached, Liberty stu­ "No Regrets," where Lccrac encour­ dc:nL~ and guests had already begun to aged the crowd to pursue Christ-like show tlwir dedication as hardcore fans lives. of Lccrac waited o utsid l· fo r the doors "It was awesome! Everyone seemed to of the Vines Center to open. enj oy it," Liberty j unior Becki Rose said. Students and members of the rnm­ "There were parents dancing and little munity eagerly Oooded into the Vines kids singing along, so it was good. " Center at 7 p.m. Later in the show, Lcqae invit ed a early every scat in the Vines Center couple from the crowd to come on stage, was filled with a noisy spectator as the the gi rl unaware of her boyfri end's in­ tun e neared the 8 o'clock curtain call. tentions as he went down on one knee The Lecrae concert had two open­ and proposed wit h the crowd going ing acts, Propaganda and J\ndy Minco, wild. Lecrae and the audience prayed which both brought different musical over the couple, and Lccrae gave them tastes to the line-up. Propaganda pn·­ some relationship advice. scnted a style not oft en seen among hip­ Lccrac closed off the evening by play­ R 1.rr11 Bmov I L111 r.RTY CttA.\ ll'IUN hop singers. Along with rapping, the art­ ing songs from his past albums, like GRAVITY Lecrae performed many songs from his Grammy-winning album. ists recited songs resembling poetry and · ~esus t\ luzik" and "D on't Waste Your sermons. Life," geuing the crowd to sing along Andy Mineo with hi m. took things one " I was really excited that he played Q: What w u t of their scats as Lccrae BARTLETT is a feature reporter. SOLD OUT tudents lined up in advance for Lccrae's packed perfo rmance. 'The Struggle' Tenth Avenue North introduces album Greg Leasure Looking back, Donchey said that gleasure(ti) he would not be where he is his to­ day with out the accident. Christian band Tenth Avenue "'The Struggle' is <\ fi tting mantra North will return to Liberty Uni­ for us in view of everything we've versity for the fourth time Friday, been through," Donehey said. "But April 12 for a concert held by tu­ isn't it funny (that) when you look dcm Activities in the Vines Center back at the really hard times, those 1 as a par'I of their "The Struggle" are o ften the best times? So, the tolll: Named after the band's mosl struggle isn't all bad." recent album, the titJe holds a According to Donchcy, the band EMIL\' B ECKP.R I l.JBERTY C•tA.\ll'ION deeper meaning fo r a g roup of mu­ spent the better pan of eight years tudents show off their work aft er completi ng the art competi lib n. sicians who have experienced their dtiving to concerts in a van, forc­ share of struggle. ing them to sometimes get creative ~fe nth Avenue North lead singer with lhings like food choices. and Fredericksburg, Va. native Mike "If yo•t were earing Taco Bell, D onehey has experienced his share that was like.a fancy night," Done­ Design competition of tough 1,imcs. Dllling his senior hey said. "I remember in our firsl year in high school, D onehey was summer tour, I was actually mak­ in a car acci­ ing peanut butter and j<11lies in the AIGA hosts second annual student contest dent that left back of the van out of the cooler him with a of food that we had because we FYI broken back couldn't aflord to stop fo r fast food. Emily Webst er a poster to promote it. Three students to boost portfolios Rend and multiple We didn't even have any knives, so ewebs rc 1tllibcrty.cdu winners were named at the and increase their experience Collective otJ1er injuties. I was like making it with my fi ngers. Of course, I didn't tell the guys that end of the night. with designing. Experiment According to Tensions were high as the La uren Stell, president of "It just shows that (students) Done hey, il until afier they ate the sandwiches eyes or 21 students remained A!GA@ Liberty, said that she care because they panicipa\­ was during I made." glued to computer screens and was excit ed to sec what cre­ ed, and it 's important to job · M~fh . this time tJ1at 'D onchey also said tJ1at the band fingers feverishly clicke6 away ative pieces the students would recrniters that you do more he picked up chose to name their album "The Peters Struggle" because God's grace at mouse and keyboard, no design. A ccording to Stell , this than j ust scoot b) with your will also . the guitar and one wanting to waste a prr­ year has brought a good re­ degree," Stell said. " lt's also chose to ex­ gives freedom to _people struggling cious second as they fought tlte sponse from students. good because il gives them perform . press himself to be free from their sin, but also battle known as Design \Vars. " Last yea1; we dtJd a three• a clear idea of where they April 12. through music. because grace means that Chris­ Hosted by the Li berry stu-· series event that was actually rank among other designers "I consider tians are free lo struggle and fa il dent graphic design group over the course of three weeks, in the community. It's a good, myself blessed · with the n ~suran cc that God will affiliated wit h the Ameri­ where (students) came in and healthy competition." in that it never really produced an always forgive them. can lnstitutc of Graphic did a different design competi­ \ inning a ·\t\'acom Bamboo anger in me," Donehey said. "It After recoveri ng from his car A1 L~ (AlGA), the second an­ tion, hut we found that people Create Tablet fo r first prize, made me think that, if I'm looking at crash and g raduating from high nual Design \Vars took p1ace lost interest by ~he encl or th\! senior graphic design major another person, that person is there scbool, D onehey said that he con­ March 21 in De loss Hall fo r event. So, this yea1; we're do­ J acob Siner received the movie because Goel is giving tJ1cm breath. sidered att ending .James Madison all grnphic design maj ors and ing a one night, four-hour title "The Dreaming Land." So, it really just kind of woke me up University for theate1; but after a minors. Contestants were pn' ­ (competition), and by the end According \O Sine1; he had to to the mystel) ' of life and j \tSt how short visit, he chose lo attend Palm sented with a fabri cated movie of it, we'll have a winner." re-learn how to keep his amazing it is that anyone is alive Beach Atlantic College in Florida. title upon arrival and spl'nt the According LCJ Stell, Design around us. It had a profound effect fo llowing fo ur hours creati ng \ Vars provides a good way for See DESIGN, 85 on me and sobered my conscience." See TENTH AVENUE, 8 7
