Pricing, First Sale Stir Debate Expansion of Video Music by LAURA FOTI Revenues on a Per- Transaction Basis

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Pricing, First Sale Stir Debate Expansion of Video Music by LAURA FOTI Revenues on a Per- Transaction Basis 08120 88049GREENLYMONT00 MAR84 MONTY GREENLY 03 10 OIR NEWSPAPER 3740 ELM LONG BEACH CA 90807 A Billboard Publication The International Newsweekly Of Music & Home Entertainment March 19, 1983 $3 (U.S.) ITA SEMINAR TALKS Target Plans VIDEO Turner Cable: Pricing, First Sale Stir Debate Expansion Of Video Music By LAURA FOTI revenues on a per- transaction basis. seminar, resulting in an official ITA Despite an announcement by position calling for the repeal of the Purchase HOLLYWOOD, Fla. -The Inter - Paramount Home Video that "Air- First Sale Doctrine. As Jim Jimirro, Due Arm natior -al Tape /Disc Assn. (ITA) plane II" would be released in April president of Walt Disney Telecom- Service By JOHN SIPPEL seminar held here last week (6 -9) at a $29.95 price point, low pricing munications and an ITA board NEW YORK -Competition for was the occasion for a renewed effort generally was conceded to be merely member, put it, "There is no mar- the demographically attractive, LOS ANGELES -More than 75% by prerecorder video suppliers to experimental, not a resolution of the ketplace solution to this problem." music -oriented television viewer of the Target Stores' record /tape/ assert heir position on the First Sale rental -versus -sale problem. In fact, Jimirro has been the most out- will become even more serious this video departments will be served by Doctri ne and their dedication to the a secret vote by the ITA board of spoken of all studio representatives summer when mighty Turner Broad- an in -house purchase division by principle of participation in rental directors was made public at the (Continued on page 68) casting System joins the already 1984. This is seen as one of the most sizable number of shows and serv- dramatic developments in more ices on the air (Billboard, March 5). than 25 years of U.S. rackjobbing. Basic cable channel WTBS, the The chain expects to be operating Denon Hits CD Rush To Market largest in the country with 24 million 203 locations by Dec. 31 -it cur- By IS HOROWITZ Denon declares that its digital play- demonstration elements. Each de- subscribers, plans to launch an over- rently has 184 -and three -quarters ers and those of its competitors are fends the market readiness of its night music program consisting of of these will be affected by the direct NEW YORK -Denon America not yet capable of living up to quality own players and hints at a "sour record company- supplied video clips buying move. has put a brake to its Compact claims. And in any case, they say, grapes" posture by Denon. on Friday and Saturday nights, be- This is the blueprint that Target Disc marketing schedule to await there are too few CD disks in the "I have heard more misinforma- ginning June 4. executives have handed to John the arriial this fall of improved sec- pipeline to support a reasonable tion, glad- handing, and outright According to Scott Sassa, execu- Farr, buyer for the self-contained, ond- generation -Playback machines market effort at this time. lies than ever before sl_rrounding tive in charge of production on the home entertainment- oriented and a more copious supply of soft- This charge is rejected by Sony these products," states the Denon program, which is tentatively titled wholesale division. An industry ware. and Magnavox, both of whom letter to its reps. The letter, signed "The Overnight Music Show," the wholesaling veteran, Farr has far In a sharply worded directive to figure in product launches this by Robert Heiblim, national sales format will involve continuous clips (Continued on page 28) its network of sales representatives, month which include sales as well as (Continued on page 62) (Continued on page 61) - Inside Billboard - WLS -AM -FM CHICAGO has appointed Steve Casey as operations man- ager. The programmer quits Sebastian /Casey & Associates for the newly created post; he was MD for WLS three years ago. Radio, page 12. K -TEL VIDEO GAMES will be introduced by the television marketer at the Summer Consumer Electronics Show. The branded line will receive the same type of retail exposure and substantial tv promotion as K -tel record and tape product. Page 3. RETAILER BRUCE FEIT of Nashville's Turntable chain has spurred store business by creating promotional links with area concerts. He claims record labels too often overlook the positive influence of such events on prod- uct sales. Retailing, page 26. PROGRAMMER REG JOHNS is eaving WVBF Boston to become Fairwest's national operations director. The Fairbanks Broadcasting company syndicates several formats, including "Continuous Country" and "Music Of Your Life," and produces station and commercial jingles. Radio, page 12. VIDEO MUSIC PRODUCTION is boosting business for Los Angeles area studios and soundstages. It's a result of the upsurge in use of promotional DOLBY UNVEILS NEW WIRELESS- Thomas Dolby's critically acclairred al- video clips. Small, independent facilities are reaping the most benefit. Video, Marianne Faithfull. A gifted lyricist, powerful vocalist, and passionate styl- bum, The Golden Age Of Wireless (ST- 12271) is now available. The newly page 30. ist- Marianne Faithful) hits the music scene like a velvet fist. Her new al- designed package now features Dolby's latest amazing inventions -"She VIDEO SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTORS are seeking a stronger identity bum, "A Child's Adventure," marks the next entrancing chapter in the Blinded Me With Science" and "One Of Our Submarines" -both aready through trade associations, and exploring ways of working together on key power of Marianne Faithful). Island Records On Cassette. 90066. "A modern music sensations. On records and high quality XDR cassette! from problems. Not everyone involved agrees on the problems, however. Retailing, Child's Adventure" produced by Wally Badarou, Barry Reynolds and Har- Capitol. (Advertisement) vey Goldberg. (Advertisement) page 27. (944eirtisament) Sound her new singe Ann d * a'nTFd. 4J Li er Two dance hits Reto .. í,Y fA.,: 12" Picture - also available THE FIRST SINGLE FROM THE FORTHCOMING ALBUM, LET'S DANCE7 I'm RELEASE DATE APR.147 .01 1, Gtd=3A/I 4 7. t' ' 7, . , , 04 '*'- 1.1.07r-e I , * L 44 . .':. I 41A.- ? ,, t - f ..1 1 t. , Ì. 431.4ts 4 .. V...... .41- wit '" . i. t 7.s, e , 3 .i. iF'.. - * .0 At . 4. 1 - -. 4 ' A -11: ''41.1.. 4...,. e IP:it ..- , g-- ,,,,,, . , _.1`, , ''.1. 4.?.i.1 ' .1 .' , 4* i Ìf A' ''..i ,' .,7.:' ,./... "" :Ilk o i *4 .. ..1 s .. ''' 1.41 '1- . i... .41.., .17' ' -tili Nii.,' ' - n k. '.ito , 4 , 14... 4,. ,011 , ,. It . ' :,..,..s........ ,... ,,,4, `-4.4, '" --,' .'...' Z. ,L. )" , r t .. k-, . -k . 3. 4. No, . 4", ' 70 ; ' ? .. ' :(3, =4. .. ' ' 1K 4 . - . ' s 711\''4 ,4. ' 1 Nzfr- It. , ''.1°:44* '..4, VP.% I 4..., ,... '1 y * N 'N iAll . ,.. s, 1 - .' N - s 1 .4, .. ,.-0; .s 0: , ,i. .". -, . ..,,, . .t. e , -,,t t -,.- .44 fr;o -.. --(.... , - ..-, .....*7 ., ' . ' ..t ., .-..-, ,7,:...,... - , ....:,,,,....... v , ). ..,s _ - . - my ., . ,-:. 4": °AI'o ' ' . ' ob.. .* fr.,: - ,,,... .....- . , r ,.t. ,.. .... i ,..--. _4 . ... ^t.,,,, N. ; VI' . - 'If 41 ..../ ;, 4. -1't ,'..1'. :172Vtillt.4 ' 5.' Ilk p i -* , ... 7 )3\. , ... .. I,. :.. ... .0 ,.. .1- 4. P .* . 4 ' "' I '4 4 ;Ili /f ' % r ; .*5 17 . %. /A. r 1' A , I . , ..z..: . ....- . 44.3.1 ' ' *).. .:1- .r . 1( i ..! P * r A , / * #4/,.. t. S. :V 5 /. * s" ° A" S. S. 11. " { +A A N. 7,, " J ; .1 4 - 0 ' « -- ...,, **" 7 409 ."*" s' t. 4.. ti.7. 4, 4 wrsr . 1 . e . ..; 30' Ilt ' 4 .'"' . ' i .^. red& I3Y BO S. AVAILABLE ON EMI AMERICA RECORDS AND HIGH-DUALITY XDR CASSETTES. -...4 I; % 'L DAVID fe TO EMI AMERICA DIVISION OF CAPITOL RECORDS INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I9D3 DAVD SOWIE LINDER LICENSE e e . A 1« " . 4.t... , ' 4 Ai '' 4" News 3 Welk Forms K -tel Int'l Mapping `Extensive' Magnavox Division For Entry Into Video Game Market Unveils CD By IRV LICHTMAN utilize similar promotional avenues According to a just - released quar- Home Video to market its video game software, terly report, the music segment for Market Plans NEW YORK -K -tel International which is to carry a separate brand the second quarter of its fiscal year By IS HOROWITZ NEW YORK- Lawrence Welk's expects to introduce its own line of name currently being designed. ending Dec. 31 was "disappointing" Teleklew Productions and the Welk video game software sometime this The line will be introduced at the after a "promising start" in the first NEW YORK -Consumer sales Music Group have formed Welk year. The company has determined Summer Consumer Electronics quarter, when net sales were up will take a back seat to promotional Televideo International. They that its customer base for such games Show, although the number of ini- 25.4 %. "The worldwide adverse drum -beating when Magnavox and claim it is the "first move by a major is "almost identical" to that of its tial titles is yet to be determined. economic conditions and lower con- PolyGram Records take their digital music publisher to commit an entire record and tape product, with simi- Elfenbein says that initial goods sumer demand," the company says, audio system to market later this division to the development of home lar retail store exposure and the need will be Atari- compatible, but that he "have had a negative effect on both month. video product." for heavy promotion. cannot confirm at this point whether domestic and foreign sales, particu- Research cited by Magnavox indi- President of the new wing is Gay- compatibility with other systems is larly in the second quarter." Encouraged by recent marketing cates that no more than 1% of the Ion J.
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    INSIDE Singleschart,6-7;Album chart,17; New Singles,18; New Albums, 13; Airplay guide, 14-15; Independent Labels, 5; Retailing, 12. British Talent on Top Of The World, 8-9. p January 31, 1983 VOLUME FIVE Number 41 75p WEA uses free British acts dominate US tape to push two `hit' 45s labels' Spring schedules WEA HAS introduced a marketing innovation almost unnoticed amid the AFTERA year of major gains for UKflag flying year for the British (see(Atlantic), Gary Moore (Mirage), Light acts in America the US companies havefeature p8 and Mullings p.3). furore of complaints against some of Of The World, Eddie Jobson of Roxyits competitors. lined up a Spring programme of new New music, or techno-pop, domin-Music (Capitol), Fast Way, featuring acts, heavily dominated by the British.ates with such acts as Simple Minds The company is, for a limited edi- Eddie Clark, (Columbia), The Nolanstion, giving away four -track cassettes The beginning of theyearisa(A&M), Heaven 17 (Arista), Malcolm(Epic), Eddy Grant (Portrait), Jakki traditional time for US labels to unveil with two of its chart singles and is McLaren, Blancmange, and Paul HaigWhitren & Tom Cartwright (Elektra),happy to write off the manufacturing the new talent. After the success in '82(all Island), Thomas Dolby (Capitol),Kelly Groucutt of ELO (Riva), Robert by UK acts, and no doubt mindful of the loss. Naked Eyes (EMI America), The Pas-Ellis Orrall (RCA), Rodway (Millen- "I think we've found a novel form of high cost of signing American acts, thesions(Polygram),Tears ForFearsnium).
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