Wavelength (March 1987)
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University of New Orleans ScholarWorks@UNO Wavelength Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies 3-1987 Wavelength (March 1987) Connie Atkinson University of New Orleans Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength Recommended Citation Wavelength (March 1987) 77 https://scholarworks.uno.edu/wavelength/63 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Midlo Center for New Orleans Studies at ScholarWorks@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wavelength by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I !w." INSIDE: THE GREAT BARS OF NEW ORLEANS . , , ... • • • • • • • • • • • 0 ••• , • 0 •••• ~ ' o o ' 0 0 o o o 0 0 o 0 0 0' 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 I • • 0 •• 0 •• . .......... .. 0 •• •• Fab Four Forever · Imagine ... The Beatles ... with no ticks, no pops, no scratches. The Beatles.on Compact Disc will last forever. Now available, the first four, original British releases, meticulously transfered from master tapes, to Compact Disc. Last Minute Special: Cut out each of the pictured Beatie Compact Discs above and for each receive $3.00 off any other Compact Disc Purchased. One disc per Cutout, valid to March 31. 1987. Ask about our Compact Disc Club. • Metairie: 3213 17th Street- 834-m2 . • Uptown: 7323 Freret- 866-3579 "I'm not sure, but I'm almost positive, that all music came from New Orleans." -Ernie K-Doe, 1979 Canal Place Presents Features The Great Bars of New "Concerts at the Cafes" Orleans ... ...... ... .... ... 18 The Dew Drop Inn ..........22 Happy Hours Chart . ... .... 21 March 11 Departments March News. 4 )AMES RIVERS MOVEMENT 12:00 Noon-1:30 pm Wavelength Interview. 6 Film .................... 8 One Percent ...............1 0 Aoril16 Chomp Report ............. 1 2 MICHAEL WHITE QUARTET Books .....................14 11 :30 am-1 :30 pm U.S. Indies ........ ......... 16 Reviews ...................17 May 13 March Listings ......... .. ... 24 BOBBY (URE AND THE SUMMERTIME BLUES Classifieds .................29 11 :30 am-1 :30 pm Last Page .................30 Co-sponsored by B-97 FM Cover art by There ts no admiSSIOn charge and the pubhc 1s 1nv1ted to enjoy lunch and Kathleen Joffrion. midday music on the Th1rd Level o( the Canal Place Shopping Centre. PubUstwr. N..1unun S Scou. Edilor. Connte Zcomah Atk1n!'.t'ft . A...oriato F.dltor. Gcn< Sc•r•muun Advortlslna. l:.hubcth hMliJI~. OIJ.nJ N.ida.:. Coatributors. s.~~c Armbru\tcr. Bob I (•at.JIIutt•. R1,:L Coleman. Tum Dolan. Carol Gn1ady. G1t\.1 G~· uunt.:. K.llh)' HaJr, Lynne Hany. P.oH Jully. J;~mc, Lten, Bunny AMERICAN BACKYARD GRILL OMAR'S fAMOUS PIES Mauhcw ... Ru.:L O hv•cr, Ja~un PallcNm. HJmmond Scull. Tantalizing favorites from the backyard barbecue. A sweet selection of mouth watering treats. AlnMl'>l Sinn. Dum: Sln."'CI. Bry;~n Way\.Of'l . L:.turen Zisntmbo 586-1980 5'11~27 T)~rtlphy . O..:vhrvWcnl:!cr A''ociatc,. Wm dn1.~tl1 '' puhh.J\4..-d nl!.mlhly 10 New Orlean,. Telephone: t5tMI K\1~·2.'42 Ma1l 'ub... cnp l ~tln,, addre~' chttnsc' to Wm rl<•ll.~tll. P 0 . Bnx 151>67. New Ork:•n,. LA 70175. Sub· PANDA (AFE ""nruun r.Jtc $12 per )-.:Jr tS20 fnn:l{!n \Urf~--c) Fi"t da..'' A daily changing menu of oriental f~vorites . "'""'·:nf"'ltHh S2M per )Car h.klme,IK' anc.l Canada) AO atrnwtl ICE (REAM fAOORY r..1h: ..11 $-U) per )C.&r (ti\-CN!OL,). 1lk! cnurt c."\lfltenb of Wu\'rltnl(th A variety of your favorite flavors & Italian delights. 586-1980 o~n: ~.:upynl!hh:U • , 1yg7 Wcwrlt"l(t:tlt . 524-6744 a~:L. '""'-"' otn.: .,.,• .ul..1hk: hy -.nrmg to B..~~~.:l ht,,uc,. P 0 . Bo~ I~M7. Nc"' ()rk:""'· LA 70175. S.:..-.u-. of • hmoted 'upply. PAPA'S CANTINA h.M.:L. '''U.:' ttl\! il\'oulilhk fur S4 c:Ok:h Spicy dishes from south of the border . Pk:..1\C ... u.,,. ;a f'c..,., ""cd., fur rn-.:c'-''"~ :.and deh,ery ul· ordt" 525-7301 Nev. Suh-.1..-nb.:" Pkol...C .IJidW up 10 ""'" v..c:d.:' for ""cape or 111"1 MESSINA'S SEAFOOD • '''"'-' Joe w uur 'fll;lll. I'M.wt"umpurcnJed ~Nnptttlft depitt A New Orleans seafood tradition. mcnt 58(H)169 h•~.:tt:n -..-u ...hMlll.:" nl<l)' pay by I M 0 . l..,.chcd.. dlil-.n t)fi ill U.S SBARRO'S h..inL. 8..'\:iiU~o.C nt c:·ulfbtliltll botnL. pnW.."e'-'lnl! ch.&f'JC''· we nnnnt Open Monday-Friday at 7:00am ;)f..:f.:Cpt dk."'I.:L.' In Caf\Oid~om dnll..tr" ,. tllhc'r forCil!R currenc.:y. l'l' Pasta, pizza & other ltahan specialties. t.:tk."\·L., u.-.... n un .. h'l\!t~n h.i.nl.. 524-2026 Su~n~"' mu'l nctrafy u' immcdaatc:ly of iliA)" change: of addrc" II oulllk.W~hnn " nut f\."''..'Ct't'cd. ma{!aztnc' "ttnl 10 tncurrect ad drc'~' -.all nut be ~pl....,"\.--..1 U.S. c:u,tome" tncluJe zap cOl.lc MRS. fiELD'S COOKIES Vno's Po-Bovs Some of the world's best freshly baked cookies & brownies. A classic New Orleans neighborhood eatery. 523-4847 586-1069 The Perfect Place DIAL DIRECT . to Meet, Eat & Tap Your Feet 504 •895 •1342 only ~12 CANAL PLACE per year Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday ·10:00 am-6:00pm Thursday 10:00 am-8:00pm Sunday 1:00pm-6:00pm'" Unless otherwise noted. *Free parking in the Canal Place Garage with any purchase. Please have ticket validated at information booth. MARCH • Wtnrele-.lh 3 ~ /' s Jau Expcnence. It was in the NOTHING ROnEN TEACH THE schools up there and they had a AT CAC's FESTIVAL study gurde. jaa flash cards. ~emi OF NEW MUSIC CHILDREN nars. and a couple of weeks· worth Program brings jazz of Jail education for the kids. It ~e CAC has ~treamlined its to city schools was very successful and I thought I musrc program in recent years, away from a ~trict jan for At a time when a lot of things 'that really should be here in New moving mat to focus upon composers and people take for granted in New Orleans.' So the next thing I did Orleans arc on the budget chopping was write some grants. I wrote performers from the Gulf Coast re gion. Most of the CAC's recent U'y\t\4. block. a jau history prcscntatiQn in grant proposals to the Jazz & Heri music offerings go under the head our schools could be the link the tage Foundation. to the Arts Coun fe~ • ing of New Music Under that ban next generation needs to a heritage cil of New Orleans. to the ncr we find Electronic, Tape and LIVE this city has always taken for Louisiana Division of the Arts ENTERTAINMENT granted. Last month "Dr. Ja!Z & through the Am1stad Research Cen Computer works along with Cham ber pieces. Jau gets it~ due as Sister Second Line" was performed tre and to Links. Inc .. a women's by ALEX CoNZALn well. with last year's Dewey Red in 22 publrc schools in Orleans Par art group and was able to raise the FRidAy & SAruRdAy NiGim man concert hcing one of the stand ish to show the children of the money." Also owrthin the school 6:W, 9:W out music events of 191\6. Eightrcs how thcrr music evolved system. Shrrley Trust Corey in her Thrs year·.., festi\·<d of New Mus from their grandparents' musrc. position as supervrsor of Arts in ic II rs various and a~undcr. reflect Such a link is needed, considering Education was behind the idea from WE HAVE ing the \\Ilk open cars of (:AC t~c hard-edged and often cynical the beginning and lent invaluable music listened to by today's urban support. music drrector Jay Wcrgel. One fea DAily tured event will he a piano recrtal youth. Co-founder of the project The result has been a show that Danny Barker sums it up. "New gets New Orleans krds second hn Saturday. March 14 by Mary Kath SpEciAls leen Ernst performing worb by Orleans needs a Jazz awareness pro ing in their scats. Juhan Dalcord gram that will be successful at giv and Sadie Blake in the title roles Copland. Piston and Glas~ as well as works by li1·ing wmposcrs Roy ing kids a chance to experience brew up their Jazz gumbo on stage Harm. and Larry Alan Smith. their cultural heritage as a positive while explaining the reasoning be There arc also concerts featuring force in their lives." hind a jaZl funeral and the defini The LSU Ne-w Music Ensemble "Dr Jazz & Sister Second Line" tion of syncopation. In the midst of (March 12) and the Contemporary is a 45-minute presentation accom a day of studies, school kids find panied by study materials. The pro any music an uplifting break. but Arts Ensemble (March 8). Both of these concerts will showcase the duction deals with the many in their excitement truly peaks at the fluences that led to the creation of finale when Sadie breaks into a works of local and regional com posers. jazz music around the tum of the "rap" with the band backing her On the jazz side, we find New century. The two actors/singers up, thus showing how flexible jazz Orleans guitarist Steve Masakowski along with a six-piece band strive to is. entertain while educating the stu With its local run finished, Eric performing with saxophonist David Liebman on Saturday.