Daily News Bulletin ot the UN Mission in the Democratic Issue 23 - 27 October 2008

MONUC Force Commander resigns

ieutenant General Vicente The Department of Peacekeeping Diaz de Villegas y Herrería Operations is pursuing Lof Spain, who was recently arrangements to ensure continuity appointed as Force Commander for of command and to replace General the United Nations Organization Diaz as quickly as possible. In the Mission in the Democratic Republic interim, Brigadier General Ishmeel of the Congo (MONUC), has Ben Quartey of will serve as indicated that for personal reasons Acting Force Commander pending he will not be able to continue the appointment of General Diaz’s with his assignment as planned. successor. Photo by Myriam Asmani/MONUC

DRC A new government appointed to restore State authority in east

About one month after the resignation of , a new government was formed Sunday in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with as Prime Minister, appointed on 10 October. The new team has been assigned the essential missions of restoring security and the State’s authority in the east of the country.

he new government comprises 54 to replace General as members: 3 deputy Prime Ministers, Minister of the Interior, and has named Alexis T37 Ministers and 13 deputy Ministers. Tambwe Mwamba head of the Ministry of Most of them are drawn from the Alliance de Foreign Affairs. la majority présidentielle (AMP, Presidential Outgoing Prime Minister Antoine Majority Alliance) and the Parti Lumumbiste Gizenga’s PALU party retains the Ministries Unifié (PALU, ). in control of the Mines and the Budget, with The team comprises five women (4 Ministers another of its members, Zephirin Mongongo, and 1 deputy Minister) being promoted to Deputy Minister of the According to the presidential decree that Interior. appoints it, the new executive is chiefly tasked Moreover, PPRD-AMP ministers Jeanine with missions of security, reconstruction Mbunda for State Assets, Maker Mwangu and social wellbeing. These three key areas Fuamba for Primary and Secondary have been placed under the respective Education, Mulenda for responsibilities of three deputy Prime Relations with the Parliament, Athanase Ministers, namely François-Joseph Nzanga Matenda Kielu for Finance, Olivier Kamitatu Mobutu (Basic Social Needs), Mutombo for Planning, and Simon Kiamputu for Bakafuasenda (Security and Defence) and Photo lesoftonline.com Industry retain their posts. (Reconstruction). du people pour la reconstruction (PPRD, Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito has The most important posts, such as those People’s Party for Reconstruction), an respected regional balance by selecting dealing with Security, Reconstruction and influential member of the AMP. four ministers from each of the country’s 11 Economy, have been assigned to the Parti The AMP has chosen Celestin Mbuyu provinces.

Daily News Bulletin N° 23 of 27 October 2008