Retreat in June 3-12, 2014

June 3 – USA…ITALY Afternoon departure from Little Rock to , Italy. Dinner, entertainment, and breakfast aloft your transatlantic flight.

June 4 – ROME…ORVIETO…ASSISI Arrive at ROME’s Fiumicino Airport, where you will clear customs and meet up with your English-speaking tour escort to be guided to your motorcoach for the ride to ASSISI. There will be a brief stop in ORVIETO, a small and charming medieval town, surrounded by vineyards, olive groves and nice villages on top of its hills. The city was once one of the twelve great cities of the Etruscan Empire. Town known for a miracle of the Host. Bohemian priest, passing through the town of Bolsena (near Orvieto) had expressed doubts about the hosts actually being the Body and Blood of Christ. While celebrating Mass, blood suddenly began to drip from the Host onto the linen. The linen was presented to Urban IV, who was visiting in Orvieto at the time. Urban declared the event a miracle and established the feast day of Corpus Domini in honor of this miracle. Today, this blood-stained piece of linen is preserved in a silver reliquary on the altar. Proceed to ASSISI and check into your hotel where you will have dinner and then overnight.

June 5 - ASSISI Breakfast in your hotel. There will be a 20-minute lesson on Ignatian Prayer/Spirituality before going on a tour of the of St. Francis. There will be a period of 45 to 60- minutes for personal prayer while in the basilica. You will have time for a visit at the gift shop before enjoying a typical Umbrian lunch in a nearby restaurant. Following lunch, you will take a tour of the Basilica of St. Clare where you will also attend Mass and then go on a brief walking tour of Assisi. Back at the hotel, there will be time between 4:00-7:00 for you to have individual meetings with the spiritual directors. Dinner will be on your own and the rest of the evening is free for prayer, rest, exercise, and pursuing some individual sightseeing. Overnight in your hotel.

June 6 – ASSISI…SPELLO…ASSISI After breakfast in your hotel, there will be a 20-minute lesson on Ignatian Prayer/Spirituality. Today’s visit will take you to the Eremo and Carceri (the word carceri means “isolated places”). St. Francis and his followers established their home in these caves and he returned there often during his life to pray and contemplate. You will have 45 to 60 minutes for personal prayer in this area. You will then tour the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli where Mass will be celebrated and where you will spend 45 to 60 minutes for personal prayer after which you will visit the gift shop and enjoy a group lunch. You’ll be back on the road for a visit of the medieval and pink-stoned town of SPELLO, the best place for a taste of small- town Umbria. As small as this town is, you will, nonetheless, find two dozen small churches. Between 4:00-7:00 there will be individual meetings with spiritual directors to take place in your hotel. Dinner is on your own, and the evening is free for time to pray, rest, exercise and take in some sightseeing on your own. Overnight in your hotel.

June 7 – ASSISI…CASCIA…ROME Breakfast in your hotel, followed by a 20-minute lesson on Ignatian Prayer/Spirituality. Check out of your hotel and head for CASCIA where you will tour the Basilica of St. Rita Mass will be celebrated and where you will spend 45-60 minutes in personal prayer. A visit of the gift shop will be followed by a luncheon. You will be taken to see St. Rita’s convent before boarding your bus for ROME. After checking into your hotel, you will have individual meetings with your spiritual directors between 4:00-7:00. Dinner is on your own, and your evening is free for time to pray, rest, exercise and take in some sightseeing on your own. Overnight in your hotel.

June 7 - ROME Breakfast in your hotel, followed by a 20-minute lesson on Ignatian Prayer/Spirituality. Today’s tour will include a visit of the Basilica of St. John Lateran and the Holy Stairs, followed by 45-60 minutes for personal prayer in and around the church or the Holy Stairs. Visit the gift shop and tour the nearby Basilica of . Meet at a local restaurant for a group lunch. Back in your hotel, there will be individual meetings with your spiritual directors between 4:00-7:00. Dinner is on your own, and your evening is free for time to pray, rest, exercise and take in some sightseeing on your own. Overnight in your hotel.

June 9 - ROME Breakfast in your hotel, followed by a 20-minute lesson on Ignatian Prayer/Spirituality. Your motorcoach will take you to the Basilica of St. Peter for a morning Mass and tour of the Vatican followed by 45-60 minutes for personal prayer. Visit the gift shop and enjoy a lunch together at a characteristic Roman restaurant. The afternoon will include the Scavi Tour. The remarkable sites beneath St. Peter's are known as the scavi (excavations). A walk through them is a walk into some important truths about what it means to be a Catholic. Back in your hotel, there will be individual meetings with your spiritual directors between 4:00-7:00. Dinner is on your own, and your evening is free for time to pray, rest, exercise and take in some sightseeing on your own. Overnight in your hotel.

June 10 - ROME Breakfast in your hotel, followed by a 20-minute lesson on Ignatian Prayer/Spirituality. Visit the Church of the Gesu which houses St. Ignatius’ tomb and living quarters. Mass will be celebrated here, followed by 45-60 minutes for personal prayer. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant. Back in your hotel, there will be individual meetings with your spiritual directors between 4:00-7:00. Dinner is on your own, and your evening is free for time to pray, rest, exercise and take in some sightseeing on your own. Overnight in your hotel.

June 11 - ROME Breakfast in your hotel, followed by a 20-minute lesson on Ignatian Prayer/Spirituality. Today’s Mass will be celebrated at Santo Spirito in Sassia, then ride to the Vatican to be part of the Papal Audience. Your tour of Rome will include the coliseum and , where you will have between 45-60 minutes for personal prayer. Back in your hotel, there will be individual meetings with your spiritual directors between 4:00-7:00. Dinner is on your own, and your evening is free for time to pray, rest, exercise and take in some sightseeing on your own. Overnight in your hotel.

June 12 – ITALY…USA Breakfast in your hotel. Ride to Fiumicino Airport to board your transatlantic flight for the US where you will arrive on the same day.