Bulletin 54. Population of Wisconsin by Counties and Minor Civil Divisions
Twelfth Census of the United States. CENSUS BULLETIN. No. 54. WASHINGTON) D. C. February 7, i 90i. POPULATION OF WISCONSIN BY COUNTIES AND MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. This bulletin, prepared under the direction ·of Mr. WrLLIAM C. HUNT, chief stn.tistician :for population, gives the aggregate population of Wisconsin by counties ttnd minor civil divisions, according to the offieial count of the returns of the Twelfth Census, taken as of .June 1, 1900. Wisconsin was organized as a territory July 3, 1836, and admitted as a stn.te May 29, 18±8. Table 1 shows the population of Wisconsin at each census from 1840 to 1900, inclusive, tog·ether with the increase by number n,nd per cent during each decade. TABLE 1.-POPULATION OF WISCONSIN: 1s40 TO moo. lNC!tEASE. CENSUS YEARS. Population. 1-------1 Number. Per cent. 1900.................................. .. 2, 069, 042 382,162 22,7 1890... .. .. .. ... ... .. ...... ..... 1, GSG, 880 371,383 28.2 1880............................................ 1,315,497 200,827 2'!.7 1870. .• ••. •. .. .. .................... •• • . • •• ... 1, 05•1, 670 278, 789 35. 9 1860............................................ 775,881 470,490 154.1 1850............................... .. .. .. 305, 391 274,4•16 88G. 9 1810 ........................................... 30,9'15 The population of the sfaite in moo hi 2,069,042 as against 1,686,880 in 1890, representing an increase since 1890 of 382,162, or 22.1 per cent. A small portion of this increase is due to the fact that there were 6,095 Indians and 355 other persons, or a total of 6,450 persons, on Indian reservations, ete., in "Wisconsin, who were Apecially enumerated in 1890 under the provisions of the census act, but were not inclnded in the general population of the stn.te at that census.
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