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Presidential Files; Folder: 11/16/79 [1]; Container 139 11/16/79 [1] Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 11/16/79 [1]; Container 139 To See Complete Finding Aid: WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) oFORM OF CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT '· '!;"'· T).,...,,.... •1· memo '-'-' .Luo.;;; ."' J..t::o:::>.,;_Ut::H1:. \Ont: .1:-'C.'::jt:::/ � • 11/9/79' A Be�ensive Afitts f"or Somalia/encloses in IIQ.tche.:­ :!!lon to �Lzezias]ti ,.ll.ll.6/79. ptr -; apu.ul Me #LC ;u- !9- !'I-· 1 � s- IJ../J.//.:1 F!£-om Embassy, Dar Es-&a-laam to-Sec. of-&&a.t;e­ 1� (�r.e.: , Le·tt·er-f rom· ·pre·s·±deJ:l,t.--Nye.P..:r::-e-t.G . · . .P�-es:i:dent·-C-a·rt·er� 8/2- )9�, " 00 ' I) ,, ' I )' � ' FILE LOCATION ' Carter Presidential Ppaers� Staff. Offices,. Office of the Staff Sep.- Presl Hand­ writing File 11/16/79 [1] BOX 156 RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 12356'governing access to national security information. (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the doc.ument. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION. NA FORM 1429 (6-86) THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE NOT ISSUED Friday November 16, 1979 7:15 Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski - The Oval Office. 7:30 Breakfast with Vice President Walter F. Mondale, ( 90 min.) Secretaries Cyrus Vance and Harold Brown, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mr. Hedley Donovan, and Mr. Hamilton Jordan - The Cabinet Room. 9:25 Depart South Grounds via Motorcade en route Washington Hilton Hotel. 9:30 Remarks/White House Conference on Libraries 9:55 and Information Services. Return to the White House. 10:30 Mr. Hamilton Jordan and Mr. Frank Moore - Oval Office. 11:30 Mr. Hedley Donovan The Oval Office. V::. l5 Photograph with Mr. James Whitmore. �( 3 min.) (Mr. Alan Raymond) - The Oval Office. :20 Photograph with Senator John C. Culver, - ( 3 min.) Congressman Marty Russo et al. (Mr. Frank 5 Moore) The Oval Office. � Photograph with Ms. Doris Brenner. (Mr. Frank · ( 3 min.) Moore) The Oval Office. �2:45 Drop-By Energy Briefing for the Governors. ( 30 min.) (Mr. Jack Watson) The East Room. / Mr. " 30 Meeting with James Mcintyre et al/Defense (2 hrs.) Department Budget - The Cabinet Room. � (150 Drop-By Reception for National Council of min.) Negro Women - The State Floor. �P I �lMEO 5'l'U1o? DE RUTA AM #5529 3191�55 0 151445Z NOV ?S ZFF� ----- F� AMEM6ASSY DAR ES SA�AAM To S t::CSTATE l'lASHOC NIACT IMMEDIATE 4343 C 0 N F ! 0 E N T ! A � CAR ES SA�AAM 5529 No:n� E·,o-�1120651 RDS.;.1 1111519S (VIETS, R�CMAF�D N,r OR•M TAG81 POEV,-RM, UK, TZ: SUS � � LETTER TO PRE5X�ENT CARTE� FROM PRESXOENT NVER�RE 1 � �C ; , ENT�R! TEXT� J 2� FOLLOWING IS TEXT' OF L. !TTER FROM PRESIDENT NYERER�-- - TO PRESlOENT C ARTER DELIVERED TO AMBASSADOR,- 3� 9!::GIN TEXTI DEAR MR, PRES%0!NT� SHORTLy· AFTER WIUTJ:NG TO YOU YESTEROAY X i'IEARO OF YOUR DECISION TO CONTI NUE UN%TE:O S TlTES SANCT%ON8 AGAINST Ri'IOCES%A . �H;XLI:: THE CCNSTXTUTlONAI,;. CONFERENCE IS: TAKING PLACE lN L.CNOON AND THEN TO RECONSIDER 'THE QUESTION IN TME- LliPHT' OF: - - ·- . - -- ITS CONCLUSIONS, MY ON�Y PURPOSE IN WRITING NOW IS TO SAY HOW MUCH l AP•· P R E CX ATE THXS ACTION� I-KNOW IT WAS NOT AN EASY OECI5ION FOR YOU �!CAUSE OF THE F'OL.lTICA�· PRESSURES OEMANOINCP THAT' SANC • ­ TI:lNS Sl"iOUl.O SE e:NDEC� BiJT I 9EL.lEVE THAT 'fOUR. ACTION WIL� . HAV� A POSIT IVE EFFECT ON THE -cONFERENCE ANO- GREAT�V HE�P THE CHANCES OF IT REACHING AN AGREEMENT � IT' SEEMS TO �IE THAT. i'!o!IS DECISION OF. YOURS IS VET FURTI'IER· EVXDE�!CC: OF THE COURAGEOUS �EAOERSI'IlP VOU ARE GIVING TO 'YOUR. Pe;oP�E ON MATTERS CONCERr�ING PEACE ANC JUSTICE IN SOUTH . - . ... _, . � F R I C A • MY !'RAVERS Ar�E WITH YOU AT' THIS TIME OF GREAT STRESS ANO D!FFICUL.TY FOR VOU AND YOUR PEoPLE,. YoURS Sl�CER��y, Ju�:us K, NYER!�E, !':::ND TEXT', v:r::T� �,. • •· w· * * "' * * * * • w * * '* ·wr.!HSR COMMENT * * * '* * ·• ·w • * * * * * •· • ZS AA GA DE�·< V'fJ E J 8 I F u �l :< I :3�A c r- TORI:51911bi�2Z DTGc151445Z NOV 79 Electrostatic Copy Made ·· for Preservation Purposes \ · .. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SUSAN CLOUGH The attached was returned in Mrs. Carter's outbox. It is being forwarded to you for appropriate handling. Madeline MacBean cc: Sarah Weddington . - /�·' .) • ·� c ··-·� -------·----·--·-·---·····-·· ·- - ---- ·----- - -------------------:- ----- -·---·----------·-·-· . ...... " , . �·07lb20Sl10 11/0&/79�ICS IPHRNCZ CSP WSHB ·· �� � 503227U514 HGM TORN PORTLAND OR 77 11•0& lOOlP· EST PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DC 20500 DEAR JIMMY CARTERI PLEASE REMEMBER ME, I DID A LOT TO ELECT YOU HERE IN PORTLAND, AS A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN AS WELL �S ALL THIS LARGE NEW ENGLAND FAMILY \ ALL REPUBLICANS VOTED FOR YOU, CANNOT REACH YOU BY TELEPHONE, I WILL REACH Y 0 U F 0 R AD V I C E , I AM 0 V_EJL30---¥-f.!BS N 0 W, M 0 THE R 0 F �EM c;..Q!i_, GOVERNOR-IOM--J1CCALLO_f_O_R.E__ FOR HEA'{�N SAKE SPE_�_� ___I!LULY_QJ,IR �- I OLD1111T-IME FRIENDS-;- DOROTHY MCCALL. _ 22105 EST HGMCOMP HGM Electrost�tlc Copy Made forPreservmtloB'A Puoopoess '-· . .- -··· : ·... l.':!l"�;::-;.:__�_;s,-· ..... .,...-:::..:::!_;;. __ . _. ...::x:.:::.��-=:·.J...:·�::::: -· .. ..::..':'".:=;.:::l:':::::.r-�:·.:::.::.-, }:D,ROTHV MCCALL. ... _, ·· 72081 NW EVERETT -ST PORTL.A�D OR ;9720CJ . - !1,· lh 0 T 1 6 Z 0 3 1 0 11/ 0 611 q � I S C Z C S M B , S C I PM R N S P W '! · 503227"51" MGM TORN ·P.ORTLAND OR<T7 11•06 lOOlP EST PRESIDENT JIMMV tARTER WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DC 20500 DEAR JIMMY CARTERI PLEASE REMEMBER ME1 1 DID A LOT TO ELECT YOU HERE IN PORTLAND, AS A REGISTERED REPUB LICAN AS WELL AS ALL THIS LARGE NEW ENGLAND FAMILY ALL REPUBLICANS VOTED FOR YOU •.CANNOT REACH YOU BV' TEL.EPHONE, I WILL V 0 F 0 V V_EL-9- --V. � S 0 0 HER 0 • E R E A C H . U R AD I C E 1 I AM 0 0 N W , M T f · i! T R M GO.VERNOR..... T0 1L.MCC.Al.L�OJ'_._O_R.EJtQ!!• FOR HE_�ye;N SAKE SPEAK -�llH ¥_Q_UR \ --- 1 0 l.D 11t�t-1 ME F R I E-ND 8 i - DOROTHY MCCALL 22105 EST MGMCOMP MGM NOV l G 1�17•i TO REPLY BY MAILGRAM, SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR WESTERN UNION'S TOLL - FREE PHONE NUMBERS i, '. · .. .- I ./ 1- ... I . - { ·.·.. · -- -····'' I I / .. I I I ; i i i I cc: Stu Eizenstat Jim Mcintyre Eliot Cutler Gus Speth ·--- -� . -� . :..-.. --· - . - ----�- � - --. - --- - - - _ : _ -::. .: � - - - - - .- - -. -,,� .. I FOR STAFFING FOR INFORMATION FROM PRESIDENT'S OUTBOX LOG IN/TO PRESIDENT TODAY IMMEDIATE TURNAROUND NO DEADLINE FOR APPROPRIATE HANDLING LAST DAY FOR ACTION - ADMIN CONFID CONFIDENTIAL SECRET z 0 EYES ONLY H E-tH u� o::er.... VICE PRESIDENT MILLER JORDAN bf· VANCE CUTLER DONOVAN / EIZENSTAT BUTLER MCDONALD CA..\iPBELL MOORE H. CARTER POWELL CLOUGH WATSON CRUIKSHANK WEDDINGTON FIRST LADY WEXLER FRANCIS BRZEZINSKI HARDEN v MCINTYRE HERTZBERG SCHULTZE HUTCHESON I KAHN �� LINDER ANDRUS MARTIN ASKEW MILLER BERGLAND MOE BROWN PE TERSON CIVILETTI PRESS DUNCAN SANDERS GOLDSCHMID'r v SPETH HARRIS STRAUSS . KREPS TORRES LANDRIEU VOORDE MARSHALL WISE THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 11/16/79 Mr. President: DOE, OMB and DPS recommend that Frank's memo be referred to the Energy Coordinating Committee for analysis. Gus Speth has "serious concerns" with the proposals, and also recommends analysis of their technical and budgetary feasibility. Detailed comments from OMB, DOE and CEQ are available if you wish to see them. Rick TH � WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 5, 1979 MEM)RANDUM FOR: THE PRESIDENT FROM: Frank Press ?if/ SUBJECI': Your call for innovative ideas At the budget meeting last Wednesday you called for innovative initiatives that would demonstrate positive movement toward solution of our Nation's problems. I would like to propose a bold energy initiative supplementary to your existing program which can have short-term as well as long-term impact on domestic and worldwide supplies of fuels. It has the following components: Increased Domestic Supplies of Oil and Gas. .MJst of the U.S. land area geologically favorable to oil production has been leased and drilled. The geologically favorable offshore area under our jurisdiction, including the deep water (6000-12000 ft) continental :rrargin beyond the CCS, is about the same size as the favorable land areas (approximately 1 billion acres). Yet, less than 3% of this geologically favorable offshore region has ever been leased, let alone drilled. The UK which uses both incentives and penalties to encourage rapid development has already leased 60% of its CCS. There is, as you kno.v, an existing program underway to lease, explore and develop the CCS; if we can speed this process up we might hasten the addition of tens of billions of barrels of oil to our reserve base, giving the nation a psychological boost and possibly influencing future OPEC pricing decisions. For the deeper offshore area, advances in drilling technology mean that we have now reached the stage of planning the process for its exploration and development. We start here with a cleaner slate than for the CCS, and thus can be more innovative in our approach. .MJreover, the uncertainty in the resource estimates is greater, so the potential finds are larger.
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    tche A-d HOME APPLIANCES Pa_ No. 9751596 ALL RANGES CAN TIP • INJURY TO PERSONS COULD RESULT • INSTALL ANTI-TIP DEVICE PACKED WITH RANGE • SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT: Read and save these instructions. IMPORTANT: Installer: Leave Installation Instructions with the homeowner. 30" (76.2 cm) Homeowner: Keep Installation Instructions and anti-tip bracket template for future reference. Electric Slide-in Range Save Installation Instructions for local electrical with self-cleaning inspector's use. thermal/convection oven Cabinet opening dimensions Before you start... 25" (63.5 cm) countertop Read electrical and carpentry instructions. Proper installation is your responsibility.A 24" (61 cm) base qualified technician must install this range. Make sure you have everything necessary for correct J upper cabinet depth _J For minimum installation. It is the customer's responsibility to I .... e|..Jancat?thetop make sure that the countertop has been properly _J 30." (76.2 cm)rnin.., of the cooktop, sea prepared and that the installation clearances specified on the seriaVrating plate are met. The serial/rating plate is located on the frame behind the drawer. 18" (45.7cm!, / c°_/_,,...,.,,1"'"_ _22-3/4" (67.8 cm) _loPP_[,c_,_tne' _-/// I _ opening depth Check location where range will be installed. The range should be located for convenient use in the kitchen. Recessed installations must provide complete enclosure of the sides and rear of range. ALL OPENINGS IN THE WALL OR FLOOR WHERE RANGE ISTO BE INSTALLED MUST BE SEALED. Cutout shown is for a 25-inch (63.5 cm) countertop with a 24-inch (61 cm) base cabinet and no backsplash.
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