Cornwall House 31 Lionel Street Birmingham B3 1AP 0121Cornwall 289 4315 House
[email protected] Lionel Street B3 1AP @PrincipleEM 0121 289 4315
[email protected] @PrincipleEM Welcome to a review of Principle’s first year Brettfirst Williams 12 A big hello to all our clients, partners, professional contacts and BSc months(Hons) customers. FRICS FIRPM I amWelcome delighted to be a reviewsending our of firstPrinciple’s newsletter first out yearto you Managing all today. And I’m pretty amazed that our new business is 12 Director A big hell to all our clients, partners, professional contacts and 3,500 units months old already! customers. first 12 Our first two property developments came into management in months lateWe May are delighted2018, and to bePrinciple sending was our thenfirst newsletter properly outup andto you running all today. 100 fromAnd 1 I’m June pretty last amazed year when that our Joe new joined business me, withis 12 monthsIan then old coming already! developments onboard in October. Our first two property developments came into management in late 3,500 units OtherMay 2018,key personnel and Principle we’ve was thentaken properly on in our up andfirst running year include from 1st June executivelast year when assistant Joe joined Belinda, me, withcustomer Ian then services coming onboardmanager in October. 20 counties Michelle and senior property manager Dani. With our back- Other key personnel we’ve taken on in our first year include executive 100 officeassistant support Belinda, and customer consultants, services we managerhave recruited Michelle staff and at seniorrate ofproperty one person manager, per month, Dani.