ARTILLERY FIRE UNLEASHED UNTIL CYRUS VANCE RETURNS FROM FORTHCOMING TRIP, U.S. -- E,ents Indicate Israel WilL DELAY PROPOSALS Ma, Be Getting I In,ol,ed FOR BREAKING DEADLOCK BEIRUT (UPI) -- Israeli-backed Chrlstian mllltia­ men unleashed artillery fire on the Lebanese army ln WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Unlted States has decided to delay putting forward its the southeast corner of the country early today amld own proposals to break the Middle East negotiating deadlock until after Secretary indications Israel had a hand in the mllitia reS1S­ of State Cyrus Vance returns from his forthcoming Middle East trip, administration tance. officlals sald today. Shellfire from the militia stronghold of Marjayoun Vance, who leaves late Friday for Israel and Egypt, spent over two hours dis­ continued past dawn thlS morning with small arms cusslng the Middle East and SALT negotlations with the Senate Forelgn Relations bursts afterward. Commlttee. Early this mornlng, ONE SMASHED ALREADY AND ANOTHER ONE COMING UP ON WEDNESDAY As for his trip, he Lebanese troop commander told reporters, "I don't Col Adlb Saad drove to expect anythlng dramatic Marjayoun with Norwegian THE SOVIETS BREAK U.S. SPACE RECORDS or new to come out of U.N. officers to open talks these conversations." with the mllitlas. MOSCOW (UPI) -- The Sovlet space program, which has already smashed one proud Admi nl strat i on Military sources sald American record this year, will overtake another on Wednesday. offlcials said the Vance the army commanders plan­ Early tomorrow as the 29 cosmonauts Vladimlr Kovalenok and Alexander mlssion, which the U.S. ned talks with Maj. Saad Ivanchenko orblt overhead ln the space lab the Soviet Unlon wlll break lnitlally hoped would Haddad, the pre-clvll war the Amerlcan record of mark the opening of di­ army chief in the area 937 man-days spent ln lar success by Soviet to be the next generation rect negotiatlons between that has fought alongside space. standards and has been in the state of the art Israel and Egypt, has the mllitlas agalnst Pales­ The had the platform for an en­ of spacefllght, technolo­ turned into a damage as­ tlnlan guerrlllas for the remalned conslstent1y tlre serles of Sovlet glcally far outstrlpping sessment Vl Sl t. past 20 months. ahead ln overall tlme ln space flrsts. anythlng the Sovlets have The offlclals sald a The flrln~ kept the orbit since 1965 when the The Sovlet achlevements on the drawlng boards. declslon wlll be made on fl rs t a rmy troops to move Apollo Skylab program got could not be better But ln the meantime, whether and when to put south ln 20 months from underway. tlmed, comlng as they do the Sovlets have per­ forward an American pro­ continulng to a planned Earller this year, a durlng a three-year hlatus fected and made maXlmum posal only after Vance headquarters in Tlbnine, palr of Soviet cosmonauts, in the Amerlcan space use of lts old generation returns to Washlngton some elght mlles from Georpy Grechko and Yurl program. of space capsules and and reports to President Israel. Romanenko, broke the The Amerlcan manned space statlons. Carter. One source conflrmed Amerlcan manned space­ fllght program wlll re­ Tomorrow's fallen Vance sald, "We be­ a report that mllltla re­ flight endurance record maln at a standstlll record wlll make the lleve there have to be slstance had followed word of 84 days ln orbit and untll the first flight of Sovlets the grand old men negotlations. When they relayed by the U.S. went on to set a new en­ the Enterpr~se space of space, wlth more run into obstacles, we ambassador of a last­ durance record of 96 days. shuttle scheduled for late fllghts and more experl­ will feel ourselves free mlnute warning from Israel The Salyut 6 space 1979. ence ln orblt under thelr to make suggestions, and that it would oppose the lab, launched September The reuseable U.S. belts than any other that remalns our POS1- move. 29, has been a spectacu- space shuttle lS destlned country. tion." DOWN TO ¥187.00 to $1.00 SA V.NGS BOND AFTER YESTERDAY'S SHOOTOUT ANOTHER LOW fOR DOLLAR SALES SUSPENDED france Expelled Three WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. Treasury Department Iraqi Embassy Guards ON TOKYO MARKET TODA Y today suspended savlngs TOKYO (UPI) -- The totterlng U.S. dollar today bond sales for only the PARIS (UPI) -- France expelled three Iraql Embassy crashed to yet another low uf ¥187.00 on the Tokyo third tlme ln hlstory be­ guards with dlplomatlc status today followlng a Foreign Exchange Market, and a government offlclal cause lnflatlon and a shootout at the Iraql Embassy which killed a French descrlbed the drop as "noteworthy." decade of federal deflcits policeman and an Iraql guard. The dollar ended the day's tradlng at 187.00 yen, have pushed the U.S. Authorltles sald the guards could not be prosecu­ down sharply from the prevlous low of ¥190.30 and the debt above three-quarters ted because of diplomatic lmmunity. They said two close of ¥190.80 Monday. Immedlately after opening at of a trilllon dollars clalmed status as secretarles of the Embassy and the ¥188.50, the greenback ($750,000,000,000). third was an attache. s1umped to the new rate. A Department of the They were ordered to A New U.S. Coin 80mb Exp'osion The dollar has lost 26.7 Treasury spokesman sald leave France lmmediately percent ln value Slnce the suspenSlon was lm­ and were expected to be May 'n 8uenos Aires January 4 when lt was posed becau~e the govern­ out of the country by 8e Appro,ed BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -- traded at ¥237.00 and ment has reached ltS the end of the day. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The A powerful bomb exploded compared wlth the long­ debt limlt of $752 bll­ The shootout ended an Senate Banking Committee early today kllllng the established postwar rate llon. Leglslatlon to eight-hour seizure of today voted unanimously 15-year-old daughter of a of ¥360.00. the ratlo of ralse the celllng to eight hostages by a gun­ to authorize the first blg navy offlclal and at depreclatlon came to $798 billlon has passed man, apparently Palestin­ Amerlcan coin to honor a least one of his police 92.5 percent. the House and awaits ian, at the Embassy. real woman - a dollar guards, offlcial spokes­ Market sources lndl­ approval of the Senate. Pollce sald Iraqi bearing the lmage of 19th men said. cated the fall as a re­ The department sent guards fired at the gun­ century suffragette Susan The bomb, planted ln an action to overseas money notlces to 40,000 banks, man after he had sur­ B. Anthony. e~pty apartment ln a markets where the dollar corporatlons and other rendered and was belng Commlttee aides said buildlng next to that of was traded sharply lower. issulng agents to stop new led out of the Embassy they hope the legislation the navy chlef of staff An offlclal at the sales of bonds lmmedia­ and lnto a waltlng police wlll galn final Congres­ Vice Adm. Armando Lam­ Bank of Tokyo, a )eadlng tely. car. sional approval and be bruschini, caused exten­ exchange bank, sald An estimated 10 milllon French pollce shot back sent to President Carter Slve damage to both tradlng was relatlvely people buy bonds on auto­ and the ensulng fusillade before Congress adjourns bulldlngs. . calm because dealers matlc deductlon plans went on for several for the year in October. An offlclal spokesman took the drop for granted. while another 6 mlllion minutes. If approved, the at the presldential palace Today's plunge was buy bonds dlrectly from In addltlon to the Treasury hopes to have sald the bomb had kllled apparently trlggered by banks and other lssuers two deaths the gunman and 500 mlllion of the new Lambruschlnl's daughter a remark from Chase Man­ each year. two policemen were coins in circulation by and pollce sald at least hattan Bank's Davld The suspenslon wlll not wounded. mid-1979. one of the guards had Rockefeller that the affect redemption of the Police were bitter at There has been contro­ been killed. Pollce sald dollar wlll decline fur­ $80 billlon ln bonds cur­ Iraql guards with whom versy because the Treasury manv oersons mav have been ther agalnst other inter­ rently outstandlng, the they had been working all did not want to honor buried under the rubble. natlonal currenCles. department said. day to free the hostages. Just one Amerlcan woman. PAGE 2 TUESDAY, AUGUST I, 1978 $500 Million Heiress Gets Running Out Of Customers Range Operation SYDNEY, Australla (UPI) -- An lnsurance A range operation at Roi-Namur is A $2.20 Russian Wedding company which caters exclu~'vely to tee­ scheduled for Wednesday evening, August 2. MOSCOW (UPI) -- Greek shlPPlng helress totallers lS runnlng out of customers. In connection with this operatlon a Chrlstlna Onassls marrled her Russlan boy­ Ansvar Australia Insurance, which lS hazard area wl1l exist in the ocean wlthin frlend ln a $2.20 weddlng today and became headquartered ln Stockholm and lS part of an area defined by the foll owing coordi­ an lnternationa1 organizatlon Wh1Ch insists nates: 2~0 24' N, 172 0 0' E; 20 0 42' N, plaln Mrs. Chr1st1na Kauzova of Moscow. 0 on abstlnence by 1tS clients, says more ]76 0 48' E; 11· 54' N, 170~ T8' E; 09 The 27-year-old M1SS Onass1s and her 37- 0 year-old thlrd husband, Serge1 Kauzov, sald Australlans are turnlng to alcohol. 22' N. 167 29' E; 09° 23' N. 167° 26' Eo "yes" when Moscow Clty Sovlet off1cial t-1rs. The New South Wales manager for Ansvar, 13° 06' N, 168° 06' E. There is "no" Klara Lemyeshkova asked them lf they agreed Frank Whlte, sald a recent survey by the KwaJalein Lagoon hazard area for this to the marnage. company revealed that less than nine per­ operation. Ennuebing Island must be ' Then they slgned thelr names ln the b1g cent of adult Australlans are teetotallers, evacuated for this operatlon during the reg1stry book and walked out, man and w1fe compared with a survey f1gure of 12 per­ hazard time shown below. There is a 1n the eyes of the Sovlet state, Just 32 cent ln 1969. "take-cover" requi rement for Roi-Namur m1nutes after they entered the pale green Whlte said his company, which tradition­ Island for this operation. All non­ Griboyedova Street State Wedd1ng Palace. ally recruits customers through church­ essential personnel on Roi-Namur must The slmple ceremony, Wh1Ch lasted less related publications, has been forced to "take cover" in an approved shelter when than ten m1nutes and took place before widen its advertlsing. directed. Unless specifically authorized, fewer than a dozen inv1ted guests, was the "We are goi ng out to reach a d1 ml n i Sh1 ng all personnel and craft must be out of same for the helress to a $500 m1ll10n market. This concerns us no end -- for and rema1n out of the above hazard area sh1pping fortune as for scores of other obvious reasons," he said. between the hours of 2318 on Wednesday, couples who march through e1ght hours a day August 2 and 0128 on Thursday. August 3. f1 ve days a week. New Law for New Yori See the map below showing the ocean hazard The wedd1ng party 1nc1uded no member of area. the Onass1s fam11y and only one of NEW YORK (UPI) -- A new law for New York Chr1stina's frlends, the w1fe of the Greek state went lnto effect today re(1uiring dog ambassador Mrs. Ursula Ca10geras. owners to pick up fecal waste from their Chr1st1na told one reporter last week, pets. "Anyway, there 1S not much fam11y left, Most officials concede a major problem as you know." wlth the law wlll be enforcement but they It cost an off1clal fee of $2.20. hope a possible $100 flne w1ll persuade A stnng and Pl ano quartet pl ayed "Here dog owners to arm themselves with home-made Comes The Bn de" as Chn st1na entered the or store-bought scoops when they take a dog 1av1sh1y decorated room where the marr1age out for his const1tutiona1. was performed. Dr. Alan Beck, head of the New York C1ty Health Department's Anlmal Affalrs Dlvision, estimates that every day the Clty'S 700,000 Locusts Are Spreading dogs leave 350,000 pounds of fecal waste ROME (UPI) -- The worst locust outbreak and 166,000 jallons of unne ln New York's 1n 16 years may spread from the Horn of streets, lots and pdrks. Afr1ca to the Hlma1ayas and Afr1ca's Atlantic "There's about 320 square mlles ln the coast, affect1ng one-flfth of manklnd, a city, so that means half a ton per square Unlted Nat10ns agency sa1d today. ml1e," sald Beck, who noted that dog waste NAURU The U.N. Food and Agr1cu1ture Organ1zat10n poses "d1sease and envlronmenta1 problems" ~'N (FAO) sa1d an emergency seSS10n of 1tS - especially wlth transmlSSlon of worm Desert Locust Control Comm1ttee recommended larvae to chlldren. qUlck actlon to W1pe out large locust swarms FIGURE J wh11e they are trapped 1n Soma11a by adverse w1nds. But 1t sald the 1nternat10na1 effort Off LIMITS wl1l have to be contlnued for another two The barge Islander has arrlved as scheduled today, August 1. Access to the years before the danger 1S el1m1nated. II nThe present locust outbreak 1S the most Small Boat Marlna lS by 8th Street - note serious ln 16 years and could eas1ly develop route on sketch below. Your cooperation 1nto a major plague," the FAO sa1d 1n a as sportsmen wll1 be apprec1ated and statement. ellmlnate the 11ke11hood of an accldent in Me' Rocie, the barricaded area. A meteorolog1ca1 rocket launch oper­ ation is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2. Typhoons "ague Japan In connectl0n w1th th1S operatlon ~ TOKYO (UPI) -- Med1um-s1zed Typhoon o hazard areas will exist 1n the ocean and Virginia sklrted along the Pac1f1c coast of on Kwajalein Island between the aZ1muths central Japan today wh1le Typhoon Wendy began of 225°true and 275° true. The ocean movlng east after staY1ng over the East hazard area extends out from KwaJale1n for Ch1na Sea for about 43 hours, the Meteoro- a distance of 50 nautical miles. The 10glcal Agency reported. Kwaja1ein Island ground hazard area is that It sald there lS llttle posslb111ty that contained wlthin a circle havlng a 400- V1rg1n1a wll1 land on Japan's Honshu main foot radius from the rocket launcher. All lsland. It warned of heavy downpours along personnel and craft must stay out of the the Paclflc coast. ocean hazard area between the hours of The agency sald Vlrglnla, wlth 75.6 miles 1245 and 1545 or untl1 the restrlctlon 1S per hour center winds, was speed1ng north­ lifted. The ground hazard area must be ward off Boso Pen1nsula, south of Tokyo, evacuated not later than 1245 hours. See dump1ng sporadlc heavy downpours ln Tokyo the dlagram below showing the ocean hazard and nearby areas. area. Vlrglnla, the seventh typhoon spawned over the Paclflc thlS year, was located about 78 mlles southeast of Choshl on the tip of Boso Penlnsula today, the agency sald. It lS expected to be off Iwate provlnce, northern Japan, Wednesday afternoon, the agency sald. Go, Dewey, Go SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA (UPI) -- Convlcted bank robber Dewey Baker escaped from a federal courtroom Monday whlle hlS chlldren cheered h1m on. Baker, 26, had Just been glven a 16-year prlson sentence by U.S. Dlstrlct Judge Wllllam A. Ingram, when he turned from the bench and bolted full speed for the door. His three chlldren were ln the courtroom Surf & Sun and cheered hlm on, chantlng, "Go, Dewey, Go," AS OF 0001 HOURS, AUGUST 1, 1978 financial News Wl tnesses sal d. Dally Rainfall: .23 lnch "He Just galloped n ght out of court," ~ Total: 7.84 inches DO~' JONES AVERAGES sald San Jose Pollce Lt. Don EW1ng. "It was Yearly Total: 60.38 lnches 30 INDUSTRIALS off 1.56 at 860.71 a perfect escape." TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN 20 TRANSPORTATIONS up 0.34 at 241.48 Baker, charged wlth robblng eleven banks Hl Tlde 0354, 05.5' - 1613, 04.7' 15 UTILITIES up 0.28 at 106.94 this year, knocked over one spectator, whose Lo Tide 1017,00.9' - 2206, 01.0' 65 STOCKS off 0.05 at 298.98 body trlpped a bal11ff, then sllpped from Sunr1se 0640 Sunset 1910 VOLU~E was 34,880,000 shares the clutches of a probatlon offlcer and ran Moonrlse 0543 Moonset 1826 Closing Gold Pr1ce: $205.35 out the bUlldlng. Closing Silver Prlce $5.59 The fUgl t 1ve 1s known as the "Checkbook For Total Forecast Call 84700 SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY Bandl t" who netted $14,000 from bank Jobs. PAGE 3 foreign Policy In Global Trouble WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Carter's forelgn POllCY lS ln global trouble, accor~lng to a survey of Unlted Press Internation­ al correspondents around the world. There lS trouble ln substance. The Japanese govenment lS an­ gry over Carter's lnternatlonal economlC pollcles. The French Judge Carter's human rlghts campalgn agalnst Moscow too tough. There lS trouble ln style. In Argentlna there lS a feellng that lt lS "amateur day" ln the Whlte House. In Bonn, the West Germans say Carter talks too much. From London, the Brltlsh are reported as perhaps Carter's lone cheerleader among Amerlca's Western European allles. In the Mid­ dle East, however, both Israel and Egypt are grumbllng about Car­ ter's tactlcs ln the Medlterranean. In Moscow, the UPI Bureau reports the Kremlln appears to hold Carter's forelgn POllCy ln contempt. Wlth some reason Carter may shrug at the crltiClsm. He lS elected ln the Unlted States, not ln allen lands. And only rare­ ly -- Woodrow Wllson in 1918, Franklln D. Roosevelt in 1945, John F. Kennedy at the Berlln Wall, Rlchard M. Nlxon deallng with Peklng and Moscow -- has an Amerlcan Presldent been accorded the status of a super statesman by hlS frlends and foes abroad. Here, then, lS how foreign governments now Judge Carter, as reported by UPI forelgn correspondents. Russla: From Moscow, Douglas Stanglln says: The current down­ turn In Sovlet-Amerlcan relatlons would appear to grow out of Kremlln contempt for a U.S. forelgn POllCY that lS hard one week and soft the next. The Sovlets Vlew Carter as a greenhorn whose A f RS AM Radio 1220 Kwaialein slnklng domestlc support makes lt lmposslble for hlm to deal from a posltlon of strength abroad. Monday - Frl day Saturday Brltaln: From London, Joseph W. Grlgg says: Prlme Mlnister 6:00 News 6:06 Jlm Denny Tll 8 James Callaghan lS perhaps the on1y one of Amerlca's European 6:06 Jlm Denny Tll 9 6:30 ABC News allles who stlll roots strongly for Presldent Carter. He stlll 6:30 ABC News 6:50 CBS Flrst Llne Report belleves Europe's future lS tled to the Unlted States. But the 6:50 Mornlng News Report: 6:55 Mornlng News Report Brltlsh press lS crltlcal, especlally on the woes of the dollar Commentary, News, News, Sports, WX. and Carter's fallure thus far to produce an 011 conservat1on law. Sports, WX. 7:45 CBS Newsbreak Chlna: From Hong Kong Mlchael Keats says that Chlna 1S watch­ 7 :40 Tooth Fal ry 7:55 CBS Meet The Cook lng wlth ObV10US pleasure the Carter r1ft wlth the Kremlln and 7:45 News Break 8:15 ABC Paul Harvey Washlngton moves to normallze relatlons with Peklng. No public 7:55 CBS Meet The Cook 8:50 Communlty Bulletln Board statements but only Sllghtly yelled smugness at Carter dec1s1ons 8:00 Earth News 9:00 NPR All Thlngs Consldered to cut down on the export of technologlcal lnformation and equlp­ 8:15 ABC Paul Harvey 10:05 The Story Teller ment whlle promlslng to lncrease the flow of such ltems to the (1st Alrlng) 10:30 Mary Helen Barro (Spanlsh) People's Republlc. 8:45 NBC Gene Shallt 11 :05 Dl ck Cl ark Argentlna: From Buenos Alres, John Relchertz says Carter's 8:56 Communlty Bulletln 12:05 Amerlcan Country Countdown forelgn POllCy contlnually exasperates Argentlne offlclals, who Board 3:00 Amerlcan Top 40 flnd lt amateurlsh. The mllltary government accuses Washlngton 9:00 NPR All Thlngs 6:00 Evenlng News Report: of betraYlng ltS antl-communlst allles by charglng them w1th Consldered News, Sports, WX., human rlghts vlolatlons wlthout conslderlng thelr battle against 10:05 Gene Pnce Bulletln Board leftlst guerrlllas. They see Amerlca as weaker mllltarily, lrre­ 11:05 Roger Carroll 6:30 ABC Llsten Closely solute In meetlng Sovlet challenges. 11:30 Wed. Only Atoll Hour 6:55 Don Drysdale On Sports Japan: From Tokyo, Robert Crabbe says Carter's lnternatlonal 12:00 CBS News & Sports 7:05 Klng Blscult Flower Hour economlC pollcles upset Japanese leaders. Prlme Mlnlster Takeo 12:20 Artlst Of The Day 8:05 Roland Bynum Fukuda complalns about Carter's fallure to pass an energy bill. 12:35 Jlm Pewter 9:05 ••• And All That Jazz The Japanese are 1rked by Carter's apparent casual attltude toward 1:05 Don Tracy 10:05 Jazz Album Countdown the dollar's decllne. 2:05 Ed Nlshlhara Til 4 12:00 News Headllnes Egypt: From Calro, W.G. Klrolos says Egyptlan officlals prl­ 2:15 Tooth FalrY 12:02 FM-AM Slmulcast Tll 8 a.m. vately complaln Carter lS not tough enough wlth Israel. They want 2:05 Frlday - Harry Newman ---- News On The Hour ---­ Carter to pressure Israel to wlthdraw from Arab terrltory. They Country Tll 4 Johnny Sports and Speclal Events May say Amerlca has done too llttle to back up Carter's words ln Jan­ Darln Amerlcan D1SCO Pre-empt Regular Programmlng uary about allowlng the Palestlnlans to take part ln flxlng their 4:05 Charlle Tuna future. But Presldent Anwar Sadat has patlence wlth and falth 1n 5:02 Town & Country Sunday Carter's eventually d01ng somethlng to break the Egyptlan-Israell 5:30 Uncle Mokl 8:00 News deadlock ln peace negotlatlons. 5:45 ABC Paul Harvey 8:05 Master Control Israel: From Jerusalem, Allen Alter says Israells are unhap­ (2nd Alrlng) 8:30 Protestant Hour py wlth Carter's Mlddle East POllCY. Offlclals prlvately say 5:55 Evenlng News Report: 9:00 NPR All Thlngs Consldered Washlngton has abandoned its role In medlatlng wlth the Egyptians News, Stocks, CBS BUS1- 10:05 Sunday Serenade and lS sldlng wlth the Arabs. ness Report. CBS News 10:30 World Of Antlques (5:00) France: From Parls, Arthur L. Hlgbee says the French govern­ Break p.m., Sport, WX., 11 :05 Love On The Rock ment holds that Carter lS much too aggresslve about human rlghts Communlty Bulletln 11 :30 East Of Eden ln the Sovlet Unlon, an lssue France does not mlnlmlze but prefers Board 12:05 Humble Harv Tll 2 to soft-pedal. They say Carter also lS too tlmld ln opposlng 6:35 Feature 25: 2:05 CBS Feature Sovlet lnflltratlon of Afrlca. They say Carter's forelgn POllCY Mon - AP SP. Asslgnment 2:10 Mormon Tabernacle Cholr lS weakened by allowlng the dollar to lose ltS strength steadlly. Tue &Wed - ABC Perspec­ 2'35 CBS Face The Natlon West Germany: From Bonn, Welllnton Long says West German of­ tlVe 3:05 Sunday Serenade flclals conslder Carter's forelgn POllCY to declamatory. They say Thurs - CBS Capltol 3:35 NBC Meet The Press hlS human rlghts POllCY, for lnstance, lS lneffectlve compared to Cloakroom 4:05 CBS Weekend Features Bonn's more hard-headed deallngs wlth the communlsts. They say Frl - CBS SCl Ed. &ABC 4:35 ABC Issues &Answers Carter was none to lmpresslve at the free world economlC summlt Meet The Author 5:05 Carmen Dragon meetlng here thlS month, leavlng hlS fellow leaders wonderlng 7:05 Pete Smlth 6:00 Evenlng News Report: what he wlll do wlth hlS energy pledges lf Congress denles hlm 8:05 Golden Days Of Radlo News, Sports, WX., what he wants. 8:30 Edd Whltaker Tll 10 Communlty Bulletln Board Brazll: From R10 de Janelro, Mark Llfsher says Brazll re­ 8:45 Tooth Fai ry 6:25 The Unexplalnables malns unbendlng agalnst Carter's efforts to push human rlghts and 10:05 News Commentarles 6:30 CelebratlOn nuclear power llmltatlons on R10. U.S.-Brazlllan relatlons have (ABC, NBC, CBS) 7:05 Zero Hour (Speclal) soured Slnce Carter took offlce. The most publlC slqn was Brazll 10:30 Mary Turner 7:30 Horlzons West (Serlal) breaklng a 25-year-old mllltary pact wlth Amerlca because of 11:05 Wolfman Jack 8:05 The Whlstler anger over Washlngton's words on human rlghts ln Brazll. Rela­ 12:00 News Headllnes 8:35 Uncle Mokl tlons now are dlplomatlcally correct but hardly productive. 12:02 FM-AM SlITiulcast Tll 6 a.m. 9:05 Blg Band Countdown Kenya: From Nalrobl, Ray Wllklnson says relatlons wlth Carter News On The Hour ----- 10:05 Tom Campbell are now extremely good. Amerlca abldes by Kenya's wlshes that no 12:00 News Headllnes U.S. arms go to Somalla. Slgn of the good tlmes lS the help the 12:02 FM-A~I Slmulcast Tll 6 a.m. U.S. Army lS glvlng Kenya 1n strateg1c plannlng In case thlS Af­ ----- News On The Hour ----- rlca nat10n 1S attacked. Ch11e: From Sant1ago, Charles Padllla says Chllean offlclals A FRS FM ••••• 100 MHZ Judge Carter's forelgn POllCY a dlsaster. They say he lS soft on 24 Hours Dally battllng communlsm. The press carrles cartoons showlng Carter snuggllng wlth Fldel Castro or Kremlln leaders. A key cause of News at 10:00 a.m. &10:00 p.m. Chllean feellng lS Carter's human rlghts drlve toward thlS country. Community Bulletin Board -: Noon & 6:00 p.m. Off1Clals here regard that as U.S. 1nterventlon In Ch11ean affalrs. Classlcal MUS1C Nlghtly at 9:05 p.m. Italy: From Rome, Jack Payton says Itallan leaders always Cameo Concert -- Monday-Friday keep very qUlet any crltlclsm of Washlngton. But the leaders, Flrst Hearlng -- Saturday communlst and non-commun1st, openly crltiClzed Carter's POllCY ln Carmen Dragon -- Sunday January when the State Department sald 1t wanted no communlsts ln Pete Smith Show Mon-Frl at 10:05 p.m. the Itallan government. Irked, the Chrlstlan Democrats forelgn Good MUS1C At All Other Tlmes!!! mlnlster sald that Carter actlon "dld not help uS solve our prob­ lems." PAGE 4 TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1978 Terri ChUD Completes Medical Records Course

The name for our elghth month is proof that blood lS thicker than water -- partl­ cu1arly among Roman emperors. Because July had been named for "Uncle JU11US" Caesar, Caesar Augustus decreed that the follOWing month -- August -­ should be named for hlm. Overall, August lS marltlme-oriented. It was on August 3, 1492, that Columbus set sal1 for "Cathay," but found instead the New World. August 4 lS Coast Guard Day, WhlCh celebrates the foundlng of the U.S. Coast Guard ln 1790. August 9 marks the 1573 birthday of the famous flsherman, Izzak Walton. Except for the Holy Blb1e, perhaps no other book has gone through so many pub11shlngs as Walton's The Compleat Angler, or the Con­ temp1at~ve Man's Recreat~on, WhlCh flrst appeared ln 1653 and was republlshed more than 100 tlmes. - Robert Fulton's steamboat, the Clermont, Dr. C1~ff Roosa, KMR Ch~ef Med~ca1 Off~cer, r~ght, congratulates Mrs. Terr~ Chun and bUl1t In 1807, sal led up the Hudson Rlver presents her w~th formal not~f~cat~on of her successful comp1et~on of the one-year Med~­ from New York Clty on August 11, provlng cal Records ~brar~an Course. Ron Logan, hosp~ta1 adm~n~strator, looks on at left. the feaslbillty of commercial steam naVl­ The letter from the Amer~can Med~ca1 Records Assoc~at~on read, ~n part, " ••• We hope gatlon. On August 18, 1838, the flrst you share our pr~de ~n th~s student. The lessons of th~s course requ~re long hours of Navy expedltlon to explore the Antarctic ~ntens~ve study and the student must contr~bute a full measure of d~l~gence and persev­ set sall under the command of Capt. John erance. " Wllkes. Mrs. Chun, a reg~stered nurse, has been employed at the KMR Hosp~ta1 med~ca1 records Devlatlng from ShlPS of the sea to department s~nce May 1975. Photo by Nate Jackson, Kentron photo Lab ShlPS of the alr, August 19, lS National AVlatlon Day, set by Congress ln 1939 to cOlnclde wlth the blrthday of aVlatlon pi­ Kimij Kirarik 10k Kom* Tax filing Date's fxtended oneer Orvllle Wrlght. On the same day ln 1812, however, the famous Amerlcan frlg­ *"K~m~J karar~k tok kom" ~s the Marsha1- To October 16 ate U.S.S. Const~tut~on won ltS battle lese way to say "We welcome you" -- l~ter­ wlth the Brltlsh frlgate Guerr~ere, Wln­ ally, "We make you no longer strangers." The KMR Legal Offlce recently recelved a phone call from Chet Klng of the Inter­ nlng not only the flght but the nlckname b~ Sharon Bechtold nal Revenue Servlce Reglona1 Offlce ln "Old Ironsldes," as the Bntlsh cannon DAVID and ROBINNE DENENBERG and thelr Manl1a. Klng stated that he had Just been balls bounced off the thlCk oak sldes of chlldren, ADRIANNA, 14, DAVID, 11, DANIEL, lnformed that the IRS CommlSSloner had the Shlp. 5, and JOSHUA, 4, arrlved recently from granted another extenslon untl1 October 16, In mld-month, August 13, marks the Mendon, Mass. Davld is an engineer with 1978 for those taxpayers who quallfy to ex­ 17th annlversary of the Berlln Wall, erec­ Sylvama. clude lncome under Sectlon 911 of the I~­ ted by the East German government ln 1961 The Denenbergs hope to spend some of terna1 Revenue Code for tax year 1977. He to close the border between East and West thelr lelsure tlme fishing, swimmlng, also sald that he be11eved that Congress Berlln. The next day 15 V.J. Day, anni­ plaYlng softball and shootlng. would eventually pass a law WhlCh would versary of Presldent Harry Truman's an­ This is the flrst trlp to KwaJ for the contlnue the $20,000 exc1USlon ($25,000 nouncement on August 14, 1945, that Japan 'famlly and they say lt lS "a pleasant res­ for those who have been a bona flde reSl­ had surrendered to the A111es. plte from the northeast bllZzard of 178." dent here for more than three years) at Departlng from the mllltary and marl­ least through 1977. tlme themes lS Women's Equa11ty Day, ob­ TOM and MARY ELLEN FARGNOLI recently Anyone e11g1b1e for thlS addltlona1 ex­ served by Presldentia1 Proc1amatlon and arrived from Somerdale, New Jersey. Tom lS tenslon should stl11 keep ln mlnd that pub11C law on August 26. On that day ln a computer operator and data edltor with should they eventually owe any tax, lnter­ 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constltu­ RCA. est wl11 be due on the amount owed at the tlon was lncorporated, glvlng women the The Fargnolis are lnterested in most rate of 6% per annum beglnnlng Aprl1 17. nght to vote. sports and also ln maglC. 1978. ARTHUR and JOYCE SANDERSON and thelr Sabala Enters Air force School On This Da, 'n Histor, children, GARY, 14, and JANIS, 12, arrlved Word has come to the HourGlass Vla In 1779, Francls Scott Key was born. recently from Andover, Mass. Arthur works Kentron's Bl11 Clark that Wl111am Sabala, In 1790, the flrst U. S. census showed for Sylvania as an R&D engineer. son of former KwaJ resldents Bl11 and a popu1atlon of 3,929,214 ln 17 states. Art and Joyce are lnterested ln bowl­ Joyce Moreland, has been accepted lnto In 1907, the Unlted States Army Alr ing. Art also likes softball and Joyce the U.S. Alr Force Academy prep school Force was founded as part of the Slgna1 enjoys playing mah Jong and dOlng crochet and began classes July 20. Corps. work. In 1975, Presldent Ford, at the European The Sandersons are on thelr flrst tour (MNS) -- M~crones~an status negot~a­ Securlty Conference ln He1s1nkl, JOlned to Kwaj and say they flnd lt very pleasant t~ons scheduled for th~s week have been set Russla and 33 other natlons ln afflrming a without ice and snow. back at least unt~l m~d-SeptembeI, accord­ broad charter for peace and human ~ng to Gannett News Serv~ce. throughout Europe. BILL and JOYCE SAVAGE and their Chl1- dren, BILL, 18, who wl11 leave soon for college, SANDY, 16, LAURA, 15, and LESLIE, 12, have recently returned for their Ten-Year Service Award To Bettr Beclc third tour on Kwaj. Bill lS an engineer with RCA. The family comes from Collln­ ston, La. Bill and Joyce enJoy square danclng and Betty L. Beck, Corps Bill is a 'ca11er.' of Eng~neers contract adm~n~strat~ve ass~stant, DONALD and ROSEANN SOMMERS and thelr r~ght, recently rece~ved chl1dren, WILLIAM and EDWARD, 14, came to a ten-year serv~ce award Kwaj recently from Brook11ne, N.H. Donald from Maj. R~chard G. is with Sylvania, and has been 'on KwaJ Wh~tney, Res~dent Eng~­ several times before on TOY. neer, at an award cere­ The Sommers plan to be active in sports mony at the KWaJa1e~n and social llfe. They are especlally in­ Res~dent Off~ce. terested ln tennis and fishlng. Joyce lS After two years w~th looking forward to continulng her lnterest KRO, Betty w~ll be de­ in crafts and rug hooklng. part~ng the ~sland ~n , September. The staff of VINCENT and MARY KARAS CO and thelr Chl1- KRO says they w~ll dren, ERICH, 6, and GWEN,S, arrlved recent­ greatly m~ss her cheer­ ly from Stow, Mass. Vincent is a digital en­ ful self and eff~c~ent gineer with Sylvanla. This is the second work. tour for the Karaskos, who were on KwaJ from 1972 to 1974. They're interested ln scuba, sailing, snorkeling and ceramics. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1978 PAGE 5 Your Individual MOVIES TONIGHT Horoscope Rlchardson -­ CLOSED I vey Ha 11 --­ Amsterdam Kill ------R ANN ====Fraaces Drake======:::,;;;;.:.~=== Yokwe Yuk --­ In the Heat of the N1ght -PG FOR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1978 Tradew1nds B1g Foot - Man or Beast ---b What klOd of day w111 SAGITrARIUS _~ ~ WEDNESDAY LANDERS tomorrow be? To find out what (Nov 23 to Dec 21) "'1((11" the stars say, read the Nelther charge Wlth great Richardson -- B1g Foot - Man or Beast ---G forecast gIven for your birth force nor sit back do 109 Ivey Hall --- CLOSED' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Three years ago my SlgII nothing, m the hope that you'll Yokwe Yuk --- CLOSED husbant' sold h1S brother, Bennie, 49 per­ ARIES wm over the opposibon of Tradewinds -- In the Heat of the N1ght -PG cent of h1S bus1ness for $100,000. He Mar 21 to A 2O)~.,....{l,!I others The lOnate good ( pr ~ Judgment of the Saglttarl8n didn't need a partner but his mother begged Some disturbance m career should show you the way TELEVISION GUIDE him to. Bennie got the money from his moth­ matters could cause you to be CAPRICORN ~ er after he ran his father's business into unnecessarily a~rupt with (Dec 22 to Jan 20) VJ \Uf loved ones Don t let ttus Direct your enth\lSl8Slll fer the ground and almost had to give it away. KwaJalem To make a long story short, the boys happen or you will regret It worthy causes lOtO • Roi·Namur f1ght constantly and I don't talk to his ~US progressIve channels You TONIGHT ON KWAJALEIN wife. To listen to Bennie talk you'd think (Apr 21 to May 21) tsg may have to revISe prevIOus 6:00 General Hosp1tal my husband was working for him. If you maneuver sklDfully plans, however Especially 7:05 Barney Miller Last month, without consulting anybody, enough, you can gain lIODle ~=. now travel, 9OC1al 7:30 Maude Bennie took his 21-year-old son (a nitwit) advantageous fringe benefits AQUARIUS _ ~ 7:55 60 M1nutes into the bus1ness. He gave him a title -­ ~~ negotia!A (Jan. 21 to Feb 19)==~ 4:50 8:50 B1on1c Woman (May 22 to JlUle 21) ~ Awareness will ward off "Sales Manager." To make matters worse his One of those days when a many problems VIgorous 5:45 Sesame Street mother keeps ca 11 1ng me to say, "Brothers snap declaion could turn out action may not be necessary, 8:55 Barnaby Jones should love each other. Their father would surprisingly well. You or. but thoroughness and sur&­ 9:50 Baretta turn over in h1S grave." dlnarlly deliberate carefully footedness will be Control 10:45 Hee Haw My husband has the money to buy back m all SItuations, but right now emotIons. WEDNESDAY Bennie's share and this 1S what I want him ~:cc:awill pay off r;:~ to Mar 20»)( ©" 2:00 6:30 General Hosp1tal to do. But he 1S afraid it will kill his (June 22 to July 23) at:) Good mfluences' Activities 2:35 7:95 Star Trek mother. We need adv1ce. -- Bronx Headac~es Some misleading m. should be handled evenly so as 3:30 8:00 Movin' On . Dear Head: Relat~ ves who feed from a nuences Watch out fer any not to lap over too far m any 4:25 Sesame Street common trough often have host~le feel~ngs attempt to break or default on one direction Start WIth a 8:55 Barnaby Johes contracts, other agreements tempo you can keep - and although they try to present a un~ted front LEO mamtam It 9:50 Baretta to the outs~de world. 10:45 Hee Haw (July 24 to Aug 23)J1,~ op~n~on, YOU BORN TODAY, llke In my your husband should buy Accent is now on travel. A back Benn~e's 49 percent at a fa~r pr~ce. most Leoltes, present an TONIGHT ON ROI-NAMUR trip taken m connection with a outward appearance of self· H~s mother w~ll surv~ve and both brothers business l88Ue could have an 4:00 Bobbie Vinton especially fortunate outcome confidence and self· assurance w~ll be happ~er and health~er, And who but, Wllike most others born 4:25 Body Buddies knows, you may even start speak~ng to your under your Sign, tins often 4:50 Father Brown to Sept 23) s~ster-~n-law aga~n. i.:~4 ap~ masks an inner feebng of 5:40 Keep It Country (TD Unit) Some unpredictable timichty and msecurlty Try to associates need watching now 6:05 General Hosp1tal curb this self-doubt fer you 6:40 DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I need One or the other could try to have been endowed WIth so Soul of the C1ty an outsider's op1nion. Is it adultery if a "muscle in" on one of your pet many fine characterlSbcs and 7:30 NFL Hi-lites: Cleve/St. Louis married man goes out one night a week w1th solo ventures talents that, properly 8:25 David Frost a marr1ed woman whose husband works the LIBRA t"'""f educated, of course, there are 9:20 Nat'l Love, Sex, Marriage Test (Sept 24 to Oct. 23)~~ ~ no heIghts wblch you cannot graveyard Sh1ft? He swears there is no sex WIthout giving up present 10: 40 The Tonight Show 1nvolved. attam Surest avenues toward WEDNESDAY IUldertakmgs, study what are success the stage, literature, According to my husband, adultery is sex posslbly good new offerings. sCIence and the law U at­ 6:00 General Hosp1tal between a marrled person and a single per­ GIve careful thought to tracted to bUSiness, 6:35 George son. He says that 1f they are both married deCISIons you must make manufacturing could be your 7:05 Consumer Byl1ne soon Outcomes could be best bet but, m such case, be it 1S not considered adultery, no matter extremely Important to the 7:30 Here Comes the Future what happens. What 1S your answer? -- T1red sure to have some artistic Star Trek future. outlet for contenbilent and 7:55 of Argu1ng SCORPIO '*<'~ fulfWment Btrthdate of. John 8:50 Baretta Dear T~red: He's wrong. Adultery ~s a (Oct 24 to Nov 22) fIl,rnr Tyndall, Brit phYSICIan, John 3:00 9:45 Van Dyke & Company A day to test your mettle. sexual relat~onsh2p between a marr~ed per­ Keiran, Journalist, author; 3:55 10:40 The Rook1es Take up the relDS where son and another person who ~s not lus or her James BaldWln. author, Peter others slacken, renovate, O'Toole, f11m star her spouse. The other person can be e~ther Improve where you can Lend marr~ed or s~ngle. your fine constructive talents © 1978 lUng Features Synd,cate. Inc I suggest your husband knock off h~s freely AT WIT'S END weekly "sexless" date. If the woman's hus­ band catches up w~th h~m he ~s not likely by Erma Sombeck to s~t down and d2scuss def~n2t~ons. He may I never talk to a telephone answering Just g~ve h~m a clop ~n the chops -- or r.e Ultimate Mousetrap fails mach1ne that I don't suffer a maJor anxie­ worse. (UPI) -- Efforts by an Austral1an re­ ty attack. search group to develop the ultimate They're always so cutesy w1th their "Hi DEAR ANN LANDERS: Why do you insist on mousetrap -- one baited by sex and sprung there. I'm Bunny and I'm really glad you rU1n1ng an otherw1se excellent column by genetically -- have run 1nto a dead end. called. At the sound of the beep, tell me call1ng your correspondents "Buster," "Bub," The trouble is that female m1ce are a where you're com1ng from." "Toots," and so on? Has it occurred to you b1t too liberal with their favors. They don't know they're talking to a wo­ that some of these people may be several An expenment to see 1f "seeding" mouse man who is so 1nsecure that when someone years older than you and deserve a l1ttle populat1ons with a gene for male ster1l1ty asks me the t1me of day, I reset my watch respect? was possible was conducted 1n Sydney. Bio- to the1rs. (When they have just told me Your adv1ce is superb but we could do 10g1cal control using ster1le males has the1r watch stopped.) w1thout the cute stuff. -- S1ncerely Yours proven successful in controll1ng 1nsects They do the whole number about where Dear S~ncerely: Thank you for wr~t~ng. but 1t had not been tried w1th animal they are and how they'll return my call if I apprec~ate your hav~ng taken the t~me and pests. I w1ll Just leave my name and number. trouble to do so. Here's another po~nt of Using a large outdoor enclosure to S1m­ The beep sounds and the f1rst th1ng the v~ew: ulate a wild population of m1ce, the re­ tapee hears 1S the sound of me clear1ng my searchers attempted to see 1f the ster1l1- throat. (Th1S has often been compared to a DEAR ANN: I'm at least 25 years older ty gene could be establ1shed 1n the mouse seal g1v1ng b1rth.) Award of the limited than you and I never m1SS your column. The populatlon and ultimately, lf lt would t1me I have to leave my message, I begin best part is when you call people "Petunia." substant1ally reduce mouse numbers. to stammer, "Why yes, my name 1s Erma Bom­ "Buster," and "Larr.bchop." It cracks me up. T~e steril1ty gene affects only the beck. That's E as in Everett, R, Mas 1n You are so refresh1ng and down to earth. fert1l1ty of male m1ce, although females Mary, A and Bombeck. That's B as in boy, Don't ever change. -- Breakfast Bor1s. can act as carrlers. O-M as 1n Mary, B as in boy aga1n, e-c-k." Dear Bor~s: Thanks for those k~nd words. Male mice are carriers if they have on­ My mother sa1d 1t was unnecessary of me They couldn't hav'e come at a better t~me. ly a Single "dose" of the gene and are to spell my name for her. but let's face See you tomorrow, Buttercup. completely sterile if they receive the it, I'm 1nt1midated. gene from both parents. A few months ago, one of mY chl1dren * * * * * * * * * However, the ster1lity gene d1sappear­ left me a scr1bbled message from a person ed completely 1nstead of spreading. I d1dn't know. I dialed the number and a Are your parents too strict? Hard to "Female m1ce may mate four or five recorder answered. R1ght away, I qot a men­ reach? Ann Landers' booklet, "Bugged By Par­ t1mes with d1fferent males, so even 1f a tal picture of the deep, husky bedroom ents? How to Get More Freedom," could help sterile male d1d manage to mate f1rst with voice that answered ••• skin t1ght jeans you br1dge the generation gap. Send 50 cents a given female, h1S efforts would be un­ molded to 19-inch h1PS, and a shirt open to 1n coin with your request and a long, self­ done by other males," said the research the navel, tinted glasses, capped teeth. addressed, stamped envelope to report. "H1, honey," said the machine. "I told Ann Landers Males carry1ng the ster1l1ty gene may you you'd call. I'm out getting your favor­ P. O. Box 11995 not be as genetically "fit" as normal ite white wine. The key is in the usual , Ill1nois 60611 males to compete in the mating game -­ place. At the sound of the tone tell me their libido may not be as h1gh, or they when you'll be here." Llke an idiot, I left Copyr~ght 1978 F~eld Enterpr~ses, Inc. may be less aggressive 1n compet1tion, my number. Only later d1d I f1gurf> out I F~eld Newspaper Synd~cate the researchers concluded. must have d1aled the wrong machine. PAGE TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1978 Special Services Summer Slip And S-L-I-D-£ ,

And away they go! That blurred act~on you see above is the k~ds going down the sl~p and sl~de. Var~ous methods of sl~d~ng were tr~ed as shown ~n the p~ctures above. The k~ds were moving a bit fast for the cameras to catch deta~ls of faces. Photos by Nate Jackson, Kentron Photo Lab Summer Fun actlon yesterday brought NASL Soccer Roulldup Major Lea,ue Roulldup out some new fun to KwaJ. A large plece of plastic was stretched out on Dally SEATTLE (UPI) -- M1ckey Cave's 20-yard NEW YORK (UPI) -- Depending where your Fleld and then water and soap was put on crossing shot in the second minute of over­ preferences 11e -- pennant raced or ind1vi­ top of the plastlc. The plastlc was kept t1me gave the Seattle Sounders a 3-2 North dual records -- there's some 1ntriguing wet as the klds Slld down the slight In­ American Soccer League victory over the even-up races 1n the Nat10nal League today cllne ln various fashlons. Portland Timbers Monday night. revolv1ng around the numbers of 43 and 44. Some went on thelr bellles as on a The Sounders now have 121 points, one If 44 1S your number -- and that 1S what sled, others took to thelr knees, some behind both and Rochester in the has been on the m1nds of almost every base­ on thelr bottoms or backs and there were scramble for the last North American Soccer ball fan across the country for the past a few who trled to stay on thelr feet. League National Conference playoff spot. couple of days -- then you know that Pete All seemed to have a grand tlme and cer­ Gordon Wallace got two goals for Rose has equalled the latest -- and last talnly dld sllde. Seattle but Brian Gant and Clyde Best m11estone 1n his b1d to break Joe D1Magg10's After the SllP and sllde event the equalized for the Timbers to force the record of h1tt1ng safely ln 56 stra1ght klds headed for Emon Beach where thev overtime. games. had free SWlm. The Sounders are now 13-15 for the sea­ Rose hlt safely 1n No. 44 Monday n1ght son. Portland, now 19-10, is already as­ w1th a leadoff single 1n the sixth 1nning sured of a playoff spot. aga1nst Atlanta Braves ' knuckleballer Phil N1ekro -- and that enabled hlm to t1e Wee Practice Game Saturday Wlll1e Keeler on the all-time consecutive­ On Saturday afternoon at Brandon Field Soccer Stalldillgs game h1tt1ng 11st. Keeler's record of 44 the Travel Team will play the Leftovers ln NORTH AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE games had stood Slnce 1897 as the all-time a practlce game. ThlS wlll be thelr last Nat10nal League mark. practlce before departlng for Honolulu and Nat10nal Conference But wh11e Rose was keeplng h1S streak the tournaments they wlll enter. allve, h1S teammates were going about clos- Be sure to come out at 1 :30 p.m. on East W L GF GA- ~P PTS 1ng the gap 1n the NL West pennant race. Saturday and glve them your support. Re­ New York "2"3 --S -8'3- 3'3- b! m Wlth the score t1ed 1-1 1n the n1nth 1nning, member they wlll be representlng KwaJaleln Washlngton 16 12 54 43 48 144 Dave ConcepClon slngled, stole second and 1n the tournaments ln Hawal1. Toronto 15 13 55 42 45 135 scored the go-ahead run on Cesar Geronlmols Rochester 13 15 44 47 44 122 slngle. Another slngle by Jun10r Kennedy, followed by a p1nch h1t slng1e by Joe Morgan Mell's Softball Schedule Central gave the Reds what proved to be the1r W1n- TOnl ght Tulsa 16 13 48 44 44 140 n1ng run ln the 3-2 W1n over the Atlanta Brandon - 5:15 Altair vs Snake Pit Minnesota 15 13 51 43 49 139 Braves. Dally - 5:15 P1t V1pers vs Dr1fters Da11 as 13 15 46 48 44 122 The vlctory enabled the Reds to pull Wednesday Colorado 8 20 33 61 32 8~ _ wlthin a half-game of the dlv1s10n-leadlng Brandon - 5:15 Grunts vs Benchwarmers San Franc1sco G1ants. A glance at the loss Dally - 5:15 Leftovers vs W1zards West column, however, shows the Reds and G1ants Thursday Vancouver 22 6 60 28 50 182 all even at 43 -- and the Los Angeles Dodgers Brandon - 5:15 XHS vs Oly's Portland 19 10 46 35 44 158 Just one game further back. Dally - 5:15 Dumptown Dev11s vs Weekend Seattle 13 15 43 42 43 121 When asked 1f D1Magg10's record lS now Warnors II Los Angeles 8 20 34 63 32 80 wlthln reach, Rose replled: "Ilm Just after Fnday 45 now. II Brandon - 5:15 Sun Devlls II vs Weekend Amerlcan Conference Elsewhere 1n the NL, Montreal shaded Warnors I Plttsburgh 3-2; Ph11ade1ph1a downed New Dally - 5:15 Meck Rex vs Vampires East W L GF GA BP PTS York 6-1; Houston put away San FranClsco Saturday New England 18 10 '59 36 48 156 4-1; and San Diego topped Los Angeles 4-3. Brandon - 1 :30 The Travel Team vs Tampa Bay 16 12 55 45 51 147 The Leftovers ln an Fort Lauderdale 15 14 48 58 45 135 In the Amer1can League, Just when 1t Exh1b1tlOn game Ph11adelphia 10 18 34 54 33 93 looked 11ke there was gOlng to be a pennant Sunday race, the Boston Red Sox started h1tting Brandon - 1:30 Altalr vs Plt V1pers Centra 1 aga1n. 3:00 Leftovers vs Dr1fters Detroit 19 9 65 33 53 167 The Bosox got thelr thlrd W1n 1n the 4:30 Dumptown Dev11s vs W1zards Chicago 11 18 55 63 49 115 last 13 games last night w1th a 9-2 romp Dally - 1:30 Grunts vs Snake P1t Houston 10 18 34 56 33 93 over the Ch1cago Wh1te Sox that featured a 3:00 XHS vs Benchwarmers Memph1s 9 19 38 55 36 90 12-h1t Boston attack. Jerry Remy drove 1n 4:30 Sun Dev11s II vs Oly's three runs w1th a slngle and a double and Monday West R1ck Burleson added a bases-loaded double. Brandon - 5:15 Meck Rex vs Weekend San D1ego 17 11 60 54 53 155 All the wh11e, Dennls' Eckersley, 12-4, Warr10rs II California 13 15 42 41 35 113 was chucklng a slx-h1tter str1k1ng out Dally - 5:15 Vampires vs Weekend Oakland 12 16 32 5531 103 seven en route to h1S seventh complete game. Warr10rs I San Jose 7 21 34 74 33 75 Elsewhere in the AL, New York trounced Texas 6-2, n1pped Kansas City 4-3, Teams get six p01nts for a W1n, no Toronto outlasted Detro1t 8-7 ln 14 1nn1ngs, Summer Softball Results points for a loss and a bonus point lS Oakland shut out Cal1fornla 2-0 and Balti­ Monday nlght Men's Softball results awarded for each goal scored up to a maX1- more and Ml1waukee played to a 5-5 t1e 1n a were the Meck Rex over the Sun Dev11s II mum of three per team per game. game suspended after nlne lnnlngs due to by a score of 11 to 8. BE A KWAJ SPORT! ra1 n•. ~~Ha~~ P TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 197 ____ ======~~======~::;--;======~r=;;;;;;;;;;======::;;:;;;~==;;;;;;;;PA;::G;E~7;,.. p WELL, I SUPPOSE -{OLJ Ui\'=JRTUN1l:;-EI_tf, NO' I I I-1AD TO KEEP M'I MISERABLE HAD ,(OUR USUAL MET A NEW GIRL CONVINCING HER THAT e MISERABLE TIME AT THERE NAMED EUDORA CAMP WAS FUN TIME WAS RUINED!! fA,. CAMP OID'iOU HATE T7 u :cr~- t "(j) . s w THE WIZARD OF ID • L Z a r d

BC by johnny hart •SURE I YOU CAt4 GET IN, M.Nu4.~ eur I 0UGIfTA WAPN 'It>U .. ONE OF us ISN'T WEARING A MT!I!N'SUIT'· R CroSSWDrd By Eugene Sheffer lHANK I C YOU. ' ACROSS 37 Attire DOWN 16 MOisture 1 InCite 38 ExceSSive 1 Sunpleton 20 French river 5 Moslem devotIon to 2 Wager 21 Rodents samt mothers 3 Greek letter 22 Wield a 8 Wmnows 41 Extmct bird 4 Commercial blue penCil 12 BrIStles 42 Rara- vessel 23 Valley m 13 Land 43 Theater 5 Dad Cahforrua measure doubles 6 Author 24 French 14 IndIan 48 Network Levm writer 15 Keep your 49 Footed vase 7 Private 26 Becomes cards (Poker) 50 Best or havens excited 17 NOISe of surf Ferber 8 Created 27 Caliber on shore 51 Very (Fr ) 9 Upon 28 Actor 18 New Zealand 52 Church 10 Observe Montand parrot vessel 11 Sow the 29 Utters 19 Frolicked 53 Suppose lawn 31 Excess of 21 Restore chances 24 Withered 34 Loud sounds 25 JeWISh 35 Bartered month 37 RUSSian 26 Emergency river substitutes 38 Market 30 Gratwty 39 Above 31 A giant grass 40 Arachnid 32 Eggs 41 Kmd of cat R 33 Found at 44 Attempt e lut shows 45 Fish 35 Three, at 46 Compass e cards readIng 36 Heritable 8-1 47 Snead or t land (Law) Answer to yesterday's puzzle Jaffe ~) 2 3 l ,z e DOONESBURY

8tJT 7HJIT'S SO 5HOf(T- THe rA/'lNlNG Ci..INlCS? 5I6HTW1 ~ SUN IS lHATC D. PAl), I CAN'T 6CT O~ AlSO THe 6I?MT mJ­ THIS 6OPli55 ; fT I HW aJi/JJJ Bf?I)tlJN (if;N17()f., THC SOdl

A. They'll Do It Every Time C ~'iJ a p p

H A G A R PAGE 8 TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1978 (COMMUNITY NOTICES CONTINUED) ------1 FOR SALE t •••• .c ••• hi 1 .... l-=...J. "'G..,.G~

CERANIC 1'A0LDS, hardly ever used. Please call SIREN WARNING SYSTEM: A number of local The HourG/a .. " pub/"hed by Global A .. oCla'e. MOllday 82516. 148/2t activltles are occasionally required to through friday at th. direction of th. Commander, ICWolol.,n provlde special m1ssion support on an M"SlI. Ralllle, Marshal/ "'alld., ullder cOII'rac' DASG AR-7 SEMI-AUTOMATIC .22 rlfle, 2 CllPS, 9- announced bas1s. In order to alert appro­ rounds each, extractor, 200 rounds of long priate personnel, a special siren signal 60·75·C·0001 The .,ew. alld 0p'"'O". ..pr.... d '" Ih. newspaper are nof necesso"ly those of th. Departmen' of t". nfle arrmo, $125. 148/2t 1S used when required. The special Slren signal consists of a 10-second blast - a Army Thn newspaper, on unoffICial publication authOrized 40-second pause - a 10-second blast - a ullder 'he pro.'Slon. 01 conlracl DASG60.75.C.OOOI, PATIO SALE - Tomorrow from 7:00 a.m. to two-minute pause, and a repeat of the IS reproduced by offse' printinG 1:00 p.m. at 229-B -- small storage chest, same sequence. Other siren signals are outdoor cabinet, space savers, clothes and defined on Page 17 of the current KMR Commun,ca"on. should b. addressed #0 ,ft. HourGlass, books. 147/ lto Telephone Directory. When the special 80x 1733, APO , Cal,lorn,a 96555, or by cal/'"II 8-3539 GERRARD TURN TABLE, $25 (origlnally $120), siren 1S sounded, additional informat1on record albums, $1; ironing board, $6; elec­ will be announced over AFRS-AM, 1220 tric broom, $5; electric rollers, $5; chalse on your radi 0 di a 1. . 148/3tpm Materials appearing ,n ,h. HourGlass may no' be lounges, $2 each. Call 82417 after 5:00 p.m. reprinted w"hou' 'h. approya' 0' ,h. Command.r, Kwa,a'.,n 147/2t ISLAND NURSERY goes to Coral Sands Beach M,."I. Ranll. All Wall' Ad. and IIOIIC •• mu.' b ••ubm,tted every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. The nursery on GA Form 8028 48 working hours prior to publ,cat,on will be open for anyone who doesn't want f PATIO APPROVED FOR SALE at tr. 600. Selling I to go to the beach. 148/2tpw JIM WATT, Ed,'or rug and shelving - available after August 9. I Call 82204/99229. 147/2t PAT CATALDO, AssoClal. Ed,'or, , SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT at the YY Club on SHARON 8ECHTOLD, Spor", SANDRA LLOYD, TYPISI I Fr1day, August 4 -- 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. 1- ______-- ______, LOST HAPPY HOUR PRICES! Vocal and qui tar ANYONE FINDING A BROWN WALLET with 1.0. by the Island Songbird. Pupus!! ADULTS cards, pictures, letters, etc., lost at ONLY. 148/3t THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY GROUP meets Shark Pit July 22 around 12:00 p.m., please Thursday, August 3 at 9:15 a.m. at Tr. 520. call DennlS at 83728. 146/3t RI KONONO TOASTMASTERS CLUB meets Sunday, For more information call 83217. 148/2t August 6 in the Taro Room of the YY Club at 10:15 a.m. The Club extends a cordial ANIMALS IN CUSTODY: A female orange/ WANTED 1nv1tation to all island residents, 18 white cat; a female black cat; and a male TALENTS NEEDED: arms, legs, and mlnds ln years and older, who want to JOln ln gray/write cat were lmpounded by the dOlng varlOUS projects for Holiday Fair. developing corrmunicat1ons and leadership Police Department July 26. The animals If lnterested, call 83219/83403. 148/2tpw skills. 148/3t+ have no identlficatlon tags. If not claimed within 72 hours of the first· SAVE all "Betty Crocker Coupons!" Needed notice, the animals will be humanely dis­ for Hollday Falr. If you use any of these WOMEN'S PROTESTANT CHAPEL fellowship posed of in accordance wlth Global products, CllP and save the coupon found on Executive Board meeting will be held this Associates Procedure 1117. Pollce De- all boxes, flours, etc. Wlll pick up any- evening at 7:30 p.m. in the home of partment. phone 84445/84446. 146/3t time. Call 83403/83219. 148/2rpw Barbara West, Tr. 713. 146/3t ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Call 83505 workdays MAGAZINES, all types of ladies and news CONSERVE IT! Or we'll all do without!! 81212 evenings, holidays and weekends. magazines for KwaJaleln-Ebeye Exchange of the Yokwe Yuk Women's Club for the ladles of Ebeye. Please drop off magazlnes at patlo of 438-A or 486-B. 148/2tpw ...... Parents may w~sh to save th~s 1978-79 school calendar for use when plann~ng NEED TO BORROW grld dlP osclllator. Please vacat~on and other travel. Please note that the f~rst day of school ~s Wednesday, call W-82716/H-83783. 148/3t August 16. The calendar was suppl~ed by the off~ce of the Super~ntendent of Schools. HOSPITALITY KIT USERS - Please call 84529 lf Adopted KWAJALEIN SCHOOL SYSTEM 1011 you have an unmatched set of knlves. • January 17, 1978 1978-79 School Calendar PIANO - Appearance NOT lmportant ONLY lts AUGUST plaYlng condltlon. Call 82790. 146/3t • DECEMBER APRIL M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F GIVE AWAY i 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 GOLD RUG - 12'x18' - ~ery dlrty but not 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 : • 16 17 18 11 12 13 torn. Also: ~roken mlnl wheel good for • 16 17 18 19 20 • parts. Call 82790. 146/3t • 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 • : 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 : 30 COMMUNITY NOTICES • I DUPLICATE BRIDGE lS olayed at the Communlty • SEPTEMBER JANUARY MAY • Center every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m., • • and every Sunday at 7·00 p.m. 148/2tpw • M T W Th F M T -W Th F M T W Th F : : 1 OJ 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT HOURS ARE: • OJ 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 @ 7 8 9 10 11 : MON 10:30 - 12·00 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 • TUE 12 ·15 - 1 15 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 @ • WED 10: 30 - 12:00 i 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 • 128 291 1130 THR 12:15 - 1.15 7:30 9·00 311' : FRI 10:30 - 12:00 4:00 - 5:30 • SAT 12:30 - 1·30 OCTOBER FEBRUARY SUN CLOSED I JUNE M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F KOOKS (KwaJ Organlzatlon of Kollege Students) 2 3 4 5 6 lnvltes all vlsitlng college students to 1 2 1 partlclpate ln an lnner-tube water polo game UJ 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 ! the second of the great East Coast vs West 23 24 25 26 27 1~ Coast events, THIS EVENING at the Dependents [[] 20 21 22 23 20 21 ?2U Pool at 7·00 p.m. The event will be preceded 30 31 26 27 28 by a cookout at the Pool --be there at 7:00 ' For more lnformatlon call Elaine at 82727 or Neil at 84330. 148/1to NOVEMBER MARCH M T W KWAJ WEIGHT CONTROL GROUP meets each Wednes­ Th F M T W Th F FIrst Semester 91 days day at the KMR Hospltal from 6·15 to 6:30 i 1 2 3 1 2 Second Semester ~days 6 7 8 9 [lQ] p.m. for lts weei