,< ..SS KVf~.JALEI~ HOURG'- ARTILLERY FIRE UNLEASHED UNTIL CYRUS VANCE RETURNS FROM FORTHCOMING TRIP, U.S. -- E,ents Indicate Israel WilL DELAY PROPOSALS Ma, Be Getting I In,ol,ed FOR BREAKING DEADLOCK BEIRUT (UPI) -- Israeli-backed Chrlstian mllltia­ men unleashed artillery fire on the Lebanese army ln WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Unlted States has decided to delay putting forward its the southeast corner of the country early today amld own proposals to break the Middle East negotiating deadlock until after Secretary indications Israel had a hand in the mllitia reS1S­ of State Cyrus Vance returns from his forthcoming Middle East trip, administration tance. officlals sald today. Shellfire from the militia stronghold of Marjayoun Vance, who leaves late Friday for Israel and Egypt, spent over two hours dis­ continued past dawn thlS morning with small arms cusslng the Middle East and SALT negotlations with the Senate Forelgn Relations bursts afterward. Commlttee. Early this mornlng, ONE SMASHED ALREADY AND ANOTHER ONE COMING UP ON WEDNESDAY As for his trip, he Lebanese troop commander told reporters, "I don't Col Adlb Saad drove to expect anythlng dramatic Marjayoun with Norwegian THE SOVIETS BREAK U.S. SPACE RECORDS or new to come out of U.N. officers to open talks these conversations." with the mllitlas. MOSCOW (UPI) -- The Sovlet space program, which has already smashed one proud Admi nl strat i on Military sources sald American record this year, will overtake another on Wednesday. offlcials said the Vance the army commanders plan­ Early tomorrow as the Soyuz 29 cosmonauts Vladimlr Kovalenok and Alexander mlssion, which the U.S. ned talks with Maj. Saad Ivanchenko orblt overhead ln the Salyut 6 space lab the Soviet Unlon wlll break lnitlally hoped would Haddad, the pre-clvll war the Amerlcan record of mark the opening of di­ army chief in the area 937 man-days spent ln lar success by Soviet to be the next generation rect negotiatlons between that has fought alongside space. standards and has been in the state of the art Israel and Egypt, has the mllitlas agalnst Pales­ The United States had the platform for an en­ of spacefllght, technolo­ turned into a damage as­ tlnlan guerrlllas for the remalned conslstent1y tlre serles of Sovlet glcally far outstrlpping sessment Vl Sl t. past 20 months. ahead ln overall tlme ln space flrsts. anythlng the Sovlets have The offlclals sald a The flrln~ kept the orbit since 1965 when the The Sovlet achlevements on the drawlng boards. declslon wlll be made on fl rs t a rmy troops to move Apollo Skylab program got could not be better But ln the meantime, whether and when to put south ln 20 months from underway. tlmed, comlng as they do the Sovlets have per­ forward an American pro­ continulng to a planned Earller this year, a durlng a three-year hlatus fected and made maXlmum posal only after Vance headquarters in Tlbnine, palr of Soviet cosmonauts, in the Amerlcan space use of lts old generation returns to Washlngton some elght mlles from Georpy Grechko and Yurl program. of space capsules and and reports to President Israel. Romanenko, broke the The Amerlcan manned space statlons. Carter. One source conflrmed Amerlcan manned space­ fllght program wlll re­ Tomorrow's fallen Vance sald, "We be­ a report that mllltla re­ flight endurance record maln at a standstlll record wlll make the lleve there have to be slstance had followed word of 84 days ln orbit and untll the first flight of Sovlets the grand old men negotlations. When they relayed by the U.S. went on to set a new en­ the Enterpr~se space of space, wlth more run into obstacles, we ambassador of a last­ durance record of 96 days. shuttle scheduled for late fllghts and more experl­ will feel ourselves free mlnute warning from Israel The Salyut 6 space 1979. ence ln orblt under thelr to make suggestions, and that it would oppose the lab, launched September The reuseable U.S. belts than any other that remalns our POS1- move. 29, has been a spectacu- space shuttle lS destlned country. tion." DOWN TO ¥187.00 to $1.00 SA V.NGS BOND AFTER YESTERDAY'S SHOOTOUT ANOTHER LOW fOR DOLLAR SALES SUSPENDED france Expelled Three WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. Treasury Department Iraqi Embassy Guards ON TOKYO MARKET TODA Y today suspended savlngs TOKYO (UPI) -- The totterlng U.S. dollar today bond sales for only the PARIS (UPI) -- France expelled three Iraql Embassy crashed to yet another low uf ¥187.00 on the Tokyo third tlme ln hlstory be­ guards with dlplomatlc status today followlng a Foreign Exchange Market, and a government offlclal cause lnflatlon and a shootout at the Iraql Embassy which killed a French descrlbed the drop as "noteworthy." decade of federal deflcits policeman and an Iraql guard. The dollar ended the day's tradlng at 187.00 yen, have pushed the U.S. Authorltles sald the guards could not be prosecu­ down sharply from the prevlous low of ¥190.30 and the debt above three-quarters ted because of diplomatic lmmunity. They said two close of ¥190.80 Monday. Immedlately after opening at of a trilllon dollars clalmed status as secretarles of the Embassy and the ¥188.50, the greenback ($750,000,000,000). third was an attache. s1umped to the new rate. A Department of the They were ordered to A New U.S. Coin 80mb Exp'osion The dollar has lost 26.7 Treasury spokesman sald leave France lmmediately percent ln value Slnce the suspenSlon was lm­ and were expected to be May 'n 8uenos Aires January 4 when lt was posed becau~e the govern­ out of the country by 8e Appro,ed BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -- traded at ¥237.00 and ment has reached ltS the end of the day. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The A powerful bomb exploded compared wlth the long­ debt limlt of $752 bll­ The shootout ended an Senate Banking Committee early today kllllng the established postwar rate llon. Leglslatlon to eight-hour seizure of today voted unanimously 15-year-old daughter of a of ¥360.00. the ratlo of ralse the celllng to eight hostages by a gun­ to authorize the first blg navy offlclal and at depreclatlon came to $798 billlon has passed man, apparently Palestin­ Amerlcan coin to honor a least one of his police 92.5 percent. the House and awaits ian, at the Embassy. real woman - a dollar guards, offlcial spokes­ Market sources lndl­ approval of the Senate. Pollce sald Iraqi bearing the lmage of 19th men said. cated the fall as a re­ The department sent guards fired at the gun­ century suffragette Susan The bomb, planted ln an action to overseas money notlces to 40,000 banks, man after he had sur­ B. Anthony. e~pty apartment ln a markets where the dollar corporatlons and other rendered and was belng Commlttee aides said buildlng next to that of was traded sharply lower. issulng agents to stop new led out of the Embassy they hope the legislation the navy chlef of staff An offlclal at the sales of bonds lmmedia­ and lnto a waltlng police wlll galn final Congres­ Vice Adm. Armando Lam­ Bank of Tokyo, a )eadlng tely. car. sional approval and be bruschini, caused exten­ exchange bank, sald An estimated 10 milllon French pollce shot back sent to President Carter Slve damage to both tradlng was relatlvely people buy bonds on auto­ and the ensulng fusillade before Congress adjourns bulldlngs. calm because dealers matlc deductlon plans went on for several for the year in October. An offlclal spokesman took the drop for granted. while another 6 mlllion minutes. If approved, the at the presldential palace Today's plunge was buy bonds dlrectly from In addltlon to the Treasury hopes to have sald the bomb had kllled apparently trlggered by banks and other lssuers two deaths the gunman and 500 mlllion of the new Lambruschlnl's daughter a remark from Chase Man­ each year. two policemen were coins in circulation by and pollce sald at least hattan Bank's Davld The suspenslon wlll not wounded. mid-1979. one of the guards had Rockefeller that the affect redemption of the Police were bitter at There has been contro­ been killed. Pollce sald dollar wlll decline fur­ $80 billlon ln bonds cur­ Iraql guards with whom versy because the Treasury manv oersons mav have been ther agalnst other inter­ rently outstandlng, the they had been working all did not want to honor buried under the rubble. natlonal currenCles. department said. day to free the hostages. Just one Amerlcan woman. PAGE 2 TUESDAY, AUGUST I, 1978 $500 Million Heiress Gets Running Out Of Customers Range Operation SYDNEY, Australla (UPI) -- An lnsurance A range operation at Roi-Namur is A $2.20 Russian Wedding company which caters exclu~'vely to tee­ scheduled for Wednesday evening, August 2. MOSCOW (UPI) -- Greek shlPPlng helress totallers lS runnlng out of customers. In connection with this operatlon a Chrlstlna Onassls marrled her Russlan boy­ Ansvar Australia Insurance, which lS hazard area wl1l exist in the ocean wlthin frlend ln a $2.20 weddlng today and became headquartered ln Stockholm and lS part of an area defined by the foll owing coordi­ an lnternationa1 organizatlon Wh1Ch insists nates: 2~0 24' N, 172 0 0' E; 20 0 42' N, plaln Mrs. Chr1st1na Kauzova of Moscow. 0 on abstlnence by 1tS clients, says more ]76 0 48' E; 11· 54' N, 170~ T8' E; 09 The 27-year-old M1SS Onass1s and her 37- 0 year-old thlrd husband, Serge1 Kauzov, sald Australlans are turnlng to alcohol.
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