European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X / 1450-202X Vol. 139 No 3 May, 2016, pp.263-267

The Survey of Hassan Ibn Thabit Poetry in the Ignorant and the Islamic Era

Fariborz Hossein Janzadeh Department of Language and literature, Kashmar Branch Islamic Azad university, Kashmar, Iran

Hassan Ghamari Department of Arabic Language and Literature KashmarBranch, Islamic Azad university, Kashmar, Iran


The contents of Hassan Islamic poetry have changed and transformed in comparison to his pagan(ignorant) poetry both qualitatively and qualitatively. In some of Hassan Islamic poetrv we witness completely new contents and interpretations in which they have not been in the ignorant period. In addition, Hassan doesn’t attention to some of the poetical motivations such as vinouses and merely lovely satirical poems in which he attentions them in ignorant era, and instead of sun a motivations, his poetry put to supreme in defense of religious and Mohammad prophet and his companions. But Hassan in his praise and elegy poems has taken the same old routine ignorant and he has repeated the themes and concepts it again the degree of praise and Hassan elegies are more than Islamic era in ignorant era, it means that, the poet doesn’t have any tendency toward the praise and elegy in ignorant period and He pays more attention to it in Islamic period.

Keywords: Hassan, vinous, satires, lyrics, praise, Islamic and ignorant era.

1. Introduction Hassan Ibn Thabit is one of the Makhzarmi poets and many of his poems are leave both on the Islamic period and during the ignorance era. Critics argued that his Islamic poet and ignorance poems has changed in terms of content and transformed it, Among these critics can pointed Asmaei and Ibnsalam, who believe that Islamic poems of Hassan in terms of poetic imagination and lyrical concepts are weaker his ignorant poems, however other critics have rejected such ideas, but the readers of Hassan poems find that there are differences between the Islamic poems and ignorant poems the purpose of this paper is to investigate and compare the content analysis of the poetry of bout era(Islamic ignorant), of Hassan’s life, so that it is proved that what differences are between the poems of the poet in terms of content in both of eras. In this article, we have tried to answer these questions like these: can it be claimed that new religion of Hassan and accept of new religion, Hassan poem from the content perspective created change and transportation? Do you accept the new religion will lead to changes in the content of Hassan poetry? If you change the content of his poems poems-which is reflected in what circumstances? In both periods of life of the poet we survey the poetic motivation of Hassan’s poems.these motivations include vinouses, eulogy, elegies, and lyrics (simile). In this article between every both periods of Hassan’s life made a comparison thereby wer determining what differences he has found the intentions of the Islamic era of poetic era of poetic motivations poet and the ignorant era The Survey of Hassan Ibn Thabit Poetry in the Ignorant and the Islamic Era 264 of poetic motivations poet. He was written in Islamic or ignorant eras, no that, those elegies have include the Islamic or ignorance contents.

2. Hassan Ibn Ansari He is Hassan Ibn Thabit Ibn manzarkharzaji, Hassan was born in Modina in 563AD. The city of the great men, after the fall of the prophet were called the . Hassan-as in the works and books and the most historians believe it –has one hundred and twenty years old, in which sixty years is passed in Islamic era and sixty years is passed in ignorant period. Hassan in the first half of his life (ignorant era) has prejudice to his people and as soon as the poet insult to his people he conflict and seem to raise to defense of his people. But Hassan in Islamic period was a staunch defender of Islam and his poems was lay in de fence of Islam religious and Mohammad prophet. His characters are as follows: 1) He was a naive and trusting person. 2) His timidity and fear, which most of historical books referred to his character. 3) Prejudiced person toward his people (the people of ye men), and this important topic can be seen in abundance in his poems (especially in ignorance poems).

3. Vinous Description of the beauty and elegance of the wine are the most descriptions of Hassan in the ignorant poems. One of the his entertainment Hassan was vinous that he enchanting in every place of his elegies in Ignorance era. For example the opening lines of his Hamzyah was famous ode to the conquest of Mecca. The authors of these lines are going to answer the dubt question, first of all the noted the first lines of this poem (Mecca conquest): Translation: It seems that pure wine pour in lover teeth the ridge area is a bit of honey and water mined with it (so it tastes a lovers mouth water), or if her mouth flavors of ripe apples and, which remains soft and sweet is reaching in its peak. If one day I come to talk of all the alcoholic wine they have sacrificed all my delicious pure alcohol, and drink it, And then we have become kings and valves that, The don’t have any fear or shy from the facing war. this ode is known as the conquest of Mecca. if you refrain from drinking wine you the you’ll be the owner of the property and a lot of money (Hassan such answer to his beloved). I would like to talk with good fellow and listen to the beautiful sound of beautiful singers or performer in the morning time. As you can see, shasa, his beloved, blame him because of excess and indulgence in drinking wine. But the Hassan Answer to shasa so that I love doing it and I enjoy drawing to drink alcohol from the morning to the evening. In one of those mymeh again signs about wine and its enjoy: He spit water is abundance and fresh water, which remains under the regular stones and under the clouds shadows are leaking out, her mouth water was mixed with an effective and authentic wine it is ridge lines of BeytAlras region and it has remained in tents so return to old and high, the saler of alcohol kept this wine for a long time, so that there remained several years, we have this wine to drink pure and un pure, and then we sing in bars as thin ants move across on the rocks, this wine going on across the all of our body.

Conclusion The decribtion of wine se in the every place of Hassan ignorance odes. He knows the wine one of the best his entertainment and so the percentage of ignorant poetry include the describes of wine of its event. But in Islamic period of poet in general the poet leave off totally from description of wine and alcohol and we can’t find any line or verse about wine and its description we survey that all of his poems and Islamic odes of Hassan.

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Eulogy In general we can say that Hassan doesn’t attention to praise in ignorance poetry and he pay attention to it scattered in every part of his odes. Hassan pay less attention to this poetical motive among various poetical motivations. Before the accepting Islam Hassan was traveling to Ghasanian court and He come to enjoy and benefit with their praise of precious awards He independently allocated only poet to praise of Ghasanian the only ode in his first sixty years of life devoted to praise independenly this is the ode. What were the great men, the same people I good fellow to them as those past days, who the heads and the great enemies while were his helmet on the head. And kills them and turn of foot and kicks even them that they are articulated fingers, hands a part. They meld together their poor with their rich men and help them and toward the poor people have reward and forgiveness. They are shining faces (This phrase is irony to their many of pride and sportsman ship) and people with respect to their ancestry that is on the server and the president and among the people of other ethnic groups have proceed every sphere overtaking. Hassan put his praised characters on generosity and courage, and usually we find the praise in the middle of his odes are not exceeded of one or more verses Hassan praised the Ibn salmi Neman Ibn Monzar in such a way: I get my horse is in motion the whold day to get to the Ibn salmi house (Naman Ibn Manzar), I take met him (Naman) found that like a sea has a lot forgiveness. He is a generous person who, when confronting him the name of goodness and mercy shall be more kindness and forgiveness. First, In this verse the poet describe his steed, the steed that reaches to his beloved Naman, And in the next verse to say about admirable traits and deals with praise of her. In the following Dalyeh, Hassan will praise the Mohammad prophet (p bun) and his companions, the praise is not much space from the ignorance frameworks: mu slim soldiers wearing flat iron armor and their leaders have a strong person who has no fear in him (Mohammad prophet), I mean the Mohammad prophet (P bun), who through the righteousness and forgiveness God superior him to all people. He is a happy, decisive, faithful, He is like a meteor gives shining to everything, and he is like a moon bring in urination to all great and nobles people. He is a blessed man his face shining like the moon and whatever he say comes to true. Hassan in these verses lithen the prophet to the apostle, Moon and meteorites and his companions into heroes and valiants that put their lives to protect their noble ideas of religion and reach to their destination. Hassan in some of the praise about Mohammad prophet and his companions follows certain procedures, which in itself is new. In describing his forgiveness and generosity doesn’t work like someone who wants to blackmail and tax from his beloved but without any traits of his deals with the desirable description. In his poems also he speaks about the light and guidance and enlightenment of Islam and probably against those who deny the noble religion and reject the seal of the prophets and prophecy.

Conclusion What can be said that eulogy was given the title ignorance and Islamic Hassan eulogy don’t have any difference in terms of the content and almost are the same way. Hassan in the ignorance praise, praises those who like him are poets and they are in the high status. In these of his praises like any other ignorance poets put these characterestics in highly and holy praise such as courage, generosity, hospitality and gift, … The poet in his Islamic praise emitted them to prophet (p pun) and his holy companions. And he uses the interpretation and simile that he uses in Ignorance period, and though his praised in these elegies kings and rulers.

Satire Satire is one of the most ancient techniques of poetry, and the poets always talking about it. Due to the unfavorable and difficult conditions Arab world, feuds and plunder of Arabs with each other, a high prevalence and incidence of this poetical technique is unlikely. One of the most important combat tools is satire, so that satire is known as one of the most important de fence of tribe, The satires to be current between the OOs and khazraj poets in ignorance period are witness of it. The well know poet of oosiak The Survey of Hassan Ibn Thabit Poetry in the Ignorant and the Islamic Era 266 tribe was gheys Ibn khatim and the poet of khazraj was Hassan, who didn’t any effort to spare for win of his tribe. As we are seeing the satire between the two tribes were formed contrary in which in Islamic period are more tangible and underlying formation. Hassan addressed gheys Ibn khatim and his tribe in one of his satire and thus sing: on behalf of me to his prophet tribes notified that, the ode which makes them despised and confounded, your prophet tribe were our friends (which is what They have to rebellion and treason?) By the God you all get along the blades and murder all of you in the worst condition and then will appear our power and army, you were our slaves and servants, and each of you who have been with us, we take he as slaves and servants, of course the status of slaves are no more. Hassan to humiliate the enemy and other tribes resorted to any means of descriptions, and who are like fire in the harvest, will over come to their heart. In the following verses satirizes the Mazhaj tribe by Hassan, the satire that is so bitter: contempt and niggardliness has built fixed and permanent home among the Mazhaj tribe, if the Splendor of the great Mazhaj tribe accumulated in one place, even doesn’t equal to the weight of the rabbit. (the irony of the fact that there are no diligent and honour or greatness among them. Poet to be able to bring his goals to the end, and confounded the enemy and uses of every sentence and word though these sentences and expressions are against the human dignity and courteous.Hassan satires Hares Ibn Heshammakhzoumi in a long elegy, and we considered that someof the verses of this poem. Hel Hares Ibn Hesham abandoned his friends, and doesn’t fight against them, and saved yourself by his sharp horse. His brothers and relatives are fighting in which God prevail Islamic side due to that war, if urination God and his escape don’t exit he was the bait of fierce by horses and stampede him by its hoof. Hassan in one of his Islamic satires target BaniAlhamas and satires him into practice in very deep and gall satire. In this elegy Hassan completely out of context the Islamic teachings and he used the words and phrases that dispose the human dignity and pomp.

Conclusion In these poems of Hassan, we can say that he travel the same way in both Islamic and ignorant periods. He pays to lineage, dignity, integrity and honour or nobleness in ignorance period. And put attention the same problems during the Islamic period. Of course Hassan in his Islamic elegy, sometimes teased and sneering the polytheists because they refused to accept the new religion. In terms of quantity his Islamic satires are more than his ignorant satires. This is due to the proliferation of wars and battles of prophet (p bun) and Muslims. But the customary way of poet in these parts of his poems is the same previous way and he satires the Islam enemies and poly the is it with such topics: fear, tricks and escape from war, lineage and parentage, …singing love poems and lyricism: The introduction of the original lyrical odes called singing love poem or lyricism. One of the reasons for predominance of the great poet know in this part of the ode. The poet who be able to in this part, to express mighty bit so beautiful and expressive speech the poet’s last name or escape, and feel the fragrance is consistent with the subject matter and doesn’t seen any weakness in it. Hassan is weak in this parts of his odes-Islamic odes. One of the fundamental weakness off Islamic lyrics of Hassan puts in this point. Most of the time course of Hassan’s poems written in ignorant period are mor than Islamic period. To better explain this, we consider one of the introduction of lyrics of Hassan’s poems written in ignorance period. In this introduction Hassan lyrics to shas a and his beloved home: oh my beloved look at the Jalgh region. Whether someone lives in Belgha? My beloved, shasa’s camels descended from the mahbas the place between kasib and sand, These camels moves the low of Basri region were carrying beloved with black eyes and gray lips, wearing long clothes, these beloved are like hail, white. Salj mountain located behind the Basri region, which clouds are on it like scattered communities. Are the destroyed homes and vacant homes can meet someone who speaks with it? These vacant homes aren’t destroyed in the past? And beautiful people embryos with noble ancestry was adorned it. So that don’t speak about beloved beautiful white will age, maidens popular and well spoken of grief and problems with which the angry polytheist community complain to God and trust Him. One of the reasons that Hassan engaged the anonymous and non-skilled adoptions in Islamic period know the high regard to Islam and praise of it, and commends him to Islam. Another reason was 267 Fariborz Hossein Janzadeh and Hassan Ghamari

KNOW to be spontaneous and improvisation of poet, many times it is necessary that the poet to bring the spontaneous and improvisation and doesn’t time to pay lyrical and lovely introductions. Another reason is in the Hassan’s Islamic poetry topic, as many of his poems were about the wars and battles requiem companions of the prophet and Muslims infidels. Needless to say that, these issues aren’t consistent with notions of romantic and lyrical and don’t need a long romance stories in them to be removed.

Conclusion Succinct statement that, Hassan during the ignorant period has lyricism the two women namedshasa and umreh. He related skillfully very subtle lyricism to theme of the subject and select the his penname verses which quite relevant to before and after the subject matter. The number of lyric poems of Hassan in Islamic period is less than the ignorant periods. Of course it doesn’t mean the complete separation of him from lyrics and romantic lyrics, in Islamic periods, but it is in the sense of reducing these poems of the poet. He has appeared in his Islamic lyrics weaker than his ignorant lyrics Hassan is used in his Islamic odes common words such as …, But in the whole of ignorance periods lyrics it doesn’t evident such non-skillful lyrics, The last point is that is that in the ignorance period poem of Hassan there is evidence in dependence odes in which they have romantic theme and content, But in the Islamic period of poet we can’t find odes that have romantic conternt and pay attend to other poetical forms.

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