Issue 27, Oct 29th, 2020 Publisher : Mission Coordination Committee


By Rev. Dr. Wati Longchar, Associate Missionary for Theological Education in East Asia, American Baptist International Ministries

There is no institution or organization that does not celebrate the Jubilee Year – 25 years, 50 years, 75 years, 100 years, etc. The Jubilee is the biggest event all over the world. We spend several years and months planning for jubilee celebration and every individual are willing to contribute generously for the success of the event, but we often forget that it is a year of repentance – to say sorry to God’s creation, to our fellow neighbors and loved ones; it is a year of confessing our transgressions. The Bible speaks of the `Sabbath’ and the `Year of Jubilee’, but always in relation to repentance – without repentance, there is no meaning of jubilee; without repentance, there is not justice. “Repentance” is turning to God to do God’s will. It is saying sorry to our past misdeeds both individually and collectively for the sake of justice to all. Repentance is thus a perquisite for restoration of justice which includes ecological, economic, social and political life. When there is genuine repentance and forgiveness, there is new life and a new relationship emerges. For the people of Israel, the Jubilee celebration is not just an event or celebration on a particular day or two, but it extends year-round. It is a year of celebration for freedom. Jubilee is thus an important occasion for us:

To introspect our relationship with nature and fellow human beings; To repent from our selfishness; To rectify our failures and weaknesses; and To affirm – reach new heights, achieve new goals collectively towards a new future.

Repentance against Ecological injustice:

The land, the river and forest have been the home of all living beings. Humans are not the only species; we share this earth with 80 million other species. But humans assume that the whole earth belongs to them only. They misuse and rape the earth and its resources to meet the growing demand of consumerism. Forest and fishing resources are depleted for quick profits. Mining companies rape the earth’s resources oblivious to human persons, environmental and social costs. The air and the water around us are all polluted. In March 2019, it is reported that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 412 parts per million (0.0412%). Before industrialization, the concentration was 280 parts per million (0.0280%) only. This is an increase of 47%. Based on the 2000 rate of carbon emission, it is projected that the earth will hit the tipping point in 2048. In Delhi, an oxygen bar named “Oxy Pure” offers 15 minutes of 80-90 percent pure oxygen for Rs. 299 and within a few months since its setup, an additional 7 outlets have opened. While the rich can buy oxygen, pollution of air means death for the poor. Excessive development work motivated by insatiable human greed and consumerism has put the whole of creation at risk. The whole planet is at threat and we need repentance from the unmindful extractive and destructive industries. Ecological justice cannot be attained without repentance on the part of human creatures. The land needs to be given rest – nobody should cultivate during the jubilee year and the animals that work in the field should also be given rest. We must stop exploitation and repent from our selfishness! In our modern context, it is not possible to


live without work and cultivation. Migrant workers, daily wagers and farmers will die of hunger. The ‘land and animal must be given rest’ implies that we should have a limit of our wants and desires. Endless exploitation of the earth’s resources is sin – an insatiable desire to have more and more is sin. It is not sustainable. The earth cannot sustain our lavish life-style. Hence, the Bible demands that human beings should repent and restrain ourselves from over-exploitation and misuse of God’s resources; an endeavour for a sustainable way of life should become our spirituality. We should repent to care and protect all God’s creatures – every creature and every plant are very precious and unique in their own way. They are all God’s creation and must be given care, protection and preservation. The future of the planet earth is in the hands of all humanity; it depends on human lifestyle, attitude and interrelationship. Today the whole of God’s creation is crying and human beings must sincerely repent from greed. Without repentance and accomplishing justice to God’s entire creation, human beings cannot attain liberation and salvation. Jubilee demands repentance and a new attitude of life towards God’s creation – an attitude of love, care and respect.

Repentance from Economic exploitation:

During the Jubilee year, the debt must be paid and forgiveness be requested. A person without adequate food cannot experience the presence of God. It is estimated that 3% of the global population hold 25% of the wealth. It is totally an unjust economic relation. It is said that the Americans eat 815 billion calories of food each day – that’s roughly 200 billion more than needed – enough to feed 80 million people. Americans throw out 200,000 tons of edible food daily while more than 20 million people around the world do not have enough to eat. An unethical lifestyle. The UN Gen. Secretary- General António Guterres is right when he said that “It is unacceptable that hunger is on the rise at a time when the world wastes more than one billion tons of food every year”. The wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by $900 bn last year while the wealth of the poorest half of humanity, 3.8 billion people, fell by 11%. The gap between the rich and poor is widening because of an unjust economic system. Monopolization of production and unjust distribution of resources lead to marginalization, e.g. 50% of arable land in Madagascar (around 3.2 million hectares) is owned by Dawoo Logistic of South Korea. 80% of global trade is controlled by 147 global corporations, of which 95% of shares are owned by 4 investment banks. Without genuine repentance on the part of the rich, it is not possible to celebrate jubilee on an empty stomach. During the Jubilee year, the land and properties must be returned to the original owners. It means we must repent for the crimes we have committed against the poor and stop exploitation. Nobody should be cheated, oppressed and manipulated for another person’s selfish interest. Jubilee demands sharing but not accumulation. An Indonesian folktale goes like this: “Once there was a bird with two heads. One neck was long, the other one was very short. The long neck-head could reach everything and would enjoy all kinds of fruits – apples, oranges, mangos. The second head had a very short neck so it had difficulty in reaching the fruits and food. The short neck-head could only see the oranges and apples, but could not reach them. The short neck-head said, `Give me a few apples and oranges. I am very hungry. I do not want to go hungry. Please, give me some food’. But the long neck-head answered: `No! All of the oranges and apples are mine. I am blessed that I have a long neck. It is your own fault and luck that you have a short neck. Why don't you pray for a long neck like me? All the oranges and apples are mine, not yours.’ Hearing this unkind words and attitude, the short-neck head felt very sad, insulted and cried. Being very hungry, the short- neck head scraped the ground for food and ate the poisonous tuber from the ground. Consequently, the whole body of the bird got poisoned and the bird died.” About 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger related causes; one person dies every four seconds because the rich people are not willing to share. The whole of humanity is like one body. The world is divided into ‘haves’ and ‘have not’ and the rich are never satisfied. There are some nations and some people within a nation where they have immense advantage to manipulate and accumulate wealth at the expense of others. Some have too much to eat, while others do not have anything except to beg on the streets. When the poor nations or poor people ask for help, the rich nations and people simply say “it is because of your own fault”. The Jubilee demands for a “life of sharing” and economic justice to the poor. Without repentance and striving for justice for the poor, the whole world will suffer and meet a similar fate just like that of the two neck-bird in the folktale. The Jubilee demands us to work and raise prophetic voices against injustice and exploitation of the poor people.

Repentance from Social Exclusion: There are different layers of oppressive structures that exclude people. While many people in the ‘margins’ are excluded and forced to live outside of the power structure, there are some people within


the ‘centre’ who appropriate maximum benefit out of the system. The domineering power structure excludes the ‘other’ to marginality and is nurtured by the wrong value system. For example; a) Anthropocentrism categorizes other segments of God’s creation as mere object to be exploited and abused; b) Androcentrism identifies women as meek, inferior, and weak, and excludes them from leadership roles in the church and society; c) Racism excludes black, people of colour and indigenous people and considers them as inferior, incapable, ugly, lazy, unintelligent and less valuable by affirming the white superiority; d) Asteism excludes dalit, adivasi and other backward classes from the power structure affirming the superiority of Brahmin and other high castes; e) Ableism excludes persons with disabilities from the mainstream society affirming perfectionist and abled construct ideology and society; f) Heterosexism excludes LGBTIQ+ from the mainstream society affirming that the heterosexual alone is divine creation and the ‘other’ is abnormal and psychologically sick.

These are evil structures created by the rich, privileged, and powerful to exert power and exploit the people in the margins. The poor, needy and destitute are products of the unjust and unethical power structure. The Jubilee challenges us to repent from the thirst for power and restructure our social relation in accordance to the Kingdom’s value. It demands repentance and new action – we must stop exploitation of the poor. We must strive for justice for the orphans, widows and persons with disabilities, but should not treat them as objects of charity. Their needs must be looked after and social security must be given to them. The Jubilee understanding of social justice goes beyond the narrow racial, religious or cultural boundaries. It is an inclusive community that includes all religious, social, ethnic and cultural communities.

Repentance from Political Manipulation:

Political and economic manipulations are interrelated. It is estimated that 13-14 million people in India, including children, work as bonded labourers due to economic inequalities. They are like political prisoners due to unjust social relations. A person becomes a bonded labourer when the value of his/her work is lesser than the original sum of money he/she ‘borrowed’. In many places, entire families are forced to work to pay off the debt taken by one of its members. Sometimes, the debt can be passed down the generations and children are held in debt bondage for a loan their parents took. It can be termed as ‘modern slavery’ that feeds on a cycle of indebtedness, exploitation and abuse. This kind of slavery happens in our society due to lack of political will. It is not only a human rights violation but is also, according to the Bible, a sin. During the Jubilee, the slave must be set free. The relatives and dear ones are obliged to redeem them. There are many marginalized communities who are struggling for political justice all over the world. It is not only individual and poor communities, but some developing countries also experience political powerlessness due to unjust economic systems. The oppressed people’s political movements are born due to unjust policies, market capitalism and negligence. But many justice movements have been suppressed in the name of peace and national integration. All forms of violence like killing, kidnapping, torturing, raping, extortion and ransacking are the daily experiences of the common people. Every day, people live in uncertainty and insecurity; they feel insecure even in their own home. In some places, people have to pay multiple taxes to the underground outfits. Though the empire defines those people’s movement as anti-national and anti- development, one will discover that people’s cries are not against anti-development and anti-national, but they want protection of the whole earth and its resources from greediness and overexploitation. People cry for their right to culture, language, customary law and progress. The Jubilee is the year to listen to the cries of people who are politically powerless; people who cannot come out from the yoke of slavery. In an institutionalized oppressive context, sometimes one may think that we are a minority community and we do not have political power to bring changes in political structure. Still, we have the capability to raise prophetic voices. Imagine how the Lady Meng challenged the merciless autocratic and authoritarian rulers in China. The emperor was constructing, known today, “the Great Wall of China”, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, against foreign invaders. To appease the spirit, the emperor decided to sacrifice one human being every 3 kilometers (with the entire Great Wall with all of its branches measuring to be 21,196 km, one can imagine how many human lives must have been sacrificed). Lady Meng had just been married, but their marriage ended within a few months because her husband was taken to be sacrificed. She was just a poor ordinary woman, but she challenged and revealed the cruel, merciless, inhuman character of the rulers and the king. Her courageous


confrontation humiliated the king and ministers. To this day, the spirit of Lady Meng remains in the hearts of many Chinese and she has become a political legend in Chinese history. She showed to the world that even the most powerless person can bring political justice. Can we also bring political justice? Yes, by raising prophetic voices individually and collectively.

Let us affirm that the Jubilee becomes a reality when we genuinely repent and turn to the living God. Give the land a chance to rest; protect the lives of people who are weak and continue to live under the threat of death; strive towards economic justice for all so that all mouths experience food justice; finally, choose life against destruction of the earth and its inhabitants by affirming live and justice.


Mrs. Soma Chakraborty with Rev. Sukamal Mohapatra


a) West Bengal is witnessing a pick-up in cases ahead of Durga Puja festivities. The state added over 4,000 new active cases this week, the most in the country. b) The festival risk in West Bengal has prompted the Calcutta High Court to limit gatherings at puja pandals. The Calcutta High Court has made an effort to contain the crowding of the Durga Puja pandals by declaring them as no-entry zones for visitors. The High Court also stated that not more than 30 organizers would be allowed to enter the respective pandals and no visitors can enter the pandals. c) The global economic slowdown has left countless people jobless, desperate and at risk of exploitation, while victims of trafficking are less likely to be found or receive help with attention and resources diverted elsewhere. d) So far 3,41,426 are affected in West Bengal by novel coronavirus and 2,98,587 people have recovered. Around 6,368 died due to Coronavirus in West Bengal. e) Church services in Church buildings is possible through maintaining the social distance protocols, but the fear of getting affected remains in the minds of the believers. f) The farmers are preparing to harvest their crops. g) One believer of Rakhni Baptist Church under BCCEI is affected by Corona and is under treatment at Corona hospital. And also, a Pastor from Bellur, Howrah and a Pastor from Kolkata tested positive. They are under treatment in the State’s Corona hospital.


a) Human traffickers are capitalising on the coronavirus pandemic to target people ranging from jobless migrants to out-of-school children. Concerns are growing that more will fall prey as support services are halted and efforts to secure justice are hindered. b) The State’s total positive cases rose to 99,906 and three more patients succumbed to the infection, taking the state's coronavirus death toll to 872. The State now has 12,841 active COVID-19 cases, while 62,945 people have been cured of the disease so far. c) All the churches under BCCEI are having regular worship service maintaining the social distance norms but the believers are having difficulties in managing their livelihoods. d) Other denominational churches in Jharkhand have started the church services from this month in their church buildings, maintaining the social distancing.


a) A Christian family was excommunicated from a village in Chhattisgarh because of their faith. b) A Health Protection Campaign will be launched soon at the community level to control the spread of Coronavirus and also to address other health problems. c) A total 1,72,580 people have so far been affected in Chhattisgarh by novel Coronavirus and out of that 1,46,222 people have recovered. Sadly 1,738 patients have died due to coronavirus in Chhattisgarh. d) The Chhattisgarh government has said the schools in the state will continue to remain closed till further orders are issued in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.



a) Odisha police have busted an inter-state human trafficking racket, arrested three persons and rescued two victims. The two victims were natives of Rairangpur area in Mayurbhanj district. The girls were sold at a price of Rs 1.2 lakh to one customer. The arrested have admitted that they have sold around 10 girls from Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. b) The pandemic has led youth and men to gambling and snatching as the Odisha police busted 14 gambling dens and arrested 68 gamblers in Ganjam district. c) 2,377 Covid-19 patients recovered yesterday taking the tally to 2,59,418. On the other hand, 1,793 persons were detected positive during the last 24 hours pushing the cumulative caseload of the state to 2,77,887. d) The believers of Ho Churches and Gudikhania Baptist church under BCCEI are going through a very tough time in managing their livelihood and even it is very difficult to manage two square meals daily. e) According to the reports, four believers of Basta, Balasore and three believers of Balasore have been tested positive for Corona positive and they are under treatment at the Covid hospitals. f) This week one female believer of Berhampur, Ganjam has succumbed to this virus. Pray for her family. g) In the rural churches the worship services are organized group wise in the different houses. h) All the pastors in Orissa are going through a very tough time because the churches are closed since March and the income of the church is nil.


a) Bihar Assembly Elections has become attention seekers for the Government rather than concentrating their focus on attending COVID 19. b) Countless migrants of the State are left to face socio-economic hardship and apathy and hunger is killing many. c) Total number of corona patients in Bihar rose to 2,10,389 and 1,034 has succumbed to the virus. Total 1,98,437 people have recovered. The recovery percentage in Bihar is very high.


Reports compiled by Monison Teron, .


After the appearance of a suspicious notice, the Police on Saturday registered a criminal case against United Bengal Liberation Army (UBLA) for threatening to wage “conflict against the local populace of Meghalaya” and for “criminal intimidation” against the Chief Minister. This has been confirmed by the Meghalaya Police in a press statement issued on Saturday.

Covid-19 status: Positive 8,801; Active 1,631; Recovered 7,091; Death 79.


Covid-19 status of : Total cases 8,515; Recovered 6,668; Deaths 30.

The Hornbill Festival, which is one of the largest ethnic festivals in the North East is celebrated in the month of December 1-10 every year. The government’s contemplation to allow the celebration of the festival was opposed by the opposition party which said that the state government’s “announcement” to conduct the Hornbill Festival this year was nothing but a ‘suicidal mission.’

ASSAM Assam Covid-19 status


Confirmed 2,04,171 Active 17,510 Recovered 1,85,752 Death 906 Migrated 03


- From IBH Correspondent.

The West District is still the worst affected district with fresh Covid-19 cases out of the eight districts of the state. According to the latest report of the state government, the capital city Agartala is leading in terms of total positive cases in the West Tripura District and at the same time the capital city Agartala also accounts for the maximum death cases of Covid-19. The situation in Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC) area remains grim.

Meanwhile, despite stringent guidelines issued by the State Government to follow during puja festival to prevent fresh spread of Covid-19 cases, people thronged to the puja pandals with no regards to social distancing, media reports. Media sources said that after puja holidays there may be a surge of new cases of Covid-19 in the state.

According to the Media Bulletin dated 25/10/2020 issued by the Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Tripura, total active cases in the state has decreased to 1,809, out of total positive cases of 30,221 while 28,046 have recovered. The recovery rate has increased to 92.87%. The death toll has also increased to 340 with increase of fatality rate to 1.13%.

Mr. Samarendra Debbarma, Senior and Founder Member of Hallelujah Baptist Church, Agartala under Khowai Baptist Association (KBA) reports that a piece of land has been purchased at Gorkhabasti, Agartala for establishing a church building for Hallelujah Baptist Church. He also has requested to pray that taking over of the possession of the land be smooth and peaceful and that they would be able to have worship service there without any hindrance in future.


1) Please pray for Rev Jotham , Depacherra Baptist Church, Karbook, Gomati District, who was also earlier associated with Tripura Theological College (TTC), right side of his body is totally paralyzed due to severe brain stroke. He can’t speak. He is just 46 years old. Pray that God may perform a miraculous healing in his life for a quick and full recovery from the effects of the stroke. Also pray for his family.

2) Please pray for Mr. Shamburam Debbarma, Treasurer of Khumulwng Baptist Church of Sadar North Baptist Association under TBCU, who had a severe stroke and at present is undergoing treatment at Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals in Kolkata, West Bengal.

3) Pray that God may continue to guide and bless the pastors and workers in outreaching His gospel to the people of Tripura.

4) Pray that God may give strength to the believers to witness His Gospel even in the midst of this difficult time.

5) God may control the spread of Covid-19 and heal the infected persons.


By Litem Eshi Ori, Youth Secretary, ABCC

A three-day 12th annual general assembly of the Arunachal Baptist Church Council (ABCC) concluded at the Idu Mishmi Baptist Khumu Embo Mission Centre, Jiprali, Roing today. In view of COVID-19


pandemic, the program witnessed a thin participation which was however, completed while observing all SOPs. Adv Norbu Lama, president and chairman of the 12th annual general assembly, in his keynote address, emphasized the biblical message on "Bearing the burden of each other" particularly in the context of social upliftment in the state, as well as that of the present pandemic situation. The 12th general assembly has also adopted some resolutions besides concluding all of its business matters.

The present leaders of ABCC are: President: Mr. Pema Tshetan Vice President : Rev. Tage Donyi General Secretary: Rev. Changha Chippo Treasurer: Dr. T. R. Nabam Associate General Secretary: Adv. Tugaso Manyu

Adv. Norbu Lama, the New President of the CBCNEI

Mr. Norbu Lama, a Retired Account Officer of , has been installed as the new President of the Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India (CBCNEI) which is a major Christian Organization of North East India, during the last General Meeting held on Zoom. He is a permanent member of the Baptist Church Meka of the Dibang Lohit Baptist Churches Association (DLBCA). Lama became the first Arunachalee to get this post. Earlier his Younger Brother Rev. Dr. A. K Lama became the first Arunachalee to hold the post of the General Secretary of CBCNEI.


By Jennifer T. Monsang

Covid-19 Statistics: reported 245 new Covid-19 positive cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of cases is nearing 17,022 including 12,719 recoveries, 4,165 active cases and 138 deaths in the state.

Due to incessant rain in Manipur, National Highway-2 connecting Manipur and Nagaland road has been cut off after a 50-meter-long portion sank at Khongnem Thana Village, Senapati District. One truck and two excavators (JCB) were also swept away when the highway sank, although there was no report of human casualty. With the highway cut off, transportation of essential commodities of the state has been brought to a grinding halt. It is said that construction of the road would take at least 10 days. Constructing of the new stretch of road would entail dismantling some house of Khongnem Thana Village. On the other hand, water levels of all major rivers flowing through Manipur valley have been rising at an alarming rate.

MIZORAM launched a zero-tolerance drive under the banner “COVID-19 No Tolerance Fortnight” for 14 days starting from October 26 to break the chain of the rising local transmission case in the state, an official said on Friday.


The decision was taken at the emergency meeting held recently of various departments including health, home, disaster, urban development, school education, a church body and doctors association, presided over by health minister Dr. R. Lalthangliana, the official said. He said that the current situation of the state is vulnerable due to the rising local transmission cases of Covid-19 and some of the patients point of exposure to the virus could not be traced.

The government is hopeful to break the chain of the rising local transmission cases by launching no tolerance drive two weeks starting from next Monday during which no toleration would be given to people who violated unlock guidelines, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and the Mizoram Containment and Prevention of Covid-19 Ordinance, 2020, he said.

School Education Minister Lalchhandama Ralte said that all schools and hostels will be closed during the “Covid-19 No Tolerance Fortnight”. On October 16, schools had reopened on a ‘voluntary basis’ for students of Class X and XII, after a gap of seven months. As per a release from Mizoram DIPR, the decision to close schools again was made “keeping in view the imminent spread of the Covid virus among students of Class X and XII, who are to face their Board examinations early next year.”

“However, if the pandemic situation improves and community spread could be contained during the fortnight, schools and hostels are likely to be reopened after 9th October” Ralte quoted in the release.

So far, with a positivity rate much below the national average (2.4 per cent), and zero recorded deaths, Mizoram’s Covid-19 management plan seems to have been successful to a considerable extent. Currently, out of the 2,387 positive cases, 198 are active — the lowest tally among the North-eastern states.



By Adv. Loreign Ovung

On Saturday the 24th of October, the nation’s capital reported 4,116 new coronavirus cases which was the highest single day spike in 35 days. The next day saw another increase in the number of cases by 4136 cases. Presently, the total number of coronavirus cases in Delhi stands at 3,56,656.

In the meantime, in a bid to revive the economic growth of the country which was substantially hit during the lockdown, the Government has decided to reopen the country’s borders to international visitors. The new policy aims to welcome foreigners on business trips, but tourists, however, will not be allowed. As per the statement released by the Ministry of Home Affairs, regular scheduled commercial flights remain off limits for the time being, but overseas travellers can use other options, including flights under a government repatriation program, called air-bubble agreements, and private charters. All travellers must "strictly adhere" to the guidelines on quarantine and other rules. India has extended a government repatriation program to allow private carriers including Inter Globe Aviation Ltd.'s IndiGo and SpiceJet Ltd. to operate such flights with special permission. The nation has also struck air-bubble agreements with 18 countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, Afghanistan and Canada. Under this new arrangement, even ships from abroad will be allowed to enter India.

“Transport Bubbles” or “Air Travel Arrangements” are temporary arrangements between two countries aimed at restarting commercial passenger services when regular international flights are suspended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are reciprocal in nature, meaning airlines from both countries enjoy similar benefits.


1. Pray for the stability of the Covid-19 status in Delhi. 2. Pray that the number of cases in the country will remain stable even as new policies evolve to revive the economy.


3. Pray for the health care professionals who are discharging their duties to keep everyone else safe. 4. Pray for the scientists and researchers involved in finding a vaccine for the virus. 5. Pray for wisdom for the Governments in dealing with the pandemic. 6. Pray for compassion from society for those who have recovered from the illness but are facing forms of discrimination. 7. Pray for patience among the people so that they continue to follow the various measures imposed for the benefit of all. 8. Pray for those whose livelihoods have been affected as a result of the lockdown and that there will be an improvement in their situation. 9. Pray that people will find ways to open their hearts to reach out to the community and help them. 10. Pray that the Churches will spread messages of hope, encouragement and strength to their congregations in this time of uncertainty.


By D. Robert Surya Prakash, Hyderabad

The recovered Covid-19 cases in our country has gone up to 71,35,000 as of Sunday while the total cases load in our country has reached nearly 79.10 lakhs. Southern states and the two Union Territories have also shown an increase in the recovered cases. Of the total 29.81 lakh cases 26.87 lakh have recovered and 2.63 lakh are active cases in the south.

POSITIVE DEATHS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL AS ON 25th CASE THIS THIS CASE LOAD ACTIVE RECOVERED DEATHS Oct. 2020. WEEK WEEK ANDAMAN & 133 2 4,245 204 3,983 58 NICOBAR ANDHRA 24,900 162 8,07,023 30,869 7,69,576 6,587 PRADESH KARNATAKA 37,231 427 8,02,817 81,050 7,10,843 10,905 KERALA 51,071 171 3,92,931 96,585 2,94,910 1,333 PUDUCHERRY 1,215 14 34,193 3,804 29,801 588 TAMIL NADU 21,605 283 7,09,005 30,606 6,67,475 10,924 TELANGANA 9,131 36 2,31,252 19,465 2,10,480 1,307 TOTAL 1,45,286 1,094 29,80,926 2,62,583 26,87,068 31,702

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Union Territory:

The Union Territory has reported 133 fresh COVID cases and 2 deaths during the week. All efforts are being taken by the administration to protect the vulnerable tribes, yet the increase of fresh cases is a worry in Andaman & Nicobar. The Church has a greater role in this U T where more than 21% of the population is Christians, and they need our sustained prayers. Continue to uphold in prayer the Karen Baptist Convention and Pastor Saytha for his dedicated services to the people here.


The recovery rate in 12 districts of A P is nearly 93%. Krishna district has the highest death rate and lowest recovery rate, while Nellore district has the highest recovery rate of 98.5%.

Updates from Dr John V.K Gandhi Penumudi. CBCNC, Kakinada.

The state reports one of the lowest numbers of deaths this week.

Andhra Pradesh has reported 24,900 new COVID-19 infections and 162 new deaths, taking the tally to 8,07,023 and death toll to 6,587. The recovery rate is also increased to 95.26% while the death rate remained unchanged at 0.82% the confirmed cases for million ratio also increased to 15,057.


Meanwhile, West Godavari District once reported the highest number of new cases among all the Districts. Krishna District is faring badly with the highest death rate and the lowest recovery rate. After heavy rains the flood situation in the entire state has come down to the normal position. Praise the Lord.

East Godavari is Andhra Pradesh’s major source of virus cases, yet the District administration has geared up to reopen schools from November-2 by implementing Standard Operating Procedures like sanitization, use of mask and physical distancing. East Godavari continues to top the state with 1,12,661 Cumulative confirmed Corona Virus Cases, followed by 81,784 in West Godavari. Many churches have reopened with all precautionary measures and the Sunday services started by the grace of Almighty God.

Bethesda Prayer House Church building started in 1986 was demolished by local municipal authorities at Salipeta, Tadepalligudem in West Godavari district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.


After Telangana and A P, last week it was the turn of South Bangalore. Heavy rainfall lashed parts of Bengaluru on Friday disrupting traffic and causing waterlogging in commercial and residential areas. Visuals showed bikes being swept away and inundation of a few roads, particularly in southern Bengaluru and in Rajarajeshwari Nagar. According to the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC), over 50 mm rainfall was measured in several areas in southern Bengaluru including Lakkasandra (54 mm) Pattabhiramangara (50.5 mm), Koramangala (42 mm), VV Puram (71 mm), Vidyapeeta (94.5 mm) Basavanagudi (80 mm). Inundation was reported in Basavanagudi, Jayanagar and Koramangala after the spell of rain in the evening. Elsewhere, heavy rainfall was also reported in Rajarajeshwarinagar (101 mm) and Konanakunte (82.5 mm). The rainfall in Bengaluru comes at the end of a week marked by recurring rainfall especially in the coastal districts of Udupi, Dakshina Kannada and Uttara Kannada in the state. At the same time, four districts in northern Karnataka were left reeling under floods and flood-like condition after a heavy spell of rainfall lashed the state.

The COVID-19 situation is still alarming in the state. During the last week 37,231 fresh COVID cases were added and 427 patients succumbed to the virus.

1) Pray for the senior Baptist pastors and leaders affected by COVID-19 and recuperating in hospitals and home quarantine. 2) Pray for the churches and the ministries that have re-opened for worship post Unlock 5.0 3) Pray for the Doctors and Medical Professionals who are providing COVID care.

(Pictures of recent rains in south Bengaluru)


Continuing from the last week the COVID virus has been alarming in the state. A huge spike of 51,071 fresh cases are reported and fresh 171 deaths in the past week. However, the overall recovery rate in


this state has been very encouraging. The recovery ratio in Kerala is 75.1% and the active ratio is 24.6%. The case fatality ratio remains very low with just 0.3%.

It is very pathetic to read a report published in a local newspaper. There have been 173 deaths by suicide of children of 10 to 18 years, since the beginning of the lockdown. According to a report by the government committee, mental stress was the cause for most of the suicides. Disappointments, loneliness, family quarrels, Mobile Internet overuse, love failure and parental abuse are among the other main causes. Most of the children who committed suicide have excelled in their studies.

1) As a Baptist Community let us sincerely pray for the prevalent concerns for the children. 2) Pray for the expats and the migrants. 3) Pray for the Pastors and the Baptist Churches in Kerala.


During the past week 1,215 fresh cases were recorded in the Union Territory and 14 fresh deaths. There are 34,193 COVID cases to date and 588 have succumbed to the pandemic. All the four districts have reported positive cases, with highest being from Puducherry Disrict. 11.1% is the active ratio and 87.2% the recovery ratio. The fatality rate is 1.7% in the Union Territory of Puducherry.

1) Pray for the Doctors and the paramedics in the UT 2) Pray for the Pastors, Evangelists and the independent Baptist missionaries serving in this U T. 3) Pray for the effective control of the pandemic in the UT


With a total case load of 7.09 lakh Tamil Nadu stands fourth in the most affected states in our country. As many as 18,736 fresh COVID-19 cases were recorded in the last week and 283 people succumbed to the virus during the week. To date there are 30,606 active cases and 6.67 lakh have recovered. The total deaths in the state have gone up to 10,905.

Nearly one third of the Chennai population has been exposed to the virus. The recent second Sero Survey has shown an overall positivity rate of 32.3%. This is more than the number of those found affected by the virus during the first survey conducted in July.

A Christian cemetery was vandalised by fanatics in Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. The vandals went on to desecrated 40 Christian graves, broke crosses, and vandalized statues of Christian saints.

1) Pray for the Doctors, Nurses, paramedical staff and the frontline workers 2) Pray for the migrant workers stranded in Chennai without any source of income and unable to return to their homes. 3) Pray for the Tamil and Telugu Baptist churches in Tamil Nadu. 4) Pray for the Pastors, Evangelists and mission workers 5) Pray for the Tamil Nadu Baptist Convention and its Leaders


The twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad are on the recovery track after being battered with heavy rains. Many of our Baptist Churches and organisations have extended their helping hand to the affected citizens by providing dry rations, drinking water and other daily necessities. On behalf of the IMCC, our member Mr. Gone Solomon has visited some badly affected areas and provided the residents with dry rations and packaged drinking water.

The regular Women and Youth meetings are being conducted on Zoom platform by The Deccan Baptist Women’s Association, Coordinated by Bro. Selvaraj Kodamala, member IMCC Youth Forum and Youth Director of the Deccan Association of Telugu Baptist Churches. More than 60 women leaders and 75 youth are regularly participating in these meetings. Many Baptist pastors from the urban and rural areas of Telangana are being strengthened by this initiative.


The COVID situation is very much the same as in the past months.

1) Pray for the Pastors and evangelists as the Churches are opening for worship services, post Unlock 5.0 2) Pray for the healing of many Baptist believers under COVID treatment in Telangana 3) Pray for the Baptist Unity in Telangana.


1) Pray for the Lord to intervene to stop the spread of the coronavirus, and that the numbers of those infected would decline rapidly. 2) Pray for those who are sick, that they will have access to the care and treatment they need. Pray for peace and perseverance amidst suffering. Pray for those in isolation who are cut off from their normal routines and support systems, that they would seek their strength in Jesus. Pray for the strength and encouragement for the thousands in quarantine, waiting to find out if they have the virus. 3) Pray for health workers who are caring for those with COVID-19. Pray for their protection from the virus, for stamina during long and intense work hours, and for safe protocols to be observed in healthcare institutions in order to keep them protected. Pray for health workers to seek the Lord during this crisis. 4) Pray for grieving families who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus. Even as their hearts are breaking, pray they would know the nearness and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Pray that they would feel compassion from the Lord and from friends and neighbors coming around them. Pray against despair; pray for new mercies every morning. 5) Pray for God’s help and provision as they seek to support daily wage earners unable to work during the post lockdown situation. Pray for Christians to keep growing in faith day-by-day, even when meeting together is difficult. 6) Pray for the Dalit children and families who fled rural poverty or modern slavery to seek a better life in India.

Dear Readers and prayer warriors, With this week publication and at the end of October 2020 we are completing our 27th publication

of the India Baptist Herald, regularly published weekly for the past 27 weeks. One of the purposes of

the Newsletter is to share nationwide information with our Baptist brothers and sisters, leading

people to pray during the lockdown while most of the time being at home. We believe the ‘Newsletter’ has been an instrument of blessings to many for those who have been prayed for and those who have prayed for others. Now, as there are openings of offices, travels, business many are getting back to their regular schedule and we all are going to be busy with our normal life again, the “India Baptist Herald” instead of weekly will be published fortnightly from November onwards.

Thank you for your understanding, support and encouragement.

Team of India Baptist Herald

Editorial Team Rev. Samaresh Nayak Email: [email protected] Mobile/WA : 094370 60553 Rev. P. A. Stephen Kumar Email: [email protected] Mobile/WA : 090428 10089 Rev. Catherine Longkumer Email: [email protected] Mobile/WA : 081328 06973 Ms. Rachitha Dundoo Email: [email protected] Mobile/WA : 099512 72384

Designing Team Mr. Joseph Noel Voola, Mr. M. Srinivas