Of INDIA Source: Joshua Project Data, 2019 Western Edition Introduction Page I INTRODUCTION & EXPLANATION
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Daily Prayer Guide for all People Groups & Unreached People Groups = LR-UPGs - of INDIA Source: Joshua Project data, www.joshuaproject.net 2019 Western edition Introduction Page i INTRODUCTION & EXPLANATION All Joshua Project people groups & “Least Reached” (LR) / “Unreached People Groups” (UPG) downloaded in August 2018 are included. Joshua Project considers LR & UPG as those people groups who are less than 2 % Evangelical and less than 5 % total Christian. The statistical data for population, percent Christian (all who consider themselves Christian), is Joshua Project computer generated as of August 24, 2018. This prayer guide is good for multiple years (2018, 2019, etc.) as there is little change (approx. 1.4% growth) each year. ** AFTER 2018 MULTIPLY POPULATION FIGURES BY 1.4 % ANNUAL GROWTH EACH YEAR. The JP-LR column lists those people groups which Joshua Project lists as “Least Reached” (LR), indicated by Y = Yes. White rows shows people groups JP lists as “Least Reached” (LR) or UPG, while shaded rows are not considered LR people groups by Joshua Project. For India ISO codes are used for some Indian states as follows: AN = Andeman & Nicobar. JH = Jharkhand OD = Odisha AP = Andhra Pradesh+Telangana JK = Jammu & Kashmir PB = Punjab AR = Arunachal Pradesh KA = Karnataka RJ = Rajasthan AS = Assam KL = Kerala SK = Sikkim BR = Bihar ML = Meghalaya TN = Tamil Nadu CT = Chhattisgarh MH = Maharashtra TR = Tripura DL = Delhi MN = Manipur UT = Uttarakhand GJ = Gujarat MP = Madhya Pradesh UP = Uttar Pradesh HP = Himachal Pradesh MZ = Mizoram WB = West Bengal HR = Haryana NL = Nagaland Introduction Page ii UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS IN INDIA AND SOUTH ASIA Mission leaders with Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE) meeting in Chicago in 1982 developed this official definition of a PEOPLE GROUP: “a significantly large ethnic / sociological grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity to one another [on the basis of ethnicity, language, tribe, caste, class, religion, occupation, location, or a combination]. From the viewpoint of evangelization this is the largest group within which the gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance.” These mission leaders defined UNREACHED PEOPLES as: “a group among which there is no [or not enough] indigenous community of believing Christians able (with adequate numbers and resources) to evangelize this people group (without outside [cross-cultural] assistance.)” An unreached people group was later further defined by Joshua Project as a group which was less than 2 % Evangelical and less than 5 % total Christian. This definition is thus a missiological, church planting definition which attempts to determine which people groups most need cross-cultural mission workers to preach Christ and plant churches in that group. On the basis of the above definitions and ethno-linguistic criteria, as of August 2018 Joshua Project lists a total of 17,023 people groups in the world, & a total of 7,087 “Least Reached” or Unreached People Groups in the world. Source: Joshua Project: www.joshuaproject.net (see website for actual lists of LR/UPG) India has 2,289 “Least Reached” or UPG out of 2,554 total people groups; India has more UPG than any other country. The 6 countries of South Asia (India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives) have 2,994 LR-UPG out of 7,087 world total LR/UPG = 42% of world LR- UPG! We must PRAY & send pioneer church planters! Introduction Page iii Why Should We Pray For Unreached People Groups? * Missions & salvation of all people is God's plan, God's will, God's heart, God's dream, Gen. 3:15! * In the Great Commissions Jesus commands us to reach all peoples in the world, Matt. 28:19-20! * People without Jesus are eternally lost, & Jesus is the only One who can save them, John 14:6! * We have been given "the ministry & message of reconciliation", in Christ, 2 Cor. 5:18-20! * Jesus’ return is intimately tied to reaching all people groups, Matt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9! * Jesus commanded us to pray to Him to send workers into the harvest, Luke 10:2! * If we love Jesus, we will want to obey and please Him, John 14:15! How Should We Pray for Unreached People Groups? ** Pray for great revival on the Church to cleanse, empower and send them out to the lost! ** Pray for great outpouring of God’s Spirit on the people group bringing conviction of sin! ** Pray for clear, biblical dreams and visions and revelations drawing people to Jesus! ** Pray for powerful, biblical signs and wonders of healing, deliverance and miracles! ** Pray that God will send more workers into His harvest in obedience to Luke 10:2! ** Pray for great people movements to Christ and Church Planting Movements! ** Pray that new converts will be biblically discipled and will grow in Jesus! God answers prayer for UPGs! An example are the Cholanaikkans of Kerala, South India! *** In the late 1960s the Cholanaikkans of Kerala, South India were discovered living in caves and completely unreached. Local Kerala Christians began praying for them and sent church planting teams to reach them. Within a few years the Cholanaikkans' lives improved, many became believers in Jesus, and a church was built with half the Cholanaikkans attending, PTL! INDIA - DAILY PRAYER GUIDE FOR ALL PEOPLE GROUPS & UNREACHED PG = UPGs = Page 1 PRAY PEOPLE GROUP POPULATION PERCENT JP- PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY PHOTOS OF DAILY: NAME: IN INDIA: CHRISTIAN: LR: LANGUAGE: RELIGION: LOCATION: PEOPLE GROUPS: 1 Jan. Abdul 34,000 0 Y Urdu Islam Bihar, North India Abor 1,700 15.71% Adi Animism Arunachal Pradesh Ad Dharmi 743,000 0 Y Punjabi, Eastern Hinduism NW India Adaviar 100 0 Y Tamil Hinduism South India Adi 69,000 21.53% Adi Animism AR, NW India Adi Andhra 1,249,000 3.91% Y Telugu Hinduism AP, S. & C. India Adi Bori 300 37.15% Adi Animism Arunachal Pradesh 2 Jan. Adi Dravida 9,857,000 7.74% Tamil Hinduism TN, KA, S. & C. India Adi Gallong 19,000 37.55% Adi, Galo Ethnic relig. Arunachal Pradesh Adi Karnataka 3,719,000 4.79% Y Kannada Hinduism KA, S. & C. India Adi Dharmi Adi Minyong 25,000 16.51% Adi Ethnic relig. Arunachal Pradesh Adi Padam 14,000 30.52% Adi Buddhism Arunachal Pradesh Adi Pasi 3,100 21.37% Adi Ethnic relig. Arunachal Pradesh Adi Ramo 1,400 45.49% Adi Animism Arunachal Pradesh 3 Jan. Adiyan 19,000 0.69% Y Malayalam Hinduism Kerala, TN, South India Agamudaiyan 859,000 0.52% Y Tamil Hinduism TN, South India Agamudaiyan Mukkulattar 1,600 0.00% Y Tamil Hinduism TN, South India Agamudaiyan Nattaman 656,000 0.17% Y Tamil Hinduism TN, South India Agamudaiyan Udayar 8,500 18.30% Tamil Hinduism Tamil Nadu Agani 500 0 Y Kodava Hinduism Karnataka Adi Andhra Agaria, Hindu 210,000 0.29% Y Agariya Hinduism CT, OD, N. India 4 Jan. Agaria, Muslim 15,000 0 Y Urdu Islam Odisha, UP Agaru 1,600 0 Y Odia Hinduism Odisha, AP Ager, Hindu 24,000 0 Y Kannada Hinduism KA, NW India Aghori 69,000 0 Y Hindi Hinduism MP, UP, NW India Agri 416,000 0 Y Marathi Hinduism MH, NW & North India Agri Kharwal 200 0 Y Hindi Hinduism Delhi Aguri 459,000 0.12% Y Bengali Hinduism West Bengal, N. India 5 Jan. Ahar 1,439,000 0 Y Hindi Hinduism UP, North India Aheria 161,000 0 Y Hindi Hinduism UP NW India Ahmadi 72,000 0 Y Urdu Islam UL, MH, North India Adi Dravida Ahom 1,286,000 4.89% Y Assamese Hinduism Assam, NE India Aimol 3,000 98.39% Aimol Christianity Manipur Aiton 3,700 0 Y Aiton Buddhism Assam, NE India Aiyanavar 24,000 78.67% Malayalam Christianity KL, TN, S. India 6 Jan. Ajila 6,700 0 Y Malayalam Hinduism Karnataka, South India Ajna 42,000 0 Y Hindi Hinduism Madhya Pradesh Aka 11,000 27.01% Assamese Hinduism AR, AS, WB, NL Akula 500 0 Y Odia Hinduism Odisha Alambadi Kurichchan 48,000 4.27% Y Kurichiya Hinduism Kerala, TN, S. India Alavan 7,600 0 Y Tamil Hinduism TN, South India Alia 57,000 0 Y Odia Hinduism Odisha, North India Adi Karnataka INDIA - DAILY PRAYER GUIDE FOR ALL PEOPLE GROUPS & UNREACHED PG = UPGs = Page 2 PRAY PEOPLE GROUP POPULATION PERCENT JP- PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY PHOTOS OF DAILY: NAME: IN INDIA: CHRISTIAN: LR: LANGUAGE: RELIGION: LOCATION: PEOPLE GROUPS: 7 Jan. Alitkar Salankar 800 0 Y Marathi Hinduism Maharashtra Alkari 500 0 Y Marathi Hinduism Maharashtra Alwar 200 0 Y Marwari Hinduism Maharashtra Amat 254,000 0 Y Hindi Hinduism Bihar, North India Ambalavasi 151,000 0.32% Y Malayalam Hinduism Kerala, TN Ambalavasi Kambalattu 2,800 1.26% Y Tamil Hinduism Kerala, TN AmbalavasiTottiyanNaicker 11,000 0.83% Y Tamil Hinduism Kerala, TN 8 Jan. Ambattan 182,000 2.43% Y Tamil Hinduism TN, South India Amma Kodaga 2,000 0 Y Kodava Hinduism Karnataka Anamuk 3,900 0 Y Telugu Hinduism South India Ansari Anantpanthi 600 0 Y Hindi Hinduism Uttar Pradesh Andh 491,000 0.02% Y Marathi Hinduism Maharashtra, AP, MP Anduran 2,500 0 Y Konkani, Goan Hinduism Karnataka Angami 159,000 98.68% Naga, Angami Christianity NL, NE India 9 Jan. Angarok 6,300 0 Y Bengali Hinduism West Bengal Anglo 155,000 100% English Christianity KA, WB, all India Ansari 10,525,000 0 Y Urdu Islam UP, Bihar, North India Anuppan 1,000 0 Y Kannada Hinduism TN, Karnataka Ao 233,000 99.07% Naga, Ao Christianity NL, NE India Aoghar 200 0 Y Hindi Hinduism Bihar, North India Apapanthi 27,000 0 Y Hindi Hinduism UP, North India Arain, Muslim 10 Jan.