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World Bank Document Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized IPP511 Table of Contents Executive Summary 1. Introduction 1 2. Social Assessment 10 3. Poverty and Social Exclusion In Project Area 15 4. Baseline Information 49 5. Institutions, Governance and Poverty Alleviation Programmes 65 6. Project Benefits, Social Impacts and Risks 91 7. Stakeholder Consultations 100 8. Key Social Strategies Included in Project Design 128 9. Monitoring And Evaluation 138 10. Tribal Development Framework - Tripura 142 11. Tribal Development Framework- Sikkim 172 12. Gender Strategy 201 Annexure List of Tables 2.1 Tools used for Data Collection 2.2 Sample selection 3.1 Socio, Economic and Demographic Indicators 3.2 Ethnic Hierarchy of Tribes in Tripura 3.3 Ethnic Hierarchy of Tribes in Sikkim 3.4 Road Network (Km) 3.5 Unemployment Rate among the Youth 3.6 NACO’s Categories of NE States on HIV Prevalence 3.7 AIDS cases in NE and Recipients of ART 3.8 Incidence of HIV/ AIDS in Project States 3.9 Major Tribes and Population in Study Villages - Tripura 3.10 Some Development Indicators for Tripura vis-à-vis National Figures 3.11 Distribution of HHs, Population and Sex Ratio by ST Community - Sikkim 3.12 District-wise Distribution of Villages and Poor Households with different Poverty Rates in Sikkim 3.13 Human Development Index (HDI), 2001 3.14 Human Development in North East India 3.15 Human Development Indices - 2006 3.16 Gender Development Indices - 2006 4.1 Distribution of Sample Households (Social Category) 4.2 Family Composition 4.3 Decision Making by Women 4.4 Source of Income 4.5 Households in Indebtedness 4.6 Key Poverty Indicators of the Project States 4.7 Livelihood Overview & Seasonality of Livelihood 5.1 Grievance Redressal Mechanism in Project States 5.2 Traditional Institutions functional in Nagaland 5.3 Types of Administrative Structure for the Tribes of Project States 5.4 Poverty Education Measures in Project States 5.5 Implementation of Poverty Alleviation Schemes in Project States 5.6 Government Scheme in Project States 5.7 SHGs in Sample Villages 5.8 Functioning of SHGs in Project Districts 6.1 Potential Benefits of the NERLP 6.2 Risks and Mitigation Measures of Project Implementation 7.1 Stakeholder Meetings: Focus Group Discussions 7.2 Summary of Second Round of Consultation List of Tables 10.1 NERLP Project Area - Tripura 10.2 Tribal Development Framework – Key Actions 10.3 Growth of Population in Tripura against ST Population 10.4 List of STs in Tripura 10.5 Zone-wise distribution of Population in the TTAADC, 2005-06 10.6 Population of major Scheduled Tribal people in the Project Districts (2001) 10.7 Distribution of Scheduled Tribes in Rural and Urban Areas 10.8 Land Holding size in two Project Districts 10.9 Human Development Indicators 10.10 Some Development Indicators for Tripura vis-à-vis National Figures (2008) 10.11 District-wise distribution of SHGs formed under SGSY in Tripura (upto Dec 2010) 11.1 Distribution of Scheduled Tribal households & population in Sikkim 11.2 District-wise percentage distribution of ST Communities in the three Project Districts 11.3 Decadal Growth Rate, Distribution of ST Population, Percentage of ST Population in the State (2001) 11.4 District-wise distribution of villages and poor households with different Poverty Rates in Sikkim 11.5 District-wise distribution of BPL and APL households, Sikkim 11.6 List of Tribal BPL in three Project Districts on Sikkim 11.7 Sample Villages (Wards) in Project Districts showing ST Population 11.8 NERLP Project Area - Sikkim 11.9 Tribal Development Framework – Key Actions 12.1 State-wise existing Schemes and Programmes for Women Empowerment 12.2 Gender Actions List of Abbreviations AAY Antyodaya Anna Yojana APL Above Poverty Line BADP Border Area development project BAP Basic Amenities Poverty BDOs Block Development Officers BPL Below Poverty Line CDGs Community Development Group CDP Community Development Plan COM Community Operation Manual CSPs Community Service Providers CSS Central Sector Scheme DoNER Department of North Eastern Region DPMU District Project Management Unit DRDA District Rural Development Agency FGD Focus Group Discussion GDI Gender Disparity Index GDP Gross Domestic Product GID Gender-in-Development GON Government. of Nagaland GOS Government of Sikkim GOT Government of Tripura GP Gram Panchayat HDI Human Development Index HDR Human Development Report HI Healthy Life Index HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HQ Head Quarter HYV High Yielding Variety IAY Indira Awas Yojana ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme IDRC Integrated Development cum Resource Centre IDU Intravenous drug users IEC Information Education Campaign IFAD International Fund for Agriculture Development IMR Infant Mortality Rate IPDP Integrated Project Development Plan ITDP Integrated Tribal Development Area Programme IWDP Inland Watershed Development Program JLG Joint Liability Group JRM Joint Review Mission JSY Janani Suraksha Yojana KGBV KasturbaGandhi Balika Vidyalya List of Abbreviations LAD Local Area Department M & E Monitoring and Evaluation MBC Most Backward Classes MFI Micro Finance Institution MIS Management Information System MoU Memorandum of Understanding MPR Monthly Progress report NACO National Aids Control Organization NCHD&ID Nagaland Centre for Human Development and Information Technology NELPS North East Livelihood Promotion Society NEPED Nagaland Empowerment of People through Economic Development NER North Eastern Region NERAMAC North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation NERC North Eastern Regional Centre NERCORM North Eastern Region Community Resource Management NERLM North East Rural Livelihood Mission NERLP North East Rural Livelihood Project NFP National Forest Policy NGOs/ VOs Non Governmental Organisations/ Voluntary Organisations NIRD National Institute of Rural Development NLCPR Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources NRC Norwegian Refugee Council NRDWP National Rural Drinking Water Programme NREGA National Rural Employment Guarantee Act NRM Natural Resource Management NRMGs Natural Resource Management Groups NRRP National Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy NSDP Net State Domestic Product NSPE Nutritional Support to Primary Education NTFP Non Timber Forest Produce OBC Other Backward Classes OP Operational Policy PAPs Project Affected Person PDS Public distribution system PFTs Project Facilitating Team PGC Public Grievance Committees PHE Public Health Engineering PIP Project Implementation Plan PLHA People Living with HIV AIDS PMU Project Management Unit POs Producers Organisations PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal PRIs Panchayati Raj Institutions PTG Primitive Tribal Group List of Abbreviations RDA Rural Development Authority RDO Rural Development Officers RITC Residential Institute and Training Centre RFRA Reserve Forest Regulation Act RPIP Regional Project Implementation Plan RPMU Regional Project Management Unit SABCCO Sikkim SC, ST and OBC Development Corporation SC Schedule Caste SCA Special Central Assistance SDP State Domestic Product SGRY Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana SGSY Swarnadhenu Gram Swarozgar Yojana SHG Self Help Group SIF Social Inclusion Framework SLSA State Legal Service Authority SPSU State Project Support Unit SSO Sector Support Organization SSP Social Security Pension ST Schedule Tribe STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases TCTA Tripura College Teachers Association TDF Tribal Development Framework TDP Tribal Development Plan TPDS Targeted Public Distribution System TPP Twenty Point Program TSC Total Sanitation Campaign TSP Tribal sub plan TTAADC Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council TVCU Tuensang Village Citizen Union UNDP United Nations Development Program VC Village Committees VDAP Village Development Action Plan VDBs Village Development Boards VDC Village Development Committee WBNP Wheat based nutrition program WEDP Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme WPR Welfare participation rate WPS Women police station YG Youth Group YMCA Young Mizo Christian association ZP Zila Parishad EXECUTIVE SUMMARY North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP). Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDONER) has taken up the North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) with the support of the World Bank in the States of Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura to assist the rural poor and vulnerable groups including women in improving their livelihood. The primary objective of the project is to empower poor and vulnerable in rural areas directly so that they are able to take advantage of the opportunities for improvement of their livelihoods. The project components include social empowerment, economic empowerment, partnerships development and project management. Component 1: Social Empowerment - The objective of this component is to empower the rural communities, create sustainable institutions so that they manage common activities around microfinance, livelihoods and natural resource management. Component 2: Economic Empowerment - The objective of this component is to develop the capacity of rural communities to plan and provide funds to them to undertake various economic initiatives and common public-good activities. Component 3: Partnership Development - The objective of this component is to partner with various service providers, resource institutions and public and private sector organizations to bring resources such as finance, technology, and marketing into the project so that the community groups
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