Matthew Frise Department of Philosophy | Santa Clara University | 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053
[email protected] | EMPLOYMENT Lecturer, Santa Clara University, Philosophy 2017–present Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Baylor University, Philosophy 2015–17 EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Rochester, Philosophy 2015 Visiting Dissertation Fellow, Saint Louis University 2014–15 M.A. University of California, Santa Cruz, Philosophy 2010 B.A. San José State University, Philosophy, summa cum laude 2007 AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Moral Psychology AREAS OF COMPETENCE Ancient Greek Philosophy, Biomedical Ethics, Technology Ethics, Business Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Religion BOOKS 1. Justifying Memory, Cambridge University Press (under contract) ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS 15. “Forgetting Memory Skepticism,” (with Kevin McCain) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (forthcoming) 14. “Reliabilism’s Memory Loss,” The Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3) 565–585 (2021) 13. “Upping the Ex Ante Problem for Reliabilism,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (4): 1047– 1054 (2019) 12. “The Reliability Problem for Reliabilism,” Philosophical Studies 175 (4): 923–945 (2018) 11. “Eliminating the Problem of Stored Beliefs,” American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (1): 63–79 (2018) 10. “Forgetting,” New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory, edited by Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus, and Denis Perrin. Routledge, pp.223–240 (2018) 9. “Metacognition as Evidence for Evidentialism,” Believing in Accordance with the Evidence: New Essays on Evidentialism, edited by Kevin McCain. Springer, pp.91-107 (2018) 8. “No Need to Know,” Philosophical Studies 174 (2): 391–401 (2017) 7. “Preservationism in the Epistemology of Memory,” The Philosophical Quarterly 67 (268): 486– 507, (2017) 6. “Internalism and the Problem of Stored Beliefs,” Erkenntnis 82 (2): 285–304, (2017) 5.