Från: Eva Bengtsson Skickat: den 2 mars 2020 15:36 Till: Therese Köster Ämne: Translation of the Decision on Licence to broadcast television and searchable teletext. Bifogade filer: Decision 19 02700.docx Dear Sirs/Madams, Enclosed please find a translation into English of the decision on Licence to broadcast television and searchable teletext. The translation is subject to a disclaimer and has no official and legal status. Only the Swedish decision is considered valid. If you have any questions concerning the meaning of the decision, don´t hesitate to contact us, see our contact details below. Kind regards, Eva Bengtsson Åström Therese Köster ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| EVA BENGTSSON ÅSTRÖM, JURIST THERESE KÖSTER, DEPUTY HEAD OF DIVISION
[email protected] [email protected] The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority Phone: +46 8 580 070 24 Phone: +46 8 580 070 27 Switchboard: +46 8 580 070 00 Switchboard: +46 8 580 070 00 PO Box 33, SE-121 25 Stockholm-Globen PO Box 33, SE-121 25 Stockholm-Globen ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 1/13 Decision 2020-02-18 Ref. no. 19/02700 PARTIES See appendix 1 MATTER Licence to broadcast television and searchable teletext ___________________ DECISION Applications for licence that are granted The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority grants licences to broadcast television and searchable teletext for the programme services listed in the table below. The conditions for the broadcasts are stated in respective programme service's appendix. The registered designations for programme services covered by Swedish jurisdiction are approved.