Menengage Alliance

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Menengage Alliance Strategic Plan 2021-2024 MenEngage Alliance INDEX Acronyms 1 Introduction 1 About this Strategic Plan 1 Overview of Strategic Planning Process 2 SECTION 1 - Background and Context 4 1.1 Context Analysis 4 1.1.1 Political contexts 10 1.1.2 Economic contexts 17 1.1.3 Social contexts 27 1.1.4 Technological contexts 39 1.1.5 Operational contexts 46 1.2 Evaluation Findings 53 1.3 Implications for Next Phase 65 SECTION 2 - Intervention Logic 68 2.1 Vision, Mission and Guiding Commitments 68 2.2 An Alliance for Change 70 2.2.1 Rationale for Alliance building 70 2.2.2 Structure of MenEngage Alliance 71 2.3 Theory of Change 76 2.3.1 WHAT is to be changed? 77 2.3.2 WHO are the agents of change? 78 2.3.3 HOW will change be achieved? 79 2.3.4 Summary of intervention logic 80 2.4 Strategies for Change 81 2.4.1 LINK: Alliance and partnership building 81 2.4.2 LEARN: Knowledge management 82 2.4.3 IMPROVE: Capacity strengthening 82 2.4.4 INFLUENCE: Advocacy and campaigning 83 1 SECTION 3 - MenEngage Global Alliance Program 2021-2024 84 Result area 1: Strengthened MenEngage Alliance Networks & Leadership 87 Outcome 1.1: Democratic governance structures and leadership capabilities 88 Outcome 1.2: Membership engagement in MenEngage communities of practice. 90 Outcome 1.3: Cross-regional and cross-country collaborations. 91 Outcome 1.4: Engagement and influence of members in MenEngage Global. 92 Result area 2: Accountable Policy Advocacy and Political Voice 93 Outcome 2.1: Capabilities and mechanisms in joint accountable advocacy actions. 95 Outcome 2.2: Joint accountable advocacy actions. 96 Outcome 2.3: Vocal and visible stance to challenge patriarchal masculinities 97 Result Area 3: Effective and Strengthened Programming 97 Outcome 3.1: Knowledge and uptake of evidence-based approaches. 98 Outcome 3.2: Understanding and application of MenEngage Accountability Standards, Core Principles and Code of Conduct. 99 Outcome 3.3: Collective actions to challenge backlash. 100 Result area 4: Strengthened Movement-Building Approaches 101 Outcome 4.1: Understanding and commitment to collaborative work with intersectional gender- and social justice movements. 102 Outcome 4.2: Strengthened partnerships and solidarity actions with Feminist, LGBTQIA+, Youth, Racial-, Indigenous-, Economic- and Climate Justice movements. 103 Outcome 4.3: Diverse SOGIESC inclusive organizing, approaches and politics. 104 Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning 105 2 Acronyms AWID Association for Women’s Rights in Development CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CPD United Nations Commission on Population and Development CSO Civil society organization CSW United Nations Commission on the Status of Women GBV Gender-based Violence GS MenEngage Global Secretariat GTA Gender transformative approaches HRC Human Rights Council ICPD International Conference on Population and Development IMAGES International Men and Gender Equality Survey INGO International non-governmental organization IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federation KM&C Knowledge Management and Communications LGBTQIA+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, allied/asexual/aromantic/agender MENA Middle East and North Africa MoU Memorandum of Understanding MRAs Men’s Rights Activists (commonly used term for anti-feminist men and men’s groups) MSM Men who have sex with men NGO Non-governmental organization PME&L Planning, monitoring, evaluation & learning SC Steering Committee SDGs Sustainable Development Goals Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SOGIESC Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics SRHR Sexual and reproductive health and rights ToR Terms of Reference UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNGASS Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly UNSCR United Nations Security Council Resolution UPR Universal Periodic Review of the Human Right Council VAW Violence against women WHO World Health Organization WILPF Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom 1 Introduction This Strategic Plan of MenEngage Global Alliance for the period 2021-2024 has been put together through an extensive collaborative process among MenEngage leadership and partners. It is informed by the progress made during the last Strategic Plan for 2017-2020, including the work of the Regional Networks during that period and their emerging insights and needs; the findings from Evaluation of the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan, which included good response from members and partners; and a consultative Strategic planning process among the MenEngage Global Board and Secretariat team conducted in the period June- September 2020. About this Strategic Plan Through this Strategic Plan, MenEngage Alliance is seeking to garner and better understand the political, economic, social and technological forces and factors that are confronting the world today, and therefore shape the contexts in which the work on transforming patriarchal masculinities and engaging men and boys for gender and social justice takes place. In the context analysis that follows, these forces and factors are briefly sketched, and their potential implications for the work of the Alliance discussed. It is intended to spark a critical reflection on the state of the world, the field, and our own work. In doing so, we are not seeking to present all the answers of what needs to be done to address the significant problems that the world is facing. Rather, what the context analysis seeks to do is present the need for the work on transforming masculinities and engaging men and boys to be further sharpened and politicized, keeping the Alliance’s mission and vision in mind as we seek to contribute to ending patriarchal power, protecting human rights and achieving gender equality and social justice. The context analysis, intervention logic and program for the coming years, intend to steer MenEngage Alliance in the direction of systems change and transformation of patriarchy as the end goal outlined by the feminist movements who we consider ourselves and this work accountable to. Like almost everything we do, it is difficult to articulate issues of patriarchy, colonizing/decolonizing, social norms change and power. We recognize that these issues are not external to us, we are part of them. While it is challenging, since we have set ourselves to address these issues, we have to try and sit with them, discuss them, and seek answers to them. With this in mind, we have developed this Strategic Plan and proposal to Sida that builds on MenEngage Alliance’s previous strategic plans and learnings. These draw on the voices and expertise of the Alliance’s membership and partners, including women’s rights and social justice activists and organizations, and the Alliance’s ambitious political agenda chartered by our mission and vision. It is furthermore informed by 1 the lessons from the international normative frameworks on the agenda of women’s rights, gender equality, LGBTIQA+ rights and social justice, including that of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other global policy frameworks that support the realization of women’s rights and gender justice within the broader context of social, economic and environmental justice and human rights. The Strategic Plan consists of 3 sections: ● Section 1 - Presents the Background and Context analysis to the Strategic Plan. It includes a selected analysis of the political, economic, social, technological and operational contexts that are confronting the world today, and their potential implications for the work of the Alliance. This section also includes a summary of the Evaluation findings and MenEngage’s response; and Implications for the next phase. ● Section 2 - The Intervention Logic, brings together our Vision, Mission and Guiding Commitments; with the Rationale for Alliance building and MenEngage’s structure. It presents a summary of our Theory of Change – including what has to be changed (patriarchal masculinities and power), who are the agents of change (including diverse men and boys) and how we seek to achieve change. It summarizes our Strategies for Change as: Link, Learn, Improve, and Influence. ● Section 3 - The Program for 2021-24, describes the goals, 4 Result Areas, strategies, and aspired outcomes and outputs of the MenEngage Global Alliance for the period 2021-24. Given what we know, see and have available at this moment (October 2020), this direction is for the time being: we understand we may need to shift gears in the future again depending on many factors. Not in the least based on the insights that will be gathered with the community of practice of the Alliance itself, including through the MenEngage Ubuntu Symposium in 2020-2021. Overview of Strategic Planning Process The strategic planning process was designed and led by consultant Alan Greig, in close collaboration with the Global Secretariat Co-Directors and the team from Singizi Consulting, who undertook the evaluation of the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. Based on a review of relevant documentation produced by MenEngage Alliance, as well as academic and grey literature on gender transformative work with men and boys, a set of guiding themes and related questions were identified. These themes and questions were explored through in-depth interviews with external key informants, including activists and leaders from feminist and LGBTQIA+ movements, other social justice struggles, as well as donor representatives. Interviews were also
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