Evangelical Friend, February 1973 (Vol. 6, No. 6)

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Evangelical Friend, February 1973 (Vol. 6, No. 6) Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Evangelical Friend (Quakers) 2-1973 Evangelical Friend, February 1973 (Vol. 6, No. 6) Evangelical Friends Alliance Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend Recommended Citation Evangelical Friends Alliance, "Evangelical Friend, February 1973 (Vol. 6, No. 6)" (1973). Evangelical Friend. 92. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_evangelical_friend/92 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Evangelical Friend by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact arolfe@georgefox.edu. February 1973 Vol. VI, No. 6 l!fuvEJT IN THE BEAUTIFUL NORTHWEST LIFE is what George Fox College is all about. Academic LIFE of the highest quality. Spiritual LIFE of vigorous vitality. Social LIFE with meaningful relationships. A total campus LIFE that is Christocentric. If you desire to live a life of meaningful relationships now while preparing for a greater service to God and mankind . .. then George Fox College, a private Christian College in Newberg, Oregon, is the place. Clip this coupon for more information Send to: NAME __________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________ Admissions Office ----------------------------------- ZIP _________ GEORGE FOX COLLEGE YEAR IN SCHOOL _____ Newberg, Oregon 97132 PHONE ________________ 2 Evangelical Friend Evangelical Friend Contents Editor-in-Chief: Jack L. Willcuts Managing Editor: Harlow Ankeny Editorial Assistants: Earl P. Barker, Kelsey E and Rachel Hinshaw Art Director: Stan Putman. Department Editors: Esther Hess, Mission­ ary Voice; Betty Hockett, Children's Page; Walter P. and Carol Lee, Book Review. Regional Editors: Verlin Hinshaw, Kansas; In this issue: Eugene Collins, Eastern; Lon Fendall, North­ west; Lloyd Hinshaw, Rocky Mountain. Contributing Editors: Charles S. Ball, Leon­ ard Borton, Everett L. Cattell, Gerald W. Dillon, Myron Goldsmith, Robert Hess, Veri in 0. Hinshaw, Lauren A. King, Harold B. Kuhn, Paul Langdon, Walter P. Lee, David Le Shana, Fred Littlefield, Russell Myers, Arthur 0. Roberts, Lowell E. Roberts, Merle Roe, Milo C. Ross, John Robinson, Chester G. Stanley, Harold B. Winn. Editorials Advertising Manager: Lloyde D. Johnson Quaker nouns and adjectivesI On eating in the right places MEMBER~ EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION Page 5 The EVANGELICAL FRIEND is the official publication of the Evangelical Friends Alliance and is published monthly (except August) at 600 East Third Street, Quaker growth Newberg, Oregon 97132. Second class postage paid at Newberg, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 "Statistics indicate we are not growing. It would be more accurate per year. CHANGES OF ADDRESS: Send all changes of address and subscriptions to EVANGELICAL to say we are both growing and dying." Page 6 FRIEND, P. 0. Box 232, Newberg, Oregon. Please allow lour weeks lor changes to be made. EDITORIAL: Articles and photographs are welcome, but we assume no responsibility for damage or loss of manuscripts, art or photographs. Opinions expressed by writers are If we don't win, it's a shame not necessarily those of the editors or of the Evangel­ ical Friends Alliance. Address all manuscripts, letters to the editor, and other editorial content to Editorial "Christian racism is ... an outright assault, in the name of Christian Offices, P. 0. Box 232, Newberg, Oregon 97132. AD­ VERTISING: Rates are available on request. Address orthodoxy, on the doctrine of God's universal love." Page 8 all correspondence regarding advertising sales to Lloyde D. Johnson, Advertising Manager, P. 0. Box 882, Wichita, Kansas 67201. Production and offset lithography at The Barclay Press, Newberg, Oregon. Vacation Bible School 'a la mode' Cover It's time to plan Vacation Bible School, so EFA's Christian Although it's confusing as to which day we education consultant urges creative planning. Page 11 honor whom, February is the birth month of two great Presidents, Washington and Lincoln. Our art directors took up this theme, creating a montage of familiar American symbols. An Twentieth century genesis article on page 8 adds to the theme by dealing with a contemporary American problem. (Art by "Having made all things for his comfort and enjoyment, man found Stan and Shirley Putman.) himself still in trouble." Page 12 Antecedents It has been a joy to receive a number of letters responding to "Concerns with Many Sides" that Missionary Voice first appeared in 1anuary. The tone of each letter reveals a high level of Christian love. A barrel stove talks 141 Francisco Mamani-an autobiography 141 While all of us may not agree, the Holy Spirit binds us together in Christian understanding. Mexican praise and prayer notes 151 The purpose of a book To be published in the March EVANGELICAL FRIEND will be excerpts from some of these left behind 16 letters under our regular "Friends Write" column. In the same issue will be the second in our "Concerns with Many Sides" series. It will Jesus and the ghetto pertain to payment of taxes for military budgets. Also coming in March will be a most interest­ Through a simple encounter at the well, Jesus broke the racial ing article/ interview entitled, "Let Russian Christians Speak," written by Roger Wood of barrier-interacting with a person as a person I Page 17 Canton, Ohio, who visited Leningrad and Mos­ cow last December 22-29. Thanks to you who wrote giving the date you received the January magazine. I'd appreciate Regular Features more such information. In the meantime, we as editors are doing our utmost to get the magazine The Face of the World 41 Books 131 The Children's Page 181 on a better schedule so you will receive it earlier in the month. Since there is no one serving full Friends Concerns 20 I Friends Gather 23 I Over the Teacup 27 time in any capacity on the magazine staff, it is often difficult to sandwich its time requirements into already busy schedules. We appreciate your patience. -H.T.A. February, 1973 3 The Face of the World were destroyed; buildings of the Baptist and Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs. The Seminary were seriously damaged. association anticipates a demand for this World Relief Commission of the Na­ film, which demonstrates conclusively that tional Association of Evangelicals sent dinosaurs and humans lived on earth con­ $7,000 and set a goal to raise $50,000 for temporaneously at a recent date, approxi­ earthquake victims. mately 4,000 years ago. -E.P. American Baptists, with a long history of missions there, supplied $5,000 in PASTOR BACKED IN STAND reserve funds. Their representative, Dr. AGAINST PAYING TAX FOR WAR Gustavo Parajon, said 80 percent of the WILMINGTON, DELAWARE-The superin­ Baptist hospital was destroyed by the tendent of the Wilmington District of the quake. United Methodist Church has pledged his Catholic Relief Services had stockpiled support to a minister who is refusing to 518,000 pounds of food earmarked for pay 60 percent of his 1972 federal in­ Guatemala, then diverted it to Nicara­ come tax. guans. The Rev. Howell 0. Wilkins, superin­ Church World Service, arm of the tendent of the district, said he did not NCC, sent an initial shipment of supplies know what supporting the Rev. Ronald worth $500,000. Other private relief P. Arms would mean, "but I'll support Church agencies agencies were at work. -E.P. him." pool relief PRESIDENT ASKS FOR PRAYER Mr. Arms, associate pastor of the AT SECOND INAUGURAL 3,100-member Aldersgate church in sub­ urban Fairfax, has said he will not pay WASHINGTON, D.C.-With his hand on for Nicaragua that part of his income tax that he two family Bibles opened to his favorite figures goes to "buy bombs and other LA CANADA, CALIFORNIA-The Evangeli­ text-Isaiah 2:4-President Richard M. cal Press News Service has compiled the Nixon took the oath of office January weapons of destruction." following summary of church-related re­ 20 at his second inauguration, mention­ The clergyman, the son of mission­ aries to Chile, has the "respect" of his lief aid to earthquake-stricken Managua, ing "peace" 16 times in 16 minutes and bishop in his action. Bishop James K. Nicaragua: asking his fellow Americans for prayer, Mathews of Washington, whose area in­ Food for the Hungry provided 70 tons "so that in the years ahead I may have cludes Wilmington, told a reporter he of canned goods valued at $200,000, God's help in making the decisions that had considered the same form of war which was on its way by January 2. are right for America." [One family Bible protest. -E.P. Larry Ward, director of Food for the included in it the name of Mrs. Ethol Hungry, warned that people unfamiliar George whose picture was recently fea­ 'RENEWED COMMUNITY' IS with relief logistics often fail to appraise tured on the cover of the EvANGELICAL THE THEME OF NNEA MEET the long-range need for disaster assis­ FRIEND. Mrs. George is a cousin of the PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA- Christian tance. "They see stacks of relief goods President.] and fail to appreciate what is involved in leaders from all parts of the nation are "We shall answer to God, to history, expected at the I Oth annual convention moving these," Ward stated, "or just the and to our conscience for the way in gargantuan nature of the task of feeding of the National Negro Evangelical Asso­ which we use these [coming] years," the ciation here, April 11-15. a half million people as in Nicaragua." President said in his prepared speech. He In the usual pattern, according to Ward, Gathering around the theme, "The Re­ added extemporaneously that he, like all newed Community in Action," NNEA a crisis period comes a month or so after Presidents, has felt the need for help far the first emotional response is over and will sponsor such workshops as "Chris­ beyond himself to make his dreams of tians and Ethnic Cultural Differences," the food supply from the rest of the America come true.
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