KAS Annual Report 2008, Perspectives 2009

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KAS Annual Report 2008, Perspectives 2009 MEMBERS OF THE KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIF TUNG Bettina Adenauer-Bieberstein Dr. Hermann Kues MdB Hans-Peter Repnik 60 Honorary Consul of the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Former parliamentary state secretary Republic of Iceland Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Herbert Reul MEP Otto Bernhardt MdB Member of the Committee on Chairman of the Professor Dr. Industry, Research and Energy Hermann-Ehlers-Stiftung Norbert Lammert MdB in the European Parliament President of the German Bundestag Professor Dr. Professor Dr. Wolfgang Böhmer MdL Professor Dr. Gerd Langguth Heinz Riesenhuber MdB Prime Minister of the Former state secretary Former German minister, President of State of Saxony-Anhalt the German Parliamentary Society Professor Dr. Carl Otto Lenz Dr. Christoph Böhr MdL Former advocate general at the Professor Dr. Günter Rinsche TIONS A Former chairman of the CDU European Court of Justice Former chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the state group in the European People‘s Party parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate Christine Lieberknecht MdL in the European Parliament UBLIC Minister of Health, Family and Social P Elmar Brok MEP Affairs of the Free State of Thuringia Professor Dr. Andreas Rödder Member of the Committee on Professor of Contemporary History Foreign Affairs, European Parliament Dr. Gisela Meister-Scheufelen at the Mainz University Ministry director at the Finance Ministry E S S E S, R Emine Demirbüken-Wegner of the State of Baden-Württemberg Dr. Norbert Röttgen MdB Member of the Berlin Parliament, First Parliamentary Secretary of the Spokeswoman youth and family policy Dr. Angela Merkel MdB CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the , A D D German Chancellor German Bundestag Eberhard Diepgen MES Former governing mayor of Berlin Philipp Mißfelder MdB Adolf Roth A Chairman of the Young Christian N Former chairman of the Budget Rainer Eppelmann Democrats Committee of the German Bundestag Chairman of the Government-funded organisation devoted to the examination Hildegard Müller Professor Dr. Annette Schavan MdB and reappraisal of the Communist Chairwoman of the German Association Federal Minister of dictatorship in East Germany for Energy and Water Education and Research Steffen Flath MdL Hartmut Nassauer MEP Dr. Andreas Schockenhoff MdB Chairman of the CDU parliamentary Deputy Chairman of the EPP-ED Deputy Chairman of the group in the state parliament of Saxony parliamentary group in the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the European Parliament German Bundestag Dr. Reinhard Göhner General Secretary of the Confederation Bernd Neumann MdB Jörg Schönbohm MdL of German Employers‘ Associations Minister of State at the Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Federal Chancellery Minister of the State of Brandenburg Hermann Gröhe MdB Minister of State at the Professor Dr. Beate Neuss Dr. Franz Schoser Federal Chancellery Professor of International Relations Treasurer of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung at Chemnitz University of Technology Peter Hintze MdB Werner Schreiber Parliamentary State Secretary at the Doris Pack MEP Chairman of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Deputy Chairwoman of the CDU-CSU Stiftung Christlich-Soziale Politik Technology group in the EPP-ED parliamentary group in the European Parliament Professor Dr. Hans-Peter Schwarz Volker Kauder MdB Former director of the political science Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary Dr. Wolfgang Peiner department of the University of Bonn group in the German Bundestag Former senator Rudolf Seiters Eckart von Klaeden MdB Anton Pfeifer Former federal minister, Foreign policy spokesman of the Former minister of state President of the German Red Cross CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag Ronald Pofalla MdB Dr. Johannes von Thadden CDU Secretary General Head of Political Affairs at EADS Astrium Dr. Egon A. Klepsch Former president of the Ruprecht Polenz MdB Professor Dr. Bernhard Vogel European Parliament Chairman of the Foreign Policy Former prime minister Committee of the German Bundestag of the Free State of Thuringia Roland Koch MdL Prime Minister of the State of Hesse Professor Dr. Dr. Dorothee Wilms Hans-Gert Pöttering MEP Former German minister Brigitta Kögler President of the European Parliament Lawyer Christian Wulff MdL Peter Radunski Prime Minister of the State of Dr. Helmut Kohl Former senator Lower Saxony Former German chancellor Up to date as of 3 November 2008.
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