3rd Planetary Data Workshop 2017 (LPI Contrib. No. 1986) 7001.pdf HIGH-RESOLUTION LOCAL-AREA DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELS AND DERIVED PRODUCTS FOR MERCURY FROM MESSENGER IMAGES. Madeleine R. Manheim1, Megan R. Henriksen1, Mark S. Robinson1, and the MESSENGER Team, 1School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, 1100 South Cady Mall, Tempe, AZ 85287,
[email protected]. Introduction: The Mercury Dual Imaging System acceptable stereo pairs were identified on the basis of (MDIS) on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, common surface coverage, resolution ratio, stereo GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) space- strength (parallax/height ratio), and illumination com- craft provided global images of Mercury’s surface. patibility [7]. MDIS consisted of two cameras: a monochrome nar- Pre-Processing. The selected images were ingested row-angle camera (NAC) and a multispectral wide- into ISIS, radiometrically calibrated, and initialized angle camera (WAC) [1]. Although MDIS was not with orientation parameters stored in SPICE kernels. designed as a stereo camera, off-nadir observations These parameters were converted to a format compati- acquired at different times resulted in near-global ste- ble with SOCET SET 5.6, and, along with the images, reo coverage and enabled the creation of digital eleva- imported into SOCET SET [6]. tion models (DEMs) [1]. Low altitude stereo sequences Relative Orientation. Before controlling the images acquired later in the mission allow the creation of local to the geodetically accurate MLA tracks, each image area DTMs with spatial scales more than 8x better than was corrected for relative orientation to the other im- the global product [2]. The local DEMs were computed ages in the stereo model.