THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. XLVH—No- 8. Alexandria, Ont., Friday, February 24,. 1939;. $2.00 A YEAR Hon. Ernest Lapointe to J. W. MacHae Member Presbytery of Cleegarry Return ot Gaelic; language Maxville Qualities to Meet Catbolic Taxpayers Dame 3rd US. Commencement Stay In Political Arena of Plowmen’s Directorate Meets At Cornwell In World Usajje Forecast Cardinals in League Final Diocesan Executive Highly Entertaining DEEP REGRET AT DEPARTURE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO JUSTICE . MINISTER EULOGIZED INTERNATIONAL MATCH TO BE GAELIC SOCIETY /OF OTTAWA APPLE HILL BOWS: OUT AFTER STUDENT PLAYERS STAR IN PRE- OF REV. C. K. MATHEW|SON ATTEND MEETING IN SENTATION OF MOVING AT BANQUET WHICH MARKED HELD THIS YEAR AT HOLDS SECOND ANNUAL OVERTIME: STRUGGLES— EXPRESSED TORONTO SATURDAY 35 YEARS OF SERVICE BROCKVILLE BANQUET ELAY TONICllT HISTORICAL DRAMA The county- of Glengarry and the Pres- As announced in a former issue, the As has been their custom each year QUEBEC, Feb. 19—Rt. Hon. Er- TORONTO, Feb. 21.—This year’s inter- The time would come when Gaelic The Championship, of the Glengarry bytery of Glengarry will sustain a since inception of the annual Commen- national plowing match was awarded would be a language of world signifi- Hockey League and possession of the regional meetings of the Catholic Tax- nest Lapointe, minister of justice and great loss when in a few weeks’ time, cement Exercises in 1937, students and by the Ontario Plowmen’s Association cance as it was thousands of years MacGillivray Shield will be decided in payers’ Association for this diocese, member for , who entered today to the counties of Leeds and Rev. c. K. Mathewson, will become staff of Alexandria High School colla- ago, Malcolm MacLean, M.P., told a threeout-of-flve game series which were held during the last ten days at Parliament just 36 years ago, will con- Grenville, which will stage the meet at borated, Friday evening in Alexander the Minister of Carp United Church to opens tonight on the Community Rink, St. Raphaels and Cornwall, when one tinue in politics and serve as Prime Brockville. members of the Gaelic Society of Ot- Hall in presentation of a high class., which he was recently unanimously representative from each of the nine- -Minister Mackenzie King’s chief lieu- The Leeds and Grenville Counties tawa, at their secqnd annual banquet with Maxville Smoke Eaters opposing and enjoyable programme. Despite called. This loss will be felt more in the the local Cardinals. Second game of teen parishes was appointed a member heavy roads a large crowd was on hand tenant in the forthcoming general elec- Council has granted $2,000 for the event, in the oddfellows Temple on Monday the series will he played next Tues- for the occasion and by curtain time tion. the association was told by a delega- northern part of the county and espe- of the Diocesan Committee. night. day night at Maxville, the third game the Hall was comfortably filled. Removes Any Doubt tion. cially by his own people among whom, - This committee met Wednesday in as Minister of the United Church, at “One of the saddest and most lamen- being scheduled for local Ice on Thurs- Featuring the evening’s entertain- Any doubt that may have existed The 1940 match was awarded to El- Alexandria to elect a diocesan executive, Kirk Hill, he has exercised a fine min- table things of the Highland people is. day, with other games, if needed, to ment of drama, song, addresses and as to the 62-year-old Quebec leader’s gin County and will be held on land His Excellency Most Rev. Felix Cou- istry during a period of eleven years be set later. presentatation of prizes and diplomas, future political plans were removed in adjacent to the new Ontario hospital the fact they allowed the Gaelic langu- turier presiding at the meeting. Offi- The deep regret at his departure was Indicating how evenly matched were was a play of more than exceptional speeches made by himself and Prime near St. Thomas, Huron County made age to die out years jago,” said the cers elected were: President—Rene abundantly evident, when at a meet- Maxville and Apple Hill in the semi- merit, splendidly enacted—“The Four Minister Mackenzie King at a. testi- an unsuccessful bid for the 1940 match, speaker. He recalled .that about half Danis, Cornwall: Vice-Presidents—Dr. ing of the Presbytery held on the 21st final round was the fact that both Mary”—a moving portrawal of the monial banquet for Mr. Lapointe here while Victoria County’s bid for the a century ago the language was dis- D. J. Dolan, Alexandria; R. A. McLeod, inst the call to Mr. Mathewson was Smoke Eaters wins came only in over- last hours of Mary Queen of Scots prior last night. 1941 match was deferred until next couraged in Scotland, even in the Dalhousie Station; Vincent Fraser, dealt with. There were present as a time. The home team emerged with n to her execution, it ranked as one of Before a cheering crowd of 1,400, year. schools, The result was some had ? Cornwall, Alex. J. McLellan, St. An- delegation representing the members 3—2 win in the first game at Maxville, 1 the best dramatic offerings ever stag- including almost the entire Last year’s match at Minesing near knowledge of Gaelic while the great drews; Secretary —Geo. E. Brennan, and adherents of his Church, Messrs. and fallowed it up with a 2-1 victory at ed in Alexaidria, and was a distinct -cabinet, Mr. Lapointe declared a sense Barrie, attracted 130,000 persons and majority had none, at, all. K. C., Cornwall; Treasurer—Dr. R. j. D. A. McMillan, Clerk of the Session Apple Hill, Tuesday evening. The cour- credit to the four talented young lad- of duty a desire to serve “and a sense every bidder today sent a strong dele- Col. J A. Gillies, V.D., president, McCallum, Alexandria. and member of Presbytery; D. W. Mc- ageous Hill team was only eliminated ies taking part. -of loyalty to Mackenzie King who de- gation. presided over a large attendance of Scheduled to attend a meeting of Leod, a member of the Session, R. Mc- after twenty minutes of overtime in Ah address of welcome by Henry serves all the support I can give him,’’ Slate of Officers. members and friends. A musical pro- the Administrative Council of thé As- Leod, chairman of the Board of this game. Ben Villeneuve refereed both Sauve, president of the Grade XHI Officers of the Ontario Plowmen’s Man- gram was presented which included sociation in Toronto on Saturday are made him decide to remain in the fixtures. Literary Society, opened the prq^ agers; William McGillivray and Mrs items by Mrs. A. V. Kniewasser, soloist; the President and Secretary represent- fight. Association for 1939, elected today, in- gramme and the capable speaker en- L. McKinnon. Members of the dépu- the Gaelic choir; Mrs. John Suther- Cardinals enter the championship ing the Catholic Taxpayers of this dio- Mr. Lapointe referred to “all the clude: series slight favorites over the Max- larged on the purposes of the annual Honorary presidents, Agriculture tation, with deep feeling, expressed land and MTs. M. c; MacLean, accom- cese. Two delegates from each diocese groups and factions which are combat- ville team. In their two meetings this Exercises, which are no part of the their sense of loss, their deep panists; Miss Agnes Wood and Miss will be present and the Council will for- ting me” and warned against “new Minister P. M. Dewan, Hon. J. G. school curriculum but which serve a affection for their Minister and Camilla Gillies, Highland dancers, and season the Alexandrians won at home mulate a plan of campaign for the just groups and movements” which-he said Gardiner, Dominion Minister of Agri- valuable purpose in bringing closer to- their sincere appreciation of his work. Allan Saunders and Donald MacDon- 6—1 and held their opponents to a 4—I apportioning of school taxes'. could be dangerous to Canada unless culture; A. J. H. Êckardt, Toronto, past gether in enjoyable enterprise the stu- Special reference was made to his ald, pipers. tie in Maxville. The series will be in combatted with “harmony and con- president, J. w. MacRae, Lochiel. doubt right to the end, however, as dent body and faculty. President, J. R. Henderson, Ports- work in the pulpit, his clear and force- The master of ceremonies was Rod- cord.” Maxville teams have the reputation Under the direction of Miss Cather- mouth; first vice-president, Alex. Mc- ful presentation of the truth always erick C. McDonald. . Curlers Challenge For A great nation could not be built on 'speaking the truth in love”, to his of playing best when the chips are ine McRae of Maxville, musical direc- “hatred, conflict and discord,” Mr. Kinney, Brampton; second vice-pre- Officers of the society are president, faithfulness in visiting the sick and in down. Good, fast hockey should be on Roltby Cup To-night tor of the school students of Grade X Lapointe said. “Because of differences sident, J. B. Ketchen, Fergus; secre- Col Gillies; past president, Roderick bringing comfort to the troubled and display in every game. were heard in three-part and four- tary-manager, J. A. Carroll, Toronto; C. McDonald; vice president, Col. Doug Two rinks from Alexandria Curling of racial origin, of creed and of lan- part songs, “me Ash Grove” and “Now treasurer, Clark Young, Milliken. distressed. aid Carmichael; secretary. Miss Mary Club go to Hawkesbury, tonight to guage, national salvation can be as- During his pastorate the Manse më Day is Over” Othêr group num- Directors, Col. J. J. Outfits, Peter- C. Mac Millan; treasurer. Miss Jean challenge for the Holtby Cup ,a double sured only by toleration, and the will grounds and the cemetery were great- rink event which is confined to clubs bers;” heard later, included: "Vesper borough;. Mac Morrison, Woodville; J. MacDonald; piper, Donald MacDonald; Mrs. W. W. Dean Bereaved to unite and co-operate. ly beautified and a very useful hall was g leader and bard, Jock MacDonald, in this centre. The two rinks under Hymn” and “Bonnie Doon” by the “Quebec will keep away from Ottawa J. Tlemey, Brockville; J. R. Hender- son built and paid for. Mrs. McKinnon, Former Giengarrians who attended skips McCallum and Cowan which Senior Girls; “me Rover” and “A the grimacing features of hatred and son, Portsmouth; J. W. MacRae, Loch- In Death of Brother representing the women of the church, banquet, in addition to the presi- made such a strong showing in Gov- Merry Life,” by students of Grade IK. envy, and, believe me, will never trust iel; D. D. Gray, Ottawa. made special reference to the splendid Col. J. A. Gillies, included Mrs. Member of a well-known Ottawa dis- ernor-General’s Play, have been sel- Introduced by the solo “Last Night its future in this country to any char- work of Miss Mathewson and Miss j ^ MacDonald, Mrs. Emma Mac- trict family and a brother of Mrs, W ected to make the trip. They are con- There Were Four Mary’s” sung by latan.” Bitiierdon Not Guilty Van Allan, whose wholehearted sup- Donald, Mrs. M. O'Grady, Mrs. Pergu- W. Dean, Alexandria, Constable Wm. ceded a good chance of winning the Grace Morris, the one-act play “me Leader Proposes Toast. Nora Ross Hope, 58, of the R.C.M.P., Vancou- Four Marys" highlighted the pro- e v 0rgan1 Cup as they defeated Hawkesbury in It was left to Prime Minister Mac- On Manslaughter3 Court' zations was greauy aappreciated.ppre^ed ' tSRae, Mr. Nelson Munro, Miss Mary Ç. ver, who had come to Ottawa on special the Governor-General’s Competition. gramme and ranks as a personal tri- kenzie King, in proposing a toast to duty some two weeks ago, died of a heart Charged with manslaughter as the Several of his brethren spoke very MacMillan, Mrs. C. R^ Smith, Mrs. W. The draw for games in the Caledonian umph for the characterization of the Mr. Lapointe, to make the announce- attack in his room at an Ottawa hotel, at Cup competition will also be made to- ill-fated Queen : by Mary Thomson, ment of- the justice minister's deter- result of an accident on the Williams- ^ appreciatively of Mr. Mathewson’s work vvlightman, Mr. Thcgijas Johnson, Mr. noon Sunday. He was ^ native of Perth, as a night at Hawkesbury. mis is the big who carried her hearers through those town road early Christmas morning, in Presbyter who was always will- Mfg, John D. MacKinnon, Mr. Fln- and a brother of Mr. Justice J. A. Hope mination to remain in the political granites tourney which is to be play- last tragic hours which preceded the which Hugh O’Reilly, Curry HU1, was serve in any possible way and jey McRae, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mc- of the Ontario Supreme Court. field. ed on Alexandria ice, starting next execution, me play was well suited After a distinguished career and at almost instantly killed, Frank Rither- ( wished him great success in his. new Doneil, Sir. John D. McDonell, Sir. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter don of Montreal, won acquittal in Su- charge. According to the request of the Donald R. MacGregor, sir. Angus N. A Hope of Perth, deceased was educated week. to catch the sympathy of a predom- a time when he might well look for- 'inantly Scottish audience and there preme Court Cornwall, Thursday,. Feb. Session of Kirk Hill United Church, ^McDonald, Sirs. R. S. Fraser, Sirs. L, there and served a number of years with ward to a lifd of leisure “freed from ev LACHUTE CURLERS DEFEATED IN Wrere dry eyes as the tableau pro- the strain of public life and the an- 16th. The verdict came after 30 K - Dr. D. M. Slacleod was appointed Bennett, Sirs. Agnes McLennan, Sir. the old North West Mounted Police in FRIENDLY MATCHES minutes of deliberation on the part of so*1 as Interim—Chairman during Duncan McRae, Miss Anita Gillies, Sliss the Yukon before going overseas in 1915. gressed to its inévitable end. xieties it brings, he has chosen in- me annual visit of curlers from the ^ dimoult roles of' the three Lad- d Ri her 0n WaS lnuaediate vacancy Returning to Canada in 1919, he took stead to risklu this to his" countrr« J _ , ‘ ^ - j ^ ’ ! Camilla Gillies, Lachute club was made Saturday even- les-in-Walting were well cast and ev up residence in Vancouver. £ Only recent- service,” the Prime SliniSter said. ly granted his freedom by Mr. Justice ® ' A, Dawson Matheson was ! tag, two rinks from the Quebec town , portrayed by Dorothy Mac- Hogg. j very heartily welcomed as the Presi- ly he re-joined the R.C.M.P. and had faultless y “Come what may, he has put out maktag the trip for friendly matches. Connie MacDonald and Mary John G. Harkness, K.C., Cornwall, of the Montreal and Ottawa Con- Gets Seven Months On been sent to Ottawa to do some special donaldj of his mind all thought of respite, re- work. News of his sudden death was Four six-end games were played, the|Baker the entlre Word-perfeot per- tirement” or reward, and chosen to was crown prosecutor and C. J. Me- ference and as one who was born in Reckless Driving Charge home forces winning two, losing one, fonnance bringing added laurels to the Dougall, Cornwall, defended Ritherdon. Glengarry county, and whose father received with regret by friends in the continue his membership in the House o . was an honored Minister, serving three Found guilty on the lesser charge ot city and in Perth district. and tietag one, to hold a seven point j dirgotor, Principal J. T. Staith who of Commons as its senior member, in j congregations in Glengarry during a reckless driving after having stood He leaves to mourn his loss his widow margin at the end of play. was {jje recipient of a presentation order that he may take his place in All Cardinals To Be Present 'total period of forty years. Dr. Mathe- trial on a motor manslaughter count, in Vancouver; three brothers, Mr. Justice me visiting rink skipped by by'the cast. the forefront of the battle in our next son, visiting the Presbytery as Presi- John Archie McDonald, Glen Roy was Hope, of Toronto, Fred and Hugh Hope G. Oalder dropped 11—4 and Presentation of athletic trophies, profl political campaign. When Vote Starts March 2 dent, gave a very excellent address sentenced to seven months in jail by of Perth; and three sisters, Mrs. W. W. 10—5 decisions to V. Langton and Dr. ciency prizes and diplomas was made Finance Minister Dunning, kept in VATTOAN CITY, Feb. 21.—Cardinals which was very appropriate and help- Mr. Justice Hogg at the assizes in Dean, of Alexandria ; Miss Elsie Hope R. J. McCallum—lead foursomes, while by Dr. D J. Dolan, Mr. R. H. Cowan, Ottawa by ill-health, was the only ca- at the Vatican announced officially ful. and for which he was fittingly. Cornwall, Friday. McDonald was dri- and Mrs R. S. Hamer, both of Ottawa. R. Vickery’s rink had more success, members of the Board of Trustees, and binet minister not present at the ban- today they would meet in conclave thanked. ver of an automobile which struck The funeral, held in Perth on Tuesday, defeating D. L. Lalonde’s combination Dr. H. L. Cheney, secretary of the quet which celebrated the 35th anni- March I to elect a new Pope. Voting Coming as an unofficial visitor, Rev. Bruno Taillefer, 13,. on Main street, was attended by Mr. Dean and Mrs. Dean 9—4 and playing to an 8—8 tie against Board. versary of Mr. Lapointe’s first elec- will begin March 2. All Cardinals are Mr. Lloyd, Pastor of St. John’s Presby- here last September 15th, inflicting fa- the latter having been called to Ottawa J. T. Smith’s rink. Those receiving diplomas were: Mar- Sunday. Her many friends here and in tion to Parliament and also the 35th expected to attend. | (Continued on page 8) Ital injuries. ian Campbell, Margaret McRae, Gae-. Play in the Founders’ Trophy games anniversary of his wedding. the Martintown area will join in extend’ (Continued on page 2) ng sympathy. has proved very interesting and keen, Mr. Mackenzie King announced that TO ACCOMPANY THEIR MAJESTIES ON CANADIAN VISIT o his cabinet colleagues “and one or the field being narrowed down now to two of your other intimate friends” U. S. Authorities Return the finals in which Dr. H. L. Cheney’s would present Mr. Lapointe with a rink will meet D. N. McRae. Two 12- District Plowmen Elect life-sized painting in oils to be execut- McDonald un Murder Charge end games are to be played this week, ed by a painter of the minister’s own the honors going to the best: aggregate Robert Maday President Malone, N.Y., February 21—Dan Ar- choosing. point-scoring rink. Robert MacKay of Maxville, was thur McDonald, 53, white-haired bespec- Madame Lapointe and a large num- Every active member of the club elected President of the Glengarry-and ber of women were gallery spectators tacled and scholarly appearing, was taken saw play in this competition, the ten back to Canada to-day to face a murder East Stormont Plowmen's Association of the banquet and she received a huge rinks being divided into two groups charge in slaying last November 21 of at a meeting held recently. Other offi- bouquet of red roses presented on behalf with each team meeting the other cers are: Honorary presidents: J. D. Capt. Fernandez Cameron, 64. on Cam- rinks in its bracket. of the National Federation of Liberal eron’s Island in the St. Lawrence River, MacRae, MP.; , M.P.: Women by Madame Pierre F. Cas- E. A. MacGiliivray, MFF., F. B. Inspector E. C. Gurnett of the Ontario Competition for the eight Spoons grain. Brownridge, MPJ?.; vice President, provincial criminal investigation branch donated by Albert McLaren of Buck- All Provinces Represented. Thomas Hay; Drectors, J. L. McDon- and Corporal Hawkshaw accepted custo- ingham is now underway and will Ministerial representatives of all the ald, C. T. Thompson, John MacLennan, dy of McDonald who was formally sur- continue until next week when the provinces were among the 17 speakers rendered for the United States by Deputy George Macintosh, Malcolm Grant, big Granites tournament is expected toj who paid tribute to the justice min- U. S, Marshal Thomas Ë. McKenna on an John MacKillican, Michael Leroux, R. get started here. Best four scores ister. Pensions Minister C. G. Power order signed by Cordell Hull, U- S MacRae, A. V. Chisholm, M.D. Mac- in six games played will count and delivered the message to have been Secretary of State and Lord Tweedsmur, Mth eight prizes eveyone will have a Gillivray, John J. MacDonald, Parqu- Governor-General of Canada. har Fraser, James C. MacDonald, brought by Mr. Dunning on behalf of good opportunity of scoring a win. Prince Edward Island. McDonald chatted with jail officials George Goodfellow, H. M. Grant and Revenue Minister Hsley spoke for here for an hour before the Canadian L. B. Murray; Auditors, Colonel A. Nova Scotia; Fisheries Minister JMich- officials arrived. He did not appear 681,565 Ontario Cliildren G. F. Macdonald and Peter Chisholm. aud for New Brunswick; Hon. Fernand depressed although one remark may have Following announcement the 1938 masked some apprehension as to his fate. Rinfret, secretary of state, for Quebec; To Receive Medallions match would be held in 'Lancaster “You men have certainly used me township, Rod. MacCualg, George Mac- Trade Minister W. D. Euler for On- fine,” he told Turnkey Jack Tierney, Toronto, Feb. 22—Ontario’s 681,565 Rae and Scott Fraser were added to tario; Hon. T. A. Crerar, minister of “and if I receive half as good treatment school children will receive medallions to mines and resources, for Manitoba; where I am going I will not complain.” commemorate the visit of the King and the directors as Lancaster township re- Agriculture Minister Gardiner for Sas- McDonald, who has been a model prison- Queen, it was announced yesterday. The presentatives. katchewan; Hon J. A. MacKinnon, er, added : “I have an idea of the treat provincial government has advised minister without portfolio, for Alberta, ment I will get but I will make no Ottawa of its requirements, it was learned Triplet Calves Born In and Defence Minister Ian Mackenzie comment.” at Queen’s Park. for British Columbia. He was placed in an automobile and Ontario’s school population is made up Cornwall Twp. Doing Welt Mr. Mackenzie, fresh from the heayy driven to Cornwall, Ont., where, he as follows : Public and Separate schools, fire he has been under in Parliament previously indicated, he will plead self- 566,000 ; high schools and colleges, 68,700; Triplet calves were born to a seven- over the Bren gun contract, was given defence in the trial in which he will be vocational schoolsf 82,618 ; continuation year-old Holstein cow on the form of James H. Antoine, 2| miles north of an ovation at the beginning and end of According to an official announcement irom Buck- Lady Catharine Seymour, TOP CENTRE, and Lady accused of killing Cameron with a club schools, 9,251 ; senior auxiliary schools, Moulinette, on Sunday. All well-marked his brief speech. ingham Palace, the King and Queen will be accom- Nunburnholme, BOTTOM CENTRE, ladies-in-waiting; as his second cousin sat reading a paper 1,463 ; private schools, 12,000, industrial panied by a staff of 10 when they visit Canada this Lieut.-Col. Piers Legh, TOP RIGHT, and Commander and training schools, 624 ; and schools for heifer calves and only slightly smaller than, The toast to Mr. Lapointe was propos- in the house where McDonald had been May. Included in the royal suite will be Hon. Capt. E. M. C. Abel Smith, BOTTOM RIGHT, equerries tq sheltered tor two years. the blind and deaf, 475, average, the calves are doing well. (Continued on page 5) A. Lascelles, LEFT, private secretary to the King; (he King, Tag* 2 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, February 24, 1939.

After Their Majesties Dedicated Church 3rd A. H. S. Commencenieni Quality (guaranteed The Ottawa Spotlight Highly Entertaining

BY SPKCTATOR (Continued from page 'u tane Cholette, Laurier Sabourin, Fran- ces Kelly, Henry Sauve, Evelyn Mar- THE BREN GUN CONTRACT GOES tionably must have their interests cen- coux, Alexander Williams. TO COMMITTEE tred in large measure on the coming Those who received athletic prizes election and must carry out some pre- OTTAWA, Feb. 21st.—Tile contract were: Senior boys’ champion, Camp- for the manufacture of Bren Mach- liminary skirmishing for position on ’SALADA bell MacGillivray; senior .girls’ cham- ine guns made by the depart the several issues of our time. pion, Joan Gormley; midget boys’, ment of National Defence with Mr. King explained in detail the var- Athol Johnston. the John Inglis Company of Toronto ious industries that must be helped bv Proficiency prizes, made available is now in the hands Of the public the pact, Agriculture, fishing, timber, through the generosity of Mayor J. A, accounts committee for investigation. mining, manufacauring, etc. He en- Laurin, Dr. D. J. Dolan, Dr. M. Mark- umerated the commodities and groups It was the subject of a long and at son, A. Chenier, R. H. Cowan, D. A. New Jugoslav Premier •MIRACLE BABY’ of oommodities on which concessions times virtriolic debate in the commons. Macdonald, K.C, and the Royal Bank, had been granted either in the Ameri- Something more may he heard about were also presented as follows: Grade can or Canadian tariffs, bringing bene- it later in the session when the com- XIII, Katie MacLachlan and Fernande ’ fits to producer and consumer. The mittee enters its report. It is a subject Seguin (tie); Grade XII, Mary Mac- ■ treaty, said Mr. King marked a “re- on which the most diverse and con- leod; Grade XI, Marjorie MacDonald; f.icting opinions are held both inside jturn to sound economics” from econ- Grade X, Mary Thomson; Grade IX, mic nationalism. and outside the commons. Irrespective Eileen Hambleton. of the merits of the controversy the j There had been a surrender of some feeling uppermost in the minds of most preferences under the British prefer- Announcement of the winning stu observers is one of relief that parlia- ence, but the great advantages to dents in each case was made by Doug- ment is now free for a time at least of Canada as a whole would far out- las Kennedy who also gave the schol- this contentious subject and can turn weigh any disadvantage that might astic record of those winning the pro- its attention to other matters come to particular areas. Conces- ficiency prizes. Two of these were es- THE TRADE TREATY WITH THE sions had been received in the pecially notable, Mary Thomson lead- UNITED STATES United States market to compensate ing in Grade X with first class honors The Prime IVBnister, Mr. King, intro- for concéssions surrendered. In in all nine subjects, and Mary Macleod ducing the government’s resolution re- addition tb the direct benefits received doing equally well in Grade XII wittt questing approval of the trade pact by Canada under the treaty with the first class honors in two Upper School with the United States made an elo- United States, Canada also received and seven Middle School subjects. quent appeal for ratification, praising benefits, under the most favored na- Dr. D. J. Dolan spoke briefly taking the treaty from both an economic and ! tion arrangement of all concessions advantage of the opportunity to explain political viewpoint. “Political” in this given by the United States in the Unit- some of the duties of the School Board sense is used i nits wider application, ed States— agree- Accompanied by a member of his staff, King George escorts Queen and complimenting the student body on prime minister and minister for the although the political aspect of the ment. Elizabeth to the saluting base where they reviewed the garrison et the excellent entertainment being pro- interior of Jugoslavia. Tsvetko- Aldershot after dedicating a new wing of St. Andrew’s church, where vitch was appointed to form a new treaty in a narrower sense was not en- The Canada-United States agree- the garrison attends divine service. vided. Principal Smith also addressed cabinet by Prince Paul, chief re- tirely overlooked. The leader of the ment had paved the way for the Unit- those present, dwelling on the new gent, following the resignation of opposition, Dr. Manion, in a few words ed States agreement with the United courses of study which have been de- Premier Milan Stoyadinovitch and After 35 minutes of “death” due grain exchange should be placed under his cabinet. While the Stoyadino- to bronchial pneumonia, 14-months- adjourning the debate until he would Kingdom. It was the government of supervision, had (3) encouragement Grenada’s Riches Found veloped along both practical and aca- vitch résignation came as a surprise old Edward Danner, of Woodstowa, have an opportunity to deal with the Canada said the Prime Minister that should be given to cooperative associa- in Its Nutmegs, Fruits demic channels. He thanked those who considering his many successes, it N.J., was brought back to life by pact in a more comprehensive way, made possible “the most important To those who know of nutmeg had been of assistance in furthering the was believed necessary in order to Dr. Ralph Davis, at Audubon, Pa., tions or pools. Legislation based on facilitate an undertsanding with the who used his own method of arti- described the Prime Minister’s speech agreement in modern times”. Once these, principles will be introduced a only as a fragrant dust decorating Exercises and expressed the hope that Croats and their leader, Dr. Vladi- ficial respiration when the boy’s the top of a milk punch or an egg- as a “fine political stump speech”. again he said, “we have played the little later in the session. “The objec- the next such entertainment could be mir Matchek. breathing stopped. part of reconciler and interpreter be- nog the growing, of nutmegs, the However, in the final session of a tive of this government” the minister principal crop of Grenada, Wind- held in November. parliament's life, all parties unques- tween the two great English speaking said, “has been and will continue to ward islands, will prove a source of Miss Mary Macleod was heard in a democracies.” be to set up as many homes as can wonderment and surprise. The solo, “I Toss You Out a Rose,” the EARNS D.F.C. CHANGE IN WHEAT MARKETING possibly be maintained on farms in the growth of this staple “spice” may words and music of which had been be observed by visitors to the is- POLICY prairie section of Western CanacV We composed by Wlilson MacDonald. FIRE DESTROYS QUEBEC MENTAL HOSPITAL The Dominion government has de- land. The full fruit, hanging pen- Clever and mirth-provoking was the believe that to do so will assist in solv- dant from its mother twigs, looks cided to abandon the Policy of set- ing our labor problem, our railway pro- like smooth, salmon-tinted nectar- grand finale, a gay operetta “Gypsy ting a fixed minimum price for wheat, blem and every other national pro- ines or peaches. Festival” which featured the fine as it does not offer a “solution of our blem.” Grenada’s riches are found in its voices of Grace Morris, Isabel McMil- marketing problems, and does not pro- nutmeg groves and fruit orchards lan and John Morris, as soloists, and The fixed price of 80 cents a bushel vide a means of dealing equitably with On every hand are the dense, a large, colourfully garbed chorus. John on basis of number one Northern de- glossy-green leaves of the nutmeg the difficulties which stand in the way Morris, as the travelling tinker, played livered at Fort William would cost the tree, the purple and coppery-green of home building on the prairies.” A his comedy part well while the catchy government .about 48 million dollars. Un of cacao and the deep-tinted ver- bill “to deal with emergencies” will be tunes added to the success of this de- fortunately sections having exceedingly dure of orange, lime and mango introduced, Mr. Gardiner, Minister of trees. lightful innovation. Mrs. Smith re- small crops got practically nothing of Agriculture, explained to the House of When fully ripp the nutmeg fruit ceives credit for thè direction of the this bonus while those with heavy crops ! splits open and. discloses a glossy, v Commons. “It will be drafted” the operetta and she was remembered by got in some cases almost as much as| rich brown oval seed, covered with minister explained “on the principle the caste in a small presentation. five dollars an acre. Such an inequit- a lacelike network of gorgeous that assistance will be given in propor- able distribution could not be advocated crimson. This is the nutmeg with tion to need, and .-calculated on an Its coating of scarlet mace, but the by the government. acreage basis and so adjusted to en- portion used—the aromatic, solid, courage home building and mainten- MOTION FOR CANADIAN FLAG spicy “nut”—is within the glossy SWEET outer shell, beneath the mace. ance rather than wheat production." The resolution introduced in the CAPORAL commons asking for a distinctive flag When first ripe and freshly gath- The result of the policy of fixing a ered the nutmeg is one of the most minimum price has been that those hav for Canada has been killed for another beautiful of nature’s products, but season by being “talked out" in the "Th* purcit form in which ing the biggest crop got most while the mace soon fades to à dull brown tobacco can bt smoked" | In recognition of Major C. V. those without a crop got nothing. commons. But it a hardy perennial, or yellow and drops off; the glossy shell becomes gray and wrinkled, Haynes’ achievement in piloting a The government’s policy, aimed at springing to life each session and it huge plane load of Red Cross sup- will doubtless be heard from again. Mr. and beauty gives place to utilitv. plies from Langley Field, Virginia, home building in the prairies, will car- to Santiago, Chile, to relieve earth- ry out as far as possible the, recom- Cameron McIntosh of North Battle- quake sufferers, the U. S. war de- ford is the sponsor. The Twelve Caesars partment has announced that Major mendations of the Turgeon commis- Haynes will be awarded the Dis- sion, which were CL) government should The 12 Caesars were Julius Cae- tinguished Flying Cross. sar and the H emperors following remain out of the grain business; (2) him, most of whom were from his Kirk Hill United family. Nerva was chosen by the senate, and was the first to select a FOR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE FANS dwell Cemetery successor without regard to family. Following are the names and dates The annual receipts of the Mainten- of the reigns of the 12: Julius Cae- Blackened walls and smouldering ruins are all that is left ol the ance Fund Kirk Hill United Church sar, 44 B. C. ; Augustus, 31 B. C. $1,600,000 St. Michael Archangel hospital for the Insane, near Beaufort, to 14 A. D. ; Tiberius, 14 to 37 ; Cai- Que. Sisters of the Grey Nuns removed the 2,835 patients from the cemetery during 1938, for the upkeep an says to the of their lots are as follows: ns, 37 to 41; Claudius, 41 to-54; Ne- old, as she buildings with aid of police. ro, 54 to 68; Galba, 68 to 69; Otho, $6.00 James McCrimmon, Rev. Dun- 69; Vitellius, 69; Vespasian, 69 to can Campbell. 79; Titus, 79 to 81; Domitian, 81 to $5.00 Rod’k. Dewar, Estate of the 96. The title Caesar was given to all of the Roman emperors until the ORPHANS OF THE STO RM CROSS FRENCH BORDER ^ late Donald McMillan. time of Hadrian, after whom Caesar $4.00 H. D. McMillan .Stewart Camp- was the title of the heir of the bell Alex. W. Fraser, J. A. McCrimmon, throne, and the title of the emperor Mrs. Linda. Hendrie, Mac McCuaig Don- was Augustus. ald McDonald; Alex. McCuaig. $3.00, D. M. McGillivray. A Classic Example $2.00, D. D. McLeod, John N. McLeod, The Hermitage, beautiful and his- toric home of Andrew Jackson, lies Howard Bethune, D. W. Campbell, Mr. only a few minutes from the heart and Mrs. H. A. Bell, Mrs. J. J. McMas- of Nashville, Tënn. The building ter, Mrs. C D. Campbell Miss Mar- is a classic example of the best garet McCuaig; Misses Bella and Sara architecture of its day and is pre- McIntosh, D. D. McSweyn, Miss Jen- served in every detail almost pre- cisely as it was when Old Hickory nie McDonald, Robert Towe, Hugh A. passed away. The site of The Her- Dewar, John D. McLeod, Peter Mc- mitage presents a scene of sylvan Dougald, McNeil Bros., Annie McDon- loveliness and quietude remindful of ald, Lome McDonald, J. W. McLeod, days gone by. The home contains Angus McDonald, Dan P. McSweyn, relics and mementos of Jackson’s tempestuously busy and aggressive Dan H. McMillan; Lily E. Reid, Mrs, life. The rooms are furnished with ACROSS 24— Father 31—Outcast class 1—Mother of 22—Negative D. P. McSwewn, Donald McLennan, the pieces which Jackson and his Joseph and reply 25— Ben Goodman,S Mrs. Malcolm McLeod, family actually msed, andtump the of granda in Japan (pi.) tooth 33—Egyptian ocl 5 23—A trimming 26— Mac McCallum.A stairway in the lower hallnobleman ranks as & ~Pf^age 25—Symbol for one of th» most beautiful. salad samarium 28- $1.00, Miss MMary A. McCrimmon, an’s name 34^nP>™ 9—Evening be- 27—Showery 29— Dan McGillivray,I Mrs. Bedford, Mrs. gnite 38-Land r a hol 30 Pause measure , n . i ‘day 29—Ridiculous Robt. Cameron, Mrs. Annie MacCrim- ,, flower show “Twice as Cold’’ 11—The razor- 32—Dull mon; Mrs. John D. McLeod; Mrs. John Such an expression as “twice as .. Pam 33—An ecclesias- cold’’ has no meaning because there Sociable tical cap D. McKinnon. 16—Founder of 35—Past is no definite point of the thermom- Troy 36—God of love The following contributed the capital eter from which we reckon cold. As 18—A domestic 37—Blue and yel- sum of $50.00 during 1938 towards the zero is 32 degrees Fahrenheit be- S,at , , low macaw Perpetuity Fund of Kirk Hill United low freezing point, you could say IS—Eagle’s 39—Dispatched Church cemetery for the permanent that 32 degrees below zero is twice — nest ( var. ) 40—To stripe maintenance of their plots E. L. D. Mc- *s many degrees below freezing SOLUTION FOR THIS point as zero is below that point. DOWN Millan; J. P. McNaughton, Portland, 1— .BrilliantWEEK’S 7—An PUZZLEauxiliary Similarly the expression “twice as 2— Mascuhne 8—Letter W Oregon; Mrs. Dan B. McLeod. warm” is meaningless unless you _ pronoun 12—Hodgepodge WILL BE FOUND K. CAMPBELL McLEOD, Sec.-Treas. refer it to a definite temperature; 3— Character in 13—Prickly if it should be 25 degrees Fahren- ‘'Uncle Tom’s envelope ON PAGE 7. Dalkeith. Cabin" 15—A dervish heit on one day and 50 degrees With all their worldly possessions slung across the ist soldier, uncertain, this woman and her family are H—Relatives The word “mandarin” comes from Fahrenheit the next day, you could back of a mule a Spanish Loyalist family, consisting dependent upon the French for food, shelter and 5—A thick slice 20—Upright a Portuguese word meaning “to com- say that on the second day the tem- of a mother and her three children, arrive at Le Per- safety. .«—Girl’s name 21—A diary perature was twice as many de- thus, France. With the fate of her husband, a loyal- mand.” grees above zero as the day before. The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, February 24, 1939. Page

the civilizethiglobe. From that organi- zation sprang the Associated Country- j Experts Name Milk Management And Care women of the world (which is holding I Hints On its triennial in London, Eng., in June), Ilie Food of Foods Of Plants in lire Home with Mrs Watt as its foundress, too. In view of the millions of gallons of In the choice of plants for the home, The prologue at this great gathering, I which will be held in the Central Hall, milk produced in Canada every year, fitness of plants for houses may be Humour, Romance and an Fashions Westminister, will be, spoken by Dame it seems incongruous that the consump- determined largely from their struc- tion of milk in the Dominion is only Attend That ’‘Don’t’ ture and1 general appearance. Those Sybil Thorndike, the actress Canada excellent plot about two-thirds of a pint, writes Laura with thick leaves and a small glossy loves so well; the conference will open Pepper, in the bulletin “Milk—The Dress” Dinner, But surface are but little affected by a dry in three official languages; his Majes- Food of Foods,” issued by the Dominion atmosphere, while plants with small ty’s Government wilt welcome it, and Department of Agricultutre. This is par Go In Style thin leaves dry up quickly. Deciduous Ishbel, Countess of Aberdeen and Te- tially explained by the fact that many plants that show bare stems in win- mair, will reply; delegates, speaking THE HANDY POURING SPOUT1 people may not thoroughly appre- ter are the least decorative. They are their own tongue and .wearing their for the tuv fjotmdtin OUR NEW SERIAL own national, costume, will bring greet- ciate the important role this really in- resting. All plants must rest, but those It’s free—write for one NOW ings; and the ten-day conference will dispensable food plays in nourishing the which rest during the summer should • Fits the special top of the 2 lb. close with a special Service in Canter- tin of Crown Brand, Lily White body The present per capita consump- be chosen, such as begonias, abutilons, and Karo syrups. tion is much lower than that recom- | eallas, cyclamen, geraniums helio- bury Cathedral. • Is easily cleaned and can be used o- — over and over again. mended by reliable authorities who j trope, and Chinese primroses, also the • Pours-'wlthout a drip. have made a study of nutrition. flowering bulbs, hyacinths, tulips, nar- BLOOD DONGi ; • Provides means of accurate measurements. The Technical Commission of the cissi, and other plants of that order. • Makes the 2 lb. tin an excellent Health Committee of the League of Na- ! In the care and management of table container. • The protective cap provides a tions recommends the daily use of 750 ‘ house plants four things are important sanitary cover. grams of milk (about 1 1-3 pint) for I —moisture, light, temperature, and children 1 to 2 years of age, and 1,000 soil. Wlith regard to watering, provided grams (about 1 4-5 pint) for children ' the plants have proper drainage, wa- Tell the boys that portraits of famous hockey stars can still be obtained for up to 14 years of age. The Commis- j ter should be applied until it runs “CROWN BRAND” labels. sion also emphasizes the fact that milk through ihe bottom of the pot. Too A GUEST should form a conspicuous element of frequent watering is often a detrimen- OF the diet at all ages. tal; it wets the surface soil so much CROWN BRAND Milk is-the best foundation on which that the air is kept out. Dwelling-house CORN SYRUP to build meals for both children and air is usually dry but the dryness may The Famous Energy Food Tha CANADA STARCH CO., Limited, Toronto adults. A daily allowance of a pint and ! be decreased by evaporating water in a half to one quart for each child, par-1 the room and by syringing foliage on ticulariy during years of most rapid bright days. Thick leaved plants may growth, will supply the required cal- be sponged with water containing “IT’S THE CAT’S”! cium, as well, as appreciable amounts whale-oil soap. A little ventilation LIFE of protein, vitamins, and other growth- j should be given on mild, pleasant days. promoting factors. A pint of milk Through lack of food a plant some- BY daily is beneficial to adults, not mere- j times does not grow well. So long as the roots have not become bound, the ly for its caloric contribution but for | A "Find” For Five O'clock its properties essential to the main- 1 plant need not be re-potted; indeed, NELLE M. SCANLAN The five o’clock dress that can go this would offer a needless check to tenance of health . on to a "don’t drêss" dinner and look Milk is one of the so-called “protec - decorative the while Is always a it. The best thing to do is to scrape tive foods” which are valuable chief i “find. Hero is such a model, done away the surface soil down to the roots in a lovely shade of periwinkle blue, and replace with a rich soil containing ly for their mineral vitamin and high the fabric a heavy sheer crepe which quality protein content It ranks first drapes beautifully. The low scal- 25 per cent of ground bone. Further loped neckline continues Its scallops information on the care of plants, in among the foods because it furnishes down the front of the bodice where Begins more of the essentials of the diet than linked •Jewelled buttons close It, eluding the important points in pot- any other food. In other words, no seaming ' ting and re-potting, will be found in other food can be substituted for it. the circular “Management of House The bulletin which, may be obtained ered at the top, and continue down Plants” which may be obtained free on NEXT FRIDAY the skirt to thehemllne.fcThe sleeves application from thePublicity and Ex- free on application from the Publicity ate rather full above the elbow with and Extension Division, Dominion De- a tight scalloped band below. tension Division, Dominion Depart- When Jerry Doran, 3-year-old soi ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. of Mrs. Peggy Doran, of Kansa partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, deals City, gave blood for his brothe: in a concise manner with the most im- cieties. Today, we have not sufficient and sister Donnie Joseph and Fait.' Doran, who show symptoms ol portant facts, such as the value of milk children to take care of the demand.” sleeping sickness, he is believed tc in the diet, milk in various forms, care The reason was ascribed by the Min- Fiery, Itching Skin have set a record as the younges' of milk from producer to consumer, ister to the constantly increasing de- blood donor in America. Jerr; consumption and uses of milk, together has recovered from an ailment simi - sire of childless couples to have chil- Gets Speedy Relief lar to that afflicting his brothe: Frightened and wistful, “Hypo,” The Glengarry News with many recipes for soups and chow- dren in their home . In 1938 a peak and sister and physicians believe an office cat in New York, looks ders, luncheons and suppers, cream Her# to a clean stainless penetrating anti- that he may have developed an was reached when 934 children were septic now dispensed by chemists at trifling inti-toxin in his blood. out from beneath the brim of one sauces, milk drinks, and milk dishes formally placed in adoption in this cost, that will bring you speedy relief from of the new spring “Gone With the the itching and distress of Eczema, Itching Wind” hats, and wishes he were for convalescents. province, this figure comparing with Toes and Feet, Rashes and skin trouble*. Not only does this great healing antisept!* “G.W.T.W.” At that, those new o— 784 the preceding year. Indications are oil promote rapid and healthy, healing in CHOSEN CINDERELLA chapeaux do make a hard-boiled open sores and wounds, but boils and sim- tomcat look too soft and feminine. that the 1938 total will be exceeded ple ulcers are quickly relieved and cleanly healed. In skin diseases—the itching of Great Demand For during the current twelve-month, al- Eczema is instantly stopped; the eruptions though such an increase, of course, de- dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of Barber’s Itch, Salt pends entirely upon the number of Rheum and other skin eruptions. imrea You can obtain Moone’s Emerald Oil (full children available. strength) in the original bottle at any With nearly one thousand adoptions The matter of placements in adoption modern drug store. completed in 1938, (Shtario’s Depart- CfteSNAPSHOT CUIL ment of Public Welfare which super- homes, Mr. Cross points out, is one vises the work of Ohildien’s Aid Socie- that receives the careful consideration of TABLE-TOP PICTURES ties, finds itself in the somewhat un- the Department, the Societies and their Scottish Hoiol Women usual position of having a greater de- Nothing like handing ’round at. superintendents. As soon as ,a request tractive relishes and garnishes to mand for adoptable children than can for a child for adoption is received — Here in Joly give a lift to a meal which the home- be filled by the existing number eligi- maker considers not up to par. And and if a youngster is available—a care- (Bride Broder, in the Globe and Mail) such relishes and garnishes even add ble for adoption. ful inspection of the prospective fostei Those of us who remember the in- to tho finest meal, especially when “It is a peculiar situation,” states parents is made with a view to ascer- they are home-made. Today we give spiration brought this country by the you some spicy items to add zest and Hon. Eric Cross, Minister of Public taining all the circumstances surround- visit, a few years ago, by members of piquancy to your menus. Welfare and Municipal Affairs. “A ing such an adoption. After the child the society known as the Associated Something With Prunes few years ago Children of adoption age has been placed, regular visits of in- Countrywomen of the World are look- Spiced Prune Garnish require* onè and one-half cups granulated -constituted a real problem for our So- spection are made during a two-year ing forward to July. For on the 20th sugar, one and one-half cups hot “probation” period in order to ensure of that month a group of women, mem- water, one piece of stick cinnamon, that the child is receiving proper care 12 whole cloves, 12 large prune* SALLY'S SALLIES bers o fthe Scottish Rurals (The name soaked in cold water and six lettuce and training. Only after this two- by which the Canadian-born society, Mae Leslie, attractive 26-year-old cups. Combine sugar, water, spices, year period has been completed do the the Women’s Institutes, is known north sir stewardess, was “thrilled to and heat to boiling point.. Add adoptions actually become effective. pieces” upon being informed that prunes, cover and cook until tender of the Tweed) will sail for Canada. They New York’s “12 bachelors” had (about 20 minutes). Remove prunes The demand for children for adop- will be received in Quebec, if their Ex- selected her as their Cinderella oi from syrop sud cool slightly. Care- tion is principally for those of from cellencies are in residence there at the the month. The bachelors, made fully remove the stones. Place two up of well-known New Yorkers, or three prunes on each lettuce cup three months to four years in age. al- time, by the Lady Tweedsmuir. Other- will introduce her to society m and arrange on platter around meat though nearly all ages up to 40 years wise they will be her Excellency’s guests continuation of their burlesque on loaf or other meat dish. appear in the Department’s adoption in Ottawa. They will tour the Pro- costly coming-out parties. Cinnamon Relish records. vince of Quebec and meet members of Cinnamon Orange Slices coma next, and very good they are, tool “It has been found,” observes Mr. the French Institutes—the Cercles des Recipe calls foi one and one-half Cross, “that adoption parents leave lit- Fermieres—and come on to Ontario, Life of Alexander Hamilton cups sugar, one-half cup water, juice Alexander Hamilton, born Janu- tle to be desired in caring properly for where they will be taken in hand by of a lemon, two cinnamon sticks and Toy soldiers, some cotton batting—and you have a war picture in winter. ary 11, 1757, on the British Isle of three oranges. Make a syrup of Making table-top pictures is easy, and fun. their fosterehildren and the affection the W. I. officials in our own province. Nevis, in the West Indies, was sugar, water, juice and cinnamon. with which they regard them. They They will travel through some of the forced to support himself at the age Wash oranges and cut them in thick IF YOU want .to give your imagina- both near and far objects sharper. slices. Place in hot syrup and boil take a pride and an interest in their places in Eastern Ontario which were of twelve and came to America tion free rein on something—just Time exposures should be made, gently without covering, until rind using either ordinary electric bulbs child as if it were, their own.” settled by Scots, will see Niagara’s three years later. Having adopted is clear. Chill in syrup before serv- try taking table-top pictures during a few of the long winter evenings. or, preferably, regular amateur fruit belt, and take a trip through this country, he fought for its in- ing as a meat garnish. dependence and became one of the For An Emergency With a few simple materials that photo .bulbs.- the Kawartha Lakes district. SCC iT’S SCRAP BOOK ^ By R.J. SCOTT outstanding statesmen of the infant For Pineapple Paprika, drain juice can be picked up around almost any Table-top pictures offer a wide “W]e shall sleep,” says the circular republic. His work as first secre- from canned pineapple slices. Dip house, you can create all sorts of choice of subject matter. You can sent the Scottish Rurals, “not in hotel tary of the treasury, in Washing- slices on flour an-’ fry quickly on picture situations—in either comic take a couple of model airplanes, both sides in butter. Sprinkle liber- hang them on dark threads, and ' 'B but in camps dotted olong the highways ton’s administration, when he laid or serious vein. Spread out a piece the groundwork for a sound money ally with paprika and serve with of plain, dark carpet, and you have picture an aerial combat. Or, you of the New World, this being made roast meats. Canned pears and system in this country, is perhaps peaches may be prepared the same an attractive grassy lawn. Put a can use toy soldiers and cannon possible by the brilliant sunshine which his greatest contribution to poster- way. This is a good emergency dish, doll house on it, add a few toy trees from the dime store, and stage a can be counted on every summer inj ity. Hamilton advocated a strong we’ve discovered. and a driveway made out of sand or war on the living-room floor. A Canada. In short, our tour is to be an centralized government and a lib- Spiced Bananas salt — and you have a handsome woolly white blanket, or cotton hat- out-of-door tour, a picnic tour, right eral interpretation of the Constitu- Spiced Bananas make an excellent country estate. Slip a few wads of ting, provides snow for a winter tion, but his theories were opposed accompaniment to meat. The recipe scene. A sheet of black cardboard off the beaten track, where we shall crumpled paper under the carpet, bitterly at that time by leading requires three-quarters cup vinegar, smoothing it down neatly—and you is a fine background for a night meet those who share our love of, and two dozen whole cloves, two and statesmen. one-half cups sugar, one smad suck have hills and valleys. A toy auto- scene. A mirror, laid out flat, makes our interest in, all that pertains to the MAPLE LEAF cinnamon and three bananas. Roil mobile on the drive, a few toy cows a sheet of ice. Brown sugar or salt ftl IXCHts LONt| BY Sta INCttES life of the country side.” vinegar, sugar, cloves and cinnamon or horses scattered about—and you can he used for a sandy beach. Tiny BROAD won A PR-tï,*. IK CA.KADA'5 Arrangements are being made to Lake Okeechobee, Florida until sugar is dissolved and the syrup have a complete rural scene. twigs suggest hare trees. Trans- AMUUAL CON-fEST FOB. -rtit LARGEST Lake Okeechobee in Florida is thick. Drop the bananas (strips or have various branches of the W. I. en- quarters) into the hot syrup and boil It’s as simple as that. parent wrapping material, properly •*gPMO$-r .Vi EARLY PERFECT circular in shape, and about 30 For table-top pictures, any kind of crumpled, resembles stormy water. LEAF tertain the 'visitors as they pass on for two minute. Remove from fire miles in diameter. It is, with the and cool. camera can be used. If yours Is a Place a ship model on a sheet of their way, and, ,as Mrs. W. B. Leather- exception of Lake Michigan, the An Old Favorite fixed-focus camera, or one that fo- this—and you have a storm at sea. MAYIVE? OF dale of Coldwater, publicity convener largest fresh-water lake wholly with- AFRICA , AHP Apple sauce is always welcome, cuses onty to five or six feet, slip a Clearly, in “table-tops” there are diiE SOUTH SEAS, of the Institutes of Ontario, intimates, in the United States. It lies imme- especially in this de luxe version to portrait attachment on the lens— marvelous chances for pictures. The serve with pork. It calls f >: one CLIMB-TAU. there will be no lack of the hospitality diately north of the Everglades. At this enables you to take close-ups. sky is the limit—and there’s no end TREES By MEAMS mean level it has an area of 468,- heaping cup of chopped app e? ”ne for which our rural women are famous. tablespoon arrowroot, tables;;:’".: of The camera should he placed on'a to the fun you can have. Try a few OF A BAMBOO 860 acres. Early explorers believed now, and you’ll see. ROPE — For the sake of those who may not lemon juice, few grains o: salt, firm support, and the lens closed CLIMBING the lake was fed by subterranean grated rind of a lemon, on- ■ nth down to a small opening. This makes 22i John van Guilder 14 DONE By know, the Women’s Institutes, founded streams or large springs. A few teaspoon cinnamon, two pi:."!’ s of HUNCHiNq -THE at Stoney Creek in 1897 by Mrs. Ade- years ago this theory was more or nutmeg and one-half cup col.: ver. ^♦MALLES-T ROPE UP less exploded by investigations at Put chopped apples in a unn. «AILFISH EV,= OAUqttT laide Hoodless and Erland Lee, anr» ■THE TREE low water; these failed to disclose Add arrowroot, salt, lemon mice, W'ftt.qM.F * vAM established in England in 1915 by Mrs. lemon rind, cinnamon, nutmeg and VfeEF '- ■ Ai.- LEKC-TH-■ OF 5 To 7 FEET has spread to almost every quarter of tirely on rainfall. * Cm, »>*. I»* Pntvm Ipfom. w*. W* * and serve with pork. ADVERTISE IN THE GLENGARRY NEWS Fage 4. The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Out., Friday, February 24, 1939,

illness arising from a stroke of paraly- Some of his classmates were, Sir Win. stand 5 ft. 8 ins. and weighs 155. " week at his home here returned to Earth’s Rotation Governs COUNTY NEWS sis, he sustained some years ago. Osier, Sir Thomas .Roddick and Drs. When the going is hardest, “Colley”, Ottawa on Monday, Days, Year»; No Time Lost HEARTBURN KEPT Mr. Fraser who was a man of splen- F. J. Shepherd and .A. D. Blackader, appears at his best. He is fast, a good Mr. and Mrs. K. N. McLeod, Aiexan- Time, regarding days, years, etc., MAXVILLE did physique and on*- of the best of Montreal. back checker and has a tricky shot, dria, visited at the home of Mr. and has not been lost in aipy way and HIM AWAKE known farmers in the Twp of Ken- He was a Fenian Raid veteran, being Iliness prevented him from playing in Mrs. D. Hartrick on Sunday, the earth’s rotation determines day Miss Janie Munroe left for Ottawa on and night, just as the earth’s rev- AFRAID TO EAT .SQUARE MEAL Wednesday where she intends spending yon, was bom on January 2nd, 1856 a asosciated with the men from Glen- the first games of the season. olution around the sun determines What a worry he must have been to- STEWART’S GLEN some time. son of James Fraser and his wife Har- | garry who went to the defence of the HOWARD “STAR” COLEMAN, left the seasons, observes a writer in his wife! No food agreed with him. Acid, John D. MacRae, Peter Street, is riet Grant, on the Fraser homestead. ' Empire in those troublesome days. wing, a brother of “Colley’s”. He has Mrs. K. K. MacLeod recently spent the Detroit News. indigestloir made him positively wret- spending some days in Toronto. There, he spent his entire life. As a medical pratitioner.he.first set- seen .22 summers, stands 5 ft. 10 ins. and a few days with her father, Mr. Mor- -The division of the year into ched. In this letter, his wife tells how On April 3rd, 1883, he married Har- tled at .Dominionville .and built up a carries 180 lbs. of brawn and muscle. months and days iby what we call Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Christie had as a rison of Daihousie. a calendar has been a matter of he got welcome relief.-— week end guest his daughter Mrs. Jno. riet MacKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. large practise, coming .to .Maxvilie in; He too Is a Maxvilie boy and a gradu- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sinclair were re- growth and change. I The Roman “My husband developed a wretched' Jamieson. Montreal. Angus MacKay, Baltics Corners. Their 1888 where he continued as an activé ate of the High School team. “Star” cent visitors at the home of Mr. and calendar introduced in 738 B. C. form of gastric acidity,” she writes. Mrs. A. D. MacDougall who was wedding, at which Rev. Finlay Mac- member of his profession until 1910, has made a splendid record on the Mrs. Fergus McKercher, St. Elmo East. had a year of .10 months, or 304 “Meals were a misery to him. He often. visiting with Ottawa friends, returned Lennan was the officiating clergyman, when he retired. I team; and packs the wickedest shot. Mr. Leonard Bickerstaff, Sandon,, days, tout as this did not agree with could not sleep for heartburn. Business 1 the solar year ot 365 days,, two home on Sunday. was the first marriage celebrated in For some .years he was .interested In From any point within the blue, .line, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. kept him from home a great deal, but Kenyon Presbyterian Church, Dunve- orange growing, owning a large grove “Star” is dangerous. jKennie Cameron. months were added by Numa Pom- Among Maxvillites who are attend- pilius in 713 B. C., and the year when he did get a spell at home, I ing committee meetings in Toronto this gan. near Rialto, California. Jn all he .made ARCH. MACDONALD, defence, .who Mrs. Neil MacRae was a Saturday was made to start at the winter gave him Kruschen Salts. I was amaz- week are Reeve J. H. Munro and Robt. For over fifty years, both Mr. and some twenty-eight trips to California teams with Currier or Munroe, and .in to Monday guest of her sister, Mrs. K. solstice. As this calendar was not ed at the results. That weary look left. 1 MacKay. Mrs. Fraser were members of the local and other Pacific States. this his first season with the Million- Mefcod, Alexandria, based on a knowledge of the true his face, and his indigestion gradually length of the year (365.24224 days) While en route from Edmonton to Presbyterian Church and Mr. Fraser On February 5th, 1874, he married aires has added to the .defensive j j). D. McGregor was in Ottawa disappeared. It is a treat to hear him. Christena Robertson, daughter of the strength of the team. He is 22 years of tpis week attending the funeral of his the error accumulated so that by Montreal, where he was called on busi- j served for forty-two years as a mem- Julius Caesar’s time the seasons say, T’m hungry.’ it seems too good to ness, Mack McColi, an old Maxvilie boy, ber of the Session He also was a mem- late Alexander Robertson and his wife hge and last season played on the line cousin, the late Cecil McPhail. were confused and spring' came be true.”—(Mrs.) KMJ3. passed through here on Friday morn- ber of the Township Council. Harriet Boyd. She passed away on July ' up of the Cornwall Canadiens. .He Mr. Charles McGregor who spent a about t£e first of January. , The The numerous salts in Kruschen ing and stepped off the train long en- Five of his fellow Elders, John A. 23rd, 1934. has speed to burn, plenty of hockey few days with his cousin, Mr. D. D. Mc- Julian calendar was then estab- hedp to promote a natural flow of the - lished, with the leap year to cor- ough to say “hello” to somé old friends Welsh, Peter P. Christie, Robertson Though he never sought office, Dr. brains and uses his 170 lbs. very effec- Gregor returned to his home at Car- digestive and other vital juices of the Munro, always took an intelligent in-, tively, reet-this, and the year 46 B. C. was who were at the station. Mack is in MacRae, Jas, A:’Gumming and Alexan- leton Place the last of the week. given 445 days, called ’’the year of body. Soon after you start on Krus- the insurance business. der Kennedy arid the chairman of the terest in public affairs. He was a loyal FERNAND PILON, right wing —An- confusion.” Sixteen centuries later chen, you will find that you are able Friends were pleased to greet Ken- board of Managers, John H. MacKUli- supporter of Sir John A. Macdonald, other Maxvilie hoy, .23 years of age, TAYSIDE the error from the Julian calendar to enjoy your food without distressing weighs 165 lbs. and stands 5 ft, 8 ins was found to be 10 days;- our pres- nie McKinnon of Moulinette, Ont,, who can, were pallbearers. and a warm personal friend of Sir Mrs. A. D. Munro returned to her After effects. And as you persevere with- He ise a speed .artist and is always a ent calendar, the Gregorian,; was was here on Wednesday In his address, Rev. Mr. dlls paid Donald MacMaster, who once repre-, home in Cornwall the lattér part of the “little daily dose,” you will see that. thorn in the flesh to opposing goalies, devised to correct Jhis. Mrs. C. W. Hoople and daughter Shir- tribute to the great services rendered sen ted Glengarry in the Federal House j the week. Kruschen brings glorious reUef. 1 when close in. As A back checker he Is , The Jewish sabbath lasted from ley spent a portion of the past week by the deceased to the church and the of Parliament and later was a member. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McPhail are par excellence. He spent a year with punset of the sixth day to sunset of with Ottawa friends. community. of tbS" British House localities iron was marked by several flashes of California Bar. cloud. When on the ice he never gives who were delegates to the Madms Con- which this cabinet -wood comes lightning. JAMES T. MUNRO, M.D., who, in In the death of Dr. Munro which oe-, v They are the*’-West Indies' (Cuba his day, was an outstanding example curred on December 9th, 1928, there or asks favors. ference in India last December. Santo Domingo,-and Haiti), Âmçnci. One of our enthusiastic Juvenile Mrs. James W. Bentonjvho had been of a remarkable country doctor. With passed from the scene, another of the BERNARD “BABA" VILLENEUVE, (meaning Méxiëo,' dentral arid South hockey fans, Master Donald Duperron, undergoing treatment In an Ottawa a profound knowledge (51 medical, rapidly disappearing galaxy of men left wing, has'passed his 17th birthday. America), and Africa (from the Count* Paul Teleki, former Hun- spent the week end in Montreal, where ' west coast, gold and ivory coasts science, he combined great skill as a and women, to whom this generation Born in MaxviUé, like, his fellow play- hospital for the past few weeks, return- garian minister of agriculture, has* he attended the canadien—American ed home on Tuesday. Her many friends and lifigeria);. When you buy t been asked to form a new cabinet- surgeon. His fame as a healer of men owes much, because of their devotion ers; Ken Jamieson and Rodger La- game on Saturday night. are glad to know she ls Iflu h improved piece of furniture made of mahog- following the resignation of Pre- The High School students held their, went far beyond the confines of this and self sacrifice in laying the founda- londe, he is still oh the High School' S any you are entitled to know wheth- mier Imredy, who voluntarily quit, tion of our present religious, social and team. “Baba” is playing his second ip llealth- er it is West Indian, American, or office when he discovered his annual skating party at Jubilee Rink district. In fact his field for consulta- grandmother was Jewish. material prosperity. season with the Millionaires, and is African mahogany: There is no such on Friday evening. Lunch was served t tions and operations covered these five making good in a big way. He stand 5 LOCHIEL thing as Philippine mahogany. An\ in the United Church- hall, where an Eastern Counties of Ontario. To a wood sold under that name is a WHO’S WHO ON THE MILLION- y/ife interesting programme was presented. stranger, his manner was brusque, ft. 9 ins. and weighs 140 lbs. is fast on Mr. Donald A, MacPhee was in Mont- misnomer, says George N. Lamb, Preservers. AIRE HOOKEY TEÂM the blades and is one of the comers. even to abruptness, but he was one ot real recently visiting his sister,. Mrs. spokesman for the Mahogany Asso- W.C.T.U. the most tender hearted of men, especi- ART DUPUIS, goal—Bom in Mont- JOHN W. “PEDRO” MacEwen, left | M. J. Kelly .and Mr. Kelly. ciation, Inc. real, 23 years ago, but has been a resi- Best for the finest furniture are On Tuesday evening the February ally when children were concerned. wing, who for several season was a star Mr. John P. McDonald, 2nd Lochiel, dent ot Glengarry for 16 years. Played' 1 Cuban and Santo Domingan ma- meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held at His natural powers of penetration, forward and one of the most finished did business with Donald A. MacPhee junior hockey with Apple Hill. This is hogany. It has a golden brown and the home of Mrs. D. MacEwen. Mrs. coupled with his wide contact with hu- players ever onfthe line up. He is 23 on Tuesday. sometimes a deep, rich, brownish his third year with the Millionaires. Art Mai. MacLeod presided and conducted man nature, made him very human. and only played one game this season,! We regret that jJ George Hay ,5 red tone and is heavier than other weighs 170 and stands 5 ft. 10 inches. I the devotional period and was assisted With the punfortunate and the suffer- as he is. attending coUege in Guelph. I s).m eonfined t0 his room ^ hope fte types. It takes a beautiful finish. Like wine he improves with age. While ! by Miss Belle MacRae who gave the er he was most sympathetic, but the He is a Maxvilie boy and another of nlay ^ be well again. his team .mates have scored 69 goals Bible lesson and Mrs. R. W. Ellis who fakir of self centered got short shift the High School team that has made w j McKinnon has the sincere Pollination Agents from him. May we cite one instance? this season, only 35 have been registered ' good. Trv tdcUnt a dash of cinnamon 1 offered prayer.. Mrs. J. H. Hamilton sympathy of the community in his re- Pollination is carried on by va- ranci* th.wijpp?dcre«oC the' secretary, read the minutes and Being called into consultation to ex- against him. WALTER "WALLY” ^^^kTON ^ cenj, bereavement, the death of his bro- rious insects, by the wind, by water, which you tor your pump+nn pse LAURENCE “MARBLES” CURRIER by birds, etc. Insect pollination is had charge of the roll call. amine a woman patient in Russell ther, Mr. Dougald McKinnon of Kirk county, who had been confined to her defence—is one of the original Million- the High School team. Owing to an JJJJJ the most common type in flowering The clip sheet was presented by Mrs. 1 bed for some months, he followed the aires, was bom in Maxvilie, 24 years operation he underwent, he has been. Master Douglas Bergmame of Mont- plants, those with showy-=petals or MacLeod. It dealt with the, life and sepals, with nectar or a distinct Mother's Standby in Treating''' orthodox method of giving her a thor- ago and learned his .first hockey on the out of the game for the entire season. work of Frances. W. Willard whose 1 real js spending a week with his odor. Gager’s “The Plant World” centenary is being celebrated this year. ough examination. Finding her physi- High School team. He stands 5 ft. 10 Last year, he made an Impressive debut mentions it as a very significant fact 2ns ,and weighs 170 lbs. “Marbles’* is grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Omer cally' healthy, he intimated that he on the Millionaire line up and gives Ranger. that there were no flowers with MOVE BUILDING fast and when he starts on a rush there showy petals on the earth until the would try aie water cure. This was ra- promise of becoming one of the best. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Ranger, Mrs. One of the star attactions along Me- ther a pleasing-suggestion to thé pati- is generally something doing. He is geological age in which insects first Frequent chanic and Main Streets on Friday af- strong both on defence and offence. Irene Fournier and Lucien Ranger re^ appeared, and then these flowers de- ent who had a mental vision of a de- ST. ELMO turned on Tuesday from New Rochelle, veloped. Practically all the conifers, COLDS ernoon was when the building formerly lightful sojourn at the seashore or ! DONALD “DOC” MUNROE, defence Mr. Eb. MacNaughton spent the ' New York where they attended Miss including pines, hemlocks, etc., and -A ~ h ** your children keep used by the Imperial Oil Co., as a store some other pleasant watering ’ place. —Another home brew, who graduated coming down with week end at his parental home, Dom-1 Lea Ranger’s wedding. They motored all. grasses are wind-pollinated. nasty little colds all house and which was purchased by D. This was soon rudely dispelled from the High School team. Though Bees are most important to a good inionvflle. with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roussin of winter, use Vicks VapoRub these J. Filion, was being moved from its for Dr. “Jim” told the' : hus- ‘only 22 years of age, “Doc” is one of crop of orchard fruits and to clover, three simple ways. Service in the Gordon Church on Alexandria AU had an enjoyable trip. one authority estimating that honey- original site to Its new stand on Mr. band to get a large bucket of cold the oldtimers on the Millionaire line- àS For relieving discomforts of FUion’s property on Main Street South, dp. He stands 5 ft 9ins. and tips the, Sabbath morning as usual. On Sunday | Others who also attended the wedding bees are worth fifty or more times •Fchest colds and night coiighs, rub water from the well. When it was evening the Young People’s society will were Mr. and Mrs. Herve Vachon of as much for their part in fertilizing VapoRub on throat, chest and where itjwill be used as an office and brought into the room, he stripped the scales at 181 lbs. With his side kick | blossoms as they are for then- honey. back 2$, bedtime. VapoRub’s poul- hold their weekly meeting at 7.30 Apple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. . Leonard tice-vapor action relieves local store room. spreads from the bed, and in his most "Marbles” and Dupuis back of them o’clock. Everybody welcome. j Bergmame, Miss Lucille and Miss congestion—eases muscular sore- The motive power used en route were commanding voice told the “invalid"? this trio is considered the strongest ness or tightness—helps the The Literary JEfociety held its regular Janet Ranger, of Montreal, who mo- youngster relax into restful sleep. the draft tteams of Howard Kennedy that if she wasn’t out of there by the in the League. He is fast and stands Insects and Flowers meeting Tuesdajr evening last, when tored with Mr. Leopold Marcoux of Some flowers are sweet-smelling and Carman Rowe. As it had not been time he counted to five, she would get well in the coring column. For coughing and irritated an excellent programme was staged. Alexandria. at night and scentless during the * f.h.i trained to bows its pointed roof played the water cure—all that was in the HEN JAMIESON centre—One of throat caused by colds, put Due to inclement weather and almost Jay. When this is the case one can VapoRub on the child’s tongue. havoe with several telephone lines pail. She didn’t wait for. the count oi the “kids” who shares the distinction be sure that the insects which It melts, trickles slowly down- impassable roads the attendance was RANGES—Used. A price to suit.every- bathes the throat with soothing along the route. five, but sprang out and that evening of being the youngest on the team, fertilize the flowers are nocturnal smaU. Next week’s programme will be one. From $15.00 up^ at CHENIER’S medication. Then massage resumed her full duties of housekeep- with “Baba” Villeneuve. They are 17 in habit. Flowers which are sweet- VapoRub on throat and chest. ROTARY CLUB young men’s night followed by the re- HARDWARE, Alexandria, Ont. 8-2C smelling during the day are fer- ing, and' continued to do the same. years of age. Ken who stands 6 ft. 13 The weekly luncheon of the Rotary gular social hour. Come and enjoy the tilized by insects which fly during sS For “sniffles” and misery of James T. Munro was born at Nairn, ins and weighs 168 lbs. is a Maxvilie the day. Some flowers close up whead colds, melt a spoonful of Club was held on Friday evening at boy and is another graduate from the evening with us.- VapoRub in a bowl of boiling the King George Hotel ,with the pre- Scotland, on July 5th, 1843, a son of YOUNGEST ABBOT during the day and open during trie water. Have the child breathe in John Munro and his wife Esther High School team. This season no night; others do the opposite. In- the steaming vapors. This loosens sident, Dr. J. Howard Munro, presid- DUNVEGAN phlegm, clears air-passages, Thompson. When ten years of age he heads the team’s scoring point list, and sects and flowers are mutual makes breathing easier. Also mas- ing. A letter of congratulation and can rightly be termed a brainy player. Communion service will be held in friends, but both of them have then sage VapoRub on throat and good wishes from a sister club In New accompanied his father—-who was a Mis .enemies. There are insects which chest. Millions of families use sion preacher for the Church of Scot- If he stays with the game, he will be Kenyon Presbyterian Church, here, on South Wales, was read. prey upon flowers, and there are these three time-tested ways to land—to Canada, taking six weeks for going places. Sunday, March 5th. The usual prepara- relieve the mis- Clarence W. Hoople coach of the dowers—-or plants which use their ery of colds. the ocean voyage. The mother and SAM MacCALLUM — right'' wing— tory services wiU be held on Thurs- dowers—that prey upon insects. Millionaire Hockey Club, who gave a four daughters followed a few years Thought a resident here for years rund day and. Friday evenings at 8 o’clock very, interesting and humorous talk on later. an ex-member of the High School and on Saturday morning at 11. A cor- “hockey", was Introduced by Tom Mexicans Grew Dahlias Throughout these eastern counties team, Sam was born in New Richmond, dial invitation is intended to all' who Munro and thanked by President The Mexicans had cultivated; the the Missionary went, and during thi Que., 30 years ago and learned his first may wish to attend these services. Munro. I dahlia before the Spaniards arrivée time preceding the arrival of the wife (hockey at Shawville, Que. He is not Sympathy is extended to Mr. WiUiam n 1519, but it was about 300 yean In quoting figures relatives to the and mother he was accompanied by hampered by superfluous avoirdupois, MacKay in the double bereavement of ■ater, in 1791, that the plants ap 1937-38 season of the Millionaires, his son—the subject of this sketch— for though he stands 5 ft. 10 in. he his sister and brother-in-law, also to seared in Europe, at the Botanii Coach Hoople said that the receipts so ;ardens in Madrid, Spain. The new who thus, early in life, became well ac- weighs 135. He has played on Iroquois, Miss Sara and Mr.- Donald A. Camp- far as admissions and incidentals were ■r forms have all been brough quainted with the early settlers of this Cardinal and Northern Ontario teams. bell, niece and nephew of the. late Mr. concerned . were between $1900 and shout since 1800, says the Rock; district. The family settled in the Town He is one of the best puck jugglers on and Mrs. Duncan Fraser, of Maxvilie. fountain Herald. The native Mex $2,000. He also paid tribute to the loy- ship of Roxborough, near what is now the team and is always dangerous. The Young Girls Guild met on Sat- can name of the dahlia was acocot An unlimited number alty and co-opeartion displayed by the the village of Moose Creek. The fa- RODGER LALONDE, left Wing- urday at the home of Mrs. K. K. Mac- 1, which means water pipe, am boys. , ts present name is in honor of the of Hard Maple and ther died when he was quite a young One of the lighttest, and than which Leod with a good attendance and this week wiU meet at the Manse, to-mor- amous Spanish botanist. Dr. An DUNCAN J. FRASER man, but from the time they settled in there is no faster in the league. This dreas^ Dahl. Basswood Saw Logs. row, Saturday 25th inst. The funeral service for the late Dun- Roxborough until the mother died in is his first season with the Million- ' Messrs. W. W. McKinnon Duncan can J. Fraser, whose death took place on her 100th year, that was always aires, being a student at thè High Good Prices. and D. D. McKinnon attended the Ornament for Nose of Women Thursday morning, at his home Domin- “home” to the family. School. He is a native of Bourget, Ont, Father Anastaslus Jan Opasek, 26- funeral of the late Dougal McKinnon, year-old member of the Benedictine The'“Khazama,” which looks, liki- ionville East, was held in St. Andrew’s After attending Hawkesbury Gram- where he was bom 20 years ago, stand of Kirk Hill, on Tuesday. Order, who has been chosen as 3 padlock, is hung from the nosi Prompt settlement. Presbyterian Church'on Friday after- mar School, thè subject of this sketch 5 ft. 6 ins. and weighs 125 lbs. He abbot to the Benedictine Mon- When thé Arab woman reaches mai Dr. and Mrs. p. N. MacMillan en- noon. His pastor, Rev. R. W. Ellis, who taught school between Vankleek HiU has made good with a “bang” and . astery at Brevnov, Czecho-Slovakia. riageable age. It is heavy, with 1 tertained the members of the-Choir at This makes Father Opasek the was assisted by Rev. J. H. Hamilton and Hawkesbury. it was nothing unusual stands in second place as regards the youngest priest ever to hold such wedge of turquoise in the center scoring point record. the Manse, on Friday evening Another ornament is the “Warn" of the United Church, officiated. for him to walk to his home for the an important post and the youngest C. LACOMBE LAURENCE “COLLEY” COLEMAN, Mr. J. A. Stewart left for Toronto I head of a monastery in Europe. da,”' coveted by women; but costin; There was something tragic about the week end—some thirty miles—and the 10O much for rhost. It is of gold centre—One of the original Million- on Tuesday, where he will attend the 1 Alexandria. event, as Mrs. Fraser’s funeral was roads weren’t paved. ■v-itHAed' w*th precious ëtnc aires, a native son who is also a gradu- Good Roads Contention. Sweden’s system of labor laws are held just four days’ previous. Entering McGill University, Mont- .nother-of-pearl and a bit of tur- ate of the High School team. He Is 26, Mr. Alex. Grant after spending a called the world’s best. 1 quoise. Phone 81. 3-6 ' Mr- Fraser’s passing followed ,a long real, he graduated in Medicine in 1872. The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, February 24, 1939. Pag* I,

WILLIAMST OWN Canada, ‘That country with two lan- Canada is to go forward courageously Portsmouth, has established a record BORN guages but only one heart?’ I do not it will not be as a caravan of hetero- never before equalled in Canada, the KENEMY—At Alexandria, on Febru- COUNTY NEWS Miss Laura Hayes, the Branch, spent Correspondence despair. I believe this necessary union geneous groups but of a great people owner, A. Henderson, said tonight. ary 14th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. John part of last week the guest of Miss APPLE HILL oan be accomplished but for that pur- possessed of the soul and heart of a Henderson said the animal produc- DEMOCRACY MAY SURVIVE Kenemy, a son. Kathleen Carey . pose it is necessary for us to preserve nation.” ed 3,042 pounds of milk in the month (By GJS.) Mr. Harvey MacMillan left on Tues- The W.MJ3. of St. Andrew’s United MICHAUD—At Lochiel, on Tuesday, to our province the active sympathies Mr. Lapointe had a word of en- of January with two milkings a day. Some weeks past, under the caption : day for Ottawa. Chinch will hold their Starch meeting February 14th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. which surround her—which are with couragement for the young people land The cow is a daughter of Hay’s Supreme of “Will Democracy Survive?” by H. on Friday afternoon, Feb. 24th, to par- 1 Mosie Michaud, a daughter—Marie Mr. Hilaire Lalonde week ended with us tonight as the lofty souls and fine advised them not to believe “a certain recently sold to the Mount Hope Farm C. Mason, The Canadian Countryman ticipate in the World’s Day of Prayer, Therese Frances. friends in Cornwall. minds of all these men with whom I school advocating a doctrine of disun- at Williamstown, Mass. offered what should be considered at the home of Miss L. Dunlop. Mr. Alex MacMillan left on Wednes- co-operate in public life. I ion, that there is no room in public timely comments on the serious ‘pro- NOTICE OP APPLICATION The skating party held on the rink TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLE “This country—this province will be life for French-Canadians.” Such A blems confronting our democratic Gov- day to spend several weeks in Calgary, here, on Thursday evening, under the OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ; saved by those who do' things and not rumor was disproved by the fact so ernments at the present time. For ob- Alta. auspices of the Glee Club, was a de- Obituaries A,:»* /.# by those who spend .their lives in blam-| many of that race held high positions vious reasons very few readers of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr. Arthur Dupuis, Montreal, paid cided success Supper and a musical MISS CHRISTENA McDONELL ing, criticizing and abusing those who ' Canadian Countryman have taken the programme in St. Andrew’s hall fol- FOR SALE—No. 4 CHURN—good con- The surrounding community was trouble to answer Mr. Mason’s question, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCO- town a business visit Saturday. act. This country, will never be saved lowed two hours of skating. dition. CHENIER’S HARDWARE, deeply gneved on learning of the death Democracy Is supposed to be a govern- PAL CORPORATION FOR THE DIO- Mr. and Mrs. Donat Lefebvre spent by those who raise slander to the dig- > A hockey match between Williams- Tel 104, Alexandria, Ont. 8-2 of Miss Christena McDonell which oc- CESE OF ALEXANDRIA, IN ON- nity of a programme. ment of the people, by the people and the week end with St. Lizaire friends. town seniors and Apple Hill seniors curred on Saturday, February 11th, at f the people. There is no doubt that TARIO, CANADA, will apply to the “I have endured on several occasions or Mr. Duncan Crimmins, Montreal, was played on the rink here on Tues- the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. the number of people op- Legislative Assembly of the Province campaigns of atrocious slanders. One to Canada spent a portion of the week with Mr. day night of last week. The score was The deceased was a daughter of the t our system of government is of Ontario at its next session for an is now going on In certain quarters. Hockey 0 Eric Grant. 5 to 1 for Williamstown. late John McDonell and Christena Mc- Act setting forth more clearly the pow- But my friends need not be afraid. The insignificant and few have any desire Miss Marcella Dancause, Ottawa, The hockey boys from the east end CORNWALL O.C.O.T. BEATEN Kinnon of 18-4th Kenyon and is sur-1 to dictator but,if demo- ers of the said corporation as to deal- atrocious slanders, the intimidations ne be under a ing with real and personal proper- spent the week end with her parents, of the town, on Saturday played a Cornwall Canadiens of the O.C.O.T. vived by two sisters, Mrs. J. P. McDon- ' y devnates from the principles for ver have nor never will disturb my oraC ty and clearing up certain doubts Mr. and Mrs Albert Dancause. game with the hockey boys from the Juvenile League played on the Muni- aid, Montreal and Miss Flora McDon- hich It should stand, and have “gov- peace of mind.” w as to the borrowing powers of the Master Roy Renwlck, Monckland, is west end. Excitement ran high when cipal rink, here, last Thursday even- Liberals were trying to be true to and ' mg, meeting defeat at the hands of ell, residing at her ancestral home. emment by pressure of and for visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. the score reached 6—5 for the east Although in ill health for several groups” it becomes a government Ü said Episcopal Corporation. maintain the Confederation agree- j the local Rough Riders by a close 4—31 DATED at Alexandria, Ontario, H. Montgomery. end. months, nevertheless. Miss McDonell’s people by the people but for the ment, Mr. Lapointe said, “by consenting score. The home team had a distinct this 13th day of February, 1939. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. On Friday evening Miss Helen Mac- death was a shock to her immediate | benefit of to the changes made necessary by the edge on the play but good blocking by i uciiciit, u± » certain class only THE ROMAN CATHOLIC EPISCO- Jos. Jacques in the death of his sister, Donald, B.A. gave a splendid address relatives and friends. The passing of forward march of the country. Tra- Our country so rich in natural re- PAL CORPORATION FOR THE Mrs. Bisneau, of Ogdensburg, N.Y. to the Young People’s Society. Her to- Delage in the Cornwall nets kept the the late Miss McDonell is greatly re- dition does not mean inertia.” score down. Full advantage of a good ! sources if properly governed should DIOCESE OF ALEXANDRIA, Wallace Munroe, of Cornwall Colle- pic was “The isms.” gretted, as by her amiability of char- The minister spoke of the proposed sheet of ice was taken the game being ihave a better economic standing no one by MACDONELL & MACDONALD, giate, spent the week end with his The W.MS. of St. Andrew’s Presby- acter and charitable disposition, she unemployment insurance act requiring very fast. will deny. Some maintain that the ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Munroe. terian Church will meet at the home of held the regard of a large coterie ol | a constitutional amendment to which country is too well governed. We are 7-6. ITS SOLICITORS. Miss Jeania Dancause, Ottawa, was Miss Laura Cameron, on Friday, 24th Scorers for Alexandria were: L. Sa- friends. some provinces object. “If the federal bourin and R. Sauve one each; R. Le- aware that there a surplus of govern- home over the week end with her par- February, for their March meeting and government has some responsibility in compte two. Counters for Cornwall The funeral cortege of the deceased ^ nient and that they are all vying with DRESSMAKER ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dancause to participate in the World’s Day of Tailoring, Dressmaking, Furs repair- I the -matter of unemployment, as its were credited to Sabourin Savard and from her late home to St. Catherine’s eagb other as to which will show the MrD. Leblanc, Creighton Mines, is on Prayer.. ed, remodelled—Alterations in ladles I attackers loudly assert, how oan they Denault. Churçh, Greenfield, on Sunday after-■ authority and all abhor criticism, an extended visit with his parents, Mr. Fifteen lady friends of Miss Rita and Men’s clothing. Pressing, cleaning I deny it the means of preventing and The line-ups: noon, was a lengthy and représenta- Dr Manion for being criticized by the and Mrs. John Leblanc. Taillon gave her a surprise on the at reasonable prices. AGNES VALADE, j coping with it? Cornwall O.C.O.T.: Goal—A. Delage; tive one. The remains were received at | p^e outside of the House feels sore Mr. and Mrs. Hector Daltqrchle evening of her birthday, February 14th. Kenyon St. Wfest, Alexandria. 52-tf. I “You know how easy it is for cer- defence—S. Dupuis, L. Savard; centre the door by Rev. A. L. McDonald, on the ground that outsiders don’t land baby of Lachine,. Que, spent the They arrived early with many gifts. while Rev. Charles Gauthier, cousin, know what they are talking about,and tain politicians to raise one province —L. Sabourin; wings—R. Châtelain, AMBITIOUS MEN! We Wish to week end with her parents, Mr. and Euchre, bingo and other games were chanted the Libera and Rev. Wl J. I yet, Mr. Gardiner admits that the $48,- _ ^ ...... I against the others and to pursue paro- L. Denault; sub G. Samson. contact you for steady employment — Mrs, Francis Campeau. played. Refreshments were served by Smith, D. C. L., officiated at the grave. 000,000 bonus to western wheat produ-1 good p^y independence. 1 Everybody Liberals Rough Riders: Goal—L. Meloche; The many friends here of Mrs. Murdie Mrs. Taillon and the guests departed politics. I appeal to all The pallbearers were Messrs. Alex A^œris was a mistake. Even some of our'buys our 200 guaranteed products wishing Rita many happy returns of the Dom^nlon to J°in 111 fighting defence—L. Sabourin and C. Mac- Grant, formerly 'of this place, were McDonald, Archie B. McDonald, Innis | CoUnties Councils which are the most Higher quality. Lower prices. No exper- the day. these nefarious practices and striving Gillivray; centre—R. Lecompte; wings, sorry to learn of her death in Ottawa McDonald, Michael Leroux, Roy ,Mc- usefui governing bodies we have will ience needed. Your success on Tuesday. -o- to destroy their pernicious effects, 'f&e L. Legault, U. Poirier; subs—R. Sauve, GLEN itUn^xsioOn [country needs men of national viwn C. Laperle, L. Lauzon and N. Laperle. Donald and Alex. Smith. j in some cases suggest motions of cen- J ours, so we help you. Big continuous 1 Ti iS ~ , Among the relatives and friends from . sure when criticism is -presented on repeat sales and profits. No risk. Free GRAVEL HILL Mr.n/r- and Mrs, Franki Sauve, Montreal,., . . I• and hot matters’T of trouble. 1 ■a distance present were Mrs. J. P. Me-[some questionable pieces of legis- catalogue and details, FAMILEX CO., Miss Edna McDiarmid, who has been visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sabourin. I Against Jmpiigration. iP^aaldj.Mn Allan McDonald. MiYClar- lation. Representatives elected by the'570 st. Clement Montreal. —2 Mr. Ed, Wylie was a business visitor' The n^hster said he was opposed%o spending some time at the home of ence MeDGsaM, Mr. and Mrss. R. Me-1 people trying jio "iag jm&U* «pinion1 ■ to Alexandria on Friday. , j immigration under existing conditions 1 Mrs. George Norman, is visiting her but expressed Donald and Mia?. Loretta-* McDonald, are not helping to%olffify democracy J FOR SALE 1 Grant McLeUan recently enjoyed a sympathy for “refugees Almost Hall a -Century l 0U8 ia r parents Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McDiarmdi, who have 1,6611 Montreal; Rev. A- L- MçPonald, MTS lit smellsrjmitn ^ÿÇ îP? ^ * •W few days’ visit with Brockville friends, r subjected to atrocious er Moose Creek. 1 (The Revelstoke Review) Daoust, Williamstown; Rev. Qhas. cive to malting, P * C. J. McDougall, Cornwall, spent persecution.” He had been attacked in Mrs. Elmer Montgomery and chil- “I want to buy a pair of boots,” was Gauthier, Miss Mamie Gauthier and cure. , wàneÉt. Instructions ^included $25.00. Friday night with his oth6r dren, Grin and Pearl, spent a few days brother A L Quarters for opposing the “open the salutation with which Thomas'Miss Kathleen Gauthier, Apple Hill. I It is regrettable that sominy es- ®6ebïl? Fifth Street B, McDougall. I door,” and in Quebec he had been 661 1 last week with Mrs. Montgomery’» sis- McRae, of Anchorage, Alaska, greeted] The numerous spiritual offerings, P ^ ? among the farming class show.CarnwalkQBt. PUun^^M R. 7-2c Peter Ranger, veteran CJST.R. section- 'attaoked “because I did not abuse those ter, Mrs Earl Bender, Mr. Bender and his brother Win. J. McRae on enter^telegrams and letters of sympathy re-,S6 much apathy for politics. Our On- man here, is retiring on pension at the whom we cannoti r6celve-” H6 dUOt6d FARM FOR SALE family, Strathmore. I ing the latter’s store here on Tuesday I ceived by the bereaved family bespoke tario farmers as producers stand next end of the month 1 Pope Pius’ words of sympathy Consisting of eighty-five (851 acres The friends of Mrs. Carrie Hill of morning. to no one but Mrs. Donalda Bennett, Toronto, is for Europea» refugees. “If I cannot the widespread sorrow occasioned by > seemingly don’t mind situated in the 9th concession of Lan- Avonmore were sorry to hear that she being exploited by having to sell be- r—Good terms. Apply to visiting her mother, Mrs. M. G. Me- help the victims of such an odious Although they had not met for over, the death of Miss McDonell. caste MRS. has undergone a serious operation at low cost of production, with taxes Rae and other relatives. I tyranny, at least I should not be called 49 years, recognition was mutual, since JOSEPH LEBLANC, Glen Robertson, the General Hospital, Cornwall. | climbing up, the public debt piling up, cmf 7-3p To commemorate Mardi Gras an upon to insult them,” he said. “B1E” had been expecting a visit from NONAGENARIAN CELEBRATES HI3 his brother, who has spent the winter MRS. CLARISSA F. ROBERTSON exceeding four billions, increasing civil ■ • 95th BIRTHDAY impromptu dance was held in the hall' Madame Pierre F Casgrain, wife of A resident of Nelson, B.C., Mrs Clar- servants’ salaries, and the members on ’ BABY CHICKS here. i the Speaker of the House of Commons, on a visit to another brother, Murdoch Mr. Robert Crawford, one of the old- McRae, in California., issa Flora Robertson, aged 78 years some occasions voting themselves bon- * Barred Rock Chicks for April; $12.00 est residents _of this- district, celebrated Mr. D. N. Williams, Plenty, Sask., spoke for the National Federation of passed away on the 29th January at uses for attending some celebrations per. JLOO; May $10.00 per 100; all CoCk- who is idsitihg Glengarry friends re- Liberal Womèn, and was the only fem- Leaving the old home farm in Glen- his 95th birthday, on Sunday, Feb. 19th. the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rosa ^ these do not sound very much like im erels from Registered matings, also X— Cently called on Mr. and Mrs. D. T hiine speaker. She presented a bou- garry, Ont, over 49 years ago, Tom Mc- He spent the day quietly at his home Fleming. proving conditions Democracy mav spi*- 600 Miller Incubator in good order Robinsoh. quet of red roses to Madame Lapointe Rae left for the lumber camps of Miohl- having received messages of congratu- Mrs. Robertson who has resided in vive, but if it does we don’t need1 to $15.00. ANGUS URQUHART (Laggan), Keeping roads open in winter is Mr. Mackenzie King paid warm tri- gan and Wisconsin, where he spent a , . _ , . I lations from Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa,! ■ or—» “ ^ the Kootenays, for nearly forty years, Greenfield, Ont. 8-lp couple of years, when he came west to ^ been In failing health for some blame the governments for it. Brockville, Finch, Avonmore, Apple Hill not what It is cracked up to be, especi- bute to the justice minister. "I have o ally in weather we had over the week often asked myself,” he said, “to what Illecillewaet, where his brother, “San-]time. Bom at Breadalbane, Glengarry CUSTOM HATCHING as well as from relatives and friends in ! dy was 111 business Form 6r6 he Custom hatching $3.00 per tray of his community. A beautiful bouquet end. A Lefebvre had more trouble heights he might have attained had ,’ ^ .county, the daughter of Dougald James Equals Record came to Revelstoke and the Lardeau, MacDougall ZS hls wlfe Margaret 2G0; special price on 1000 eggs, hatched of spring flowers was received from than he cared for opening the road to he chosen to devote himself to the engaging in mining and lumbering. in Jamesway all electric. ARTHUR W. Mrs. Winnifred Begg, Avonmore. Alexandria, on Monday the Hawkes- ' Church. I am not at all sure, had he | MacLaurin, she married John Grant bury branch train failed to make an done so, Quebec today might have CAMPBELL, RR. 1. Moose Creek. 8-lc A son of John Crawford and his The “boom” days of Donald founi Robertson of Vankleek Hill in 1890 and wife Margaret Forbes who with their appearance here but got in on time had two cardinals instead of one. Tom MacRae there. Then the gold ten years later they moved West, set- Tuesday. “Twenty years ago when Sir Wilfrid stampede of Alaska seized him about ^ ling in Kaslo, B. C, where Mrs. Ro- CARD OF THANKS two children, along with a party of This Is to thank my hundreds it Laurier died, Ernest Lapointe was 41 years ago, and he has spent all these bertson lived until 1917, when she took other relatives emmigrated to Canada friends who have done so much for me BRODIE looked upon by many as his logical suc- years in the North never coming out p residence in Nelson, in 1839 from Five-mile-town, County of U and if at any time there is anything I cessor The fact he did not succeed in all that time. | Her husband predeceased her on the Tyrone, Ireland. They settled on a Mr. Anthony Hines served on can do for than it will be my greatest the • Laurier was, in large part, his own farm in the first concession of Rox- Cornwall jury sittings last week. For several years Mr. McRae has 26th January, 1913. A daughter Gladys pleasure to do so. Assuring them of I choosing. Lapointe resolutely refused borough, later moving to a farm near Mr. D.| W. Kicldie is active in his been connected with the Alaska High-'died in 1898. my sincere appreciation. I remain, i to allow his friends to put his name Martintown, where Robert was bom. way Commission, and after ,a few Mrs. Robertson the last of a f,am- Sincerely, J. A. MCDONALD. new Bray hatchery advertising cam- | forward at the convention and, in- Seven years later he moved with his paign. 1 weeks’ visit here with his brother and ily of nine is survived by one daugh- I stead, threw his support to me." Ê parents to Gravel Hill, receiving his Mr. Douglas MacCallum has been his' sister, Mrs. Thos. Bain, he will re- ter,Minnie of Nelson and eight grand- CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends education s& Pigeon Hill Public school, chief assistant to his uncle, J. N. Mac- (’ Unity Compared tum to the North. children, all of Nelson. and neighbors for their kindness and where Miss Margaret MarjeriSon was Rae, Vankleek Hill, in his lumbering I Mr. Mackenzie King compared his Among the friends from a distance sympathy shown at the time of the teacher. The road then was nothing operations of the last two weeks. . association with Mr. Lapointe with The Messrs. McRae referred to above attending the funeral service was Mr. death of my beloved wife. more than a trail through the woods. | Mrs. Kiddie and Mrs. McKinnon ex- I that of Mackenzie and Papineau, Bald- were fonner residents of Dunvegan. Alex. Grant of Ainsworth. B.C., former- 1 DAN D. MCGREGOR. He was married to Susanna Begg of changed notes, in a Sunday-Monday win and Lafontaine, Macdonald and ly of Dunvegan, Glengarry. R.R. 1, Moose Creek, Ont. Tolmie’s Comers on April 24th, 1867 at visit with the latter. , Cartier, symbolizing the united effort I of the English and French-speaking the parsonage, Avonmore, Rev. Mr. Car Insurance Rates _ The young people enjoyed a Friday people ln Canada,s hjstory MRS. ERNEST DUMAS CARD OF THANKS Sloan performing the ceremony, and evening combination of crokinole, hop, Many friends will be sorry to learn Mr. W. J. McKinnon and family, settled on the farm where he still re- Mr La int6 pald warm trlbute t0 Canada’s track and field flag is ching checkers and other games, fol- ’ P° Up Almost Tender Cent of .the death of Mrs Ernest Dumas, nee Lochiel, wish to thank the many sides, which was then giant timbers, 1 his l6ader when Laurier knew 4116 being carried high this winter at friends and neighbors of his late bro- lowed by refreshihg cocoa and biscuits. ’ “ Automobile owners in the District Pase, Montreal, but for many indoor meets in United States by stumps and huge holders. Their world- Mrs. McKelvy was their hostess. 1 blttern6ss of des6rtk,ns and failings," Bill Fritz, Queen’s University mid- ther, Dougald J. McKinnon, for their ly possessions were few but they faced 'he said, “at the time he~wa7 go“ing will be affected by a 10 percent boost'years a resident of the fourth of Ken, dle distance runner and Larry sympathy and many acts of kindness Mrs. Baker of Stettler, Alta., bom ln the hardships of pioneer life with un- through the most trying period of his Insurance‘coverage for public lia- yon. where she was highly esteemed O’Connor, Toronto hurdler. O’Con- here, Annfe Scott Brodie, has returned * ' and widely known by a large circle of nor, shown ABOVE, equalled a shown during his illness and at the daunted - courage. Mrs. Crawford’s great life, one mian never deserted our j kility and property damage, in common time of his death. eastward for a renewal of friendships.] friends, who will sympathise with the world’s record when he won the death occurred in 1917. Their family beloved chief and suffered defeat and with motorists throughout Ontario. 60-yard hurdles at the New York On this her first visit here, in over 23 bereaved relatives. of five all live -within a few miles of The new rates will be effective March Athletic club meet in 7.2 seconds, CARD OF THANKS years, she stopped over with relatives'MÊIÊI remain faithful to Laurier. 1st. Her funeral was held on Monday, and handed Roy Staley, Southern We wish to sincerely thank our the homestead. Mrs. B. N. Helps, Gra- in Almonte and Maxville, en route. This Mr. King, we have not forgotten. California star, his first loss of the vel Hill Mrs. Alex. Ferguson, Apple “Mr. Mackenzie King is a party man. With the announcement the com- 13th February, from the residence of, season. neighbours, relatives and friends, for Hill, John B., Monckland, Arthur and All leaders of great democracies have panies issued a statement showing that her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Page, the sympathy, and kindness, shown Miss Olive at home. There are also Hon. Ernest Lspointe to been party men. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler existing rates are far below their pro- 6611 Casgrain Street, to St. Jean de la Ethnogfaphleally speaking, the us, during the Illness and death of our ten grandchildren and two great grand-1 and Mussolini are all opposed to par- per economic level and that the up- Croix Church, where Requiem Mess Spanish are among the most long- beloved sister, Christena Macdonell. sons. Stay in Political Arena ties and have abolished them. ward adjustment must be followed by was celebrated by Rev. Father Thibo* ' headed of European peoples, We also wish to thank, the clergy and Mr. Crawford joined the Methodist (Continued frontpage 1) “All Utopists, all agitators, all spread- more careful driving and reduced losses deau. Interment was made in Cote dés the Ladies of St. Mary’s Guild, Wil- Church at an early age The church re- ed by Hon. Adelard Godbout, Queoecjers of prejudice, Communists, Fascists, to correct the situation. Neiges cemetery. A large number of PROFESSIONAL NOTICE liamstown for their spiritual aid. Mrs LEOPOLD LALONDE cords show that he served it faithfully Liberal leader; Hon. , Nazis are opposed to political parties. I friends and relatives were present. J. P. McDonald, (Miss) Flora Mac- The companies state the cost of pro-1 Barrister, Solicitor and Notary, Kerr until Chinch Union in 1925. Since then 1 donell. government leader in the Senate, and]have: ! seen. many. . groups- and factions viding automobile insurance has) To mourn her loss, she leaves beside Block, Alexandria. Tel. 63. Office he has held the office of honorary the Prime Minister. A large number proclaiming themselves new parties ' been In excess of the amounts receiv- her devoted husband, two young Hours 9—5. 37-1$ elder of the United Church. of House of Commons members re- ' and disappear. All were short-lived.1 ed in premiums for some years past daughters, Gabrielle and Gilberte, her Federal Grants Under He has never had much sickness in presenting every province, attended There is no/longer any Reconstruction' without an adequate increase in rates. ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Page, three INSURANCE his lifetime. One of his mottoes was. the banquet. j party and my friend, Mr. Stevens, has Providing insurance has cost the com-1 brothers, Ovil-a, Eugene and Andrew, Fire Life, Sickness, Accident, Auto- Relief Legislation “It is better to wear-out than rust- Mr. Lapointe represented Kamour-' rejoined the Conservative ranks.” | panics $1.13 for each dollar paid in! all of Montreal, also two sisters, Mrs. mobile, Plate uiass. Dwelling, Fural- Li the last three years $118,240,651 out," He is still enjoying fairly good aska from 1904 to 1919 and since then ' “Periodical attempts have been made premiums by insured motorists. j0S- Thauvette, Alexandria and Mrs. ture, Theft, Wind & Farm Buildings N has been given by the Dominion gov- health for a man of his years. When in has represented Quebec East, the old to form a union government. One is] The reason for the increased.rate is ap. Proulx, of Cornwall. | We have also taken over Alex. W ernment to the provinces under relief his 91st year he cleared four acres of constituency of Sir Wilfrid Laur\] discernible now. I hold these amor- ' the rapidly climbing loss ratio* Public | Further testimony of the worth of Kerr’s Insurance Agencies, 1116 legislation, a return tabled in the House burnt over land, making it fit for cul- ier. He became minister of justice phous governments in the same horror liability and property damage claims deceased was manifested by Mass MORRIS BROS., of Commons said. tivation. He is endowed with a bright 1923 and has held that portfolio] Sir did. |have been making rapid increases but offerings, spiritual bouquets, lovely 27-t.f. Alexandria, Ont intellect and keen memory. With a during Liberal administrations since. “It Was taken us centuries to obtiain results in fire insurance do not require floral pieces and messages of sympa- - In the fiscal year which ended last twinkle in his eye he likes to tell his “I know that I have displeased you our freedom and to make it the mam rate increases. thy. | EYES TESTED March 31 the total was $30,716,125, a drop of approximately $16,000,900 from experiences of early pioneer days. He frequently,” Mr. Lapointe said. “It ] factor of our social political and econ- Among those from a distance who WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON EVERT reads the newspapers daily taking a may happen I will displease you yet omic structure. Today this freedom is attended the funeral were Mr. and WEEK the previous " year. In the 1935-36 fiscal great interest in affairs both at home but you may rest assured that in ail. threatened by a philosophy based on Holstein Cow Produces Mrs. Daniel Leroux, Mrs. Jos. Thau- Good glasses If you need them, year the amount was $40,977,918. and abroad. His appearance bears a the decisions I have to take I will be force and selfishness and it is our 3,042 Pounds of Mi'k vette, Alexandria, Mrs. Alex. McKin- Good advice if you don’t, In addition to these totals, $49,816,- resemblance to Santa Claus. In fact guided by the safety and interests of duty to maintain and defend it non, Green Valley, Mr. Achille Thau-] W. C. LEYBOURNE, R.O., of 15' -625 was disbursed to provinces by the on different occasions he has been the nation. Pledging himself to defend Confed- KINGSTON, Ontario, Feb. 16.—Su- vette, Glen Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Nap. Pitt St --'"’nrmrq.ll. at tha offices of v* dominion last year by way of subsi mistaken for that old gentleman, by Necessary Union. eration, Mr. Lapointe declared compro- preme Ruby Echo, six-year-old Hoi- Proulx, Cornwall and Mr. Chas. Bes- D. D. McXnrusn. Dentist, Alexandra dies and special grants and old .ago children seeing him for the first time. “When will we be able to say of mises and sacrifices were necessary. "If stein cow owned by James Henderson, ner, Green Valley Every Wednesday afternoon. pensions and pensions for the blind. Page 6 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, February 24, 1939.

results secured. Accordingly, farmers Local Juniors Allend Short must learn to be patient with the in- TO WOMEN vestigators who are endeavoring to concerned with money matters Coorses Al Kemplvillo solve agricultural problems. These Ten Junior Farmers from Glengarry scientists are well trained. They know and East Stormont Counties will take their job. Given the necessary time Can You Buy advantage of two one-week Short and facilities they can be couted on to Courses at the Kemptville Agricul- produce results of great practical value tural School, commencing Monday, February 27. The first week from Feb- to the man on the land. ruary 27 to March 4 will be devoted to the Special Topics of Marketing and As Much Veterinary Science, while Soils andFer Milk temperatures tilizers will be the special subjects for the Course from March 6 to March 11. Sliould Local Agricultural organizations will sponsor the sending of these boys to The Milk Act of 1938 specifies that Kemptville who have been selected on night milk be delivered to dairies in Anywhere for their standing in Junior Club Activities Ontario at a temperture of 50 degrees during the summer of 1938. The names F., which requirement clearly calls on of the sponsoring organization, .along all farmers supplying local dairies with the names of these boys, are as to prepare to ice cool their milk or follows: refrigerate it. The Money? Some expense is entailed herein but 1. Lochiel Junior Farmers’ Club:— it is to be noted that a better price Alexander Kennedy, Alexandria R. R. is paid for the milk since the above 1; Arnold Vogan, Alexandria, R.R. 1; enactment and also that the distribu- Alex. J. McDonell, Alexandria, R.R. 1; tors are called upon to make consider- IN MANY A FAMILY circle the woman of the house is the executive Gerald McGillis, Alexandria RJt. 1. head as well as the heart of the home. able expenditure to keep their place.; 2. Glengarry and East Stormont To conserve family funds; to spend wisely; to safeguard the of business open because of the same Thrift is a most commendable trait. Plowmen’s Association:—Clifford Mor- present and future welfare of the family . . . these, as well as enactment. purely domestic responsibilities, are hers today. row, Maxville; Stuart Hall, Lancaster. The practice of knowing what one gets Will all farmers concerned then take So she uses her bank . . . not merely as a safe place to keep 3. Cornwall Agricultural Society:— her money, but also for friendly talks with the manager when Ewan Ross, Martintown; John G. the demand seriously now and arrange for one’s money—and getting it. financial problems arise. Wheeler, St. Andrews W.; Anthony at once for the. care of next summer’s Neighbourhood branches of The Royal Bank welcome women’s Wheeler, St. Andrews W.; Arnold Al- milk supply. A good quality of milk accounts: The personal attention of the manager is available to guire. Mille Roches, R. R. 1. can only be supplied if a few essentials women clients at any time. Ask him for these useful booklets — in handling it are noted. The first of • Family Budget Book. these is clean utensils, clean cattle and • Financial Training for your Son and Daughter. clean milkers. The milk must be re- Can you think of anything that Special Speakers For moved from the stables at once when milked and cooled and kept cool. It gives you more value for your money THE H 0 YU BANK Seed Fair Al Wiiliaiusiowa is again recommended that the lids be than this ? A special feature of the Seventh An- left on the cans at all times if you OF CANADA nual Glengarry and East Stormont are to keep the bacterial count down. Counties Seed Fair, which is being held In last fall 1,144 gallons of milk were confiscated from fanners ALEXANDRIA BRANCH - - J. P. MoLLETT, Manager in the Agricultural Hall, Williamstown, on March 21 and 22, will be an educa- due to the temperature at. the time of .^3^ friends of yours, or tional meeting on the afternoon of delivery being below the legal require- Wednesdtaÿ, the 2ânâ> !cofifmefielteA at ir'-sîjbuf i)'-degrees F. . . iiûfï.jil' H it a--o': î-iiiw - 'Si i&tnea r ' o friends of your friends are visiting ; HELLO AUNTIE Mr. M. C. McPhail, Principal of the have visitors ; are ill ; have been ber- Kemptville Agricultural School, will Buck Control cf Agriculture give an address on “FARM MANAGE- Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Minister eaved ; have rebuilt or remodelled their MENT”. Mr. G. A. Scott, Central Ex- ! of Agriculture, in addressing a group home ; bought a new home ; are officers perimental Farm, Ottawa, will discuss I of Junior farmers of Oxford county the subject of “SEED BORNE DIS- ; gave his reasons for his being opposed in a society ; have been blessed with a EASES and THEIR CONTROL” and I to an “entire system of legislative con- Mr. John D. McLeod, Assistant Direc- I trol of production and export market- new baby ; that they have had an acci- tor of the Crops, Seeds and Weed - ing” as a solution for the province's dent, or been married. In fact, the in- Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, agricultural problems. He stated, that will deal with the topic of “RECENT I while he realized times are difficult | timate activities of the community DEVELOPMENTS IN WEED CON- and that “some of you may feel the TROL.” Ontario Government is not doing all it ^ family life are reflected in the pages 1 Prize Lists have been distributed to a i should, or the Dominion Government of your local newspaper 52 weeks number of seed growers. If you have is not. 1 - - - not received a copy, write the Depart- J “Some say that the things we are. do- J every year. ment of Agriculture, Alexandria, and it , ing are only palliatives and that ws will be forwarded to you. j should have ah entire system of legts- j PREPARE NOW FOR THE SEED lative control of production and ex- FAIR port marketing. Well, I have to admit that I am still very much of the old school and In opposition to the opinion Besides, you read of your coun- Wiy Experiments of others. I am, rather, of the convic- cil’s—town, township or county—acti- tion that we would no sooner get a Musi Be Bepealed whole series of legislation enacted and vities ; of the progress or retrogression a whole series of boards of control set Fanners sometimes ask why tech- up than’ the whole situation may ad- of your district, and literally hundreds nical investigators repeat their ex- just itself. periments so many times; why they of other items. “Certainly this is true, that if we go are so cautious in making practical re- on with all this, as some feel very commendations; why for instance, in- strongly we should do, we are merely vestigators at the Summeriand Experi- adding to that great force of civil ser- mental Station have considered it ne- vants about which we hear so much cessary to conduct apple thinning in- over the radio and from which vestigations over a period of eighteen The business people send you each sources, and I am one of those who years. The answer is, states feel we should stop where we are if we week messages of savings, latest R. C. Palmer, Dominion Experi- can possibily do it,” he said. trfained scientists know that a great styles, patterns, and weaves in wear- He felt taxpayers were paying en- trained scientist know that a great ough now for government and “I hesi- deal of repetition is required to ensure ables, and tasty, economical food tate at being too sympathetic with, or accurracy in the results from experi- certainly to go as far as some of the stuffs. You can stay indoors for ments . newer or more radical policies being Repetition is especially important suggested.” weeks, and still be better informed of when experiments are being conducted with living materials because of the vital community affairs than many inherent variability of such material. HUMAN METEOR who are continually about and trust No two cows are identical even though they may have exactly the same an- to hearsayl for news, through your cestry, There are small differences in structure and behaviour of any two local paper. plants, even though they may be Of the same variety. Agricultural investi- gators take special precautions to re- duce this natural variability • in the experimental material with which Do you honestly believe that you they work. For instance, they may pro- pagate all the plants to be used in a get a bigger or better two dollars’ certain test from cuttings taken from one individual plant. However, even worth anywhere ? If you agree with j when such care has been taken to pro- us that you do not, will you try to mote uniformity in material, experi- ence has shown that it is still neces- make our task of keeping our sub- sary to include several individual plants in each plot. scription list paid up, easier, by Then again the plots must be re- WATCHING THE LABEL ON plicated, for it has been found that small variations in soil or other en- YOUR NEWS AND PAYING vironmental conditions often have an Second Lieutenant Troy Keith of YOURS WHEN IT PALLS DUE? important influence on the results se- thehe U.S. Air Corps Reserve, had no cured. It is for this reason that experi- ill t effects to show after diving THANK YOU. JUST .BE SURE ments are commonly run in triplicate. nearly four miles in his pursuit ship at a speed estimated at 670 Investigators have also found that miles per hour. Keith lost con- -TURN TO THE FIRST PAGE seasonal weather conditions often af- sciousness when his oxygen tank fect the results of experiments to a failed to function at 28,000 feet. Be- NOW AND fore he recovered, his plane plunged very marked degree. Accordingly, it is down to 9,000 feet where he man- considered advisable to repeat many aged to get control of it and land safely despite a buckled wing. His experiments every yeaY for a period of speed indicator had jammed at 500 several years. m.p.h., but officers experienced in Repetition of experiments takes time aerodynamics figured, in a “scien- “Look at the Label.” Joe LaFlamme, of Gogama, Ont., whose trained wolf team has gained tific guess,’’ that the plane may have and space and labor, but it is essen- i him much prominence, is shown here with one of his wolves at the attained a speed of 670 miles per Grand Central Palace in New York, where sportsmen from all over the tial in order to ensure reliability in the hour. waited States gathered for the annual sportsmen’s show. ^ The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont,, Friday, February 24, 1939. Pagif

“Why not?” Joyce said trembling. “Dad? He was a little jarred,” Joyce Lady Thrall.’’ “Became I can’t believe that, my explained, “but in the end he said that “Lady Thrall,” she repeated. And dear." he loved you like a son already.” then suddenly, “Oh, Michael, wouldn't “It’s true though,” she said. "And we just go down the hill now Mother be pleased I Oh, isn’t it too bad “Joyce, X can’t believe that. You for Sunday dinner and tomorrow’s to she doesn't know! She’d love so to , SHINING seemed further away from me even last be like any other day? Do we tell them write it out—to have the papers hav* night than you’ve ever been.” tonight?” it!” “Paul was there. I had to have one “We don’t have to be in any hurry to “You WOULD think of that, Joyce," more talk with hlm. But I knew tell them But of course they’ll guess.” Michael said with a glance for th* WINDOWS then—s-” “We’ll tell them,” he decided. And other man. “Wte’ll go to England be- “Knew what?” he said, as she stop- then as the chugging of a laboring mo- fore the winter,” he said. “And you’ll ped, smiling at him tor sounded through the Sunday still- see London; 111 show you tMngs. And ; then well go north and see what it’t by Kathleen Norris* “That it was you.’ ; ■ ness he added: "That’s Arty. The old “Oh, no, Joyce!” he whispered. boy’ll be pleased! He’s taken me all about, and what we can do.” “It has been—always. Or if not at through some pretty black times up "But Michael—I don’t want to sound like little Lord Fauntleroy,” Joyce Synopsis of preceding instalment: see it, too! “Oh, Michael, Michael, should die.” shanty.” He looked away as he said ways, for a long time. Only I didn’t here, when you and Paul were wander- said. “But if you have money, and if Michael darling!” her heart said. “It’s “There isn’t any one else, Joycle? ’ it toward the valley. i know it until I got baclç from Santa ing around under the oaks Business failure forces William Bal- you care, you can do ANYTHING ! lard, inventor-engineer, to move his been Michael all the time That’s why her father asked, after thought. “I love it,” Joyce said, her eyes fol- Barbara. Knew how terribly, how hor- Arty, in the battered car, drove’ up “Money does nothing,” he said’ family from the big San Francisco Paul and Santa Barbara and every- “Well, that’s just it; there is.” lowing his.' There was a pause in ribly fond of you I’ve come to be,” to the house. He took his handkerchief “Oho?” His eyebrows went up. “Any which she could not seem to qpaak. Joyce said. out and wiped his ruddy face got out “Money does everything,” Joyce con- home to a, rundown ranch. His wife thing seemed so dead; Michael wasn’t tradicted him firmly. one I know?” Her throat was dry. J «of course you know that I’ve loved j ^e car, loaded his arms with news- Sarah, immersed in her women’s club there. If he’d walked in, if I could “You’ll have to show me. I know “Michael,” Joyce said simply. Her fa- “Where’s Paul this morning?” 1 you from the very beginning,” Michae! P®P«rs an(* packages. affairs, feels he has somehow failed have danced with HIM—” this: it’ll buy you a fur coat in Bond ther sighed heavily, shook his head. “Oh, he went home last night He said. They sat staring at each other, “There was a lot of stuff for us them. Felicity fears Archie Ross will They went out to thp yard to the street and maybe a hat. • “Why not. Daddy?” she askW . marry his cousin in Scotland because dinner table and he helped her, Joyce and his mother,” Joyce added with ela- hands locked now, their eyes wide with down there at the express office,” he “I’ll love them!” her father bolstered Archie's father's not in the least conscious of what she “No reason, dear, no reason at all! borate carelessness, “are leaving Thurs- the wonder of it. Suddenly they both said. “Your suitcase is here.” business by investing $25,000. Dodo He’s a good deal older than you, Joyce, day for New York; they’re going laughed and Michael said reverently,! “Arthur, old boy,” Michael said. “You “But when it comes to. lifting pover- said. What she did know was that he ty and dirt and drink and slums,” complains of losing her friends and was close to her. And he’s poor.” around the world. “Oh, Joyce,” as if magic lay in the can’t sail for Panama, tomorrow, You’ve “Eleven years; that’s nothing!’’• got to wait for my wedding I" Michael' began, “they’re like a great Ben, forced to quit college, sulks. Paul Where’s Paul? Didn't he drive you K “Quarrel?’?/ ^ two words. . von Schwerin changes Joyce’s world “He’s told you? He’s asked you?” “It’s you,” she said. “It’s you and the Arty took in the scene, looked at shadow hanging oyer life.” ' home?” “Nothing like that. It’s just that. — “They aren’t if you’re doing some- by proposing before he goes east to tu- “No, because I think he thinks of me top of this hill, and Sunday lunches their two faces, let Ms bundles fall. “I “Well, no. I came up with the Holli- I’ve called Jt all off.” thing about them!” tor, determined to make a go of col- as belonging to Paul Hut when I came “Your engagement?” with Dad and Dodo. And d’you know say I” he said. And then, “Where’s von days; they were coming up anyway. Did back from Santa Barbara two weeks Schwerin?”" ■ "D’you know you two are the most lege now because of her. Days of clean- “I didn’t want to go on with it. I what that spells, Michael? Just hea- you miss me Michael?” ago I knew I didn’t belong to Paul ven.” “Going around the world with Ms extr’ordinary pair I ever saw of ing finally make the ranchhouse liv- couldn’t tell you before, I didn’t even “All of us. Sickeningly! Its two pla- Only then I thought I just wanted to "Not you for me, Joyce,” he said. mother,” Joyce explained laughing joy- heard?” Arty demanded at his able. Joyce and Ballard direct the fam- tell Dad until today, but it’s been all ces, Joyce; one with you and one with- be free, to be here with you and Dodo “If you want me!” point. t“Just engaged to be married,.: ]y in this new life, aided by Michael wrong. We didn’t— or at least I didn’t fully, returning with both her hands out.” and the cats and the dogs— “IF I want you! My dear, my darl- everything roses and bells and all that Tallant who came over to do some feel for him what you have to feel for the handshake Arty extended with both “The minute I saw Michael I knew ing,, when haven’t I wanted you, all his own. don’t you know?—and you can’t speak medical research, then drifted west A pause. Then Michael asked cheer- the person you marry. I’ve been think- fully. “When does Paid come?” better. I knew what all the trouble hacj, these years! In the Kitchen,” Michael] “Totty, I’m no end glad of this!” the of anything but slums and poverty , and lives in a shack on the ranch. Bal- ing ail these years that I did; it sort been I’d been growing away from Paul said in an undertone as if he spoke to older man said. and mines. It’s years and years since lard gets a legacy but stuns his fam- “Saturday, I believe.” of carried me through to think that I all these years, and toward Michael. himself, “playing cribbage late at night, Evelyn and I—” ily by paying all his debts and buying Arty came out. William Ballard, tir-' did. Otherwise I believe I would have “I knew you would be” Michael said. But of course I had to wait mi til it in the orchard— everywhere—when Joyce’s laugh Interrupted Mm. “We the ranch. Ben meets pretty Bootsy ed, at peace with the world, took his run away in those first days, and gone “Totty? Do you call Michael Totty’ was all straightened out with Paul. haven’t I wanted you!’.’ . are crazy,” she said; “we’re not sane. Florence at a barn dance and soon is seat at the head of the table. on the stage or something, it’s all too?” Joyce asked, diverted. He came Sunday, and then yesterday, “That’s what I came up the MU in But you see It’s because we’ré so—so regarded by her family as her young The air was still warm, but cooling. A worked out so queerly. I’ve come to “Call Michael ‘Totty’? We’ve always new moon rose tremblingly against and now; its over.” . all this heat to tell you!” she whisp- called him that, “Arty said. “She was- horribly happy, Arty. And by the way, man. On a trip to San Francisco he love this way of living. It’s real to me; “You think Michael loves you?” : _ ered. And as Michael got to his feet, n’t to know that, was she?” he asked you’re both expected for dinner. And falls in love with Elate Pollock but the clear ultramarine of the sky. the other way isn’t.” The brown eyes, with a coppery glint she got to her own; he put his arms rather apprehensively, with a glance It’s broilers, Michael, so you had bet- BOotsy is busy making wedding plans. The four at the table sat on late, sat They were sitting in the green shady j of laughter in them, met his. about her, tipped her head back and for Michael. ter saddle up and ride down with me. He consults his father, breaks his “en- on after the last of the daylight was brightness of the grape arbor. In the “If I don’t, you do,” Joyce said. kissed her on the mouth. | “But I thought ‘Tatty’ was the cou- I said I’d be right back.” gagement” and Mrs. Florence is furi- gone. Joyce looked at the vague pale hot midbiorning there was no sound. I “Yes, I suppose I do. Your mother’d After a while they were sitting close sin who was going to inherit the “I’ll go up to the corral and get ous. Paul returns on vacation and patches of lighter gloom in the gloom “It’s only fair to teE you,” Michael say it wasn’t a very brilliant marriage together with his arm about her, look- money, and who didn’t know what to Smoky Joe and Arty can drivé himself Joyce visits his family but he | that were Michael’s face and hands, said "that you’ve made it all real to me for you, Joyce. He’s a gentleman; I’m ing down to the orchard-carpeted floor do with it, and whose uncle—” Joyce ! down when he feels like it,”'Michael is constantly with Elisa Bland- his white shirt,' and thoughts more too. I left England—I ran away from very fond of him. But for a while any- of the valley. And Joyce knew that no- turned bewildered eyes from one man said. wood. Dora secretly marries Charley solemn, more equisitely content than whatever responsibilities I had there. way you’ll not have any of the things where was there ecstasy, was to the other. “There IS a ‘Totty’?” she “Hi go up with you and help you,” Sallock and her mother forbids her the any she had ever known swept about They weren’t much at the time, be- girls want—clothes and entertaining there joy, was there deep con- demanded In dawning suspicion. ' Joyce offered. house. Archie marries Ussy and her like rising deep waters. Life was cause I didn’t think I could do any- and silver.” tent like that that filled her own heart. “Yes, but I’m he,” Michael answered. ] They went along the little trail to- they move to Vancouver. Mrs. Ballard moving in a steady current through thing about cold and hunger, unem- “ I know what I want. It’s Michael. “We’ll be poor,” she said. "But who He tightened his arm about her should- gether, and into the deep sweet shade and Dora are reconciled shortly before these homely rooms and over this ployment and poverty and slums and That two room cabin up there, with the cares? I mean, what would we use ers; her amazed eyes moved to of the redwoods. the mother’s death. Four years after rambling hillside ranch, and it had all the rest of it. I was mistaken, Joyce. sun rising right in the front yard and money for if we had it? You can’t do Ms face. “I told her about “D’you know I’ve never even kissed the ranch life began, Tallant’s cousin found her; she was a part of it now That’s why I’m going home. There’s the whole valley for our view, will be ail more than eat the freshest milk and myself in the very beginning,” he said, you, little Lady Thrall?” Michael ask- Arthur visits him. Joyce knows now In a few days, or weeks, or months, she always something any one can do.” the heaven I’ll ever need. I don’t dare eggs and fruit in the world, and read “I wanted her reaction to it. Only I ed her. “Not really, that is,” he added that Michael loves her. Paul, back from would put her hand Into the hand of A silence. The fragnant beauty ol think what travel or success or having the books you love and be with the said it was a cousin. She told me what thoughtfully, and Joyce laughed. England in March and ready to enter the man she loved, and they would the cloudless noontime seemed to en- a baby like Jacky would add to it, People.” a coward and fool this ‘Totty” must THE END. his father’s law office, urges her to climb to the little cabin at the top of gulf them in sweetness. it’s too much joy for one woman as it “We might have to go to England be, and she was right!” marry him soon, While visiting. Paul’s the canyon. “Joyce, I’ll be coming back.” A semi-pro baseball team from Tope- 1 is!” some day. You mightn’t like it.’ ’ j i“But then you’re—you’re not—” twice divorced mother Emylle, she fin- Nothing else mattered. It was only “You say so, now. But when Pica- ka, Kart., is sponsored jointly by a “You’re just in time then, Joyce. “W|;’ll go; we can go third class, you “Certainly he’s Thrall, if that’s what ally admits to herself she no longer important that he should be hers and dilly gets its deadly grip on you, you’ll barbers’ college and an auto wrecking 1 Michael goes tomorrow.” know. I’d like to go to England be- you mean,” Arty said. “Our uncle died1 loves Paul. Back home again, Michae. she his. Poverty wouldn’t matter. weaken.” company - “Goes?” Her hand went to her heart cause it’s your country.” last spring.” greets her. Michael might masquerade for a few “I may not go,” Michael said sud- and Her color faded. “Goes where?” “It mightn’t be London. It might be “You’re—but then you’re rich, Mich- years more as a California fruit-picker denly almost in a tone of resentment, CROSS-WORD SOLUTION “To England with Arty. IFs been mines, you know—farther, north, That’s ael?ü’Joyce said, piecing it together, INSTALMENT 29 if he liked; she knew him better than as if arguing with himself. “When do The late afternoon light, slanting that; she knew that he could find him- arranged for a week—since that Sun- where I was, up near the mines. Some speaking slowly. day Paul was here, as a matter of fact. you see Paul again?” of it was—very bad,” Michael . said “i wasn’t when I first talked to you, into the orderly shaded kitchen, was self an important place in the big “They go Thursday. I shan’t see him Arty has to go, and Michael suddenly musingly as if half to himself. VfBut dear. I hadn’t a thing. That was all the light of paradise/ Joyce’s heart World outside when he chose; the de- at all, again.” has decided to go too. He was going to somehow it’s all seem different with honest enough I was honestly trying to mounted, sang, took. flight unto un- finite voice, the clear mind, the quick ‘And you mean when he comes hack say good-bye this afternoon and go in you there Joyce.” see if it could be done.” known ethereal regions. apprehension would some day reach a you’ll not have any—any understand- with Arty to stay at a hotel in the city “Well be right ip i| and we’ll under- “And we had no idea where he was “Michael,” she said. His voice war higher level than this. Soon or late, ing with him, that he’ll not feel he tonight.” stand how they feel. And if things got we thought he was in India somewhere, ringing in her ears like bells; it was all it didn’t matter. still has a claim?’’ “He can’t go to England!” she said too bad, we could always come back Siam perhaps, “Arty supplied. right, everything was all right. It had "Asleep, Joyce?” Michael said. “None whatever. That’s over.” “Dad, why didn’t you tell me?” here for a while and get our breath.” “You weren’t writing home, Mlch- been Michael ah the time of course; “No; just too happy to talk.” - Again there was a brief pause Then “Well, for one thing, Dodo was afraid “I wish,” -the man said, “I wish there ael??-’, :! there was nobody else in the world, no- "Bridge?” ’William Ballard suggested the man said, somewhat confusedly. that if i told you Michael was .going, was some way of telling you what; “There was no one to write to . My body else mattered. Joyce put her half heartediy. “It would make a great difference, of hand out to a Chair-back and steadied “No, it’s too hot! Lets just sit and you’d be unwilling to get married and you’ve putyinto my life, Joyce. I wish uncle didn’t like me; he thought I was leave me; And then Michael wanted it course. What I mean to say is, my there was some way of getting over to crazy—my ideas about mines and slums herself., talk, and all turn in early.” coming back. I’d much rather wait a kept quiet. you the change it’s made. I—well, i and that sort of thing. There wasn't “Have a good time?” It was two full weeks later before bit and say this to you later ’’ A determined look came into Joyce’s didn’t want to live, and now I do. I any one except Arty here, and he was T—yes. Oh, yes; wonderful!” Her Joyce talked to her father about it She had never seen an expression Harding’s Acid narrowed eyes. didn’t fMnk there was any break for out in Mukden.” voice fluttered. “I—I you were in San “T Jay the blame on you, Bill,” she, said like this on the brown lean face. He “All right, Bill,” She said pumping any one and now I see that each of us “You found him though, Arty! But Jose all day, weren’t you. ” Now and then she called him Bill, and was flushed. His hand, suddenly touch- Treatment up. “Lend me a hand with these dish- can make a break for SOME ONE and how?” The girl asked, “I got hack about two. I didn’t know she knew he liked it, “You brought us ing hers as it lay on thé table, was —For—- es. I’m going up to Michael’s. We’ll see that if all of us did, why, the world's ' ‘"Ihrough you. You talked to a great you were home." He was talking as here; we had to Stay.; we all changed— trembling. about this business!” ’ problem would be solved.” ^pall of mine, Monty Lefanu, over here Artbritisi Rheumatism, Sciatica, naturally, as easily as if the world had anyway, I changed. I can’t live in the “You see, my dear, there’s some- An hour later, she waved him good- “Then you’ve gone a long way fur- at Monterey. And when I got home I Stomach Trouble, Kidney Trouble- not turned upside down! city ever again. It just doesn’t seem thing I’d say to you if I thought you’d] For further particulars see real to me. I’ve told Paul so. I’m not bye. Michael perhaps heard a click oi ther than I have, Michael,” the girl met Monty at the club in London, and Joyce was trembling; she had diffi- forgive me— you’d not feel I was add- 1 going to marry paul.’f , the horse’s hoofs on a stone, for he said .1’But I do feel this,” she presently I told Mm Michael had gone off Ms R. CLEMENT, Main St. South» culty in controBtog her voice. It was ing to what’s disturbing you ’’ Alexandria, or so astonishing that he didn’t feel it, “Joyce, you haven’t broken your en- came forward as Joyce rode up, and added. “I DO feed that it’s safer—it’s bean a little and was wandering ’round she caught at his hand to dismount more SECURE somehow, being poor, the world somewhere, and he said; ‘He C. B. McDERMlD, Maxville. gagement.”':;;' INSTALMENT 30 46-tf "To flinders.'” Her heart beat fast. Riding up the hill to the shack Joyce It’s not frightening—not that I call it f couldn’t be in California, could he? A pause. “Hello, Michael! Alone?” had imagined herself saying: “Michael, being poor to have your own ranch on Anyway there’s an Englishman there BRENNAN & MCDOUGALL the top of a California hill and every- who sounds rather like him, . calls SLEEP AMD . “Whs that fair to him,?'” “Yep. Arty went down to send a tele- why don’t you ask me to marry you?” Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, ete. thing you want! As Dad says,” Joyce himself Michael Tallant.’ I camé out “No,’ Joyce answered frankly. “But gram. I thought he’s stop in at your But no memory of this came to her Offices 102 Fitt St. Cornwall, Onk «WAKE REFRESHED what else could I do? At first I told place.’ now; her throat felt tMck and dry and went on dreamily, “What we have here at once; I knew it was! And when I Ü fa don’t sleep welll him .that I only wanted to put off our "fie didn't. Michael,” ^ Joyce said, her voice failed her and a dreadful we have. It’s not much—that is, rich got here the news was here that Uncle G. E. BRENNAN, C. J. McDOUGAIX. —if nights are inter-1 feeling that she was going to cry made people wouldn’t call ft much, but it’s Arthur had dropped off in his sleep rupted by restlessness! marriage. I couldn’t bear to leave you without further preamble but trem- bling inside, “What’s this about your ours1 |Çver since I’ve been trying to talk the PROFESSIONAL NOTI0E —look to far kidneys, f and Dodo and everything here; but it her eyes prick. LEOFOLD LALONDE If your kidneys ore outl going away?" “Joyce,” the man said,” I can’t be- old boy into going home and doing his wasn’t that. It was that every time he “Michael—” she whispered. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary, Kerr of order and failing tej “Father tell you?” lieve that it’s all going to be like this duty.” kissed me, every time I thought of “But you see it’s not true,” the man Block, Alexandria. Tel. 63. Office cleanse the blood off It’s turned my whole world topsy-tur- “And we’ll be rich,” Joyce said. poisons and waste) househunting, being called ‘Mrs. van “An hour ago. What’s the idea?” said; lightly, Hours 9—5. 37-f matter—your rest is ^ Schwerin’ I just felt cold, unutterbly “Oh, restless, I guess. Arty wanted “What’s not true?” There were tears' vy. You gave me no hint that things ‘“Only until you can scatter it ail likely suffering, too. At t^e first sign of bored. When I tell you that Molly’s company, and I’ve been in one place: à on Joyce’se lashes, but she was smil- were going that way between you and right and left, dear,” Michael said. kidney trouble turn confidently to Dodd r A. L. CREWSON, M.D., OJL Kidney Pills—for over half a century the colt meant infinitely more to me than long time, now !” ing. Their eyes never moved from each Paul. I thought I was off to England “Arty tells me thefe’ve been strikes up (McGill) L.M.C.O. favorite kidney remedy. Easy to take. U4 anything he could say or do, you’ll get “You come back?” other. tonight, and that before I got there in the mines; the minute we get thei'e EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT some idea of it!" Down there at Santa “Some day, surely. I’ve had the hap- “It’s" not—I’m not letting myself you’d be married. What does your fa- we’ll have to settle things, adjust .Telephone 1245 1 DoddsKidney Pills Barbara I was so homesick I thought I piest years of my life in this little; think—I mean, I like you so horrbilyu’ ther say?” things. Your work’s cut out for you,' 122 Sydney Street, Cornwall, Ont. Please make appointments with the «XtiMnm/vr' secretary. Office open 9—12, 1—1. MUGGS AND SKEETEK By WALLY BISHOP Saturday, 9—12. 1 Vou HEARD ME MG SAVS' OH. MO VA 1, ^ X5U AAEA.K1 fi-US /TWHV.- ILL <30 INSURANCE 3 EF yv. S'MUOt EZ SETS A DOMYHHESI LIL' sissy < uy. .FoaroM HIS PLACE ....HE'LL 'OVER THEBEAHtb Fire Life, Sickness, Accident, Auto- RWiMELAMbER HAD KHOCK HIM So FAR.. MIK1EÜCGM6 . HAMMER OH VEfS MoMKEV BACK HERE!! mobile, Plate mass, Dwelling, Furni- THE KlERVfe TO SKULL TIL- >T (QlUSS LIKE. J THAT IT'LL TAKE TEH SAY TW AT ? A CMlMESF- CâOKkà \\ DOLLARS Tb SEMD , ture, Theft, WBnd & Farm Building*. We have also taken over Alex. W. „ WMV! HECAMTT- HIM A fbSTAL CARD' OfeTAU/Av; V.'fJVl'tVIAr.. WHV-T'LL. Kerr’s Insurance Agencies. m MORRIS BROS., -iC T 27-t.f. Alexandria, Ont. EYES TESTED lip m WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON EVERY mm Wi WEEK Good glasses if you need them. ül Good advice If you dont. W. O. LEYBOURNE, R.O., Of 160 Pitt St., Cornwall, at the offices of Dr. D. D. McIntosh, Dentist, Alexandria. Every Wednesday afternoon. Page 8. The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, February 24, 1939.

Mr. Angus G. McDonell of 'Rouyn, and both speakers and listeners ha.'! the Permanent Wave went to Mrs. C. Que., is visiting his parents Mr. and SOCIAL & PERSONAL; their money’s worth of fun. Alexander Hall Packed Lalonde, while the Door Prize was won Mrs. H. W. McDonell and members of Ten o’clock brought this enjoyable Miss Lowry, R.N., was in Ottawa by Miss Bertha Poirier, Eig. Items of Auld Lang Syne his family here. event to a close and each one wended over Sunday . For Old lime Supper ... I homeward with a deep feeling that he Mrs. Harold Pope, accompanied by is not alone in this world but one of a An annual event which ever Mrs. Rene Legault visited with re- 1 Mrs. Oarlyle Goodwin, of New York very large family; of brother Scouts, Light flu Epidemic Gleaned From The Fyles of The Glengarry News latives in Quebec City over the wees grows more successful, the Old Time has left to spend the remainder of the true to one another, and resolved more Supper, held In Alexander Hall, Mon- end. 1 Not Serious Here winter in Florida.—Montreal Gazette. than ever to do their best at all times, day evening, under auspices of Sacred Miss Della Connell, student Corn- Heart Parish, drew a large crowd which One of Glengarry's most estimable old ladies passed away Mrs. Duncan; A. 'McDonald, diocesan Prevalence of colds and flu is affecting away Thursday, February 7th, in the person of Mrs. Ranald D. wall Commercial College, week ended packed the Hall to capacity. president and-Mrs. Rod. S. McLeod, school attendance to serious proportions Macdonell, lot 4-9th Charlottenburgh. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Con- were among the guests present at the Separate School Big attraoton of the evening, the in many sections of the province, all TEN YEARS AGO The late Mrs. MacDonell had reached the nell. | annual membership supper ôf Com- supper of old time favorite dishes drew schools in Kingston and Hawkesbury Friday, Feb. 22, 1929 remarkable age of 98 years and 8 months. being reported closed this week, while in ... I wall subdivision of the Catholic Wo- Inaugural Heeling from 700 to 800 appreciative diners and Mr. Melvin Begg, Bridgeview Farm, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Da Prato ana ^ men’s League, Tuesday evening. A the good ladies in charge were busy Cornwall one-third of all school students Moose Creek, was elected President of the Canadian Ayrshire 1 The inaugural meeting of the local children, Ottawa, were week end visi- from 5.30 to 9 p.m. serving their many are reported absent. Breeders* Association at the annual meeting held recently in Mont- [feature of the programme Was the ’ separate school Board was held in the tors with Mr. Alex. McKinnon, 4th ' guests. A programme of music, dance There is no indication of an epidemic real. A hit at the banquet which followed, was the Bridgeview , reading of the report of the C.W.L. I town office on Tuesday evening, Feb. Kenyon. and song was presented by local and here, conditions being normal for this Orchestra, made up of : Miss C. Evelyn Begg, banjo ; John Johnson, I National convention in Quebec last , 14, with the following members pre- Cornwall talent, and this was followed time of year. _ banjo and vocalist ; Daniel V. Begg, traps ; Miles D. McMillan, ' July .by Mrs. McDonald, who was the I sent D. J. Cuthbert, E. Rouleau, R. Alter spending some weeks in New by dancing until a late hour. INCUBATOR—200 Chick Size. Cheap, violinist; Mrs. Melvin Begg, leader, at the piano Rev. Mother diocesan delegate. While in Cornwall, ; Clement, J. J. Morris and Dr. R. J. York City, Mr. S. Rendit, Manager of In the drawings for prizes, the Bed for sale at CHENIER’S HARD- M. of St. Antoninus, Mother Provincial, is paying St. Margaret’s tirs. McDonald and Mrs. McLeod were McCallum. Mr. A. Gauthier the other Convent her annual visit this week. She is accompanied by Sister the Alexandria Outfitters, returned to Spread was won by Mrs. Z. Courville; WARE, Alexandria,. Ont. 8-2c guests of Judge and Mrs. Costello. member of the board was absent. M. of St. Elizabeth. -Alexandria Won the District Medal in town on Monday. Mr. D. J. Cuthbert was re-elected competition against the Vankleek Hill club which was decided on ENGAGEMENT chairman for the year 1939 and J. A. local ice Tuesday night. In first games at Vankleek Hill the home Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Macdonald, Dr. and Mrs. H, H. Christie, of Laurln, secretary-treasurer. team took a 4 point lead, but Alexandria’s 15-point margin at home St. George Street, had with them for Esterhazy, Sask, announce the engage- 1 Lenten was more than sufficient'to gain the honors.——The Debate on the the week end the latter’s father, Col. ment of their niece, Miss Sheila M. Mr S. O’Connor was appointed an Address on the speech from the Throne came to an abrupt end A. Roy of Montreal. j Scott, R.N., of Montreal, to Mr. Lome auditor on the treasurer’s books for Dominion Specials without division at Ottawa. Prophets foretold a tempest of words ... Rowell, B.Eng., of Montreal, son of 1939. Dr. D. J. Dolan was re-appoint- 1 lasting about two weeks but by ten o’clock the thing was over, only Rev. E. Secours of Ottawa, spent the Mr.and Mrs. J. N. "Rowell, formerly of ed the Board’s representative on the Fancy Keta early part of the week visiting his bro- Alexandria High School Board and Z, 3 for 25c speakers being Mr. Bennett, Mr. King, the Leader of the Pro- Wapella, Sask. Miss Scott is a recent I SALMON Tails gressives, one representative from Quebec, and one from Western ther, Rev. D. Secours and other rela- ^ graduate of the. Royal Victoria Hospi- Courville was appointe* truant offi- Canada.- A Debating and Dramatic Society was organized at tives here. tal. Mr. Rowell is a graduate of the cer. Light Syrup Greenfield last Friday evening. J. Alex. Macdonell was elected University of Saskatchewan and of Dr. McCallum, Raoul Clement, 1 i Mr. and Mrs. K. N. McLeod, Kenyon PEARS I met 3 for 25c President. McGill University.—Montreal Gazette J. J. Morris and A. Gauthier were ap- Street, were with relatives in Dunve- pointed a special committee to have Canadian No. 1 Lb. gan for the week end. charge over thé school during the en- MILD CHEESE 15c -Suing year. Mrs. David Eraser of Lancaster, Ont. Wedding A By-law was passed authorizing the Bulk lbs. * We are informed that the McCrimmon Post Office which has and Miss Jane Fleet, who have recent- j WEIR—-HAAS borrowing of up to $9,000 from the served that community for many years, will be officially closed the ly been in Paris, are now spending MACARONI All kinds 10c On Saturday, January 21st, 1939, a Royal Bank of Canada, to pay current first of next month and the mail will be some time in London.—Montreal Ga- ^ very pretty wedding took place at expenditures imtil taxes are levied and Seedless Lb. TWENTY YEARS AGO delivered by courier. Among recently zette. | Friday, Feb. 28, 1919 feturned soldiers who have reached their ... Mary Queen of Heaven Church, Brook- collected. RAISINS Fresh 10c The chairman and secretary were homes are Lieut. Peter Gelineau ; Pte. Dr. and Mrs. B. Primeau had as lyn, N.Y., at 10 a.m. when Miss Helen appointed signing officers. John A. McKinnon, Greenfield; Pte. A. Labelle, Alexandria; Pte. their guest Sunday evening, Rev. J. A. Haas, daughter of the late Mr. and Fresh Fresh Receipts and expenditures for the POLLOCK D. J. McSweyn, McCrimmon; Ptes. John A. McIntosh and Fred Brunelle, of Cornwall. Mrs. John Haas became the bride of SALMON FILLETS Berard, Dunvegan. Members of the Glengarry Agricultural • • ; Mr. Hugh A. Weir, son of Mr. and year 1938 were as follows: Society met last Saturday at the Town Hall and approved action Mr. and Mrs. George Lacombe of Mrs. Hugh, of the 2nd of Lochiel. RECEIPTS 2 lbs. 25c 2 lbs. 25c 3 lbs. 25c of the directors to proceed with expropriation, the land known as Montreal, were week end visitors with The bride, given in marriage by Jbhnstown rents .. $ 581.14 the Alexandria Driving Park. At a subsequent meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. E. Gauthier, Bishop St. her brother, Mr. John Haas, looked Kenyon 1937 levy ...... 156.55 directors, Messrs. T. J. Gormley, Dr. J. T. Hope, Geo. Sabourin, charming, wearing an egg-shell velvet Alexandria 1938 levy 5176.60 Sunkist ssc’diz. Prunes 3 lbs. 25c Felix Daprato and J. O. Simpson were named a committee to take Mr. John D. McDonell, Highland dress and finger tip veil, carrying a bou Government Grant . 4669.64 action.——Mr. Arthur Marleau who has established an enviable Chief Farm, left the early part of the quet of white roses and lillies of the Lochiel 1938 levy .. 1140.00 Oranges 2 do” 39c Rolled Oats 6 lbs. 25c reputation in Vankleek Hill, will open an up-to-date garage in the week on a holiday trip that will take valley. Miss Catherine Haas, sister of Miscellaneous 640.40 Kennedy Hall building, here, about April 1st. Mr. Daniel D. him as far as Winnipeg, Man. visiting the bride, was the only- attendant. She Peas, Corn, McKenzie, Liberal Member for North Cape Breton, will be the Pink 4 relatives and friends at Sudbury, Fort wore peacock blue velvet and carried $ 12364.33 T omatoes 3 for 25c recognized Liberal leader in the House of Commons during the Grapefruit for 29c William and Kenora, Ont., en route. | red roses. Mr. James Weir of Alexan- EXPENDITURES present session, a caucus decided Monday.-—Rev. Archibald dria was bestman for his brother. Cost of operating school 2409.75 Macdonald, C.S.S.R., who had been connected with Ste. Anne’s Fresh Miss L. Portelance enjoyed the week Teachers’ salaries 7072.00 Bulk Sodas, lb. 10c parish, Montreal, was the guest for a few days of his father, Mr. Following the nuptial Mass, a buffet Spinach lb. fOc end with relatives in Montreal. breakfast was served at the home of Instructional Equipments 383.67 R. A. Macdonald, Greenfield, prior to proceeding to Regina, to • • » the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Weir left later Cost of Administration . 95.06 assume new duties. Word was received Monday, by Mr. and George D. Saxton, student Bourget Fancy 4 OQ Ivory. on their honeymoon trip to Atlantic School Maintenance .. . 480.89 Mrs. R. J. Macdonald, 29-2nd Kenyon, of the death of their son, College, Rigaud, Que., is spending a McIntosh Apples Ibs^Â/v Flour 98s $2,29 City, and on their return will reside Capital expenditures .. . 1418.85 Pte. Garrett Macdonald of pneumonia, in a hospital in France. few days with his parents, Mr. and in Brooklyn N.Y. The “Moccasin” which runs between Brockville and Montreal, was Mrs. Bert Saxton. ! Bulk Bulk wrecked Monday morning, two miles east of Maitland. The entire $ 11860.22 train left the tracks at high speed, yet not a passenger was injured. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morris entertained Green Tea, lb. 29c Black Tea, lb. 45c Mr. F. T’ Costello Was in Ottawa, Saturday, attending the Badmintoi) Club Bridge over the week end, Miss G. Elliott, Mrs. Presbytery at Glengarry Values Effective from February 27th Unfit March 8th funeral of the late Sir Wilfrid Lauder. J. Maguire and Mrs. M. Hunt, of A very successful bridge was held Montreal. by the entertainment committee of Meets At Cornwall • • • I the local Badminton Club, on Tues- ( Continued from page 1) Messrs. A. Stimson and W. Butler of day evening, by which a substantial DOMINION STORES erian Church and Moderator of Presby- Montreal, were among ex-students who sum was added to the treasury. MrJ Limited An old and respected resident of Glengarry passed away last 1 terian Presbytery of Glengarry, was Friday morning in the person of John P. Kennedy, at the residence attended the 'Commencement exercises and Mrs. G. A.> H. Bum placed the welcomed and invited to speak. His of the local High School, Friday night.' spacious rooms qf their home at the! of his nephew, Mr. Jonn R. Kennedy, friendly visit and kind words were ap- THIRTY YEARS AGO "Maplehurst ” Born at Fort Augustus, * * * * disposal of the committee for the func- preciated as well as his willingness to Sir Edward Peacock will preside at tion, when some twelve tables of bridge Friday. Feb. 26, 1909 Invernesshire, Scotland, and coming to cooperate and to lead his people in the dinner at the Savoy of the Canada enthusiasts vied for top score. The! this country in 1834, deceased was for co-operating in every possible way with Thurs ay we k many years progressive in the mercantile and lumber business in lH g 1 jgPPPPjf Prize winners were ladles, Mr. G. A. H.| the Ministers and people of other For Chapped Lieut.-Colonel George P. Vanler; “the Greedfield.-—Final tabulation of votes in the hockey popularity Bum, gentlemens Mr. Jack Jamieson. churches. contest was made Tuesday, Gordon McDonald being declared win- new Canadian Minister to France. Mr. Keith Jackson, on behalf of the VELVETTA BALM Hands Greetings from the Presbytertel were Speakers will Include the Marquess of ner of a handsome suitcase by a 1500 vote margin. The contest club, very graciously thanked Mr: and brought by Mrs McGuire who spoke was keen throughout with Dr. Cheney leading most of the way Willingdon, Mr. , High Mrs. Burn for their kindness as well briefly. The deputation were thanked though a newcomer to the town. The result was Gordon McDon- Commissioner for Canada; the Duke as all others who assisted. The com for their visit and assured of thePresby ald, 4605 ; Dr. Cheney, 3141 ; Alex. Grant, 1994; Dan McMillan, of Devonshire and M._ Corbin^ the in charge of arrangements wasj tery’s deep interest in the work which 1225;S. A. Gormley, 1223; Geo. McDonald, 1035; J. Runions, French Ambassador.- -Mail and Globe, made up of Miss M. Rutherford, Miss 980. The C.P.R. double tracking was completed last year from the W.MB. is doing, it was agreed Toronto. E. McRae and Mrs. B. Saxton. Smith Falls to Finch and almost so from Vaudreuil to Dalhousie that the chairman-elect convey the 0 If you have to use hard Mills. The gap from Finch to Dalhousie Mills will be closed this Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Logan and sons greetings of the Presbytery to the summer. Roddie McCallum of the Williamstbwn High School Ralph and Howard were with relatives Presbyterial at the time of their an- water be sure to treat your spent Sunday at his parental home in Apple Hill. An item on in Montreal for the week end. ABoy Scout Winter Event nual meeting. A call from the Lunenburg charge In the programme of the Musical and Literary Entertainment held in (Contributed) MacLaren Hall, Friday evening, was a group of songs sung in Mr. and Mrs. L. Lauzon of Valley- favor of Rev. P. J. Lambert of Apple hands to this soothing skin The First Alexandria Troop spent a Russian by Mr. J. Samouce, late of Moscow, Russia, who with his field were week end guests of their un- ‘ ve^ pteasant’evenlng’Tuescteyr when Hill, was received and sustained as a family, has taken up residence in the house formerly occupied by cle and aimt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Chen- regular Gospel call. It was agreed to balm afterwards. Excellent both the wolf cubs and scouts enjoyed Mr. J. Lockie Wilson. Recent amendment to the Railway Act ier. defer further action with regard to a sleigh ride, under the leadership of empowers the Railway Board to improve long-distance telephone the call until the Spring meeting when for men after shaving. their Scoîltm£Uster 811(1 accompaule by facilities. The Board can now compel the Bell Telephone Co. to Mr. and Mrs!'A' Giroux, Montreal, ' d representatives from Zion Church will thelr ChapIaln Rev J P 0ossette give connections to all independent telephone companies, if such were here''over the week end. visiting ’ ' ^ ’ ' ’ be heard. Trial size - 10c Ihe outing wfls one of the blg events companies have proper equipment to justify such an arrangement. the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. ' Rev. D. R. Morrison was appointed of the Soout wlnter Mr. P. Vincent, North Lancaster, has decided to further en- D. Sabourin. 1 Programme, chairman of the Christian Education 4 oz. bottle 25c large the capacity of his lumber and grist mill and is to install an , , t Out in the. open for a short hour or Committee. Reports of various commit- up-to-date shingle plant. in the dark ol ni ht Mr. R. M. MacRae of Glen Sand- ^ g . under a snowy tees were presented and much routine sk an 8 oz. bottle 39c field was among the visitors to town' y d though bitter cold, the First business transacted. The next regular j on Tuesday. I Alexandria Troop thought it the best meeting will be held In Alexandria, on . . . manner to remember their beloved —AT— ( ‘ •*•••**#*• May 2nd. ! Mr. James Weir who spent the past founder. Lord Baden’ Powell, of Gll- , two weeks, visiting his brother and well, who celebrated his 82nd birthday We understand an influential deputation representing the sisters in New York, arrived home Mon- ’ on Wednesday, February 22nd. Hill Hockeyists Get Medal OSTROM’S ratepayers resident in the rear of Charlottenburgh, waited upon the day of this week I The songs, cheers and la-ughter of Council Board of that township at In line with his active encourage- Druggist* and Jeweller*, Mill Square, Alexandria. * * * | the youths was A most since arid ade- FORTY YEARS AGO Williamstown, on Monday last, and ■Miss Anne McLelster, RN., New quate expression .of the Scouts’ devo- ment of other sport movements in the Friday, Feb. 24, 1899 presented a petition signed by some three riding, it has been announced that E. York City, enjoyed a short visit this tion to their noble High Chief ani hundred ratepayers, praying that body week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. would he hot have smiled with heart- A. MacGillivray, MX,.A, Alexandria, not to take any further steps toward the erection of a new High has donated a sliver medal to the John McLelster. felt gratefulness had he seen his Alex- School in that village. Wheels made their appearance on Main Vankleek Hill Hockey club, to be andria boys trying to live up more faith- street on Tuesday. During the past week the warm, weather has Miss Miriam Morri^, R.N., St. Mary’s awarded to the most valuable player on Economy Grocery Store, Main St. had ita effect on the roads which are already quite bare in many fully to the Scout ideals and proving Hospital, Montreal, while In Toronto the team. The medal Is currently on places.—-Mr, Duncan A. Macdonald, P.M., we understand, pur- to him their deep gratitude. over the week end visiting her bro- display in Ostrom’s window together Lent is here again—make it easier by buying good fresh groceries here. poses erecting a commodious dwelling house on the vacant lot Upon their return to the K. of C. ther Felix Morris, student De La Salle with the Shield and medal previously We have the best and sell for less. owned by him,. corner of Dominion street and Kenyon, this hall .they were treated to a dainty College, Oakland, was the guest of given to the Glengarry Hockey League Prices good for one week, from Friday* Feb- 24, to Friday, March 3 spring.——-Alexandria rinks were defeated by Cornwall curlers in lunch and hot coffee which had been her cousin, Mrs Allan Lummls and and Maxville Millionaires, respectfully. We still sell nice sunkist oranges for this week at 2 doz. for 25c the first match of any account played on the local ice, on Thursday prepared through the kindness of Mr. (cheaper than apples) Mr. Lummls. evening. The four of J. F. McGregor, J. A. Cameron, Dr. K. Mc- Edward Poirier, following which an Red onions, No. 1,7 lbs. for 25c White hand picked beans, 10 lbs. 35c Lennan and J. F. Smith, skip, lost to A. A. Smith’s rink 19-4, while Coal oil, 17c gal. Diamond pastry flour, 7 lbs. for 19c, Mrs. Joel Leroux, *Sr”, of Hawkesbury,1 impressive talk .was addressed to the Association President To the G. Martin, J A. McRae, A, L. Smith, J. Martin, foursome Tomato catsup, large btle, 2 for 25c 24 lbs. for 59c V Is at present with her sister, Mrs. J. G. boys by p€V- Pa^ber fossette, OF, re- A lot of good laundry soap to clear, Rose brand baking powder only 15c lb. bowed to R. Corrigan’s rink 14-9. Kemptviile rinks are to play here Ir embering the 82nd Address Insurance Meeting Canada and OK, 10 for 25c Celery hearts, nice and fresh, 2 lbs. 25c on Friday.——rWe understand that Alex. Cameron, jr., of Lochiel. Sabourin, Kenyon St. West, who is anniversary of Salad a tea, yellow label; & lb. 32 c thelr founder Hlgh ohlef the llv Bruce McNiven, MP, Victoria, Pre- Good Spy apples, cooking and has purchased A. D. McGillivray’s farm at Dalkeith.—-A couple somewhat seriously 111. " | !# > ~ eating, 5c lb. Green, | lb. 29c „ » , ing example of at true Scout. "Be falth- sident of the Mutual Fire Underwri- We have all kinds of fresh and salt of knights of the pig tail were in town this week arranging to open Good mixed'biscuits, 3 lbs. for 25c The sympathy of many Alexandria ful to your Sçout promise and especl- ters’ Association is scheduled to speak' Petit thé biscuits (something nice) fish and all kinds of Vegetables. up shortly a' Chinese laundry.——During the past week a number at the annual meeting of the Glen-1 10c lb. of electric carriages and cabs have been objects of interest on friends goes out to Mr Emile Gravel, In- ally so during the lenten season, do Monday and Wednesday specials to our customers : Shortening, 10c lb. garry Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance. Toronto streets.^—James Mann of the Glengarrian staff left spector of Post Offices, Ottawa, In the your dally good :tum, you will thus be Toilet paper, 8 rolls for 25c Co. to be held in the K. of C. Hall, to- for Finch on Wednesday morning to enter the employ of the death on Wednesday of his mother, I the pride of yoijr family and of your morrow afternoon. It Is to be hoped C. BOISVENUE Finçh Advertiser. Francis McPhee arrived home this week Mrs. Julia Gravel, widow of Louis church.” Delivery Service Phone 53 road conditions will allow a record at- from Idaho, on a visit to friends. Gravel, which occurred at the home■ ofk Each Cub and Scout was then called Potatoes and good dairy butter wanted. ! her daughter, Mrs. C. Cote, Toronto, j upon to express his joy and impression tendance of policyholders. |