THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. XLVH—No- 8. Alexandria, Ont., Friday, February 24,. 1939;. $2.00 A YEAR Hon. Ernest Lapointe to J. W. MacHae Member Presbytery of Cleegarry Return ot Gaelic; language Maxville Qualities to Meet Catbolic Taxpayers Dame 3rd US. Commencement Stay In Political Arena of Plowmen’s Directorate Meets At Cornwell In World Usajje Forecast Cardinals in League Final Diocesan Executive Highly Entertaining DEEP REGRET AT DEPARTURE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO JUSTICE . MINISTER EULOGIZED INTERNATIONAL MATCH TO BE GAELIC SOCIETY /OF OTTAWA APPLE HILL BOWS: OUT AFTER STUDENT PLAYERS STAR IN PRE- OF REV. C. K. MATHEW|SON ATTEND MEETING IN SENTATION OF MOVING AT BANQUET WHICH MARKED HELD THIS YEAR AT HOLDS SECOND ANNUAL OVERTIME: STRUGGLES— EXPRESSED TORONTO SATURDAY 35 YEARS OF SERVICE BROCKVILLE BANQUET ELAY TONICllT HISTORICAL DRAMA The county- of Glengarry and the Pres- As announced in a former issue, the As has been their custom each year QUEBEC, Feb. 19—Rt. Hon. Er- TORONTO, Feb. 21.—This year’s inter- The time would come when Gaelic The Championship, of the Glengarry bytery of Glengarry will sustain a since inception of the annual Commen- national plowing match was awarded would be a language of world signifi- Hockey League and possession of the regional meetings of the Catholic Tax- nest Lapointe, minister of justice and great loss when in a few weeks’ time, cement Exercises in 1937, students and by the Ontario Plowmen’s Association cance as it was thousands of years MacGillivray Shield will be decided in payers’ Association for this diocese, member for Quebec East, who entered today to the counties of Leeds and Rev. c. K. Mathewson, will become staff of Alexandria High School colla- ago, Malcolm MacLean, M.P., told a threeout-of-flve game series which were held during the last ten days at Parliament just 36 years ago, will con- Grenville, which will stage the meet at borated, Friday evening in Alexander the Minister of Carp United Church to opens tonight on the Community Rink, St. Raphaels and Cornwall, when one tinue in politics and serve as Prime Brockville. members of the Gaelic Society of Ot- Hall in presentation of a high class., which he was recently unanimously representative from each of the nine- -Minister Mackenzie King’s chief lieu- The Leeds and Grenville Counties tawa, at their secqnd annual banquet with Maxville Smoke Eaters opposing and enjoyable programme. Despite called. This loss will be felt more in the the local Cardinals. Second game of teen parishes was appointed a member heavy roads a large crowd was on hand tenant in the forthcoming general elec- Council has granted $2,000 for the event, in the oddfellows Temple on Monday the series will he played next Tues- for the occasion and by curtain time tion. the association was told by a delega- northern part of the county and espe- of the Diocesan Committee. night. day night at Maxville, the third game the Hall was comfortably filled. Removes Any Doubt tion. cially by his own people among whom, - This committee met Wednesday in as Minister of the United Church, at “One of the saddest and most lamen- being scheduled for local Ice on Thurs- Featuring the evening’s entertain- Any doubt that may have existed The 1940 match was awarded to El- Alexandria to elect a diocesan executive, Kirk Hill, he has exercised a fine min- table things of the Highland people is. day, with other games, if needed, to ment of drama, song, addresses and as to the 62-year-old Quebec leader’s gin County and will be held on land His Excellency Most Rev. Felix Cou- istry during a period of eleven years be set later. presentatation of prizes and diplomas, future political plans were removed in adjacent to the new Ontario hospital the fact they allowed the Gaelic langu- turier presiding at the meeting. Offi- The deep regret at his departure was Indicating how evenly matched were was a play of more than exceptional speeches made by himself and Prime near St. Thomas, Huron County made age to die out years jago,” said the cers elected were: President—Rene abundantly evident, when at a meet- Maxville and Apple Hill in the semi- merit, splendidly enacted—“The Four Minister Mackenzie King at a. testi- an unsuccessful bid for the 1940 match, speaker. He recalled .that about half Danis, Cornwall: Vice-Presidents—Dr. ing of the Presbytery held on the 21st final round was the fact that both Mary”—a moving portrawal of the monial banquet for Mr. Lapointe here while Victoria County’s bid for the a century ago the language was dis- D. J. Dolan, Alexandria; R. A. McLeod, inst the call to Mr. Mathewson was Smoke Eaters wins came only in over- last hours of Mary Queen of Scots prior last night. 1941 match was deferred until next couraged in Scotland, even in the Dalhousie Station; Vincent Fraser, dealt with. There were present as a time. The home team emerged with n to her execution, it ranked as one of Before a cheering crowd of 1,400, year. schools, The result was some had ? Cornwall, Alex. J. McLellan, St. An- delegation representing the members 3—2 win in the first game at Maxville, 1 the best dramatic offerings ever stag- including almost the entire Dominion Last year’s match at Minesing near knowledge of Gaelic while the great drews; Secretary —Geo. E. Brennan, and adherents of his Church, Messrs. and fallowed it up with a 2-1 victory at ed in Alexaidria, and was a distinct -cabinet, Mr. Lapointe declared a sense Barrie, attracted 130,000 persons and majority had none, at, all. K. C., Cornwall; Treasurer—Dr. R. j. D. A. McMillan, Clerk of the Session Apple Hill, Tuesday evening. The cour- credit to the four talented young lad- of duty a desire to serve “and a sense every bidder today sent a strong dele- Col. J A. Gillies, V.D., president, McCallum, Alexandria. and member of Presbytery; D. W. Mc- ageous Hill team was only eliminated ies taking part. -of loyalty to Mackenzie King who de- gation. presided over a large attendance of Scheduled to attend a meeting of Leod, a member of the Session, R. Mc- after twenty minutes of overtime in Ah address of welcome by Henry serves all the support I can give him,’’ Slate of Officers. members and friends. A musical pro- the Administrative Council of thé As- Leod, chairman of the Board of this game. Ben Villeneuve refereed both Sauve, president of the Grade XHI Officers of the Ontario Plowmen’s Man- gram was presented which included sociation in Toronto on Saturday are made him decide to remain in the fixtures. Literary Society, opened the prq^ agers; William McGillivray and Mrs items by Mrs. A. V. Kniewasser, soloist; the President and Secretary represent- fight. Association for 1939, elected today, in- gramme and the capable speaker en- L. McKinnon. Members of the dépu- the Gaelic choir; Mrs. John Suther- Cardinals enter the championship ing the Catholic Taxpayers of this dio- Mr. Lapointe referred to “all the clude: series slight favorites over the Max- larged on the purposes of the annual Honorary presidents, Agriculture tation, with deep feeling, expressed land and MTs. M. c; MacLean, accom- cese. Two delegates from each diocese groups and factions which are combat- ville team. In their two meetings this Exercises, which are no part of the their sense of loss, their deep panists; Miss Agnes Wood and Miss will be present and the Council will for- ting me” and warned against “new Minister P. M. Dewan, Hon. J. G. school curriculum but which serve a affection for their Minister and Camilla Gillies, Highland dancers, and season the Alexandrians won at home mulate a plan of campaign for the just groups and movements” which-he said Gardiner, Dominion Minister of Agri- valuable purpose in bringing closer to- their sincere appreciation of his work. Allan Saunders and Donald MacDon- 6—1 and held their opponents to a 4—I apportioning of school taxes'. could be dangerous to Canada unless culture; A. J. H. Êckardt, Toronto, past gether in enjoyable enterprise the stu- Special reference was made to his ald, pipers. tie in Maxville. The series will be in combatted with “harmony and con- president, J. w. MacRae, Lochiel. doubt right to the end, however, as dent body and faculty. President, J. R. Henderson, Ports- work in the pulpit, his clear and force- The master of ceremonies was Rod- cord.” Maxville teams have the reputation Under the direction of Miss Cather- mouth; first vice-president, Alex. Mc- ful presentation of the truth always erick C. McDonald. Curlers Challenge For A great nation could not be built on 'speaking the truth in love”, to his of playing best when the chips are ine McRae of Maxville, musical direc- “hatred, conflict and discord,” Mr. Kinney, Brampton; second vice-pre- Officers of the society are president, faithfulness in visiting the sick and in down. Good, fast hockey should be on Roltby Cup To-night tor of the school students of Grade X Lapointe said. “Because of differences sident, J. B. Ketchen, Fergus; secre- Col Gillies; past president, Roderick bringing comfort to the troubled and display in every game. were heard in three-part and four- tary-manager, J. A. Carroll, Toronto; C. McDonald; vice president, Col. Doug Two rinks from Alexandria Curling of racial origin, of creed and of lan- part songs, “me Ash Grove” and “Now treasurer, Clark Young, Milliken. distressed. aid Carmichael; secretary. Miss Mary Club go to Hawkesbury, tonight to guage, national salvation can be as- During his pastorate the Manse më Day is Over” Othêr group num- Directors, Col.
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