Nirim Foundation 2015 Dedicated with great appreciation Summary Report and respect to all our partners Dear Partners, As in previous years, because of the great importance we place on our relationship with you, we send you our 2015 annual Report. The educational field, along with its complexity and many challenges, is also full of positivity, solidarity, volunteering, care and large portions of ethics and morality. Even though it shows the illnesses of society, it also shows the forces of good that are active in it. We would like to share with you just some of the Nirim flowerbed we have picked from the wide range of educational activities that Nirim is involved in across the country. Thank you to all our partners: The Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defense (Social Security Department), foundations, companies, federations, private donors and volunteers. The Nirim Family

1 The Youth Village To our Partners, In this end of year report we’ll fill you in on the year’s activities at Nirim in order to paint you a picture of everything we’ve done over the year. It’s a complex picture, one with many faces and colors, unique and very significant for all the young people at the village, to their families, to us, and perhaps, to some extent, to society in . It’s very important to us that we convey just how important your partnership with Nirim is – it’s not something technical, it is essential. Your partnership isn’t just for building a new building or renovating another. Your partnership makes possible all aspects of our work in all of its complexity and is what gives it its power and the seeds of hope it plants. Micha

The village is part of the youth protection authority at the ministry of social affairs, operates under the auspices and supervision of the Protective Home secretariat and maintains a constant, professional dialogue with it.

The Boarding School The boarding school acts as a second, and sometime first, home to our youth. The place provides a feeling of protection, belonging and warmth. The bording school’s environment is a central factor that transforms it into a home that provides both physical and emotional security and supports all the different programs, projects and tracks provided by Nirim for its youth.

“at Nirim I was given warmth and love in many different ways. Sometimes a hug or a chat with a team leader, with the House Mother, the shin shin (community service group) or the social worker… sometimes it was when I was set boundaries or when I accepted authority… Nirim is my second home and sometime, also my first. I wish that every child could get some part of Nirim in their life” G’, a Nirim kid

Community Involvement Community involvement is the central theme of Nirim’s third stage – “Contribution and Reward”. As part of this stage, the “Lavi” team worked in a number of areas: with “Galim”, a regional special education school, organizing Purim celebrations with students from “Bet HaGalgalim” as well as volunteering throughout the year for groups and individual pupils at the “Meitar” school. “Lavi” team members also volunteered at a school in Haifa, worked with families in need in Akko and volunteered at the regional dog pound at Yasur. 2 The Complementary Education Center (CEC) The CEC complements all village frameworks, enriches and develops the youth on a personal level on a daily basis. This includes enrichment workshops, festivals, seminars, social and relaxation activities, individual tutelage and more. This year as well we provided a wide range of activities that made it possible for each boy and girl to find their place, to develop hidden talents and to find new areas of interest that were previously unknown or unavailable to them. Soccer, tennis, dog training, martial arts, combat fitness, bicycling, music, art (handicrafts & drawing, drama etc.), cooking and baking, photography, yoga, juggling as well as a fitness center that operates on a regular basis and includes a recently installed climbing wall.

“At Nirim I learned how to develop my skills and talents. I learned to play a musical instrument, I learned what it means to be part of a basketball team”. Nirim kid

In addition to our regular activities, here at the village, we also observe all Jewish festivals and State ceremonies. Teams, led by volunteers giving a year of community service before enlisting in the army, give a great deal of thought and preparation to every festival or ceremony. Year of Community Service Volunteers (Shin-Shin) Community service volunteers at Nirim are a significant part of the village’s staff. As well as being “older brothers”, they are an integral part of the various team and regular activities both at the school and in the boarding school. The volunteers can be found in the classrooms, helping students on a one to one basis, being responsible for cultural activities and festivals and, of course, they go on the survival treks and weekly field trips. The community volunteer group at the village consists of 17 young people giving a year of service before enlisting in the army. This year, for the first time, a small group of community volunteers started to work in the Nirim farm on the Golan.

“At Nirim I realized that a special place in the heart, warmth, love and true faith in one's abilities can make anyone become a success story" A’, a young instructor giving a year of community service before the army

3 Shirat HaYam (Melody of the Sea) Last year we reported the start of a unique project for girls – the Shirat HaYam house. We are now pleased to tell you that in May 2015 we completed construction and the house opened its doors. Shirat HaYam operates within the village’s confines and provides therapeutic treatment for 12 young girls. The program is spread over nine months and aims to provide a bubble of peace, calm and acceptance alongside therapies based on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). This is the only treatment therapy in the world whose efficiency and effectivity in providing therapy that assists young girls with considerable difficulties to obtain emotional stability, has been proven through research. The program’s development includeds the design and implementation of the model, the execution of a pilot program in a temporary structure, the construction of the permanent building, staff recruitment and training and finally, the intake of the girls. Today, nine young girls live at Shirat HaYam and the program will gradually bring in additional girls until we have a total of 12 in residence. In addition to regular studies and daily activities, the girls also take part in different field activities including horse riding, sailing, workshops and more. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our donors and partners for your all-encompassing support that has made possible the establishment of this educational framework.

“I arrived at Shirat HaYam nine months ago. I had difficulty in accepting authority and boundaries. I used drugs, alcohol… My time at Shirat HaYam was hard, but meaningful. I didn’t fit in, I ran away…But, in the end, I realized that this was the best place for me. I came back to Nirim to take part in an individual process. Then we went on our first survival course in the desert. I didn’t believe that I would complete it. The backpack weighed too much, I told myself that I couldn’t manage… That’s what it’s like when you don’t believe in yourself. In the end, I finished the course with Y’, my instructor, by my side.” Nirim girl, Shirat HaYam Program

4 The Nirim School At Nirim School all the students study for a full matriculation certificate. The school prepares them and enrolls them for matriculation examination in all compulsory subjects – mathematics, English, Hebrew language, Hebrew literature, history, civic studies, bible studies and physical education – a total of 21 matriculation points. The school’s main specialization track with five matriculation points is Earth Sciences and the Environment. Lessons are in small groups and with professional teachers as well as volunteers and soldiers who come every day to provide individual help. This year, as part of an educational initiative in partnership with the Western Galilee College, 3 of our outstanding 12th grade students took part in and successfully completed an academic course given by Criminology Faculty. The school also organizes activities for the community including volunteering and mentoring by young people from Nirim School at the Special Education school, “Meitar”.

These few words about the processes at Nirim were written by L’, a Nirim kid: “When the past comes knocking at the door, open the door and tell it that you’ve moved on. When you break, pick yourself up and show everybody that you’re on your feet. When you want to give up, look behind you and see how far you’ve come. And when you reach the finishing line, show everybody how you did it despite everything… In the end, you did it!”

Wilderness Therapy Wilderness therapy is one of the more significant tools that allow us to achieve a dramatic breakthrough with the youth at the village. It helps us install in the young people the tools and values needed for them to rewrite their life story. Being in mother nature, in the field, is an unknown area for most of the students. It allows them to achieve goals that help them to build a new identity and self-image. Coping with physical and mental difficulties acts as a lever, helping them to build an extremely strong and powerful feeling of being capable. A strong feeling of capability, according to the theory of strength, is the key to development and integration into a normal life. This year, the village carried out 107 days of single field trips, 23 four-day treks, and four five-day survival treks. In addition, we organized and held a number of social integration treks and many individual treks with a student and staff member. In fact, on any given day, apart from Shabbat and religious festivals and holidays, at least one team can be found on a field trip. 5 Nirim in the Mountains Nirim’s therapeutic farm on the Golan Heights continues to work and develop. The farm makes it possible for young people in crisis to undergo an individual process in a framework that is external to the village. This year, we put into place a support framework for the farm. This includes the Farm manager and his family as well as families from nearby Kibbutz Meitzar who provide a positive family experience. We also opened a house for the young people giving a year of community service on the farm before they enlist in the IDF. This year, for the first time, two young people from other institutions run by the Ministry of social affairs, the youth authority protect, were sent to the farm by a Juvenile Court to undergo individual programs. The recognition of the farm’s activities by the Ministry of social affairs and the courts provides institutional validity to all the unique and special educational therapies that the farm provides.

“I finished the process with a different state of mind, a different way of thinking and talking. I have loads of tools and techniques that I was given and also built for myself. I also leave here with lots of friends, friends who are good for me, friends filled with love, with a deep concern and with similar ambitions for a normal life. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart!” From the diary of Y’, who went through a program at the farm

6 Our Graduates

“For me, Nirim is home, love, warmth, fun. I enjoy being here. Everything comes back to this place. Life before Nirim has no real meaning for me. At Nirim, I was born again, I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t been here. For me, the Graduates House is not something I take for granted…” A‘, Graduate of the Oz team, lives at the new graduates’ house and is completing his matriculation in preparation for his academic studies

The Graduates’ House project opened halfway through the year thanks to a special donation from the United Kingdom. The house is now the residence for all those graduates who want to live there, to visit, to volunteer or to help or act as mentors on youth field trips organized by the village. The house is large and includes 18 beds. It is well outfitted and looked after and provides the graduates a real feeling of home. Establishing the new Graduates’ House was a significant part of the department’s activities over the year. At the same time, we continued to regularly help graduates as they integrated into the army, pre-army colleges, a year of community service, academic studies and more. In addition, we also made great efforts to build relationships with IDF unit commanders, IDF Social Services and in the recruitment of families willing to host our soldiers. It’s important to note that the graduates’ support framework is a wide ranging one and also includes assistance and housing solutions, study grants as well as subsistence grants during studies. Thanks to these grants, the graduates are able to concentrate more on their studies and worry less about earning a living.

From the Graduate Coordinator’s Diary: “Yesterday a Nirim delegation went to the Western Wall for the IDF oath taking ceremony of some of their friends who had enlisted in the Paratroop Brigade. The weather was cold, almost freezing and it didn’t stop raining for a second. But this didn’t stop us from going and taking part in this emotional and empowering event. Meeting them just moments before they marched into the Wall area, singing the National Anthem and hugging them before we all went home. The graduates were from two teams: Shachaf – Y’ the Duvduvan unit, A’, Brigade 101 and A’, Scout unit. Eitam – A’ and A’ Brigade 890 and Community Service, Itamar, General Staff elite combat unit (Matkal).” Bravery L’, a Nirim graduate from the Eitam team currently serving in the IDF’s “Kedem” Brigade, protected her friend from a terrorist attack and killed the attacker. A Graduates Dept. team is helping “L‘ in any way that is needed. M’ from the Shachaf team was wounded whilst on active service when he prevented a terrorist attack and killed two terrorists. Today he is recovering from his wounds and waiting to get back to his friends and unit. 7 Nirim in the Neighborhoods 2015 was a challenging year. As well as expanding the Nirim in the Neighborhoods program, we also had to raise the finances to implement the program, its principals and values. In terms of growth, we continue to believe and operate according to the principal that we have to grow every year. We aim, and this is part of the organization’s vision, to reach out and embrace as many young boys and girls as possible. Over the last year we began to work in new cities, we started up new groups, expanded the number of girls’ only groups and sowed the seeds for a new and important project in Jerusalem that focuses on dropout Haredi youth. We started this year with uncertainty regarding our ability to raise the funds and resources needed to meet budgeting targets that were higher than any other previous year. However, thanks to much hard work, we managed to finish the year with a balanced budget and, even more important, we were more successful than ever in persuading local authorities and government ministries to commit to Nirim’s activities in the various neighborhoods. Out in the field, our dedicated teams continue to do the seemingly impossible and guide and mentor young boys and girls who are at high risk through amazing processes both as groups and as individuals. Over the past years, more and more of our team members have advanced through the organization, taking on positions where they direct and lead. For me, this is an important achievement at the organizational level. The combined experience of our instructors, alongside their understanding of what Nirim is about and a deep connection to the spirit of Nirim are essential to our success as an organization. During our work, we experience moments of magic on the one hand, and complex situations that can be characterized by the challenges they present, on the other. The mentoring provided by the leading team and the therapy team, that grew significantly this year, makes it possible for us to cope with complicated events and processes each and every day. We are proud of our organizational maturity and our motivation to deal with these challenges. Finally, the boys and girls, those presently part of Nirim in the Neighborhoods and the young men and women who have graduated from Nirim, are striding forward into a better society and an Israel that is a better place. This is the spirit of Nirim! Shlomi

8 2015 Nirim in the Nighborhoods' Map

Nahariya Ma'alot 2011 2014 Karmiel 2006 Haifa 2014 Tiberias 2014 2013 Afula Or Aqiva 2008 2003 2015 Katzir Hadera 2014 Bet She'an 2005 2014 Netanya 2005 2005 Kfar-Saba 2013 Tel Aviv 2015

Kiryat Gat 2009

Sderot 2015 Netivot 2008

Dimona 2014 2015

Nirim house Nirim class

9 Nirim Club Houses – Southern Branch The Southern Branch includes activities in Kiriyat Gat, Dimona, and Netivot. Despite the many difficulties involved with working in the periphery, the program continues to grow and is gaining positive support. This year’s activity focused on new beginnings with our first year of activity in Sderot, new groups of young boys and girls in Kiriyat Gat and in Netivot. Kiriyat Gat – The fertile cooperation with local authorities can be seen in the programs field work. This year as well the team of youth leaders directed 8 young girls to boarding schools and other educational frameworks away from their home environments. In addition, the city’s group of graduates completed a very significant process and are now waiting for their induction into the IDF. We also identified and put together a group of young children who are beginning their journey at Nirim. Over the year significant work was done with the young girl’s group both in terms of weekly field work as well as individual processes with each individual girl.

A’, Nirim in the Neighborhoods kid said, after finishing a survival trek that she didn’t believe she would see through to the end: “We cried, it was hard, I thought that I wouldn’t succeed, but I finished and am really proud”.

Dimona – The girl’s graduate group made significant progress and went on three survival treks during the year. In addition, we continued to identify youth at risk in the neighborhoods and our cooperation with the Ofek Center which brought about a significant increase in the size of the group.

“Thank you for believing in me…” G’, Nirim in the Neighborhoods kid

Sderot – the first year of activity always involves many different challenges, especially when we are working without a permanent Nirim house. However, despite this, we succeeded in putting together a group of older youth who regularly attend activities and took part in three survival treks. Netivot – We continued to operate the Youth Centre in cooperation with Ministry of social affairs and local authorities. The center is open most days of the week and provides solutions for children from a number of the city’s neighborhoods. In addition, we expanded our activities with groups of younger girls.

“The tools I got here are for life. As we get older, we’ll understand even more how badly we needed them…” A’, Nirim in the Neighborhoods kid

10 Nirim Club Houses – Centeral Branch

“I was an irritable boy who didn’t take part in anything. My friends from neighborhoods who were not in the Nirim program would give two word answers when sitting in the circle. Now I know how to talk, to cooperate and take part and work on my anger” N’, a Nirim in the Neighborhoods kid

The central branch includes activities in the cities of: Or Akiva, Kfar Saba, Netanya and Hadera.Our work over the past year focused on deepening relationships with the program’s graduates who take an active part as guides and mentors in the cities and during survival treks. Or Aqiva – The Or Aqiva Club House is the oldest in the Nirim in the Neighborhoods program. This year, we continued to operate the Youth Center in cooperation with the Ministry of social affairs . The program provides a wide range of solutions for some 50 young people. This year, for the first time, we held a “Nirim in the neighborhoods Graduates Evening”. The Or Aqiva house hosted graduates from all over the country for an emotional evening held in the city’s conservatory. Kfar Saba – the team of instructors act as the operational arm of the municipality promote the neighborhoods youth program. Alongside group work, individual work with other youth was also part of the program. One of the year’s climaxes was the participation of our students in a challenging project during which they had to persevere and attend regular meetings and acquire more professional climbing skills. At the end of the project, the participants went on a day’s field trip which involved challenging climbing in natural surroundings. Netanya – Throughout the year we continued to operate three different activity groups. Many of the group members are Ethiopian. The graduates group finished a significant process as part of the Nirim in the Neighborhoods program when they took part in a diving therapy course in Eilat with most of the participants making considerable progress. We hope that cooperation with the municipality will continue during this coming year’s activities.

If a Journey Could Speak… “Somewhere, amongst the hills, you will find me with my backpack and two guides/ Surrounded by difficulty, surrounded by challenges that make it difficult for me to put one foot in front of the other… The path is long, it is a winding path, but, despite everything, I learn to overcome and learn to be strong. I hold my head up high, looking forward towards the next challenge, with a strong push and great pride… Walking day and night with our hearts lighting the way. We finish as champions, as winners… Believing, with intent and breathing the way. Loving…” Y’, Nirim in the Neighborhoods graduate 11 Nirim Club Houses – Northern Branch The Northern Branch includes activities in Haifa, Nahariya, Karmiel, Afula and Bet She’an. Activities continue to expand and relationships with local authorities and municipalities are growing stronger as we reach out to more and more young boys and girls who are at high risk. Haifa – We successfully completed our first year of activity, field trips and survival treks. During the summer we instituted a mentoring project where students chose a specific area that they wanted to become more professional in. The project was a cooperative venture between Nirim’s team of instructors and private individuals who donated their time and knowledge. Instructors continue to operate, day and night, to expand the number of young people we reach in Haifa. To date, there are three Nirim groups operating in the city. Nahariya – a group of young people came together and went through an important and significant process, during which they successfully completed three survival treks during the course of the year. In addition, the program’s instructors, working in cooperation and coordination with the city’s social affairs department, were successful in placing two young people, who were at extreme risk in one of the city’s neighborhoods, at the Nirim Youth Village.

"I learned how to survive and gained confidence… I know how to trust my friends and the group that have become a family for me.” A’, Nirim in the Neighborhoods kid

Karmiel – through the year we worked with the city’s departments. At this moment, we are working to finalize a group of young boys which will operate alongside the existing group of young girls. We believe that in the first months of 2016 we will be able to expand our operations in the city. Afula – the graduates group completed a highly significant 3 years’ process. During this time, we succeeded, by working in close cooperation with the various city departments, to close criminal charges that were facing four young people. They, along with the other members of the group, are due to enlist as combat soldiers in the IDF. At the same time, we continue to expand and deepen our activities with the younger groups.

With the aid of the group I can cope with difficulties and, step by step, become more involved in activities and in life as a whole. At Nirim I found a calm place, a place that I once had in me” A’, Nirim in the Neighborhoods kid.

Bet She’an – Thanks to close cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare and the city’s welfare department we operated, for the first time, a Youth Center (Warm Home) for the city’s youth. The center is open most days of the week and hosts activities in the spirit of Nirim. As time passes, more and more young people are joining the program with an obvious change evident in each and every one of them. 12 Nirim Classrooms After much effort we established our status as the operator of a unique educational model that is designed for young people who are in the process of dropping out of school. Nirim classes are a new model that was built along with the Ministry of Education’s “A” Dept. for the education of children and youth at risk. Classes are based on Nirim’s tools and establish a controlled and continuing educational environment throughout the day and up until the evening. The program is for students who are dropping out of school or who are at risk of dropping out. The aim is to help these students cope with social and emotional deficits by exposing them to challenging and enjoyable group experiences including field work and survival treks. The program provides the students with social skills and tools to help them become self-efficient and to improve all aspects of their self-image. Today, the program operates in the following high schools: Amal Technological School in Dimona, Ironi Yud Alef Tel Aviv Shapira in Netanya, Ironi Daled in Haifa, Alon in Afula, Branco Weiss in Tiberius and ORT Ma’alot.

“It was a real roller coaster ride, what we went through during the year! There were times when we felt really low, we experienced anger, love, disappointment and laughter. But we did it all together. I never forget that you were always there for me during the hardest times. You were everything for me!” T’, Nirim Classroom student writing to her tutor.

Some of our success stories • Students who had dropped out from school or who were in danger of dropping out were returned to a normative life style. • The development of the ability for independent learning and reflection. • Mentoring to encourage enlistment in a significant role in the IDF or Social Service. • Social involvement – an expanded, personal commitment.

You are a large part of the change I went through. You were a role model for me, a life model if you like… I learned so much from you and I just wanted to say thank you”. From a letter written by B’, Nirim Classroom student writing to his tutor

13 Nirim in the Neighborhoods Graduates We opened 2015 with a graduates’ evening, at the Or Aqiva Conservatory, which was attended by an impressive 120 graduates from across the country. Military service: this year 45 Nirim in the Neighborhoods graduates enlisted in the army to serve in many varied positions. Students: This year 14 students were awarded living and study grants. In return, they volunteered to work in the community or in the Nirim Foundation. By volunteering, they strengthen the feeling that Nirim is a family and help maintain their connection with Nirim when they graduate. Our graduates give their time freely, to help and mentor the younger Nirim youth on survival treks. They are role models for our youth and serve as a personal example. One such graduate is the photographer who accompanied a 2015 trek:

“In 2003 I went on my first survival trek as a Nirim kid. Now, in 2015, I’m going on another survival trek but this time as a photographer. Now I understand that it doesn’t matter who or what I am, I’ll always be part of this family, the Nirim family”. T’, Hanukah 2015 Trek

14 Volunteers The Nirim Foundation greatly respects and appreciates the volunteers who work at the village and in the neighborhoods. These volunteers, who give freely of their time and with love, are an example for the young people and the team. Their willingness and ability to give is something that is beyond price! There are some 40 volunteers at the youth village. About half came as individuals from all walks of life. Half are from organizations such as the Karmiel branch of the “Working and Studying Youth Movement”, staff from the Naval Officers School in Akko, The Agricultural Federation at Tsurit, the IAF Technical School, the Weapons Development Authority, IDF units and many others. Nirim in the Neighborhoods has a framework of independent volunteers who act as escorts on trips and who provide importent auxiliary services both to the staff and the students. Additional volunteers regularly and consistently give courses and provide extra curricula activities at Nirim club houses across the country. This year we opened volunteer possibilities to commercial companies where the company’s organizational culture encourages volunteering and giving amongst its employees. We shall continue to develop and expand this area over the coming year.

Being part of Nirim, even if only a small part as a volunteer, is being part of a family. I’m proud of this family and even prouder of the young boys and girls who grow and blossom and who carry on to reach whatever goals they have set themselves. Carry on aiming as high as you can because I know what many before me discovered – that you can! A volunteer at Nirim

15 Development and Fundraising During 2015 we concentrated our efforts in three main areas: 1. Harnessing the support of the relevant government ministries to fund Nirim in the Neighborhoods programs. 2. Development of local partnerships around Nirim club houses in the various municipalities. 3. Raising funds for two large construction projects in the village (the Graduates House and Shirat HaYam – a home for young girls). We continued in our efforts to expand our circle of donors both in Israel and abroad whilst maintaining a regular connection and relationship with our existing circle of donors. Nirim’s partners met this year, for the second time, for an emotional and important evening. We are glad that these people have chosen to follow the Nirim path with us and will continue to strengthen the bond during 2016.

Distribution of revenues for 2014 (NIS) Distribution of Revenues (%) Contributions Matching from abroad gifts Government support 20,471,808 Contributions 11% 1% Contributions from Israel 2,302,257 from Israel 9% Contributions from abroad 2,907,434 Government Matching gifts 250,000 support 79% Total 25,931,499

We appreciate the time you spent summarizing 2015 with us. The Nirim Family

16 Board of Directors: Jacob Gershony – Founder and Chairman. A businessman Dubi Diamant – president. A businessman and former Mossad senior manager and elite navy squad fighter Adv. Yonatan Altman – Partner, Amit Pollak Matalon & Co., Advocates & Notary and former elite squad fighter Haim Sakal – Chairman of Sakal Holdings, founder and chairman of the Lev Ohev Association Raanan (Rani) Falk – former IAF senior officer, former CEO of the Ministry of Public Security and of the Western Galilee College Yoram Sagy – CEO of the Central Company for Sales and Distribution Ziv Gershony – Presented the idea and was part of the establishment of Nirim, Friend and commander of the late Navy Seals' Sergeant First Class Nir Krichman Michal Donyo Federman - Board Member. CEO, “ORM, Online Reputation Management”.

Nirim Leading Team: Micha Simbalista – CEO and Head of the Nirim Youth Village Shlomi Avni – Head of Nirim in the Neighborhoods Yonat Glietman – CFO Tzahi Klarelfeld – Head of the Youth Village Therapy Department Golan Nothmann – Head of Nirim in the Neighborhoods Therapy Department Yossi Hananya – The Nirim School Principal Amir Bareket – Head of the Wilderness Therapy Department Boaz Sivan – Head of the Village Boarding School & Informal education Michal Kaftory-Gavia – Head of the Programs and Training Department – Nirim in the Neighborhoods