CURRICULUM VITAE EKAIN GARMENDIA MUGICA Bruniquer 33, 3ª 3ª 08024 BARCELONA Telephone: (0034) 678 228 429 E-mail address:
[email protected] PERSONAL DATA >Passport 72465043-R >Birth Date March 2nd, 1981 >City of Birth Anoeta (Gipuzkoa) GRADE ON PHILOSOPHY (BA) • University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) (1999-2003) PhD THESIS • DOCTOR IN PHILOSOPHY, Summa cum laude, with the PhD thesis “Auto-Conocimiento, Memoria y Racionalidad (Estudio de tres argumentos anti-externistas)” (“Self-Knowledge, Memory and Rationality (Study of three anti-externalist arguments)”). ADVISOR: Manuel Pérez Otero. • Doctorate program: Cognitive Sciences and Language; Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science (University of Barcelona). - 2004/2005: Doctorate Program. - 2005/2006: Research Thesis: Teorías de Referencia Directa y Enunciados de Identidad (“Direct Reference Theories and Identity Statements”). - 2006 (October): Research Proficiency. - 2004/2006: Diploma de Estudios Avanzados DEA (MA). - 20010-3-15: Defense of the thesis. 1 RESEARCH GROUPS: • I am a member of the LOGOS research group on Logic, Language and Cognition Research Projects: • Member of the research project Discriminabilidad: Representación, Creencia y Escepticismo (“Discriminability: Representation, Belief and Skpeticism”); funded by the Ministry of Schience and Innovation (FFI2008-06164-CO2-01); main researcher: Manuel Pérez Otero. (2009/2012) • Member of the research project La constitución del contenido representacional. Aspectos semánticos y epistemológicos (“The constitution of the representational content: Semantical and epistemological aspects”); funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government (MEDU, HUM 2005-07539-C02-01/FISO); main researcher: Manuel Pérez Otero. (2005/2008) STAYS IN OTHER UNIVERSITIES • During the term of April 1st – June 15th 2008, I visited the Department of Philosophy at the Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois, as a predoctoral visiting student, under the supervision of professor Sanford Goldberg.