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Monday it Sports: WomenS Soccer wins twice in weekend contests Volume 74, No. 24 October 1,2001 fresh- Page 6 ichard :aver- ON THE INSIDE: 4 Worms, viruses Green yards. We will not surrender our freedom' ravage the s first KRT Campus week computer world For 41 CHICAGO - Two jetliners stood nearly nose to nose, one "United" and Bush's airline safety plan KRT Campus Jut he the other "American," as President Key elements of President Bush's plan to secure airlines from terrorist attack: In the weeks since a mali- ball Covering the campus like a Bush sought to restore an air of secu- : cious program or "worm" nick- rity Thursday and urged Americans to swarm of gnats \ r ; named Code Red first rampaged squad "get on board, do your business around across the Internet, many home- would the country." i computer users must have won- ssuc- Jbday'S Weather "We will not surrender our free- ' dered what all the fuss was about dom to travel ..." the president told That's because the original ickoff 6,000 airline workers at Chicago's 00 [ Code Red and later variants had annon Sunny with a O'Hare Airport 16 days after ten'orists Aircraft modifications Air marshals I virtually no effect on the Win- r. We hijacked two United Airlines and two oo high of 75° F no no Fortified cockpit doors: cockpit video cameras to help Expand their use dows PCs typically found in the i their and a low of American Airlines jetliners, detonat- 00 pilots monitor cabin activities, continuous operation aboard airliners home. Instead, the worms tar- 52° F. ing a massacre of more than 6,000 ID of transponder in emergency geted more powerful Windows PP i take people. "We will not surrender our ; boxes used for dishing up Web ■ Qp partly freedoms in America." jtmmmmm minmminnminnm sites in the corporate world, re not Halfway across the world, f~jTpl BOB — nsumers aren't out of the Only in America fl S3,.,,..,,,,., i their Afghanistan's Taliban leaders said they m ^^^L mm s, though. ioy it. delivered a message to Osama bin Experts warn that a future oo IBOG-SKXBt e." • An Elvis impersonator gets Laden, alleged mastermind of the Sept. Red-like worm or other essed 11 attack on the World Trade Center angry and punches an employee. 00 of online virus could repre- athan • A picture of a beheaded Bin and Pentagon, advising him to volun- Airport screening National Guard ; sent a grave threat to home-based 00 Federal government would purchase and maintain Governors urged to calf sxvin Laden is displayed in a store tarily leave his Afghan hideaway. ;• computers. Recent attacks show 00 equipment; supervise passenger and baggage up troops to protect window: Earlier this week, in response to security; check security personnel airports until new that viruses are getting harder to ough- People attempting to reach a U.S. demands for bin Laden's surren- o: measures are in place. keep at bay and harder to kill. talot child support line instead dial der, the Taliban said they could not DO 00 What's more, consumers can't ;ome- phone sex line. * find him. They did not say Thursday KRT Campus assume that anti-virus software, times where he was or how he responded to % Page 3 FREEDOM TO TRAVEL : President Bush announced a new airline safety plan Thursday to protect what he by itself, will protect them. the week-old recommendation by Af- calls American's "freedom to travel." Bush continues to try to inspire faith in the airline industry while Then came "Nimba," the lat- ghan clerics. frightening reminders of the attacks constantly flash through American's minds. est nuisance computer worm that Opinions Back in the United States, even as started to plague networks Bush attempted to inspire faith in the trol of airport security. Meanwhile, he nation's war is to restore public confi- U-S-A!" ie • Jake Hallman sees Orwellian around the world last week. Vi- air travel system, a frightening reminder asked governors to post National Guard dence in the airline industry," Bush The United and American jetliners overtones in the removal of the rus experts implored people to came of the crisis confronting airlines troops in the nation's 420 commercial said. "It's to tell the traveling public, were parked facing each other, and WTC from our daily lives. install software updates to stop and the Americans who, until Sept. 11, passenger airports. "Get on board, do your business around they framed a large American flag - • David Brennaman needs his the rogue program. patronized them in great numbers: Nearly 5,000 troops soon may be the country. Fly and enjoy America's and the president of the United States. own personal mascot. Officials said Nimba was ca- The Pentagon confirmed that two trained in security techniques by the great destination spots.' Bush said, "I think it's interesting pable of attacking both business Air Force generals can issue orders to Defense Department and the Federal "Get down to Disney World in that on one side we see 'American,' on and personal computers running Page 4 shoot down any jetliner that threatens Aviation Administration, said a White Florida. Take your families and enjoy the other side, it says, 'United.' Be- Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95 ! U.S. cities. At the White House, spokes- House official who requested anonym- life the way we want it to be enjoyed." cause that's what we are. America is and newer operating systems via man Scott McClellan called it a "last ity. The federal government will pick Just as Bush uttered the words "get united. We are united in bringing jus- e-mail attachments and infected Sports resort" option. up the cost, which could range to $ 150 on board," an airplane roared over- tice to those folks who did the evil deed Web sites. • GSU Football squeaks by VMI "If the plane is nose down and million, the official said. head. "That's got a nice ring to it," he on Sept. 11." And Code Red remains ac- 31-14. threatens the safety and security of the As expected, Bush also announced said. The president flew to Chicago tive to this day and has proven « Women's Soccer beats WCU American people, that is the type of other measures to enhance faith in the The audience cheered. Many in at- aboard Air Force One, but Transporta- maddeningly difficult to eradi- andUT-C 1-0 in weekend games. situation we're talking about," nation's vital air traffic system, includ- tendance were threatened by waves of tion Secretary Norman Mineta arrived cate. It had caused an estimated McClellan said. ing stronger cockpit doors and more layoffs sweeping through the airline on a regularly scheduled United Air- $2.6 billion in damages related To diminish the ghastly possibility weapons-carrying, plain-clothes sky industry, but they brought their chil- lines flight. The president said that him to system inoculations and lost of such action, Bush said the federal marshals aboard planes. dren and they waved American flags government eventually will take con- "One of the great goals of this and they erupted into chants: "U-S-A! See Airline, Page 7 See Worms, Page 5 :] ======^=_ Recent cases spark first Bartels testifies before Congressional committee

possible Internet libel laws G-A News Service by the American Hospital semester, but it now averages be- AFF KRT Campus The head of GSU's School of Association (AHA), the newest tween 50 and 55 new students per fans ease, and Joseph Mercola, an osteo- Nursing testified at a United States threat to the national health care sys- semester. will Page 6 Courtroom conflicts about free pathic physician with offices in Congressional committee hearing on tem is a growing shortage of hospital Minorities represent 24 percent the speech often center on seamy por- Schaumburg, 111., count themselves nography or sordid tabloid stories among Barrett's critics. the national nursing shortage. personnel in general, and nurses in of the nursing school's students and Arts about celebrities. But a new struggle Both posted articles that Barrett Jean Bartels, the chair of GSU's particular. 14 percent are male. According to is unfolding against a less predict- alleges are libelous. On July 30, nursing school, was among the wit- The AHA reported that the na- Bartels, both of those figures are :"A- ^Entertainment able backdrop: Internet postings al- Barrett filed suit against Mercola in nesses who appeared before the tional vacancy rate for registered well above the national average. ■redit leging that a retired Pennsylvania Cook County and against Fonorow House of Representatives Commit- nursing positions is 11 percent, which "The United States is in the midst • '' is a fun movie that psychiatrist is a crackpot extortion- in DuPage County. tee on Education and the Workforce translates to a shortage of 126,000 of a nursing shortage that is pro- jrgia requires very little brain work. ist. Barrett alleges Fonorow posted in Washington, DC, on Sept. 25. RNs across the country. jected to intensify as baby boomers cnot • Anthony Hopkins stars in the Two cases filed in Cook and 10 articles by Patrick "Tim" Bolen, "This was a real coup for Georgia Part of GSU's College of Health age and the need for health care grows can- Stephen King adapted 'Hearts of DuPage counties in Illinois are at the perhaps the most outspoken of Southern," Bartels said. "We were and Professional Studies, the School and becomes more complex," Bartels what Atlantis.' center of the fight about whether Barrett's critics, between Jan. 6 and the only institution of higher learn- of Nursing has been doing its part to told the committee, which includes Tro- • 'Strangers in Paradise' is a" people who distribute potentially li- May 22. In the articles, among other ing that was named in any of the combat the nursing shortage. Sev- Georgia Reps. Johnny Isakson and vote comic with a powerful human belous material on the Internet can claims, Bolen states that Barrett is a testimony, so we became the exem- eral years ago, the school typically commentary of the friendship of be held accountable. The cases, ex- liar and delusional and hints that plar for higher education in nursing." admitted 40 students to its under- two girls. perts say, may redefine Internet libel Barrett extorts money from his op- According to a survey conducted graduate baccalaureate program each See Bartels, Page 7 BBB| law. ponents by filing lawsuits. Is The lawsuits are an effort by The posting of Bolen's articles Stephen Barrett, the retired psychia- "was with actual malice in that ;ks. trist, to silence critics he contends Fonorow and the company he runs, Winning isn't always easy... wit-ti have libeled him. Intelisoft, either knew the statements raded "I perceive libel as extremely se- were false when they published them, ation rious and I do everything I can to try or they published the statements with red! and reduce it," said Barrett, 67, who a reckless disregard for their truth or in 32 years has established wide- falsity," according to Barrett's suit, gfOl spread recognition for fighting what which mirrors language used by the w^^^ igfi 5^ he regards as quackery. He has co- U.S. Supreme Court to define libel. e30 ; authored or edited 48 books, testified The complaint against Mercola nent, ^X ,— before Congress, been profiled in centers on the osteopath's posting of witl Time magazine and been interviewed a Bolen article in September 2000. In wa: Page 10 on national television. that piece Bolen alleged Barrett is >ns,' Working from Allentown, north- running "a conspiracy," "to discredit, etel; east of Philadelphia, Barrett main- and suppress, in an 'anything goes' idp"! tains five Web sites, one of which is attack mode, what is wrongfully e. Southern . He estab- named 'Alternative Medicine.'" lap Events lished the site in 1996, he said, to After Barrett complained, I,the "combat health-related frauds, myths, Mercola ran a response from Bolen ' ie r of fads and fallacies." GALLERY 303 in which Bolen called Barrett an ex- zards Lately, proponents and practitio- tortionist. Later, Mercola posted an f # * Paintings and Prints ners of alternative medicine have article claiming Barrett is allowing Opening iei.eption @ noon fiii taken shots at Barrett. And he has the public to suffer "to protect the H I - Oct. 4 responded with lawsuits filed in financial interests of conventional PENTSOCCIR Alameda County, Calif., and Canada, medicine." bn$ I * GSU Men's soccer besides the two here. In Barrett's California lawsuit, Owen Fonorow of Lisle, 111., who LaVene Bell/STAFF ti'i takes on College of he named nine defendants, including Charleston @ 4 p.m. operates a Web site that advocates an A VICTORY NONETHELESS: Eagle Football struggled a bit in this weekend's matchup against VMI in Lexington, L-OctS alternative treatment for heart dis- See Libel, Page 7 VA, but still managed to pick up yet another victory. The final score was 31-14 as GSU improved their record to 5-0. i Page 2 Monday, October 1, 2001 Police Beat National News Brief i Statesboro Police Department GSU Public Safety September 23 • Scott Michael Meader, 19, September 27 Fake IDs put spotlight on • Ronald Wayne Abrams, 19, was arrested for public drunken- was arrested for burglary. ness and minor in possession of • Diana Cone reported a T.V. alcohol. and VCR was missing from the September 29 Interior Design Building. easily faked driver licenses • Tracy Susanne Strama. 18. • William A. Schlott III, 19, KRT Campus was arrested for underage pos- was arrested for underage pos- Chartoff said. true of the spring break crowd. Of thj session of alcohol. session of alcohol. Detective Thomas Chartoff of the The reason: New Jersey is one of 4,000 fake driver's licenses confis- Rutgers University police speaks at only a handful of states that do not have cated this year at underage hot spot; -All Police Beat information • Jessica Stephanie Liak, 18, workshops on fake IDs, he brings a licenses with digitized information such as Panama City and Daytona • Michael Benemon, 22, was is compiled by Jenni Ginepri, strips. was arrested for underage pos- arrested for statutory rape and assistant news editor. newspaper article about a phony slightly more than half were fron session of alcohol. contributing to delinquency of a Yemeni identification card issued to a In most states, driver's licenses are New Jersey. minor. suicide bomber who blew a hole in the printed on plastic instead of paper and "It is a very easy document • Harold Lamar Madden, 19. USS Cole. often contain complicated holograms. counterfeit," said David Meyers, WIM was arrested for underage pos- September 30 "When I first started on the force 12 New Jersey licenses are "a piece of heads the fraudulent-ID unit of tin session of alcohol. Editor!s Note-Police Beat years ago, counterfeit licenses were a paper with a Polaroid pasted on it," Florida Division of Alcoholic Bev • John Paul Stalnaker, 17, was appears in every edition of the nuisance," Chartoff said. "More and said Dana Sullivan, spokesman for the erages and Tobacco. "You can scai • Betsy Erin Pinckard, 17, was arrested for underage possession George-Anne in an effort to inform more, we are seeing it associated with state Department of Motor Vehicle the license one time and e-mail it to arrested for underage possession of alcohol. the GSU community of the amount other crimes." Services. "It's not easy to do a good 10,000 people with the click of of alcohol. and nature of crime. All reports Federal authorities investigating the one, but you can certainly do a mock- mouse. • Keith Brandon Roberts, 23, are public information and can be Sept. 11 terrorist hijackings are learn- up by using desktop technology." In 1998, a Philadelphia man was • Kevin Christopher Archie, was arrested for DUI and speed- obtained at either the GSU ing the same lesson. Last week, the FBI At the First Run, a college night- arrested on allegations that he mas^ 19, was arrested for DU1 and run- ing. Division of Public Safety or the arrested a man accused of helping sup- club in Oxford, Ohio, close to 600 terminded an operation that, usin] ning a stop sign. Statesboro Police Department. ply two suspected terrorists with fake students from nearby Miami Univer- sophisticated computer equipment Virginia identification cards and an sity visit on a typical weekend. Some netted $1.9 million a month by self alleged Osama bin Laden associate in are underage, but, according to the ing thousands of fake New Jersej Detroit who held five Michigan driver's school's admissions office, very few - driver's licenses to campuses aloni Man admits running down licenses. 17 among this year's 3,439 freshmen - the East Coast. Authorities said til The governor of Maine said sus- are from New Jersey. IDs had been sold at "Tupperwari pected terrorists who flew from Port- But it would be hard to discern that party-like" gatherings, and that deal officer after fleeing bank robbery land to Boston, where they boarded the from the stack of confiscated fake IDs ers had used a license with Bil deadly flights, used New Jersey driver's at the First Run. Clinton's face as a sample. Associated Press licenses. New Jersey state police would "I was always curious." said David "Eighty percent of the fake docu< Christopher Paul Wood, 29, Igler, 51, was struck and not confirm or deny that report. Fittipaldo. 25. who has worked at the ments we confiscate are sold to mi; ROCHESTER, N.Y. - A of Rochester pleaded guilty Fri- dragged for 30 feet as he was That terrorists may have exploited bar for three years, "why we would see nors. But thousands of them are soli man admitted that he ran down day to first-degree assault for laying down spikes in an effort false identities points to what college (phony licenses from) New Jersey more to people over the age of 21. and the a police officer with his Jeep serious injuries he inflicted on to stop Wood. undergraduates and nightclub bounc- than any other state. That's the one I are using them for bank fraud, iden Cherokee after robbing a bank Officer Russ Igler on June 4. He was being pursued after a ers have known for years: getting a see most often." tity theft, or to move around the coun and smoking crack during his Wood had been charged with bank robbery in suburban fake ID is easy, especially in New When bouncers see a New Jersey try without being tracked." Meyer: flight from six police cars. attempted first-degree murder. Greece earlier this year. Jersey. driver license, they know to look closer, said. "If a 16-year-old can create In Monroe County Court on "We are the most commonly coun- and usually it is a fake, he said. fake ID card, a terrorist with a bij Friday, Wood said he loaded a terfeited license in the country," Florida officials say the same is bank card can easily find one." pipe with crack cocaine and started smoking as he drove into HEALTH Rochester while police chased him. Frequent flyers assess airport security "I just put in a whole bag and Associated Press SIE¥3CIB was smoking it because I didn't "Tensions are on edge; there is po- rity is the only way to get American: want to get caught with it," MANCHESTER, N.H. - Frequent tential for serious issues," he said. flying again, he is skeptical about somi Wood said in court. flyers are gaining more than bonus Randy Bridgeman of Atlanta works of the new security measures. Quality, Caring, Convenient "The more I smoked, the less miles. Savvy flyers are adapting to for a design and construction company "I had to wait in line for 20 minute I remember." quickly changing security measures and flies twice a week. Extra security at in Seattle while someone checked IDs. / health Wood faces 25 to 30 years in following the Sept. 11 th terrorist at- the Atlanta airport added 15 minutes to he said. "You know, these guys lb; prison when he's sentenced Oct. tacks. And they are discovering which the half hour it usually takes him to get hijacked the plane all had tickets ani 15 by Judge Patricia Marks. airports have the highest security and onto a plane. "I got there two hours ahead IDs, so I'm not sure how effective th; Igler suffered fractures to his the longest lines. of time, I was surprised," he said. is," he said. Recommended Immunizations: face, ribs, wrist and pelvis. In interviews at Manchester Air- Harley Semple of Madison, Wis., He said the attitude change in fligl He still hasn't returned to port Friday, passengers' concerns works for a software company that crews and passengers should discour Meningitis work and is expected to suffer ranged from minor inconveniences to supplies Boeing: he flies from Wis- age potential hijackers. long-term disabilities, said First significant security concerns. consin to Seattle once a week. Hepatitis B Assistant District Attorney Ralph Jenkins of York, Pa., flies He is vacationing in New England Michael Green. 50.000 to 100.000 miles annually, usu- this week with his wife, Marty. The Chicken Pox Wood's lawyer, Assistant Pub- ally taking one roundtrip each week. Semples said they were delayed in Tuberculosis Screening lic Defender Yolanda Villa, said Since the attacks, he's learned a few Madison because of a car search in the Williams Center room 2023 Wood insists he didn't mean to in- new tricks. He started leaving behind airport parking garage. P.O. Box 8001 jure Igler. disposable razors and he asks his travel "They searched under the hood and Statesboro, GA 30460 Wood also pleaded guilty to agent for paper tickets instead of e- in the trunk, behind our bags, under the first-degree robbery for holding up tickets, which he would have to ex- seats. They even looked under the car," How to reach us Call 681-5484 for Appointments an HSBC bank branch in Greece. change at the ticket counter. Marty Semple said. Other travelers ADVERTISING: He said he handed a note to a He packs light so he doesn't have to said the Providence, R.I., airport has 681-5418 teller saying, "Give me $500 and check baggage. He keeps his ticket and similar parking garage security. STORY OR PHOTOS: nobody gets hurt." identification handy to speed his trip In the three or four trips he's taken 681-5246 Cash, Check, VISA, Mastercard, Wood also pleaded guilty to through security. since Sept. 1, Harley Semple has seen FAX NUMBER: first-degree robbery for stealing "Everyone is now asking for ID. security evolve. Last week a crew pro- ■ 486-7113 and EAGLEXPRESS™ Accepted Which I appreciate, frankly," Jenkins hibited passengers from moving for- $125 at knifepoint from his E-MAIL TO: said. girlfriend's uncle in Greece on ward in the plane to the rest rooms. [email protected] March 3. Jenkins, the vice president of op- Even first class passengers had to go to erations for a retail chain, discovered rest rooms in the rear of the plane. "I It is a desire of The George-Anne one inconvenience. He bought a big, haven't seen that this week." he said. to print the news of Georgia South- ern University as accurately as sticky bun in an airport concourse and Security guards confiscated his nail possible. If you believe ilia! some- Student and Professional Association discovered there were no plastic knives. clippers from a carryon bag on one of thing covered is in error, contact "I had to kind of cut the bun with his first flights after the attacks, and he the editor at 681-5246 as soon as of Georgia Educators two forks. It wasn't a problem, it was stopped carrying a small Swiss Army possible. just weird," he said. knife he had flown with for years. Liked By Many, More seriously, Jenkins worries "I'm surprised they let me on with Cussed By Some ... about the possibility that poorly trained (it) in the first place," he said. Read By Them All. Come and find out armedguards will be assigned to planes. While Semple said increased secu-

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Refreshments will be served. For more information call Paula at 681-0024 or 764-5234 or Eric at 541-1362. 1

Monday, October 1, 2001 Page 3 ONLY IN AMERICA Researchers study mummy whose body turned to soap

Associated Press McFarland determined the Soap Lady premiering Oct. 5 on the National Ohio PHILADELPHIA - Sometime in had actually died in the 1800s and that her Geographic Channel. 1 O the 19th century, a fat woman died and name had been lost to history. With the tele vision ere w and museum her body changed almost entirely into McFarland could find no record of workers eating cheese steaks a few feet Store window soap. any yellow fever deaths in Philadelphia in away, the blackened mummy slowly display portrays It may sound like an urban legend, but 1792. A yellow fever epidemic did strike passed through a portable CT scanner in researchers are serious. On Thursday, the city in 1793, but the name a Mutter side room filled with large oil beheading of bin theyperformedaCTscanonthewoman's "Ellenbogen" appeared nowhere on an ■portraits of long-dead Philadelphia Laden mummified body hoping to learn more official list of the dead. Furthermore, physicians. S about the process that turns some corpses there was never a cemetery at Fourth and The Mutter was founded in 1849 by ')nhe AKRON- A store display that into a waxy, soap-like substance called Race. the Philadelphia College of Physicians, onfd portrays the beheading of fugitive adipocere. The CT scan, a computer-enhanced which still operates it. Its exhibits include spoj terrorist Osama bin Laden has The body, dubbed "Soap Lady," has image of areas that cannot be seen by X- malformed skeletons, a 27-foot-long rtona drawn complaints. been on display for more than a century at ray, was taped for a new television series human colon and a plaster cast of the from Bob Ferguson defended the the Mutter Museum, a former haven for called "The Mummy Road Show," famous Siamese twins, Chang and Eng. display at his shoe repair shop, medical students but now a Philadelphia : -; 1 saying he was taking recent tourist attraction. '.who patriotic sentiment "a step further." The CT scan unexpectedly revealed )f the The display features a sword- She turned herself in on Thursday, organ tissue, raising hope that researchers Bev- wielding mannequin dressed as but the two men haven't been mm Rhode Island might be able to learn how the woman i scan Lady Justice and a plastic foam apprehended. Callers lines are died. I it to head adorned with a white turban "The clerk thought she was "There's tons of stuff in there," said of I and beard to resemble bin Laden. just joking around until an hour crossed, ring up phone GeraldCordogue,aQuinnipiac University A woman who complained to later when she got professor of diagnostic imaging. "What police was told the display was a robbed."Kennedy said. "It's sex instead we may be looking at is a shell or casing ma! matter of free speech and police certainly unusual." PROVIDENCE- Callers looking made out of this soapy substance sealing usi™ had no jurisdiction. About $700 was stolen when for child-support services have been out the outside environment." men) Pam Buffington of Akron said the clerk was ordered to hand over ringing up a phone sex hot line instead. Thursday's scan was the first time the the display is gruesome and may money from the cash register and Rhode Island became a single Soap Lady had left her wooden display incite violence against people of safe, Kennedy said. One of the calling area, and state government gave table since 1874, when a prominent along Middle Eastern descent. men was carrying a gun but no one up its 800 numbers because they were University of Pennsylvania anatomist id thi Ferguson, 43, a former Army was hurt, he said. no longer needed. named Dr. Joseph Leidy donated the [■wan military police officer, said the The three robbers didn't try to The numbers were inactive and body to the museum. display showed he was "willing to conceal their faces, according to then were reassigned by the local phone Leidy claimed the Soap Lady, who point my finger at somebody who police reports. company. The child support number was discovered by workers removing [believe committed the act... or at First-degree robbery warrants was assigned to Intimate Encounters, a bodies from an old burial yard, had died NISSAN iocu- the very least admitted to other have been issued for Fred William national sex hot line, officials said. The in the late 1700s. acts." Judd, 47, and Daniel Tristan last four digits of the number spell the Leidy's explanation stood until 1942, NISSAN ? sold He said he has received more Eitniear, 27, police said. word "kids." when museum curator Dr. Joseph 1 thi compliments than complaints Franklin-White Nissan is your about the scene, which he created Ohio #1 Service Center for ALL Imports. :oin last week. o :at£ Alabama Elvis impersonator A few good a bis o reasons to accused of punching Woman warns of bring your car worker robbery, then helps to the best Nissan dealer ty hold up store HURON-Elvis left the building in Amerha's in the area... a huff. 0rive»lif • Affordable prices ica MUSCLESHOALS-A woman An Elvis impersonator has been v.mie tipped off a convenience store that charged with punching another • We honor all 322 South Main it was about to be robbed and then person in the jaw in a dispute over Sunday—Thursday Friday & Saturday Nissan dealer Statesboro coupons nutq came back an hour later to help in whether he should have been paid 10am—Midnight 489-4544 10am—1am IDs.' the holdup, police said. for his performance, police said. • Convenient location s tba Just as odd, the woman knew Timothy Baker. 53, of Greenville, • Early-bird drop- s aa the store's cashier, didn't wear a was charged with assault. Sales Service off available e that mask in the robbery and turned Baker demanded to be paid Department Department herself in a few days later, police after his performance at the nursing • Factory-trained 9:00am-7:00pm 8:00am-5:30pm llighj said. home, but the employee said they technicians Monday-Saturday Monday-Friday con Stephanie Sue Allen, 22, is had no agreement to pay him, charged with first-degree robbery police said. All Drinks & Slushes along with two men for the Monday Baker then punched the employee FRANKLIN-WHITE NISSAN stickup at a Spur convenience store, in the jaw. Glovinsky said. The Half Price 2-5pm Mit-M^u 807 South Main Street • Statesboro. Georgia 30458 te said Muscle Shoals police employee declined medical "•HaSST"1 681-4700 investigator Lt. Keith Kennedy. attention. The New Blind Willies

Live Thursday Oct. 4 Advance Tickets are on Sale now @ Blind Willie's, Cloud 9, Fast Trax, and Smiling Buddha for $5. Tickets are $7 @ the Door. Tonight: Free Pool, $ 1 Cover, $ 1 Drafts Tuesday: Happy Hour Everyone Drinks Free 8-11

The Blind Willies Calender Girt Bikini Contest is still looking fot mote contestants. If you ate interested come by fot mote details. A $250 Cash prize infill be given fot (itsi place.


The oldest continuously published newspaper in Bulloch County

Page 4 Monday. October 1. 2001 OPTNTONS OUR All I want from life is a personal mascot to take a break every fifteen minutes the best way for my mascot to act. at Chic-fil-a when out of nowhere I chose a stranger. A buddy would DAVID or has to have an air conditioner in The way that I would train him my mascot comes running through have the idea in there head that OPINION the suit with him. That would be is by sitting him down and making the Union and starts playing around because they are my friend they get ridiculous and he would not be able him watch all of the old footage of with people. You would not be special privileges. I am sorry but 1000 Cranes for Peace BRENNAMAN to do the things that I would be the San Diego Chicken. I would able to finish your lunch because of that is not an option, being the gives international paying him to do. I want a guy or order every tape that I saw on an how hard you would be laughing. mascot for me is something girl that has on funny shoes, a big infomercial and have it rush And if thatis not enough, imagine important, it is up there with beino students a chance to red bow tie and wears a bigger delivered so that the intensive how excited you would be to see a member of the secret service. show they care mascotish version of me when I So in the future when you and my head. A face that ^""^ ""^~""^^^^"*^ comeinjust your lunch bunch are sitting there < At 1,000 Cranes for Peace, is giving the iYou DO I WANT HIM TO RUN AROUND WITH A as my having the same boring held this past Friday, gave know you love me mascot is conversation you had three days face.i People like to MEGAPHONE YELLING AT PEOPLE, OR leaving. I ago and you hear someone yell as the chance for international see those faces, it can see it they come into the Union, donft be •• students to get together with gives them that WOULD I WANT HIM TO ACT LIKE THE now, surprised if itfs not a fellow student students, faculty and staff and feeling of security FAMOUS SAN DIEGO CHICKEN? everyone but the mascot for David share a common goal - the J and trust. smiles as Brennaman. And when that day — hope of peace in our world, I was sitting in my room thinking The hard part ™ ~^^~ ^^^^™ they are comes, you will see just how In fact, students, faculty one day, like I often find myself about having my mascot is how training could begin as soon as looking at me and then everyone, important it is for the guy in the suit doing, when I realized what I need would I want him to act? Do I want possible. I would make sure that and I mean everyone stands and to be my personal mascot and staff made almost 1,500 in order to succeed in life. I came him to run around with a megaphone the mascot went to places before I starts to chant iDavid! David! So pay attention to the bulletin origami cranes. According to to the conclusion that I needed a yelling at people, or would I want got there and messed with people DavidOi That would be beautiful. boards around campus, friends. legend, folding 1,000 cranes personal mascot. Thatis right I him to act like the famous San Diego that were already there. He could But that draws another question Who knows, you just might have will grant the folder's wish. need my very own David mascot. Chicken? You know, the one that mess up peoplefs hair, mimic and to mind, who is going to be my what it takes to be the official David We hope the legend is true. Someone dressed in a fun mascot went around teasing the umpires mock them, and even try and play mascot? Do I choose a friend to do mascot. The significance of such outfit and goes places and has fun and the players of the opposing fight with them and act like he was the job or do I have open auditions David Brennaman is the ads with the people before I get there. teams and then run away when the kicking dirt on their shoes. for the many that would be manager of The George-Anne and an event here at GSU gave I am not asking for a guy in a victim got mad and decided that the Imagine how funny it would be. interested in being my mascot. I can be reached at the campus a sense of unity. suit that is so outlandish that he has joke is over. I think that would be you and your lunch bunch are eating think that it would be for the best if [email protected]. Working together to create the small paper birds seems like a small act, but it's anything but—it echoes the The whole thing is almost Orwellian strides made among the connotations. exterior shots of the city skyline. international community as a WTC from history. How could historically been a powerful Pejorative? When someone flies No World Trade Center. They've someone do this to us, us, the United force in shaping America. Think whole to show sympathy and. a plane into a stocked-up pulled the stellar Spiderman trailer States of America? To be strong, of how our feelings over support to the U.S. after the skyscraper, there's no way a simple with a >helicopter webbed up we have to get rid of our shame. tolerating civil rights abusing Sept. 11 attacks. word could cast more aspersions between the towers. To be strong, we have to make have led us to champion civil The cranes also look pretty on their character. It's editorial References to the WTC are being sure that the attacks never rights across the globe hanging up in the Union. decisions like this that give pulled, deleted, rewritten and happened. We can't have anything (sometimes in China, even). "journalist" pejorative digitally erased with abandon, all to remind us of them. Remove the The sentiment expressed What about how feelings of connotations. in the name of not offending WTC from everything it appeared shame over how we treated by theCenterfor International Instead of "terrorist," Reuters anyone's delicate sensibilities. in. Find the terrorists and kill them. Vietnam vets have led to absolute Studies' project fulfills their will use All of them. veneration of armed forces wish to express the same "gunman," ^^ ^"^"""""' Beyond that, members after they come home? sentiment on the monument "bomber," or don't bother Leave the WTC in the movies. SHAME HAS HISTORICALLY BEEN A to Sasako Sasaki in Japan's other descriptive putting up a Leave it on the Spiderman movie terms. Granted, in Hiroshima Peace Park: "This POWERFUL FORCE IN SHAPING AMERICA. memorial — poster. Don't honor the evil, but describing events rebuild the don't trivialize it, either. The is our cry. This is ourprayer;" that have already towers, just as attacks happened, and we can't peace in the world. It's almost Orwellian, if you taken place this ^^^^^^^ they were change that. What we can change. ' In the wake of the recent think about it. As a matter of fact, will work just before. Just however, is the way we deal with WTC and Pentagon attacks, Orwell himself wrote "if language fine, but what about suspects? No I even read a quote from a writer don't remind us of that terrible their aftermath. We don't have to it is important for Americans can corrupt thought, thought can one knows what they're planning working on a book about turn-of- day that we were shamed into forgive, but we must remember. to do, but whatever it is, it involves to show their support and corrupt language." the-century New York who groused knowing that we, as Americans, Jake Hallman is the news The Reuters news agency (that a terroristic attack. Why not use that she had to change her book in aren't necessarily the big dogs editor of The George-Anne and patriotism. For international supplies CNN with material, as "terrorist," then? light of the attacks. The WTC on the world stage. can be reached at students at GSU, lOOOCranes well as thousands of newspapers And here I was, bemoaning that wasn't even built until seventy years Wrong. Shame has [email protected]. for Peace gave the chance to across the globe) has announced "differently-abled" was PC-speak into the century. show that they too care. that it will no longer use the word gone amok. It's back to basic I disagree with the push to "terrorist," since it has pejorative Orwell: if there's no word for a remove the WTC. Why shouldn't concept, how can one understand we remember the buildings? To LETTER AND SUBMISSION POLICY the concept? For example, try pretend they're not there is an insult The George-Anne welcomes letters to the editor, story submissions and explaining the difference between to those who died and were injured guest columns from people both inside and outside the GSU community. a "house" and a "home" to someone in the attacks and subsequent rescue All copy submitted should be typed (double-spaced, please), preferably on in Italian. You can't do it. Their efforts. Macintosh disk in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Works format. All submis- language has no way to differentiate I've yet to hear of anything being sions must be signed and include a mailing address and phone number for between the two. modified by the Pentagon attack. verification. The editors reserve the right to reject any submission. There Linguistic revisionism in the Of course, that story (and the 900 is no word limit on submissions. A writer may request to remain wake of the Sept. 11 attacks goes or so people who died) is strictly anonymous. However, it will be the editor's decision whether or not to print hand-in-hand with a kind of page 8A material now, to the name. Submissions are run on a space-available basis. •historical revisionism that I've seen paraphrase The Onion. in the media since the incidents. It's as if the attacks were such The 2001 Editorial Staff I went to see "Zoolander" this an affront on our sense of national € Covering the campus weekend. Mostly set in New York, honor that we must erase our like a swarm of gnats % Brooke Minter the movie has a few sweeping embarrassment by removing the Deputy Managing Editor Jenni Ginepri The 2001 Editorial Board Assistant News Editor Jill Burnham Justin Johnson Photo Editor Editor-in-Chief Melissa Connors Sports Editor Tim Leyden Tim Prizer Assistant Sports Editor Managing Editor Amanda Permenter Features Editor Jake Hallman Chris Brennaman News Editor A & E Editor 1 THE GEORGE-ANNE STAFF For 75 years, Georgia Southern's Official Student Newspaper

NEWS CIRCULATION Chris Brennaman, Shnna Bridges, Blaze Supervisors Cuipepper, Tiffany Domingos, Erik David Panowicz, Chris Rhyne Howard, Brandon Sparks ADVERTISING/DISTRIBUTION LIFESTYLES SERVICES (ADS) Jessica Garcia, Urkovia Jacobs. Travis Jones, T. McDonald, Janis Pitman Advertising Manager David Brennaman Business Manager SPORTS Stacey Johnson Ad Reps EH Boorstein, Nick Fierstos, Doug Kidd Trent Anthony. Tiffany Domingos, Stacey Johnson. Jennifer Teusaw. Candace Westberry, Jackson Westberry PHOTOGRAPHY PRODUCTION AND LaVene Bell. Allison Bennett. Laura GRAPHICS SERVICES (PAGES) Cox. Tim Deaver. Lindsay Wise

STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Production Manager Adam Drew News, Editorial Advisor WebMaster Lany Anderson Segio Waldring General Manager Bill Neville Monday, October 1, 2001 Page 5

AIRLINER, FROM PAGE 1 Cabinet secretaries would fly In other developments: nounced that military personnel Friday aboard U.S. airlines, in a • A measure of good news - killed or wounded in the terrorist largely symbolic demonstration of though the term barely applied - attacks would receive the Purple faith in the system. came from New York, where Mayor Heart, a combat decoration. Still, as he outlined the new se- Rudolph Guiliani revised down- He also announced that a new curity procedures, it became in- ward the number of missing and civilian decoration, the Defense of creasingly clear that in almost ev- presumed dead at the trade center. Freedom Medal, would be awarded ery regard, patience would be re- He said that solemn roster now to non-military employees of the quired in the war against terrorism included 5.960 people and might go Defense Department who were vic- in general and bin Laden in particu- lower as officials continue to weed tims of the attacks. lar. The civil- For days, __ ^,^___ ian medal, Defense Sec- Rumsfeld retary Donald "OTHERS WILL BECOME IMPATIENT, BUT NOT said, is "a rec- Rumsfeld and TfflS GREAT NATION. WE WILL STAND FIRM AND ognition that other adminis- the world has tration figures STAND STRONG UNTIL WE HAVE ACHIEVED OUR changed and

have been 11 we can no downplaying MISSION. - DONALD RUMSFELD longer be cer- the possibility DEFENSE SECRETARY tain of future of imminent ^^^^^^^^ ^^_^_^^__ wars being military ac- waged safely tion. On Thursday, Bush acknowl- out names that had been double- in their regions of origin." edged that his air security enhance- counted. Though still shocking, that • Attorney General John ments also would require some time. reduced by at least 1,000 the previ- Ashcroft released photographs of "Others will become impatient. ous number of missing. the 19 suspected hijackers and asked but not this great nation," he said. • The Taliban's ambassador in Americans to contact authorities if "We will stand firm and stand strong Pakistan, Abdul Salam Zaeef, indi- they had seen any of the men before until we have achieved our mis- cated for the first time in days that Sept. 11. He called it part of "a sion." Afghanistan's leaders knew where national neighborhood watch." Later, he stopped for lunch at bin Laden could be found - or at Also on the criminal investiga- the Norwood diner in northwest Chi- least how to contact him. tion front. FBI Director Robert cago. He told the staff that he likes "Osama has now received the Mueller said he believes that his cheeseburger "medium." He (clerics') recommendations" that he Wednesday's arrests of people al- hugged some of the customers. depart Afghanistan, said Abdul legedly involved in fraudulently ob- Then, the president showed the Salam Zaeef. taining commercial licenses to carry ■ patrons badge No. 1012 of the Port A planeload of Islamic clerics hazardous materials were not re- Authority Police Department. It was was scheduled to leave Pakistan on lated to the hijackings. , given to him by the mother of Friday, headed for Kandahar in • Jesse Jackson said he was con- George Howard, an officer who died southern Afghanistan to speak with sidering an invitation from the in the World Trade Center and Bush bin Laden. Taliban and Pakistan Taliban to take a "peace delega- now carries it with him every day. officials said that the clerics would tion" to Pakistan. The White House, The lunchtime customers saw try to persuade bin Laden to leave which has called its demands non- this silver shield, and they sponta- Afghanistan to stand trial in an- negotiable, urged him not to go, ; neously started singing "God Bless other Islamic country. and the Taliban said the offer origi- America." •At the Pentagon, Rumsfeld an- nated with Jackson. Annie's Guitars and Drums 5203 Waters Avenue • Savannah, Georgia 31404 (Near corner of 66th and Waters) HOURS 912.352.1333 Monday-Friday: 10am-6:30pm Saturday: 10am-5:00pm

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'f ' SPORTS Monday, October 1, 2001 — Pag£^ Apologizing for the win, Johnson leads Eagles to 31-14 win over VMI

By Doug Kick! started early," Adrian Peterson said. TheGSU five yards out broke a suing of four straight doug_kidd @ fullback said VMI came out in a different shutouts. LEXINGTON, Va.— Paul defensive front but it should not have been a Peterson and J.R. Revere finished the Johnson walked out of the locker problem. GSU scoring with seven and five yard roomanddownthedarkrunnelleading "We had some misfortunes— fumbles, runs, respectively. from the Virginia Military Institute penalties, big runs called back," Peterson said. The Keydets scored again on a one- grandstands. GSU struggled from the start. The Eagles yard Gene Cauthen run to finish the Theheadcoachhadjustaddressed were twice forced to punt and threw an scoring. his team and was on his way to give interception in the first quarter. A week after breaking through, Revere a postgame radio interview. As he But Peterson put GSU on the board first, hadanothertoughdaypassing,completing was walking, Johnson turned to running in from 21 yards out. 'five-of-14 passes for 125 yards. reportersgroupedoutsidetheGeorgia The senior was the only offensive weapon Johnson was disappointed in his Southern locker room. working on Saturday, finishing with 175 yards team's overall play, but particularly the "I told you we weren't that good," and three touchdowns. offensive line. Left tackle James McCoy he, said. "AP played well," Johnson said. "He missed his second straight game with The standards are so high at GSU broke a lot of tackles." staph infection and was replaced by Nick that even a win can be criticized. That Along with VMI players' attempts to bring Heuman. was thecase on Saturday as the Eagles him down, Peterson took another step in Unlike the past few weeks, the took a lackluster 31-14 victory over breaking another record. His 100-yard offensive line looked confused at the look

VMI. performance was his 35* regular season from the VMI defense. GSU gained a I "I hope we can play better," rushing game over the century mark, tying the season-low 304 rushing yards. Johnson said. "But we're 4-0 and we NCAA all-divisions record. Johnson said the Keydets brought up are apologizing for winning 31 -14.1 Peterson tied the record set last season by asafetyandhidhiminbehindalinebacker. there's something good about R.J.BowersofDivision ITJ GroveCity College. "Our offensive line struggled." that." "It feels good,'' Peterson said. "It's another Johnson said. "We had guys flying The Eagles' domination of the stepping stone for me." everywhere. We would ask [the offensive first three games of the season had After a 25-yard Scott Shelton field goal, linemen] on the sidelines who they were some thinkingthey were unstoppable, Peterson struck again. His 15-yardrun capped blocking and they didn't know." especially against a winless VMI an eight-play, 60-yard drive that finished the Johnson said the scheme VM used squad. first half scoring. should not have been hard to figure out. "I But the Keydets proved to be a In the second half, VMI put their first ever drew the same thing up in the hotel [before formidable foe. points on the board against GSU in Lexington. thegame],"hesaid. "We knew what they Lavene Bell/STAFF "They came out strong and it Kevin Solomon's mid-third quarter run from would do." UNSATISFYING WIN: The Eagles defeated VMI 31 -14 in Lexington, yet failed to meet the standard that they had set for themselves. UNC-Greensboro defeats GSU men's soccer 9-1 Lady Eagles record two more wins

By BJ Corbitt [email protected] The' Georgia Southern women's soccer team contin- ued their recent winning ways over the weekend, nabbing a pair of conference victories by identical 1-0 scores over West- ern Carolina and Chattanooga. On Friday afternoon, the Eagles battled past the Cata- mounts of Western Carolina, thanks to freshman striker Katy Znosko's strike eight minutes and fifteen seconds into the first period. Jackie Kinsey re- mained the team's points leader on the season, as she notched her fourth assist and eighth overall point. Georgia Southern outshot the Catamounts 11-6; Eagle goalkeeper Tanya Woehr was only forced to make two saves on the afternoon, as the Eagle defense made a terrific showing. On Sunday afternoon, the Eagles took on the Mocs of Chattanooga, who had only one win on the season coming into Jill Burnham/STAFF the contest; the affair was nearly EAGLES SUFFER DEFEAT: The Eagles fell to UNCG on the road a repeat of the teams' previous • 9-lSaturday.TheEaglescurrentrecordis 1-lintheSouthernConference outing, as the Eagles again held and 3-5 overall. their opposition scoreless, while Znosko again provided the day' s G-A News Service only scoring, knocking in a feed Greensboro, NC — Alejandro Moreno-scored three goals to lead from Genevieve Ward three UNCG to a 9-1 victory over Georgia Southern on Saturday night at minutes and thirty-six seconds UNCG Soccer Stadium in front of 2,011 fans. into the second period. Tanya The Spartans (3-3, 2-1 SoCon) took control of the game early Woehr earned her third straight when James Goodman scored on a double assist from Moreno and shutout in-goal, with six saves Svafnir Gislason, The goal was Goodman's first in his collegiate on the day. GSU outshot UTC career. Moreno then scored the Spartan's next two goals off assists 18-11. Late in the contest, GSU from Goodman and Chris Goos , including a spectacular diving senior striker Dayna Passarella header inside the six yard box. was carried off the field with a Goodman then scored his second goal of the evening, and his knee injury; the extent of her career off one of three assists on the evening from Keith Rice- . injury wasn't known immedi- Lindsay Wlse/STAFi Rounding out the scoring on the evening for the Spartans were Goos, ately after the game. GAINING GROUND: Jakie Kinsey helped lead the GSU Lady Eagles Soccer team to two more victories Kenny Bundy , Mike Hemphill (Sr./Asheville, NC), Jamie Carlson With the two wins, the Lady this weekend. The Eagles defeated Western Carolina Friday 1-0 and UT-Chattanooga on Sunday 1-0. The and Moreno one more time. Carlson's goal was also the his first of Eagles ran their current Eagles current record is 3-0-1 in the Southern Conference and 5-3-1 overall. his career. unbeaten streak to five games Georgia Southern's lone goal on the evening came at the 77:19 (4 wins and 1 tie) and remained mark when Martin Cunningham scored his second goal of the season unbeaten in Southern Confer- given up 2 goals over the last been much to look at lately, with tion this Friday afternoon with a off an assist from Jeff Russell. ence play at 3-0-1. The Eagles five games, shutting out 4 of its only Znosko's 2 goals to show in nonconference contest in Atlanta The Eagles return to action on Wednesday at Eagle Field as they (5-3-1 overall) have gotten just last 5 opponents in the proedss. the last three games. against the Georgia State host Southern Conference rival College of Charleston. plain stingy lately; the team has The offense, by contrast, hasn't The Lady Eagles return to ac- Panthers. Georgia Southern Cross Country Martin becomes first woman to play and score in a Division I football game KRT Campus Sets Personal Bests at Auburn game. not consider herself agroundbreaker. her football uniform.) So the SAN JOSE - It was not done in Martin's first kick prompted a "That's not what it's about at Gamecocks invited her to training G-A News Service title. the name of womanhood. It was not standing ovation, and she thrust a all," she told reporters before the camp. She made 20 of 22 point-after Auburn, Ala. - The Georgia "This was one of our best meets in about making history. Or breaking fist into the air as she jogged to the game. "That would be like I'm attempts against a live rush. Southern cross-country team three or four years," said head coach down gender barriers. Or fulfilling a sideline. After the game, teammates making a statement, and that's not The NCAA doesn't keep such placed 22nd at the Auburn Bank Todd Lane. "All of our runners finished dream. It was about kicking an extra chanted "Ashley! Ashley!" and she the case. I've got a job to do, and records, but according to the Invitational on Saturday, well, and they all set personal bests." point. Wasn't that what Ashley received the game ball. that's what I'm focused on." Associated Press, the only other posting several personal bests. GSU freshman Jessica Tyre finished Martin was supposed to do? See ball, She slept for two hours, appeared Martin joined the Gamecocks out woman to score in a college game is Freshman Lindsey Nye led her first 5K as an Eagle in 19:44, while kick ball. More like: See ball, kick on "Good Morning, America," then of necessity: They had just one kicker Liz Heaston, who kicked two extra the team for the third another GSU newcomer, Samantha ball, enter record book. hopped a plane to Southwest on the roster, Steven Lee, and he points in 1997 for then-NAlA consecutive meet with a time of Currie, completed the course in 20:47. On Aug. 29, Martin became the Missouri State, where she joined was a transfer. Willamette University in Salem. 18:56. Nye averageda6:21 mile Junior Mary Rebok set a new personal first woman to play (and score) in a Jacksonville State's women's soccer But an assistant coach knew Ore. time. Victoria Gill of Florida best time of 19:52, as did sophomore Division I game when she kicked team. Martin had kicked for East Coweta The first woman to suit up fora State won the meet with a time Melissa Reyes at 20:09. Georgia three extra points in Jacksonville Although Martin, a sophomore, High in Sharpsburg, Ga. (She was college game was Louisville s of 16:18. Baylor Southern returns to action next Saturday (Ala.) State's 72-10 victory over is featured on a team T-shirt with the selected homecoming queen and Kathy Klop, in 1995, but she never University took the team at The Citadel Invitational. Cumberland in a Division I-AA logo "Battle of the Sexes," she did reportedly accepted the crown in played. Monday, October 1, 2001 Page 7 ¥ORMS, FROM PAGE 1 BARTELS, FROM PAGE 1 productivity by the end of Au- leashed the so-called Cornell Internet million computers in a single day, Peer Charlie Norwood. mained stranded in Washington until cal today." iccording to market-research Worm or Morris Worm and overloaded says. "Compounding the problem is the her husband drove up to meet her on During this week's trip to Wash- 'omputer Economics. thousands of Internet servers. Since MessageLabs, a British anti-virus fact that the pipeline of new nurses is the night of Sept. 12. ington, Bartels spoke with Colljns, "The thing with Code Red was, then, hackers have written a variety of firm with U.S. offices in the Twin shrinking. Additionally, faculty The specter of the terrorist at- Isakson, Norwood and Georgia datingyouranti-virus software had worms but rarely caused widespread Cities, says it has. seen a fivefold in- shortages are reducing the capacity tacks made the timing of the hearing Rep. Jack Kingston. no effect on it." said Chris Klaus, damage. crease in the number of viruses trying of the educational system to increase on the nursing shortage even more "I was able to have direct, one- founder and chief technical officer Code Red is a prominent excep- to penetrate its security since January enrollments to offset current and fu- appropriate. on-one conversations with each of ; Internet Security Systems, an Al- tion, partly because it effectively tar- 2000. ture shortages." "If ever an issue demonstrates the these legislators," Bartels said. iased firm that manages cor- gets Microsoft's industry-dominant The company, which specializes in Bartels was originally scheduled lifeblood connection between edu- "All of them knew about Geor- : security. Windows operating system. It specifi- intercepting e-mail-borne viruses on to testify before the committee on cation and workforce, this is it," said gia Southern, they had knowledge Other worms endure, too. The cally attacks corporate computers that the Internet before they reach clients' Sept. 11, but the hearing was post- Ohio Rep. John Boehner, the of our nursing program and they ins SirCam, though detectable am the Windows NT or 2000 operat- computer networks, saw the presence poned by the terrorist attacks on New committee's chairman. "Nurses make were very excited about the work - virus software, shows little ing systems along with a certain kind of malicious codes increase from one York City and Washington. up the backbone of our health care that is going on here." abating since its discovery in of Microsoft Web-server software. in every 3,000 messages to one in On the morning of the attacks, system. For more information on the , ily. SirCam had infected 2.3 mil- This has made it a headache for every 400 messages even before Code Bartels was in the capital and en "We watched dedicated nurses nursing shortage, visit the AHA n ordinary PCs and caused $1 bil- network administrators but an irrel- Red was unleashed in July. The num- route to a meeting with a Georgia and other medical personnel Web site at, the n in damages by the end of Au- evance for most home-PC users, who bers rose to one virus for every 200 Rep. Mac Collins when one of the selflessly respond to the tragic American Association of Colleges st, according to Computer Eco- typically use different flavors of Win- messages in August, says Andy Paris, hijacked planes crashed into the Pen- events in New York City and at the of Nursing Web site at imics. dows such as Windows 98. While Code president of the U.S. operations. tagon. Pentagon. If the nursing shortage fac- or the House Computer viruses of any kind are Red inconvenienced some consumers Potential victims remain vulner- With the nation's airports closed ing our country was in serious condi- of Representatives Web site at worrisome because they can wreak by disabling their high-speed DSL able because they don't take appropri- as a security measure, Bartels re- tion (Sept. 11), its condition is criti- all sorts of havoc, from deleting criti- modems, which it mistook for corpo- ate precautions, experts say. If all com- nputer files and scrambling rate servers, most regular folks re- puter users updated their anti-virus LIBEL, FROM PAGE 1 ■ settings to furiously spreading mained blissfully immune. software regularly and immediately li lemselves until computer networks But home users may be more vul- installed all security-related software Bolen and Ilena Rosenthal of San Diego, who posted a . V nerable the next time, experts warn, patches as they became available, the or Web sites are overwhelmed with Bolen article and other material on the Web. because a future worm may target con- spread of computer viruses would likely unwanted traffic. Alameda County Superior Court Judge James A. • slow to a crawl. But that never hap- A worm, by one definition, is a sumer computers via the Web, file- Richman on July 25 dismissed Rosenthal as a defendant in hat replicates and propagates transfer and instant-messaging services pens. ' the case. Richman cited a section of the federal Communi- that are booming in popularity. Hun- "If everyone did these things, we itself viacomputer disks and memory cations Decency Act that states "no provider or user of an as well as networks and the Internet. dreds of holes are potentially ready to wouldn't be in business." says Robert interactive computer service shall be treated as the pub- be exploited by malicious hackers, they Stephens, founder and "chief inspec- Though worms may cause little di- lisher or speaker of any information provided by another believe. tor" of the Minneapolis-based Geek et damage as they spread, they can information content provider." .any harmful pay loads - much as a New operating systems being re- Squad, an emergency-tech-help firm ■ "Rosenthal is not the publisher or speaker of Bolen's missile carries a bomb. leased by Microsoft and Apple ail but with a growing roster of corporate cli- piece," Richman ruled. "Thus, she cannot be civilly liable guarantee that more worms will be ents. Many worms, such as SirCam, for posting it on the Internet." arrive attached to an e-mail and need crawling the Web. "You're going to Code Red isn't the only threat lying Local attorneys who work on Internet law and a Stanford see a race i n the hacking community to in wait. SirCam has been a major head- to be triggered by the recipient. Such University Internet law expert said Richman's ruling con- pendent" worms, including come up with ways to exploit" Win- ache because of its ability to disguise flicts with the law. i\ e Bug and AnnaKournikova. of- dows XP and Mac OS X, Klaus pre- itself. "The Internet is not fair game for all statements with n entice potential victims with dicted. This has made SirCam more of a complete immunity for all people," said Bruce Fox, a And although creating a wormsuch danger than worms - such as Love Bug, promises of romance or nude pic- partner in the Chicago law firm of Neal, Gerber and Jr* '■"'iJP WmUtsSm 1 tures, causing recipients to rashly- as Code Red from scratch requires AnnaKournikova and NakedWife - Eisenberg. "The ruling did seem to protect [Rosenthal] as open the attachments that trigger the considerable programming skill, because those kinds of bugs are rela- if she was not providing that content. I would think she was tweaking it to make a variant is rela- tively easy to spot. Such worms carry problem. providing it." But Code Red needs no human tively easy. "I'll be shocked if we don't essentially the same message and sub- Gene Autrey, partner with the Chicago office of Kirkland trigger. Such a "loner" worm traverses see more worms by the end of the ject line as they propagate themselves and Ellis, called Richman's decision "a liberal reading of the Net looking for a specific vulner- year." the security expert added. via victims' e-mail address books. the statute [that] is at odds with typical defamation law in ability in a software program. Upon The speed with which viruses But SirCam-carrying e-mails are this context," which was set up to protect service providers finding such a "hole," it burrows i nto spread is increasing, partly because the harder to detect. Subject lines change who unknowingly transmit libelous or defamatory mate- a computer and often uses it as a Internet has become so pervasive. because the virus chooses a file at rial. launching pad for further mischief. "What we're seeing today is a huge random from an infected computer's Attorney Jennifer Granick, director of Stanford Tim Deaver/STAFF The solution is lo "patch'' ihe hole infection rate relative to years ago," My Documents folder, then uses a HOPING FOR PEACE: Friday the Center for Uni versity' s Law and Technology Clinic in the university' s that lets the worm in. Microsoft has says Keith Peer. CEO and president of subject heading identical to the file International studies sponsored " 1000 Cranes for Peace' Center for Internet and Society, said courts have upheld the released a software patch for Code Central Command, a security softw are name. This tack helps keep SirCam in in the Russell Union. 1,500 origami cranes made by concept that Internet service providers who provide the Red, but many companies have ne- company based in Medina, Ohio. circulation. faculty, staff and students at last week's International facilities on which someone has posted potentially libelous Code Red infected up to 300,000 "I believe it will top all other vi- Coffee Hour were dedicated as a memorial to the ted to install it. material cannot be held accountable for libel. Worms have been around the Net computers in a 12-hour period, accord- ruses," Peer says, noting that it's been victims of the Sept. 11 attacks. the late 1980s, when a college ing to one published report. Malicious reported in 110 countries so far and amed Robert Morris un- software now can infect up to half a continues to spread.

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RETIREMENT ; INSURANCE j MUTUAL FUNDS : CGtLEGE SAVINGS TRUSTS ■ INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT lest ■ ■ . .■-■;•:; pum Monday. October 1. 2001-Page 8 funny 'Hearts in Atlantis' touches the heart

Associated Press Associated Press mer of 1960. when he turned 11. and him - men who wear wide-brimmed NEW YORK - From the commer- "Hearts in Atlantis" amasses a Ted Brautigan (Hopkins) became a hats and dark clothes and drive flashy cials, "Zoolander" looks like one of team of major moviemaking power new boarder at the house he shared cars - and asks Bobby to watch out those movies based on a "Saturday for a personal, intimate story. with his mother (Hope Davis). for them. Night Live" character, stretched ago- Director Scott Hicks, nominated Bobby's dad died when he was 5, The movie is a little vague about the nizingly from a three-minute sketch for an Academy Award for "Shine," and he turns to Ted as a father figure. bad guys. Are they real? And what ex- to a full-length feature. creates a golden, glowing mood that' s His two best friends, Carol (Mika actly do they want from him? It has Male Derek Zoolander consistent and complete throughout Boorem) and Sully (Will Rothhaar), something to do with his psychic abilities, easily could have been just another this small coming-of-age but we never know. Mary Katherine Gallagher from "Su- story. No matter. The movie's perstar," Leon Phelps from "The La- The screenplay from really aboutthe summerthat dies Man," or worse - Pat. William Goldman, an Bobby grew up, and entire But - as star, director Oscar winner for "All the scenes look like they were and co-writer - is so likable and con- President's Men" and lifted straight from "Stand sistently inventive, the act never grows "Butch Cassidy and the by Me." Bobby and his tiresome. Even Will Ferrell-who's Special Photo Sundance Kid," is, as you friendsspend their daysfrol- would expect, crisp, hon- icking in the woods with the normally annoying (and a frequent RELAX: Mr. Zoolander, played by Ben Stiller, is chosen to be the face est and human. golden sunlight streaming cast member of those unfortunate of Mugato's new urban line of clothes, "Derelicte." movies based on "SNL" sketches) - is And Anthony Hopkins, through the trees, and run- funny here as a flamboyant designer as a wanderer who rents a ning along the railroad named Mugatu who manipulates ing a "walk-off' to determine the ulti- the uptight Time magazine reporter room in the house where a tracks. Zoolander for his own dastardly mate male in which Zoolander and (Stiller's wife, Christine Taylor) who's boy lives with his widowed The performances are uniformly excellent, espe- scheme. Hansel try to one-up each other, strutting writing about it. mother, has crafted a tex- And as Zoolander's up-and-coming down the runway to Michael Jackson's It is jarring, though, to see the Man- tured, fascinating figure. cially from Davis as male modeling rival, Hansel, Owen Wil- "Beat It." hattan skyline without the twin towers The film is beautiful and Bobby's conflicted, self- son again manages to make scene steal- An awards show montage of maga- of the World Trade Center, which ap- poignant, but deliberately absorbed mother whose loss ing look effortless. zine covers, photo shoots and commer- parently were erased from the finished paced and with no real sur- of innocence mirrors her Modeling has been lampooned count- cials from Zoolander and Hansel's ca- print after the attacks. prises. If you've seen the son's. But the kids are the less times before; it's a shallow industry, reers is hysterically dead-on, as is the A scene in which Zoolander gives ads, you know the players ones who steal the show. we've established that. But Stiller's take "homeless chic" look of Mugatu's latest the eulogy at a funeral for his male and you know Stephen King, It's astonishing that the on the fashion world is so goofy and^ fashion line, model roommates, who die in a gaso- you'll know exactly what filmmakers found child ac- energetic and over-the-top, he breathes "Derelicte" - though its dresses line explosion inexplicably played for you're getting when you tors who are so smart and life into the subject. made of trash bags and cardboard laughs, also strikes an awkward note, walk into this. poised, so real, without an The movie is firmly rooted in real- boxes aren't far from what appears especially with the New York City "Hearts in Atlantis" is ounce of cloying preco- ity, though - if that's possible in this on the runways at couture shows. skyscrapers gleaming behind the cem- the latestadaptationof aKing ciousness. business - with cameos from designers "Zoolander" also works because etery. stoiy, but it's a hybrid of two Boorem is utterly Tom Ford and and it maintains a consistent tone through- Many other moments redeem the earlier films based on the Special Photo charming as Carol, author's works. Bobby's neighbor with models including Claudia Schiffer, out. Unlike other broad, silly com- movie though, especially the ones with KINDRED SPIRITS: Anthony Hopkins turns in a It has the melancholy whom he experiences his and Tyson edies of recent years, it doesn't try to Wilson. All he has to do is show up in powerful performance as "Ted" in the latest Stephen King a scene to make it better, and he more childhood memories of first kiss. She also stood Beckford. Derek Zoolander him- gross us out, then turn abruptly and film adaptation "Hearts in Atlantis." self is a character Stiller created for a give us a hug. than holds his own, as he did opposite "Stand By Me" crossed out earlier this year in the sketch for the 1996 VH1 /Vogue Fash- There was some concern over releas- Stiller and Robert De Niro in last year's with the mysterious psy- silly, convoluted "Along ion Awards. ing this movie so soon after the Sept. 11 "Meet the Parents" and with Jackie chic stranger of "The Green Mile." But also take to him, spending long after- Came a Spider" and as Mel Gibson's "Zoolander" also requires a hefty teirorist attacks because the plot includes Chan in "Shanghai Noon." that's fine, because those are two ofthe noons reading and playing games on daughter last year in "The Patriot." knowledge of celebrities and pop cul- the planned assassination of the prime His mountain-climbing, extreme- strongest King adaptations. the front porch. And Yelchin, who also appeared in ture to enjoy the tiny details, otherwise minister of Malaysia. But that element of sport-playing, acid-dropping Hansel The flashback structure recalls Ted's a little sketchy about his "Along Came a Spider," holds his own appearances from 'N Sync's Lance the movie is so minor, even calling it part takes himself so seriously, yet is so "Stand by Me," with a middle-aged background, but he has an amazing magnificently with Hopkins. He brings Bass, Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst and of the plot gives it too much credit. cluelessly lovable, you'd want to hang narrator (David Morse) who returns ability of knowing everything that to Bobby the perfect combination of hotel heiress Paris Hilton, among oth- Really, there is no plot. "Zoolander" out with him and his posse of sundry to his hometown for the funeral of an goes on, and he always happens to be goofy kid and blossoming adult. Watch- ers, will be meaningless. is basically a series of incredibly funny freaks, which include multi-pierced old friend and reflects on his youth. in the right place when Bobby and ing him in the film's wistful final mo- Even if those references fly by you, situations highlighting the ridiculousness skateboarders, Finnish midgets and a Bobby Garfield (played as a child his friends are in danger. He also ments will send you from the theater there's plenty more to laugh at, includ- ofthe fashion industry, strung together by sherpa - of course. by Anton Yelchin) recalls the sum- warns that some "low men" are after feelina bittersweet.


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ACROSS ■ ? W R / fl IP 1? 1 Competent FOR SALE: One Rick Vandiver. Good 5 Singing M Condition. Works for cigarettes. Call 681- chipmunk " 1576. 10 Bad writer 1? " SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY meeting! Wed- 14 Colorado resort 20 ■ 22 23 15 Jungle vine 1 nesday, October 3rd in Russell Union, Room 2043. All are welcome to attend. 16 Actor Alda ^1' ' 17 of Man Man's 2001 class ring found. Call Judy in 26 27 28 ■■ 29 ■ 30 31 18 Cares for 32 33 Math & Computer Science 681-5390 to 19 Cher's Sonny identify. 34 35 36 ■■ 20 Tares HAPPY 22nd Birthday, Elizabeth Thomas. 22 Least challenging M ^m ■ : 24 Black goo IH Hope it is great! Love your roomies and Beam, Fancy, and Strangler. 25 D sharp AZ 45 26 Fall bloomer .:.- ■4/ ■ ■>'<" 29 The Greatest ■ '- ' 30 Nine sisters of 40 Autos for Sale H " bl mythology r 34 Lace 53 54 55 ■■ - n7 SR 59 37 Cinder ending? FOR SALE: 79 NISSIAN 280ZX. GOOD RUNNING CONDITION. $1100. MANDY 38 Jazzy mstrumenf 60 s, 62 K 39 Deceiving with 681-4595 ■':-) se trickery * 1989 FORD F-150, grey, new tires, glass 41 Martino and 67 Sfl packs tool box, new seat, $3900. Days 681 - Pacino 5906 or nights 739-0087 42 Actor Estrada 1 1 9/8/01 44 Death notices 2000 GRAND.Cherokee Jeep. 1 owner. 46 Pavarotti or 19,000 miles, like new, white. $19,000. Caruso 682-7488 or 764-6078 48 Intense anger 6 Falsehoods Solutions 49 Funny Hill 7 Movers vehicle 50 Moreno and Gam 8 Vague d 3 1 s 0 S A ¥ s s N i H 90 Education 52 Thick mass of 9 Twangy O Z N 3 9 ¥ i 3 u N 1 X S hair 10 Regular customer H V O N N 3 s S 3 V a ¥ 53 Blackthorn 11 vera 1 1 ¥ 1 FUN & STUFF Visit our Web site for list of s H V ti d ■ N 1 9 3 0 l S liqueur 12 Fires 1 d O ■•■■ s V i 1 1 things to do that are educational and fun. 56 Outcasts 13 Tie tie A N N 3 '-I ■ • H i ■ O N 3 i On-line at 60 Verdi work 21 Severe S 3 a V n 1. a O i b 3 stuff/ 61 Ruhr Valley city 23 "Cheers" ■ 63 Genesis man bartender s 1 ¥■9 N X ¥ 0 ■j X ¥ S 64 Body covering 25 Cure-alls V 1 1 ■ ).: ti 1 s 3 0 H s 65 Mark new prices 26 Selling feature s 3 S n ..■ 1 1 Wild 3 1 s ¥ 140 Help Wanted 66 Automaker 27 Stock unit ■ l V 1 d 1 ■ h | V ■ Ferrari 28 Poison i S 3 l s ¥ 3 ■ S 3 H 9 i 3 A 67 As rare as HELP WANTED Experienced Sales Rep. 29 Part of the Indian 0 N O a a N 3 1 3 i S 1 teeth Ocean s in cell phone sales. Call Dan at 912-687- N V 1 V N ¥ 1 1 1 i ¥ A 68 Authority to 31 Murdered v 3555 decide X 0 V H N A 1 V 3 i H ¥ 32 DeGeneres 1 THE BUREAU FOR BUSINESSTRT- 69 Ooze sitcom SEARCH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOP- 33 Fresh 51 Concert hall 56 Garden MENT is currently seeking a Graphics De- DOWN 35 As well levels vegetables signer to assist in the development of web 1 Tel_-Jaffa 36 Wildebeest 52 Tropical fruit 57 Top drawer sites. Applicant is preferred to have experi- 2 Starting place 40 Zsa Zsa or Eva 53 Beauty pageant 58 Vague state of ence in Dreamweaver but not required. 3 Light, happy tune 43 Seoul populace accessory mind Compensation is more than above average. 4 Political winner 45 Frets 54 Similar 59 Compare prices For more information please contact Dr. 5 Change 47 Oil-well device 55 Norse deity 62 Piggery Donna Fisher at 912-681-0872 or come by room 3356 of the College of Business Ad- ministration.

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You can also call us at 681-0877. */*-»! 1 ft 11 If T *-*»-»» Z Name POB Phone # I PagP to Monday, October 1, 21MLL 'Strangers in Paradise' is a soulful epic Tone Loc in the 'Boro •Terry Moore weaves a beautiful tale that is rarely seen in the pages of a comic book •Star of film, telelvison and music gets funky Just believe me, a normal person beware: once you start, you're of him. Also, Francine, who By Amanda Pennenter By Tiffany Domingos who is not a comic freak, when I completely hooked. SiP will not happens to be quite voluptuous, ing. The crowd, all but exhausted after a [email protected] [email protected] say that SiP is the most true, only drain your wallet, but it will ends up in a condom commercial solid hour of dancing, thinned out shortly Strangers in Paradise (SiP), by touching story I have ever read. also affect your social life. Not sporting too-tight clothes. Legends shook with the bass beats of after the music stopped. However, some Terry Moore, is the comic for This includes books, magazines, only will you begin to appreciate Moore succeeds enormously in old-school rap when Tone Loc took the fans hung around to catch an autograph or ( people who don't read comics. and yes, a few comics. "But your friends more, you will also capturing the nature of females stage last Thursday night. bit of conversation from Tone Loc him- realize how far you would be (which is strange, because he is a Best known for the songs "Funky self, who mingled in with the crowd willing to go for one of them. male) and the strength that comes Cold Medina," and "Wild Thing," Tone following his performance. o Mark my words: you will love from true female closeness. In read- Loc showed a house full of freak-dancing Outside the entertainment world, this series, no matter who you ing the series, one may get the im- fans that he could still crank out the Tone Loc is Anthony T. Smith, born in are. pression that Katchoo and Francine rhymes. The Legends D.J.skept thecrowd 1968. After a successful career as a rap SiP is centered around the are more than just friends, but the energized with all the usual dance and re- artist in the eighties, he went on to bittersweet relationship be- beauty of it is, nothing is ever shown mix favorites until Tone Loc took the portray the voices of many animated tween Francine and Katchoo. or really told about that. The focus stage at midnight. Between his pulsing film and series characters. Magma. The time span of SiP jumps of the story is on the friendship, not and rhythmic raps. Tone Loc busied him- from the animated series "Aladdin," around quite a bit, from adult- the lust. Sex just isn't a big part of self with crowd interaction. After a free- Pee Wee, from the movie "Bebe's hood to high school to child- this series. style competition between a few audi- Kids." and Goanna from "Ferngully: o hood back to adulthood, and so SiP furthers the notion that op- ence members, the contest winner alter- The Last Rain forest," are some of his forth. Most of the story is seen posites attract. While Francine is nated a few hip-hop verses with the star of vocal portrayals. His voice was most through the vivid memories of a feminine, self-conscious and the stage. Ladies from the crowd were recently featured in "Titan A.E." as the Francine and Katchoo. somewhat timid woman, Katchoo even lifted from the floor to dance with character Tek. He also played small Anyone who has ever loved is just the opposite. She is mas- the musicians. roles in the movies "Ace Ventura: Pet and lost can relate to this comic. culine, overconfident, and can be The conceit set was short but satis! Detective." and "Blank Check." The messages are absolutely overbearing. While the two overpowering. How would you friends are so different on the feel if you loved someone else outside, they are alike in that they so much it just about killed you? feel the same deep love for one Francine and Katchoo's rela- another, and they are both will- tionship encounters a large num- ing to make huge sacrifices in Q ber of obstacles, from argu- order to ensure the other's happi- •A ments over pizza toppings and ness and safety. int vacations to romance and Another character. David, sur- kill deaths. faces frequently throughout the se- •A SiP has something for every ries. David is very different from crii reader. Although the comic's both Katchoo and Francine. He is •E primary audience is composed quiet, calm and very low-key. He trei of females, anyone can get is also deeply in love with Katchoo. hooked. While the trials of This, among other things, leads to a friendship is the major theme. great deal of conflict between SiP brings in elements of sus- Katchoo and Francine. The many pense in the form of Darcy hardships that the three friends en- •B Parker the Parker Girls. Darcy counter throughout the series lead fal runs a "classy" prostitution es- them to learn a great deal of shock- • tablishment, and works on "us- ing information about Katchoo and abi ing her money to get what she David's pasts. St£ wants most of all: Katchoo, a SiP covers many human •h former Parker girl. grounds, from friendship and love say Special Photo Another appealing element to prostitution and money. SiP makes you reflect on what's really BITTER SWEET FRIENDSHIP: Terry Moore' s' Strangers in Paradise' to SiP is the humor. Freddie, Francine's ex-boyfriend, has a important in life. It is an addiction is the story of the deep friendship between Francine and Katchoo. The first Allison Bennet/Staff for the heart. 40 issues have been collected in trade paper back form. SiP has been dubbed sick obsession with Francine, and Katchoo deals with it by Do yourself a favor and pick up DOIN' THE WILD THING: Ton Loc graced the stage of Legends last to 'comic for people that don't read comics.' ■ regularly beating the crap out a copy today. Thursday

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